Commit 1b1a9bcd authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

importer: when mapping oids, repickle without loading any object

The use of ZODB.broken was completely wrong so previous code only worked
if NEO could import all classes used by the application.
parent 764b41c0
......@@ -14,9 +14,10 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import cPickle as pickle, time
import cPickle, pickle, time
from bisect import bisect, insort
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import deque
from cStringIO import StringIO
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
from ZODB.config import storageFromString
from ZODB.POSException import POSKeyError
......@@ -34,6 +35,141 @@ class Reference(object):
self.value = value
class Repickler(pickle.Unpickler):
def __init__(self, persistent_map):
self._f = StringIO()
# Use python implementation for unpickling because loading can not
# be customized enough with cPickle.
pickle.Unpickler.__init__(self, self._f)
# For pickling, it is possible to use the fastest implementation,
# which also generates fewer useless PUT opcodes.
self._p = cPickle.Pickler(self._f, 1)
self.memo = self._p.memo # just a tiny optimization
def persistent_id(obj):
if isinstance(obj, Reference):
r = obj.value
del obj.value # minimize refcnt like for deque+popleft
return r
self._p.inst_persistent_id = persistent_id
def persistent_load(obj):
new_obj = persistent_map(obj)
if new_obj is not obj:
self._changed = True
return Reference(new_obj)
self.persistent_load = persistent_load
def _save(self, data):
# remove STOP (no need to truncate since it will always be overridden), 1)
def __call__(self, data):
f = self._f
self._changed = False
classmeta = self.load()
state = self.load()
if self._changed:
return f.getvalue()
return data
dispatch = pickle.Unpickler.dispatch.copy()
class _noload(object):
state = None
def __new__(cls, dump):
def load(*args):
self = object.__new__(cls)
self.dump = dump
# We use deque+popleft everywhere to minimize the number of
# references at the moment cPickle considers memoizing an
# object. This reduces the number of useless PUT opcodes and
# usually produces smaller pickles than ZODB. Without this,
# they would, on the contrary, increase in size.
# We could also use optimize from pickletools module.
self.args = deque(args)
self._list = deque()
self.append = self._list.append
self.extend = self._list.extend
self._dict = deque()
return self
return load
def __setitem__(self, *args):
def dict(self):
while self._dict:
yield self._dict.popleft()
def list(self, pos):
pt = self.args.popleft()
f = pt._f + 3) # NONE + EMPTY_TUPLE + REDUCE
put = # preserve memo if any
f.write(self.dump(pt, self.args) + put)
while self._list:
yield self._list.popleft()
def __reduce__(self):
return None, (), self.state, \
self.list(self.args[0]._f.tell()), self.dict()
def _obj(self, args):
while args:
return pickle.OBJ
def _instantiate(self, klass, k):
args = self.stack[k+1:]
self.stack[k:] = self._obj(klass, *args),
del dispatch[pickle.NEWOBJ] # ZODB has never used protocol 2
def find_class(self, args):
module, name = args
return pickle.GLOBAL + module + '\n' + name + '\n'
def _reduce(self, args):
return pickle.REDUCE
def load_reduce(self):
stack = self.stack
args = stack.pop()
stack[-1] = self._reduce(stack[-1], args)
dispatch[pickle.REDUCE] = load_reduce
def load_build(self):
stack = self.stack
state = stack.pop()
inst = stack[-1]
assert inst.state is None
inst.state = state
dispatch[pickle.BUILD] = load_build
class ZODB(object):
def __init__(self, storage, oid=0, **kw):
......@@ -70,45 +206,31 @@ class ZODB(object):
del self.mountpoints
return shift_oid
def translate(self, data):
def repickle(self, data):
if not (self.shift_oid or self.mapping):
self.translate = lambda x: x
self.repickle = lambda x: x
return data
# We'll have to map oids, so define a reusable pickler for this,
# and also a method that will transform pickles.
pickler = pickle.Pickler(1)
u64 = util.u64
p64 = util.p64
def persistent_id(obj):
if type(obj) is Reference:
obj = obj.value
if isinstance(obj, tuple):
def map_oid(obj):
if isinstance(obj, tuple) and len(obj) == 2:
oid = u64(obj[0])
cls = obj[1]
assert not hasattr(cls, '__getnewargs__'), cls
return p64(self.mapping[oid]), cls
except KeyError:
if not self.shift_oid:
return obj # common case for root db
# If this oid pointed to a mount point, drop 2nd item because
# it's probably different than the real class of the new oid.
elif isinstance(obj, str):
oid = u64(obj)
raise NotImplementedError(
"Unsupported external reference: %r" % obj)
return p64(self.mapping.get(oid, oid + self.shift_oid))
pickler.inst_persistent_id = persistent_id
dump = pickler.dump
from cStringIO import StringIO
from ZODB.broken import find_global
Unpickler = pickle.Unpickler
def translate(data):
u = Unpickler(StringIO(data))
u.persistent_load = Reference
u.find_global = find_global
return dump(u.load()).dump(u.load()).getvalue()
self.translate = translate
return translate(data)
return p64(self.mapping[oid])
except KeyError:
if not self.shift_oid:
return obj # common case for root db
oid = p64(oid + self.shift_oid)
return oid if isinstance(obj, str) else (oid, obj[1])
self.repickle = Repickler(map_oid)
return self.repickle(data)
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr == '__setstate__':
......@@ -200,14 +322,14 @@ class ImporterDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager):
if zodb_state:
logging.warning("Ignoring configuration file for oid mapping."
" Reloading it from NEO storage.")
zodb = pickle.loads(zodb_state)
zodb = cPickle.loads(zodb_state)
for k, v in self.zodb:
zodb = {k: ZODB(**v) for k, v in self.zodb}
x, = (x for x in zodb.itervalues() if not x.oid)
self.setConfiguration("zodb", pickle.dumps(zodb))
self.setConfiguration("zodb", cPickle.dumps(zodb))
self.zodb_index, self.zodb = zip(*sorted(
(x.shift_oid, x) for x in zodb.itervalues()))
self.zodb_ltid = max(x.ltid for x in self.zodb)
......@@ -235,7 +357,7 @@ class ImporterDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager):
if tid:
self.storeTransaction(tid, (), (oid_list,
str(txn.user), str(txn.description),
pickle.dumps(txn.extension), False, tid), False)
cPickle.dumps(txn.extension), False, tid), False)
logging.debug("TXN %s imported (user=%r, desc=%r, len(oid)=%s)",
util.dump(tid), txn.user, txn.description, len(oid_list))
if self._last_commit + 1 < time.time():
......@@ -264,7 +386,7 @@ class ImporterDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager):
if data_tid or is None:
data_id = None
data = zodb.translate(
data = zodb.repickle(
if compress:
compressed_data = compress(data)
compression = len(compressed_data) < len(data)
......@@ -350,7 +472,7 @@ class ImporterDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager):
if u_tid <= self.zodb_tid and o:
return o
if value:
value = zodb.translate(value)
value = zodb.repickle(value)
checksum = util.makeChecksum(value)
# CAVEAT: Although we think loadBefore should not return an empty
......@@ -372,7 +494,7 @@ class ImporterDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager):
shift_oid = zodb.shift_oid
return ([p64(u64(x.oid) + shift_oid) for x in txn],
txn.user, txn.description,
pickle.dumps(txn.extension), 0, tid)
cPickle.dumps(txn.extension), 0, tid)
return self.db.getTransaction(tid, all)
......@@ -15,19 +15,119 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from collections import deque
from cPickle import Pickler, Unpickler
from cStringIO import StringIO
from itertools import islice, izip_longest
import os, time, unittest
import neo, transaction, ZODB
from neo.lib import logging
from neo.lib.util import u64
from import Repickler
from ..fs2zodb import Inode
from .. import getTempDirectory
from . import NEOCluster, NEOThreadedTest
from ZODB.FileStorage import FileStorage
class Equal:
_recurse = {}
def __hash__(self):
return 1
def __eq__(self, other):
return type(self) is type(other) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s(%s)>" % (self.__class__.__name__,
", ".join("%s=%r" % k for k in self.__dict__.iteritems()))
class Reduce(Equal, object):
state = None
def __init__(self, *args):
self.args = args
self._l = []
self._d = []
def append(self, item):
def extend(self, item):
def __setitem__(self, *args):
def __setstate__(self, state):
self.state = state
def __reduce__(self):
r = self.__class__, self.args, self.state, iter(self._l), iter(self._d)
return r[:5 if self._d else
4 if self._l else
3 if self.state is not None else
class Obj(Equal):
state = None
def __getinitargs__(self):
return self.args
def __init__(self, *args):
self.args = args
def __getstate__(self):
return self.state
def __setstate__(self, state):
self.state = state
class NewObj(Obj, object):
def __init__(self):
pass # __getinitargs__ only work with old-style classes
class DummyRepickler(Repickler):
def __init__(self):
Repickler.__init__(self, None)
_changed = True
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name != "_changed":
self.__dict__[name] = value
class ImporterTests(NEOThreadedTest):
def testRepickler(self):
r2 = Obj("foo")
r2 = Reduce(r2)
r3 = Reduce(1, 2)
r4 = Reduce()
r4.args = r2.args
r5 = Reduce()
r5["foo"] = "bar"
state = {r2: r3, r4: r5}
p = StringIO()
Pickler(p, 1).dump(Obj).dump(state)
p = p.getvalue()
r = DummyRepickler()(p)
load = Unpickler(StringIO(r)).load
self.assertIs(Obj, load())
self.assertDictEqual(state, load())
def test(self):
importer = []
fs_dir = os.path.join(getTempDirectory(),
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