Commit 1ecf0899 authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier

taskmanagerview for erp5storage added

parent fae06950
* Copyright 2013, Nexedi SA
* Released under the LGPL license.
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, nomen: true */
/*global jIO, UriTemplate, FormData, RSVP, URI, DOMParser, Blob, console,
ProgressEvent, define, ERP5Storage */
(function (dependencies, module) {
"use strict";
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
return define(dependencies, module);
module(RSVP, jIO, URI, UriTemplate, ERP5Storage);
], function (RSVP, jIO, URI, UriTemplate, ERP5Storage) {
"use strict";
var hasOwnProperty =
), constant = {};
constant.task_state_to_action = {
// Auto Planned : ?
"Cancelled": "cancel",
"Confirmed": "confirm",
// Draft : ?
"Deleted": "delete",
"Ordered": "order",
"Planned": "plan"
constant.allDocsState = {"data": {
"total_rows": 7,
"rows": [{
"id": "taskmanager:state_module/1",
"doc": {
"type": "State",
"title": "Auto Planned"
//"state": "Auto Planned"
"values": {}
}, {
"id": "taskmanager:state_module/2",
"doc": {
"type": "State",
"title": "Cancelled",
//"state": "Cancelled",
"action": constant.task_state_to_action.Cancelled
"values": {}
}, {
"id": "taskmanager:state_module/3",
"doc": {
"type": "State",
"title": "Confirmed",
//"state": "Confirmed",
"action": constant.task_state_to_action.Confirmed
"values": {}
}, {
"id": "taskmanager:state_module/4",
"doc": {
"type": "State",
"title": "Deleted",
//"state": "Deleted",
"action": constant.task_state_to_action.Deleted
"values": {}
}, {
"id": "taskmanager:state_module/5",
"doc": {
"type": "State",
"title": "Draft"
//"state": "Draft"
"values": {}
}, {
"id": "taskmanager:state_module/6",
"doc": {
"type": "State",
"title": "Ordered",
//"state": "Ordered",
"action": constant.task_state_to_action.Ordered
"values": {}
}, {
"id": "taskmanager:state_module/7",
"doc": {
"type": "State",
"title": "Planned",
//"state": "Planned",
"action": constant.task_state_to_action.Planned
"values": {}
constant.mapping_jio_to_erp5 = {};
constant.mapping_erp5_to_jio = {};
// XXX docstring
function addMetadataMapping(jio_type, erp5_type) {
if (typeof jio_type !== "string" || typeof erp5_type !== "string" ||
!jio_type || !erp5_type) {
throw new TypeError("addMetadataMapping(): The two arguments " +
"must be non empty strings");
if (constant.mapping_jio_to_erp5[jio_type]) {
throw new TypeError("A mapping already exists for jIO metadata '" +
jio_type + "'");
if (constant.mapping_erp5_to_jio[erp5_type]) {
throw new TypeError("A mapping already exists for ERP5 metadata '" +
erp5_type + "'");
constant.mapping_jio_to_erp5[jio_type] = erp5_type;
constant.mapping_erp5_to_jio[erp5_type] = jio_type;
addMetadataMapping("type", "portal_type");
addMetadataMapping("state", "translated_simulation_state_title");
addMetadataMapping("project", "source_project_title");
addMetadataMapping("start", "start_date");
addMetadataMapping("stop", "stop_date");
// addMetadataMapping("location", "destination_title");
// addMetadataMapping("source", "source_title");
// addMetadataMapping("requester", "destination_decision_title");
// addMetadataMapping("contributor", "contributor_list");
// addMetadataMapping("category", "category_list");
// XXX docstring
function toERP5Metadata(jio_type) {
/*jslint forin: true */
if (typeof jio_type === "string") {
return constant.mapping_jio_to_erp5[jio_type] || jio_type;
var result = {}, key;
if (typeof jio_type === "object" && jio_type) {
for (key in jio_type) {
if (hasOwnProperty(jio_type, key)) {
result[toERP5Metadata(key)] = jio_type[key];
return result;
// XXX docstring
function toJIOMetadata(erp5_type) {
/*jslint forin: true */
if (typeof erp5_type === "string") {
return constant.mapping_erp5_to_jio[erp5_type] || erp5_type;
var result = {}, key;
if (typeof erp5_type === "object" && erp5_type) {
for (key in erp5_type) {
if (hasOwnProperty(erp5_type, key)) {
result[toJIOMetadata(key)] = erp5_type[key];
return result;
function getHatoas(param) {
return ERP5Storage.getSiteDocument(this._url).
then(function (site_hal) {
// XXX need to get modified metadata
return jIO.util.ajax({
"type": "GET",
"url": UriTemplate.parse(site_hal._links.traverse.href)
relative_url: param._id,
view: "view"
"xhrFields": {
withCredentials: true
ERP5Storage.onView.taskmanager = {};
ERP5Storage.onView.taskmanager.get = function (param, options) {
return, param, options).
then(function (response) {
var result = JSON.parse(;
result._id = param._id;
delete result._embedded;
delete result._links;
delete result._debug;
result = toJIOMetadata(result);
new jIO.Metadata(result).format();
return {"data": result};
ERP5Storage.onView.taskmanager.put = function (metadata, options) {
return, metadata, options).
then(function (event) {
var result = JSON.parse(,
put_action = result._embedded._view._actions.put,
renderer_form = result._embedded._view,
data = new FormData(),
metadata = toERP5Metadata(metadata);
if (metadata.translated_simulation_state_title !==
result.translated_simulation_state_title) {
action = constant.task_state_to_action[
if (!action) {
throw new Error(
"State \"" +
metadata.translated_simulation_state_title +
"\" is not available."
if (result._links && Array.isArray(result._links.action_workflow)) {
result._links.action_workflow.some(function (workflow) {
if ( === action + "_action") {
action_url = workflow.href;
return true;
return false;
if (!action_url) {
throw new Error("Can not change state.");
// XXX ERP5 side need to implement this feature
// -> do on action_url, then return vars;
console.log("Do on:", action_url);
return {
"put_action": put_action,
"renderer_form": renderer_form,
"data": data
return {
"put_action": put_action,
"renderer_form": renderer_form,
"data": data
}).then(function (vars) {
/*jslint forin: true */
var key;
for (key in metadata) {
if (hasOwnProperty(metadata, key)) {
if (key !== "_id") {
// Hardcoded my_ ERP5 behaviour
if (hasOwnProperty(vars.renderer_form, "my_" + key)) {
vars.renderer_form["my_" + key].key,
} else {
throw new Error("Can not save property " + key);
return jIO.util.ajax({
"type": vars.put_action.method,
"url": vars.put_action.href,
"xhrFields": {
withCredentials: true
ERP5Storage.onView.taskmanager.allDocs = function (param, options) {
var that = this;
/*jslint unparam: true */
function changeQueryKeysToERP5Metadata() {
if (Array.isArray(options.select_list)) {
options.select_list =;
try {
options.query = jIO.QueryFactory.create(options.query);
options.query.onParseSimpleQuery = function (object) {
object.parsed.key = toERP5Metadata(object.parsed.key);
return options.query.parse().then(function (query) {
options.query = jIO.QueryFactory.create(query).toString();
} catch (e) {
delete options.query;
return RSVP.resolve();
function requestERP5(site_hal) {
return jIO.util.ajax({
"type": "GET",
"url": UriTemplate.parse(site_hal._links.raw_search.href)
query: options.query,
// XXX Force erp5 to return embedded document
select_list: options.select_list || [
limit: options.limit
"xhrFields": {
withCredentials: true
function formatAnswer(event) {
var catalog_json = JSON.parse(,
data = catalog_json._embedded.contents,
count = data.length,
result = [];
for (i = 0; i < count; i += 1) {
item = data[i];
uri = new URI(item._links.self.href);
delete item._links;
item = toJIOMetadata(item);
id: uri.segment(2),
doc: item,
value: item
return {"data": {"rows": result, "total_rows": result.length}};
function continueAllDocs() {
// Hard code for states
if (options.query === "portal_type: \"State\"") {
return constant.allDocsState;
return ERP5Storage.getSiteDocument(that._url).
return changeQueryKeysToERP5Metadata().then(continueAllDocs);
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