import logging from copy import copy from neo.protocol import MASTER_NODE_TYPE, CLIENT_NODE_TYPE, \ RUNNING_STATE, BROKEN_STATE, TEMPORARILY_DOWN_STATE, DOWN_STATE from neo.master.handler import MasterEventHandler from neo.protocol import Packet, INVALID_UUID from neo.exception import OperationFailure, ElectionFailure from neo.node import ClientNode, StorageNode, MasterNode from neo.util import dump class FinishingTransaction(object): """This class describes a finishing transaction.""" def __init__(self, conn, packet, oid_list, uuid_set): self._conn = conn self._msg_id = packet.getId() self._oid_list = oid_list self._uuid_set = uuid_set self._locked_uuid_set = set() def getConnection(self): return self._conn def getMessageId(self): return self._msg_id def getOIDList(self): return self._oid_list def getUUIDSet(self): return self._uuid_set def addLockedUUID(self, uuid): if uuid in self._uuid_set: self._locked_uuid_set.add(uuid) def allLocked(self): return self._uuid_set == self._locked_uuid_set class ServiceEventHandler(MasterEventHandler): """This class deals with events for a service phase.""" def connectionClosed(self, conn): uuid = conn.getUUID() if uuid is not None: app = node = app.nm.getNodeByUUID(uuid) if node is not None and node.getState() == RUNNING_STATE: node.setState(TEMPORARILY_DOWN_STATE) logging.debug('broadcasting node information') app.broadcastNodeInformation(node) if isinstance(node, ClientNode): # If this node is a client, just forget it. app.nm.remove(node) elif isinstance(node, StorageNode): if not # Catastrophic. raise OperationFailure, 'cannot continue operation' MasterEventHandler.connectionClosed(self, conn) def timeoutExpired(self, conn): uuid = conn.getUUID() if uuid is not None: app = node = app.nm.getNodeByUUID(uuid) if node is not None and node.getState() == RUNNING_STATE: node.setState(TEMPORARILY_DOWN_STATE) logging.debug('broadcasting node information') app.broadcastNodeInformation(node) if isinstance(node, ClientNode): # If this node is a client, just forget it. app.nm.remove(node) elif isinstance(node, StorageNode): if not # Catastrophic. raise OperationFailure, 'cannot continue operation' MasterEventHandler.timeoutExpired(self, conn) def peerBroken(self, conn): uuid = conn.getUUID() if uuid is not None: app = node = app.nm.getNodeByUUID(uuid) if node is not None and node.getState() != BROKEN_STATE: node.setState(BROKEN_STATE) logging.debug('broadcasting node information') app.broadcastNodeInformation(node) if isinstance(node, ClientNode): # If this node is a client, just forget it. app.nm.remove(node) elif isinstance(node, StorageNode): cell_list = ptid = app.getNextPartitionTableID() app.broadcastPartitionChanges(ptid, cell_list) if not # Catastrophic. raise OperationFailure, 'cannot continue operation' MasterEventHandler.peerBroken(self, conn) def packetReceived(self, conn, packet): MasterEventHandler.packetReceived(self, conn, packet) def handleRequestNodeIdentification(self, conn, packet, node_type, uuid, ip_address, port, name): app = if name != logging.error('reject an alien cluster') conn.addPacket(Packet().protocolError(packet.getId(), 'invalid cluster name')) conn.abort() return # Here are many situations. In principle, a node should be identified # by an UUID, since an UUID never change when moving a storage node # to a different server, and an UUID always changes for a master node # and a client node whenever it restarts, so more reliable than a # server address. # # However, master nodes can be known only as the server addresses. # And, a node may claim a server address used by another node. addr = (ip_address, port) # First, get the node by the UUID. node = app.nm.getNodeByUUID(uuid) old_node = None if node is None: # If nothing is present, try with the server address. node = app.nm.getNodeByServer(addr) if node is None: # Nothing is found. So this must be the first time that # this node connected to me. if node_type == MASTER_NODE_TYPE: node = MasterNode(server = addr, uuid = uuid) elif node_type == CLIENT_NODE_TYPE: node = ClientNode(uuid = uuid) else: node = StorageNode(server = addr, uuid = uuid) app.nm.add(node) logging.debug('broadcasting node information') app.broadcastNodeInformation(node) else: # Otherwise, I know it only by the server address or the same # server address but with a different UUID. if node.getUUID() is None: # This must be a master node. if not isinstance(node, MasterNode) \ or node_type != MASTER_NODE_TYPE: # Error. This node uses the same server address as # a master node. p = Packet() p.protocolError(packet.getId(), 'invalid server address') conn.addPacket(p) conn.abort() return node.setUUID(uuid) if node.getState() != RUNNING_STATE: node.setState(RUNNING_STATE) logging.debug('broadcasting node information') app.broadcastNodeInformation(node) else: # This node has a different UUID. if node.getState() == RUNNING_STATE: # If it is still running, reject this node. p = Packet() p.protocolError(packet.getId(), 'invalid server address') conn.addPacket(p) conn.abort() return else: # Otherwise, forget the old one. node.setState(DOWN_STATE) logging.debug('broadcasting node information') app.broadcastNodeInformation(node) app.nm.remove(node) old_node = node node = copy(node) # And insert a new one. node.setUUID(uuid) node.setState(RUNNING_STATE) logging.debug('broadcasting node information') app.broadcastNodeInformation(node) app.nm.add(node) else: # I know this node by the UUID. try: ip_address, port = node.getServer() except TypeError: ip_address, port = '', 0 if (ip_address, port) != addr: # This node has a different server address. if node.getState() == RUNNING_STATE: # If it is still running, reject this node. p = Packet() p.protocolError(packet.getId(), 'invalid server address') conn.addPacket(p) conn.abort() return else: # Otherwise, forget the old one. node.setState(DOWN_STATE) logging.debug('broadcasting node information') app.broadcastNodeInformation(node) app.nm.remove(node) old_node = node node = copy(node) # And insert a new one. node.setServer(addr) node.setState(RUNNING_STATE) logging.debug('broadcasting node information') app.broadcastNodeInformation(node) app.nm.add(node) else: # If this node is broken, reject it. Otherwise, assume that # it is working again. if node.getState() == BROKEN_STATE: p = Packet() p.brokenNodeDisallowedError(packet.getId(), 'go away') conn.addPacket(p) conn.abort() return else: node.setUUID(uuid) node.setState(RUNNING_STATE) logging.debug('broadcasting node information') app.broadcastNodeInformation(node) conn.setUUID(uuid) if isinstance(node, StorageNode): # If this is a storage node, add it into the partition table. # Note that this does no harm, even if the node is not new. if old_node is not None:'dropping %s from a partition table', dump(old_node.getUUID())) cell_list = else: cell_list = []'adding %s into a partition table', dump(node.getUUID())) cell_list.extend( if len(cell_list) != 0: ptid = app.getNextPartitionTableID() app.broadcastPartitionChanges(ptid, cell_list) p = Packet() p.acceptNodeIdentification(packet.getId(), MASTER_NODE_TYPE, app.uuid, app.server[0], app.server[1], app.num_partitions, app.num_replicas) conn.addPacket(p) # Next, the peer should ask a primary master node. conn.expectMessage() def handleAskPrimaryMaster(self, conn, packet): uuid = conn.getUUID() if uuid is None: self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet) return app = # Merely tell the peer that I am the primary master node. # It is not necessary to send known master nodes, because # I must send all node information immediately. p = Packet() p.answerPrimaryMaster(packet.getId(), app.uuid, []) conn.addPacket(p) # Send the information. logging.debug('sending notify node information to %s:%d', *(conn.getAddress())) node_list = [] for n in app.nm.getNodeList(): try: ip_address, port = n.getServer() except TypeError: ip_address, port = '', 0 node_list.append((n.getNodeType(), ip_address, port, n.getUUID() or INVALID_UUID, n.getState())) if len(node_list) == 10000: # Ugly, but it is necessary to split a packet, if it is too big. p = Packet() p.notifyNodeInformation(conn.getNextId(), node_list) conn.addPacket(p) del node_list[:] p = Packet() p.notifyNodeInformation(conn.getNextId(), node_list) conn.addPacket(p) # If this is a storage node or a client node, send the partition table. node = app.nm.getNodeByUUID(uuid) if isinstance(node, (StorageNode, ClientNode)): logging.debug('sending send partition table to %s:%d', *(conn.getAddress())) # Split the packet if too huge. p = Packet() row_list = [] for offset in xrange(app.num_partitions): row_list.append((offset, if len(row_list) == 1000: p.sendPartitionTable(conn.getNextId(), app.lptid, row_list) conn.addPacket(p) del row_list[:] if len(row_list) != 0: p.sendPartitionTable(conn.getNextId(), app.lptid, row_list) conn.addPacket(p) # If this is a storage node, ask it to start. if isinstance(node, StorageNode): conn.addPacket(Packet().startOperation(conn.getNextId())) def handleAnnouncePrimaryMaster(self, conn, packet): uuid = conn.getUUID() if uuid is None: self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet) return # I am also the primary... So restart the election. raise ElectionFailure, 'another primary arises' def handleReelectPrimaryMaster(self, conn, packet): raise ElectionFailure, 'reelection requested' def handleNotifyNodeInformation(self, conn, packet, node_list): uuid = conn.getUUID() if uuid is None: self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet) return app = for node_type, ip_address, port, uuid, state in node_list: if node_type == CLIENT_NODE_TYPE: # No interest. continue if uuid == INVALID_UUID: # No interest. continue if app.uuid == uuid: # This looks like me... if state == RUNNING_STATE: # Yes, I know it. continue else: # What?! What happened to me? raise RuntimeError, 'I was told that I am bad' addr = (ip_address, port) node = app.nm.getNodeByUUID(uuid) if node is None: node = app.nm.getNodeByServer(addr) if node is None: # I really don't know such a node. What is this? continue else: if node.getServer() != addr: # This is different from what I know. continue if node.getState() == state: # No change. Don't care. continue if state == RUNNING_STATE: # No problem. continue # Something wrong happened possibly. Cut the connection to this node, # if any, and notify the information to others. # XXX this can be very slow. for c in app.em.getConnectionList(): if c.getUUID() == uuid: c.close() node.setState(state) logging.debug('broadcasting node information') app.broadcastNodeInformation(node) if isinstance(node, StorageNode) and state in (DOWN_STATE, BROKEN_STATE): cell_list = if len(cell_list) != 0: ptid = app.getNextPartitionTableID() app.broadcastPartitionChanges(ptid, cell_list) def handleAnswerLastIDs(self, conn, packet, loid, ltid, lptid): uuid = conn.getUUID() if uuid is None: self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet) return app = node = app.nm.getNodeByUUID(uuid) if not isinstance(node, StorageNode): self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet) return # If I get a bigger value here, it is dangerous. if app.loid < loid or app.ltid < ltid or app.lptid < lptid: logging.critical('got later information in service') raise OperationFailure def handleAskNewTID(self, conn, packet): uuid = conn.getUUID() if uuid is None: self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet) return app = node = app.nm.getNodeByUUID(uuid) if not isinstance(node, ClientNode): self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet) return tid = app.getNextTID() conn.addPacket(Packet().answerNewTID(packet.getId(), tid)) def handleAskNewOIDs(self, conn, packet, num_oids): uuid = conn.getUUID() if uuid is None: self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet) return app = node = app.nm.getNodeByUUID(uuid) if not isinstance(node, ClientNode): self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet) return oid_list = app.getNewOIDList(num_oids) conn.addPacket(Packet().answerNewOIDs(packet.getId(), oid_list)) def handleFinishTransaction(self, conn, packet, oid_list, tid): uuid = conn.getUUID() if uuid is None: self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet) return app = node = app.nm.getNodeByUUID(uuid) if not isinstance(node, ClientNode): self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet) return # If the given transaction ID is later than the last TID, the peer is crazy. if app.ltid < tid: self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet) return # Collect partitions related to this transaction. getPartition = app.getPartition partition_set = set() partition_set.add(getPartition(tid)) partition_set.update([getPartition(oid) for oid in oid_list]) # Collect the UUIDs of nodes related to this transaction. uuid_set = set() for part in partition_set: uuid_set.update([cell.getUUID() for cell in]) # Request locking data. for c in app.em.getConnectionList(): if c.getUUID() in uuid_set: msg_id = c.getNextId() c.addPacket(Packet().lockInformation(msg_id, tid)) c.expectMessage(msg_id, timeout = 60) t = FinishingTransaction(conn, packet, oid_list, uuid_set) app.finishing_transaction_dict[tid] = t def handleNotifyInformationLocked(self, conn, packet, tid): uuid = conn.getUUID() if uuid is None: self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet) return app = node = app.nm.getNodeByUUID(uuid) if not isinstance(node, StorageNode): self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet) return # If the given transaction ID is later than the last TID, the peer is crazy. if app.ltid < tid: self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet) return try: t = app.finishing_transaction_dict[tid] t.addLockedUUID(uuid) if t.allLocked(): # I have received all the answers now. So send a Notify Transaction # Finished to the initiated client node, Invalidate Objects to # the other client nodes, and Unlock Information to relevant storage # nodes. p = Packet() for c in app.em.getConnectionList(): uuid = c.getUUID() if uuid is not None: node = app.nm.getNodeByUUID(uuid) if isinstance(node, ClientNode): if c is t.getConnection(): p.notifyTransactionFinished(t.getMessageId(), tid) c.addPacket(p) else: p.invalidateObjects(c.getNextId(), t.getOIDList(), tid) c.addPacket(p) elif isinstance(node, StorageNode): if uuid in t.getUUIDSet(): p.unlockInformation(c.getNextId(), tid) c.addPacket(p) del app.finishing_transaction_dict[tid] except KeyError: # What is this? pass