Commit 613fdaef authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat 👻

packer: Added README and move util script to util folder.

parent 29f2d3db
SlapOS Image Generation with Packer
This tool repository of packer configuration files are used to generate
VM Ready to use for SlapOS and as well containing VM Images with slapos
How to build one VM?
1) Install Packer locally by, like (exemple):
mkdir /opt/packer/
cd /opt/packer/
2) Building one VM (example)::
PATH=$PATH:/opt/packer packer build debian8.json
3) You can watch qemu working on a linux machine (with X running), you just
have to edit the json. Replace '"headless": true' by '"headless": false'
How to build all VMs?
You can use ansible for build all VMs locally, and gzip them:
ansible-playbook build.yml -i localhost,
How to upload to shacache?
For upload the images to shacache you can run an ansible command, however,
you need to place your shacache keys and certificates at shacache folder, and
eventually, update shacache/shacache.cfg.
BE CAREFULL, every time you run this command you upload the files to shacache,
even if the files are there already.
ansible-playbook upload.yml -i localhost,
How can I check if all images are on shacache?
You can use the script 'util/' to know if all generated images
are uploaded to shacache.
bash util/
# expected output similat to this
OK 7d3f421e75ca114abcc20b4bed6cb6fc3d430b8c016b00a1d9cb1f14af6f3c342de6a5dd3c42b52de6f49cc5800bff7879884466edba1f6fef8623bb7448832c
OK a0247996af937d9b1ce86cac570b98b629c05c62860c8fd88d922171c141ea6a94a1d2122ba131bdcfa712712b4674be8e332940ade7adccee55a7de7bda0d18
How to download one image from shacache?
The images are downloaded by the SHA512SUM hash of it. Example:
sha512sum output-centos72/packer-centos72.gz
a0247991d2122ba131b...BIGHASH...fa712712b4674be8e332940ade7adccee55a7de7bda0d18 output-centos72/packer-centos72.gz
# if you want a good filename use '-O centos.gz'
# them you can gunzip
gunzip centos.gz
How to run locally a downloaded image?
In order to test one image (after unzip), you can run:
bash util/quick-test IMAGE.qcow2
# or if you want use X and a monitor you can do:
bash util/quick-test packer-centos72 "-display sdl"
The automated test suite is been developed, so until now, those VMs are
considered unstable not recommended for production.
#/bin/bash -e
# Quick command to test the VM image with output file.
/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -display sdl -drive file=$1,if=virtio,cache=writeback,discard=ignore -boot once=d -m 512M -name test -machine type=pc,accel=kvm -netdev user,id=user.0,hostfwd=tcp::3213-:22 -device virtio-net,netdev=user.0 -vnc
#/bin/bash -e
# Quick command to test the VM image with output file.
/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 $2 -drive file=$1,if=virtio,cache=writeback,discard=ignore -boot once=d -m 512M -name test -machine type=pc,accel=kvm -netdev user,id=user.0,hostfwd=tcp::3213-:22 -device virtio-net,netdev=user.0 -vnc
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