Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate BusinessTemplate _Modify_portal_content_Permission Manager __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _action_item AAAAAAAAAAI= _catalog_method_item AAAAAAAAAAM= _catalog_related_key_item AAAAAAAAAAQ= _catalog_result_key_item AAAAAAAAAAU= _catalog_result_table_item AAAAAAAAAAY= _category_item AAAAAAAAAAc= _count AAAAAAAAAAg= _document_item AAAAAAAAAAk= _extension_item AAAAAAAAAAo= _message_translation_item AAAAAAAAAAs= _module_item AAAAAAAAAAw= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAA0= _owner nexedi acl_users alex _path_item AAAAAAAAAA4= _portal_type_item AAAAAAAAAA8= _product_item AAAAAAAAABA= _property_sheet_item AAAAAAAAABE= _role_item AAAAAAAAABI= _site_property_item AAAAAAAAABM= _skin_item AAAAAAAAABQ= _test_item AAAAAAAAABU= _tree AAAAAAAAABY= _workflow_item AAAAAAAAABc= change_log 2005-07-28 Kevin\n \n * FastInput_initialize is now working\n * re-add portal classes property sheets\n * UI cleaned description This BT contain the Use Case module and the Document Analysis module in order to help consultant to manage ERP5 projects. id erp5_consulting portal_type Business Template template_action_path template_base_category document_analysis_document_type lexicon_source_type lexicon_item_type use_case_actor_role lexicon_item_ubm template_catalog_method_id template_catalog_related_key template_catalog_result_key template_catalog_result_table template_document_id template_message_translation template_module_id document_analysis use_case feature template_path template_portal_type_id Use Case Document Analysis Document Decision Item Use Case Module Use Case Scenario Document Analysis Lexicon Document Analysis Document Item Document Analysis Module Feature Feature Document Use Case Actor Feature Module Document Analysis Use Case Scenario Step Document Analysis Document Document Analysis Lexicon Item template_product_id template_property_sheet_id DocumentAnalysisLexicon DocumentAnalysisLexiconItem UseCaseActor template_role template_site_property_id template_skin_id erp5_consulting template_test_id template_workflow_id feature_analysis_workflow title erp5_consulting uid 1990742086 version workflow_history AAAAAAAAABg= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate ActionTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAABk= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate CatalogMethodTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAABo= _filter_expression_archive AAAAAAAAABs= _filter_expression_instance_archive AAAAAAAAABw= _filter_type_archive AAAAAAAAAB0= _is_catalog_list_method_archive AAAAAAAAAB4= _is_catalog_method_archive AAAAAAAAAB8= _is_clear_method_archive AAAAAAAAACA= _is_filtered_archive AAAAAAAAACE= _is_uncatalog_method_archive AAAAAAAAACI= _is_update_method_archive AAAAAAAAACM= tool_id portal_catalog Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate CatalogRelatedKeyTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACQ= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate CatalogResultKeyTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACU= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate CatalogResultTableTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACY= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate CategoryTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACc= tool_id BTrees.Length Length 0 Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate DocumentTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACg= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate ExtensionTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACk= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate MessageTranslationTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACo= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate ModuleTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACs= BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate PathTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACw= _path_archive AAAAAAAAAC0= tool_id Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate PortalTypeTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAAC4= _workflow_chain_archive AAAAAAAAAC8= tool_id portal_types Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate ProductTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAADA= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate PropertySheetTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAADE= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate RoleTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAADI= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate SitePropertyTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAADM= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate SkinTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAADQ= tool_id portal_skins Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate TestTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAADU= BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate WorkflowTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAADY= tool_id portal_workflow Persistence PersistentMapping _container business_template_building_workflow building_action build building_actor kevin building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Mon _amon Feb _d 38023.4568738 _day 7 _dayoffset 1 _fday Monday _fmon February _hour 11 _millis 1107773873892 _minute 57 _month 2 _nearsec 53.0 _pday Mon. _pm am _pmhour 11 _pmon Feb. _second 53.892 _t 1107773873.89 _tz GMT+1 _year 2005 time 0.456873750001 building_action rebuild_action building_actor kevin building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Mon _amon Feb _d 38023.4651042 _day 7 _dayoffset 1 _fday Monday _fmon February _hour 12 _millis 1107774585005 _minute 9 _month 2 _nearsec 45.0 _pday Mon. _pm pm _pmhour 12 _pmon Feb. _second 45.005 _t 1107774585.01 _tz GMT+1 _year 2005 time 0.465104224539 building_action clean building_actor kevin building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Mon _amon Feb _d 38023.4651043 _day 7 _dayoffset 1 _fday Monday _fmon February _hour 12 _millis 1107774585011 _minute 9 _month 2 _nearsec 45.0 _pday Mon. _pm pm _pmhour 12 _pmon Feb. _second 45.011 _t 1107774585.01 _tz GMT+1 _year 2005 time 0.46510429398 building_action build building_actor kevin building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Mon _amon Feb _d 38023.4651193 _day 7 _dayoffset 1 _fday Monday _fmon February _hour 12 _millis 1107774586304 _minute 9 _month 2 _nearsec 46.0 _pday Mon. _pm pm _pmhour 12 _pmon Feb. _second 46.304 _t 1107774586.3 _tz GMT+1 _year 2005 time 0.465119259257 building_action edit building_actor kevin building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Mon _amon Feb _d 38023.4742379 _day 7 _dayoffset 1 _fday Monday _fmon February _hour 12 _millis 1107775374154 _minute 22 _month 2 _nearsec 54.0 _pday Mon. _pm pm _pmhour 12 _pmon Feb. _second 54.154 _t 1107775374.15 _tz GMT+1 _year 2005 time 0.474237893519 building_action edit building_actor kevin building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Tue _amon Feb _d 38024.3653118 _day 8 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon February _hour 9 _millis 1107852362937 _minute 46 _month 2 _nearsec 2.0 _pday Tue. _pm am _pmhour 9 _pmon Feb. _second 2.937 _t 1107852362.94 _tz GMT+1 _year 2005 time 0.365311770838 building_action build_action building_actor kevin building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Tue _amon Feb _d 38024.3657912 _day 8 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon February _hour 9 _millis 1107852404360 _minute 46 _month 2 _nearsec 44.0 _pday Tue. _pm am _pmhour 9 _pmon Feb. _second 44.36 _t 1107852404.36 _tz GMT+1 _year 2005 time 0.365791203702 building_action build building_actor kevin building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Tue _amon Feb _d 38024.365807 _day 8 _dayoffset 2 _fday Tuesday _fmon February _hour 9 _millis 1107852405722 _minute 46 _month 2 _nearsec 45.0 _pday Tue. _pm am _pmhour 9 _pmon Feb. _second 45.722 _t 1107852405.72 _tz GMT+1 _year 2005 time 0.365806967595 building_action rebuild_action building_actor kevin building_comment workflow on feature is now working, forms updated building_state built building_time _aday Fri _amon Feb _d 38041.7417761 _day 25 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon February _hour 18 _millis 1109353689451 _minute 48 _month 2 _nearsec 9.0 _pday Fri. _pm pm _pmhour 6 _pmon Feb. _second 9.451 _t 1109353689.45 _tz GMT+1 _year 2005 time 0.741776053241 building_action clean building_actor kevin building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Fri _amon Feb _d 38041.7417764 _day 25 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon February _hour 18 _millis 1109353689479 _minute 48 _month 2 _nearsec 9.0 _pday Fri. _pm pm _pmhour 6 _pmon Feb. _second 9.479 _t 1109353689.48 _tz GMT+1 _year 2005 time 0.741776377319 building_action build building_actor kevin building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Fri _amon Feb _d 38041.7418001 _day 25 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon February _hour 18 _millis 1109353691530 _minute 48 _month 2 _nearsec 11.0 _pday Fri. _pm pm _pmhour 6 _pmon Feb. _second 11.53 _t 1109353691.53 _tz GMT+1 _year 2005 time 0.741800115735 building_action rebuild_action building_actor kevin building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Fri _amon Feb _d 38041.7545983 _day 25 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon February _hour 19 _millis 1109354797294 _minute 6 _month 2 _nearsec 37.0 _pday Fri. _pm pm _pmhour 7 _pmon Feb. _second 37.294 _t 1109354797.29 _tz GMT+1 _year 2005 time 0.754598310181 building_action clean building_actor kevin building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Fri _amon Feb _d 38041.7545986 _day 25 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon February _hour 19 _millis 1109354797319 _minute 6 _month 2 _nearsec 37.0 _pday Fri. _pm pm _pmhour 7 _pmon Feb. _second 37.319 _t 1109354797.32 _tz GMT+1 _year 2005 time 0.754598599538 building_action build building_actor kevin building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Fri _amon Feb _d 38041.75462 _day 25 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon February _hour 19 _millis 1109354799172 _minute 6 _month 2 _nearsec 39.0 _pday Fri. _pm pm _pmhour 7 _pmon Feb. _second 39.172 _t 1109354799.17 _tz GMT+1 _year 2005 time 0.754620046297 building_action edit building_actor kevin building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Thu _amon Jul _d 38194.5211753 _day 28 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon July _hour 8 _millis 1122553829544 _minute 30 _month 7 _nearsec 29.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 8 _pmon July _second 29.544 _t 1122553829.54 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.521175277776 building_action build_action building_actor kevin building_comment * FastInput_initialize is now working\n * re-add portal classes property sheets building_state modified building_time _aday Thu _amon Jul _d 38194.5218352 _day 28 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon July _hour 8 _millis 1122553886559 _minute 31 _month 7 _nearsec 26.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 8 _pmon July _second 26.559 _t 1122553886.56 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.521835173611 building_action build building_actor kevin building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Thu _amon Jul _d 38194.521857 _day 28 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon July _hour 8 _millis 1122553888449 _minute 31 _month 7 _nearsec 28.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 8 _pmon July _second 28.449 _t 1122553888.45 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.52185704861 building_action build building_actor kevin building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Thu _amon Jul _d 38194.5218571 _day 28 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon July _hour 8 _millis 1122553888451 _minute 31 _month 7 _nearsec 28.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 8 _pmon July _second 28.451 _t 1122553888.45 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.521857071762 building_action rebuild_action building_actor kevin building_comment UI cleaning building_state built building_time _aday Thu _amon Jul _d 38194.5626721 _day 28 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon July _hour 9 _millis 1122557414867 _minute 30 _month 7 _nearsec 14.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 9 _pmon July _second 14.867 _t 1122557414.87 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.562672071763 building_action clean building_actor kevin building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Thu _amon Jul _d 38194.5626722 _day 28 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon July _hour 9 _millis 1122557414875 _minute 30 _month 7 _nearsec 14.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 9 _pmon July _second 14.875 _t 1122557414.88 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.562672164349 building_action clean building_actor kevin building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Thu _amon Jul _d 38194.5626722 _day 28 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon July _hour 9 _millis 1122557414880 _minute 30 _month 7 _nearsec 14.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 9 _pmon July _second 14.88 _t 1122557414.88 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.562672222222 building_action build building_actor kevin building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Thu _amon Jul _d 38194.5626782 _day 28 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon July _hour 9 _millis 1122557415393 _minute 30 _month 7 _nearsec 15.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 9 _pmon July _second 15.393 _t 1122557415.39 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.562678159717 building_action build building_actor kevin building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Thu _amon Jul _d 38194.5626782 _day 28 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon July _hour 9 _millis 1122557415396 _minute 30 _month 7 _nearsec 15.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 9 _pmon July _second 15.396 _t 1122557415.4 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.562678194445 building_action edit building_actor kevin building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Thu _amon Jul _d 38194.5638122 _day 28 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon July _hour 9 _millis 1122557513373 _minute 31 _month 7 _nearsec 53.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 9 _pmon July _second 53.373 _t 1122557513.37 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.563812187502 building_action build_action building_actor kevin building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Thu _amon Jul _d 38194.5638817 _day 28 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon July _hour 9 _millis 1122557519377 _minute 31 _month 7 _nearsec 59.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 9 _pmon July _second 59.377 _t 1122557519.38 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.563881678238 building_action build building_actor kevin building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Thu _amon Jul _d 38194.5638871 _day 28 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon July _hour 9 _millis 1122557519847 _minute 31 _month 7 _nearsec 59.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 9 _pmon July _second 59.847 _t 1122557519.85 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.563887118056 building_action build building_actor kevin building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Thu _amon Jul _d 38194.5638872 _day 28 _dayoffset 4 _fday Thursday _fmon July _hour 9 _millis 1122557519850 _minute 31 _month 7 _nearsec 59.0 _pday Thu. _pm am _pmhour 9 _pmon July _second 59.85 _t 1122557519.85 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.563887152777 building_action rebuild_action building_actor alex building_comment replaced actor selection in ScenarioStep_view : it was a RelationStringField, it is now a List Field, which displays only actors of the current UseCase building_state built building_time _aday Fri _amon Jul _d 38195.3930559 _day 29 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon July _hour 5 _millis 1122629160029 _minute 26 _month 7 _nearsec 0.0 _pday Fri. _pm am _pmhour 5 _pmon July _second 0.029 _t 1122629160.03 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.393055891203 building_action clean building_actor alex building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Fri _amon Jul _d 38195.393056 _day 29 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon July _hour 5 _millis 1122629160037 _minute 26 _month 7 _nearsec 0.0 _pday Fri. _pm am _pmhour 5 _pmon July _second 0.037 _t 1122629160.04 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.39305598379 building_action clean building_actor alex building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Fri _amon Jul _d 38195.3930561 _day 29 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon July _hour 5 _millis 1122629160048 _minute 26 _month 7 _nearsec 0.0 _pday Fri. _pm am _pmhour 5 _pmon July _second 0.048 _t 1122629160.05 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.393056111112 building_action build building_actor alex building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Fri _amon Jul _d 38195.3930843 _day 29 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon July _hour 5 _millis 1122629162486 _minute 26 _month 7 _nearsec 2.0 _pday Fri. _pm am _pmhour 5 _pmon July _second 2.486 _t 1122629162.49 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.393084328702 building_action build building_actor alex building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Fri _amon Jul _d 38195.3930844 _day 29 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon July _hour 5 _millis 1122629162491 _minute 26 _month 7 _nearsec 2.0 _pday Fri. _pm am _pmhour 5 _pmon July _second 2.491 _t 1122629162.49 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.393084386575 business_template_installation_workflow Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_categories/document_analysis_document_type AAAAAAAAADc= portal_categories/lexicon_item_type AAAAAAAAADg= portal_categories/lexicon_item_ubm AAAAAAAAADk= portal_categories/lexicon_source_type AAAAAAAAADo= portal_categories/use_case_actor_role AAAAAAAAADs= Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container document_analysis AAAAAAAAADw= feature AAAAAAAAAD0= use_case AAAAAAAAAD4= Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_types/Document Analysis AAAAAAAAAD8= portal_types/Document Analysis Document AAAAAAAAAEA= portal_types/Document Analysis Document Decision Item AAAAAAAAAEE= portal_types/Document Analysis Document Item AAAAAAAAAEI= portal_types/Document Analysis Lexicon AAAAAAAAAEM= portal_types/Document Analysis Lexicon Item AAAAAAAAAEQ= portal_types/Document Analysis Module AAAAAAAAAEU= portal_types/Feature AAAAAAAAAEY= portal_types/Feature Document AAAAAAAAAEc= portal_types/Feature Module AAAAAAAAAEg= portal_types/Use Case AAAAAAAAAEk= portal_types/Use Case Actor AAAAAAAAAEo= portal_types/Use Case Module AAAAAAAAAEs= portal_types/Use Case Scenario AAAAAAAAAEw= portal_types/Use Case Scenario Step AAAAAAAAAE0= Persistence PersistentMapping _container Document Analysis (Default) Document Analysis Document (Default) Document Analysis Document Decision Item (Default) Document Analysis Document Item (Default) Document Analysis Lexicon (Default) Document Analysis Lexicon Item (Default) Document Analysis Module (Default) Feature feature_analysis_workflow, edit_workflow Feature Document edit_workflow Feature Module (Default) Use Case (Default) Use Case Actor (Default) Use Case Module (Default) Use Case Scenario (Default) Use Case Scenario Step (Default) Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container DocumentAnalysisLexicon \n #\n # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional\n # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential\n # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs\n # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial\n # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software\n # Service Company\n #\n # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or\n # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License\n # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2\n # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n #\n # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n # GNU General Public License for more details.\n #\n # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n #\n ##############################################################################\n \n class DocumentAnalysisLexicon:\n """\n DocumentAnalysisLexicon properties for all Document Analysis Lexicon objects\n """\n \n _properties = (\n { \'id\' : \'source_type\',\n \'description\' : \'The source type of the Lexicon (ex: Use Case or Document...)\',\n \'type\' : \'string\',\n \'mode\' : \'\' },\n ) ]]> DocumentAnalysisLexiconItem \n #\n # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional\n # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential\n # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs\n # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial\n # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software\n # Service Company\n #\n # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or\n # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License\n # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2\n # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n #\n # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n # GNU General Public License for more details.\n #\n # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n #\n ##############################################################################\n \n class DocumentAnalysisLexiconItem:\n """\n DocumentAnalysisLexiconItem properties for all Document Analysis Lexicon Item objects\n """\n \n _properties = (\n { \'id\' : \'item_type\',\n \'description\' : \'\',\n \'type\' : \'string\',\n \'mode\' : \'\' },\n { \'id\' : \'item_ubm_type\',\n \'description\' : \'\',\n \'type\' : \'string\',\n \'mode\' : \'\' },\n { \'id\' : \'item_class\',\n \'description\' : \'\',\n \'type\' : \'string\',\n \'mode\' : \'\' },\n { \'id\' : \'item_property_sheet\',\n \'description\' : \'\',\n \'type\' : \'lines\',\n \'mode\' : \'\' },\n \n )\n \n \n ]]> UseCaseActor \n #\n # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional\n # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential\n # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs\n # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial\n # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software\n # Service Company\n #\n # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or\n # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License\n # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2\n # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n #\n # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n # GNU General Public License for more details.\n #\n # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n #\n ##############################################################################\n \n class UseCaseActor:\n """\n UseCaseActor properties for all Use Case Actor objects\n """\n \n _properties = (\n { \'id\' : \'location\',\n \'description\' : \'The location of the actor\',\n \'type\' : \'string\',\n \'mode\' : \'\' },\n { \'id\' : \'group\',\n \'description\' : \'The group of the actor\',\n \'type\' : \'string\',\n \'mode\' : \'\' },\n )\n \n \n \n ]]> Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_skins/erp5_consulting AAAAAAAAAE4= Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow AAAAAAAAAE8= Products.ERP5.Tool.Category BaseCategory __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner _count AAAAAAAAAFA= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAFE= _owner nexedi acl_users jp _tree AAAAAAAAAFI= id document_analysis_document_type title uid 1990697031 Products.ERP5.Tool.Category BaseCategory __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner _count AAAAAAAAAFM= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAFQ= _owner nexedi acl_users jp _tree AAAAAAAAAFU= acquisition_portal_type python: [] id lexicon_item_type last_id 1 title uid 1990693422 Products.ERP5.Tool.Category BaseCategory __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner _count AAAAAAAAAFY= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAFc= _owner nexedi acl_users jp _tree AAAAAAAAAFg= acquisition_portal_type python: [] id lexicon_item_ubm last_id 6 title uid 1990688877 Products.ERP5.Tool.Category BaseCategory __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner _count AAAAAAAAAFk= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAFo= _owner nexedi acl_users jp _tree AAAAAAAAAFs= id lexicon_source_type title uid 1990689819 Products.ERP5.Tool.Category BaseCategory __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner _count AAAAAAAAAFw= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAF0= _owner nexedi acl_users jp _tree AAAAAAAAAF4= id use_case_actor_role title uid 1990686200 Persistence PersistentMapping _container id document_analysis permission_list Access Transient Objects Manager Access arbitrary user session data Manager Access contents information Manager Access future portal content Manager Access inactive portal content Manager Access session data Manager AccessContentsInformation Manager Add Accelerated HTTP Cache Managers Manager Add BTreeFolder2s Manager Add Base18 Tools Manager Add Browser Id Manager Manager Add CMF Active Processs Manager Add CMF Base Categorys Manager Add CMF Caching Policy Managers Manager Add CMF Categorys Manager Add CMF Core Tools Manager Add CMF Report Tools Manager Add CMF Sites Manager Add CMFActivity Tools Manager Add CMFCalendar Tools Manager Add CMFCategory Tools Manager Add CMFDefault Tools Manager Add CMFMailIn Tools Manager Add CMFWiki Comment Manager Add Content Type Registrys Manager Add Cookie Crumblers Manager Add Database Methods Manager Add Documents, Images, and Files Manager Add ERP5 Filesystem Formulator Forms Manager Add ERP5 Forms Manager Add ERP5 PDF Forms Manager Add ERP5 PDF Templates Manager Add ERP5 Publications Manager Add ERP5 Reports Manager Add ERP5 Sites Manager Add ERP5 Subscriptions Manager Add ERP5 Tools Manager Add ERP5Catalog Tools Manager Add ERP5Form Tools Manager Add ERP5Shop Tools Manager Add ERP5SyncML Tools Manager Add ERP5Type Tools Manager Add ExtFiles Manager Add ExtImages Manager Add External Methods Manager Add Filesystem Directory Views Manager Add Folders Manager Add Formulator Forms Manager Add LocalContents Manager Add LocalFolders Manager Add Localizers Manager Add MMM Shop Toolss Manager Add MailHost objects Manager Add MessageCatalogs Manager Add Page Templates Manager Add Photo Folders Manager Add Photos Manager Add Pluggable Index Manager Add Python Scripts Manager Add RAM Cache Managers Manager Add ReStructuredText Documents Manager Add Session Data Manager Manager Add Site Roots Manager Add Temporary Folder Manager Add Transient Object Container Manager Add User Folders Manager Add Versions Manager Add Virtual Host Monsters Manager Add Vocabularies Manager Add Z Gadfly Database Connections Manager Add Z MySQL Database Connections Manager Add ZCatalogs Manager Add ZMailIn Clients Manager Add ZMailMessages Manager Add ZODB Mount Points Manager Add Zope Tutorials Manager Add portal content Manager Add portal events Manager Add portal folders Manager Add portal member Manager Add portal topics Manager Add shop category Manager Change Browser Id Manager Manager Change CMFWiki Regulations Manager Change DTML Documents Manager Change DTML Methods Manager Change Database Connections Manager Change Database Methods Manager Change ExtFile/ExtImage Manager Change External Methods Manager Change Formulator Fields Manager Change Formulator Forms Manager Change Images and Files Manager Change Lock Information Manager Change Page Templates Manager Change Photo Manager Change Python Scripts Manager Change Session Data Manager Manager Change Versions Manager Change ZMailIn Manager Change ZMailMessages Manager Change bindings Manager Change cache managers Manager Change cache settings Manager Change configuration Manager Change permissions Manager Change portal events Manager Change portal topics Manager Change proxy roles Manager Checkout shopping cart Manager Copy or Move Manager Create CMFWiki Page Manager Create Transient Objects Manager Create class instances Manager Define permissions Manager Delete objects Manager Download ExtFile/ExtImage Manager Download Product Manager Edit CMFWiki Page Manager Edit Factories Manager Edit ReStructuredText Manager FTP access Manager Import/Export objects Manager Join/leave Versions Manager List folder contents Manager List portal members Manager List undoable changes Manager Log Site Errors Manager Log to the Event Log Manager Mail forgotten password Manager Manage Access Rules Manager Manage Transient Object Container Manager Manage Translation Services Manager Manage Vocabulary Manager Manage WebDAV Locks Manager Manage Z Classes Manager Manage ZCatalog Entries Manager Manage ZCatalogIndex Entries Manager Manage currencies Manager Manage extensions Manager Manage languages Manager Manage messages Manager Manage portal Manager Manage properties Manager Manage shop Manager Manage shop catalog Manager Manage shop category Manager Manage users Manager Manage_messages Manager Modify Cookie Crumblers Manager Modify portal content Manager Move CMFWiki Page Manager Open/Close Database Connection Manager Open/Close Database Connections Manager Post mail to ZMailIn Manager Query Vocabulary Manager Reply to item Manager Request review Manager Review portal content Manager Save/discard Version changes Manager Search ZCatalog Manager Set own password Manager Set own properties Manager Take ownership Manager Test Database Connections Manager Translate Content Manager Undo changes Manager Use Database Methods Manager Use Factories Manager Use mailhost services Manager View Manager View History Manager View ZMailMessage Manager View management screens Manager WebDAV Lock items Manager WebDAV Unlock items Manager WebDAV access Manager ZopeProfiler: manage Manager ZopeProfiler: view Manager portal_type Document Analysis Module title Document Analysis Persistence PersistentMapping _container id feature permission_list Access Transient Objects Manager Access arbitrary user session data Manager Access contents information Manager Access future portal content Manager Access inactive portal content Manager Access session data Manager AccessContentsInformation Manager Add Accelerated HTTP Cache Managers Manager Add BTreeFolder2s Manager Add Base18 Tools Manager Add Browser Id Manager Manager Add CMF Active Processs Manager Add CMF Base Categorys Manager Add CMF Caching Policy Managers Manager Add CMF Categorys Manager Add CMF Core Tools Manager Add CMF Report Tools Manager Add CMF Sites Manager Add CMFActivity Tools Manager Add CMFCalendar Tools Manager Add CMFCategory Tools Manager Add CMFDefault Tools Manager Add CMFMailIn Tools Manager Add CMFWiki Comment Manager Add Content Type Registrys Manager Add Cookie Crumblers Manager Add Database Methods Manager Add Documents, Images, and Files Manager Add ERP5 Filesystem Formulator Forms Manager Add ERP5 Forms Manager Add ERP5 PDF Forms Manager Add ERP5 PDF Templates Manager Add ERP5 Publications Manager Add ERP5 Reports Manager Add ERP5 Sites Manager Add ERP5 Subscriptions Manager Add ERP5 Tools Manager Add ERP5Catalog Tools Manager Add ERP5Form Tools Manager Add ERP5Shop Tools Manager Add ERP5SyncML Tools Manager Add ERP5Type Tools Manager Add ExtFiles Manager Add ExtImages Manager Add External Methods Manager Add Filesystem Directory Views Manager Add Folders Manager Add Formulator Forms Manager Add LocalContents Manager Add LocalFolders Manager Add Localizers Manager Add MMM Shop Toolss Manager Add MailHost objects Manager Add MessageCatalogs Manager Add Page Templates Manager Add Photo Folders Manager Add Photos Manager Add Pluggable Index Manager Add Python Scripts Manager Add RAM Cache Managers Manager Add ReStructuredText Documents Manager Add Session Data Manager Manager Add Site Roots Manager Add Temporary Folder Manager Add Transient Object Container Manager Add User Folders Manager Add Versions Manager Add Virtual Host Monsters Manager Add Vocabularies Manager Add Z Gadfly Database Connections Manager Add Z MySQL Database Connections Manager Add ZCatalogs Manager Add ZMailIn Clients Manager Add ZMailMessages Manager Add ZODB Mount Points Manager Add Zope Tutorials Manager Add portal content Manager Add portal events Manager Add portal folders Manager Add portal member Manager Add portal topics Manager Add shop category Manager Change Browser Id Manager Manager Change CMFWiki Regulations Manager Change DTML Documents Manager Change DTML Methods Manager Change Database Connections Manager Change Database Methods Manager Change ExtFile/ExtImage Manager Change External Methods Manager Change Formulator Fields Manager Change Formulator Forms Manager Change Images and Files Manager Change Lock Information Manager Change Page Templates Manager Change Photo Manager Change Python Scripts Manager Change Session Data Manager Manager Change Versions Manager Change ZMailIn Manager Change ZMailMessages Manager Change bindings Manager Change cache managers Manager Change cache settings Manager Change configuration Manager Change permissions Manager Change portal events Manager Change portal topics Manager Change proxy roles Manager Checkout shopping cart Manager Copy or Move Manager Create CMFWiki Page Manager Create Transient Objects Manager Create class instances Manager Define permissions Manager Delete objects Manager Download ExtFile/ExtImage Manager Download Product Manager Edit CMFWiki Page Manager Edit Factories Manager Edit ReStructuredText Manager FTP access Manager Import/Export objects Manager Join/leave Versions Manager List folder contents Manager List portal members Manager List undoable changes Manager Log Site Errors Manager Log to the Event Log Manager Mail forgotten password Manager Manage Access Rules Manager Manage Transient Object Container Manager Manage Translation Services Manager Manage Vocabulary Manager Manage WebDAV Locks Manager Manage Z Classes Manager Manage ZCatalog Entries Manager Manage ZCatalogIndex Entries Manager Manage currencies Manager Manage extensions Manager Manage languages Manager Manage messages Manager Manage portal Manager Manage properties Manager Manage shop Manager Manage shop catalog Manager Manage shop category Manager Manage users Manager Manage_messages Manager Modify Cookie Crumblers Manager Modify portal content Manager Move CMFWiki Page Manager Open/Close Database Connection Manager Open/Close Database Connections Manager Post mail to ZMailIn Manager Query Vocabulary Manager Reply to item Manager Request review Manager Review portal content Manager Save/discard Version changes Manager Search ZCatalog Manager Set own password Manager Set own properties Manager Take ownership Manager Test Database Connections Manager Translate Content Manager Undo changes Manager Use Database Methods Manager Use Factories Manager Use mailhost services Manager View Manager View History Manager View ZMailMessage Manager View management screens Manager WebDAV Lock items Manager WebDAV Unlock items Manager WebDAV access Manager ZopeProfiler: manage Manager ZopeProfiler: view Manager portal_type Feature Module title Features Persistence PersistentMapping _container id use_case permission_list Access Transient Objects Manager Access arbitrary user session data Manager Access contents information Manager Access future portal content Manager Access inactive portal content Manager Access session data Manager AccessContentsInformation Manager Add Accelerated HTTP Cache Managers Manager Add BTreeFolder2s Manager Add Base18 Tools Manager Add Browser Id Manager Manager Add CMF Active Processs Manager Add CMF Base Categorys Manager Add CMF Caching Policy Managers Manager Add CMF Categorys Manager Add CMF Core Tools Manager Add CMF Report Tools Manager Add CMF Sites Manager Add CMFActivity Tools Manager Add CMFCalendar Tools Manager Add CMFCategory Tools Manager Add CMFDefault Tools Manager Add CMFMailIn Tools Manager Add CMFWiki Comment Manager Add Content Type Registrys Manager Add Cookie Crumblers Manager Add Database Methods Manager Add Documents, Images, and Files Manager Add ERP5 Filesystem Formulator Forms Manager Add ERP5 Forms Manager Add ERP5 PDF Forms Manager Add ERP5 PDF Templates Manager Add ERP5 Publications Manager Add ERP5 Reports Manager Add ERP5 Sites Manager Add ERP5 Subscriptions Manager Add ERP5 Tools Manager Add ERP5Catalog Tools Manager Add ERP5Form Tools Manager Add ERP5Shop Tools Manager Add ERP5SyncML Tools Manager Add ERP5Type Tools Manager Add ExtFiles Manager Add ExtImages Manager Add External Methods Manager Add Filesystem Directory Views Manager Add Folders Manager Add Formulator Forms Manager Add LocalContents Manager Add LocalFolders Manager Add Localizers Manager Add MMM Shop Toolss Manager Add MailHost objects Manager Add MessageCatalogs Manager Add Page Templates Manager Add Photo Folders Manager Add Photos Manager Add Pluggable Index Manager Add Python Scripts Manager Add RAM Cache Managers Manager Add ReStructuredText Documents Manager Add Session Data Manager Manager Add Site Roots Manager Add Temporary Folder Manager Add Transient Object Container Manager Add User Folders Manager Add Versions Manager Add Virtual Host Monsters Manager Add Vocabularies Manager Add Z Gadfly Database Connections Manager Add Z MySQL Database Connections Manager Add ZCatalogs Manager Add ZMailIn Clients Manager Add ZMailMessages Manager Add ZODB Mount Points Manager Add Zope Tutorials Manager Add portal content Manager Add portal events Manager Add portal folders Manager Add portal member Manager Add portal topics Manager Add shop category Manager Change Browser Id Manager Manager Change CMFWiki Regulations Manager Change DTML Documents Manager Change DTML Methods Manager Change Database Connections Manager Change Database Methods Manager Change ExtFile/ExtImage Manager Change External Methods Manager Change Formulator Fields Manager Change Formulator Forms Manager Change Images and Files Manager Change Lock Information Manager Change Page Templates Manager Change Photo Manager Change Python Scripts Manager Change Session Data Manager Manager Change Versions Manager Change ZMailIn Manager Change ZMailMessages Manager Change bindings Manager Change cache managers Manager Change cache settings Manager Change configuration Manager Change permissions Manager Change portal events Manager Change portal topics Manager Change proxy roles Manager Checkout shopping cart Manager Copy or Move Manager Create CMFWiki Page Manager Create Transient Objects Manager Create class instances Manager Define permissions Manager Delete objects Manager Download ExtFile/ExtImage Manager Download Product Manager Edit CMFWiki Page Manager Edit Factories Manager Edit ReStructuredText Manager FTP access Manager Import/Export objects Manager Join/leave Versions Manager List folder contents Manager List portal members Manager List undoable changes Manager Log Site Errors Manager Log to the Event Log Manager Mail forgotten password Manager Manage Access Rules Manager Manage Transient Object Container Manager Manage Translation Services Manager Manage Vocabulary Manager Manage WebDAV Locks Manager Manage Z Classes Manager Manage ZCatalog Entries Manager Manage ZCatalogIndex Entries Manager Manage currencies Manager Manage extensions Manager Manage languages Manager Manage messages Manager Manage portal Manager Manage properties Manager Manage shop Manager Manage shop catalog Manager Manage shop category Manager Manage users Manager Manage_messages Manager Modify Cookie Crumblers Manager Modify portal content Manager Move CMFWiki Page Manager Open/Close Database Connection Manager Open/Close Database Connections Manager Post mail to ZMailIn Manager Query Vocabulary Manager Reply to item Manager Request review Manager Review portal content Manager Save/discard Version changes Manager Search ZCatalog Manager Set own password Manager Set own properties Manager Take ownership Manager Test Database Connections Manager Translate Content Manager Undo changes Manager Use Database Methods Manager Use Factories Manager Use mailhost services Manager View Manager View History Manager View ZMailMessage Manager View management screens Manager WebDAV Lock items Manager WebDAV Unlock items Manager WebDAV access Manager ZopeProfiler: manage Manager ZopeProfiler: view Manager portal_type Use Case Module title Use Case Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAF8= AAAAAAAAAGA= AAAAAAAAAGE= AAAAAAAAAGI= AAAAAAAAAGM= AAAAAAAAAGQ= _owner nexedi acl_users jp allowed_content_types Document Analysis Document Document Analysis Lexicon base_category_list content_icon folder_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Folder description A Document Analysis contain all Documents and Lexicons needed to do the Document Analysis of a particular ERP5 project. factory addFolder filter_content_types 1 id Document Analysis init_script property_sheet_list title Document Analysis Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAGU= AAAAAAAAAGY= AAAAAAAAAGc= AAAAAAAAAGg= AAAAAAAAAGk= _owner nexedi acl_users jp allowed_content_types Document Analysis Document Decision Item Document Analysis Document Item base_category_list document_analysis_document_type content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Document description A Document Analysis Document allow us to describe a document processed or produced by user interaction. A Document Analysis Document is composed of Document Analysis Document Item. factory addDocument filter_content_types 1 id Document Analysis Document init_script property_sheet_list title Document Analysis Document Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAGo= AAAAAAAAAGs= _owner nexedi acl_users jp allowed_content_types base_category_list content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Document description A Document Analysis Document Decision Item describe a state of the document after/before a decision. Decision Items help to build the decision history. factory addDocument filter_content_types 1 id Document Analysis Document Decision Item init_script property_sheet_list title Document Analysis Document Decision Item Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAGw= AAAAAAAAAG0= _owner nexedi acl_users jp allowed_content_types base_category_list content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Document description A Document Analysis Document Item describe a basic piece of information that a Document Analysis Document contain. factory addDocument filter_content_types 1 id Document Analysis Document Item init_script property_sheet_list title Document Analysis Document Item Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAG4= AAAAAAAAAG8= AAAAAAAAAHA= _owner nexedi acl_users jp allowed_content_types Document Analysis Lexicon Item base_category_list lexicon_source_type content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Document description A Document Analysis Lexicon allow us to describe to describe a collection of datas from both user and software point of view. factory addDocument filter_content_types 1 id Document Analysis Lexicon init_script property_sheet_list DocumentAnalysisLexicon redirect_script title Document Analysis Lexicon Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAHE= AAAAAAAAAHI= _owner nexedi acl_users jp allowed_content_types base_category_list lexicon_item_type lexicon_item_ubm content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Document description A Document Analysis Lexicon Item allow us to describe a data from both user and software point of view. factory addDocument filter_content_types 1 id Document Analysis Lexicon Item init_script property_sheet_list DocumentAnalysisLexiconItem redirect_script title Document Analysis Document Item Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAHM= AAAAAAAAAHQ= AAAAAAAAAHU= _owner nexedi acl_users jp allowed_content_types Document Analysis base_category_list content_icon folder_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Folder description The Document Analysis Module contain Documents Analysis of different ERP5 projects. factory addFolder filter_content_types 1 id Document Analysis Module init_script property_sheet_list title Document Analysis Module Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAHY= AAAAAAAAAHc= AAAAAAAAAHg= _owner nexedi acl_users seb allowed_content_types Feature base_category_list feature_group feature_state content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Document description Each Feature is entirely described and associated to an implementation task. A Feature can contain other Feature. factory addDocument filter_content_types 1 id Feature init_script property_sheet_list Document DublinCore Folder XMLObject title Feature Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAHk= AAAAAAAAAHo= AAAAAAAAAHs= AAAAAAAAAHw= AAAAAAAAAH0= _owner nexedi acl_users jp allowed_content_types Feature base_category_list content_icon folder_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Folder description Feature documents allow to describe a client project from a feature list point of view. They contain Feature which can contain individual features. factory addFolder filter_content_types 1 id Feature Document init_script property_sheet_list title Feature Document Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAH4= AAAAAAAAAH8= AAAAAAAAAIA= AAAAAAAAAIE= AAAAAAAAAII= _owner nexedi acl_users seb allowed_content_types Feature Document base_category_list content_icon folder_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Folder description The Feature Module contains all Feature Documents factory addFolder filter_content_types 1 id Feature Module init_script property_sheet_list title Feature Module Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAIM= AAAAAAAAAIQ= AAAAAAAAAIU= AAAAAAAAAIY= AAAAAAAAAIc= _owner nexedi acl_users jp allowed_content_types Use Case Actor Use Case Scenario base_category_list content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Document description A Use Case is defined by Actors, Use Case Scenarios (composed of Use Case Steps), Use Case Documents (composed of Use Case Document Items) and Use Case Lexicon (composed of Use Case Lexicon Items). factory addDocument filter_content_types 1 id Use Case init_script property_sheet_list title Use Case Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAIg= AAAAAAAAAIk= _owner nexedi acl_users jp allowed_content_types base_category_list use_case_actor_role content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Document description A Use Case Actor describe an actor and give details like location, role of the actor (important to define security rights) and group. factory addDocument filter_content_types 1 id Use Case Actor init_script property_sheet_list UseCaseActor title Use Case Actor Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAIo= AAAAAAAAAIs= AAAAAAAAAIw= _owner nexedi acl_users jp allowed_content_types Use Case base_category_list content_icon folder_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Folder description The Use Case Module contain all collections of use cases needed in an ERP5 project. factory addFolder filter_content_types 1 id Use Case Module init_script property_sheet_list title Use Case Module Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAI0= AAAAAAAAAI4= _owner nexedi acl_users jp allowed_content_types Use Case Scenario Step base_category_list content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Document description A Use Case Scenario describe a use case process by an id-ordered list of Use Case Step. factory addDocument filter_content_types 1 id Use Case Scenario init_script property_sheet_list title Use Case Scenario Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAI8= AAAAAAAAAJA= _owner nexedi acl_users jp allowed_content_types base_category_list source_section content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Document description A Use Case Step is an indivisible event triggered by an actor with identified role. factory addDocument filter_content_types 1 id Use Case Scenario Step init_script property_sheet_list title Use Case Scenario Step OFS.Folder Folder DocumentAnalysisDocumentDecisionItem _view AAAAAAAAAJE= DocumentAnalysisDocumentDecisionItems_addFastInput AAAAAAAAAJI= DocumentAnalysisDocumentItem_view AAAAAAAAAJM= DocumentAnalysisDocumentItems_addFastInput AAAAAAAAAJQ= DocumentAnalysisDocument_viewDecisionItems AAAAAAAAAJU= DocumentAnalysisDocument_viewItems AAAAAAAAAJY= DocumentAnalysisDocuments_addFastInput AAAAAAAAAJc= DocumentAnalysisDocuments_addFastInputTest AAAAAAAAAJg= DocumentAnalysisLexiconItem_view AAAAAAAAAJk= DocumentAnalysisLexiconItems_addFastInput AAAAAAAAAJo= DocumentAnalysisLexicon_view AAAAAAAAAJs= DocumentAnalysisLexicons_addFastInput AAAAAAAAAJw= DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisDocumentDecisionItems AAAAAAAAAJ0= DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisDocumentItems AAAAAAAAAJ4= DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisDocuments AAAAAAAAAJ8= DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisDocumentsTests AAAAAAAAAKA= DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisLexiconItems AAAAAAAAAKE= DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisLexicons AAAAAAAAAKI= DocumentAnalysis_viewDocuments AAAAAAAAAKM= DocumentAnalysis_viewLexicons AAAAAAAAAKQ= FastInput_generateObjectStructure AAAAAAAAAKU= FastInput_generateTwoLevelObjectStructure AAAAAAAAAKY= FastInput_initialize AAAAAAAAAKc= FeatureDocument_view AAAAAAAAAKg= Feature_addDocumentFastInput AAAAAAAAAKk= Feature_addFeaturesFastInput AAAAAAAAAKo= Feature_generateFeatures AAAAAAAAAKs= Feature_view AAAAAAAAAKw= UseCaseActor_addFastInput AAAAAAAAAK0= UseCaseActor_view AAAAAAAAAK4= UseCaseScenarii_addFastInput AAAAAAAAAK8= UseCaseScenarioStep_view AAAAAAAAALA= UseCaseScenario_view AAAAAAAAALE= UseCase_generateUseCaseActors AAAAAAAAALI= UseCase_generateUseCaseScenarii AAAAAAAAALM= UseCase_getActorItemList AAAAAAAAALQ= UseCase_viewUseCaseActors AAAAAAAAALU= UseCase_viewUseCaseScenarii AAAAAAAAALY= __ac_local_roles__ alex Owner _objects id DocumentAnalysisDocumentDecisionItem _view meta_type ERP5 Form id DocumentAnalysisDocumentDecisionItems_addFastInput meta_type ERP5 Form id DocumentAnalysisDocumentItem_view meta_type ERP5 Form id DocumentAnalysisDocumentItems_addFastInput meta_type ERP5 Form id DocumentAnalysisDocument_viewDecisionItems meta_type ERP5 Form id DocumentAnalysisDocument_viewItems meta_type ERP5 Form id DocumentAnalysisDocuments_addFastInputTest meta_type ERP5 Form id DocumentAnalysisLexiconItem_view meta_type ERP5 Form id DocumentAnalysisLexiconItems_addFastInput meta_type ERP5 Form id DocumentAnalysisLexicon_view meta_type ERP5 Form id DocumentAnalysisLexicons_addFastInput meta_type ERP5 Form id DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisDocumentDecisionItems meta_type Script (Python) id DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisDocumentItems meta_type Script (Python) id DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisDocuments meta_type Script (Python) id DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisDocumentsTests meta_type Script (Python) id DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisLexiconItems meta_type Script (Python) id DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisLexicons meta_type Script (Python) id DocumentAnalysis_viewDocuments meta_type ERP5 Form id DocumentAnalysis_viewLexicons meta_type ERP5 Form id FeatureDocument_view meta_type ERP5 Form id Feature_addDocumentFastInput meta_type ERP5 Form id Feature_addFeaturesFastInput meta_type ERP5 Form id Feature_generateFeatures meta_type Script (Python) id Feature_view meta_type ERP5 Form id FastInput_generateObjectStructure meta_type Script (Python) id FastInput_generateTwoLevelObjectStructure meta_type Script (Python) id FastInput_initialize meta_type Script (Python) id UseCaseScenarii_addFastInput meta_type ERP5 Form id UseCaseScenarioStep_view meta_type ERP5 Form id UseCaseScenario_view meta_type ERP5 Form id UseCase_generateUseCaseScenarii meta_type Script (Python) id UseCase_viewUseCaseScenarii meta_type ERP5 Form id UseCaseActor_addFastInput meta_type ERP5 Form id UseCaseActor_view meta_type ERP5 Form id UseCase_generateUseCaseActors meta_type Script (Python) id UseCase_getActorItemList meta_type Script (Python) id UseCase_viewUseCaseActors meta_type ERP5 Form id DocumentAnalysisDocuments_addFastInput meta_type ERP5 Form _owner nexedi acl_users alex id erp5_consulting title Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow DCWorkflowDefinition __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner _objects id states meta_type Workflow States id transitions meta_type Workflow Transitions id variables meta_type Workflow Variables id worklists meta_type Worklists id scripts meta_type Workflow Scripts _owner nexedi acl_users jp id feature_analysis_workflow initial_state draft scripts AAAAAAAAALc= state_var validation_state states AAAAAAAAALg= transitions AAAAAAAAALk= variables AAAAAAAAALo= worklists AAAAAAAAALs= BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAALw= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title Documents visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAL0= category object_sort condition description id sort_on permissions View priority 10 title Sort visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAL4= category object_ui condition description id list_ui permissions View priority 10 title Modify UI visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAL8= category object_view condition description id view_lexicons permissions View priority 10 title Lexicons visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAMA= category object_action condition description id documents_fast_input permissions View priority 10 title Document Analysis Document Fast Input visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAME= category object_action condition description id lexicons_fast_input permissions View priority 10 title Document Analysis Lexicon Fast Input visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAMI= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title Document Items visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAMM= category object_print condition description id print_pdf permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAMQ= category object_view condition description id view_decision_items permissions View priority 10 title Decision Items visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAMU= category object_action condition description id document_items_fast_input permissions View priority 10 title Document Analysis Document Item Fast Input visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAMY= category object_action condition description id document_decision_items_fast_input permissions View priority 10 title Document Analysis Document Decision Item Fast Input visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAMc= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title Decision Item View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAMg= category object_print condition description id print_pdf permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAMk= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title Document Item View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAMo= category object_print condition description id print_pdf permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAMs= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title Lexicon View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAMw= category object_print condition description id print_pdf permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAM0= category object_action condition description id lexicon_items_fast_input permissions View priority 10 title Document Analysis Lexicon Item Fast Input visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAM4= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title Lexicon Item View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAM8= category object_print condition description id print_pdf permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAANA= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title Document Analysis Module View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAANE= category object_sort condition description id sort_on permissions View priority 10 title Sort visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAANI= category object_ui condition description id list_ui permissions View priority 10 title Modify UI visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAANM= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAANQ= category object_print condition description id print_pdf permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAANU= category object_exchange condition description id fast_input permissions Modify portal content priority 10 title Features Fast Input visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAANY= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAANc= category object_sort condition description id sort_on permissions View priority 10 title Sort visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAANg= category object_ui condition description id list_ui permissions View priority 10 title Modify UI visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAANk= category object_print condition description id print_pdf permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAANo= category object_exchange condition description id fast_input permissions Modify portal content priority 10 title Features Fast Input visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAANs= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAANw= category object_sort condition description id sort_on permissions View priority 10 title Sort visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAN0= category object_ui condition description id list_ui permissions View priority 10 title Modify UI visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAN4= category object_print condition description id print_pdf permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAN8= category object_action condition description id fast_input permissions Modify portal content priority 10 title Feature Document Fast Input visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAOA= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title Scenarii visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAOE= category object_print condition description id print_pdf permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAOI= category object_view condition description id actors permissions View priority 10 title Actors visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAOM= category object_action condition description id fast_input permissions View priority 10 title Use Case Actor Fast Input visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAOQ= category object_action condition description id scenarii_fast_input permissions View priority 10 title Use Case Scenarii Fast Input visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAOU= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title Actor View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAOY= category object_print condition description id print_pdf permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAOc= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title Use Cases View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAOg= category object_sort condition description id sort_on permissions View priority 10 title Sort visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAOk= category object_ui condition description id list_ui permissions View priority 10 title Modify UI visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAOo= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title Scenario View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAOs= category object_print condition description id print_pdf permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAOw= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title Step View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAO0= category object_print condition description id print_pdf permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_description meta_type TextAreaField id my_title meta_type StringField id my_id meta_type StringField _owner nexedi acl_users jp action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom groups bottom center my_description left my_id my_title right id DocumentAnalysisDocumentDecisionItem _view method POST my_description AAAAAAAAAO4= my_id AAAAAAAAAO8= my_title AAAAAAAAAPA= name DocumentAnalysisDocumentDecisionItem_view pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Document Analysis : Decision Item unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox id listbox_item_description meta_type TextAreaField id listbox_item_title meta_type StringField _owner nexedi acl_users jp action DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisDocumentDecisionItems encoding UTF-8 enctype multipart/form-data group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center hidden listbox_item_description listbox_item_title left right id DocumentAnalysisDocumentDecisionItems_addFastInput listbox AAAAAAAAAPE= listbox_item_description AAAAAAAAAPI= listbox_item_title AAAAAAAAAPM= method POST name DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisDocumentDecisionItems pt form_view_dialog row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Add Document Analysis Document Decision Items unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_description meta_type TextAreaField id my_title meta_type StringField id my_id meta_type StringField _owner nexedi acl_users jp action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom groups bottom center my_description left my_id my_title right id DocumentAnalysisDocumentItem_view method POST my_description AAAAAAAAAPQ= my_id AAAAAAAAAPU= my_title AAAAAAAAAPY= name DocumentAnalysisDocumentItem_view pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Document Analysis : Document Item unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox id listbox_item_description meta_type TextAreaField id listbox_item_title meta_type StringField _owner nexedi acl_users jp action DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisDocumentItems encoding UTF-8 enctype multipart/form-data group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center hidden listbox_item_description listbox_item_title left right id DocumentAnalysisDocumentItems_addFastInput listbox AAAAAAAAAPc= listbox_item_description AAAAAAAAAPg= listbox_item_title AAAAAAAAAPk= method POST name DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisDocumentItems pt form_view_dialog row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Add Document Analysis Document Items unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox id listbox_description meta_type TextAreaField id listbox_title meta_type StringField id my_document_analysis_document_type meta_type ListField id my_id meta_type StringField id my_title meta_type StringField id my_description meta_type TextAreaField _owner nexedi acl_users jp action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center my_description hidden listbox_description listbox_title left my_id my_title right my_document_analysis_document_type id DocumentAnalysisDocument_viewDecisionItems listbox AAAAAAAAAPo= listbox_description AAAAAAAAAPs= listbox_title AAAAAAAAAPw= method POST my_description AAAAAAAAAP0= my_document_analysis_document_type AAAAAAAAAP4= my_id AAAAAAAAAP8= my_title AAAAAAAAAQA= name DocumentAnalysisDocument_viewDecisionItems pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Document Analysis : Document : Decision Items unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox id my_title meta_type StringField id listbox_description meta_type TextAreaField id listbox_title meta_type StringField id my_id meta_type StringField id my_document_analysis_document_type meta_type ListField id my_description meta_type TextAreaField _owner nexedi acl_users jp action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center my_description hidden listbox_description listbox_title left my_id my_title right my_document_analysis_document_type id DocumentAnalysisDocument_viewItems listbox AAAAAAAAAQE= listbox_description AAAAAAAAAQI= listbox_title AAAAAAAAAQM= method POST my_description AAAAAAAAAQQ= my_document_analysis_document_type AAAAAAAAAQU= my_id AAAAAAAAAQY= my_title AAAAAAAAAQc= name DocumentAnalysisDocument_viewItems pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Document Analysis : Document Items unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox id listbox_document_title meta_type StringField id listbox_item_description meta_type TextAreaField id listbox_item_title meta_type StringField id listbox_document_analysis_document_type meta_type ListField _owner nexedi acl_users kevin action DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisDocuments encoding UTF-8 enctype multipart/form-data group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center hidden listbox_document_title listbox_item_description listbox_item_title listbox_document_analysis_document_type left right id DocumentAnalysisDocuments_addFastInput listbox AAAAAAAAAQg= listbox_document_analysis_document_type AAAAAAAAAQk= listbox_document_title AAAAAAAAAQo= listbox_item_description AAAAAAAAAQs= listbox_item_title AAAAAAAAAQw= method POST name DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisDocuments pt form_view_dialog row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Add Document Analysis Documents unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox id listbox_document_title meta_type StringField id listbox_item_description meta_type TextAreaField id listbox_item_title meta_type StringField id listbox_document_analysis_document_type meta_type ListField _owner nexedi acl_users jp action DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisDocumentsTests encoding UTF-8 enctype multipart/form-data group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center hidden listbox_document_title listbox_item_description listbox_item_title listbox_document_analysis_document_type left right id DocumentAnalysisDocuments_addFastInputTest listbox AAAAAAAAAQ0= listbox_document_analysis_document_type AAAAAAAAAQ4= listbox_document_title AAAAAAAAAQ8= listbox_item_description AAAAAAAAARA= listbox_item_title AAAAAAAAARE= method POST name DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisDocumentsTests pt form_view_dialog row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Add Document Analysis Documents unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_description meta_type TextAreaField id my_title meta_type StringField id my_id meta_type StringField id my_lexicon_item_type meta_type ListField id my_lexicon_item_ubm meta_type ListField id my_item_class meta_type StringField id my_item_property_sheet_list meta_type LinesField _owner nexedi acl_users jp action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom groups bottom center my_description left my_id my_title my_lexicon_item_type my_lexicon_item_ubm right my_item_class my_item_property_sheet_list id DocumentAnalysisLexiconItem_view method POST my_description AAAAAAAAARI= my_id AAAAAAAAARM= my_item_class AAAAAAAAARQ= my_item_property_sheet_list AAAAAAAAARU= my_lexicon_item_type AAAAAAAAARY= my_lexicon_item_ubm AAAAAAAAARc= my_title AAAAAAAAARg= name DocumentAnalysisLexiconItem_view pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Document Analysis : Lexicon Item unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox id listbox_item_description meta_type TextAreaField id listbox_item_title meta_type StringField id listbox_type meta_type ListField id listbox_ubm meta_type ListField id listbox_class meta_type StringField id listbox_propertysheet meta_type LinesField _owner nexedi acl_users jp action DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisLexiconItems encoding UTF-8 enctype multipart/form-data group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center hidden listbox_item_description listbox_item_title listbox_type listbox_ubm listbox_class listbox_propertysheet left right id DocumentAnalysisLexiconItems_addFastInput listbox AAAAAAAAARk= listbox_class AAAAAAAAARo= listbox_item_description AAAAAAAAARs= listbox_item_title AAAAAAAAARw= listbox_propertysheet AAAAAAAAAR0= listbox_type AAAAAAAAAR4= listbox_ubm AAAAAAAAAR8= method POST name DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisLexiconItems pt form_view_dialog row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Add Document Analysis Lexicon Items unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox id my_description meta_type TextAreaField id my_title meta_type StringField id listbox_description meta_type TextAreaField id listbox_title meta_type StringField id my_id meta_type StringField id listbox_lexicon_item_type meta_type ListField id listbox_lexicon_item_ubm meta_type ListField id my_lexicon_source_type meta_type ListField id listbox_item_property_sheet_list meta_type LinesField id listbox_item_class meta_type StringField _owner nexedi acl_users jp action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center my_description hidden listbox_description listbox_title listbox_lexicon_item_type listbox_lexicon_item_ubm listbox_item_property_sheet_list listbox_item_class left my_id my_title right my_lexicon_source_type id DocumentAnalysisLexicon_view listbox AAAAAAAAASA= listbox_description AAAAAAAAASE= listbox_item_class AAAAAAAAASI= listbox_item_property_sheet_list AAAAAAAAASM= listbox_lexicon_item_type AAAAAAAAASQ= listbox_lexicon_item_ubm AAAAAAAAASU= listbox_title AAAAAAAAASY= method POST my_description AAAAAAAAASc= my_id AAAAAAAAASg= my_lexicon_source_type AAAAAAAAASk= my_title AAAAAAAAASo= name DocumentAnalysisLexicon_view pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Document Analysis : Lexicon unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox id listbox_item_description meta_type TextAreaField id listbox_item_title meta_type StringField id listbox_lexicon_title meta_type StringField id listbox_type meta_type ListField id listbox_ubm meta_type ListField id listbox_lexicon_source_type meta_type ListField id listbox_class meta_type StringField id listbox_propertysheet meta_type LinesField _owner nexedi acl_users jp action DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisLexicons encoding UTF-8 enctype multipart/form-data group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center hidden listbox_item_description listbox_item_title listbox_type listbox_ubm listbox_lexicon_title listbox_lexicon_source_type listbox_class listbox_propertysheet left right id DocumentAnalysisLexicons_addFastInput listbox AAAAAAAAASs= listbox_class AAAAAAAAASw= listbox_item_description AAAAAAAAAS0= listbox_item_title AAAAAAAAAS4= listbox_lexicon_source_type AAAAAAAAAS8= listbox_lexicon_title AAAAAAAAATA= listbox_propertysheet AAAAAAAAATE= listbox_type AAAAAAAAATI= listbox_ubm AAAAAAAAATM= method POST name DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisLexicons pt form_view_dialog row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Add Document Analysis Lexicons unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body context_obj = context.getObject()\n \n role_type = \'Document Analysis Document Decision Item\'\n \n # this list contain all items\n items = []\n \n # get the user information\n for line in listbox:\n if line.has_key(\'listbox_key\') and line[\'item_title\'] not in (\'\', None):\n line_id = int(line[\'listbox_key\'])\n item = {}\n item[\'id\'] = line_id\n item[\'title\'] = line[\'item_title\']\n item[\'description\'] = line[\'item_description\']\n items.append(item)\n \n # sort the list by id to have the same order of the user\n items.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[\'id\'], y[\'id\']))\n \n # create corresponding objects\n for item in items:\n context_obj.newContent( portal_type = role_type\n , title = item[\'title\']\n , description = item[\'description\']\n )\n \n # return to the feature module\n return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(context.absolute_url() + \'?portal_status_message=\' + role_type.replace(\' \', \'+\') + \'(s)+added.\')\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAEAAAABzEAAAAGcAAGQBAIQBAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAA8AAAAPAAAA SwAAAHOPAQAAdAAAdAEAZAEAgwIAgwAAfQQAZAIAfQUAZwAAfQYAeLoAdAUAfAAAgwEARF2sAH0I AHQAAHwIAGQDAIMCAGQEAIMBAG8ZAAF0CAB8CABkBQCDAgBkBgB0CQBmAgBqBwBvdAABdAoAdAgA fAgAZAQAgwIAgwEAfQwAaAAAfQ0AfAwAdA0AfA0AgwEAZAcAPHQIAHwIAGQFAIMCAHQNAHwNAIMB AGQIADx0CAB8CABkCQCDAgB0DQB8DQCDAQBkCgA8dAAAfAYAZAsAgwIAfA0AgwEAAXErAAFxKwBX dAAAfAYAZAwAgwIAZA0AhAAAgwEAAXhIAHQFAHwGAIMBAERdOgB9DQB0AAB8BABkDgCDAgBkDwB8 BQBkCAB0CAB8DQBkCACDAgBkCgB0CAB8DQBkCgCDAgCDAAMBcf4AV3QAAHQAAHQAAHQBAGQQAIMC AGQRAIMCAGQSAIMCAHQAAHQBAGQTAIMCAIMAAGQUABd0AAB8BQBkFQCDAgBkFgBkFwCDAgAXZBgA 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func_defaults id DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisDocumentDecisionItems warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body context_obj = context.getObject()\n \n role_type = \'Document Analysis Document Item\'\n \n # this list contain all items\n items = []\n \n # get the user information\n for line in listbox:\n if line.has_key(\'listbox_key\') and line[\'item_title\'] not in (\'\', None):\n line_id = int(line[\'listbox_key\'])\n item = {}\n item[\'id\'] = line_id\n item[\'title\'] = line[\'item_title\']\n item[\'description\'] = line[\'item_description\']\n items.append(item)\n \n # sort the list by id to have the same order of the user\n items.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[\'id\'], y[\'id\']))\n \n # create corresponding objects\n for item in items:\n context_obj.newContent( portal_type = role_type\n , title = item[\'title\']\n , description = item[\'description\']\n )\n \n # return to the feature module\n return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(context.absolute_url() + \'?portal_status_message=\' + role_type.replace(\' \', \'+\') + \'(s)+added.\')\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAEAAAABzEAAAAGcAAGQBAIQBAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAA8AAAAPAAAA SwAAAHOPAQAAdAAAdAEAZAEAgwIAgwAAfQQAZAIAfQUAZwAAfQYAeLoAdAUAfAAAgwEARF2sAH0I AHQAAHwIAGQDAIMCAGQEAIMBAG8ZAAF0CAB8CABkBQCDAgBkBgB0CQBmAgBqBwBvdAABdAoAdAgA fAgAZAQAgwIAgwEAfQwAaAAAfQ0AfAwAdA0AfA0AgwEAZAcAPHQIAHwIAGQFAIMCAHQNAHwNAIMB AGQIADx0CAB8CABkCQCDAgB0DQB8DQCDAQBkCgA8dAAAfAYAZAsAgwIAfA0AgwEAAXErAAFxKwBX dAAAfAYAZAwAgwIAZA0AhAAAgwEAAXhIAHQFAHwGAIMBAERdOgB9DQB0AAB8BABkDgCDAgBkDwB8 BQBkCAB0CAB8DQBkCACDAgBkCgB0CAB8DQBkCgCDAgCDAAMBcf4AV3QAAHQAAHQAAHQBAGQQAIMC AGQRAIMCAGQSAIMCAHQAAHQBAGQTAIMCAIMAAGQUABd0AAB8BQBkFQCDAgBkFgBkFwCDAgAXZBgA F4MBAFNkAABTKBkAAABOcwkAAABnZXRPYmplY3RzHwAAAERvY3VtZW50IEFuYWx5c2lzIERvY3Vt 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c3MJAAAAX2dldGl0ZXJfcwQAAABsaW5lcwkAAABfZ2V0aXRlbV9zBAAAAE5vbmVzAwAAAGludHMH AAAAbGluZV9pZHMEAAAAaXRlbXMHAAAAX3dyaXRlXygAAAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0 aG9uKXM2AAAARG9jdW1lbnRBbmFseXNpc19nZW5lcmF0ZURvY3VtZW50QW5hbHlzaXNEb2N1bWVu dEl0ZW1zAQAAAHMkAAAAEgIGAwYDDQAJAS8BFQEGARABGQEcARsDEwMNAAkBFQEPAREEKAEAAABz NgAAAERvY3VtZW50QW5hbHlzaXNfZ2VuZXJhdGVEb2N1bWVudEFuYWx5c2lzRG9jdW1lbnRJdGVt cygBAAAAczYAAABEb2N1bWVudEFuYWx5c2lzX2dlbmVyYXRlRG9jdW1lbnRBbmFseXNpc0RvY3Vt ZW50SXRlbXMoAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQgKFB5dGhvbilzCAAAADxtb2R1bGU+AQAAAHMA AAAA _filepath Script (Python):/nexedi/portal_skins/erp5_consulting/DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisDocumentItems _owner nexedi acl_users jp _params listbox=[], **kw errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames listbox kw _getattr_ context context_obj role_type items _getiter_ line _getitem_ None int line_id item _write_ func_defaults id DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisDocumentItems warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body first_level_transformation = \\\n { \'portal_type\' : \'Document Analysis Document\'\n , \'data_key\' : \'document_title\'\n , \'data\' : [ { \'input_data_name\' : \'document_title\'\n , \'output_property\' : \'title\'\n }\n , { \'input_data_name\' : \'document_analysis_document_type\'\n , \'output_property\' : \'document_analysis_document_type\'\n }\n ]\n }\n \n second_level_transformation = \\\n { \'portal_type\' : \'Document Analysis Document Item\'\n , \'data_key\' : \'item_title\'\n , \'data\' : [ { \'input_data_name\' : \'item_title\'\n , \'output_property\' : \'title\'\n }\n , { \'input_data_name\' : \'item_description\'\n , \'output_property\' : \'description\'\n }\n ]\n }\n \n fast_input_transformation_rules = [first_level_transformation, second_level_transformation]\n \n context.FastInput_generateTwoLevelObjectStructure( transformation_rules = fast_input_transformation_rules\n , listbox = listbox\n , destination = context.getObject())\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAEAAAABzEAAAAGcAAGQBAIQBAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAcAAAAKAAAA SwAAAHPUAAAAaAAABGQBAGQCAAM8BGQDAGQEAAM8BGQFAGgAAARkBgBkBAADPARkBwBkCAADPGgA AARkBgBkCQADPARkBwBkCQADPGcCAAM8fQIAaAAABGQBAGQKAAM8BGQDAGQLAAM8BGQFAGgAAARk BgBkCwADPARkBwBkCAADPGgAAARkBgBkDAADPARkBwBkDQADPGcCAAM8fQMAfAIAfAMAZwIAfQQA dAMAdAQAZA4AgwIAZA8AfAQAZBAAfAAAZBEAdAMAdAQAZBIAgwIAgwAAgwADAWQAAFMoEwAAAE5z CwAAAHBvcnRhbF90eXBlcxoAAABEb2N1bWVudCBBbmFseXNpcyBEb2N1bWVudHMIAAAAZGF0YV9r ZXlzDgAAAGRvY3VtZW50X3RpdGxlcwQAAABkYXRhcw8AAABpbnB1dF9kYXRhX25hbWVzDwAAAG91 dHB1dF9wcm9wZXJ0eXMFAAAAdGl0bGVzHwAAAGRvY3VtZW50X2FuYWx5c2lzX2RvY3VtZW50X3R5 cGVzHwAAAERvY3VtZW50IEFuYWx5c2lzIERvY3VtZW50IEl0ZW1zCgAAAGl0ZW1fdGl0bGVzEAAA AGl0ZW1fZGVzY3JpcHRpb25zCwAAAGRlc2NyaXB0aW9ucykAAABGYXN0SW5wdXRfZ2VuZXJhdGVU d29MZXZlbE9iamVjdFN0cnVjdHVyZXMUAAAAdHJhbnNmb3JtYXRpb25fcnVsZXNzBwAAAGxpc3Ri b3hzCwAAAGRlc3RpbmF0aW9ucwkAAABnZXRPYmplY3QoBgAAAHMaAAAAZmlyc3RfbGV2ZWxfdHJh bnNmb3JtYXRpb25zGwAAAHNlY29uZF9sZXZlbF90cmFuc2Zvcm1hdGlvbnMfAAAAZmFzdF9pbnB1 dF90cmFuc2Zvcm1hdGlvbl9ydWxlc3MJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwcAAABjb250ZXh0cwcAAABsaXN0 Ym94KAcAAABzBwAAAGxpc3Rib3hzAgAAAGt3cxoAAABmaXJzdF9sZXZlbF90cmFuc2Zvcm1hdGlv bnMbAAAAc2Vjb25kX2xldmVsX3RyYW5zZm9ybWF0aW9ucx8AAABmYXN0X2lucHV0X3RyYW5zZm9y bWF0aW9uX3J1bGVzcwkAAABfZ2V0YXR0cl9zBwAAAGNvbnRleHQoAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3Jp cHQgKFB5dGhvbilzMgAAAERvY3VtZW50QW5hbHlzaXNfZ2VuZXJhdGVEb2N1bWVudEFuYWx5c2lz RG9jdW1lbnRzAQAAAHMWAAAAAAEZAhUDHQYAARkCFQMdBg8CEgEJASgBAAAAczIAAABEb2N1bWVu dEFuYWx5c2lzX2dlbmVyYXRlRG9jdW1lbnRBbmFseXNpc0RvY3VtZW50cygBAAAAczIAAABEb2N1 bWVudEFuYWx5c2lzX2dlbmVyYXRlRG9jdW1lbnRBbmFseXNpc0RvY3VtZW50cygAAAAAKAAAAABz DwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMIAAAAPG1vZHVsZT4BAAAAcwAAAAA= _filepath Script (Python):/nexedi/portal_skins/erp5_consulting/DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisDocuments _owner nexedi acl_users jp _params listbox=[], **kw errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames listbox kw first_level_transformation second_level_transformation fast_input_transformation_rules _getattr_ context func_defaults id DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisDocuments warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body first_level_transformation = \\\n { \'portal_type\' : \'Document Analysis Document\'\n , \'primary_key\' : \'document_title\'\n , \'data\' : [ { \'input_data_name\' : \'document_title\'\n , \'output_property\' : \'title\'\n , \'required\' : True\n }\n , { \'input_data_name\' : \'document_analysis_document_type\'\n , \'output_property\' : \'document_analysis_document_type\'\n , \'required\' : False\n }\n ]\n }\n \n second_level_transformation = \\\n { \'portal_type\' : \'Document Analysis Document Item\'\n , \'primary_key\' : \'item_title\'\n , \'data\' : [ { \'input_data_name\' : \'item_title\'\n , \'output_property\' : \'title\'\n , \'required\' : True\n }\n , { \'input_data_name\' : \'item_description\'\n , \'output_property\' : \'description\'\n , \'required\' : False\n }\n ]\n }\n \n fast_input_transformation_rules = [first_level_transformation, second_level_transformation]\n \n return context.FastInput_generateObjectStructure( transformation_rules = fast_input_transformation_rules\n , listbox = listbox\n , destination = context.getObject())\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAEAAAABzEAAAAGcAAGQBAIQBAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAkAAAAKAAAA SwAAAHP4AAAAaAAABGQBAGQCAAM8BGQDAGQEAAM8BGQFAGgAAARkBgBkBAADPARkBwBkCAADPARk CQB0AAADPGgAAARkBgBkCgADPARkBwBkCgADPARkCQB0AQADPGcCAAM8fQQAaAAABGQBAGQLAAM8 BGQDAGQMAAM8BGQFAGgAAARkBgBkDAADPARkBwBkCAADPARkCQB0AAADPGgAAARkBgBkDQADPARk BwBkDgADPARkCQB0AQADPGcCAAM8fQUAfAQAfAUAZwIAfQYAdAUAdAYAZA8AgwIAZBAAfAYAZBEA fAAAZBIAdAUAdAYAZBMAgwIAgwAAgwADU2QAAFMoFAAAAE5zCwAAAHBvcnRhbF90eXBlcxoAAABE b2N1bWVudCBBbmFseXNpcyBEb2N1bWVudHMLAAAAcHJpbWFyeV9rZXlzDgAAAGRvY3VtZW50X3Rp dGxlcwQAAABkYXRhcw8AAABpbnB1dF9kYXRhX25hbWVzDwAAAG91dHB1dF9wcm9wZXJ0eXMFAAAA dGl0bGVzCAAAAHJlcXVpcmVkcx8AAABkb2N1bWVudF9hbmFseXNpc19kb2N1bWVudF90eXBlcx8A AABEb2N1bWVudCBBbmFseXNpcyBEb2N1bWVudCBJdGVtcwoAAABpdGVtX3RpdGxlcxAAAABpdGVt X2Rlc2NyaXB0aW9ucwsAAABkZXNjcmlwdGlvbnMhAAAARmFzdElucHV0X2dlbmVyYXRlT2JqZWN0 U3RydWN0dXJlcxQAAAB0cmFuc2Zvcm1hdGlvbl9ydWxlc3MHAAAAbGlzdGJveHMLAAAAZGVzdGlu YXRpb25zCQAAAGdldE9iamVjdCgIAAAAcwQAAABUcnVlcwUAAABGYWxzZXMaAAAAZmlyc3RfbGV2 ZWxfdHJhbnNmb3JtYXRpb25zGwAAAHNlY29uZF9sZXZlbF90cmFuc2Zvcm1hdGlvbnMfAAAAZmFz dF9pbnB1dF90cmFuc2Zvcm1hdGlvbl9ydWxlc3MJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwcAAABjb250ZXh0cwcA AABsaXN0Ym94KAkAAABzBwAAAGxpc3Rib3hzAgAAAGt3cwQAAABUcnVlcwUAAABGYWxzZXMaAAAA Zmlyc3RfbGV2ZWxfdHJhbnNmb3JtYXRpb25zGwAAAHNlY29uZF9sZXZlbF90cmFuc2Zvcm1hdGlv bnMfAAAAZmFzdF9pbnB1dF90cmFuc2Zvcm1hdGlvbl9ydWxlc3MJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwcAAABj b250ZXh0KAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAAU2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pczcAAABEb2N1bWVudEFuYWx5c2lz X2dlbmVyYXRlRG9jdW1lbnRBbmFseXNpc0RvY3VtZW50c1Rlc3RzAQAAAHMeAAAAAAEZAhkCBQIZ Ag0FAAEZAhkCBQIZAg0FDAIVAQkBKAEAAABzNwAAAERvY3VtZW50QW5hbHlzaXNfZ2VuZXJhdGVE b2N1bWVudEFuYWx5c2lzRG9jdW1lbnRzVGVzdHMoAQAAAHM3AAAARG9jdW1lbnRBbmFseXNpc19n ZW5lcmF0ZURvY3VtZW50QW5hbHlzaXNEb2N1bWVudHNUZXN0cygAAAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlw dCAoUHl0aG9uKXMIAAAAPG1vZHVsZT4BAAAAcwAAAAA= _filepath Script (Python):/nexedi/portal_skins/erp5_consulting/DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisDocumentsTests _owner nexedi acl_users jp _params listbox=[], **kw errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames listbox kw True False first_level_transformation second_level_transformation fast_input_transformation_rules _getattr_ context func_defaults id DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisDocumentsTests warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body context_obj = context.getObject()\n \n role_type = \'Document Analysis Lexicon Item\'\n \n # this list contain all items\n items = []\n \n # get the user information\n for line in listbox:\n if line.has_key(\'listbox_key\') and line[\'item_title\'] not in (\'\', None):\n line_id = int(line[\'listbox_key\'])\n item = {}\n item[\'id\'] = line_id\n item[\'title\'] = line[\'item_title\']\n item[\'description\'] = line[\'item_description\']\n item[\'lexicon_item_type\'] = line[\'type\']\n item[\'lexicon_item_ubm\'] = line[\'ubm\']\n item[\'item_class\'] = line[\'class\']\n item[\'item_property_sheet\'] = line[\'propertysheet\']\n items.append(item)\n \n # sort the list by id to have the same order of the user\n items.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[\'id\'], y[\'id\']))\n \n # create corresponding objects\n for item in items:\n context_obj.newContent( portal_type = role_type\n , title = item[\'title\']\n , description = item[\'description\']\n , lexicon_item_type = item[\'lexicon_item_type\']\n , lexicon_item_ubm = item[\'lexicon_item_ubm\']\n , item_class = item[\'item_class\']\n , item_property_sheet = item[\'item_property_sheet\']\n )\n \n # return to the feature module\n return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(context.absolute_url() + \'?portal_status_message=\' + role_type.replace(\' \', \'+\') + \'(s)+added.\')\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAEAAAABzEAAAAGcAAGQBAIQBAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAA8AAAAXAAAA SwAAAHMvAgAAdAAAdAEAZAEAgwIAgwAAfQQAZAIAfQUAZwAAfQYAeB4BdAUAfAAAgwEARF0QAX0I AHQAAHwIAGQDAIMCAGQEAIMBAG8ZAAF0CAB8CABkBQCDAgBkBgB0CQBmAgBqBwBv2AABdAoAdAgA fAgAZAQAgwIAgwEAfQwAaAAAfQ0AfAwAdA0AfA0AgwEAZAcAPHQIAHwIAGQFAIMCAHQNAHwNAIMB AGQIADx0CAB8CABkCQCDAgB0DQB8DQCDAQBkCgA8dAgAfAgAZAsAgwIAdA0AfA0AgwEAZAwAPHQI AHwIAGQNAIMCAHQNAHwNAIMBAGQOADx0CAB8CABkDwCDAgB0DQB8DQCDAQBkEAA8dAgAfAgAZBEA gwIAdA0AfA0AgwEAZBIAPHQAAHwGAGQTAIMCAHwNAIMBAAFxKwABcSsAV3QAAHwGAGQUAIMCAGQV AIQAAIMBAAF4hAB0BQB8BgCDAQBEXXYAfQ0AdAAAfAQAZBYAgwIAZBcAfAUAZAgAdAgAfA0AZAgA gwIAZAoAdAgAfA0AZAoAgwIAZAwAdAgAfA0AZAwAgwIAZA4AdAgAfA0AZA4AgwIAZBAAdAgAfA0A ZBAAgwIAZBIAdAgAfA0AZBIAgwIAgwAHAXFiAVd0AAB0AAB0AAB0AQBkGACDAgBkGQCDAgBkGgCD AgB0AAB0AQBkGwCDAgCDAABkHAAXdAAAfAUAZB0AgwIAZB4AZB8AgwIAF2QgABeDAQBTZAAAUygh AAAATnMJAAAAZ2V0T2JqZWN0cx4AAABEb2N1bWVudCBBbmFseXNpcyBMZXhpY29uIEl0ZW1zBwAA AGhhc19rZXlzCwAAAGxpc3Rib3hfa2V5cwoAAABpdGVtX3RpdGxlcwAAAABzAgAAAGlkcwUAAAB0 aXRsZXMQAAAAaXRlbV9kZXNjcmlwdGlvbnMLAAAAZGVzY3JpcHRpb25zBAAAAHR5cGVzEQAAAGxl eGljb25faXRlbV90eXBlcwMAAAB1Ym1zEAAAAGxleGljb25faXRlbV91Ym1zBQAAAGNsYXNzcwoA AABpdGVtX2NsYXNzcw0AAABwcm9wZXJ0eXNoZWV0cxMAAABpdGVtX3Byb3BlcnR5X3NoZWV0cwYA AABhcHBlbmRzBAAAAHNvcnRjAgAAAAQAAAAFAAAAQwAAAHMfAAAAdAAAdAEAfAAAZAEAgwIAdAEA fAEAZAEAgwIAgwIAUygCAAAATnMCAAAAaWQoBAAAAHMDAAAAY21wcwkAAABfZ2V0aXRlbV9zAQAA AHhzAQAAAHkoBAAAAHMBAAAAeHMBAAAAeXMDAAAAY21wcwkAAABfZ2V0aXRlbV8oAAAAACgAAAAA cw8AAABTY3JpcHQgKFB5dGhvbilzCgAAADxsYW1iZGEuNz4XAAAAcwAAAABzCgAAAG5ld0NvbnRl bnRzCwAAAHBvcnRhbF90eXBlcwcAAABSRVFVRVNUcwgAAABSRVNQT05TRXMIAAAAcmVkaXJlY3Rz DAAAAGFic29sdXRlX3VybHMXAAAAP3BvcnRhbF9zdGF0dXNfbWVzc2FnZT1zBwAAAHJlcGxhY2Vz AQAAACBzAQAAACtzCgAAAChzKSthZGRlZC4oDgAAAHMJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwcAAABjb250ZXh0 cwsAAABjb250ZXh0X29ianMJAAAAcm9sZV90eXBlcwUAAABpdGVtc3MJAAAAX2dldGl0ZXJfcwcA AABsaXN0Ym94cwQAAABsaW5lcwkAAABfZ2V0aXRlbV9zBAAAAE5vbmVzAwAAAGludHMHAAAAbGlu ZV9pZHMEAAAAaXRlbXMHAAAAX3dyaXRlXygPAAAAcwcAAABsaXN0Ym94cwIAAABrd3MJAAAAX2dl dGF0dHJfcwcAAABjb250ZXh0cwsAAABjb250ZXh0X29ianMJAAAAcm9sZV90eXBlcwUAAABpdGVt c3MJAAAAX2dldGl0ZXJfcwQAAABsaW5lcwkAAABfZ2V0aXRlbV9zBAAAAE5vbmVzAwAAAGludHMH AAAAbGluZV9pZHMEAAAAaXRlbXMHAAAAX3dyaXRlXygAAAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0 aG9uKXM1AAAARG9jdW1lbnRBbmFseXNpc19nZW5lcmF0ZURvY3VtZW50QW5hbHlzaXNMZXhpY29u SXRlbXMBAAAAczQAAAASAgYDBgMNAAkBLwEVAQYBEAEZARkBGQEZARkBHAEbAxMDDQAJARUBDwEP AQ8BDwEPAREEKAEAAABzNQAAAERvY3VtZW50QW5hbHlzaXNfZ2VuZXJhdGVEb2N1bWVudEFuYWx5 c2lzTGV4aWNvbkl0ZW1zKAEAAABzNQAAAERvY3VtZW50QW5hbHlzaXNfZ2VuZXJhdGVEb2N1bWVu dEFuYWx5c2lzTGV4aWNvbkl0ZW1zKAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAAU2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pcwgAAAA8 bW9kdWxlPgEAAABzAAAAAA== _filepath Script (Python):/nexedi/portal_skins/erp5_consulting/DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisLexiconItems _owner nexedi acl_users jp _params listbox=[], **kw errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames listbox kw _getattr_ context context_obj role_type items _getiter_ line _getitem_ None int line_id item _write_ func_defaults id DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisLexiconItems warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body first_level_transformation = \\\n { \'portal_type\' : \'Document Analysis Lexicon\'\n , \'data_key\' : \'lexicon_title\'\n , \'data\' : [ { \'input_data_name\' : \'lexicon_title\'\n , \'output_property\' : \'title\'\n }\n , { \'input_data_name\' : \'lexicon_source_type\'\n , \'output_property\' : \'lexicon_source_type\'\n }\n ]\n }\n \n second_level_transformation = \\\n { \'portal_type\' : \'Document Analysis Lexicon Item\'\n , \'data_key\' : \'item_title\'\n , \'data\' : [ { \'input_data_name\' : \'item_title\'\n , \'output_property\' : \'title\'\n }\n , { \'input_data_name\' : \'item_description\'\n , \'output_property\' : \'description\'\n }\n , { \'input_data_name\' : \'type\'\n , \'output_property\' : \'lexicon_item_type\'\n }\n , { \'input_data_name\' : \'ubm\'\n , \'output_property\' : \'lexicon_item_ubm\'\n }\n , { \'input_data_name\' : \'class\'\n , \'output_property\' : \'item_class\'\n }\n , { \'input_data_name\' : \'propertysheet\'\n , \'output_property\' : \'item_property_sheet\'\n }\n ]\n }\n \n fast_input_transformation_rules = [first_level_transformation, second_level_transformation]\n \n context.FastInput_generateTwoLevelObjectStructure( transformation_rules = fast_input_transformation_rules\n , listbox = listbox\n , destination = context.getObject())\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAEAAAABzEAAAAGcAAGQBAIQBAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAcAAAANAAAA SwAAAHMoAQAAaAAABGQBAGQCAAM8BGQDAGQEAAM8BGQFAGgAAARkBgBkBAADPARkBwBkCAADPGgA AARkBgBkCQADPARkBwBkCQADPGcCAAM8fQIAaAAABGQBAGQKAAM8BGQDAGQLAAM8BGQFAGgAAARk BgBkCwADPARkBwBkCAADPGgAAARkBgBkDAADPARkBwBkDQADPGgAAARkBgBkDgADPARkBwBkDwAD PGgAAARkBgBkEAADPARkBwBkEQADPGgAAARkBgBkEgADPARkBwBkEwADPGgAAARkBgBkFAADPARk BwBkFQADPGcGAAM8fQMAfAIAfAMAZwIAfQQAdAMAdAQAZBYAgwIAZBcAfAQAZBgAfAAAZBkAdAMA dAQAZBoAgwIAgwAAgwADAWQAAFMoGwAAAE5zCwAAAHBvcnRhbF90eXBlcxkAAABEb2N1bWVudCBB bmFseXNpcyBMZXhpY29ucwgAAABkYXRhX2tleXMNAAAAbGV4aWNvbl90aXRsZXMEAAAAZGF0YXMP AAAAaW5wdXRfZGF0YV9uYW1lcw8AAABvdXRwdXRfcHJvcGVydHlzBQAAAHRpdGxlcxMAAABsZXhp Y29uX3NvdXJjZV90eXBlcx4AAABEb2N1bWVudCBBbmFseXNpcyBMZXhpY29uIEl0ZW1zCgAAAGl0 ZW1fdGl0bGVzEAAAAGl0ZW1fZGVzY3JpcHRpb25zCwAAAGRlc2NyaXB0aW9ucwQAAAB0eXBlcxEA AABsZXhpY29uX2l0ZW1fdHlwZXMDAAAAdWJtcxAAAABsZXhpY29uX2l0ZW1fdWJtcwUAAABjbGFz c3MKAAAAaXRlbV9jbGFzc3MNAAAAcHJvcGVydHlzaGVldHMTAAAAaXRlbV9wcm9wZXJ0eV9zaGVl dHMpAAAARmFzdElucHV0X2dlbmVyYXRlVHdvTGV2ZWxPYmplY3RTdHJ1Y3R1cmVzFAAAAHRyYW5z Zm9ybWF0aW9uX3J1bGVzcwcAAABsaXN0Ym94cwsAAABkZXN0aW5hdGlvbnMJAAAAZ2V0T2JqZWN0 KAYAAABzGgAAAGZpcnN0X2xldmVsX3RyYW5zZm9ybWF0aW9ucxsAAABzZWNvbmRfbGV2ZWxfdHJh bnNmb3JtYXRpb25zHwAAAGZhc3RfaW5wdXRfdHJhbnNmb3JtYXRpb25fcnVsZXNzCQAAAF9nZXRh dHRyX3MHAAAAY29udGV4dHMHAAAAbGlzdGJveCgHAAAAcwcAAABsaXN0Ym94cwIAAABrd3MaAAAA Zmlyc3RfbGV2ZWxfdHJhbnNmb3JtYXRpb25zGwAAAHNlY29uZF9sZXZlbF90cmFuc2Zvcm1hdGlv bnMfAAAAZmFzdF9pbnB1dF90cmFuc2Zvcm1hdGlvbl9ydWxlc3MJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwcAAABj b250ZXh0KAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAAU2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pczEAAABEb2N1bWVudEFuYWx5c2lz X2dlbmVyYXRlRG9jdW1lbnRBbmFseXNpc0xleGljb25zAQAAAHMeAAAAAAEZAhUDHQYAARkCFQMV AxUDFQMVAx0GDwISAQkBKAEAAABzMQAAAERvY3VtZW50QW5hbHlzaXNfZ2VuZXJhdGVEb2N1bWVu dEFuYWx5c2lzTGV4aWNvbnMoAQAAAHMxAAAARG9jdW1lbnRBbmFseXNpc19nZW5lcmF0ZURvY3Vt ZW50QW5hbHlzaXNMZXhpY29ucygAAAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMIAAAAPG1v ZHVsZT4BAAAAcwAAAAA= _filepath Script (Python):/nexedi/portal_skins/erp5_consulting/DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisLexicons _owner nexedi acl_users jp _params listbox=[], **kw errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames listbox kw first_level_transformation second_level_transformation fast_input_transformation_rules _getattr_ context func_defaults id DocumentAnalysis_generateDocumentAnalysisLexicons warnings Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox id my_description meta_type TextAreaField id my_title meta_type StringField id listbox_description meta_type TextAreaField id listbox_title meta_type StringField id my_id meta_type StringField id listbox_document_analysis_document_type meta_type ListField _owner nexedi acl_users jp action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center my_description hidden listbox_description listbox_title listbox_document_analysis_document_type left my_id my_title right id DocumentAnalysis_viewDocuments listbox AAAAAAAAATQ= listbox_description AAAAAAAAATU= listbox_document_analysis_document_type AAAAAAAAATY= listbox_title AAAAAAAAATc= method POST my_description AAAAAAAAATg= my_id AAAAAAAAATk= my_title AAAAAAAAATo= name DocumentAnalysis_viewDocuments pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Document Analysis : Documents unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox id my_title meta_type StringField id listbox_description meta_type TextAreaField id listbox_title meta_type StringField id my_id meta_type StringField id listbox_lexicon_source_type meta_type ListField id my_description meta_type TextAreaField _owner nexedi acl_users jp action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center my_description hidden listbox_description listbox_title listbox_lexicon_source_type left my_id my_title right id DocumentAnalysis_viewLexicons listbox AAAAAAAAATs= listbox_description AAAAAAAAATw= listbox_lexicon_source_type AAAAAAAAAT0= listbox_title AAAAAAAAAT4= method POST my_description AAAAAAAAAT8= my_id AAAAAAAAAUA= my_title AAAAAAAAAUE= name DocumentAnalysis_viewLexicons pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Document Analysis : Lexicons unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body 0:\n # put data of the line to a structured list \n line_data = []\n for level in line_levels:\n new_level_data = {}\n for io_name_pair in io_names[level]:\n new_level_data[io_name_pair[1]] = line[io_name_pair[0]]\n new_level_data[\'portal_type\'] = level_portal_types[level]\n line_data.append({level : new_level_data})\n \n # save the line data item and the level list in the right order\n ordered_items += line_data\n ordered_levels += line_levels\n \n \n \n # the clean ordered list of data\n clean_data = []\n \n # list of processed level\n processed_level = []\n \n # exclude level-incoherent objects\n for i in range(len(ordered_items)):\n current_item_level = ordered_levels[i]\n current_item_data = ordered_items[i]\n item_ok = False\n \n # handle the "root" item case (must be a 0-level)\n if current_item_level == 0:\n item_ok = True\n \n # to compare with previous items, some must be alredy processed\n if len(processed_level) > 0 and item_ok == False:\n prev_item_level = ordered_levels[i-1]\n \n # the current item and the previous one are follower\n if current_item_level == prev_item_level+1 or current_item_level == prev_item_level:\n item_ok = True\n else:\n # the current item must be in the processed level list to be accepted as sub object\n if current_item_level in processed_level:\n item_ok = True\n \n # item is level-coherent, so keep it \n if item_ok == True:\n # add to the clean list\n clean_data.append(current_item_data.values()[0])\n # add to the processed list of level\n processed_level.append(current_item_level)\n \n clean_levels = processed_level\n \n \n \n # the final structured list of data\n structured_data = []\n \n # create a list of ordered list\n series_list = []\n new_serie = []\n for i in range(len(clean_levels)):\n current_item_level = clean_levels[i]\n current_item_data = clean_data[i]\n \n # handle the "root" item case (must be a 0-level)\n if current_item_level == 0: \n if len(new_serie) > 0:\n series_list.append(new_serie)\n new_serie = [(i, current_item_level)]\n else:\n prev_item_level = clean_levels[i-1] \n # the current item and the previous one are of the same serie\n if current_item_level > prev_item_level:\n new_serie.append((i, current_item_level)) \n elif current_item_level == prev_item_level:\n series_list.append(new_serie)\n new_serie = [(i, current_item_level)]\n \n # the last element must be saved\n series_list.append(new_serie)\n \n \n \n # this function create a serie from a simple data structure\n def simpleStructure(serie):\n previous_level = []\n for (data_id, data_level) in serie[::-1]:\n previous_level = [(data_id, data_level, previous_level)]\n return previous_level\n \n # create the complex data structure\n data_groups = []\n new_group = []\n for serie in series_list:\n simple_struct = simpleStructure(serie)\n # zero delimit the zone between two groups\n if simple_struct[0][1] == 0:\n # save the last group\n if len(new_group) > 0:\n data_groups.append(new_group)\n # start a new group\n new_group = [simple_struct]\n else:\n new_group.append(simple_struct)\n \n # the last element must be saved\n data_groups.append(new_group)\n \n print data_groups\n \n \n # [\n # \n # [\n # [(0, 0, [(1, 1, [])])], \n # [(2, 1, [])], \n # [(3, 1, [])]\n # ], \n # \n # [\n # [(4, 0, [(5, 1, [])])], \n # [(6, 1, [])]\n # ]\n # \n # ]\n # \n # \n # [[(0, 0, [(1, 1, [])])], [(2, 1, [])]] --> [(0, 0, [(1, 1, []), (2, 1, [])])]\n \n def getLastSubList(current_list):\n return current_list[-1][2]\n \n def setLastSubList(current_list, last_sub_list_value):\n current_list[-1][2] = last_sub_list_value\n return current_list\n \n def getListLevel(current_list):\n return current_list[-1][1]\n \n def aggregate(big_list, item_to_add):\n if big_list == []:\n return []\n if getListLevel(big_list) == getListLevel(item_to_add):\n print "big_list " + big_list\n print "item_to_add " + item_to_add\n big_list.append(item_to_add)\n return big_list\n else:\n new_big_list_sub_level = aggregate(getLastSubList(big_list), item_to_add)\n print "new_big_list_sub_level " + new_big_list_sub_level\n print "big_list " + big_list\n return None #setLastSubList(big_list, new_big_list_sub_level)\n \n \n for group in data_groups:\n collapsed_group = group[0]\n for serie_group in group[1:]:\n print serie_group\n collapsed_group = aggregate(collapsed_group, serie_group)\n \n print collapsed_group\n \n \n # if\n # collapsed_group.append()\n \n \n \n # for simple_struct in simple_structures:\n # if simple_struct\n \n \n return printed\n ]]> _code YwAAAAAAAAAABAAAAEAAAABzFgAAAGcAAGcAAGUAAGQBAIQDAFoBAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAwAAAEAA AAAuAAAACwAAAHOuBwAAdAAAgwAAfQUAZAEAawIAbAMAfQcAAWcAAH0IAHhQAHQFAHwAAIMBAERd QgB9CgB4OQB0BQB0CAB8CgBkAgCDAgCDAQBEXSIAfQwAdAoAfAgAZAMAgwIAdAgAfAwAZAQAgwIA gwEAAXFFAFdxKQBXZwAAfQ4AeHgAdAUAfAAAgwEARF1qAH0KAGcAAH0PAHhIAHQFAHQIAHwKAGQC AIMCAIMBAERdMQB9DAB0CgB8DwBkAwCDAgB0CAB8DABkBACDAgB0CAB8DABkBQCDAgBnAgCDAQAB caQAV3QKAHwOAGQDAIMCAHwPAIMBAAFxggBXZwAAfRAAeDAAdAUAfAAAgwEARF0iAH0KAHQKAHwQ AGQDAIMCAHQIAHwKAGQGAIMCAIMBAAFxAwFXZwAAfREAeIMAdAUAfAAAgwEARF11AH0KAGcAAH0S AHhTAHQFAHQIAHwKAGQCAIMCAIMBAERdPAB9DAB0CAB8DABkBwCDAgB0EABqAgBvIAABdAoAfBIA ZAMAgwIAdAgAfAwAZAQAgwIAgwEAAXFeAQFxXgFXdAoAfBEAZAMAgwIAfBIAgwEAAXE8AVdnAAB9 FAB4lgB0BQB8AQCDAQBEXYgAfRUAdAoAfBUAZAgAgwIAZAkAgwEAb2wAAWgAAH0WAHQVAHQIAHwV AGQJAIMCAIMBAHQWAHwWAIMBAGQKADx4LQB0BQB8CACDAQBEXR8AfRkAdAgAfBUAfBkAgwIAdBYA fBYAgwEAfBkAPHEWAld0CgB8FABkAwCDAgB8FgCDAQABccgBAXHIAVd0CgB8FABkCwCDAgBkDACE AACDAQABZwAAfRoAZwAAfRsAeH4BdAUAfBQAgwEARF1wAX0WAGcAAH0cAGQNAAt9HQB4jAB0BQB8 EQCDAQBEXX4AfR4AfB0AZA0AN30dAHQdAH0gAHhBAHQFAHweAIMBAERdMwB9IQB0CAB8FgB8IQCD AgBkDgB0HQBmAgBqBgBvCwABdCAAfSAAUHHGAgF0EAB9IABxxgJXfCAAdCAAagMAbxcAAXQKAHwc AGQDAIMCAHwdAIMBAAFxowIBcaMCV3QhAHwcAIMBAGQPAGoEAG+7AAFnAAB9JAB4mgB0BQB8HACD AQBEXYwAfSUAaAAAfSYAeEgAdAUAdAgAfA4AfCUAgwIAgwEARF0xAH0nAHQIAHwWAHQIAHwnAGQP AIMCAIMCAHQWAHwmAIMBAHQIAHwnAGQNAIMCADxxbQNXdAgAfBAAfCUAgwIAdBYAfCYAgwEAZAYA PHQKAHwkAGQDAIMCAGgAAAR8JQB8JgADPIMBAAFxSwNXfBoAfCQAN30aAHwbAHwcADd9GwBxgwIB cYMCV2cAAH0oAGcAAH0pAHgdAXQFAHQoAHQhAHwaAIMBAIMBAIMBAERdAwF9KwB0CAB8GwB8KwCD AgB9LAB0CAB8GgB8KwCDAgB9LQB0IAB9LgB8LABkDwBqAgBvCgABdBAAfS4AbgEAAXQhAHwpAIMB 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bGVucwkAAABsaW5lX2RhdGFzBQAAAGxldmVscw4AAABuZXdfbGV2ZWxfZGF0YXMMAAAAaW9fbmFt ZV9wYWlycwoAAABjbGVhbl9kYXRhcw8AAABwcm9jZXNzZWRfbGV2ZWxzBQAAAHJhbmdlcwEAAABp cxIAAABjdXJyZW50X2l0ZW1fbGV2ZWxzEQAAAGN1cnJlbnRfaXRlbV9kYXRhcwcAAABpdGVtX29r cw8AAABwcmV2X2l0ZW1fbGV2ZWxzDAAAAGNsZWFuX2xldmVsc3MPAAAAc3RydWN0dXJlZF9kYXRh cwsAAABzZXJpZXNfbGlzdHMJAAAAbmV3X3Nlcmllcw8AAABzaW1wbGVTdHJ1Y3R1cmVzCwAAAGRh dGFfZ3JvdXBzcwkAAABuZXdfZ3JvdXBzBQAAAHNlcmllcw0AAABzaW1wbGVfc3RydWN0cw4AAABn ZXRMYXN0U3ViTGlzdHMOAAAAc2V0TGFzdFN1Ykxpc3RzDAAAAGdldExpc3RMZXZlbHMJAAAAYWdn cmVnYXRlcwUAAABncm91cHMPAAAAY29sbGFwc2VkX2dyb3VwcwsAAABzZXJpZV9ncm91cCgAAAAA KAMAAABzDgAAAGdldExhc3RTdWJMaXN0cwkAAABhZ2dyZWdhdGVzDAAAAGdldExpc3RMZXZlbHMP AAAAU2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pcyEAAABGYXN0SW5wdXRfZ2VuZXJhdGVPYmplY3RTdHJ1Y3R1cmUB AAAAcwYBAAAWDAYBDQAGARYACQEhCAYBDQAGAQYBFgAJAS8BFAMGAQ0ACQEdBAYBDQAGAQYBFgAG ARkBJAEUBQYDDQAJARMBBgEfAQ0ABgEgARsDEwUGAQYDDQAGAwYDBwENAAYCCgEGAg0ABgEcAQYB BQIKAxACGAMTAgYBDQAGAQYBFgAGAS8BHAEdAwoBEgUGAwYDGQAGAQ8BDwEGAw0BCgMgARMDHgEK Aw0BDgMQAigCGAIGBQYDBgEGARkABgEPAQ8DDQEWARQBEwITAhABGgEQARABGgMQBQkHBgEGAQ0A BgEMAh8CFgEUAhACFwMQAgoVCQMJBAkDEg8NAAYBDwEcAAYBCgETAg4MKAIAAABzBAAAAE5vbmVz IQAAAEZhc3RJbnB1dF9nZW5lcmF0ZU9iamVjdFN0cnVjdHVyZSgCAAAAcwQAAABOb25lcyEAAABG YXN0SW5wdXRfZ2VuZXJhdGVPYmplY3RTdHJ1Y3R1cmUoAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQgKFB5 dGhvbilzCAAAADxtb2R1bGU+AQAAAHMAAAAA _filepath Script (Python):/nexedi/portal_skins/erp5_consulting/FastInput_generateObjectStructure _owner nexedi acl_users jp _params transformation_rules=[], listbox=[], destination=None, **kw errors func_code co_argcount 3 co_varnames transformation_rules listbox destination kw _print_ _print string zfill input_data_names _getiter_ level_rule _getitem_ data_item _getattr_ io_names new_io_names_level level_portal_types required_field new_required_level True fast_input_lines inputline line int _write_ data_name ordered_items ordered_levels line_levels level_depth required_level None valid_level field_to_test False len line_data level new_level_data io_name_pair clean_data processed_level range i current_item_level current_item_data item_ok prev_item_level clean_levels structured_data series_list new_serie simpleStructure data_groups new_group serie simple_struct getLastSubList setLastSubList getListLevel aggregate group collapsed_group serie_group func_defaults id FastInput_generateObjectStructure warnings Prints, but never reads \'printed\' variable. Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body from string import zfill\n \n ##################################################\n #### About the transformation_rules structure ####\n # a key indicate that input of that level having the same value must be grouped together\n # the key has the value of one \'input_data_name\' of the corresponding level\n # a key is unique and required (in this version)\n ##################################################\n \n # some analysis of transformation rules\n # get all input data names\n input_data_names = []\n for level_rule in transformation_rules:\n for data_item in level_rule[\'data\']:\n input_data_names.append(data_item[\'input_data_name\'])\n # get a level-ordered list of key\n data_keys = []\n for level_rule in transformation_rules:\n data_keys.append(level_rule[\'data_key\'])\n # get a level-ordered list of input/output name pairs\n io_names = []\n for level_rule in transformation_rules:\n new_io_names_level = []\n for data_item in level_rule[\'data\']:\n new_io_names_level.append([data_item[\'input_data_name\'], data_item[\'output_property\']])\n io_names.append(new_io_names_level)\n # get a level-ordered list of portal_types\n level_portal_types = []\n for level_rule in transformation_rules:\n level_portal_types.append(level_rule[\'portal_type\'])\n \n # this list contain all fast input lines\n fast_input_lines = []\n \n # get the fast input form datas\n for inputline in listbox:\n if inputline.has_key(\'listbox_key\'):\n line = {}\n line[\'id\'] = int(inputline[\'listbox_key\'])\n for data_name in input_data_names:\n line[data_name] = inputline[data_name]\n fast_input_lines.append(line)\n \n # sort the list by id to have the same order of the user\n fast_input_lines.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[\'id\'], y[\'id\']))\n \n structured_input_data = {}\n has_1st_level = False\n has_2nd_level = False\n new_1st_level_sub_items = None\n \n # scan every fast input line to create a structured and comprehensive list of items\n for line in fast_input_lines:\n # the line has first level informations\n if line[data_keys[0]] not in (\'\', None):\n has_1st_level = True\n new_1st_level_sub_items = []\n new_1st_level_properties = {}\n new_1st_level_key = line[data_keys[0]]\n for io_name_pair in io_names[0]:\n new_1st_level_properties[io_name_pair[1]] = line[io_name_pair[0]]\n else:\n has_1st_level = False\n \n # the line has second level informations, so built the second level\n if line[data_keys[1]] not in (\'\', None):\n has_2nd_level = True\n new_2nd_level_item = {}\n for io_name_pair in io_names[1]:\n new_2nd_level_item[io_name_pair[1]] = line[io_name_pair[0]]\n else:\n has_2nd_level = False\n \n if has_2nd_level == True and new_1st_level_sub_items != None:\n new_1st_level_sub_items.append(new_2nd_level_item)\n \n if has_1st_level == True:\n if structured_input_data.has_key(new_1st_level_key):\n new_1st_level_sub_items = structured_input_data[new_1st_level_key][1] + new_1st_level_sub_items\n else:\n structured_input_data[new_1st_level_key] = [None, None]\n structured_input_data[new_1st_level_key][0] = new_1st_level_properties\n structured_input_data[new_1st_level_key][1] = new_1st_level_sub_items\n \n # create items objects and sub-objects\n for upper_level_key in structured_input_data:\n first_level = structured_input_data[upper_level_key][0]\n new_1st_level_obj = destination.newContent(portal_type = level_portal_types[0])\n for property_title in first_level.keys():\n new_1st_level_obj.setProperty(property_title, first_level[property_title])\n second_level_id = 0\n for second_level in structured_input_data[upper_level_key][1]:\n second_level_id += 10\n new_2nd_level_obj = new_1st_level_obj.newContent( portal_type = level_portal_types[1]\n , id = zfill(second_level_id, 4)\n )\n for property_title in second_level.keys():\n new_2nd_level_obj.setProperty(property_title, second_level[property_title])\n \n # return to the module\n return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(destination.absolute_url() + \'?portal_status_message=\' + level_portal_types[0].replace(\' \', \'+\') + \'(s)+added.\')\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAABAAAAEAAAABzFgAAAGcAAGcAAGUAAGQBAIQDAFoBAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAwAAACkA AAAmAAAASwAAAHPABQAAZAEAawAAbAEAfQUAAWcAAH0GAHhQAHQDAHwAAIMBAERdQgB9CAB4OQB0 AwB0BgB8CABkAgCDAgCDAQBEXSIAfQoAdAgAfAYAZAMAgwIAdAYAfAoAZAQAgwIAgwEAAXE8AFdx IABXZwAAfQwAeDAAdAMAfAAAgwEARF0iAH0IAHQIAHwMAGQDAIMCAHQGAHwIAGQFAIMCAIMBAAFx eQBXZwAAfQ0AeHgAdAMAfAAAgwEARF1qAH0IAGcAAH0OAHhIAHQDAHQGAHwIAGQCAIMCAIMBAERd MQB9CgB0CAB8DgBkAwCDAgB0BgB8CgBkBACDAgB0BgB8CgBkBgCDAgBnAgCDAQABcdQAV3QIAHwN AGQDAIMCAHwOAIMBAAFxsgBXZwAAfQ8AeDAAdAMAfAAAgwEARF0iAH0IAHQIAHwPAGQDAIMCAHQG AHwIAGQHAIMCAIMBAAFxMwFXZwAAfRAAeJYAdAMAfAEAgwEARF2IAH0RAHQIAHwRAGQIAIMCAGQJ AIMBAG9sAAFoAAB9EgB0EQB0BgB8EQBkCQCDAgCDAQB0EgB8EgCDAQBkCgA8eC0AdAMAfAYAgwEA RF0fAH0VAHQGAHwRAHwVAIMCAHQSAHwSAIMBAHwVADxxugFXdAgAfBAAZAMAgwIAfBIAgwEAAXFs AQFxbAFXdAgAfBAAZAsAgwIAZAwAhAAAgwEAAWgAAH0WAHQVAH0YAHQVAH0ZAHQYAH0bAHj+AXQD AHwQAIMBAERd8AF9EgB0BgB8EgB0BgB8DABkDQCDAgCDAgBkDgB0GABmAgBqBwBveQABdBoAfRgA ZwAAfRsAaAAAfR0AdAYAfBIAdAYAfAwAZA0AgwIAgwIAfR4AeFIAdAMAdAYAfA0AZA0AgwIAgwEA RF0xAH0fAHQGAHwSAHQGAHwfAGQNAIMCAIMCAHQSAHwdAIMBAHQGAHwfAGQPAIMCADxxngJXbgcA AXQVAH0YAHQGAHwSAHQGAHwMAGQPAIMCAIMCAGQOAHQYAGYCAGoHAG9bAAF0GgB9GQBoAAB9IAB4 UgB0AwB0BgB8DQBkDwCDAgCDAQBEXTEAfR8AdAYAfBIAdAYAfB8AZA0AgwIAgwIAdBIAfCAAgwEA dAYAfB8AZA8AgwIAPHEkA1duBwABdBUAfRkAfBkAdBoAagIAbwoAAXwbAHQYAGoDAG8XAAF0CAB8 GwBkAwCDAgB8IACDAQABbgEAAXwYAHQaAGoCAG+CAAF0CAB8FgBkCACDAgB8HgCDAQBvIAABdAYA dAYAfBYAfB4AgwIAZA8AgwIAfBsAF30bAG4wAAF0GAB0GABnAgB0EgB8FgCDAQB8HgA8fB0AdBIA dAYAfBYAfB4AgwIAgwEAZA0APHwbAHQSAHQGAHwWAHweAIMCAIMBAGQPADxxMwIBcTMCV3g6AXQD AHwWAIMBAERdLAF9IQB0BgB0BgB8FgB8IQCDAgBkDQCDAgB9IgB0CAB8AgBkEACDAgBkBwB0BgB8 DwBkDQCDAgCDAAF9IwB4PwB0AwB0CAB8IgBkEQCDAgCDAACDAQBEXSUAfSQAdAgAfCMAZBIAgwIA fCQAdAYAfCIAfCQAgwIAgwIAAXGMBFdkDQB9JQB4ogB0AwB0BgB0BgB8FgB8IQCDAgBkDwCDAgCD AQBEXYIAfSYAfCUAZBMAN30lAHQIAHwjAGQQAIMCAGQHAHQGAHwPAGQPAIMCAGQKAHwFAHwlAGQU AIMCAIMAAn0nAHg/AHQDAHQIAHwmAGQRAIMCAIMAAIMBAERdJQB9JAB0CAB8JwBkEgCDAgB8JAB0 BgB8JgB8JACDAgCDAgABcTMFV3HaBFdxNARXdAgAdAgAdAgAdCcAZBUAgwIAZBYAgwIAZBcAgwIA dAgAfAIAZBgAgwIAgwAAZBkAF3QIAHQGAHwPAGQNAIMCAGQaAIMCAGQbAGQcAIMCABdkHQAXgwEA U2QAAFMoHgAAAE4oAQAAAHMFAAAAemZpbGxzBAAAAGRhdGFzBgAAAGFwcGVuZHMPAAAAaW5wdXRf ZGF0YV9uYW1lcwgAAABkYXRhX2tleXMPAAAAb3V0cHV0X3Byb3BlcnR5cwsAAABwb3J0YWxfdHlw ZXMHAAAAaGFzX2tleXMLAAAAbGlzdGJveF9rZXlzAgAAAGlkcwQAAABzb3J0YwIAAAAEAAAABQAA AEMAAABzHwAAAHQAAHQBAHwAAGQBAIMCAHQBAHwBAGQBAIMCAIMCAFMoAgAAAE5zAgAAAGlkKAQA AABzAwAAAGNtcHMJAAAAX2dldGl0ZW1fcwEAAAB4cwEAAAB5KAQAAABzAQAAAHhzAQAAAHlzAwAA AGNtcHMJAAAAX2dldGl0ZW1fKAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAAU2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pcwsAAAA8bGFt YmRhLjEzPi0AAABzAAAAAGkAAAAAcwAAAABpAQAAAHMKAAAAbmV3Q29udGVudHMEAAAAa2V5c3ML AAAAc2V0UHJvcGVydHlpCgAAAGkEAAAAcwcAAABSRVFVRVNUcwgAAABSRVNQT05TRXMIAAAAcmVk aXJlY3RzDAAAAGFic29sdXRlX3VybHMXAAAAP3BvcnRhbF9zdGF0dXNfbWVzc2FnZT1zBwAAAHJl cGxhY2VzAQAAACBzAQAAACtzCgAAAChzKSthZGRlZC4oKAAAAHMGAAAAc3RyaW5ncwUAAAB6Zmls bHMQAAAAaW5wdXRfZGF0YV9uYW1lc3MJAAAAX2dldGl0ZXJfcxQAAAB0cmFuc2Zvcm1hdGlvbl9y dWxlc3MKAAAAbGV2ZWxfcnVsZXMJAAAAX2dldGl0ZW1fcwkAAABkYXRhX2l0ZW1zCQAAAF9nZXRh dHRyX3MJAAAAZGF0YV9rZXlzcwgAAABpb19uYW1lc3MSAAAAbmV3X2lvX25hbWVzX2xldmVscxIA AABsZXZlbF9wb3J0YWxfdHlwZXNzEAAAAGZhc3RfaW5wdXRfbGluZXNzBwAAAGxpc3Rib3hzCQAA AGlucHV0bGluZXMEAAAAbGluZXMDAAAAaW50cwcAAABfd3JpdGVfcwkAAABkYXRhX25hbWVzFQAA AHN0cnVjdHVyZWRfaW5wdXRfZGF0YXMFAAAARmFsc2VzDQAAAGhhc18xc3RfbGV2ZWxzDQAAAGhh c18ybmRfbGV2ZWxzBAAAAE5vbmVzFwAAAG5ld18xc3RfbGV2ZWxfc3ViX2l0ZW1zcwQAAABUcnVl cxgAAABuZXdfMXN0X2xldmVsX3Byb3BlcnRpZXNzEQAAAG5ld18xc3RfbGV2ZWxfa2V5cwwAAABp b19uYW1lX3BhaXJzEgAAAG5ld18ybmRfbGV2ZWxfaXRlbXMPAAAAdXBwZXJfbGV2ZWxfa2V5cwsA AABmaXJzdF9sZXZlbHMLAAAAZGVzdGluYXRpb25zEQAAAG5ld18xc3RfbGV2ZWxfb2Jqcw4AAABw cm9wZXJ0eV90aXRsZXMPAAAAc2Vjb25kX2xldmVsX2lkcwwAAABzZWNvbmRfbGV2ZWxzEQAAAG5l d18ybmRfbGV2ZWxfb2JqcwcAAABjb250ZXh0KCkAAABzFAAAAHRyYW5zZm9ybWF0aW9uX3J1bGVz cwcAAABsaXN0Ym94cwsAAABkZXN0aW5hdGlvbnMCAAAAa3dzBgAAAHN0cmluZ3MFAAAAemZpbGxz EAAAAGlucHV0X2RhdGFfbmFtZXNzCQAAAF9nZXRpdGVyX3MKAAAAbGV2ZWxfcnVsZXMJAAAAX2dl dGl0ZW1fcwkAAABkYXRhX2l0ZW1zCQAAAF9nZXRhdHRyX3MJAAAAZGF0YV9rZXlzcwgAAABpb19u YW1lc3MSAAAAbmV3X2lvX25hbWVzX2xldmVscxIAAABsZXZlbF9wb3J0YWxfdHlwZXNzEAAAAGZh c3RfaW5wdXRfbGluZXNzCQAAAGlucHV0bGluZXMEAAAAbGluZXMDAAAAaW50cwcAAABfd3JpdGVf cwkAAABkYXRhX25hbWVzFQAAAHN0cnVjdHVyZWRfaW5wdXRfZGF0YXMFAAAARmFsc2VzDQAAAGhh c18xc3RfbGV2ZWxzDQAAAGhhc18ybmRfbGV2ZWxzBAAAAE5vbmVzFwAAAG5ld18xc3RfbGV2ZWxf c3ViX2l0ZW1zcwQAAABUcnVlcxgAAABuZXdfMXN0X2xldmVsX3Byb3BlcnRpZXNzEQAAAG5ld18x c3RfbGV2ZWxfa2V5cwwAAABpb19uYW1lX3BhaXJzEgAAAG5ld18ybmRfbGV2ZWxfaXRlbXMPAAAA dXBwZXJfbGV2ZWxfa2V5cwsAAABmaXJzdF9sZXZlbHMRAAAAbmV3XzFzdF9sZXZlbF9vYmpzDgAA AHByb3BlcnR5X3RpdGxlcw8AAABzZWNvbmRfbGV2ZWxfaWRzDAAAAHNlY29uZF9sZXZlbHMRAAAA bmV3XzJuZF9sZXZlbF9vYmpzBwAAAGNvbnRleHQoAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQgKFB5dGhv bilzKQAAAEZhc3RJbnB1dF9nZW5lcmF0ZVR3b0xldmVsT2JqZWN0U3RydWN0dXJlAQAAAHOgAAAA DQsGAQ0ABgEWAAkBIQIGAQ0ACQEdAgYBDQAGAQYBFgAJAS8BFAIGAQ0ACQEdAwYDDQAJARMBBgEf AQ0ABgEgARsDEwIGAQYBBgEGAw0ABgIlAQYBBgEGARgBFgAGATMCBgMlAQYBBgEWAAYBMwIGAh0B FAIQARMBIAIWARkBIQMNAAYBGAEhARkACQEgAQYBHwAGAQoBHgESAhkACQEoAygCAAAAcwQAAABO b25lcykAAABGYXN0SW5wdXRfZ2VuZXJhdGVUd29MZXZlbE9iamVjdFN0cnVjdHVyZSgCAAAAcwQA AABOb25lcykAAABGYXN0SW5wdXRfZ2VuZXJhdGVUd29MZXZlbE9iamVjdFN0cnVjdHVyZSgAAAAA KAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMIAAAAPG1vZHVsZT4BAAAAcwAAAAA= _filepath Script (Python):/nexedi/portal_skins/erp5_consulting/FastInput_generateTwoLevelObjectStructure _owner nexedi acl_users jp _params transformation_rules=[], listbox=[], destination=None, **kw errors func_code co_argcount 3 co_varnames transformation_rules listbox destination kw string zfill input_data_names _getiter_ level_rule _getitem_ data_item _getattr_ data_keys io_names new_io_names_level level_portal_types fast_input_lines inputline line int _write_ data_name structured_input_data False has_1st_level has_2nd_level None new_1st_level_sub_items True new_1st_level_properties new_1st_level_key io_name_pair new_2nd_level_item upper_level_key first_level new_1st_level_obj property_title second_level_id second_level new_2nd_level_obj context func_defaults id FastInput_generateTwoLevelObjectStructure warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body from Products.ERP5Type.Document import newTempBase\n from string import zfill\n \n global portal_object, new_id, l\n \n portal_object = context.getPortalObject()\n new_id = 0\n l = []\n \n # function to create a new fast input line\n def createInputLine():\n global portal_object, new_id, l\n new_id += 1\n int_len = 3\n o = newTempBase( portal_object\n , str(new_id)\n , uid =\'new_%s\' % zfill(new_id, int_len)\n )\n l.append(o)\n \n # generate all lines for the fast input form\n for x in range(lines_num):\n createInputLine()\n \n # return the list of fast input lines\n return l\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAEAAAABzEAAAAGQBAGQCAIQBAFoAAGQAAFMoAwAAAE5pBwAAAGMBAAAADwAA AAkAAAALAAAAc3MAAABkAQBrAABsAQCJAAABZAIAawIAbAMAiQEAAXQEAHQFAGQDAIMCAIMAAGEG AGQEAGEHAGcAAGEIAIcAAIcBAGQFAIYAAH0LAHghAHQKAHQLAHwAAIMBAIMBAERdDQB9DgB8CwCD AAABcVoAV3QIAFNkAABTKAYAAABOKAEAAABzCwAAAG5ld1RlbXBCYXNlKAEAAABzBQAAAHpmaWxs cw8AAABnZXRQb3J0YWxPYmplY3RpAAAAAGMAAAAACQAAAAoAAAADAAAAc08AAAB0AABkAQA3YQAA ZAIAfQEAiAAAdAMAdAQAdAAAgwEAZAMAZAQAiAEAdAAAfAEAgwIAFoMCAX0GAHQHAHQIAGQFAIMC AHwGAIMBAAFkAABTKAYAAABOaQEAAABpAwAAAHMDAAAAdWlkcwYAAABuZXdfJXNzBgAAAGFwcGVu ZCgJAAAAcwYAAABuZXdfaWRzBwAAAGludF9sZW5zCwAAAG5ld1RlbXBCYXNlcw0AAABwb3J0YWxf b2JqZWN0cwMAAABzdHJzBQAAAHpmaWxscwEAAABvcwkAAABfZ2V0YXR0cl9zAQAAAGwoCQAAAHMG AAAAbmV3X2lkcwcAAABpbnRfbGVucwsAAABuZXdUZW1wQmFzZXMNAAAAcG9ydGFsX29iamVjdHMD AAAAc3RycwUAAAB6ZmlsbHMBAAAAb3MJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwEAAABsKAIAAABzCwAAAG5ld1Rl bXBCYXNlcwUAAAB6ZmlsbCgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQgKFB5dGhvbilzDwAAAGNyZWF0ZUlucHV0 TGluZQsAAABzDAAAAAACCgEGAQYBDwEWAigOAAAAcxoAAABQcm9kdWN0cy5FUlA1VHlwZS5Eb2N1 bWVudHMLAAAAbmV3VGVtcEJhc2VzBgAAAHN0cmluZ3MFAAAAemZpbGxzCQAAAF9nZXRhdHRyX3MH AAAAY29udGV4dHMNAAAAcG9ydGFsX29iamVjdHMGAAAAbmV3X2lkcwEAAABscw8AAABjcmVhdGVJ bnB1dExpbmVzCQAAAF9nZXRpdGVyX3MFAAAAcmFuZ2VzCQAAAGxpbmVzX251bXMBAAAAeCgPAAAA cwkAAABsaW5lc19udW1zAgAAAGt3cxoAAABQcm9kdWN0cy5FUlA1VHlwZS5Eb2N1bWVudHMLAAAA bmV3VGVtcEJhc2VzBgAAAHN0cmluZ3MFAAAAemZpbGxzCQAAAF9nZXRhdHRyX3MHAAAAY29udGV4 dHMNAAAAcG9ydGFsX29iamVjdHMGAAAAbmV3X2lkcwEAAABscw8AAABjcmVhdGVJbnB1dExpbmVz CQAAAF9nZXRpdGVyX3MFAAAAcmFuZ2VzAQAAAHgoAAAAACgCAAAAcwsAAABuZXdUZW1wQmFzZXMF AAAAemZpbGxzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMUAAAARmFzdElucHV0X2luaXRpYWxpemUBAAAA cxIAAAANAQ0EEgEGAQYDDwsTAAYBCwMoAQAAAHMUAAAARmFzdElucHV0X2luaXRpYWxpemUoAQAA AHMUAAAARmFzdElucHV0X2luaXRpYWxpemUoAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQgKFB5dGhvbilz CAAAADxtb2R1bGU+AQAAAHMAAAAA _filepath Script (Python):/nexedi/portal_skins/erp5_consulting/FastInput_initialize _owner nexedi acl_users jp _params lines_num=7, **kw errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames lines_num kw Products.ERP5Type.Document newTempBase string zfill _getattr_ context portal_object new_id l createInputLine _getiter_ range x func_defaults 7 id FastInput_initialize warnings Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_title meta_type StringField id my_description meta_type TextAreaField id listbox meta_type ListBox _owner nexedi acl_users jp action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom groups bottom listbox center my_description left my_title right id FeatureDocument_view listbox AAAAAAAAAUI= method POST my_description AAAAAAAAAUM= my_title AAAAAAAAAUQ= name Feature_view pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Feature Document unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox id my_feature_document_description meta_type TextAreaField id my_feature_document_title meta_type StringField id listbox_feature_title meta_type StringField id listbox_sub_feature_description meta_type TextAreaField id listbox_sub_feature_title meta_type StringField _owner nexedi acl_users jp action Feature_generateFeatures encoding UTF-8 enctype multipart/form-data group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center hidden listbox_feature_title listbox_sub_feature_description listbox_sub_feature_title left my_feature_document_title my_feature_document_description right id Feature_addDocumentFastInput listbox AAAAAAAAAUU= listbox_feature_title AAAAAAAAAUY= listbox_sub_feature_description AAAAAAAAAUc= listbox_sub_feature_title AAAAAAAAAUg= method POST my_feature_document_description AAAAAAAAAUk= my_feature_document_title AAAAAAAAAUo= name Feature_generateFeatures pt form_view_dialog row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Add document with features unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox id listbox_feature_title meta_type StringField id listbox_sub_feature_description meta_type TextAreaField id listbox_sub_feature_title meta_type StringField _owner nexedi acl_users jp action Feature_generateFeatures encoding UTF-8 enctype multipart/form-data group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center hidden listbox_feature_title listbox_sub_feature_description listbox_sub_feature_title left right id Feature_addFeaturesFastInput listbox AAAAAAAAAUs= listbox_feature_title AAAAAAAAAUw= listbox_sub_feature_description AAAAAAAAAU0= listbox_sub_feature_title AAAAAAAAAU4= method POST name Feature_generateFeatures pt form_view_dialog row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Add features unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body context_obj = context.getObject()\n \n feature_module_type = \'Feature Module\'\n feature_document_type = \'Feature Document\'\n feature_type = \'Feature\'\n \n if context_obj.getPortalType() == feature_module_type:\n # we are in a module, so create a feature document\n feature_doc = context_obj.newContent( portal_type = feature_document_type\n , title = kw[\'feature_document_title\']\n , description = kw[\'feature_document_description\']\n )\n destination_obj = feature_doc\n elif context_obj.getPortalType() in (feature_document_type, feature_type):\n destination_obj = context_obj\n else:\n return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(context.absolute_url() + \'?portal_status_message=Error:+bad+context.\')\n \n # this list contain all features items\n features_items = []\n \n # get the user information\n for feature_line in listbox:\n if feature_line.has_key(\'listbox_key\'):\n feature_line_id = int(feature_line[\'listbox_key\'])\n feature = {}\n feature[\'id\'] = feature_line_id\n feature[\'title\'] = feature_line[\'feature_title\']\n feature[\'sub_title\'] = feature_line[\'sub_feature_title\']\n feature[\'sub_description\'] = feature_line[\'sub_feature_description\']\n features_items.append(feature)\n \n # sort the features list by id to have the same order of the user\n features_items.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[\'id\'], y[\'id\']))\n \n clean_features = {}\n has_1st_level_feature = False\n has_2nd_level_feature = False\n new_1st_level_feature = None\n \n # scan every fast input line to create a structured and comprehensive list of features and sub-features\n for feature_item in features_items:\n # the item has a first level feature\n if feature_item[\'title\'] not in (\'\', None):\n has_1st_level_feature = True\n new_1st_level_feature = []\n new_1st_level_feature_title = feature_item[\'title\']\n else:\n has_1st_level_feature = False\n \n # the item has a second level feature, built it\n if feature_item[\'sub_title\'] not in (\'\', None):\n has_2nd_level_feature = True\n new_2nd_level_feat = {}\n new_2nd_level_feat[\'title\'] = feature_item[\'sub_title\']\n if feature_item[\'sub_title\'] not in (\'\', None):\n new_2nd_level_feat[\'description\'] = feature_item[\'sub_description\']\n else:\n new_2nd_level_feat[\'description\'] = None\n else:\n has_2nd_level_feature = False\n \n if has_2nd_level_feature == True and new_1st_level_feature != None:\n new_1st_level_feature.append(new_2nd_level_feat)\n \n if has_1st_level_feature == True:\n if clean_features.has_key(new_1st_level_feature_title):\n new_1st_level_feature = clean_features[new_1st_level_feature_title] + new_1st_level_feature\n clean_features[new_1st_level_feature_title] = new_1st_level_feature\n \n # create feature objects and sub-features\n for key in clean_features.keys():\n new_1st_feature = destination_obj.newContent( portal_type = feature_type\n , title = key\n )\n for second_level in clean_features[key]:\n new_2nd_feature = new_1st_feature.newContent( portal_type = feature_type\n , title = second_level[\'title\']\n , description = second_level[\'description\']\n )\n \n # return to the feature module\n return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(context.absolute_url() + \'?portal_status_message=Feature+document+added.\')\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAEAAAABzEAAAAGcAAGQBAIQBAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAACAAAAAgAAAA SwAAAHMEBAAAdAAAdAEAZAEAgwIAgwAAfQQAZAIAfQUAZAMAfQYAZAQAfQcAdAAAfAQAZAUAgwIA gwAAfAUAagIAb0AAAXQAAHwEAGQGAIMCAGQHAHwGAGQIAHQGAHwBAGQJAIMCAGQKAHQGAHwBAGQL AIMCAIMAA30JAHwJAH0KAG5fAAF0AAB8BABkBQCDAgCDAAB8BgB8BwBmAgBqBgBvCgABfAQAfQoA bjYAAXQAAHQAAHQAAHQBAGQMAIMCAGQNAIMCAGQOAIMCAHQAAHQBAGQPAIMCAIMAAGQQABeDAQBT ZwAAfQsAeLcAdAsAfAAAgwEARF2pAH0NAHQAAHwNAGQRAIMCAGQSAIMBAG+NAAF0DgB0BgB8DQBk EgCDAgCDAQB9DwBoAAB9EAB8DwB0EQB8EACDAQBkEwA8dAYAfA0AZBQAgwIAdBEAfBAAgwEAZAgA PHQGAHwNAGQVAIMCAHQRAHwQAIMBAGQWADx0BgB8DQBkFwCDAgB0EQB8EACDAQBkGAA8dAAAfAsA ZBkAgwIAfBAAgwEAAXHuAAFx7gBXdAAAfAsAZBoAgwIAZBsAhAAAgwEAAWgAAH0SAHQTAH0UAHQT AH0VAHQWAH0XAHhoAXQLAHwLAIMBAERdWgF9GAB0BgB8GABkCACDAgBkHAB0FgBmAgBqBwBvHwAB dBkAfRQAZwAAfRcAdAYAfBgAZAgAgwIAfRoAbgcAAXQTAH0UAHQGAHwYAGQWAIMCAGQcAHQWAGYC AGoHAG9yAAF0GQB9FQBoAAB9GwB0BgB8GABkFgCDAgB0EQB8GwCDAQBkCAA8dAYAfBgAZBYAgwIA ZBwAdBYAZgIAagcAbx0AAXQGAHwYAGQYAIMCAHQRAHwbAIMBAGQKADxxsQIBdBYAdBEAfBsAgwEA ZAoAPG4HAAF0EwB9FQB8FQB0GQBqAgBvCgABfBcAdBYAagMAbxcAAXQAAHwXAGQZAIMCAHwbAIMB AAFuAQABfBQAdBkAagIAb0EAAXQAAHwSAGQRAIMCAHwaAIMBAG8XAAF0BgB8EgB8GgCDAgB8FwAX fRcAbgEAAXwXAHQRAHwSAIMBAHwaADxx1gEBcdYBV3iUAHQLAHQAAHwSAGQdAIMCAIMAAIMBAERd egB9HAB0AAB8CgBkBgCDAgBkBwB8BwBkCAB8HACDAAJ9HQB4UwB0CwB0BgB8EgB8HACDAgCDAQBE XTwAfR4AdAAAfB0AZAYAgwIAZAcAfAcAZAgAdAYAfB4AZAgAgwIAZAoAdAYAfB4AZAoAgwIAgwAD fR8AcYcDV3FNA1d0AAB0AAB0AAB0AQBkDACDAgBkDQCDAgBkDgCDAgB0AAB0AQBkDwCDAgCDAABk HgAXgwEAU2QAAFMoHwAAAE5zCQAAAGdldE9iamVjdHMOAAAARmVhdHVyZSBNb2R1bGVzEAAAAEZl YXR1cmUgRG9jdW1lbnRzBwAAAEZlYXR1cmVzDQAAAGdldFBvcnRhbFR5cGVzCgAAAG5ld0NvbnRl bnRzCwAAAHBvcnRhbF90eXBlcwUAAAB0aXRsZXMWAAAAZmVhdHVyZV9kb2N1bWVudF90aXRsZXML AAAAZGVzY3JpcHRpb25zHAAAAGZlYXR1cmVfZG9jdW1lbnRfZGVzY3JpcHRpb25zBwAAAFJFUVVF U1RzCAAAAFJFU1BPTlNFcwgAAAByZWRpcmVjdHMMAAAAYWJzb2x1dGVfdXJscyoAAAA/cG9ydGFs X3N0YXR1c19tZXNzYWdlPUVycm9yOitiYWQrY29udGV4dC5zBwAAAGhhc19rZXlzCwAAAGxpc3Ri b3hfa2V5cwIAAABpZHMNAAAAZmVhdHVyZV90aXRsZXMRAAAAc3ViX2ZlYXR1cmVfdGl0bGVzCQAA AHN1Yl90aXRsZXMXAAAAc3ViX2ZlYXR1cmVfZGVzY3JpcHRpb25zDwAAAHN1Yl9kZXNjcmlwdGlv bnMGAAAAYXBwZW5kcwQAAABzb3J0YwIAAAAEAAAABQAAAEMAAABzHwAAAHQAAHQBAHwAAGQBAIMC AHQBAHwBAGQBAIMCAIMCAFMoAgAAAE5zAgAAAGlkKAQAAABzAwAAAGNtcHMJAAAAX2dldGl0ZW1f cwEAAAB4cwEAAAB5KAQAAABzAQAAAHhzAQAAAHlzAwAAAGNtcHMJAAAAX2dldGl0ZW1fKAAAAAAo AAAAAHMPAAAAU2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pcwsAAAA8bGFtYmRhLjI3PiIAAABzAAAAAHMAAAAAcwQA AABrZXlzcy4AAAA/cG9ydGFsX3N0YXR1c19tZXNzYWdlPUZlYXR1cmUrZG9jdW1lbnQrYWRkZWQu KCAAAABzCQAAAF9nZXRhdHRyX3MHAAAAY29udGV4dHMLAAAAY29udGV4dF9vYmpzEwAAAGZlYXR1 cmVfbW9kdWxlX3R5cGVzFQAAAGZlYXR1cmVfZG9jdW1lbnRfdHlwZXMMAAAAZmVhdHVyZV90eXBl cwkAAABfZ2V0aXRlbV9zAgAAAGt3cwsAAABmZWF0dXJlX2RvY3MPAAAAZGVzdGluYXRpb25fb2Jq cw4AAABmZWF0dXJlc19pdGVtc3MJAAAAX2dldGl0ZXJfcwcAAABsaXN0Ym94cwwAAABmZWF0dXJl X2xpbmVzAwAAAGludHMPAAAAZmVhdHVyZV9saW5lX2lkcwcAAABmZWF0dXJlcwcAAABfd3JpdGVf cw4AAABjbGVhbl9mZWF0dXJlc3MFAAAARmFsc2VzFQAAAGhhc18xc3RfbGV2ZWxfZmVhdHVyZXMV AAAAaGFzXzJuZF9sZXZlbF9mZWF0dXJlcwQAAABOb25lcxUAAABuZXdfMXN0X2xldmVsX2ZlYXR1 cmVzDAAAAGZlYXR1cmVfaXRlbXMEAAAAVHJ1ZXMbAAAAbmV3XzFzdF9sZXZlbF9mZWF0dXJlX3Rp dGxlcxIAAABuZXdfMm5kX2xldmVsX2ZlYXRzAwAAAGtleXMPAAAAbmV3XzFzdF9mZWF0dXJlcwwA AABzZWNvbmRfbGV2ZWxzDwAAAG5ld18ybmRfZmVhdHVyZSggAAAAcwcAAABsaXN0Ym94cwIAAABr d3MJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwcAAABjb250ZXh0cwsAAABjb250ZXh0X29ianMTAAAAZmVhdHVyZV9t b2R1bGVfdHlwZXMVAAAAZmVhdHVyZV9kb2N1bWVudF90eXBlcwwAAABmZWF0dXJlX3R5cGVzCQAA 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(Python):/nexedi/portal_skins/erp5_consulting/Feature_generateFeatures _owner nexedi acl_users jp _params listbox=[], **kw errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames listbox kw _getattr_ context context_obj feature_module_type feature_document_type feature_type _getitem_ feature_doc destination_obj features_items _getiter_ feature_line int feature_line_id feature _write_ clean_features False has_1st_level_feature has_2nd_level_feature None new_1st_level_feature feature_item True new_1st_level_feature_title new_2nd_level_feat key new_1st_feature second_level new_2nd_feature func_defaults id Feature_generateFeatures warnings Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_title meta_type StringField id my_description meta_type TextAreaField id my_initial_implementation_state meta_type ListField id listbox meta_type ListBox id my_validation_state meta_type StringField _owner nexedi acl_users seb action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom groups bottom listbox center my_description left my_title right my_initial_implementation_state my_validation_state id Feature_view listbox AAAAAAAAAU8= method POST my_description AAAAAAAAAVA= my_initial_implementation_state AAAAAAAAAVE= my_title AAAAAAAAAVI= my_validation_state AAAAAAAAAVM= name Feature_view pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Feature unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox id listbox_description meta_type TextAreaField id listbox_group meta_type StringField id listbox_location meta_type StringField id listbox_title meta_type StringField id listbox_role meta_type MultiListField _owner nexedi acl_users jp action UseCase_generateUseCaseActors encoding UTF-8 enctype multipart/form-data group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center hidden listbox_description listbox_group listbox_location listbox_title listbox_role left right id UseCaseActor_addFastInput listbox AAAAAAAAAVQ= listbox_description AAAAAAAAAVU= listbox_group AAAAAAAAAVY= listbox_location AAAAAAAAAVc= listbox_role AAAAAAAAAVg= listbox_title AAAAAAAAAVk= method POST name UseCase_generateUseCaseActors pt form_view_dialog row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Add Use Case Actors unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_description meta_type TextAreaField id my_title meta_type StringField id my_group meta_type StringField id my_location meta_type StringField id my_id meta_type StringField id my_use_case_actor_role_list meta_type MultiListField _owner nexedi acl_users jp action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom groups bottom center my_description left my_id my_title my_location my_group right my_use_case_actor_role_list id UseCaseActor_view method POST my_description AAAAAAAAAVo= my_group AAAAAAAAAVs= my_id AAAAAAAAAVw= my_location AAAAAAAAAV0= my_title AAAAAAAAAV4= my_use_case_actor_role_list AAAAAAAAAV8= name UseCaseActor_view pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Use Case Actor unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox id listbox_step_description meta_type TextAreaField id listbox_scenario_title meta_type StringField id listbox_step_title meta_type StringField id listbox_step_actor meta_type ListField _owner nexedi acl_users jp action UseCase_generateUseCaseScenarii encoding UTF-8 enctype multipart/form-data group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center hidden listbox_step_description listbox_scenario_title listbox_step_title listbox_step_actor left right id UseCaseScenarii_addFastInput listbox AAAAAAAAAWA= listbox_scenario_title AAAAAAAAAWE= listbox_step_actor AAAAAAAAAWI= listbox_step_description AAAAAAAAAWM= listbox_step_title AAAAAAAAAWQ= method POST name UseCase_generateUseCaseScenarii pt form_view_dialog row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Add Use Case Scenarii unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_description meta_type TextAreaField id my_title meta_type StringField id my_id meta_type StringField id my_source_section meta_type ListField _owner nexedi acl_users jp action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom groups bottom center my_description left my_id my_title my_source_section right id UseCaseScenarioStep_view method POST my_description AAAAAAAAAWU= my_id AAAAAAAAAWY= my_source_section AAAAAAAAAWc= my_title AAAAAAAAAWg= name UseCaseScenarioStep_view pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Use Case Scenario Step unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox id my_description meta_type TextAreaField id my_title meta_type StringField id listbox_description meta_type TextAreaField id listbox_title meta_type StringField id listbox_source_section_title meta_type StringField id my_id meta_type StringField _owner nexedi acl_users jp action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center my_description hidden listbox_description listbox_title listbox_source_section_title left my_id my_title right id UseCaseScenario_view listbox AAAAAAAAAWk= listbox_description AAAAAAAAAWo= listbox_source_section_title AAAAAAAAAWs= listbox_title AAAAAAAAAWw= method POST my_description AAAAAAAAAW0= my_id AAAAAAAAAW4= my_title AAAAAAAAAW8= name UseCaseScenario_view pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Use Case Scenario unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body context_obj = context.getObject()\n \n role_type = \'Use Case Actor\'\n \n # this list contain all items\n items = []\n \n # get the user information\n for line in listbox:\n if line.has_key(\'listbox_key\') and line[\'title\'] not in (\'\', None):\n line_id = int(line[\'listbox_key\'])\n item = {}\n item[\'id\'] = line_id\n item[\'title\'] = line[\'title\']\n item[\'description\'] = line[\'description\']\n item[\'location\'] = line[\'location\']\n item[\'group\'] = line[\'group\']\n item[\'role\'] = line[\'role\']\n items.append(item)\n \n # sort the list by id to have the same order of the user\n items.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[\'id\'], y[\'id\']))\n \n # create corresponding objects\n for item in items:\n context_obj.newContent( portal_type = role_type\n , title = item[\'title\']\n , description = item[\'description\']\n , location = item[\'location\']\n , group = item[\'group\']\n , use_case_actor_role = item[\'role\']\n )\n \n # return to the feature module\n return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(context.absolute_url() + \'/UseCase_viewUseCaseActors?portal_status_message=\' + role_type.replace(\' \', \'+\') + \'(s)+added.\')\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAEAAAABzEAAAAGcAAGQBAIQBAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAA8AAAAVAAAA SwAAAHMHAgAAdAAAdAEAZAEAgwIAgwAAfQQAZAIAfQUAZwAAfQYAeAUBdAUAfAAAgwEARF33AH0I AHQAAHwIAGQDAIMCAGQEAIMBAG8ZAAF0CAB8CABkBQCDAgBkBgB0CQBmAgBqBwBvvwABdAoAdAgA fAgAZAQAgwIAgwEAfQwAaAAAfQ0AfAwAdA0AfA0AgwEAZAcAPHQIAHwIAGQFAIMCAHQNAHwNAIMB AGQFADx0CAB8CABkCACDAgB0DQB8DQCDAQBkCAA8dAgAfAgAZAkAgwIAdA0AfA0AgwEAZAkAPHQI AHwIAGQKAIMCAHQNAHwNAIMBAGQKADx0CAB8CABkCwCDAgB0DQB8DQCDAQBkCwA8dAAAfAYAZAwA gwIAfA0AgwEAAXErAAFxKwBXdAAAfAYAZA0AgwIAZA4AhAAAgwEAAXh1AHQFAHwGAIMBAERdZwB9 DQB0AAB8BABkDwCDAgBkEAB8BQBkBQB0CAB8DQBkBQCDAgBkCAB0CAB8DQBkCACDAgBkCQB0CAB8 DQBkCQCDAgBkCgB0CAB8DQBkCgCDAgBkEQB0CAB8DQBkCwCDAgCDAAYBcUkBV3QAAHQAAHQAAHQB AGQSAIMCAGQTAIMCAGQUAIMCAHQAAHQBAGQVAIMCAIMAAGQWABd0AAB8BQBkFwCDAgBkGABkGQCD AgAXZBoAF4MBAFNkAABTKBsAAABOcwkAAABnZXRPYmplY3RzDgAAAFVzZSBDYXNlIEFjdG9ycwcA AABoYXNfa2V5cwsAAABsaXN0Ym94X2tleXMFAAAAdGl0bGVzAAAAAHMCAAAAaWRzCwAAAGRlc2Ny aXB0aW9ucwgAAABsb2NhdGlvbnMFAAAAZ3JvdXBzBAAAAHJvbGVzBgAAAGFwcGVuZHMEAAAAc29y dGMCAAAABAAAAAUAAABDAAAAcx8AAAB0AAB0AQB8AABkAQCDAgB0AQB8AQBkAQCDAgCDAgBTKAIA AABOcwIAAABpZCgEAAAAcwMAAABjbXBzCQAAAF9nZXRpdGVtX3MBAAAAeHMBAAAAeSgEAAAAcwEA AAB4cwEAAAB5cwMAAABjbXBzCQAAAF9nZXRpdGVtXygAAAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0 aG9uKXMKAAAAPGxhbWJkYS42PhYAAABzAAAAAHMKAAAAbmV3Q29udGVudHMLAAAAcG9ydGFsX3R5 cGVzEwAAAHVzZV9jYXNlX2FjdG9yX3JvbGVzBwAAAFJFUVVFU1RzCAAAAFJFU1BPTlNFcwgAAABy ZWRpcmVjdHMMAAAAYWJzb2x1dGVfdXJsczEAAAAvVXNlQ2FzZV92aWV3VXNlQ2FzZUFjdG9ycz9w b3J0YWxfc3RhdHVzX21lc3NhZ2U9cwcAAAByZXBsYWNlcwEAAAAgcwEAAAArcwoAAAAocykrYWRk ZWQuKA4AAABzCQAAAF9nZXRhdHRyX3MHAAAAY29udGV4dHMLAAAAY29udGV4dF9vYmpzCQAAAHJv bGVfdHlwZXMFAAAAaXRlbXNzCQAAAF9nZXRpdGVyX3MHAAAAbGlzdGJveHMEAAAAbGluZXMJAAAA X2dldGl0ZW1fcwQAAABOb25lcwMAAABpbnRzBwAAAGxpbmVfaWRzBAAAAGl0ZW1zBwAAAF93cml0 ZV8oDwAAAHMHAAAAbGlzdGJveHMCAAAAa3dzCQAAAF9nZXRhdHRyX3MHAAAAY29udGV4dHMLAAAA Y29udGV4dF9vYmpzCQAAAHJvbGVfdHlwZXMFAAAAaXRlbXNzCQAAAF9nZXRpdGVyX3MEAAAAbGlu ZXMJAAAAX2dldGl0ZW1fcwQAAABOb25lcwMAAABpbnRzBwAAAGxpbmVfaWRzBAAAAGl0ZW1zBwAA AF93cml0ZV8oAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQgKFB5dGhvbilzHQAAAFVzZUNhc2VfZ2VuZXJh dGVVc2VDYXNlQWN0b3JzAQAAAHMwAAAAEgIGAwYDDQAJAS8BFQEGARABGQEZARkBGQEcARsDEwMN AAkBFQEPAQ8BDwEPAREEKAEAAABzHQAAAFVzZUNhc2VfZ2VuZXJhdGVVc2VDYXNlQWN0b3JzKAEA AABzHQAAAFVzZUNhc2VfZ2VuZXJhdGVVc2VDYXNlQWN0b3JzKAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAAU2NyaXB0 IChQeXRob24pcwgAAAA8bW9kdWxlPgEAAABzAAAAAA== _filepath Script (Python):/nexedi/portal_skins/erp5_consulting/UseCase_generateUseCaseActors _owner nexedi acl_users jp _params listbox=[], **kw errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames listbox kw _getattr_ context context_obj role_type items _getiter_ line _getitem_ None int line_id item _write_ func_defaults id UseCase_generateUseCaseActors warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body from string import zfill\n \n destination_obj = context.getObject()\n \n first_level_type = \'Use Case Scenario\'\n second_level_type = \'Use Case Scenario Step\'\n \n # this list contain all input line items\n items = []\n \n # get the user information\n for inputline in listbox:\n if inputline.has_key(\'listbox_key\'):\n scenario = {}\n scenario[\'id\'] = int(inputline[\'listbox_key\'])\n scenario[\'title\'] = inputline[\'scenario_title\']\n scenario[\'step_title\'] = inputline[\'step_title\']\n scenario[\'step_description\'] = inputline[\'step_description\']\n scenario[\'step_actor\'] = inputline[\'step_actor\']\n items.append(scenario)\n \n # sort the list by id to have the same order of the user\n items.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[\'id\'], y[\'id\']))\n \n clean_input_lines = {}\n has_1st_level = False\n has_2nd_level = False\n new_1st_level_item = None\n \n # scan every fast input line to create a structured and comprehensive list of items\n for item in items:\n # the item has a first level\n if item[\'title\'] not in (\'\', None):\n has_1st_level = True\n new_1st_level_item = []\n new_1st_level_key = item[\'title\']\n else:\n has_1st_level = False\n \n # the item has a second level, so built it\n if item[\'step_title\'] not in (\'\', None):\n has_2nd_level = True\n new_2nd_level_item = {}\n new_2nd_level_item[\'title\'] = item[\'step_title\']\n if item[\'step_title\'] not in (\'\', None):\n new_2nd_level_item[\'description\'] = item[\'step_description\']\n new_2nd_level_item[\'actor\'] = item[\'step_actor\']\n else:\n new_2nd_level_item[\'description\'] = None\n new_2nd_level_item[\'actor\'] = None\n else:\n has_2nd_level = False\n \n if has_2nd_level == True and new_1st_level_item != None:\n new_1st_level_item.append(new_2nd_level_item)\n \n if has_1st_level == True:\n if clean_input_lines.has_key(new_1st_level_key):\n new_1st_level_item = clean_input_lines[new_1st_level_key] + new_1st_level_item\n clean_input_lines[new_1st_level_key] = new_1st_level_item\n \n # create items objects and sub-objects\n for key in clean_input_lines.keys():\n new_1st_level_obj = destination_obj.newContent( portal_type = first_level_type\n , title = key\n )\n second_level_id = 0\n for second_level in clean_input_lines[key]:\n second_level_id += 10\n new_2nd_level_obj = new_1st_level_obj.newContent( portal_type = second_level_type\n , id = zfill(second_level_id, 4)\n , title = second_level[\'title\']\n , description = second_level[\'description\']\n , source_section = second_level[\'actor\']\n )\n \n # return to the module\n return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(context.absolute_url() + \'?portal_status_message=\' + first_level_type.replace(\' \', \'+\') + \'(s)+added.\')\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAEAAAABzEAAAAGcAAGQBAIQBAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAB8AAAAdAAAA SwAAAHPYAwAAZAEAawAAbAEAfQMAAXQCAHQDAGQCAIMCAIMAAH0GAGQDAH0HAGQEAH0IAGcAAH0J AHjKAHQIAHwAAIMBAERdvAB9CwB0AgB8CwBkBQCDAgBkBgCDAQBvoAABaAAAfQwAdAwAdA0AfAsA ZAYAgwIAgwEAdA4AfAwAgwEAZAcAPHQNAHwLAGQIAIMCAHQOAHwMAIMBAGQJADx0DQB8CwBkCgCD AgB0DgB8DACDAQBkCgA8dA0AfAsAZAsAgwIAdA4AfAwAgwEAZAsAPHQNAHwLAGQMAIMCAHQOAHwM AIMBAGQMADx0AgB8CQBkDQCDAgB8DACDAQABcT4AAXE+AFd0AgB8CQBkDgCDAgBkDwCEAACDAQAB aAAAfRAAdBAAfRIAdBAAfRMAdBMAfRUAeJEBdAgAfAkAgwEARF2DAX0WAHQNAHwWAGQJAIMCAGQQ AHQTAGYCAGoHAG8fAAF0FgB9EgBnAAB9FQB0DQB8FgBkCQCDAgB9GABuBwABdBAAfRIAdA0AfBYA ZAoAgwIAZBAAdBMAZgIAagcAb5sAAXQWAH0TAGgAAH0ZAHQNAHwWAGQKAIMCAHQOAHwZAIMBAGQJ ADx0DQB8FgBkCgCDAgBkEAB0EwBmAgBqBwBvNgABdA0AfBYAZAsAgwIAdA4AfBkAgwEAZBEAPHQN AHwWAGQMAIMCAHQOAHwZAIMBAGQSADxxPQIBdBMAdA4AfBkAgwEAZBEAPHQTAHQOAHwZAIMBAGQS ADxuBwABdBAAfRMAfBMAdBYAagIAbwoAAXwVAHQTAGoDAG8XAAF0AgB8FQBkDQCDAgB8GQCDAQAB bgEAAXwSAHQWAGoCAG9BAAF0AgB8EABkBQCDAgB8GACDAQBvFwABdA0AfBAAfBgAgwIAfBUAF30V AG4BAAF8FQB0DgB8EACDAQB8GAA8cTkBAXE5AVd4wgB0CAB0AgB8EABkEwCDAgCDAACDAQBEXagA fRoAdAIAfAYAZBQAgwIAZBUAfAcAZAkAfBoAgwACfRsAZBYAfRwAeHsAdAgAdA0AfBAAfBoAgwIA gwEARF1kAH0dAHwcAGQXADd9HAB0AgB8GwBkFACDAgBkFQB8CABkBwB8AwB8HABkGACDAgBkCQB0 DQB8HQBkCQCDAgBkEQB0DQB8HQBkEQCDAgBkGQB0DQB8HQBkEgCDAgCDAAV9HgBxGQNXcdkCV3QC AHQCAHQCAHQDAGQaAIMCAGQbAIMCAGQcAIMCAHQCAHQDAGQdAIMCAIMAAGQeABd0AgB8BwBkHwCD AgBkIABkIQCDAgAXZCIAF4MBAFNkAABTKCMAAABOKAEAAABzBQAAAHpmaWxscwkAAABnZXRPYmpl Y3RzEQAAAFVzZSBDYXNlIFNjZW5hcmlvcxYAAABVc2UgQ2FzZSBTY2VuYXJpbyBTdGVwcwcAAABo YXNfa2V5cwsAAABsaXN0Ym94X2tleXMCAAAAaWRzDgAAAHNjZW5hcmlvX3RpdGxlcwUAAAB0aXRs ZXMKAAAAc3RlcF90aXRsZXMQAAAAc3RlcF9kZXNjcmlwdGlvbnMKAAAAc3RlcF9hY3RvcnMGAAAA YXBwZW5kcwQAAABzb3J0YwIAAAAEAAAABQAAAEMAAABzHwAAAHQAAHQBAHwAAGQBAIMCAHQBAHwB AGQBAIMCAIMCAFMoAgAAAE5zAgAAAGlkKAQAAABzAwAAAGNtcHMJAAAAX2dldGl0ZW1fcwEAAAB4 cwEAAAB5KAQAAABzAQAAAHhzAQAAAHlzAwAAAGNtcHMJAAAAX2dldGl0ZW1fKAAAAAAoAAAAAHMP AAAAU2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pcwoAAAA8bGFtYmRhLjQ+FwAAAHMAAAAAcwAAAABzCwAAAGRlc2Ny aXB0aW9ucwUAAABhY3RvcnMEAAAAa2V5c3MKAAAAbmV3Q29udGVudHMLAAAAcG9ydGFsX3R5cGVp AAAAAGkKAAAAaQQAAABzDgAAAHNvdXJjZV9zZWN0aW9ucwcAAABSRVFVRVNUcwgAAABSRVNQT05T RXMIAAAAcmVkaXJlY3RzDAAAAGFic29sdXRlX3VybHMXAAAAP3BvcnRhbF9zdGF0dXNfbWVzc2Fn ZT1zBwAAAHJlcGxhY2VzAQAAACBzAQAAACtzCgAAAChzKSthZGRlZC4oHgAAAHMGAAAAc3RyaW5n cwUAAAB6ZmlsbHMJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwcAAABjb250ZXh0cw8AAABkZXN0aW5hdGlvbl9vYmpz EAAAAGZpcnN0X2xldmVsX3R5cGVzEQAAAHNlY29uZF9sZXZlbF90eXBlcwUAAABpdGVtc3MJAAAA X2dldGl0ZXJfcwcAAABsaXN0Ym94cwkAAABpbnB1dGxpbmVzCAAAAHNjZW5hcmlvcwMAAABpbnRz CQAAAF9nZXRpdGVtX3MHAAAAX3dyaXRlX3MRAAAAY2xlYW5faW5wdXRfbGluZXNzBQAAAEZhbHNl cw0AAABoYXNfMXN0X2xldmVscw0AAABoYXNfMm5kX2xldmVscwQAAABOb25lcxIAAABuZXdfMXN0 X2xldmVsX2l0ZW1zBAAAAGl0ZW1zBAAAAFRydWVzEQAAAG5ld18xc3RfbGV2ZWxfa2V5cxIAAABu ZXdfMm5kX2xldmVsX2l0ZW1zAwAAAGtleXMRAAAAbmV3XzFzdF9sZXZlbF9vYmpzDwAAAHNlY29u ZF9sZXZlbF9pZHMMAAAAc2Vjb25kX2xldmVscxEAAABuZXdfMm5kX2xldmVsX29iaigfAAAAcwcA AABsaXN0Ym94cwIAAABrd3MGAAAAc3RyaW5ncwUAAAB6ZmlsbHMJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwcAAABj b250ZXh0cw8AAABkZXN0aW5hdGlvbl9vYmpzEAAAAGZpcnN0X2xldmVsX3R5cGVzEQAAAHNlY29u ZF9sZXZlbF90eXBlcwUAAABpdGVtc3MJAAAAX2dldGl0ZXJfcwkAAABpbnB1dGxpbmVzCAAAAHNj ZW5hcmlvcwMAAABpbnRzCQAAAF9nZXRpdGVtX3MHAAAAX3dyaXRlX3MRAAAAY2xlYW5faW5wdXRf bGluZXNzBQAAAEZhbHNlcw0AAABoYXNfMXN0X2xldmVscw0AAABoYXNfMm5kX2xldmVscwQAAABO b25lcxIAAABuZXdfMXN0X2xldmVsX2l0ZW1zBAAAAGl0ZW1zBAAAAFRydWVzEQAAAG5ld18xc3Rf bGV2ZWxfa2V5cxIAAABuZXdfMm5kX2xldmVsX2l0ZW1zAwAAAGtleXMRAAAAbmV3XzFzdF9sZXZl bF9vYmpzDwAAAHNlY29uZF9sZXZlbF9pZHMMAAAAc2Vjb25kX2xldmVscxEAAABuZXdfMm5kX2xl dmVsX29iaigAAAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMfAAAAVXNlQ2FzZV9nZW5lcmF0 ZVVzZUNhc2VTY2VuYXJpaQEAAABzcAAAAA0CEgIGAQYDBgMNAAkBEwEGAR8BGQEZARkBHAEbAxMC BgEGAQYBBgMNAAYCHAEGAQYBEwIGAxwBBgEGARkBHAEZAR0CEAEUAgYCHQEUAhABEwEXARgDGQAG ARUBCQIGARYABgEKARUBEgEPAQ8BFwQoAQAAAHMfAAAAVXNlQ2FzZV9nZW5lcmF0ZVVzZUNhc2VT Y2VuYXJpaSgBAAAAcx8AAABVc2VDYXNlX2dlbmVyYXRlVXNlQ2FzZVNjZW5hcmlpKAAAAAAoAAAA AHMPAAAAU2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pcwgAAAA8bW9kdWxlPgEAAABzAAAAAA== _filepath Script (Python):/nexedi/portal_skins/erp5_consulting/UseCase_generateUseCaseScenarii _owner nexedi acl_users jp _params listbox=[], **kw errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames listbox kw string zfill _getattr_ context destination_obj first_level_type second_level_type items _getiter_ inputline scenario int _getitem_ _write_ clean_input_lines False has_1st_level has_2nd_level None new_1st_level_item item True new_1st_level_key new_2nd_level_item key new_1st_level_obj second_level_id second_level new_2nd_level_obj func_defaults id UseCase_generateUseCaseScenarii warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body def sort(a, b):\n return cmp(a[0], b[0])\n \n item_portal_type = \'Use Case Actor\'\n \n item_list = [[\'\', \'\']]\n \n if item_portal_type == None:\n return item_list \n \n context_obj = context.getObject()\n \n obj_list = context_obj.contentValues(filter={\'portal_type\': item_portal_type})\n for obj in obj_list:\n url = obj.getRelativeUrl()\n label = obj.getTitle()\n item_list.append([label, url])\n \n item_list.sort(sort)\n return item_list\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAEAAAABzEAAAAGUAAGQBAIQBAFoBAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAwAAAAMAAAA QwAAAHPVAAAAZAEAhAAAfQEAZAIAfQAAZAMAZAMAZwIAZwEAfQIAfAAAdAMAagIAbwgAAXwCAFNu AQABdAQAdAUAZAQAgwIAgwAAfQYAdAQAfAYAZAUAgwIAZAYAaAAABGQHAHwAAAM8gwABfQcAeFEA dAgAfAcAgwEARF1DAH0JAHQEAHwJAGQIAIMCAIMAAH0KAHQEAHwJAGQJAIMCAIMAAH0LAHQEAHwC AGQKAIMCAHwLAHwKAGcCAIMBAAFxcwBXdAQAfAIAZAsAgwIAfAEAgwEAAXwCAFNkAABTKAwAAABO YwIAAAAEAAAABgAAAEMAAABzIwAAAHQAAHQBAHwAAGQBAIMCAHQBAHwBAGQBAIMCAIMCAFNkAABT KAIAAABOaQAAAAAoBAAAAHMDAAAAY21wcwkAAABfZ2V0aXRlbV9zAQAAAGFzAQAAAGIoBAAAAHMB AAAAYXMBAAAAYnMDAAAAY21wcwkAAABfZ2V0aXRlbV8oAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQgKFB5 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too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Decision Item Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_id message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 1 title Decision Item ID truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Decision Item Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 0 all_columns all_editable_columns item_title Decision Item Title item_description Decision Item Description alternate_name columns item_title Decision Item Title item_description Decision Item Description css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns item_title Decision Item Title item_description Decision Item Description enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 100 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAAAZc= meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name document_analysis_document_decision_items_fast_input sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Decision Items url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id listbox_item_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Decision Item Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 50 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_item_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Decision Item Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Item Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_id message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 1 title Item ID truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Item Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 0 all_columns all_editable_columns item_title Item Title item_description Item Description alternate_name columns item_title Item Title item_description Item Description css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns item_title Item Title item_description Item Description enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 100 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAAAZg= meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name document_analysis_document_items_fast_input sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Document Items url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id listbox_item_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Item Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 50 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_item_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Item Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 0 all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID title Title description Description css_class default default_params description List and details of all Decisions Items of the document. domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns title Title description Description editable_expression editable_permission editable_role enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 200 list_action Folder_viewContentList list_method AAAAAAAAAZk= meta_types not_viewable 0 portal_types Document Analysis Document Decision Item Document Analysis Document Decision Item read_only 0 report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name document_analysis_documents_decision_items_list_selection sort id ID sort_columns id ID stat_columns stat_method title Document Decision Items url_columns viewable_expression viewable_permission viewable_role Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id listbox_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 2 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title listbox_description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 60 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title listbox_title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField _owner nexedi acl_users kevin id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 4 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Document Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_document_analysis_document_type message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAAAZo= description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAZs= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Document Type unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_id message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 1 title Document ID truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 40 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Document Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 0 all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID title Title description Description css_class default default_params description List and details of Document Analysis Document Items. domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns title Title description Description editable_expression editable_permission editable_role enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 200 list_action Folder_viewContentList list_method AAAAAAAAAZw= meta_types not_viewable 0 portal_types Document Analysis Document Item Document Analysis Document Item read_only 0 report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name document_analysis_document_items_list_selection sort id ID sort_columns id ID stat_columns stat_method title Document Items url_columns viewable_expression viewable_permission viewable_role Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id listbox_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 2 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title listbox_description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 60 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title listbox_title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField _owner nexedi acl_users kevin id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 4 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Document Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_document_analysis_document_type message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAAAZ0= description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAZ4= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Document Type unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_id message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 1 title Document ID truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 40 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Document Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 0 all_columns all_editable_columns document_title Document Title document_analysis_document_type Document Type item_title Item Title item_description Item Description alternate_name columns document_title Document Title document_analysis_document_type Document Type item_title Item Title item_description Item Description css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns document_title Document Title document_analysis_document_type Document Type item_title Item Title item_description Item Description enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 100 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAAAZ8= meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name document_analysis_documents_fast_input sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Documents with Items url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id listbox_document_analysis_document_type message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAaA= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Document Type unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_document_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Document Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id listbox_item_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Item Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 50 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_item_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Item Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 0 all_columns all_editable_columns document_title Document Title document_analysis_document_type Document Type item_title Item Title item_description Item Description alternate_name columns document_title Document Title document_analysis_document_type Document Type item_title Item Title item_description Item Description css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns document_title Document Title document_analysis_document_type Document Type item_title Item Title item_description Item Description enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 100 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAAAaE= meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name document_analysis_documents_fast_input sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Documents with Items url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id listbox_document_analysis_document_type message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAaI= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Document Type unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_document_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Document Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id listbox_item_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Item Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 50 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_item_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Item Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Item Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_id message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 1 title Item ID truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField _owner nexedi acl_users kevin id my_item_class message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Item Class / Property truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField _owner nexedi acl_users kevin id my_item_property_sheet_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Item PropertySheets unicode 0 view_separator ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 30 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_lexicon_item_type message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAAAaM= description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAaQ= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Item Type unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_lexicon_item_ubm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAAAaU= description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAaY= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Item UBM / Type unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Item Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 0 all_columns all_editable_columns item_title Item Title item_description Item Description type Item Type ubm Item UBM / Type class Item Class / Property propertysheet Item PropertySheet alternate_name columns item_title Item Title item_description Item Description type Item Type ubm Item UBM / Type class Item Class / Property propertysheet Item PropertySheet css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns item_title Item Title item_description Item Description type Item Type ubm Item UBM / Type class Item Class / Property propertysheet Item PropertySheet enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 100 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAAAac= meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name document_analysis_lexicon_items_fast_input sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Lexicon Items url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField _owner nexedi acl_users kevin id listbox_class message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 15 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Class truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id listbox_item_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Item Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 30 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_item_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Item Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField _owner nexedi acl_users kevin id listbox_propertysheet message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title PropertySheets unicode 0 view_separator ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 20 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id listbox_type message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAag= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Type unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id listbox_ubm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAak= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title UBM / Type unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 0 all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID title Title description Description lexicon_item_type Type lexicon_item_ubm UBM / Type item_class Class / Property item_property_sheet_list PropertySheet css_class default default_params description List and details of Document Analysis Lexicon Items. domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns title Title description Description lexicon_item_type Type lexicon_item_ubm UBM / Type item_class Class / Property item_property_sheet_list PropertySheet editable_expression editable_permission editable_role enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 200 list_action Folder_viewContentList list_method AAAAAAAAAao= meta_types not_viewable 0 portal_types Document Analysis Lexicon Item Document Analysis Lexicon Item read_only 0 report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name document_analysis_lexicon_items_list_selection sort id ID sort_columns id ID stat_columns stat_method title Lexicon Items url_columns viewable_expression viewable_permission viewable_role Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id listbox_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title listbox_description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 35 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField _owner nexedi acl_users kevin id listbox_item_class message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 15 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title listbox_class truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField _owner nexedi acl_users kevin id listbox_item_property_sheet_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title listbox_propertysheet unicode 0 view_separator ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 20 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id listbox_lexicon_item_type message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAas= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title listbox_type unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id listbox_lexicon_item_ubm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAaw= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title listbox_ubm unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title listbox_title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Lexicon Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_id message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 1 title Lexicon ID truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_lexicon_source_type message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAAAa0= description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAa4= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Lexicon Source Type unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Lexicon Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 0 all_columns all_editable_columns lexicon_title Lexicon Title lexicon_source_type Lexicon Source Type item_title Item Title item_description Item Description type Item Type ubm Item UBM / Type class Item Class / Property propertysheet Item PropertySheet alternate_name columns lexicon_title Lexicon Title lexicon_source_type Lexicon Source Type item_title Item Title item_description Item Description type Item Type ubm Item UBM / Type class Item Class / Property propertysheet Item PropertySheet css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns lexicon_title Lexicon Title lexicon_source_type Lexicon Source Type item_title Item Title item_description Item Description type Item Type ubm Item UBM / Type class Item Class / Property propertysheet Item PropertySheet enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 100 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAAAa8= meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name document_analysis_lexicons_fast_input sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Lexicons with Items url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField _owner nexedi acl_users kevin id listbox_class message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 15 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Class truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id listbox_item_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Item Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 30 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_item_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Item Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id listbox_lexicon_source_type message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAbA= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Lexicon Source Type unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_lexicon_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Lexicon Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields LinesField _owner nexedi acl_users kevin id listbox_propertysheet message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode view_separator whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title PropertySheets unicode 0 view_separator ]]> whitespace_preserve 0 width 20 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id listbox_type message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAbE= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Type unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id listbox_ubm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAbI= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title UBM / Type unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 0 all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID title Title description Description document_analysis_document_type Type css_class default default_params description List and details of all Document Analysis Documents. domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns title Title description Description document_analysis_document_type Type editable_expression editable_permission editable_role enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 200 list_action Folder_viewContentList list_method AAAAAAAAAbM= meta_types not_viewable 0 portal_types Document Analysis Document Document Analysis Document read_only 0 report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name document_analysis_documents_list_selection sort id ID sort_columns id ID stat_columns stat_method title Documents url_columns viewable_expression viewable_permission viewable_role Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id listbox_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 2 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title listbox_description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id listbox_document_analysis_document_type message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAbQ= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title listbox_type unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title listbox_title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 4 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Document Analysis Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_id message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 1 title Document Analysis ID truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Document Analysis Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 0 all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID title Title description Description lexicon_source_type Source Type css_class default default_params description List and details of all Document Analysis Lexicons. domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns title Title description Description lexicon_source_type Source Type editable_expression editable_permission editable_role enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 200 list_action Folder_viewContentList list_method AAAAAAAAAbU= meta_types not_viewable 0 portal_types Document Analysis Lexicon Document Analysis Lexicon read_only 0 report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name document_analysis_lexicons_list_selection sort id ID sort_columns id ID stat_columns stat_method title Lexicons url_columns viewable_expression viewable_permission viewable_role Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id listbox_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 2 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title listbox_description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id listbox_lexicon_source_type message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAbY= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title listbox_type unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title listbox_title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField _owner nexedi acl_users kevin id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 4 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Document Analysis Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_id message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 1 title Document Analysis ID truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Document Analysis Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 0 all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID title Feature Title description Feature Description validation_state Feature State css_class default default_params description List and details of features. domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns editable_expression editable_permission editable_role enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 200 list_action Folder_viewContentList list_method AAAAAAAAAbc= meta_types not_viewable 0 portal_types Feature Feature read_only 0 report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name sub_feature_list_selection sort id ID title Feature Title sort_columns id ID title Feature Title description Feature Description stat_columns stat_method title Features url_columns viewable_expression viewable_permission viewable_role Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 1 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 0 all_columns feature_title Feature title sub_feature_title Sub-Feature Title sub_feature_description Sub-Feature Description all_editable_columns feature_title Feature title sub_feature_title Sub-Feature Title sub_feature_description Sub-Feature Description alternate_name columns feature_title Feature title sub_feature_title Sub-Feature Title sub_feature_description Sub-Feature Description css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns feature_title Feature title sub_feature_title Sub-Feature Title sub_feature_description Sub-Feature Description enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 100 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAAAbg= meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name feature_fast_input sort feature_title Feature title sub_feature_title Sub-Feature Title sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Features with Sub-Features url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_feature_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 30 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Feature Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id listbox_sub_feature_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Sub-Feature Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 60 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_sub_feature_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 30 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Sub-Feature Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_feature_document_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Feature Document Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 60 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_feature_document_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 30 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Feature Document Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 0 all_columns feature_title Feature title sub_feature_title Sub-Feature Title sub_feature_description Sub-Feature Description all_editable_columns feature_title Feature title sub_feature_title Sub-Feature Title sub_feature_description Sub-Feature Description alternate_name columns feature_title Feature title sub_feature_title Sub-Feature Title sub_feature_description Sub-Feature Description css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns feature_title Feature title sub_feature_title Sub-Feature Title sub_feature_description Sub-Feature Description enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 100 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAAAbk= meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name feature_fast_input sort feature_title Feature title sub_feature_title Sub-Feature Title sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title listbox url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_feature_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 30 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Feature Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField _owner nexedi acl_users jp id listbox_sub_feature_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Sub-Feature Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 60 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_sub_feature_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 30 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Sub-Feature Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox _owner nexedi acl_users jp id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 0 all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID title Sub-Feature Title description Sub-Feature Description validation_state Feature State css_class default default_params description List and details of sub-features. domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns editable_expression editable_permission editable_role enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 200 list_action Folder_viewContentList list_method AAAAAAAAAbo= meta_types not_viewable 0 portal_types Feature Feature read_only 0 report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name sub_feature_list_selection sort id ID title Sub-Feature Title sort_columns id ID title Sub-Feature Title description Sub-Feature Description stat_columns stat_method title Sub-Features url_columns viewable_expression viewable_permission viewable_role Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField _owner nexedi acl_users jp id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 10 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 100 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField _owner nexedi acl_users jp id my_initial_implementation_state message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items Standard Standard Setting Setting Customisation Customisation Development Development required 0 size 1 title Implementation State unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField _owner nexedi acl_users seb id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 1 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_validation_state message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Feature State truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 0 all_columns all_editable_columns title Actor title description Description location Location role Role group Group alternate_name columns title Actor title description Description location Location role Role group Group css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns title Actor title description Description location Location role Role group Group enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 100 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAAAbs= meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name use_case_actors_fast_input sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Actors url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id listbox_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 50 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_group message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Group truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_location message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Location truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField _owner nexedi acl_users jp id listbox_role message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAbw= required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items required 0 size 3 title Role unicode 0 view_separator ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Actor Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Actor Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_group message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Group truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_id message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 1 title Actor ID truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_location message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Location truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Actor Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField _owner nexedi acl_users jp id my_use_case_actor_role_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAAAb0= description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAb4= required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items required 0 size 5 title Actor Role unicode 0 view_separator ]]> Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 0 all_columns all_editable_columns scenario_title Scenario Title step_title Step Title step_description Step Description step_actor Step Actor alternate_name columns scenario_title Scenario Title step_title Step Title step_description Step Description step_actor Step Actor css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns scenario_title Scenario Title step_title Step Title step_description Step Description step_actor Step Actor enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 100 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAAAb8= meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name use_case_scenarii_fast_input sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Scenarii with Steps url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_scenario_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Scenario Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id listbox_step_actor message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAcA= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Step Actor unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id listbox_step_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Step Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 50 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_step_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Step Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Step Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField _owner nexedi acl_users jp id my_id message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 1 title Step ID truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField _owner nexedi acl_users alex id my_source_section message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAcE= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items a a z z required 0 size 1 title Actor unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Step Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 0 all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID title Title description Description source_section_title Role css_class default default_params description List and details of Use Case Scenario Steps. domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns title Title description Description editable_expression editable_permission editable_role enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 200 list_action Folder_viewContentList list_method AAAAAAAAAcI= meta_types not_viewable 0 portal_types Use Case Scenario Step Use Case Scenario Step read_only 0 report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name use_case_scenario_steps_list_selection sort id ID sort_columns id ID stat_columns stat_method title Scenario Steps url_columns viewable_expression viewable_permission viewable_role Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id listbox_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 2 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title listbox_description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_source_section_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title listbox_source_section_title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title listbox_title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Scenario Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_id message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 1 title Scenario ID truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Scenario Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 0 all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID title Title description Description location Location use_case_actor_role_list Role group Group css_class default default_params description List and details of Use Case Actors. domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns title Title description Description location Location use_case_actor_role_list Role group Group editable_expression editable_permission editable_role enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 200 list_action Folder_viewContentList list_method AAAAAAAAAcM= meta_types not_viewable 0 portal_types Use Case Actor Use Case Actor read_only 0 report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name use_case_actors_list_selection sort id ID sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Actors url_columns viewable_expression viewable_permission viewable_role Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id listbox_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title listbox_description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_group message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title listbox_group truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_location message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title listbox_location truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title listbox_title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField _owner nexedi acl_users jp id listbox_use_case_actor_role_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAcQ= required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items required 0 size 3 title listbox_use_case_actor_role_list unicode 0 view_separator ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_id message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 1 title ID truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values Base_viewSearchResultList 0 all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID title Title description Description css_class default default_params description List and details of all Use Case Scenarii. domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns title Title description Description editable_expression editable_permission editable_role enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 200 list_action Folder_viewContentList list_method AAAAAAAAAcU= meta_types not_viewable 0 portal_types Use Case Scenario Use Case Scenario read_only 0 report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name use_case_scenarii_list_selection sort id ID sort_columns id ID stat_columns stat_method title Scenarii url_columns viewable_expression viewable_permission viewable_role Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id listbox_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 2 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title listbox_description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id listbox_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title listbox_title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_id message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 1 title ID truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _owner nexedi acl_users seb id cancelled Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _owner nexedi acl_users seb description We have enough information about this feature. id confirmed title Confirmed transitions start start_action Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner description Customer has confirmed correct delivery of requested feature id delivered title Delivered transitions Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner description Feature was entered by sales consultant id draft title Draft transitions confirm confirm_action plan plan_action start start_action stop stop_action Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _owner nexedi acl_users seb description We have to ask more details to our client. We don\'t have enough information to know about what we are talking about id planned title Planned transitions confirm confirm_action Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ jp Owner description There is someone actually working on it, there is probably a task on the project module associated to this feature. id started title Started transitions stop stop_action Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _owner nexedi acl_users seb description This is fine for us. We must ask to the client if it is great or not. id stopped title Stopped transitions deliver deliver_action Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _owner nexedi acl_users seb actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name description guard id cancel new_state_id cancelled script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _owner nexedi acl_users seb actbox_category workflow actbox_name Reject actbox_url %(content_url)s/BaseWorkflow_viewWorkflowActionDialog?workflow_action=cancel_action after_script_name cancel description guard AAAAAAAAAcY= id cancel_action new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _owner nexedi acl_users seb actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name description guard id confirm new_state_id confirmed script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _owner nexedi acl_users seb actbox_category workflow actbox_name Confirm actbox_url %(content_url)s/BaseWorkflow_viewWorkflowActionDialog?workflow_action=confirm_action after_script_name confirm description guard AAAAAAAAAcc= id confirm_action new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _owner nexedi acl_users seb actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name description guard id deliver new_state_id delivered script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _owner nexedi acl_users seb actbox_category workflow actbox_name Deliver actbox_url %(content_url)s/BaseWorkflow_viewWorkflowActionDialog?workflow_action=deliver_action after_script_name deliver description guard AAAAAAAAAcg= id deliver_action new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _owner nexedi acl_users seb actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name description guard id plan new_state_id planned script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _owner nexedi acl_users seb actbox_category workflow actbox_name Ask for more details actbox_url %(content_url)s/BaseWorkflow_viewWorkflowActionDialog?workflow_action=plan_action after_script_name plan description guard AAAAAAAAAck= id plan_action new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _owner nexedi acl_users seb actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name description guard id start new_state_id started script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _owner nexedi acl_users seb actbox_category workflow actbox_name Start to work on it actbox_url %(content_url)s/BaseWorkflow_viewWorkflowActionDialog?workflow_action=start_action after_script_name start description guard AAAAAAAAAco= id start_action new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _owner nexedi acl_users seb actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name description guard id stop new_state_id stopped script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _owner nexedi acl_users seb actbox_category workflow actbox_name Finish the work actbox_url %(content_url)s/BaseWorkflow_viewWorkflowActionDialog?workflow_action=stop_action after_script_name stop description guard AAAAAAAAAcs= id stop_action new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _owner nexedi acl_users seb default_expr AAAAAAAAAcw= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id action info_guard update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _owner nexedi acl_users seb default_expr AAAAAAAAAc0= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id actor info_guard update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _owner nexedi acl_users seb default_expr AAAAAAAAAc4= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id comment info_guard update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _owner nexedi acl_users seb default_expr AAAAAAAAAc8= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 0 id history info_guard update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _owner nexedi acl_users seb default_expr AAAAAAAAAdA= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id time info_guard update_always 1 Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name FastInput_initialize Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name FastInput_initialize Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/getDocumentAnalysisDocumentType Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/document_analysis_document_type/getCategoryChildLogicalPathItemList Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/getDocumentAnalysisDocumentType Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/document_analysis_document_type/getCategoryChildLogicalPathItemList Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name FastInput_initialize Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/document_analysis_document_type/getCategoryChildLogicalPathItemList Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name FastInput_initialize Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/document_analysis_document_type/getCategoryChildLogicalPathItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/getLexiconItemType Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/lexicon_item_type/getCategoryChildLogicalPathItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/getLexiconItemUbm Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/lexicon_item_ubm/getCategoryChildLogicalPathItemList Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name FastInput_initialize Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/lexicon_item_type/getCategoryChildLogicalPathItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/lexicon_item_ubm/getCategoryChildLogicalPathItemList Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/lexicon_item_type/getCategoryChildLogicalPathItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/lexicon_item_ubm/getCategoryChildLogicalPathItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/getLexiconSourceType Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/lexicon_source_type/getCategoryChildLogicalPathItemList Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name FastInput_initialize Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/lexicon_source_type/getCategoryChildLogicalPathItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/lexicon_item_type/getCategoryChildLogicalPathItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/lexicon_item_ubm/getCategoryChildLogicalPathItemList Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text 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