Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate BusinessTemplate _Modify_portal_content_Permission Manager __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _action_item AAAAAAAAAAI= _catalog_method_item AAAAAAAAAAM= _catalog_related_key_item AAAAAAAAAAQ= _catalog_result_key_item AAAAAAAAAAU= _catalog_result_table_item AAAAAAAAAAY= _category_item AAAAAAAAAAc= _count AAAAAAAAAAg= _document_item AAAAAAAAAAk= _extension_item AAAAAAAAAAo= _message_translation_item AAAAAAAAAAs= _module_item AAAAAAAAAAw= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAA0= _owner nexedi acl_users romain _path_item AAAAAAAAAA4= _portal_type_item AAAAAAAAAA8= _product_item AAAAAAAAABA= _property_sheet_item AAAAAAAAABE= _role_item AAAAAAAAABI= _site_property_item AAAAAAAAABM= _skin_item AAAAAAAAABQ= _test_item AAAAAAAAABU= _tree AAAAAAAAABY= _workflow_item AAAAAAAAABc= change_log 2005-08-26 Romain\n * add condition object/hasCellContent to all portal type used as a line for form *Line_view[Price|Quantity|Option].\n \n 2005-07-26 Romain\n \n First version. description id erp5_mrp portal_type Business Template template_action_path template_base_category template_catalog_method_id template_catalog_related_key template_catalog_result_key template_catalog_result_table template_document_id template_message_translation template_module_id production_order_module production_packing_list_module supply_chain_module production_report_module template_path portal_rules/default_transformation_rule portal_deliveries/production_report_builder portal_deliveries/production_packing_list_builder portal_rules/default_production_order_rule portal_rules/default_transformation_sourcing_rule template_portal_type_id Production Order Production Order Rule Supply Chain Production Report Line Production Packing List Module Transformation Sourcing Rule Production Order Module Production Packing List Line Production Report Module Supply Node Production Packing List Production Order Line Production Report Cell Supply Link Production Report Transformation Rule Supply Chain Module template_product_id template_property_sheet_id template_role template_site_property_id template_skin_id erp5_mrp template_test_id template_workflow_id production_matrix_workflow production_order_workflow production_packing_list_causality_workflow production_packing_list_interaction_workflow production_packing_list_workflow production_order_interaction_workflow title erp5_mrp uid 1991627074 version 1.0rc1 workflow_history AAAAAAAAABg= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate ActionTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAABk= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate CatalogMethodTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAABo= _filter_expression_archive AAAAAAAAABs= _filter_expression_instance_archive AAAAAAAAABw= _filter_type_archive AAAAAAAAAB0= _is_catalog_list_method_archive AAAAAAAAAB4= _is_catalog_method_archive AAAAAAAAAB8= _is_clear_method_archive AAAAAAAAACA= _is_filtered_archive AAAAAAAAACE= _is_uncatalog_method_archive AAAAAAAAACI= _is_update_method_archive AAAAAAAAACM= tool_id portal_catalog Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate CatalogRelatedKeyTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACQ= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate CatalogResultKeyTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACU= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate CatalogResultTableTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACY= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate CategoryTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACc= tool_id BTrees.Length Length 0 Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate DocumentTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACg= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate ExtensionTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACk= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate MessageTranslationTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACo= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate ModuleTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACs= BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate PathTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAACw= _path_archive AAAAAAAAAC0= tool_id Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate PortalTypeTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAAC4= _workflow_chain_archive AAAAAAAAAC8= tool_id portal_types Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate ProductTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAADA= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate PropertySheetTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAADE= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate RoleTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAADI= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate SitePropertyTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAADM= Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate SkinTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAADQ= tool_id portal_skins Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate TestTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAADU= BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Products.ERP5Type.Document.BusinessTemplate WorkflowTemplateItem _archive AAAAAAAAADY= tool_id portal_workflow Persistence PersistentMapping _container business_template_building_workflow building_action building_actor romain building_comment building_state draft building_time _aday Wed _amon Aug _d 38214.6586366 _day 17 _dayoffset 3 _fday Wednesday _fmon August _hour 11 _millis 1124293706199 _minute 48 _month 8 _nearsec 26.0 _pday Wed. _pm am _pmhour 11 _pmon Aug. _second 26.199 _t 1124293706.2 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.658636562497 building_action edit building_actor romain building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Wed _amon Aug _d 38214.6594413 _day 17 _dayoffset 3 _fday Wednesday _fmon August _hour 11 _millis 1124293775728 _minute 49 _month 8 _nearsec 35.0 _pday Wed. _pm am _pmhour 11 _pmon Aug. _second 35.728 _t 1124293775.73 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.659441296295 building_action build_action building_actor romain building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Wed _amon Aug _d 38214.6607098 _day 17 _dayoffset 3 _fday Wednesday _fmon August _hour 11 _millis 1124293885323 _minute 51 _month 8 _nearsec 25.0 _pday Wed. _pm am _pmhour 11 _pmon Aug. _second 25.323 _t 1124293885.32 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.660709756943 building_action build building_actor romain building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Wed _amon Aug _d 38214.6607383 _day 17 _dayoffset 3 _fday Wednesday _fmon August _hour 11 _millis 1124293887791 _minute 51 _month 8 _nearsec 27.0 _pday Wed. _pm am _pmhour 11 _pmon Aug. _second 27.791 _t 1124293887.79 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.660738321756 building_action edit building_actor romain building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Fri _amon Aug _d 38223.6157116 _day 26 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon August _hour 10 _millis 1125067597479 _minute 46 _month 8 _nearsec 37.0 _pday Fri. _pm am _pmhour 10 _pmon Aug. _second 37.479 _t 1125067597.48 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.615711562503 building_action build_action building_actor romain building_comment building_state modified building_time _aday Fri _amon Aug _d 38223.61812 _day 26 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon August _hour 10 _millis 1125067805567 _minute 50 _month 8 _nearsec 5.0 _pday Fri. _pm am _pmhour 10 _pmon Aug. _second 5.567 _t 1125067805.57 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.618119988423 building_action build building_actor romain building_comment building_state built building_time _aday Fri _amon Aug _d 38223.6181263 _day 26 _dayoffset 5 _fday Friday _fmon August _hour 10 _millis 1125067806113 _minute 50 _month 8 _nearsec 6.0 _pday Fri. _pm am _pmhour 10 _pmon Aug. _second 6.113 _t 1125067806.11 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.618126307869 business_template_installation_workflow edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /nexedi/portal_templates/erp5_mrp_import state current time _aday Wed _amon Aug _d 38214.6586381 _day 17 _dayoffset 3 _fday Wednesday _fmon August _hour 11 _millis 1124293706330 _minute 48 _month 8 _nearsec 26.0 _pday Wed. _pm am _pmhour 11 _pmon Aug. _second 26.33 _t 1124293706.33 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.658638078705 Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container production_order_module AAAAAAAAADc= production_packing_list_module AAAAAAAAADg= production_report_module AAAAAAAAADk= supply_chain_module AAAAAAAAADo= Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_deliveries/production_packing_list_builder AAAAAAAAADs= portal_deliveries/production_report_builder AAAAAAAAADw= portal_rules/default_production_order_rule AAAAAAAAAD0= portal_rules/default_transformation_rule 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Module AAAAAAAAAEw= portal_types/Supply Link AAAAAAAAAE0= portal_types/Supply Node AAAAAAAAAE4= portal_types/Transformation Rule AAAAAAAAAE8= portal_types/Transformation Sourcing Rule AAAAAAAAAFA= Persistence PersistentMapping _container Production Order production_order_workflow, edit_workflow, production_order_interaction_workflow Production Order Line production_matrix_workflow, edit_workflow Production Order Module Production Order Rule (Default) Production Packing List production_packing_list_workflow, production_packing_list_causality_workflow, production_packing_list_interaction_workflow, edit_workflow Production Packing List Line production_matrix_workflow, production_packing_list_interaction_workflow, edit_workflow Production Packing List Module Production Report production_packing_list_workflow, production_packing_list_causality_workflow, production_packing_list_interaction_workflow, edit_workflow Production Report Cell Production Report Line production_matrix_workflow, production_packing_list_interaction_workflow, edit_workflow Production Report Module Supply Chain edit_workflow Supply Chain Module Supply Link edit_workflow Supply Node edit_workflow Transformation Rule (Default) Transformation Sourcing Rule (Default) Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_skins/erp5_mrp AAAAAAAAAFE= Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_workflow/production_matrix_workflow AAAAAAAAAFI= portal_workflow/production_order_interaction_workflow AAAAAAAAAFM= portal_workflow/production_order_workflow AAAAAAAAAFQ= portal_workflow/production_packing_list_causality_workflow AAAAAAAAAFU= portal_workflow/production_packing_list_interaction_workflow AAAAAAAAAFY= portal_workflow/production_packing_list_workflow AAAAAAAAAFc= Persistence PersistentMapping _container id production_order_module permission_list Access Transient Objects Access arbitrary user session data Access contents information Access future portal content Access inactive portal content Access session data AccessContentsInformation Add Accelerated HTTP Cache Managers Add BTreeFolder2s Add Base18 Tools Add Browser Id Manager Add CMF Active Processs Add CMF Base Categorys Add CMF Caching Policy Managers Add CMF Categorys Add CMF Core Tools Add CMF Report Tools Add CMF Sites Add CMFActivity Tools Add CMFCalendar Tools Add CMFCategory Tools Add CMFDefault Tools Add CMFMailIn Tools Add CMFWiki Comment Add Content Type Registrys Add Cookie Crumblers Add Database Methods Add Documents, Images, and Files Add ERP5 Filesystem Formulator Forms Add ERP5 Forms Add ERP5 PDF Forms Add ERP5 PDF Templates Add ERP5 Publications Add ERP5 Reports Add ERP5 Sites Add ERP5 Subscriptions Add ERP5 Tools Add ERP5Catalog Tools Add ERP5Form Tools Add ERP5Shop Tools Add ERP5SyncML Tools Add 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Methods Change Formulator Fields Change Formulator Forms Change Images and Files Change Lock Information Change Page Templates Change Photo Change Python Scripts Change Session Data Manager Change Versions Change ZMailIn Change ZMailMessages Change bindings Change cache managers Change cache settings Change configuration Change permissions Change portal events Change portal topics Change proxy roles Checkout shopping cart Copy or Move Create CMFWiki Page Create Transient Objects Create class instances Define permissions Delete objects Download ExtFile/ExtImage Download Product Edit CMFWiki Page Edit Factories Edit ReStructuredText FTP access Import/Export objects Join/leave Versions List folder contents List portal members List undoable changes Log Site Errors Log to the Event Log Mail forgotten password Manage Access Rules Manage Transient Object Container Manage Translation Services Manage Vocabulary Manage WebDAV Locks Manage Z Classes Manage ZCatalog Entries Manage ZCatalogIndex Entries Manage currencies Manage extensions Manage languages Manage messages Manage portal Manage properties Manage shop Manage shop catalog Manage shop category Manage users Manage_messages Modify Cookie Crumblers Modify portal content Move CMFWiki Page Open/Close Database Connection Open/Close Database Connections Post mail to ZMailIn Query Vocabulary Reply to item Request review Review portal content Save/discard Version changes Search ZCatalog Set own password Set own properties Take ownership Test Database Connections Translate Content Undo changes Use Database Methods Use Factories Use mailhost services View View History View ZMailMessage View management screens WebDAV Lock items WebDAV Unlock items WebDAV access ZopeProfiler: manage ZopeProfiler: view portal_type Production Order Module title Production Order Persistence PersistentMapping _container id production_packing_list_module permission_list Access Transient Objects Access arbitrary user session data Access contents information Access future portal content Access inactive portal content Access session data AccessContentsInformation Add Accelerated HTTP Cache Managers Add BTreeFolder2s Add Base18 Tools Add Browser Id Manager Add CMF Active Processs Add CMF Base Categorys Add CMF Caching Policy Managers Add CMF Categorys Add CMF Core Tools Add CMF Report Tools Add CMF Sites Add CMFActivity Tools Add CMFCalendar Tools Add CMFCategory Tools Add CMFDefault Tools Add CMFMailIn Tools Add CMFWiki Comment Add Content Type Registrys Add Cookie Crumblers Add Database Methods Add Documents, Images, and Files Add ERP5 Filesystem Formulator Forms Add ERP5 Forms Add ERP5 PDF Forms Add ERP5 PDF Templates Add ERP5 Publications Add ERP5 Reports Add ERP5 Sites Add ERP5 Subscriptions Add ERP5 Tools Add ERP5Catalog Tools Add ERP5Form Tools Add ERP5Shop Tools Add ERP5SyncML Tools Add ERP5Type Tools Add ExtFiles Add ExtImages Add External Methods Add Filesystem Directory Views Add Folders Add Formulator Forms Add LocalContents Add LocalFolders Add Localizers Add MMM Shop Toolss Add MailHost objects Add MessageCatalogs Add Page Templates Add Photo Folders Add Photos Add Pluggable Index Add Python Scripts Add RAM Cache Managers Add ReStructuredText Documents Add Session Data Manager Add Site Roots Add Temporary Folder Add Transient Object Container Add User Folders Add Versions Add Virtual Host Monsters Add Vocabularies Add Z Gadfly Database Connections Add Z MySQL Database Connections Add ZCatalogs Add ZMailIn Clients Add ZMailMessages Add ZODB Mount Points Add Zope Tutorials Add portal content Add portal events Add portal folders Add portal member Add portal topics Add shop category Change Browser Id Manager Change CMFWiki Regulations Change DTML Documents Change DTML Methods Change Database Connections Change Database Methods Change ExtFile/ExtImage Change External Methods Change Formulator Fields Change Formulator Forms Change Images and Files Change Lock Information Change Page Templates Change Photo Change Python Scripts Change Session Data Manager Change Versions Change ZMailIn Change ZMailMessages Change bindings Change cache managers Change cache settings Change configuration Change permissions Change portal events Change portal topics Change proxy roles Checkout shopping cart Copy or Move Create CMFWiki Page Create Transient Objects Create class instances Define permissions Delete objects Download ExtFile/ExtImage Download Product Edit CMFWiki Page Edit Factories Edit ReStructuredText FTP access Import/Export objects Join/leave Versions List folder contents List portal members List undoable changes Log Site Errors Log to the Event Log Mail forgotten password Manage Access Rules Manage Transient Object Container Manage Translation Services Manage Vocabulary Manage WebDAV Locks Manage Z Classes Manage ZCatalog Entries Manage ZCatalogIndex Entries Manage currencies Manage extensions Manage languages Manage messages Manage portal Manage properties Manage shop Manage shop catalog Manage shop category Manage users Manage_messages Modify Cookie Crumblers Modify portal content Move CMFWiki Page Open/Close Database Connection Open/Close Database Connections Post mail to ZMailIn Query Vocabulary Reply to item Request review Review portal content Save/discard Version changes Search ZCatalog Set own password Set own properties Take ownership Test Database Connections Translate Content Undo changes Use Database Methods Use Factories Use mailhost services View View History View ZMailMessage View management screens WebDAV Lock items WebDAV Unlock items WebDAV access ZopeProfiler: manage ZopeProfiler: view portal_type Production Packing List Module title Production Packing List Persistence PersistentMapping _container id production_report_module permission_list Access Transient Objects Access arbitrary user session data Access contents information Access future portal content Access inactive portal content Access session data AccessContentsInformation Add Accelerated HTTP Cache Managers Add BTreeFolder2s Add Base18 Tools Add Browser Id Manager Add CMF Active Processs Add CMF Base Categorys Add CMF Caching Policy Managers Add CMF Categorys Add CMF Core Tools Add CMF Report Tools Add CMF Sites Add CMFActivity Tools Add CMFCalendar Tools Add CMFCategory Tools Add CMFDefault Tools Add CMFMailIn Tools Add CMFWiki Comment Add Content Type Registrys Add Cookie Crumblers Add Database Methods Add Documents, Images, and Files Add ERP5 Filesystem Formulator Forms Add ERP5 Forms Add ERP5 PDF Forms Add ERP5 PDF Templates Add ERP5 Publications Add ERP5 Reports Add ERP5 Sites Add ERP5 Subscriptions Add ERP5 Tools Add ERP5Catalog Tools Add ERP5Form Tools Add ERP5Shop Tools Add ERP5SyncML Tools Add ERP5Type Tools Add ExtFiles Add ExtImages Add External Methods Add Filesystem Directory Views Add Folders Add Formulator Forms Add LocalContents Add LocalFolders Add Localizers Add MMM Shop Toolss Add MailHost objects Add MessageCatalogs Add Page Templates Add Photo Folders Add Photos Add Pluggable Index Add Python Scripts Add RAM Cache Managers Add ReStructuredText Documents Add Session Data Manager Add Site Roots Add Temporary Folder Add Transient Object Container Add User Folders Add Versions Add Virtual Host Monsters Add Vocabularies Add Z Gadfly Database Connections Add Z MySQL Database Connections Add ZCatalogs Add ZMailIn Clients Add ZMailMessages Add ZODB Mount Points Add Zope Tutorials Add portal content Add portal events Add portal folders Add portal member Add portal topics Add shop category Change Browser Id Manager Change CMFWiki Regulations Change DTML Documents Change DTML Methods Change Database Connections Change Database Methods Change ExtFile/ExtImage Change External Methods Change Formulator Fields Change Formulator Forms Change Images and Files Change Lock Information Change Page Templates Change Photo Change Python Scripts Change Session Data Manager Change Versions Change ZMailIn Change ZMailMessages Change bindings Change cache managers Change cache settings Change configuration Change permissions Change portal events Change portal topics Change proxy roles Checkout shopping cart Copy or Move Create CMFWiki Page Create Transient Objects Create class instances Define permissions Delete objects Download ExtFile/ExtImage Download Product Edit CMFWiki Page Edit Factories Edit ReStructuredText FTP access Import/Export objects Join/leave Versions List folder contents List portal members List undoable changes Log Site Errors Log to the Event Log Mail forgotten password Manage Access Rules Manage Transient Object Container Manage Translation Services Manage Vocabulary Manage WebDAV Locks Manage Z Classes Manage ZCatalog Entries Manage ZCatalogIndex Entries Manage currencies Manage extensions Manage languages Manage messages Manage portal Manage properties Manage shop Manage shop catalog Manage shop category Manage users Manage_messages Modify Cookie Crumblers Modify portal content Move CMFWiki Page Open/Close Database Connection Open/Close Database Connections Post mail to ZMailIn Query Vocabulary Reply to item Request review Review portal content Save/discard Version changes Search ZCatalog Set own password Set own properties Take ownership Test Database Connections Translate Content Undo changes Use Database Methods Use Factories Use mailhost services View View History View ZMailMessage View management screens WebDAV Lock items WebDAV Unlock items WebDAV access ZopeProfiler: manage ZopeProfiler: view portal_type Production Report Module title Production Report Persistence PersistentMapping _container id supply_chain_module permission_list Access Transient Objects Access arbitrary user session data Access contents information Access future portal content Access inactive portal content Access session data AccessContentsInformation Add Accelerated HTTP Cache Managers Add BTreeFolder2s Add Base18 Tools Add Browser Id Manager Add CMF Active Processs Add CMF Base Categorys Add CMF Caching Policy Managers Add CMF Categorys Add CMF Core Tools Add CMF Report Tools Add CMF Sites Add CMFActivity Tools Add CMFCalendar Tools Add CMFCategory Tools Add CMFDefault Tools Add CMFMailIn Tools Add CMFWiki Comment Add Content Type Registrys Add Cookie Crumblers Add Database Methods Add Documents, Images, and Files Add ERP5 Filesystem Formulator Forms Add ERP5 Forms Add ERP5 PDF Forms Add ERP5 PDF Templates Add ERP5 Publications Add ERP5 Reports Add ERP5 Sites Add ERP5 Subscriptions Add ERP5 Tools Add ERP5Catalog Tools Add ERP5Form Tools Add ERP5Shop Tools Add ERP5SyncML Tools Add ERP5Type Tools Add ExtFiles Add ExtImages Add External Methods Add Filesystem Directory Views Add Folders Add Formulator Forms Add LocalContents Add LocalFolders Add Localizers Add MMM Shop Toolss Add MailHost objects Add MessageCatalogs Add Page Templates Add Photo Folders Add Photos Add Pluggable Index Add Python Scripts Add RAM Cache Managers Add ReStructuredText Documents Add Session Data Manager Add Site Roots Add Temporary Folder Add Transient Object Container Add User Folders Add Versions Add Virtual Host Monsters Add Vocabularies Add Z Gadfly Database Connections Add Z MySQL Database Connections Add ZCatalogs Add ZMailIn Clients Add ZMailMessages Add ZODB Mount Points Add Zope Tutorials Add portal content Add portal events Add portal folders Add portal member Add portal topics Add shop category Change Browser Id Manager Change CMFWiki Regulations Change DTML Documents Change DTML Methods Change Database Connections Change Database Methods Change ExtFile/ExtImage Change External Methods Change Formulator Fields Change Formulator Forms Change Images and Files Change Lock Information Change Page Templates Change Photo Change Python Scripts Change Session Data Manager Change Versions Change ZMailIn Change ZMailMessages Change bindings Change cache managers Change cache settings Change configuration Change permissions Change portal events Change portal topics Change proxy roles Checkout shopping cart Copy or Move Create CMFWiki Page Create Transient Objects Create class instances Define permissions Delete objects Download ExtFile/ExtImage Download Product Edit CMFWiki Page Edit Factories Edit ReStructuredText FTP access Import/Export objects Join/leave Versions List folder contents List portal members List undoable changes Log Site Errors Log to the Event Log Mail forgotten password Manage Access Rules Manage Transient Object Container Manage Translation Services Manage Vocabulary Manage WebDAV Locks Manage Z Classes Manage ZCatalog Entries Manage ZCatalogIndex Entries Manage currencies Manage extensions Manage languages Manage messages Manage portal Manage properties Manage shop Manage shop catalog Manage shop category Manage users Manage_messages Modify Cookie Crumblers Modify portal content Move CMFWiki Page Open/Close Database Connection Open/Close Database Connections Post mail to ZMailIn Query Vocabulary Reply to item Request review Review portal content Save/discard Version changes Search ZCatalog Set own password Set own properties Take ownership Test Database Connections Translate Content Undo changes Use Database Methods Use Factories Use mailhost services View View History View ZMailMessage View management screens WebDAV Lock items WebDAV Unlock items WebDAV access ZopeProfiler: manage ZopeProfiler: view portal_type Supply Chain Module title Supply Chain Products.ERP5Type.Document.DeliveryBuilder DeliveryBuilder __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _count AAAAAAAAAFg= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAFk= _tree AAAAAAAAAFo= delivery_after_generation_script_id ProductionDelivery_copyOrderProperties delivery_cell_collect_order VariantMovementGroup delivery_cell_portal_type Delivery Cell delivery_cell_separate_order calculateAddQuantity delivery_collect_order PathMovementGroup DateMovementGroup SectionPathMovementGroup OrderMovementGroup delivery_line_collect_order ResourceMovementGroup BaseVariantMovementGroup delivery_line_portal_type Production Packing List Line delivery_module production_packing_list_module delivery_portal_type Production Packing List description id production_packing_list_builder portal_type Delivery Builder simulation_select_method_id TransformationSourcingRule_selectMovement title Production Packing List Builder uid 1991627068 workflow_history AAAAAAAAAFs= Products.ERP5Type.Document.DeliveryBuilder DeliveryBuilder __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _count AAAAAAAAAFw= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAF0= _tree AAAAAAAAAF4= delivery_after_generation_script_id ProductionDelivery_copyOrderProperties delivery_cell_collect_order VariantMovementGroup delivery_cell_portal_type Production Report Cell delivery_cell_separate_order calculateAddQuantity delivery_collect_order PathMovementGroup DateMovementGroup SectionPathMovementGroup OrderMovementGroup delivery_line_collect_order ResourceMovementGroup BaseVariantMovementGroup delivery_line_portal_type Production Report Line delivery_module production_report_module delivery_portal_type Production Report description id production_report_builder portal_type Delivery Builder simulation_select_method_id TransformationRule_selectMovement title Production Report Builder uid 1991627069 workflow_history AAAAAAAAAF8= Products.ERP5Type.Document.ProductionOrderRule ProductionOrderRule __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _count AAAAAAAAAGA= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAGE= _owner nexedi acl_users romain _tree AAAAAAAAAGI= id default_production_order_rule portal_type Production Order Rule uid 1991627066 workflow_history AAAAAAAAAGM= Products.ERP5Type.Document.TransformationRule TransformationRule __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _count AAAAAAAAAGQ= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAGU= _owner nexedi acl_users romain _tree AAAAAAAAAGY= id default_transformation_rule portal_type Transformation Rule uid 1991627065 workflow_history AAAAAAAAAGc= Products.ERP5Type.Document.TransformationSourcingRule TransformationSourcingRule __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _count AAAAAAAAAGg= _mt_index AAAAAAAAAGk= _owner nexedi acl_users romain _tree AAAAAAAAAGo= id default_transformation_sourcing_rule portal_type Transformation Sourcing Rule uid 1991627067 workflow_history AAAAAAAAAGs= Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAGw= AAAAAAAAAG0= AAAAAAAAAG4= AAAAAAAAAG8= AAAAAAAAAHA= AAAAAAAAAHE= AAAAAAAAAHI= AAAAAAAAAHM= AAAAAAAAAHQ= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_action_list allowed_content_types Discount Payment Condition Production Order Line base_category_list content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Order description A Document can contain text that can be formatted using\n *Structured Text* or *HTML*. Text can be automatically translated\n through the use of \'message catalogs\'.\n \n A Document is a terminating leaf\n in the OFS. It can not contain anything.\n \n Document inherits from XMLObject and can\n be synchronized accross multiple sites.\n factory addOrder filter_actions 0 filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list id Production Order init_script property_sheet_list title Production Order Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAHU= AAAAAAAAAHY= AAAAAAAAAHc= AAAAAAAAAHg= AAAAAAAAAHk= AAAAAAAAAHo= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_action_list allowed_content_types Delivery Cell base_category_list specialise content_icon organisation_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Order Line description A Product object holds the information about\n a manufactured product, like a pen, a bicycle... factory addOrderLine filter_actions 0 filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list Delivery Cell id Production Order Line init_script property_sheet_list redirect_script title Production Order Line Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAHs= AAAAAAAAAHw= AAAAAAAAAH0= AAAAAAAAAH4= AAAAAAAAAH8= AAAAAAAAAIA= AAAAAAAAAIE= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_action_list allowed_content_types Production Order base_category_list content_icon folder_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Folder description Folders allow to store a large number of documents (1,000,000 should not\n be a problem). factory addFolder filter_actions 0 filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list id Production Order Module init_script property_sheet_list title Products.CMFCore.TypesTool FactoryTypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAII= AAAAAAAAAIM= AAAAAAAAAIQ= _owner nexedi acl_users romain content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Production Order Rule description \n Prouction Order Rule object use a Supply Chain to expand a Production\n Order.\n factory addProductionOrderRule id Production Order Rule immediate_view ProductionOrderRule_view product ERP5Type Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAIU= AAAAAAAAAIY= AAAAAAAAAIc= AAAAAAAAAIg= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_action_list allowed_content_types Production Packing List Line base_category_list content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Packing List description A Document can contain text that can be formatted using\n *Structured Text* or *HTML*. Text can be automatically translated\n through the use of \'message catalogs\'.\n \n A Document is a terminating leaf\n in the OFS. It can not contain anything.\n \n Document inherits from XMLObject and can\n be synchronized accross multiple sites.\n factory addPackingList filter_actions 0 filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list id Production Packing List init_script property_sheet_list title Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAIk= AAAAAAAAAIo= AAAAAAAAAIs= AAAAAAAAAIw= AAAAAAAAAI0= AAAAAAAAAI4= AAAAAAAAAI8= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_action_list allowed_content_types Delivery Cell base_category_list content_icon organisation_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Delivery Line description A Product object holds the information about\n a manufactured product, like a pen, a bicycle... factory addDeliveryLine filter_actions 0 filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list Delivery Cell id Production Packing List Line init_script property_sheet_list title Production Packing List Line Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAJA= AAAAAAAAAJE= AAAAAAAAAJI= AAAAAAAAAJM= AAAAAAAAAJQ= AAAAAAAAAJU= AAAAAAAAAJY= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_action_list allowed_content_types Production Packing List base_category_list content_icon folder_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Folder description Folders allow to store a large number of documents (1,000,000 should not\n be a problem). factory addFolder filter_actions 0 filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list id Production Packing List Module init_script property_sheet_list title Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAJc= AAAAAAAAAJg= AAAAAAAAAJk= AAAAAAAAAJo= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_action_list allowed_content_types Production Report Line base_category_list content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Production Report description A Document can contain text that can be formatted using\n *Structured Text* or *HTML*. Text can be automatically translated\n through the use of \'message catalogs\'.\n \n A Document is a terminating leaf\n in the OFS. It can not contain anything.\n \n Document inherits from XMLObject and can\n be synchronized accross multiple sites.\n factory addProductionReport filter_actions 0 filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list id Production Report init_script property_sheet_list title Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAJs= AAAAAAAAAJw= AAAAAAAAAJ0= AAAAAAAAAJ4= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_action_list allowed_content_types base_category_list content_icon order_line_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Production Report Cell description Une ligne tarifaire. factory addProductionReportCell filter_actions 0 filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list id Production Report Cell init_script property_sheet_list title Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAJ8= AAAAAAAAAKA= AAAAAAAAAKE= AAAAAAAAAKI= AAAAAAAAAKM= AAAAAAAAAKQ= AAAAAAAAAKU= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_action_list allowed_content_types Production Report Cell base_category_list content_icon organisation_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Production Report Line description A Product object holds the information about\n a manufactured product, like a pen, a bicycle... factory addProductionReportLine filter_actions 0 filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list Production Report Cell id Production Report Line init_script property_sheet_list title Production Report Line Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAKY= AAAAAAAAAKc= AAAAAAAAAKg= AAAAAAAAAKk= AAAAAAAAAKo= AAAAAAAAAKs= AAAAAAAAAKw= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_action_list allowed_content_types Production Report base_category_list content_icon folder_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Folder description Folders allow to store a large number of documents (1,000,000 should not\n be a problem). factory addFolder filter_actions 0 filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list id Production Report Module init_script property_sheet_list title Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAK0= AAAAAAAAAK4= AAAAAAAAAK8= AAAAAAAAALA= AAAAAAAAALE= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types Supply Link Supply Node base_category_list content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Supply Chain description A Document can contain text that can be formatted using\n *Structured Text* or *HTML*. Text can be automatically translated\n through the use of \'message catalogs\'.\n \n A Document is a terminating leaf\n in the OFS. It can not contain anything.\n \n Document inherits from XMLObject and can\n be synchronized accross multiple sites.\n factory addSupplyChain filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list id Supply Chain init_script property_sheet_list title Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _actions AAAAAAAAALI= AAAAAAAAALM= AAAAAAAAALQ= AAAAAAAAALU= AAAAAAAAALY= AAAAAAAAALc= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_content_types Supply Chain base_category_list content_icon folder_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Folder description Folders allow to store a large number of documents (1,000,000 should not\n be a problem). factory addFolder filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list id Supply Chain Module init_script property_sheet_list title Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _actions AAAAAAAAALg= AAAAAAAAALk= AAAAAAAAALo= AAAAAAAAALs= _owner nexedi acl_users romain content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Supply Link description \n A DeliveryLine object allows to implement lines in\n Deliveries (packing list, order, invoice, etc.)\n \n It may include a price (for insurance, for customs, for invoices,\n for orders)\n factory addSupplyLink id Supply Link Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _actions AAAAAAAAALw= AAAAAAAAAL0= AAAAAAAAAL4= AAAAAAAAAL8= _owner nexedi acl_users romain content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Supply Link description \n A DeliveryLine object allows to implement lines in\n Deliveries (packing list, order, invoice, etc.)\n \n It may include a price (for insurance, for customs, for invoices,\n for orders)\n factory addSupplyLink id Supply Node Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ seb Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAMA= AAAAAAAAAME= AAAAAAAAAMI= AAAAAAAAAMM= AAAAAAAAAMQ= _owner nexedi acl_users romain allowed_action_list allowed_content_types base_category_list content_icon rule_icon.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Transformation Rule description An ERP5 Rule... factory addTransformationRule filter_actions 0 filter_content_types 1 hidden_content_type_list id Transformation Rule init_script property_sheet_list title Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type ERP5TypeInformation __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _actions AAAAAAAAAMU= AAAAAAAAAMY= AAAAAAAAAMc= AAAAAAAAAMg= _owner nexedi acl_users romain content_icon document.gif content_meta_type ERP5 Transformation Sourcing Rule description \n Transformation Sourcing Rule object make sure\n items required in a Transformation are sourced\n factory addTransformationSourcingRule id Transformation Sourcing Rule OFS.Folder Folder ProductionDelivery_confirm AAAAAAAAAMk= ProductionDelivery_copyOrderProperties AAAAAAAAAMo= ProductionOrderLine_view AAAAAAAAAMs= ProductionOrderModule_viewProductionOrderList AAAAAAAAAMw= ProductionOrder_view AAAAAAAAAM0= ProductionOrder_zSelectMovement AAAAAAAAAM4= ProductionPackingListModule_viewProductionPackingListList AAAAAAAAAM8= ProductionPackingList_view AAAAAAAAANA= ProductionReportLine_asCellRange AAAAAAAAANE= ProductionReportModule_viewProductionReportList AAAAAAAAANI= ProductionReport_view AAAAAAAAANM= SupplyChainModule_viewSupplyChainList AAAAAAAAANQ= SupplyChain_view AAAAAAAAANU= SupplyChain_viewSupplyNodeList AAAAAAAAANY= SupplyLink_view AAAAAAAAANc= SupplyNode_view AAAAAAAAANg= TransformationRule_selectMovement AAAAAAAAANk= TransformationSourcingRule_selectMovement AAAAAAAAANo= __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _objects id ProductionOrderModule_viewProductionOrderList meta_type ERP5 Form id ProductionPackingListModule_viewProductionPackingListList meta_type ERP5 Form id ProductionPackingList_view meta_type ERP5 Form id ProductionReportModule_viewProductionReportList meta_type ERP5 Form id ProductionReport_view meta_type ERP5 Form id SupplyChainModule_viewSupplyChainList meta_type ERP5 Form id SupplyChain_view meta_type ERP5 Form id SupplyLink_view meta_type ERP5 Form id TransformationRule_selectMovement meta_type Script (Python) id TransformationSourcingRule_selectMovement meta_type Script (Python) id ProductionOrder_zSelectMovement meta_type Z SQL Method id ProductionReportLine_asCellRange meta_type Script (Python) id ProductionDelivery_copyOrderProperties meta_type Script (Python) id ProductionDelivery_confirm meta_type Script (Python) id SupplyChain_viewSupplyNodeList meta_type ERP5 Form id SupplyNode_view meta_type ERP5 Form id ProductionOrder_view meta_type ERP5 Form id ProductionOrderLine_view meta_type ERP5 Form _owner nexedi acl_users romain id erp5_mrp title Products.ERP5.InteractionWorkflow InteractionWorkflowDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _objects id interactions meta_type Workflow Interaction id variables meta_type Workflow Variables id worklists meta_type Worklists id scripts meta_type Workflow Scripts _owner nexedi acl_users romain id production_matrix_workflow interactions AAAAAAAAANs= scripts AAAAAAAAANw= variables AAAAAAAAAN0= worklists AAAAAAAAAN4= Products.ERP5.InteractionWorkflow InteractionWorkflowDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _objects id interactions meta_type Workflow Interaction id variables meta_type Workflow Variables id worklists meta_type Worklists id scripts meta_type Workflow Scripts _owner nexedi acl_users romain id production_order_interaction_workflow interactions AAAAAAAAAN8= scripts AAAAAAAAAOA= variables AAAAAAAAAOE= worklists AAAAAAAAAOI= Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow DCWorkflowDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner _objects id states meta_type Workflow States id transitions meta_type Workflow Transitions id variables meta_type Workflow Variables id worklists meta_type Worklists id scripts meta_type Workflow Scripts _owner nexedi acl_users romain id production_order_workflow initial_state draft permissions Modify portal content Add portal content scripts AAAAAAAAAOM= state_var simulation_state states AAAAAAAAAOQ= title Production Order transitions AAAAAAAAAOU= uid -1660013816 variables AAAAAAAAAOY= worklists AAAAAAAAAOc= Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow DCWorkflowDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner _objects id states meta_type Workflow States id transitions meta_type Workflow Transitions id variables meta_type Workflow Variables id worklists meta_type Worklists id scripts meta_type Workflow Scripts _owner nexedi acl_users romain id production_packing_list_causality_workflow initial_state solved permissions Modify portal content Add portal content scripts AAAAAAAAAOg= state_var causality_state states AAAAAAAAAOk= title Causality workflow transitions AAAAAAAAAOo= uid -1660013816 variables AAAAAAAAAOs= worklists AAAAAAAAAOw= Products.ERP5.InteractionWorkflow InteractionWorkflowDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _objects id interactions meta_type Workflow Interaction id variables meta_type Workflow Variables id worklists meta_type Worklists id scripts meta_type Workflow Scripts _owner nexedi acl_users romain id production_packing_list_interaction_workflow interactions AAAAAAAAAO0= scripts AAAAAAAAAO4= variables AAAAAAAAAO8= worklists AAAAAAAAAPA= Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow DCWorkflowDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner _objects id states meta_type Workflow States id transitions meta_type Workflow Transitions id variables meta_type Workflow Variables id worklists meta_type Worklists id scripts meta_type Workflow Scripts _owner nexedi acl_users romain id production_packing_list_workflow initial_state draft permissions Modify portal content Add portal content scripts AAAAAAAAAPE= state_var simulation_state states AAAAAAAAAPI= title Packing List transitions AAAAAAAAAPM= uid -1660013816 variables AAAAAAAAAPQ= worklists AAAAAAAAAPU= BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Persistence PersistentMapping _container edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /nexedi/portal_templates/erp5_mrp_import state current time _aday Wed _amon Aug _d 38214.6599535 _day 17 _dayoffset 3 _fday Wednesday _fmon August _hour 11 _millis 1124293819979 _minute 50 _month 8 _nearsec 19.0 _pday Wed. _pm am _pmhour 11 _pmon Aug. _second 19.979 _t 1124293819.98 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.65995346065 BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Persistence PersistentMapping _container edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /nexedi/portal_templates/erp5_mrp_import state current time _aday Wed _amon Aug _d 38214.6599533 _day 17 _dayoffset 3 _fday Wednesday _fmon August _hour 11 _millis 1124293819962 _minute 50 _month 8 _nearsec 19.0 _pday Wed. _pm am _pmhour 11 _pmon Aug. _second 19.962 _t 1124293819.96 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.659953263887 BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Persistence PersistentMapping _container edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /nexedi/portal_templates/erp5_mrp_import state current time _aday Wed _amon Aug _d 38214.6599544 _day 17 _dayoffset 3 _fday Wednesday _fmon August _hour 11 _millis 1124293820064 _minute 50 _month 8 _nearsec 20.0 _pday Wed. _pm am _pmhour 11 _pmon Aug. _second 20.064 _t 1124293820.06 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.659954444447 BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Persistence PersistentMapping _container edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /nexedi/portal_templates/erp5_mrp_import state current time _aday Wed _amon Aug _d 38214.6599549 _day 17 _dayoffset 3 _fday Wednesday _fmon August _hour 11 _millis 1124293820102 _minute 50 _month 8 _nearsec 20.0 _pday Wed. _pm am _pmhour 11 _pmon Aug. _second 20.102 _t 1124293820.1 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.659954884264 BTrees.Length Length 0 BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree BTrees.OOBTree OOBTree Persistence PersistentMapping _container edit_workflow action \'edit\' actor romain comment Object copied from /nexedi/portal_templates/erp5_mrp_import state current time _aday Wed _amon Aug _d 38214.6599541 _day 17 _dayoffset 3 _fday Wednesday _fmon August _hour 11 _millis 1124293820030 _minute 50 _month 8 _nearsec 20.0 _pday Wed. _pm am _pmhour 11 _pmon Aug. _second 20.03 _t 1124293820.03 _tz GMT-4 _year 2005 time 0.65995405092 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAPY= category object_view condition description icon id view optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAPc= category object_view condition description icon id payment_condition optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title Payment visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAPg= category object_view condition description icon id profile_view optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title Profile visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAPk= category object_view condition description icon id view_discount optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title Discount visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAPo= category object_view condition description icon id history optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAPs= category object_view condition description icon id metadata optional 0 permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAPw= category object_print condition description icon id print optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAP0= category object_jump condition description icon id jump_to_related_production_packing_list optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title Related Production Packing List visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAP4= category object_jump condition description icon id jump_to_related_production_report optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title Related Production Report visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAP8= category object_view condition description icon id view optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAQA= category object_view condition AAAAAAAAAQE= description icon id price_view optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title Price visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAQI= category object_view condition AAAAAAAAAQM= description icon id quantity_view optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title Quantity visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAQQ= category object_view condition description icon id history optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAQU= category object_view condition description icon id metadata optional 0 permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAQY= category object_print condition description icon id print optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAQc= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAQg= category object_sort condition description id sort_on permissions View priority 10 title Sort visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAQk= category object_ui condition description id list_ui permissions View priority 10 title Modify UI visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAQo= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAQs= category object_exchange condition description id csv_export permissions View priority 10 title Export Csv File visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAQw= category object_exchange condition description id import_csv permissions Modify portal content priority 10 title Import Csv File visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAQ0= category object_search condition description id search permissions View priority 10 title Search visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAQ4= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAQ8= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAARA= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions View priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAARE= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAARI= category object_view condition description id history permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAARM= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAARQ= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAARU= category object_view condition description icon id view optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAARY= category object_view condition AAAAAAAAARc= description icon id view_price optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title Price visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAARg= category object_view condition AAAAAAAAARk= description icon id quantity_view optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title Quantity visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAARo= category object_view condition AAAAAAAAARs= description icon id option_view optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title Option visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAARw= category object_view condition description icon id history optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAR0= category object_view condition description icon id metadata optional 0 permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAR4= category object_print condition description icon id print optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAR8= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAASA= category object_sort condition description id sort_on permissions View priority 10 title Sort visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAASE= category object_ui condition description id list_ui permissions View priority 10 title Modify UI visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAASI= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAASM= category object_exchange condition description id csv_export permissions View priority 10 title Export Csv File visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAASQ= category object_exchange condition description id import_csv permissions Modify portal content priority 10 title Import Csv File visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAASU= category object_search condition description id search permissions View priority 10 title Search visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAASY= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAASc= category object_view condition description id history permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAASg= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAASk= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAASo= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAASs= category object_view condition description id history_view permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAASw= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions View priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAS0= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAS4= category object_view condition description icon id view optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAS8= category object_view condition AAAAAAAAATA= description icon id view_price optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title Price visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAATE= category object_view condition AAAAAAAAATI= description icon id quantity_view optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title Quantity visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAATM= category object_view condition AAAAAAAAATQ= description icon id option_view optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title Option visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAATU= category object_view condition description icon id history optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAATY= category object_view condition description icon id metadata optional 0 permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAATc= category object_print condition description icon id print optional 0 permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAATg= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAATk= category object_sort condition description id sort_on permissions View priority 10 title Sort visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAATo= category object_ui condition description id list_ui permissions View priority 10 title Modify UI visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAATs= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAATw= category object_exchange condition description id csv_export permissions View priority 10 title Export Csv File visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAT0= category object_exchange condition description id import_csv permissions Modify portal content priority 10 title Import Csv File visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAT4= category object_search condition description id search permissions View priority 10 title Search visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAT8= category object_view condition description icon id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAUA= category object_view condition description icon id view_supply_node permissions View priority 10 title Node visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAUE= category object_view condition description icon id history_view permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAUI= category object_view condition description icon id metadata permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAUM= category object_print condition description icon id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAUQ= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAUU= category object_sort condition description id sort_on permissions View priority 10 title Sort visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAUY= category object_ui condition description id list_ui permissions View priority 10 title Modify UI visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAUc= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAUg= category object_exchange condition description id csv_export permissions View priority 10 title Export Csv File visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAUk= category object_search condition description id search permissions View priority 10 title Search visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAUo= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAUs= category object_view condition description id history_view permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAUw= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions View priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAU0= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAU4= category object_view condition description icon id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAU8= category object_view condition description icon id history_view permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAVA= category object_view condition description icon id metadata permissions View priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAVE= category object_print condition description icon id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAVI= category object_view condition description id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAVM= category object_action condition description id list permissions View priority 10 title Object Contents visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAVQ= category object_print condition description id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAVU= category object_view condition description id metadata permissions View priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation ActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAVY= category object_action condition description id translate permissions Translate Content priority 10 title Translate visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAVc= category object_view condition description icon id view permissions View priority 10 title View visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAVg= category object_view condition description icon id history permissions View priority 10 title History visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAVk= category object_view condition description icon id metadata permissions Manage properties priority 10 title Metadata visible 1 Products.ERP5Type.CMFCorePatch PatchedActionInformation action AAAAAAAAAVo= category object_print condition description icon id print permissions View priority 10 title Print visible 1 Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body packing_list = context\n \n packing_list_state = packing_list.getSimulationState()\n if packing_list_state == "draft":\n packing_list.portal_workflow.doActionFor(\n packing_list,\n \'confirm_action\',\n wf_id=\'production_packing_list_workflow\',\n comment="Initialized by Delivery Builder")\n \n packing_list.edit()\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAAAAAAQAAAAJAAAAQwAA AHNoAAAAdAAAfQEAdAIAfAEAZAEAgwIAgwAAfQMAfAMAZAIAagIAby8AAXQCAHQCAHwBAGQDAIMC AGQEAIMCAHwBAGQFAGQGAGQHAGQIAGQJAIMCAgFuAQABdAIAfAEAZAoAgwIAgwAAAWQAAFMoCwAA 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warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body packing_list = context\n \n # First, copy Order properties\n related_order = packing_list.getCausalityValue()\n packing_list.edit(\n comment = related_order.getComment(),\n delivery_mode = related_order.getDeliveryMode(),\n incoterm = related_order.getIncoterm(),\n destination_administration_value = related_order.\\\n getDestinationAdministrationValue(),\n title = related_order.getTitle()\n )\n \n activity = packing_list.activate(\n after_method_id=[\'immediateReindexObject\',\n \'recursiveImmediateReindexObject\'])\n activity.ProductionDelivery_confirm()\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAAAAAAUAAAAOAAAAQwAA AHO0AAAAdAAAfQEAdAIAfAEAZAEAgwIAgwAAfQMAdAIAfAEAZAIAgwIAZAMAdAIAfAMAZAQAgwIA 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Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox action Base_doSelect encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list Default groups Default listbox id ProductionOrderModule_viewProductionOrderList listbox AAAAAAAAAWk= method POST name ProductionOrderModule_viewProductionOrderList pt form_list row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Production Order unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_destination_administration_person_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_delivery_mode meta_type ListField id my_comment meta_type TextAreaField id listbox meta_type ListBox id my_title meta_type StringField id my_origin meta_type ListField id my_emit_date meta_type DateTimeField id my_destination_section meta_type ListField id my_destination_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_incoterm meta_type ListField id my_stop_date meta_type DateTimeField id state meta_type 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base_category.uid=category.base_category_uid\n AND catalog.uid=category.uid\n WHERE\n 1=1\n \n AND \n \n AND movement.uid = catalog.uid\n AND category.category_uid is NULL\n AND movement.resource_uid is not NULL\n \n \n ORDER BY \n \n ]]> template __name__ ]]> _vars globals raw \n AS \n \n ,\n \n \n \n LEFT JOIN catalog AS base_category ON \n base_category.portal_type = "Base Category"\n AND = "delivery"\n LEFT JOIN category ON \n base_category.uid=category.base_category_uid\n AND catalog.uid=category.uid\n WHERE\n 1=1\n \n AND \n \n AND movement.uid = catalog.uid\n AND category.category_uid is NULL\n AND movement.resource_uid is not NULL\n \n \n ORDER BY \n \n ]]> title Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox action Base_doSelect encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list Default groups Default listbox id ProductionPackingListModule_viewProductionPackingListList listbox AAAAAAAAAXw= method POST name ProductionPackingListModule_viewProductionPackingListList pt form_list row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Production Packing List unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox id my_start_date meta_type DateTimeField id my_stop_date meta_type DateTimeField id state meta_type StringField id total_price meta_type FloatField id total_quantity meta_type FloatField id my_incoterm meta_type ListField id my_title meta_type StringField id my_comment meta_type TextAreaField id my_delivery_mode meta_type ListField id my_causality_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_destination_administration_person_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_destination_section meta_type ListField id my_source_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_causality_state meta_type StringField id my_destination_title meta_type RelationStringField action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype 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update_action Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body invert display and value in item\n cell_range.append( map(lambda x: (x[1],x[0]), context.getVariationCategoryItemList(base_category_list = (base_category,) ) ) )\n else:\n cell_range.append( context.getVariationCategoryList(base_category_list = (base_category,) ) )\n \n cell_range = filter(lambda x: x != [], cell_range )\n \n return cell_range\n ]]> _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAEAAAABzEAAAAGQBAGQCAIQBAFoAAGQAAFMoAwAAAE5pAAAAAGMBAAAADAAA AAwAAABLAAAAc98AAAB0AAB0AQBkAQCDAgCDAAB9BABnAAB9BQB8BAB0BABqCQBvsgABdAAAfAQA ZAIAgwIAZAMAZAQAgwABfQcAeIEAdAYAfAcAgwEARF1zAH0JAHwAAGQEAGoCAG84AAF0AAB8BQBk BQCDAgB0CQBkBgCEAAB0AAB0AQBkBwCDAgBkCAB8CQBmAQCDAAGDAgCDAQABcUoAAXQAAHwFAGQF AIMCAHQAAHQBAGQJAIMCAGQIAHwJAGYBAIMAAYMBAAFxSgBXdAoAZAoAhAAAfAUAgwIAfQUAbgEA 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ProductionReportModule_viewProductionReportList listbox AAAAAAAAAY4= method POST name ProductionReportModule_viewProductionReportList pt form_list row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Production Report unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ Thierry_Brettnacher Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id listbox meta_type ListBox id my_start_date meta_type DateTimeField id my_stop_date meta_type DateTimeField id state meta_type StringField id total_price meta_type FloatField id total_quantity meta_type FloatField id my_incoterm meta_type ListField id my_title meta_type StringField id my_comment meta_type TextAreaField id my_delivery_mode meta_type ListField id my_causality_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_destination_administration_person_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_destination_section meta_type ListField id my_source_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_causality_state meta_type StringField id my_destination_title meta_type RelationStringField action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype multipart/form-data group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center my_comment hidden left my_title my_destination_section my_destination_administration_person_title my_incoterm my_delivery_mode right my_causality_title my_source_title my_destination_title my_start_date my_stop_date state my_causality_state total_quantity total_price id ProductionReport_view listbox AAAAAAAAAY8= method POST my_causality_state AAAAAAAAAZA= my_causality_title AAAAAAAAAZE= my_comment AAAAAAAAAZI= my_delivery_mode AAAAAAAAAZM= my_destination_administration_person_title AAAAAAAAAZQ= my_destination_section AAAAAAAAAZU= my_destination_title AAAAAAAAAZY= my_incoterm AAAAAAAAAZc= my_source_title AAAAAAAAAZg= my_start_date AAAAAAAAAZk= my_stop_date AAAAAAAAAZo= my_title AAAAAAAAAZs= name ProductionReport_view pt form_view row_length 4 state AAAAAAAAAZw= stored_encoding UTF-8 title Production Report total_price 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stored_encoding UTF-8 title Supply Chain unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_description meta_type TextAreaField id my_title meta_type StringField id listbox meta_type ListBox action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom listbox center my_description hidden left my_title right id SupplyChain_viewSupplyNodeList listbox AAAAAAAAAaM= method POST my_description AAAAAAAAAaQ= my_title AAAAAAAAAaU= name SupplyChain_viewSupplyNodeList pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Supply Chain unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_description meta_type TextAreaField id my_title meta_type StringField id my_destination_section meta_type ListField id my_destination_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_source_section_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_source_title meta_type RelationStringField id my_max_delay meta_type FloatField id my_min_delay meta_type FloatField id my_deliverable meta_type CheckBoxField id my_industrial_phase_save meta_type ListField id my_industrial_phase_list meta_type MultiListField action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom center my_description hidden left my_title my_source_title my_source_section_title my_max_delay my_min_delay my_industrial_phase_save right my_deliverable my_destination_title my_destination_section my_industrial_phase_list id SupplyLink_view method POST my_deliverable AAAAAAAAAaY= my_description AAAAAAAAAac= my_destination_section AAAAAAAAAag= my_destination_title AAAAAAAAAak= my_industrial_phase_list AAAAAAAAAao= my_industrial_phase_save AAAAAAAAAas= my_max_delay AAAAAAAAAaw= my_min_delay AAAAAAAAAa0= my_source_section_title AAAAAAAAAa4= my_source_title AAAAAAAAAa8= my_title AAAAAAAAAbA= name SupplyLink_view pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Supply Link unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.ERP5Form.Form ERP5Form __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns _objects id my_description meta_type TextAreaField id my_title meta_type StringField id my_destination_title meta_type RelationStringField action Base_edit encoding UTF-8 enctype group_list left right center bottom hidden groups bottom center my_description hidden left my_title right my_destination_title id SupplyNode_view method POST my_description AAAAAAAAAbE= my_destination_title AAAAAAAAAbI= my_title AAAAAAAAAbM= name SupplyNode_view pt form_view row_length 4 stored_encoding UTF-8 title Supply Node unicode_mode 0 update_action Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body # XXX need to implement this part in the catalog\n # portal type causality of root applied rule\n # XXX kw[\'orderType\'] = \'Sale Order\'\n \n def test(movement):\n root_applied_rule = movement.getRootAppliedRule()\n root_rule = root_applied_rule.getSpecialiseValue()\n root_movement = movement.getRootSimulationMovement()\n parent_applied_rule = movement.getParent()\n parent_rule = parent_applied_rule.getSpecialiseValue()\n return (\n root_rule.getPortalType() == "Production Order Rule" and\\\n parent_rule.getPortalType() == "Transformation Rule" and\\\n root_movement.getSimulationState() == "confirmed"\n )\n \n kw.update(context.portal_catalog.buildSQLQuery(**kw))\n \n if src__==0:\n movement_list = [x.getObject() for x in context.ProductionOrder_zSelectMovement(**kw)]\n movement_list = [x for x in movement_list if test(x)]\n return movement_list\n else:\n return context.ProductionOrder_zSelectMovement(src__=1, **kw)\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAEAAAABzEAAAAGQBAGQCAIQBAFoAAGQAAFMoAwAAAE5pAAAAAGMBAAAACwAA ABAAAABLAAAAc/UAAABkAQCEAAB9AgB0AQB8AQBkAgCDAgB0AwB0AQB0AQB0BABkAwCDAgBkBACD AgB8AQCNAQCDAQABfAAAZAUAagIAb5EAAWcAAARpBgB9BwB0CAB0AwB0AQB0BABkBgCDAgB8AQCN AQCDAQBEXRwAfQkAfAcAdAEAfAkAZAcAgwIAgwAAgwEAAXFqAH4HAH0KAGcAAARpBgB9BwB0CAB8 CgCDAQBEXSEAfQkAfAIAfAkAgwEAbw4AAXwHAHwJAIMBAAFxowABcaMAfgcAfQoAfAoAU24dAAF0 AwB0AQB0BABkBgCDAgBkCABkCQB8AQCNAQFTZAAAUygKAAAATmMBAAAABwAAAAcAAABDAAAAc6YA AAB0AAB8AABkAQCDAgCDAAB9AgB0AAB8AgBkAgCDAgCDAAB9AwB0AAB8AABkAwCDAgCDAAB9BAB0 AAB8AABkBACDAgCDAAB9BQB0AAB8BQBkAgCDAgCDAAB9BgB0AAB8AwBkBQCDAgCDAABkBgBqAgBv LwABdAAAfAYAZAUAgwIAgwAAZAcAagIAbxYAAXQAAHwEAGQIAIMCAIMAAGQJAGoCAFNkAABTKAoA AABOcxIAAABnZXRSb290QXBwbGllZFJ1bGVzEgAAAGdldFNwZWNpYWxpc2VWYWx1ZXMZAAAAZ2V0 Um9vdFNpbXVsYXRpb25Nb3ZlbWVudHMJAAAAZ2V0UGFyZW50cw0AAABnZXRQb3J0YWxUeXBlcxUA AABQcm9kdWN0aW9uIE9yZGVyIFJ1bGVzEwAAAFRyYW5zZm9ybWF0aW9uIFJ1bGVzEgAAAGdldFNp bXVsYXRpb25TdGF0ZXMJAAAAY29uZmlybWVkKAcAAABzCQAAAF9nZXRhdHRyX3MIAAAAbW92ZW1l bnRzEQAAAHJvb3RfYXBwbGllZF9ydWxlcwkAAAByb290X3J1bGVzDQAAAHJvb3RfbW92ZW1lbnRz EwAAAHBhcmVudF9hcHBsaWVkX3J1bGVzCwAAAHBhcmVudF9ydWxlKAcAAABzCAAAAG1vdmVtZW50 cwkAAABfZ2V0YXR0cl9zEQAAAHJvb3RfYXBwbGllZF9ydWxlcwkAAAByb290X3J1bGVzDQAAAHJv b3RfbW92ZW1lbnRzEwAAAHBhcmVudF9hcHBsaWVkX3J1bGVzCwAAAHBhcmVudF9ydWxlKAAAAAAo AAAAAHMPAAAAU2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pcwQAAAB0ZXN0BQAAAHMSAAAAAAESARIBEgESARIBAwEZ ARkBcwYAAAB1cGRhdGVzDgAAAHBvcnRhbF9jYXRhbG9ncw0AAABidWlsZFNRTFF1ZXJ5aQAAAABz HwAAAFByb2R1Y3Rpb25PcmRlcl96U2VsZWN0TW92ZW1lbnRzCQAAAGdldE9iamVjdHMFAAAAc3Jj X19pAQAAACgLAAAAcwQAAAB0ZXN0cwkAAABfZ2V0YXR0cl9zAgAAAGt3cwcAAABfYXBwbHlfcwcA AABjb250ZXh0cwUAAABzcmNfX3MGAAAAYXBwZW5kcwgAAAAkYXBwZW5kMHMJAAAAX2dldGl0ZXJf cwEAAAB4cw0AAABtb3ZlbWVudF9saXN0KAsAAABzBQAAAHNyY19fcwIAAABrd3MEAAAAdGVzdHMJ AAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwcAAABfYXBwbHlfcwcAAABjb250ZXh0cwYAAABhcHBlbmRzCAAAACRhcHBl bmQwcwkAAABfZ2V0aXRlcl9zAQAAAHhzDQAAAG1vdmVtZW50X2xpc3QoAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABT Y3JpcHQgKFB5dGhvbilzIQAAAFRyYW5zZm9ybWF0aW9uUnVsZV9zZWxlY3RNb3ZlbWVudAEAAABz FAAAAAAEDAwrAg0BJgAlARQABgAkAQgCKAEAAABzIQAAAFRyYW5zZm9ybWF0aW9uUnVsZV9zZWxl Y3RNb3ZlbWVudCgBAAAAcyEAAABUcmFuc2Zvcm1hdGlvblJ1bGVfc2VsZWN0TW92ZW1lbnQoAAAA ACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQgKFB5dGhvbilzCAAAADxtb2R1bGU+AQAAAHMAAAAA _dav_writelocks AAAAAAAAAbQ= _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_skins/erp5_manufacturing/TransformationRule_selectMovement _params src__=0, **kw errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames src__ kw test _getattr_ _apply_ context append $append0 _getiter_ x movement_list func_defaults 0 id TransformationRule_selectMovement title warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body # XXX need to implement this part in the catalog\n # portal type causality of root applied rule\n # XXX kw[\'orderType\'] = \'Sale Order\'\n \n def test(movement):\n root_applied_rule = movement.getRootAppliedRule()\n root_rule = root_applied_rule.getSpecialiseValue()\n root_movement = movement.getRootSimulationMovement()\n parent_applied_rule = movement.getParent()\n parent_rule = parent_applied_rule.getSpecialiseValue()\n return (\n root_rule.getPortalType() == "Production Order Rule" and\\\n (parent_rule.getPortalType() in ("Transformation Sourcing Rule",\n "Production Order Rule")) and\\\n root_movement.getSimulationState() == "confirmed"\n )\n \n kw.update(context.portal_catalog.buildSQLQuery(**kw))\n \n if src__==0:\n movement_list = [x.getObject() for x in context.ProductionOrder_zSelectMovement(**kw)]\n movement_list = [x for x in movement_list if test(x)]\n return movement_list\n else:\n return context.ProductionOrder_zSelectMovement(src__=1, **kw)\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAEAAAABzEAAAAGQBAGQCAIQBAFoAAGQAAFMoAwAAAE5pAAAAAGMBAAAACwAA ABAAAABLAAAAc/UAAABkAQCEAAB9AgB0AQB8AQBkAgCDAgB0AwB0AQB0AQB0BABkAwCDAgBkBACD AgB8AQCNAQCDAQABfAAAZAUAagIAb5EAAWcAAARpBgB9BwB0CAB0AwB0AQB0BABkBgCDAgB8AQCN AQCDAQBEXRwAfQkAfAcAdAEAfAkAZAcAgwIAgwAAgwEAAXFqAH4HAH0KAGcAAARpBgB9BwB0CAB8 CgCDAQBEXSEAfQkAfAIAfAkAgwEAbw4AAXwHAHwJAIMBAAFxowABcaMAfgcAfQoAfAoAU24dAAF0 AwB0AQB0BABkBgCDAgBkCABkCQB8AQCNAQFTZAAAUygKAAAATmMBAAAABwAAAAcAAABDAAAAc6wA AAB0AAB8AABkAQCDAgCDAAB9AgB0AAB8AgBkAgCDAgCDAAB9AwB0AAB8AABkAwCDAgCDAAB9BAB0 AAB8AABkBACDAgCDAAB9BQB0AAB8BQBkAgCDAgCDAAB9BgB0AAB8AwBkBQCDAgCDAABkBgBqAgBv NQABdAAAfAYAZAUAgwIAgwAAZAcAZAYAZgIAagYAbxYAAXQAAHwEAGQIAIMCAIMAAGQJAGoCAFNk AABTKAoAAABOcxIAAABnZXRSb290QXBwbGllZFJ1bGVzEgAAAGdldFNwZWNpYWxpc2VWYWx1ZXMZ AAAAZ2V0Um9vdFNpbXVsYXRpb25Nb3ZlbWVudHMJAAAAZ2V0UGFyZW50cw0AAABnZXRQb3J0YWxU eXBlcxUAAABQcm9kdWN0aW9uIE9yZGVyIFJ1bGVzHAAAAFRyYW5zZm9ybWF0aW9uIFNvdXJjaW5n IFJ1bGVzEgAAAGdldFNpbXVsYXRpb25TdGF0ZXMJAAAAY29uZmlybWVkKAcAAABzCQAAAF9nZXRh dHRyX3MIAAAAbW92ZW1lbnRzEQAAAHJvb3RfYXBwbGllZF9ydWxlcwkAAAByb290X3J1bGVzDQAA AHJvb3RfbW92ZW1lbnRzEwAAAHBhcmVudF9hcHBsaWVkX3J1bGVzCwAAAHBhcmVudF9ydWxlKAcA AABzCAAAAG1vdmVtZW50cwkAAABfZ2V0YXR0cl9zEQAAAHJvb3RfYXBwbGllZF9ydWxlcwkAAABy b290X3J1bGVzDQAAAHJvb3RfbW92ZW1lbnRzEwAAAHBhcmVudF9hcHBsaWVkX3J1bGVzCwAAAHBh cmVudF9ydWxlKAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAAU2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pcwQAAAB0ZXN0BQAAAHMSAAAA AAESARIBEgESARIBAwEZAR8CcwYAAAB1cGRhdGVzDgAAAHBvcnRhbF9jYXRhbG9ncw0AAABidWls ZFNRTFF1ZXJ5aQAAAABzHwAAAFByb2R1Y3Rpb25PcmRlcl96U2VsZWN0TW92ZW1lbnRzCQAAAGdl dE9iamVjdHMFAAAAc3JjX19pAQAAACgLAAAAcwQAAAB0ZXN0cwkAAABfZ2V0YXR0cl9zAgAAAGt3 cwcAAABfYXBwbHlfcwcAAABjb250ZXh0cwUAAABzcmNfX3MGAAAAYXBwZW5kcwgAAAAkYXBwZW5k MHMJAAAAX2dldGl0ZXJfcwEAAAB4cw0AAABtb3ZlbWVudF9saXN0KAsAAABzBQAAAHNyY19fcwIA AABrd3MEAAAAdGVzdHMJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwcAAABfYXBwbHlfcwcAAABjb250ZXh0cwYAAABh cHBlbmRzCAAAACRhcHBlbmQwcwkAAABfZ2V0aXRlcl9zAQAAAHhzDQAAAG1vdmVtZW50X2xpc3Qo AAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQgKFB5dGhvbilzKQAAAFRyYW5zZm9ybWF0aW9uU291cmNpbmdS dWxlX3NlbGVjdE1vdmVtZW50AQAAAHMUAAAAAAQMDSsCDQEmACUBFAAGACQBCAIoAQAAAHMpAAAA VHJhbnNmb3JtYXRpb25Tb3VyY2luZ1J1bGVfc2VsZWN0TW92ZW1lbnQoAQAAAHMpAAAAVHJhbnNm b3JtYXRpb25Tb3VyY2luZ1J1bGVfc2VsZWN0TW92ZW1lbnQoAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQg KFB5dGhvbilzCAAAADxtb2R1bGU+AQAAAHMAAAAA _dav_writelocks AAAAAAAAAbU= _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_skins/erp5_manufacturing/TransformationSourcingRule_selectMovement _params src__=0, **kw errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames src__ kw test _getattr_ _apply_ context append $append0 _getiter_ x movement_list func_defaults 0 id TransformationSourcingRule_selectMovement title warnings Products.ERP5.Interaction Interaction _mapping setVariationCategoryList AAAAAAAAAbY= _objects id setVariationCategoryList meta_type Workflow Interaction id interactions Products.DCWorkflow.Scripts Scripts _mapping DeliveryLine_updateCellRange AAAAAAAAAbc= _objects id DeliveryLine_updateCellRange meta_type Script (Python) id scripts Products.DCWorkflow.Variables Variables _mapping id variables Products.DCWorkflow.Worklists Worklists _mapping id worklists Products.ERP5.Interaction Interaction _mapping edit AAAAAAAAAbg= _objects id edit meta_type Workflow Interaction id interactions Products.DCWorkflow.Scripts Scripts _mapping Order_updateAppliedRule AAAAAAAAAbk= _objects id Order_updateAppliedRule meta_type Script (Python) id scripts Products.DCWorkflow.Variables Variables _mapping id variables Products.DCWorkflow.Worklists Worklists _mapping id worklists Products.DCWorkflow.Scripts Scripts _mapping Order_appliedToRelatedMovement AAAAAAAAAbo= Order_buildPackingList AAAAAAAAAbs= Order_createOrderRule AAAAAAAAAbw= _objects id Order_createOrderRule meta_type Script (Python) id Order_buildPackingList meta_type Script (Python) id Order_appliedToRelatedMovement meta_type Script (Python) id scripts uid -1660013796 workflow_history AAAAAAAAAb0= Products.DCWorkflow.States States _mapping auto_planned AAAAAAAAAb4= cancelled AAAAAAAAAb8= confirmed AAAAAAAAAcA= draft AAAAAAAAAcE= ordered AAAAAAAAAcI= planned AAAAAAAAAcM= _objects id draft meta_type Workflow State id ordered meta_type Workflow State id planned meta_type Workflow State id confirmed meta_type Workflow State id cancelled meta_type Workflow State id auto_planned meta_type Workflow State id states uid -1660013815 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions Transitions _mapping autoPlan AAAAAAAAAcQ= cancel AAAAAAAAAcU= cancel_action AAAAAAAAAcY= confirm AAAAAAAAAcc= confirm_action AAAAAAAAAcg= informDeliveryList AAAAAAAAAck= order AAAAAAAAAco= order_action AAAAAAAAAcs= plan AAAAAAAAAcw= plan_action AAAAAAAAAc0= _objects id plan meta_type Workflow Transition id confirm meta_type Workflow Transition id order meta_type Workflow Transition id cancel meta_type Workflow Transition id cancel_action meta_type Workflow Transition id confirm_action meta_type Workflow Transition id order_action meta_type Workflow Transition id plan_action meta_type Workflow Transition id autoPlan meta_type Workflow Transition id informDeliveryList meta_type Workflow Transition id transitions uid -1660013809 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables Variables _mapping action AAAAAAAAAc4= actor AAAAAAAAAc8= comment AAAAAAAAAdA= history AAAAAAAAAdE= portal_type AAAAAAAAAdI= start_date AAAAAAAAAdM= stop_date AAAAAAAAAdQ= time AAAAAAAAAdU= _objects id action meta_type Workflow Variable id actor meta_type Workflow Variable id comment meta_type Workflow Variable id history meta_type Workflow Variable id time meta_type Workflow Variable id start_date meta_type Workflow Variable id stop_date meta_type Workflow Variable id portal_type meta_type Workflow Variable id variables uid -1660013803 Products.DCWorkflow.Worklists Worklists _mapping draft_purchase AAAAAAAAAdY= draft_sale AAAAAAAAAdc= ordered_purchase AAAAAAAAAdg= ordered_sale AAAAAAAAAdk= planned_purchase AAAAAAAAAdo= planned_sale AAAAAAAAAds= _objects id draft_purchase meta_type Worklist id draft_sale meta_type Worklist id ordered_purchase meta_type Worklist id ordered_sale meta_type Worklist id planned_purchase meta_type Worklist id planned_sale meta_type Worklist id worklists uid -1660013797 Products.DCWorkflow.Scripts Scripts _mapping PackingList_acceptDecision AAAAAAAAAdw= PackingList_adoptPrevision AAAAAAAAAd0= PackingList_callSplitPrevisionTransition AAAAAAAAAd4= PackingList_split AAAAAAAAAd8= _objects id PackingList_acceptDecision meta_type Script (Python) id PackingList_split meta_type Script (Python) id PackingList_callSplitPrevisionTransition meta_type Script (Python) id PackingList_adoptPrevision meta_type Script (Python) id scripts uid -1660013796 workflow_history AAAAAAAAAeA= Products.DCWorkflow.States States _mapping diverged AAAAAAAAAeE= solved AAAAAAAAAeI= _objects id solved meta_type Workflow State id diverged meta_type Workflow State id states uid -1660013815 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions Transitions _mapping accept_decision AAAAAAAAAeM= accept_decision_action AAAAAAAAAeQ= adopt_prevision AAAAAAAAAeU= adopt_prevision_action AAAAAAAAAeY= converge AAAAAAAAAec= diverge AAAAAAAAAeg= edit AAAAAAAAAek= split_prevision AAAAAAAAAeo= split_prevision_action AAAAAAAAAes= _objects id diverge meta_type Workflow Transition id converge meta_type Workflow Transition id accept_decision meta_type Workflow Transition id accept_decision_action meta_type Workflow Transition id split_prevision meta_type Workflow Transition id split_prevision_action meta_type Workflow Transition id adopt_prevision meta_type Workflow Transition id adopt_prevision_action meta_type Workflow Transition id edit meta_type Workflow Transition id transitions uid -1660013809 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables Variables _mapping action AAAAAAAAAew= actor AAAAAAAAAe0= comment AAAAAAAAAe4= history AAAAAAAAAe8= portal_type AAAAAAAAAfA= start_date AAAAAAAAAfE= stop_date AAAAAAAAAfI= time AAAAAAAAAfM= _objects id action meta_type Workflow Variable id actor meta_type Workflow Variable id comment meta_type Workflow Variable id history meta_type Workflow Variable id time meta_type Workflow Variable id start_date meta_type Workflow Variable id stop_date meta_type Workflow Variable id portal_type meta_type Workflow Variable id variables uid -1660013803 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PackingListContent_beforeDelete meta_type Script (Python) id scripts Products.DCWorkflow.Variables Variables _mapping id variables Products.DCWorkflow.Worklists Worklists _mapping id worklists Products.DCWorkflow.Scripts Scripts _mapping PackingList_updateAppliedRule AAAAAAAAAfw= _objects id PackingList_updateAppliedRule meta_type Script (Python) id scripts uid -1660013796 workflow_history AAAAAAAAAf0= Products.DCWorkflow.States States _mapping cancelled AAAAAAAAAf4= confirmed AAAAAAAAAf8= delivered AAAAAAAAAgA= draft AAAAAAAAAgE= ready AAAAAAAAAgI= started AAAAAAAAAgM= stopped AAAAAAAAAgQ= _objects id draft meta_type Workflow State id confirmed meta_type Workflow State id cancelled meta_type Workflow State id ready meta_type Workflow State id started meta_type Workflow State id stopped meta_type Workflow State id delivered meta_type Workflow State id states uid -1660013815 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions Transitions _mapping cancel AAAAAAAAAgU= cancel_action AAAAAAAAAgY= confirm 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string:${object_url}/Base_viewMetadata Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/Base_printPdf Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/ProductionReportModule_viewProductionReportList Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/Folder_viewSortOnDialog Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/Base_viewUIDialog Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/Base_printPdf Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/Base_exportCsvFileForm Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/Base_importCsvFileForm Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/Folder_viewSearchDialog Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/SupplyChain_view Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/SupplyChain_viewSupplyNodeList Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/Base_viewHistory Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/Base_viewMetadata Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/Base_printPdf Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/SupplyChainModule_viewSupplyChainList Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/Folder_viewSortOnDialog Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/Base_viewUIDialog Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/Base_printPdf Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/Base_exportCsvFileForm Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/Folder_viewSearchDialog Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/SupplyLink_view Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/Base_viewHistory Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/Base_viewMetadata Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/Base_printPdf Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/SupplyNode_view Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/Base_viewHistory Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/Base_viewMetadata Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/Base_printPdf Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/rule_view Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/folder_contents Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/rule_print Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/metadata_edit Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/translation_template_view Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/TransformationSourcingRule_view Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/Base_viewHistory Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/Base_viewMetadata Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text string:${object_url}/TransformationSourcingRule_print Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 50 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Default price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_quantity_unit message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAhk= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Quantity Unit unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_resource_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAho= jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type AAAAAAAAAhs= relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category resource catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module resource_module description display_maxwidth display_width 40 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Resource Resource relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Resource truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_specialise_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. relation_result_ambiguous Select appropriate document in the list. relation_result_empty No such document was found. relation_result_too_long Too many documents were found. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales allow_creation allow_jump alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default AAAAAAAAAhw= default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAh0= jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type AAAAAAAAAh4= relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values allow_creation 1 allow_jump 1 alternate_name base_category specialise catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module transformation_module description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Transformation Transformation relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Transformation truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_start_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAAAh8= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Shipping Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_stop_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAAAiA= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Delivery Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ParallelListField ParallelListField id my_variation_category_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id hidden items required size title unicode view_separator sub_form AAAAAAAAAiE= tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id hidden items AAAAAAAAAiI= required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hash_script_id DeliveryLine_hashVariationCategoryItemList hidden 0 items required 0 size 5 title Variation unicode 0 view_separator ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAAAiM= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total Price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAAAiQ= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total Quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values all_columns id ID title Title simulation_state State all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID title Title simulation_state State count_method css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 30 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAAAiU= meta_types portal_types Production Order Production Order report_root_list report_tree 0 search 1 search_columns id ID title Title simulation_state State select 1 selection_name production_order_module_production_order_selection sort title title sort_columns id ID title Title simulation_state State stat_columns stat_method title Production Order url_columns Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values all_columns id ID title Title resource_title Resource getTotalQuantity Total quantity quantity_unit Unit stop_date Delivery date all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID title Title resource_title Resource getTotalQuantity Total quantity quantity_unit Unit stop_date Delivery date count_method css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 10 list_action Folder_viewContentList list_method AAAAAAAAAiY= meta_types portal_types Production Order Line Production Order Line report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns id ID title Title resource_title Resource getTotalQuantity Total quantity quantity_unit Unit stop_date Delivery date select 0 selection_name production_order_line_selection sort title title sort_columns id ID title Title resource_title Resource getTotalQuantity Total quantity quantity_unit Unit stop_date Delivery date stat_columns stat_method title Production Order Line url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_comment message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Comments unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_delivery_mode message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAic= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Delivery mode unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 40 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_administration_person_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination_administration catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module person description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination administration person truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_destination_section message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAig= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Destination section unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_emit_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAAAik= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Emit date Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_incoterm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAio= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Incoterm unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_origin message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAis= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Origin unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_price_currency message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAiw= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Currency unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_specialise_supply_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. relation_result_ambiguous Select appropriate document in the list. relation_result_empty No such document was found. relation_result_too_long Too many documents were found. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales allow_creation allow_jump alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default AAAAAAAAAi0= default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values allow_creation 1 allow_jump 1 alternate_name base_category specialise catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module supply_chain_module description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Supply Chain Supply Chain relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Supply Chain truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_start_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAAAi4= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Shipping Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_stop_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAAAi8= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Delivery Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id state message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAAAjA= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title State truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAAAjE= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Persistence PersistentMapping _container Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values all_columns id ID title Title simulation_state State all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID title Title simulation_state State count_method css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 30 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAAAjI= meta_types portal_types Production Packing List Production Packing List report_root_list report_tree 0 search 1 search_columns id ID title Title simulation_state State select 1 selection_name production_packing_list_module_production_pacing_list_selection sort title title sort_columns id ID title Title simulation_state State stat_columns stat_method title Production Packing List url_columns Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values all_columns id ID title Title resource_title Resource getTotalQuantity Total quantity quantity_unit Unit getTotalPrice Price stop_date Delivery Date all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID title Title resource_title Resource getTotalQuantity Total quantity quantity_unit Unit getTotalPrice Price stop_date Delivery Date count_method css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 10 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAAAjM= meta_types portal_types Production Packing List Line Production Packing List Line report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name production_packing_list_line_selection sort id id sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Production Packing List Line url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_causality_state message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Causality State truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_causality_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values allow_creation 1 allow_jump 1 alternate_name base_category causality catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module production_order_module description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Production Order Production Order relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Causality truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_comment message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Comments unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_delivery_mode message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAjQ= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Delivery mode unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_administration_person_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination_administration catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module person description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination administration person truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_destination_section message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAjU= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Destination section unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values allow_creation 1 allow_jump 1 alternate_name base_category destination catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_incoterm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAjY= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Incoterm unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_start_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAAAjc= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Shipping Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_stop_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAAAjg= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Delivery Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id state message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAAAjk= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title State truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAAAjo= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAAAjs= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Persistence PersistentMapping _container Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values all_columns id ID title Title simulation_state State all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID title Title simulation_state State count_method css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 30 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAAAjw= meta_types portal_types Production Report Production Report report_root_list report_tree 0 search 1 search_columns id ID title Title simulation_state State select 1 selection_name production_report_module_production_report_selection sort title title sort_columns id ID title Title simulation_state State stat_columns stat_method title Production Report url_columns Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values all_columns id ID title Title resource_title Resource getTotalQuantity Total quantity quantity_unit Unit getTotalPrice Price stop_date Delivery Date all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID title Title resource_title Resource getTotalQuantity Total quantity quantity_unit Unit getTotalPrice Price stop_date Delivery Date count_method css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 10 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAAAj0= meta_types portal_types Production Report Line Production Report Line report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name production_report_line_selection sort id id sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Production Report Line url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_causality_state message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Causality State truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_causality_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values allow_creation 1 allow_jump 1 alternate_name base_category causality catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module production_order_module description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Production Order Production Order relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Causality truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_comment message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 3 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Comments unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 80 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_delivery_mode message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAj4= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Delivery mode unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_administration_person_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category destination_administration catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module person description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination administration person truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_destination_section message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAj8= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Destination section unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values allow_creation 1 allow_jump 1 alternate_name base_category destination catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_incoterm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAkA= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Incoterm unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_start_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAAAkE= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Shipping Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields DateTimeField id my_stop_date message_values datetime_out_of_range The date and time you entered were out of range. external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_datetime You did not enter a valid date and time. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title sub_form AAAAAAAAAkI= tales allow_empty_time alternate_name ampm_time_style css_class date_only date_separator default default_now description editable enabled end_datetime external_validator hidden input_order input_style required start_datetime time_separator title values allow_empty_time 0 alternate_name ampm_time_style 0 css_class date_only 1 date_separator / default default_now 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 end_datetime external_validator hidden 0 input_order ymd input_style text required 0 start_datetime time_separator : title Delivery Date Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id state message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAAAkM= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title State truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_price message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAAAkQ= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total price whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id total_quantity message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAAAkU= description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 0 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Total quantity whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID title Title count_method css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 30 list_action list list_method AAAAAAAAAkY= meta_types portal_types Supply Chain Supply Chain report_root_list report_tree 0 search 1 search_columns select 1 selection_name supply_chain_module_supply_chain_selection sort title title sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Supply Chain url_columns Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID industrial_phase Industrial Phase source_title Source destination_title Destination deliverable Last count_method css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 100 list_action Folder_viewContentList list_method AAAAAAAAAkc= meta_types portal_types Supply Link Supply Link report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name supply_link_selection sort id ID sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Supply Link url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 50 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 30 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.ListBox ListBox id listbox message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns tales all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree editable editable_columns enabled external_validator global_attributes hidden lines list_action list_method meta_types portal_types report_root_list report_tree search search_columns select selection_name sort sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title url_columns values all_columns all_editable_columns alternate_name columns id ID title Title destination_title Destination count_method css_class default default_params description domain_root_list domain_tree 0 editable 1 editable_columns enabled 1 external_validator global_attributes hidden 0 lines 100 list_action Folder_viewContentList list_method AAAAAAAAAkg= meta_types portal_types Supply Node Supply Node report_root_list report_tree 0 search 0 search_columns select 0 selection_name supply_node_selection sort id ID sort_columns stat_columns stat_method title Supply Node url_columns Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 50 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 30 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields CheckBoxField id my_deliverable message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra hidden title tales alternate_name css_class default AAAAAAAAAkk= description editable enabled external_validator extra hidden title values alternate_name css_class default 0 description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 title Last Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 50 Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_destination_section message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAko= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Destination section unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values allow_creation 1 allow_jump 1 alternate_name base_category destination catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Supply Node Supply Node relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Destination truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField id my_industrial_phase_list message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAks= required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items required 0 size 5 title Industrial phase unicode 0 view_separator ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields ListField id my_industrial_phase_save message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items required size title unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items AAAAAAAAAkw= required size title unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 0 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items required 0 size 1 title Industrial phase unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_max_delay message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Max. delay (day) whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields FloatField id my_min_delay message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. not_float You did not enter a floating point number. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden required title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 10 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 title Min. delay (day) whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_section_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. relation_result_ambiguous Select appropriate document in the list. relation_result_empty No such document was found. relation_result_too_long Too many documents were found. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index columns css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item first_item hidden items jump_method list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type relation_setter_id required size sort title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values alternate_name base_category source_section catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source section truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_source_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values allow_creation 1 allow_jump 1 alternate_name base_category source catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Supply Node Supply Node relation_setter_id required 0 size 1 sort title Source truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 30 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 0 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields TextAreaField id my_description message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. line_too_long A line was too long. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long You entered too many characters. too_many_lines You entered too many lines. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra height hidden max_length max_linelength max_lines required title unicode whitespace_preserve width values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra height 5 hidden 0 max_length max_linelength max_lines required 0 title Description unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 width 50 Products.ERP5Form.RelationField RelationStringField id my_destination_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name base_category catalog_index css_class default default_module description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden jump_method max_length portal_type relation_setter_id required title truncate unicode update_method whitespace_preserve values allow_creation 1 allow_jump 1 alternate_name base_category destination catalog_index title columns css_class default default_module organisation description display_maxwidth display_width 20 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item first_item 0 hidden 0 items jump_method Base_jumpToRelatedDocument list_method max_length parameter_list portal_type Organisation Organisation Category Category Person Person relation_setter_id required 1 size 1 sort title Destination truncate 0 unicode 0 update_method Base_validateRelation whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id my_title message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width 30 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length required 1 title Title truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Products.ERP5.Interaction InteractionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url activate_script_name after_script_name DeliveryLine_updateCellRange description guard id setVariationCategoryList method_id _setVariationCategoryList portal_type_filter Production Order Line Production Packing List Line Production Report Line script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body delivery_line = state_change.object\n \n base_id = \'movement\'\n delivery_line.updateCellRange(base_id)\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAQAAAAEAAAAQwAA AHMsAAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAZAIAfQMAdAAAfAIAZAMAgwIAfAMAgwEAAWQAAFMoBAAAAE5z BgAAAG9iamVjdHMIAAAAbW92ZW1lbnRzDwAAAHVwZGF0ZUNlbGxSYW5nZSgEAAAAcwkAAABfZ2V0 YXR0cl9zDAAAAHN0YXRlX2NoYW5nZXMNAAAAZGVsaXZlcnlfbGluZXMHAAAAYmFzZV9pZCgEAAAA cwwAAABzdGF0ZV9jaGFuZ2VzCQAAAF9nZXRhdHRyX3MNAAAAZGVsaXZlcnlfbGluZXMHAAAAYmFz ZV9pZCgAAAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMcAAAARGVsaXZlcnlMaW5lX3VwZGF0 ZUNlbGxSYW5nZQEAAABzBAAAAA8CCQEoAQAAAHMcAAAARGVsaXZlcnlMaW5lX3VwZGF0ZUNlbGxS YW5nZSgBAAAAcxwAAABEZWxpdmVyeUxpbmVfdXBkYXRlQ2VsbFJhbmdlKAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAA U2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pcwgAAAA8bW9kdWxlPgEAAABzAAAAAA== _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_workflow/trade_matrix_workflow/scripts/DeliveryLine_updateCellRange _params state_change errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames state_change _getattr_ delivery_line base_id func_defaults id DeliveryLine_updateCellRange warnings Products.ERP5.Interaction InteractionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url activate_script_name after_script_name Order_updateAppliedRule description guard id edit method_id _edit portal_type_filter Production Order script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body order = state_change.object\n \n if order.getSimulationState() in order.getPortalPlannedOrderStateList():\n order.updateAppliedRule("default_production_order_rule")\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAMAAAAGAAAAQwAA AHNPAAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAdAAAfAIAZAIAgwIAgwAAdAAAfAIAZAMAgwIAgwAAagYAbxcA AXQAAHwCAGQEAIMCAGQFAIMBAAFuAQABZAAAUygGAAAATnMGAAAAb2JqZWN0cxIAAABnZXRTaW11 bGF0aW9uU3RhdGVzHgAAAGdldFBvcnRhbFBsYW5uZWRPcmRlclN0YXRlTGlzdHMRAAAAdXBkYXRl QXBwbGllZFJ1bGVzHQAAAGRlZmF1bHRfcHJvZHVjdGlvbl9vcmRlcl9ydWxlKAMAAABzCQAAAF9n ZXRhdHRyX3MMAAAAc3RhdGVfY2hhbmdlcwUAAABvcmRlcigDAAAAcwwAAABzdGF0ZV9jaGFuZ2Vz CQAAAF9nZXRhdHRyX3MFAAAAb3JkZXIoAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQgKFB5dGhvbilzFwAA AE9yZGVyX3VwZGF0ZUFwcGxpZWRSdWxlAQAAAHMEAAAADwIoASgBAAAAcxcAAABPcmRlcl91cGRh dGVBcHBsaWVkUnVsZSgBAAAAcxcAAABPcmRlcl91cGRhdGVBcHBsaWVkUnVsZSgAAAAAKAAAAABz DwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMIAAAAPG1vZHVsZT4BAAAAcwAAAAA= _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_workflow/order_interaction_workflow/scripts/Order_updateAppliedRule _params state_change errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames state_change _getattr_ order func_defaults id Order_updateAppliedRule warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body order = state_change.object\n \n order.applyToOrderRelatedMovement(method_id=\'expand\')\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAMAAAAEAAAAQwAA AHMpAAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAdAAAfAIAZAIAgwIAZAMAZAQAgwABAWQAAFMoBQAAAE5zBgAA AG9iamVjdHMbAAAAYXBwbHlUb09yZGVyUmVsYXRlZE1vdmVtZW50cwkAAABtZXRob2RfaWRzBgAA AGV4cGFuZCgDAAAAcwkAAABfZ2V0YXR0cl9zDAAAAHN0YXRlX2NoYW5nZXMFAAAAb3JkZXIoAwAA AHMMAAAAc3RhdGVfY2hhbmdlcwkAAABfZ2V0YXR0cl9zBQAAAG9yZGVyKAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAA U2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pcx4AAABPcmRlcl9hcHBsaWVkVG9SZWxhdGVkTW92ZW1lbnQBAAAAcwIA AAASAigBAAAAcx4AAABPcmRlcl9hcHBsaWVkVG9SZWxhdGVkTW92ZW1lbnQoAQAAAHMeAAAAT3Jk ZXJfYXBwbGllZFRvUmVsYXRlZE1vdmVtZW50KAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAAU2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24p cwgAAAA8bW9kdWxlPgEAAABzAAAAAA== _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_workflow/order_workflow/scripts/Order_appliedToRelatedMovement _params state_change errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames state_change _getattr_ order func_defaults id Order_appliedToRelatedMovement warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body order = state_change.object\n \n order.updateAppliedRule("default_production_order_rule")\n \n delivery_builder_list = [\n order.portal_deliveries.production_report_builder,\n order.portal_deliveries.production_packing_list_builder\n ]\n for delivery_builder in delivery_builder_list:\n delivery_builder.activate(\n after_method_id=[\'immediateReindexObject\',\n \'recursiveImmediateReindexObject\',\n \'expand\']).build()\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAYAAAALAAAAQwAA AHOYAAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAdAAAfAIAZAIAgwIAZAMAgwEAAXQAAHQAAHwCAGQEAIMCAGQF AIMCAHQAAHQAAHwCAGQEAIMCAGQGAIMCAGcCAH0DAHg/AHQEAHwDAIMBAERdMQB9BQB0AAB0AAB8 BQBkBwCDAgBkCABkCQBkCgBkCwBnAwCDAAFkDACDAgCDAAABcV8AV2QAAFMoDQAAAE5zBgAAAG9i amVjdHMRAAAAdXBkYXRlQXBwbGllZFJ1bGVzHQAAAGRlZmF1bHRfcHJvZHVjdGlvbl9vcmRlcl9y dWxlcxEAAABwb3J0YWxfZGVsaXZlcmllc3MZAAAAcHJvZHVjdGlvbl9yZXBvcnRfYnVpbGRlcnMf AAAAcHJvZHVjdGlvbl9wYWNraW5nX2xpc3RfYnVpbGRlcnMIAAAAYWN0aXZhdGVzDwAAAGFmdGVy X21ldGhvZF9pZHMWAAAAaW1tZWRpYXRlUmVpbmRleE9iamVjdHMfAAAAcmVjdXJzaXZlSW1tZWRp YXRlUmVpbmRleE9iamVjdHMGAAAAZXhwYW5kcwUAAABidWlsZCgGAAAAcwkAAABfZ2V0YXR0cl9z DAAAAHN0YXRlX2NoYW5nZXMFAAAAb3JkZXJzFQAAAGRlbGl2ZXJ5X2J1aWxkZXJfbGlzdHMJAAAA X2dldGl0ZXJfcxAAAABkZWxpdmVyeV9idWlsZGVyKAYAAABzDAAAAHN0YXRlX2NoYW5nZXMJAAAA X2dldGF0dHJfcwUAAABvcmRlcnMVAAAAZGVsaXZlcnlfYnVpbGRlcl9saXN0cwkAAABfZ2V0aXRl cl9zEAAAAGRlbGl2ZXJ5X2J1aWxkZXIoAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQgKFB5dGhvbilzFgAA AE9yZGVyX2J1aWxkUGFja2luZ0xpc3QBAAAAcxAAAAASAhACBgEVARUCDQAMAQwBKAEAAABzFgAA AE9yZGVyX2J1aWxkUGFja2luZ0xpc3QoAQAAAHMWAAAAT3JkZXJfYnVpbGRQYWNraW5nTGlzdCgA AAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMIAAAAPG1vZHVsZT4BAAAAcwAAAAA= _dav_writelocks AAAAAAAAAk0= _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_workflow/order_workflow/scripts/Order_buildPackingList _params state_change errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames state_change _getattr_ order delivery_builder_list _getiter_ delivery_builder func_defaults id Order_buildPackingList warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body order = state_change.object\n \n order.updateAppliedRule("default_production_order_rule")\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAMAAAAEAAAAQwAA AHMmAAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAdAAAfAIAZAIAgwIAZAMAgwEAAWQAAFMoBAAAAE5zBgAAAG9i amVjdHMRAAAAdXBkYXRlQXBwbGllZFJ1bGVzHQAAAGRlZmF1bHRfcHJvZHVjdGlvbl9vcmRlcl9y dWxlKAMAAABzCQAAAF9nZXRhdHRyX3MMAAAAc3RhdGVfY2hhbmdlcwUAAABvcmRlcigDAAAAcwwA AABzdGF0ZV9jaGFuZ2VzCQAAAF9nZXRhdHRyX3MFAAAAb3JkZXIoAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3Jp cHQgKFB5dGhvbilzFQAAAE9yZGVyX2NyZWF0ZU9yZGVyUnVsZQEAAABzAgAAABICKAEAAABzFQAA AE9yZGVyX2NyZWF0ZU9yZGVyUnVsZSgBAAAAcxUAAABPcmRlcl9jcmVhdGVPcmRlclJ1bGUoAAAA ACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQgKFB5dGhvbilzCAAAADxtb2R1bGU+AQAAAHMAAAAA _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_workflow/order_workflow/scripts/Order_createOrderRule _params state_change errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames state_change _getattr_ order func_defaults id Order_createOrderRule warnings Persistence PersistentMapping _container order_workflow order_action order order_actor superseb order_comment order_state ordered order_time _aday Mon _amon Jul _d 37463.758549 _day 28 _dayoffset 1 _fday Monday _fmon July _hour 20 _millis 1059415938634 _minute 12 _month 7 _nearsec 18.0 _pday Mon. _pm pm _pmhour 8 _pmon July _second 18.634 _t 1059415938.63 _tz GMT+2 _year 2003 time 0.758549004626 Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner id auto_planned Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner id cancelled permission_roles AAAAAAAAAk4= uid -1660013814 Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner id confirmed permission_roles AAAAAAAAAk8= uid -1660013812 Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner description id draft title transitions cancel cancel_action order order_action plan plan_action uid -1660013813 Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner description id ordered title transitions cancel cancel_action confirm confirm_action uid -1660013811 Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner description id planned title transitions cancel cancel_action confirm confirm_action order order_action uid -1660013810 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name description guard id autoPlan new_state_id auto_planned script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name Order_appliedToRelatedMovement description guard id cancel new_state_id cancelled script_name title trigger_type 2 uid 1037417571 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name Cancel actbox_url %(content_url)s/BaseWorkflow_viewWorkflowActionDialog?field_my_workflow_action=cancel_action after_script_name cancel description guard id cancel_action new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 1 uid -1660013808 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name Order_buildPackingList description guard id confirm new_state_id confirmed script_name title trigger_type 2 uid -72028492 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name Confirm actbox_url %(content_url)s/BaseWorkflow_viewWorkflowActionDialog?workflow_action=confirm_action after_script_name confirm description guard id confirm_action new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 1 uid -1660013804 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name description guard id informDeliveryList new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name Order_createOrderRule description guard id order new_state_id ordered script_name title trigger_type 2 uid -72028491 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name Order actbox_url %(content_url)s/BaseWorkflow_viewWorkflowActionDialog?workflow_action=order_action after_script_name order description guard id order_action new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 1 uid -1660013807 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name Order_createOrderRule description guard id plan new_state_id planned script_name title trigger_type 2 uid -72028493 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name Plan actbox_url %(content_url)s/BaseWorkflow_viewWorkflowActionDialog?field_my_workflow_action=plan_action after_script_name plan description guard id plan_action new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 1 uid -1660013805 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAAAlA= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id action info_guard uid -1660013801 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAAAlE= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id actor info_guard uid -1660013800 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAAAlI= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id comment info_guard uid -1660013798 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAAAlM= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 0 id history info_guard uid -1660013802 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner default_expr default_value description for_catalog 1 for_status 0 id portal_type info_guard update_always 0 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAAAlQ= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id start_date info_guard uid 1037417573 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAAAlU= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id stop_date info_guard uid 1037417572 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAAAlY= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id time info_guard uid -1660013799 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Worklists WorklistDefinition __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner actbox_category global actbox_name Drafts of purchase orders (%(count)s) actbox_url description guard id draft_purchase var_matches AAAAAAAAAlc= Products.DCWorkflow.Worklists WorklistDefinition __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner actbox_category global actbox_name Drafts of sale orders (%(count)s) actbox_url description guard id draft_sale var_matches AAAAAAAAAlg= Products.DCWorkflow.Worklists WorklistDefinition __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner actbox_category global actbox_name Purchase orders not confirmed (%(count)s) actbox_url description guard id ordered_purchase var_matches AAAAAAAAAlk= Products.DCWorkflow.Worklists WorklistDefinition __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner actbox_category global actbox_name Sale orders not confirmed (%(count)s) actbox_url description guard id ordered_sale var_matches AAAAAAAAAlo= Products.DCWorkflow.Worklists WorklistDefinition __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner actbox_category global actbox_name Plans of purchase orders (%(count)s) actbox_url description guard id planned_purchase var_matches AAAAAAAAAls= Products.DCWorkflow.Worklists WorklistDefinition __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner actbox_category global actbox_name Plans of sale orders actbox_url description guard id planned_sale var_matches AAAAAAAAAlw= Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body packing_list = state_change.object\n \n # Create Delivery Applied Rule (if required)\n packing_list.updateAppliedRule()\n # Make sure applied rule is 100% indexed\n # Here, applied rule must be already cleanly created \n \n # We do not use DeliverySolver, because, by default, we keep delivery_ratio\n # untouch\n packing_list.portal_simulation.solveDelivery(packing_list, None,\n "CopyToTarget")\n \n # Automatic workflow\n packing_list.edit()\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAQAAAAFAAAAQwAA AHNVAAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAdAAAfAIAZAIAgwIAgwAAAXQAAHQAAHwCAGQDAIMCAGQEAIMC AHwCAHQDAGQFAIMDAAF0AAB8AgBkBgCDAgCDAAABZAAAUygHAAAATnMGAAAAb2JqZWN0cxEAAAB1 cGRhdGVBcHBsaWVkUnVsZXMRAAAAcG9ydGFsX3NpbXVsYXRpb25zDQAAAHNvbHZlRGVsaXZlcnlz DAAAAENvcHlUb1RhcmdldHMEAAAAZWRpdCgEAAAAcwkAAABfZ2V0YXR0cl9zDAAAAHN0YXRlX2No YW5nZXMMAAAAcGFja2luZ19saXN0cwQAAABOb25lKAQAAABzDAAAAHN0YXRlX2NoYW5nZXMJAAAA X2dldGF0dHJfcwwAAABwYWNraW5nX2xpc3RzBAAAAE5vbmUoAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQg KFB5dGhvbilzGgAAAFBhY2tpbmdMaXN0X2FjY2VwdERlY2lzaW9uAQAAAHMGAAAAEgMTBh8EKAEA AABzGgAAAFBhY2tpbmdMaXN0X2FjY2VwdERlY2lzaW9uKAEAAABzGgAAAFBhY2tpbmdMaXN0X2Fj Y2VwdERlY2lzaW9uKAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAAU2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pcwgAAAA8bW9kdWxlPgEA AABzAAAAAA== _dav_writelocks AAAAAAAAAl0= _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_workflow/packing_list_causality_workflow/scripts/PackingList_acceptDecision _params state_change errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames state_change _getattr_ packing_list None func_defaults id PackingList_acceptDecision warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body packing_list = state_change.object\n \n # Create Delivery Applied Rule (if required)\n packing_list.updateAppliedRule()\n # Make sure applied rule is 100% indexed\n # Here, applied rule must be already cleanly created \n \n \n \n packing_list_portal_type = packing_list.getPortalType()\n if packing_list_portal_type == \'Sale Packing List\':\n delivery_builder = packing_list.portal_deliveries.sale_packing_list_builder\n elif packing_list_portal_type == \'Purchase Packing List\':\n delivery_builder = packing_list.portal_deliveries.purchase_packing_list_builder\n \n packing_list_relative_url = packing_list.getRelativeUrl()\n delivery_builder.updateFromSimulation(packing_list_relative_url)\n \n # Automatic workflow\n packing_list.edit()\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAYAAAAIAAAAQwAA AHO8AAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAdAAAfAIAZAIAgwIAgwAAAXQAAHwCAGQDAIMCAIMAAH0DAHwD AGQEAGoCAG8cAAF0AAB0AAB8AgBkBQCDAgBkBgCDAgB9BABuKgABfAMAZAcAagIAbxwAAXQAAHQA AHwCAGQFAIMCAGQIAIMCAH0EAG4BAAF0AAB8AgBkCQCDAgCDAAB9BQB0AAB8BABkCgCDAgB8BQCD AQABdAAAfAIAZAsAgwIAgwAAAWQAAFMoDAAAAE5zBgAAAG9iamVjdHMRAAAAdXBkYXRlQXBwbGll ZFJ1bGVzDQAAAGdldFBvcnRhbFR5cGVzEQAAAFNhbGUgUGFja2luZyBMaXN0cxEAAABwb3J0YWxf ZGVsaXZlcmllc3MZAAAAc2FsZV9wYWNraW5nX2xpc3RfYnVpbGRlcnMVAAAAUHVyY2hhc2UgUGFj a2luZyBMaXN0cx0AAABwdXJjaGFzZV9wYWNraW5nX2xpc3RfYnVpbGRlcnMOAAAAZ2V0UmVsYXRp dmVVcmxzFAAAAHVwZGF0ZUZyb21TaW11bGF0aW9ucwQAAABlZGl0KAYAAABzCQAAAF9nZXRhdHRy X3MMAAAAc3RhdGVfY2hhbmdlcwwAAABwYWNraW5nX2xpc3RzGAAAAHBhY2tpbmdfbGlzdF9wb3J0 YWxfdHlwZXMQAAAAZGVsaXZlcnlfYnVpbGRlcnMZAAAAcGFja2luZ19saXN0X3JlbGF0aXZlX3Vy bCgGAAAAcwwAAABzdGF0ZV9jaGFuZ2VzCQAAAF9nZXRhdHRyX3MMAAAAcGFja2luZ19saXN0cxgA AABwYWNraW5nX2xpc3RfcG9ydGFsX3R5cGVzEAAAAGRlbGl2ZXJ5X2J1aWxkZXJzGQAAAHBhY2tp bmdfbGlzdF9yZWxhdGl2ZV91cmwoAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQgKFB5dGhvbilzGgAAAFBh Y2tpbmdMaXN0X2Fkb3B0UHJldmlzaW9uAQAAAHMSAAAAEgMNBhIBDQEcAQ0BHAIVARMDKAEAAABz GgAAAFBhY2tpbmdMaXN0X2Fkb3B0UHJldmlzaW9uKAEAAABzGgAAAFBhY2tpbmdMaXN0X2Fkb3B0 UHJldmlzaW9uKAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAAU2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pcwgAAAA8bW9kdWxlPgEAAABz AAAAAA== _dav_writelocks AAAAAAAAAl4= _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_workflow/packing_list_causality_workflow/scripts/PackingList_adoptPrevision _params state_change errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames state_change _getattr_ packing_list packing_list_portal_type delivery_builder packing_list_relative_url func_defaults id PackingList_adoptPrevision warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body packing_list = state_change.object\n \n stop_date = state_change.kwargs[\'stop_date\']\n start_date = state_change.kwargs[\'start_date\']\n \n # packing_list.split_prevision(start_date=start_date,\n # stop_date=stop_date)\n \n packing_list.portal_workflow.doActionFor(\n packing_list,\n \'split_prevision\',\n wf_id=\'packing_list_causality_workflow\',\n start_date=start_date,\n stop_date=stop_date)\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAYAAAAKAAAAQwAA AHN0AAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAdAMAdAAAfAAAZAIAgwIAZAMAgwIAfQQAdAMAdAAAfAAAZAIA gwIAZAQAgwIAfQUAdAAAdAAAfAIAZAUAgwIAZAYAgwIAfAIAZAcAZAgAZAkAZAQAfAUAZAMAfAQA gwIDAWQAAFMoCgAAAE5zBgAAAG9iamVjdHMGAAAAa3dhcmdzcwkAAABzdG9wX2RhdGVzCgAAAHN0 YXJ0X2RhdGVzDwAAAHBvcnRhbF93b3JrZmxvd3MLAAAAZG9BY3Rpb25Gb3JzDwAAAHNwbGl0X3By ZXZpc2lvbnMFAAAAd2ZfaWRzHwAAAHBhY2tpbmdfbGlzdF9jYXVzYWxpdHlfd29ya2Zsb3coBgAA AHMJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwwAAABzdGF0ZV9jaGFuZ2VzDAAAAHBhY2tpbmdfbGlzdHMJAAAAX2dl dGl0ZW1fcwkAAABzdG9wX2RhdGVzCgAAAHN0YXJ0X2RhdGUoBgAAAHMMAAAAc3RhdGVfY2hhbmdl cwkAAABfZ2V0YXR0cl9zDAAAAHBhY2tpbmdfbGlzdHMJAAAAX2dldGl0ZW1fcwkAAABzdG9wX2Rh dGVzCgAAAHN0YXJ0X2RhdGUoAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQgKFB5dGhvbilzKAAAAFBhY2tp bmdMaXN0X2NhbGxTcGxpdFByZXZpc2lvblRyYW5zaXRpb24BAAAAcwwAAAAPAhgBHgUPAQ8DBgEo AQAAAHMoAAAAUGFja2luZ0xpc3RfY2FsbFNwbGl0UHJldmlzaW9uVHJhbnNpdGlvbigBAAAAcygA AABQYWNraW5nTGlzdF9jYWxsU3BsaXRQcmV2aXNpb25UcmFuc2l0aW9uKAAAAAAoAAAAAHMPAAAA U2NyaXB0IChQeXRob24pcwgAAAA8bW9kdWxlPgEAAABzAAAAAA== _dav_writelocks AAAAAAAAAl8= _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_workflow/packing_list_causality_workflow/scripts/PackingList_callSplitPrevisionTransition _params state_change errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames state_change _getattr_ packing_list _getitem_ stop_date start_date func_defaults id PackingList_callSplitPrevisionTransition warnings Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body packing_list = state_change.object\n \n stop_date = state_change.kwargs[\'stop_date\']\n start_date = state_change.kwargs[\'start_date\']\n \n # Create Delivery Applied Rule (if required)\n packing_list.updateAppliedRule()\n # Make sure applied rule is 100% indexed\n # Here, applied rule must be already cleanly created \n \n # We do not use DeliverySolver, because, by default, we keep delivery_ratio\n # untouch\n packing_list.portal_simulation.solveDelivery(packing_list, None, \n "SplitAndDefer",\n start_date=start_date,\n stop_date=stop_date)\n \n # Automatic workflow\n packing_list.edit()\n \n # Create delivery\n order = packing_list.getCausalityValue()\n applied_rule = order.getCausalityRelatedValue(portal_type="Applied Rule")\n # reindex simulation movement as quick as possible\n #applied_rule.recursiveImmediateReindexObject()\n \n order_portal_type = order.getPortalType()\n if order_portal_type == \'Sale Order\':\n delivery_builder = order.portal_deliveries.sale_packing_list_builder\n elif order_portal_type == \'Purchase Order\':\n delivery_builder = order.portal_deliveries.purchase_packing_list_builder\n \n applied_rule_uid = applied_rule.getUid()\n delivery_builder.activate().build(applied_rule_uid=applied_rule_uid)\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAwAAAAOAAAAQwAA AHNTAQAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAdAMAdAAAfAAAZAIAgwIAZAMAgwIAfQQAdAMAdAAAfAAAZAIA gwIAZAQAgwIAfQUAdAAAfAIAZAUAgwIAgwAAAXQAAHQAAHwCAGQGAIMCAGQHAIMCAHwCAHQGAGQI AGQEAHwFAGQDAHwEAIMDAgF0AAB8AgBkCQCDAgCDAAABdAAAfAIAZAoAgwIAgwAAfQcAdAAAfAcA ZAsAgwIAZAwAZA0AgwABfQgAdAAAfAcAZA4AgwIAgwAAfQkAfAkAZA8AagIAbxwAAXQAAHQAAHwH AGQQAIMCAGQRAIMCAH0KAG4qAAF8CQBkEgBqAgBvHAABdAAAdAAAfAcAZBAAgwIAZBMAgwIAfQoA bgEAAXQAAHwIAGQUAIMCAIMAAH0LAHQAAHQAAHwKAGQVAIMCAIMAAGQWAIMCAGQXAHwLAIMAAQFk AABTKBgAAABOcwYAAABvYmplY3RzBgAAAGt3YXJnc3MJAAAAc3RvcF9kYXRlcwoAAABzdGFydF9k YXRlcxEAAAB1cGRhdGVBcHBsaWVkUnVsZXMRAAAAcG9ydGFsX3NpbXVsYXRpb25zDQAAAHNvbHZl RGVsaXZlcnlzDQAAAFNwbGl0QW5kRGVmZXJzBAAAAGVkaXRzEQAAAGdldENhdXNhbGl0eVZhbHVl cxgAAABnZXRDYXVzYWxpdHlSZWxhdGVkVmFsdWVzCwAAAHBvcnRhbF90eXBlcwwAAABBcHBsaWVk IFJ1bGVzDQAAAGdldFBvcnRhbFR5cGVzCgAAAFNhbGUgT3JkZXJzEQAAAHBvcnRhbF9kZWxpdmVy aWVzcxkAAABzYWxlX3BhY2tpbmdfbGlzdF9idWlsZGVycw4AAABQdXJjaGFzZSBPcmRlcnMdAAAA cHVyY2hhc2VfcGFja2luZ19saXN0X2J1aWxkZXJzBgAAAGdldFVpZHMIAAAAYWN0aXZhdGVzBQAA 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func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames state_change _getattr_ packing_list _getitem_ stop_date start_date None order applied_rule order_portal_type delivery_builder applied_rule_uid func_defaults id PackingList_split warnings Persistence PersistentMapping _container order_workflow order_action order order_actor superseb order_comment order_state ordered order_time _aday Mon _amon Jul _d 37463.758549 _day 28 _dayoffset 1 _fday Monday _fmon July _hour 20 _millis 1059415938634 _minute 12 _month 7 _nearsec 18.0 _pday Mon. _pm pm _pmhour 8 _pmon July _second 18.634 _t 1059415938.63 _tz GMT+2 _year 2003 time 0.758549004626 Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner description id diverged title transitions accept_decision accept_decision_action adopt_prevision adopt_prevision_action converge edit split_prevision split_prevision_action Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner description id solved title transitions diverge edit 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workflow actbox_name Adopt prevision actbox_url %(content_url)s/BaseWorkflow_viewWorkflowActionDialog?field_my_workflow_action=adopt_prevision_action after_script_name adopt_prevision description guard AAAAAAAAAmI= id adopt_prevision_action new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name description guard AAAAAAAAAmM= id converge new_state_id solved script_name title trigger_type 0 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name description guard AAAAAAAAAmQ= id diverge new_state_id diverged script_name title trigger_type 0 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name description guard id edit new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 2 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for_status 1 id actor info_guard uid -1660013800 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAAAmg= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id comment info_guard uid -1660013798 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAAAmk= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 0 id history info_guard uid -1660013802 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner default_expr default_value description for_catalog 1 for_status 0 id portal_type info_guard update_always 0 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAAAmo= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id start_date info_guard uid 1037417573 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAAAms= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id stop_date info_guard uid 1037417572 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAAAmw= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id time info_guard uid -1660013799 update_always 1 Products.ERP5.Interaction InteractionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url activate_script_name after_script_name description guard id PackingListContent_delete method_id manage_beforeDelete portal_type_filter Production Packing List Line Production Report Cell Production Report Line script_name PackingListContent_beforeDelete title trigger_type 2 Products.ERP5.Interaction InteractionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url activate_script_name after_script_name PackingListContent_updatePackingListState description guard id PackingListContent_edit method_id _edit portal_type_filter Production Packing List Line Production Report Cell Production Report Line script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.ERP5.Interaction InteractionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url activate_script_name after_script_name PackingList_updateAppliedRule description guard id PackingList_edit method_id edit portal_type_filter Production Packing List Production Report script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body packing_list_content = state_change.object\n \n packing_list_content.getExplanationValue().activate().edit()\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAMAAAAGAAAAQwAA AHM7AAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAdAAAdAAAdAAAfAIAZAIAgwIAgwAAZAMAgwIAgwAAZAQAgwIA 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Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body packing_list_content = state_change.object\n \n #packing_list_content.immediateReindexObject()\n #packing_list_content.getExplanationValue().edit()\n packing_list_content.getExplanationValue().activate().edit()\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAMAAAAGAAAAQwAA AHM7AAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAdAAAdAAAdAAAfAIAZAIAgwIAgwAAZAMAgwIAgwAAZAQAgwIA gwAAAWQAAFMoBQAAAE5zBgAAAG9iamVjdHMTAAAAZ2V0RXhwbGFuYXRpb25WYWx1ZXMIAAAAYWN0 aXZhdGVzBAAAAGVkaXQoAwAAAHMJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwwAAABzdGF0ZV9jaGFuZ2VzFAAAAHBh Y2tpbmdfbGlzdF9jb250ZW50KAMAAABzDAAAAHN0YXRlX2NoYW5nZXMJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcxQA AABwYWNraW5nX2xpc3RfY29udGVudCgAAAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMgAAAA Q29udGFpbmVyX3VwZGF0ZVBhY2tpbmdMaXN0U3RhdGUBAAAAcwIAAAAYBCgBAAAAcyAAAABDb250 YWluZXJfdXBkYXRlUGFja2luZ0xpc3RTdGF0ZSgBAAAAcyAAAABDb250YWluZXJfdXBkYXRlUGFj 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packing_list = packing_list_content.getExplanationValue()\n # packing_list_portal_type = packing_list.getPortalType()\n # if packing_list_portal_type == \'Sale Packing List\':\n # delivery_builder = packing_list.portal_deliveries.sale_packing_list_builder\n # elif packing_list_portal_type == \'Purchase Packing List\':\n # delivery_builder = packing_list.portal_deliveries.\\\n # purchase_packing_list_builder\n # \n #\n # movement_relative_url_list=[x.getRelativeUrl() for x in\\\n # simulation_movement_list],\n # delivery_relative_url_list=[packing_list.getRelativeUrl()]\n # )\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAcAAAAGAAAAQwAA AHNVAAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAdAAAfAIAZAIAgwIAZAMAZAQAgwABfQMAeCcAdAQAfAMAgwEA RF0ZAH0FAHQAAHwFAGQFAIMCAHQGAIMBAAFxNABXZAAAUygGAAAATnMGAAAAb2JqZWN0cxsAAABn ZXREZWxpdmVyeVJlbGF0ZWRWYWx1ZUxpc3RzCwAAAHBvcnRhbF90eXBlcxMAAABTaW11bGF0aW9u IE1vdmVtZW50cwsAAABzZXREZWxpdmVyeSgHAAAAcwkAAABfZ2V0YXR0cl9zDAAAAHN0YXRlX2No 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Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript PythonScript Python_magic O/INCg== Script_magic 3 __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner _bind_names _asgns name_container container name_context context name_m_self script name_subpath traverse_subpath _body packing_list_content = state_change.object\n \n packing_list_content.getExplanationValue().activate().edit()\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAMAAAAGAAAAQwAA AHM7AAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAdAAAdAAAdAAAfAIAZAIAgwIAgwAAZAMAgwIAgwAAZAQAgwIA gwAAAWQAAFMoBQAAAE5zBgAAAG9iamVjdHMTAAAAZ2V0RXhwbGFuYXRpb25WYWx1ZXMIAAAAYWN0 aXZhdGVzBAAAAGVkaXQoAwAAAHMJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwwAAABzdGF0ZV9jaGFuZ2VzFAAAAHBh Y2tpbmdfbGlzdF9jb250ZW50KAMAAABzDAAAAHN0YXRlX2NoYW5nZXMJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcxQA AABwYWNraW5nX2xpc3RfY29udGVudCgAAAAAKAAAAABzDwAAAFNjcmlwdCAoUHl0aG9uKXMpAAAA UGFja2luZ0xpc3RDb250ZW50X3VwZGF0ZVBhY2tpbmdMaXN0U3RhdGUBAAAAcwIAAAAYAigBAAAA cykAAABQYWNraW5nTGlzdENvbnRlbnRfdXBkYXRlUGFja2luZ0xpc3RTdGF0ZSgBAAAAcykAAABQ 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traverse_subpath _body packing_list = state_change.object\n \n packing_list.updateAppliedRule("default_production_packing_list_rule")\n _code YwAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAEAAAABzDQAAAGQBAIQAAFoAAGQAAFMoAgAAAE5jAQAAAAMAAAAEAAAAQwAA AHMmAAAAdAAAfAAAZAEAgwIAfQIAdAAAfAIAZAIAgwIAZAMAgwEAAWQAAFMoBAAAAE5zBgAAAG9i amVjdHMRAAAAdXBkYXRlQXBwbGllZFJ1bGVzJAAAAGRlZmF1bHRfcHJvZHVjdGlvbl9wYWNraW5n X2xpc3RfcnVsZSgDAAAAcwkAAABfZ2V0YXR0cl9zDAAAAHN0YXRlX2NoYW5nZXMMAAAAcGFja2lu Z19saXN0KAMAAABzDAAAAHN0YXRlX2NoYW5nZXMJAAAAX2dldGF0dHJfcwwAAABwYWNraW5nX2xp c3QoAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABTY3JpcHQgKFB5dGhvbilzHQAAAFBhY2tpbmdMaXN0X3VwZGF0ZUFw cGxpZWRSdWxlAQAAAHMCAAAAEgIoAQAAAHMdAAAAUGFja2luZ0xpc3RfdXBkYXRlQXBwbGllZFJ1 bGUoAQAAAHMdAAAAUGFja2luZ0xpc3RfdXBkYXRlQXBwbGllZFJ1bGUoAAAAACgAAAAAcw8AAABT Y3JpcHQgKFB5dGhvbilzCAAAADxtb2R1bGU+AQAAAHMAAAAA _filepath Script (Python):/erp5/portal_workflow/packing_list_workflow/scripts/PackingList_updateAppliedRule _params state_change errors func_code co_argcount 1 co_varnames state_change _getattr_ packing_list func_defaults id PackingList_updateAppliedRule warnings Persistence PersistentMapping _container order_workflow order_action order order_actor superseb order_comment order_state ordered order_time _aday Mon _amon Jul _d 37463.758549 _day 28 _dayoffset 1 _fday Monday _fmon July _hour 20 _millis 1059415938634 _minute 12 _month 7 _nearsec 18.0 _pday Mon. _pm pm _pmhour 8 _pmon July _second 18.634 _t 1059415938.63 _tz GMT+2 _year 2003 time 0.758549004626 Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner id cancelled permission_roles AAAAAAAAAnI= uid -1660013814 Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner description id confirmed permission_roles AAAAAAAAAnM= title transitions cancel cancel_action set_ready set_ready_action uid -1660013812 Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner id delivered permission_roles AAAAAAAAAnQ= Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner description id draft title transitions cancel cancel_action confirm confirm_action uid -1660013813 Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner description id ready title transitions cancel cancel_action start start_action Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner description id started title transitions stop stop_action Products.DCWorkflow.States StateDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner description id stopped title transitions deliver deliver_action Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name description guard id cancel new_state_id cancelled script_name title trigger_type 2 uid 1037417571 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name Cancel actbox_url 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description guard id deliver new_state_id delivered script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name Deliver actbox_url %(content_url)s/BaseWorkflow_viewWorkflowActionDialog?workflow_action=deliver_action after_script_name deliver description guard AAAAAAAAAnU= id deliver_action new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name description guard id set_ready new_state_id ready script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name Set ready actbox_url %(content_url)s/BaseWorkflow_viewWorkflowActionDialog?field_my_workflow_action=set_ready_action after_script_name set_ready description guard AAAAAAAAAnY= id set_ready_action new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name description guard id start new_state_id started script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name Start actbox_url %(content_url)s/BaseWorkflow_viewWorkflowActionDialog?workflow_action=start_action after_script_name start description guard id start_action new_state_id script_name title trigger_type 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name actbox_url after_script_name description guard id stop new_state_id stopped script_name title trigger_type 2 Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions TransitionDefinition __ac_local_roles__ rc Owner actbox_category workflow actbox_name Stop actbox_url 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history info_guard uid -1660013802 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ yo Owner default_expr default_value description for_catalog 1 for_status 0 id portal_type info_guard update_always 0 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAAAns= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id start_date info_guard uid 1037417573 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAAAnw= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id stop_date info_guard uid 1037417572 update_always 1 Products.DCWorkflow.Variables VariableDefinition __ac_local_roles__ superseb Owner default_expr AAAAAAAAAn0= default_value description for_catalog 0 for_status 1 id time info_guard uid -1660013799 update_always 1 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/quantity_unit/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text REQUEST/relation_item_list Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: map( lambda x: (x,x), here.getPortalResourceTypeList()) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getSpecialiseTitle(portal_type=here.getPortalTransformationTypeList()) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text REQUEST/relation_item_list Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: [(x, x) for x in here.getPortalTransformationTypeList()] Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAAAn4= day AAAAAAAAAn8= hour AAAAAAAAAoA= minute AAAAAAAAAoE= month AAAAAAAAAoI= year AAAAAAAAAoM= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAAAoQ= day AAAAAAAAAoU= hour AAAAAAAAAoY= minute AAAAAAAAAoc= month AAAAAAAAAog= year AAAAAAAAAok= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields colour AAAAAAAAAoo= industrial_phase AAAAAAAAAos= size AAAAAAAAAow= group_list Default sub_list groups Default sub_list industrial_phase colour size method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getVariationRangeCategoryItemList() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalPrice() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalQuantity() Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/delivery_mode/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text,display_none_category=1) Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAAAo0= day AAAAAAAAAo4= hour AAAAAAAAAo8= minute AAAAAAAAApA= month AAAAAAAAApE= year AAAAAAAAApI= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.portal_categories.incoterm.getCategoryChildItemList(display_id = \'getTitle\', display_none_category=1) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/origin/order/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:[(\'\',\'\')]+map(lambda x:(,\'currency/%s\',here.currency.objectValues()) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getSpecialiseTitle(portal_type="Supply Chain") Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAAApM= day AAAAAAAAApQ= hour AAAAAAAAApU= minute AAAAAAAAApY= month AAAAAAAAApc= year AAAAAAAAApg= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAAApk= day AAAAAAAAApo= hour AAAAAAAAAps= minute AAAAAAAAApw= month AAAAAAAAAp0= year AAAAAAAAAp4= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(here, \'simulation_state\') Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalQuantity() Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/delivery_mode/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text,display_none_category=1) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.portal_categories.incoterm.getCategoryChildItemList(display_id = \'getTitle\', display_none_category=1) Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAAAp8= day AAAAAAAAAqA= hour AAAAAAAAAqE= minute AAAAAAAAAqI= month AAAAAAAAAqM= year AAAAAAAAAqQ= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAAAqU= day AAAAAAAAAqY= hour AAAAAAAAAqc= minute AAAAAAAAAqg= month AAAAAAAAAqk= year AAAAAAAAAqo= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(here, \'simulation_state\') Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalPrice() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalQuantity() Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/delivery_mode/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text,display_none_category=1) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.portal_categories.incoterm.getCategoryChildItemList(display_id = \'getTitle\', display_none_category=1) Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAAAqs= day AAAAAAAAAqw= hour AAAAAAAAAq0= minute AAAAAAAAAq4= month AAAAAAAAAq8= year AAAAAAAAArA= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.Form BasicForm action encoding UTF-8 enctype fields ampm AAAAAAAAArE= day AAAAAAAAArI= hour AAAAAAAAArM= minute AAAAAAAAArQ= month AAAAAAAAArU= year AAAAAAAAArY= group_list Default date time groups Default date year month day time hour minute ampm method POST name stored_encoding ISO-8859-1 title Basic Form unicode_mode 0 Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python:here.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(here, \'simulation_state\') Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalPrice() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getTotalQuantity() Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.MethodField Method method_name searchFolder Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text python: here.getDeliverable() Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text,display_none_category=1) Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/industrial_phase/getFormItemList Products.Formulator.TALESField TALESMethod _text here/portal_categories/industrial_phase/getFormItemList Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Add portal content Modify portal content Persistence PersistentMapping _container Access contents information Assignee Assignor Associate Auditor Author Manager Add portal content Modify portal content View Assignee Assignor Associate Auditor Author Manager Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text transition/getId|nothing Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text user/getUserName Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:state_change.kwargs.get(\'comment\',\'\') Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text state_change/getHistory Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:state_change.kwargs.get(\'start_date\',state_change.object.getStartDate()) Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:state_change.kwargs.get(\'stop_date\',state_change.object.getStopDate()) Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text state_change/getDateTime Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_type Purchase Order simulation_state draft Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_type Sale Order simulation_state draft Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_type Purchase Order simulation_state ordered Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_type Sale Order simulation_state ordered Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_type Purchase Order simulation_state planned Persistence PersistentMapping _container portal_type Sale Order simulation_state planned Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Products.DCWorkflow.Guard Guard expr AAAAAAAAArc= Products.DCWorkflow.Guard Guard expr AAAAAAAAArg= Products.DCWorkflow.Guard Guard expr AAAAAAAAArk= Products.DCWorkflow.Guard Guard expr AAAAAAAAAro= Products.DCWorkflow.Guard Guard expr AAAAAAAAArs= Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text transition/getId|nothing Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text user/getUserName Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:state_change.kwargs.get(\'comment\',\'\') Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text state_change/getHistory Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:state_change.kwargs.get(\'start_date\',state_change.object.getStartDate()) Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:state_change.kwargs.get(\'stop_date\',state_change.object.getStopDate()) Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text state_change/getDateTime Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Persistence PersistentMapping _container Access contents information Add portal content Modify portal content Persistence PersistentMapping _container Access contents information Assignee Assignor Associate Auditor Author Manager Modify portal content View Assignee Assignor Associate Auditor Author Manager Persistence PersistentMapping _container Access contents information Add portal content Modify portal content View Products.DCWorkflow.Guard Guard expr AAAAAAAAArw= Products.DCWorkflow.Guard Guard expr AAAAAAAAAr0= Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text transition/getId|nothing Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text user/getUserName Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:state_change.kwargs.get(\'comment\',\'\') Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text state_change/getHistory Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:state_change.kwargs.get(\'start_date\',state_change.object.getStartDate()) Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:state_change.kwargs.get(\'stop_date\',state_change.object.getStopDate()) Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text state_change/getDateTime Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField id colour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items Colour/colour3 colour/apparel_model_module/copy_of_1/3 Colour/colour2 colour/apparel_model_module/copy_of_1/2 Colour/colour1 colour/apparel_model_module/copy_of_1/1 required 1 size 5 title colour unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField id industrial_phase message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items industrial_phase/coupage industrial_phase/coupage industrial_phase/emballage industrial_phase/emballage industrial_phase/piquage industrial_phase/piquage required 0 size 5 title industrial_phase unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields MultiListField id size message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. unknown_selection You selected an item that was not in the list. overrides alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator tales alternate_name css_class default description editable enabled external_validator extra extra_item hidden items required size title unicode view_separator values alternate_name css_class default description editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra extra_item hidden 0 items Size/38 size/38 Size/40 size/40 Size/42 size/42 Size/44 size/44 Size/46 size/46 Size/48 size/48 Size/50 size/50 required 1 size 5 title size unicode 0 view_separator \n ]]> Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields StringField id ampm message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. too_long Too much input was given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled external_validator extra hidden max_length required title truncate unicode whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 external_validator extra hidden 0 max_length 2 required 0 title am/pm truncate 0 unicode 0 whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id day message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Day whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id hour message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Hour whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id minute message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Minute whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id month message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 2 display_width 2 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Month whitespace_preserve 0 Products.Formulator.StandardFields IntegerField id year message_values external_validator_failed The input failed the external validator. integer_out_of_range The integer you entered was out of range. not_integer You did not enter an integer. required_not_found Input is required but no input given. overrides alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve tales alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth display_width editable enabled end external_validator extra hidden required start title whitespace_preserve values alternate_name css_class default description display_maxwidth 4 display_width 4 editable 1 enabled 1 end external_validator extra hidden 0 required 0 start title Year whitespace_preserve 0 Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python: here.getSimulationState() not in here.getPortalDraftOrderStateList() Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python: here.getSimulationState() not in here.getPortalDraftOrderStateList() Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text here/isConvergent Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text here/isDivergent Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python: here.getSimulationState() not in here.getPortalDraftOrderStateList() Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:(here.getCausalityState() == \'solved\') and (here.getPortalType() != \'Sale Packing List\' or here.getContainerState() == \'packed\') Products.CMFCore.Expression Expression text python:(here.getCausalityState() == \'solved\') and (here.getPortalType() != \'Sale Packing List\' or here.getContainerState() == \'packed\')