diff --git a/erp5/util/test_browser/browser.py b/erp5/util/test_browser/browser.py
index 4a37c802c223ff94318b4eb4f6871e37a463e128..7c54df768f1a626ce88e8de8d90b6959ebae7c54 100644
--- a/erp5/util/test_browser/browser.py
+++ b/erp5/util/test_browser/browser.py
@@ -331,6 +331,9 @@ class Browser(ExtendedTestBrowser):
     @type kwargs: dict
     @return: C{Link} at the given line and column number
     @rtype: L{zope.testbrowser.interfaces.ILink}
+    @raise LookupError: No link could be found at the given position
+                        and cell indexes
     xpath_str = '%s//tr[%d]//%s[%d]//a[not(contains(@class, "hidden"))][%d]' % \
@@ -706,6 +709,9 @@ class ContextMainForm(MainForm):
     @type kwargs: dict
     @return: The control found at the given line and column numbers
     @rtype: L{zope.testbrowser.interfaces.IControl}
+    @raise LookupError: No control could be found at the given
+                        position and cell indexes
     xpath_str = '%s//tr[%d]//%s[%d]/*[not(@type="hidden") and ' \
         'not(contains(@class, "hidden"))][%d]' % \