From f5086bc476233fe2db3ecc8dac806ede516cc0ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marco Mariani <>
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2014 15:54:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] pbs: refactored, use template for push_raw, quote with shlex
 for security

 slapos/recipe/ | 212 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 126 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)

diff --git a/slapos/recipe/ b/slapos/recipe/
index 9fffdbdcf..e30c106c4 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/
+++ b/slapos/recipe/
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ from slapos.recipe.librecipe import GenericSlapRecipe
 from slapos.recipe.dropbear import KnownHostsFile
 from slapos.recipe.notifier import Notify
 from slapos.recipe.notifier import Callback
+from slapos.recipe.librecipe import shlex
 def promise(args):
@@ -62,6 +63,112 @@ def promise(args):
 class Recipe(GenericSlapRecipe, Notify, Callback):
+  def wrapper_push(self, remote_schema, local_dir, remote_dir, rdiff_wrapper_path):
+    # Create a simple rdiff-backup wrapper that will push
+    template = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        #!/bin/sh
+        #
+        # Push data to a PBS *-import instance.
+        #
+        LC_ALL=C
+        export LC_ALL
+        RDIFF_BACKUP=%(rdiffbackup_binary)s
+        until $RDIFF_BACKUP \\
+                --remote-schema %(remote_schema)s \\
+                --restore-as-of now \\
+                --force \\
+                %(local_dir)s \\
+                %(remote_dir)s; do
+          echo "repeating rdiff-backup..."
+          sleep 10
+        done
+        """)
+    template_dict = {
+      'rdiffbackup_binary': shlex.quote(self.options['rdiffbackup-binary']),
+      'remote_schema': shlex.quote(remote_schema),
+      'remote_dir': shlex.quote(remote_dir),
+      'local_dir': shlex.quote(local_dir)
+    }
+    return self.createFile(
+      name=rdiff_wrapper_path,
+      content=template % template_dict,
+      mode=0o700
+    )
+  def wrapper_pull(self, remote_schema, local_dir, remote_dir, rdiff_wrapper_path, remove_backup_older_than):
+    # Wrap rdiff-backup call into a script that checks consistency of backup
+    # We need to manually escape the remote schema
+    template = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        #!/bin/sh
+        #
+        # Pull data from a PBS *-export instance.
+        #
+        LC_ALL=C
+        export LC_ALL
+        is_first_backup=$(test -d %(rdiff_backup_data)s || echo yes)
+        RDIFF_BACKUP=%(rdiffbackup_binary)s
+        $RDIFF_BACKUP \\
+                --remote-schema %(remote_schema)s \\
+                %(remote_dir)s \\
+                %(local_dir)s
+        if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
+            # Check the backup, go to the last consistent backup, so that next
+            # run will be okay.
+            echo "Checking backup directory..."
+            $RDIFF_BACKUP --check-destination-dir %(local_dir)s
+            if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
+                # Here, two possiblities:
+                if [ is_first_backup ]; then
+                    :
+                    # The first backup failed, and check-destination as well.
+                    # we may want to remove the backup.
+                else
+                    :
+                    # The backup command has failed, while transferring an increment, and check-destination as well.
+                    # XXX We may need to publish the failure and ask the the equeue, re-run this script again,
+                    # instead do a push to the clone.
+                fi
+            fi
+        else
+            # Everything's okay, cleaning up...
+            $RDIFF_BACKUP --remove-older-than %(remove_backup_older_than)s --force %(local_dir)s
+        fi
+        if [ -e %(backup_signature)s ]; then
+          cd %(local_dir)s
+          find -type f ! -name backup.signature ! -wholename "./rdiff-backup-data/*" -print0 | xargs -P4 -0 sha256sum  | LC_ALL=C sort -k 66 > ../proof.signature
+          diff -ruw backup.signature ../proof.signature > ../backup.diff
+          # XXX If there is a difference on the backup, we should publish the
+          # failure and ask the equeue, re-run this script again,
+          # instead do a push it to the clone.
+        fi
+        """)
+    template_dict = {
+      'rdiffbackup_binary': shlex.quote(self.options['rdiffbackup-binary']),
+      'rdiff_backup_data': shlex.quote(os.path.join(local_dir, 'rdiff-backup-data')),
+      'backup_signature': shlex.quote(os.path.join(local_dir, 'backup.signature')),
+      'remote_schema': shlex.quote(remote_schema),
+      'remote_dir': shlex.quote(remote_dir),
+      'local_dir': shlex.quote(local_dir),
+      'remove_backup_older_than': shlex.quote(remove_backup_older_than)
+    }
+    return self.createFile(
+      name=rdiff_wrapper_path,
+      content=template % template_dict,
+      mode=0o700
+    )
   def add_slave(self, entry, known_hosts_file):
     path_list = []
@@ -88,103 +195,36 @@ class Recipe(GenericSlapRecipe, Notify, Callback):
-    host = parsed_url.hostname
-    known_hosts_file[host] = entry['server-key']
+    known_hosts_file[parsed_url.hostname] = entry['server-key']
     notifier_wrapper_path = os.path.join(self.options['wrappers-directory'], slave_id)
     rdiff_wrapper_path = notifier_wrapper_path + '_raw'
     # Create the rdiff-backup wrapper
-    # It is useful to separate it from the notifier so that we can run it
-    # Manually.
-    rdiffbackup_parameter_list = []
+    # It is useful to separate it from the notifier so that we can run it manually.
     # XXX use -y because the host might not yet be in the
     #     trusted hosts file until the next time slapgrid is run.
-    rdiffbackup_remote_schema = '%(ssh)s -y -K 300 -p %%s %(user)s@%(host)s' % {
-            'ssh': self.options['sshclient-binary'],
-            'user': parsed_url.username,
-            'host': parsed_url.hostname,
-    }
-    remote_directory = '%(port)s::%(path)s' % {'port': parsed_url.port,
-                                               'path': parsed_url.path}
-    local_directory = self.createDirectory(self.options['directory'], entry['name'])
+    remote_schema = '{ssh} -y -K 300 -p %s {username}@{hostname}'.format(
+              ssh=self.options['sshclient-binary'],
+              username=parsed_url.username,
+              hostname=parsed_url.hostname
+            )
+    remote_dir = '{port}::{path}'.format(port=parsed_url.port, path=parsed_url.path)
+    local_dir = self.createDirectory(self.options['directory'], entry['name'])
     if slave_type == 'push':
-      # Create a simple rdiff-backup wrapper that will push
-      rdiffbackup_parameter_list.extend(['--remote-schema', rdiffbackup_remote_schema])
-      rdiffbackup_parameter_list.extend(['--restore-as-of', 'now'])
-      rdiffbackup_parameter_list.append('--force')
-      rdiffbackup_parameter_list.append(local_directory)
-      rdiffbackup_parameter_list.append(remote_directory)
-      comments = ['', 'Push data to a PBS *-import instance.', '']
-      rdiff_wrapper = self.createWrapper(
-          name=rdiff_wrapper_path,
-          command=self.options['rdiffbackup-binary'],
-          parameters=rdiffbackup_parameter_list,
-          comments=comments,
-          pidfile=os.path.join(self.options['run-directory'], '' % slave_id),
-      )
+      rdiff_wrapper = self.wrapper_push(remote_schema,
+                                        local_dir,
+                                        remote_dir,
+                                        rdiff_wrapper_path)
     elif slave_type == 'pull':
-      # Wrap rdiff-backup call into a script that checks consistency of backup
-      # We need to manually escape the remote schema
-      rdiffbackup_parameter_list.extend(['--remote-schema', '"%s"' % rdiffbackup_remote_schema])
-      rdiffbackup_parameter_list.append(remote_directory)
-      rdiffbackup_parameter_list.append(local_directory)
-      comments = ['', 'Pull data from a PBS *-export instance.', '']
-      rdiff_wrapper_template = textwrap.dedent("""\
-          #!/bin/sh
-          %(comment)s
-          LC_ALL=C
-          export LC_ALL
-          is_first_backup=$(test -d %(local_directory)s/rdiff-backup-data || echo yes)
-          RDIFF_BACKUP="%(rdiffbackup_binary)s"
-          $RDIFF_BACKUP %(rdiffbackup_parameter)s
-          if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
-              # Check the backup, go to the last consistent backup, so that next
-              # run will be okay.
-              echo "Checking backup directory..."
-              $RDIFF_BACKUP --check-destination-dir %(local_directory)s
-              if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
-                  # Here, two possiblities:
-                  if [ is_first_backup ]; then
-                      :
-                      # The first backup failed, and check-destination as well.
-                      # we may want to remove the backup.
-                  else
-                      :
-                      # The backup command has failed, while transferring an increment, and check-destination as well.
-                      # XXX We may need to publish the failure and ask the the equeue, re-run this script again,
-                      # instead do a push to the clone.
-                  fi
-              fi
-          else
-              # Everything's okay, cleaning up...
-              $RDIFF_BACKUP --remove-older-than %(remove_backup_older_than)s --force %(local_directory)s
-          fi
-          if [ -e /srv/slapgrid/slappart17/srv/backup/pbs/COMP-1867-slappart6-runner-2/backup.signature ]; them
-            cd %(local_directory)s
-            find -type f ! -name backup.signature ! -wholename "./rdiff-backup-data/*" -print0 | xargs -P4 -0 sha256sum  | LC_ALL=C sort -k 66 > ../proof.signature
-            diff -ruw backup.signature ../proof.signature > ../backup.diff
-            # XXX If there is a difference on the backup, we should publish the 
-            # failure and ask the equeue, re-run this script again, 
-            # instead do a push it to the clone.
-          fi
-          """)
-      rdiff_wrapper_content = rdiff_wrapper_template % {
-              'comment': ''.join(('# %s\n' % comment_line) for comment_line in comments),
-              'rdiffbackup_binary': self.options['rdiffbackup-binary'],
-              'local_directory': local_directory,
-              'rdiffbackup_parameter': ' \\\n    '.join(rdiffbackup_parameter_list),
-              # XXX: only 3 increments is not enough by default.
-              'remove_backup_older_than': entry.get('remove-backup-older-than', '3B')
-      }
-      rdiff_wrapper = self.createFile(
-          name=rdiff_wrapper_path,
-          content=rdiff_wrapper_content,
-          mode=0700
-      )
+      # XXX: only 3 increments is not enough by default.
+      rdiff_wrapper = self.wrapper_pull(remote_schema,
+                                        local_dir,
+                                        remote_dir,
+                                        rdiff_wrapper_path,
+                                        entry.get('remove-backup-older-than', '3B'))