# Selenium runner, helper software for erp5testnode. # # Seleniumrunner responsability is to install Xvfb as # ${buildout:parts-directory}/xserver/bin/Xvfb, a default firefox as # ${buildout:bin-directory}/firefox and a geckodriver as # ${buildout:bin-directory}/geckodriver for erp5testnode. [buildout] extends = ../../component/xorg/buildout.cfg ../../component/firefox/buildout.cfg ../../component/ffmpeg/buildout.cfg ../../component/coreutils/buildout.cfg ../../component/fonts/buildout.cfg ../../stack/slapos.cfg ./buildout.hash.cfg parts = slapos-cookbook template xserver ffmpeg firefox-wrapper geckodriver # XXX firefox 68 does not seem to honor <dir> from fontconfig's # fonts.conf and only loads from system locations and from the # fonts folder located in firefox part, so we copy (actually, symlink) # some fonts there, otherwise firefox cannot find its standard fonts. [symlink-extra-fonts-to-firefox-fonts-dir] extra-fonts = ${android-fonts:location} ${dejavu-fonts:location} ${ipa-fonts:location} ${ipaex-fonts:location} ${liberation-fonts:location} ${ocrb-fonts:location} install = import os for extra_font_dir in '''${:extra-fonts}'''.splitlines(): dst = os.path.join(location, 'fonts', os.path.basename(extra_font_dir)) os.symlink(extra_font_dir, dst) [firefox] post-install = ${symlink-extra-fonts-to-firefox-fonts-dir:install} [macro-template] recipe = slapos.recipe.template url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:filename} mode = 0644 [template] <= macro-template output = ${buildout:directory}/template.cfg [versions] plone.recipe.command = 1.1 slapos.recipe.template = 4.4