# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2002 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # Sebastien Robin <seb@nexedi.com> # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## from Products.ERP5SyncML.XMLSyncUtils import XMLSyncUtilsMixin from Products.ERP5SyncML.Conflict import Conflict from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import deprecated from Products.ERP5Type.XMLExportImport import MARSHALLER_NAMESPACE_URI from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from DateTime.DateTime import DateTime from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase from email import Encoders from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, interfaces from Products.ERP5Type.Globals import PersistentMapping import pickle from xml.sax.saxutils import unescape import re from lxml import etree from lxml.etree import Element parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True) from xml_marshaller.xml_marshaller import load_tree as unmarshaller from xupdate_processor import xuproc from zLOG import LOG, INFO, DEBUG from base64 import standard_b64decode from zope.interface import implements from copy import deepcopy class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin): """ A conduit is a piece of code in charge of - updating an object attributes from an XUpdate XML stream (Conduits are not in charge of creating new objects which are eventually missing in a synchronisation process) If an object has be created during a synchronisation process, the way to proceed consists in: 1- creating an empty instance of the appropriate class in the appropriate directory 2- updating that empty instance with the conduit The first implementation of ERP5 synchronisation will define a default location to create new objects and a default class. This will be defined at the level of the synchronisation tool XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx Look carefully when we are adding elements, for example, when we do 'insert-after', with 2 xupdate:element, so adding 2 differents objects, actually it adds only XXXX one XXX object In this case the getSubObjectDepth(), doesn't have too much sence XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX There is also one problem, when we synchronize a conflict, we are not waiting the response of the client, so that we are not sure if it take into account, we may have CONFLICT_NOT_SYNCHRONIZED AND CONFLICT_SYNCHRONIZED XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX """ # Declarative interfaces implements( interfaces.IConduit, ) # Declarative security security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,'getEncoding') def getEncoding(self): """ return the string corresponding to the local encoding """ #return "iso-8859-1" return "utf-8" security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, '__init__') def __init__(self): self.args = {} security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'addNode') def addNode(self, xml=None, object=None, sub_object=None, reset=None, simulate=None, **kw): """ A node is added xml : the xml wich contains what we want to add object : from where we want to add something previous_xml : the previous xml of the object, if any force : apply updates even if there's a conflict This fucntion returns conflict_list, wich is of the form, [conflict1,conflict2,...] where conclict1 is of the form : [object.getPath(),keyword,local_and_actual_value,subscriber_value] """ reset_local_roles = False reset_workflow = False conflict_list = [] xml = self.convertToXml(xml) #LOG('ERP5Conduit.addNode', INFO, 'object path:%s' % object.getPath()) #LOG('ERP5Conduit.addNode', INFO, '\n%s' % etree.tostring(xml, pretty_print=True)) if xml is None: return {'conflict_list': conflict_list, 'object': sub_object} # In the case where this new node is a object to add xpath_expression = xml.get('select') if xml.xpath('local-name()') == self.history_tag and not reset: conflict_list += self.addWorkflowNode(object, xml, simulate) elif xml.xpath('name()') in self.XUPDATE_INSERT_OR_ADD and\ MARSHALLER_NAMESPACE_URI not in xml.nsmap.values(): # change the context according select expression context = self.getContextFromXpath(object, xpath_expression) for element in xml.findall('{%s}element' % xml.nsmap['xupdate']): xml = self.getElementFromXupdate(element) conflict_list += self.addNode(xml=xml, object=context, **kw)\ ['conflict_list'] elif xml.xpath('local-name()') == self.xml_object_tag: sub_object = self._createContent(xml=xml, object=object, sub_object=sub_object, reset_local_roles=reset_local_roles, reset_workflow=reset_workflow, reset=reset, simulate=simulate, **kw) elif xml.xpath('local-name()') in self.local_role_list: self.addLocalRoleNode(object, xml) elif xml.xpath('local-name()') in self.local_permission_list: conflict_list += self.addLocalPermissionNode(object, xml) else: conflict_list += self.updateNode(xml=xml, object=object, reset=reset, simulate=simulate, **kw) # We must returns the object created return {'conflict_list':conflict_list, 'object': sub_object} security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'deleteNode') def deleteNode(self, xml=None, object=None, object_id=None, **kw): """ A node is deleted """ #LOG('ERP5Conduit.deleteNode', INFO, 'object path:%s' % object.getPath()) #LOG('ERP5Conduit deleteNode', INFO, 'object_id:%r' % object_id) if object_id is not None: self._deleteContent(object=object, object_id=object_id) return [] xml = self.convertToXml(xml) #LOG('ERP5Conduit deleteNode', INFO, etree.tostring(xml, pretty_print=True)) xpath_expression = xml.get('select') context_to_delete = self.getContextFromXpath(object, xpath_expression) if context_to_delete != object: self._deleteContent(object=context_to_delete.getParentValue(), object_id=context_to_delete.getId()) else: #same context if [role for role in self.local_role_list if role in xpath_expression]: user = self.extract_id_from_xpath.findall(xpath_expression)[-1][3] #LOG('ERP5Conduit.deleteNode local_role: ', INFO, 'user: %r' % user) if self.local_role_tag in xpath_expression: object.manage_delLocalRoles([user]) elif self.local_group_tag in xpath_expression: object.manage_delLocalGroupRoles([user]) if [permission for permission in self.local_permission_list if\ permission in xpath_expression]: permission = self.extract_id_from_xpath.findall(xpath_expression)[-1][3] #LOG('ERP5Conduit.deleteNode permission: ', INFO, #'permission: %r' % permission) object.manage_setLocalPermissions(permission) return [] security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'deleteObject') def deleteObject(self, object, object_id): try: object._delObject(object_id) except (AttributeError, KeyError): #LOG('ERP5Conduit.deleteObject', DEBUG, 'Unable to delete: %s' % str(object_id)) pass security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'updateNode') def updateNode(self, xml=None, object=None, previous_xml=None, force=False, simulate=False, reset=False, xpath_expression=None, **kw): """ A node is updated with some xupdate - xml : the xml corresponding to the update, it should be xupdate - object : the object on wich we want to apply the xupdate - [previous_xml] : the previous xml of the object, it is mandatory when we have sub objects """ conflict_list = [] if xml is None: return {'conflict_list':conflict_list, 'object':object} xml = self.convertToXml(xml) #LOG('ERP5Conduit.updateNode, force: ', INFO, force) #LOG('ERP5Conduit updateNode', INFO, object.getPath()) #LOG('ERP5Conduit updateNode', INFO, '\n%s' % etree.tostring(xml, pretty_print=True)) if xml.tag == '{%s}modifications' % xml.nsmap.get('xupdate'): conflict_list += self.applyXupdate(object=object, xupdate=xml, previous_xml=previous_xml, force=force, simulate=simulate, reset=reset, **kw) # we may have only the part of an xupdate else: args = {} if self.isProperty(xml): keyword = None value = xml.get('select') if value is not None: select_list = value.split('/') # Something like: #('','object[1]','sid[1]') new_select_list = [] for select_item in select_list: if select_item.find('[') >= 0: select_item = select_item[:select_item.find('[')] new_select_list.append(select_item) select_list = new_select_list # Something like : ('','object','sid') keyword = select_list[-1] # this will be 'sid' data = None if xml.xpath('name()') not in self.XUPDATE_INSERT_OR_ADD: for subnode in xml: if subnode.xpath('name()') in self.XUPDATE_ELEMENT: keyword = subnode.get('name') data_xml = subnode else: #XXX find something better than hardcoded prefix # We can call add node conflict_list += self.addNode(xml=xml, object=object, force=force, simulate=simulate, reset=reset, **kw) return conflict_list if xml.xpath('name()') in self.XUPDATE_DEL: conflict_list += self.deleteNode(xml=xml, object=object, force=force, simulate=simulate, reset=reset, **kw) return conflict_list if keyword is None: # This is not a selection, directly the property keyword = xml.xpath('name()') if keyword not in self.NOT_EDITABLE_PROPERTY: # We will look for the data to enter xpath_expression = xml.get('select', xpath_expression) context = self.getContextFromXpath(object, xpath_expression) data_type = context.getPropertyType(keyword) #LOG('ERP5Conduit.updateNode', INFO, 'data_type:%r for keyword: %s' % (data_type, keyword)) data = self.convertXmlValue(xml, data_type=data_type) args[keyword] = data args = self.getFormatedArgs(args=args) # This is the place where we should look for conflicts # For that we need : # - data : the data from the remote box # - old_data : the data from this box but at the time of the i #last synchronization # - current_data : the data actually on this box isConflict = False if previous_xml is not None and not force: # if no previous_xml, no conflict #old_data = self.getObjectProperty(keyword, previous_xml, #data_type=data_type) previous_xml_tree = self.convertToXml(previous_xml) old_result = previous_xml_tree.xpath(xpath_expression) if old_result: old_data = self.convertXmlValue(old_result[0]) else: raise ValueError('Xpath expression does not apply on previous'\ ' xml:%r' % xpath_expression) current_data = self.getProperty(context, keyword) #LOG('ERP5Conduit.updateNode', INFO, 'Conflict keyword: %s' % keyword) #LOG('ERP5Conduit.updateNode', INFO, 'Conflict data: %s' % str(data)) #LOG('ERP5Conduit.updateNode', INFO, 'Conflict old_data: %s' % str(old_data)) #LOG('ERP5Conduit.updateNode', INFO, 'Conflict current_data: %s' % str(current_data)) if (old_data != current_data) and (data != current_data) \ and keyword not in self.force_conflict_list: #LOG('ERP5Conduit.updateNode', INFO, 'Conflict on : %s' % keyword) # This is a conflict isConflict = True xml_string = etree.tostring(xml, encoding='utf-8') conflict = Conflict(object_path=context.getPhysicalPath(), keyword=keyword) conflict.setXupdate(xml_string) if not (data_type in self.binary_type_list): conflict.setLocalValue(current_data) conflict.setRemoteValue(data) conflict_list += [conflict] # We will now apply the argument with the method edit if args and (not isConflict or force) and \ (not simulate or reset): self._updateContent(object=context, **args) # It is sometimes required to do something after an edit if getattr(context, 'manage_afterEdit', None) is not None: context.manage_afterEdit() if keyword == 'object': # This is the case where we have to call addNode conflict_list += self.addNode(xml=xml, object=object, force=force, simulate=simulate, reset=reset, **kw)['conflict_list'] elif keyword == self.history_tag and not simulate: # This is the case where we have to call addNode conflict_list += self.addNode(xml=subnode, object=object, force=force, simulate=simulate, reset=reset, **kw)['conflict_list'] elif keyword in (self.local_role_tag, self.local_permission_tag) and not simulate: # This is the case where we have to update Roles or update permission #LOG('ERP5Conduit.updateNode', DEBUG, 'we will add a local role') #user = self.getSubObjectId(xml) #roles = self.convertXmlValue(data,data_type='tokens') #object.manage_setLocalRoles(user,roles) conflict_list += self.addNode(xml=xml, object=object, force=force, simulate=simulate, reset=reset, **kw)['conflict_list'] return conflict_list security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getFormatedArgs') def getFormatedArgs(self, args=None): """ This lookd inside the args dictionnary and then convert any unicode string to string """ new_args = {} for keyword in args.keys(): data = args[keyword] if isinstance(keyword, unicode): keyword = keyword.encode(self.getEncoding()) if isinstance(data, (tuple, list)): new_data = [] for item in data: if isinstance(item, unicode): item = item.encode(self.getEncoding()) new_data.append(item) data = new_data if isinstance(data, unicode): data = data.encode(self.getEncoding()) if keyword == 'binary_data': #LOG('ERP5Conduit.getFormatedArgs', DEBUG, 'binary_data keyword: %s' % str(keyword)) msg = MIMEBase('application','octet-stream') Encoders.encode_base64(msg) msg.set_payload(data) data = msg.get_payload(decode=True) new_args[keyword] = data return new_args security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'isProperty') def isProperty(self, xml): """ Check if it is a simple property not an attribute @type it's a metadata """ bad_list = (self.history_exp, self.attribute_type_exp,) value = xml.get('select') if value is not None: for bad_string in bad_list: if bad_string.search(value) is not None: return False return True def getContextFromXpath(self, context, xpath): """Return the last object from xpath expression /object[@gid='foo']/object[@id='bar']/object[@id='freak']/property will return object.getId() == 'freak' - We ignore the first object_block /object[@gid='foo'] intentionaly because the targeted context is already actual context. """ if xpath is None: return context result_list = self.extract_id_from_xpath.findall(xpath) first_object = True while result_list: object_block = result_list[0][0] sub_context_id = result_list[0][3] sub_context = context._getOb(sub_context_id, None) if first_object: first_object = False elif sub_context is not None: context = sub_context else: # Ignore non existing objects LOG('ERP5Conduit', INFO, 'sub document of %s not found with id:%r'%\ (context.getPath(), sub_context_id)) xpath = xpath.replace(object_block, '', 1) result_list = self.extract_id_from_xpath.findall(xpath) return context security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getSubObjectXupdate') @deprecated def getSubObjectXupdate(self, xml): """ This will change the xml in order to change the update from the object to the subobject """ xml_copy = deepcopy(xml) self.changeSubObjectSelect(xml_copy) return xml_copy security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'isHistoryAdd') def isHistoryAdd(self, xml): bad_list = (self.history_exp,) value = xml.get('select') if value is not None: for bad_string in bad_list: if bad_string.search(value) is not None: if self.bad_history_exp.search(value) is None: return 1 else: return -1 return 0 security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'isSubObjectModification') @deprecated def isSubObjectModification(self, xml): """ Check if it is a modification from an subobject """ good_list = (self.sub_object_exp,) value = xml.attrib.get('select', None) if value is not None: for good_string in good_list: if good_string.search(value) is not None: return 1 return 0 security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getSubObjectDepth') @deprecated def getSubObjectDepth(self, xml): """ Give the Depth of a subobject modification 0 means, no depth 1 means it is a subobject 2 means it is more depth than subobject """ #LOG('getSubObjectDepth',0,'xml.tag: %s' % xml.tag) if xml.xpath('name()') in self.XUPDATE_TAG: i = 0 if xml.xpath('name()') in self.XUPDATE_INSERT: i = 1 #LOG('getSubObjectDepth',0,'xml2.tag: %s' % xml.tag) value = xml.attrib.get('select', None) if value is not None: #LOG('getSubObjectDepth',0,'subnode.nodeValue: %s' % subnode.nodeValue) if self.sub_sub_object_exp.search(value) is not None: return 2 # This is sure in all cases elif self.sub_object_exp.search(value) is not None: #new_select = self.getSubObjectSelect(value) # Still needed ??? #if self.getSubObjectSelect(new_select) != new_select: # return (2 - i) #return (1 - i) return (2 - i) elif self.object_exp.search(value) is not None: return (1 - i) return 0 security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'changeSubObjectSelect') @deprecated def changeSubObjectSelect(self, xml): """ Return a string wich is the selection for the subobject ex: for "/object[@id='161']/object[@id='default_address']/street_address" it returns "/object[@id='default_address']/street_address" """ select = xml.attrib.get('select') if self.object_exp.search(select) is not None: s = '/' if re.search('/.*/', select) is not None: # This means we have more than just object new_value = select[select.find(s, select.find(s)+1):] else: new_value = '/' select = new_value xml.attrib['select'] = select security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getSubObjectId') @deprecated def getSubObjectId(self, xml): """ Return the id of the subobject in an xupdate modification """ object_id = None value = xml.attrib.get('select', None) if value is not None: if self.object_exp.search(value) is not None: s = "'" first = value.find(s) + 1 object_id = value[first:value.find(s, first)] return object_id return object_id security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getHistoryIdFromSelect') def getHistoryIdFromSelect(self, xml): """ Return the id of the subobject in an xupdate modification """ object_id = None value = xml.attrib.get('select', None) if value is not None: if self.history_exp.search(value) is not None: s = self.history_tag object_id = value[value.find(s):] object_id = object_id[object_id.find("'") + 1:] object_id = object_id[:object_id.find("'")] return object_id return object_id security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getSubObjectXml') def getSubObjectXml(self, object_id, xml): """ Return the xml of the subobject which as the id object_id """ xml = self.convertToXml(xml) for subnode in xml: if subnode.xpath('local-name()') == self.xml_object_tag: if object_id == subnode.get('id'): return subnode return None security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getAttribute') @deprecated def getAttribute(self, xml, param): """ Retrieve the given parameter from the xml """ return xml.attrib.get(param, None) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getObjectProperty') @deprecated def getObjectProperty(self, property, xml, data_type=None): """ Retrieve the given property """ xml = self.convertToXml(xml) # document, with childNodes[0] a DocumentType and childNodes[1] the Element Node for subnode in xml: if subnode.xpath('local-name()') == property: return self.convertXmlValue(subnode) return None def replaceIdFromXML(self, xml, attribute_name, new_id, as_string=True): """ return a xml with id replace by a new id """ if isinstance(xml, str): xml = etree.XML(xml, parser=parser) else: #copy of xml object for modification xml = deepcopy(xml) object_element = xml.find('object') del object_element.attrib['id'] object_element.attrib[attribute_name] = new_id if as_string: return etree.tostring(xml) return xml def getXMLFromObjectWithId(self, object, xml_mapping): """ return the xml with Id of Object """ xml = '' if xml_mapping is None: return xml func = getattr(object, xml_mapping, None) if func is not None: xml = func() return xml def getXMLFromObjectWithGid(self, object, gid, xml_mapping, as_string=True): """ return the xml with Gid of Object """ xml_with_id = self.getXMLFromObjectWithId(object, xml_mapping) return self.replaceIdFromXML(xml_with_id, 'gid', gid, as_string=as_string) def getXMLFromObjectWithRid(self, object, rid, xml_mapping, as_string=True): """ return the xml with Rid of Object """ xml_id = self.getXMLFromObjectWithId(object, xml_mapping) xml_rid = self.replaceIdFromXML(xml_id, 'rid', rid, as_string=as_string) return xml_rid security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,'convertToXml') def convertToXml(self, xml): """ if xml is a string, convert it to a node """ if xml is None: return None if isinstance(xml, (str, unicode)): if isinstance(xml, unicode): xml = xml.encode('utf-8') xml = etree.XML(xml, parser=parser) # If we have the xml from the node erp5, we just take the subnode if xml.xpath('local-name()') == 'erp5': xml = xml[0] return xml security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,'getObjectType') def getObjectType(self, xml): """ Retrieve the portal type from an xml """ return xml.get('portal_type') security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,'getPropertyType') def getPropertyType(self, xml): """ Retrieve the portal type from an xml """ return xml.get('type') security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getXupdateObjectType') @deprecated def getXupdateObjectType(self, xml): """ Retrieve the portal type from an xupdate XXXX This should not be used any more !!! XXXXXXXXXXX """ return xml.xpath('string(.//*[name() == "xupdate:attribute"][@name = "portal_type"])') or None security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'newObject') def newObject(self, object=None, xml=None, simulate=False, reset_local_roles=True, reset_workflow=True): """ modify the object with datas from the xml (action section) """ args = {} if simulate: return # Retrieve the list of users with a role and delete default roles if reset_local_roles: user_role_list = [x[0] for x in object.get_local_roles()] object.manage_delLocalRoles(user_role_list) if getattr(object, 'workflow_history', None) is not None and reset_workflow: object.workflow_history = PersistentMapping() if xml.prefix == 'xupdate': xml = xml[0] for subnode in xml.xpath('*'): #get only Element nodes (not Comments or Processing instructions) if subnode.xpath('name()') not in self.NOT_EDITABLE_PROPERTY: keyword_type = self.getPropertyType(subnode) # This is the case where the property is a list keyword = subnode.xpath('name()') args[keyword] = self.convertXmlValue(subnode, keyword_type) elif subnode.xpath('local-name()') in self.ADDABLE_PROPERTY + (self.xml_object_tag,): self.addNode(object=object, xml=subnode, force=True) # We should first edit the object args = self.getFormatedArgs(args=args) # edit the object with a dictionnary of arguments, # like {"telephone_number":"02-5648"} self.editDocument(object=object, **args) if getattr(object, 'manage_afterEdit', None) is not None: object.manage_afterEdit() self.afterNewObject(object) ## Then we may create subobject #for subnode in xml: #if subnode.tag in (self.xml_object_tag,): #,self.history_tag): #self.addNode(object=object, xml=subnode) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,'afterNewObject') def afterNewObject(self, object): pass security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,'getStatusFromXml') def getStatusFromXml(self, xml): """ Return a worklow status from xml """ status = {} for subnode in xml: keyword = subnode.tag value = self.convertXmlValue(xml.find(keyword)) status[keyword] = value return status security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getXupdateElementList') @deprecated def getXupdateElementList(self, xml): """ Retrieve the list of xupdate:element subnodes """ return xml.xpath('|'.join(['.//*[name() = "%s"]' % name for name in self.XUPDATE_ELEMENT])) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,'getElementFromXupdate') def getElementFromXupdate(self, xml): """ return a fragment node with applied xupdate """ if xml.xpath('name()') in self.XUPDATE_ELEMENT: new_node = Element(xml.get('name'), nsmap=xml.nsmap) for subnode in xml.findall('{%s}attribute' % xml.nsmap['xupdate']): new_node.attrib.update({subnode.get('name'): subnode.text}) ## Then dumps the xml and remove xupdate:attribute nodes new_node.extend(deepcopy(child) for child in\ xml.xpath('*[name() != "xupdate:attribute"]')) new_node.text = xml.text new_node.tail = xml.tail return new_node if xml.xpath('name()') in (self.XUPDATE_UPDATE + self.XUPDATE_DEL): result = u'<' attribute = xml.attrib.get('select') s = '[@id=' s_place = attribute.find(s) select_id = None if (s_place > 0): select_id = attribute[s_place+len(s):] select_id = select_id[:select_id.find("'",1)+1] else: s_place = len(attribute) property = attribute[:s_place].strip('/') result += property if select_id is not None: result += ' id=%s' % select_id result += '>' xml_string = self.nodeToString(xml) maxi = xml_string.find('>')+1 result += xml_string[maxi:xml_string.find('</%s>' % xml.xpath('name()'))] result += '</%s>' % (property) #LOG('getElementFromXupdate, result:',0,repr(result)) return self.convertToXml(result) return xml security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,'getWorkflowActionFromXml') def getWorkflowActionFromXml(self, xml): """ Return the list of workflow actions """ action_list = [] if xml.xpath('name()') in self.XUPDATE_ELEMENT: action_list.append(xml) return action_list for subnode in xml: if subnode.xpath('local-name()') == self.action_tag: action_list.append(subnode) return action_list security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'convertXmlValue') def convertXmlValue(self, node, data_type=None): """Cast xml information into appropriate python type """ if node is None: return None if data_type is None: data_type = self.getPropertyType(node) if data_type == self.none_type: return None data = node.text if data is not None and isinstance(data, unicode): data = data.encode('utf-8') elif data is None and data_type in self.text_type_list: return '' # We can now convert string in tuple, dict, binary... if data_type in self.list_type_list: data = unmarshaller(node[0]) elif data_type in self.text_type_list: data = unescape(data) elif data_type in self.data_type_list: if data is None: # data is splitted inside block_data nodes data = ''.join([standard_b64decode(block.text) for\ block in node.iterchildren()]) elif data_type in self.pickle_type_list: data = pickle.loads(standard_b64decode(data)) elif data_type in self.date_type_list: data = DateTime(data) elif data_type in self.int_type_list: data = int(data) return data security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'applyXupdate') def applyXupdate(self, object=None, xupdate=None, previous_xml=None, **kw): """ Parse the xupdate and then it will call the conduit """ conflict_list = [] if isinstance(xupdate, (str, unicode)): xupdate = etree.XML(xupdate, parser=parser) #LOG("applyXupdate", INFO, etree.tostring(xupdate, pretty_print=True)) xupdate_builded = False xpath_expression_update_dict = {} for subnode in xupdate: selection_name = '' original_xpath_expression = subnode.get('select', '') if not xupdate_builded and\ MARSHALLER_NAMESPACE_URI in subnode.nsmap.values()\ or 'block_data' in original_xpath_expression: # It means that the xpath expression is targetting # marshalled values or data nodes. We need to rebuild the original xml # in its own context in order to retrieve original value # We are insde a loop build the XUpdated tree only once xupdate_builded = True # Find the prefix used by marshaller. for prefix, namespace_uri in subnode.nsmap.iteritems(): if namespace_uri == MARSHALLER_NAMESPACE_URI: break # TODO add support of etree objects for xuproc to avoid # serializing tree into string if not isinstance(previous_xml, str): previous_xml = etree.tostring(previous_xml) xupdated_tree = xuproc.applyXUpdate(xml_xu_string=etree.tostring(xupdate), xml_doc_string=previous_xml) if MARSHALLER_NAMESPACE_URI in subnode.nsmap.values(): xpath_expression = original_xpath_expression context = self.getContextFromXpath(object, xpath_expression) base_xpath_expression = xpath_expression\ [:xpath_expression.index(prefix)-1] xupdated_node_list = xupdated_tree.xpath(base_xpath_expression) if xupdated_node_list: xupdated_node = xupdated_node_list[0] else: ValueError('Wrong xpath expression:%r' % base_xpath_expression) if base_xpath_expression not in xpath_expression_update_dict: xpath_expression_update_dict[base_xpath_expression] = \ dict(xml=xupdated_node, object=context, xpath_expression=base_xpath_expression) elif 'block_data' in original_xpath_expression: """XXX Use Qualified Names for block_data nodes to avoid ambiguity """ xpath_expression = original_xpath_expression context = self.getContextFromXpath(object, xpath_expression) base_xpath_expression = xpath_expression\ [:xpath_expression.index('block_data')-1] xupdated_node_list = xupdated_tree.xpath(base_xpath_expression) if xupdated_node_list: xupdated_node = xupdated_node_list[0] else: ValueError('Wrong xpath expression:%r' % base_xpath_expression) if base_xpath_expression not in xpath_expression_update_dict: xpath_expression_update_dict[base_xpath_expression] = \ dict(xml=xupdated_node, object=context, xpath_expression=base_xpath_expression) elif subnode.xpath('name()') in self.XUPDATE_INSERT_OR_ADD: conflict_list += self.addNode(xml=subnode, object=object, previous_xml=previous_xml, **kw)['conflict_list'] elif subnode.xpath('name()') in self.XUPDATE_DEL: conflict_list += self.deleteNode(xml=subnode, object=object, previous_xml=previous_xml, **kw) elif subnode.xpath('name()') in self.XUPDATE_UPDATE: conflict_list += self.updateNode(xml=subnode, object=object, previous_xml=previous_xml, **kw) # Now apply collected xupdated_node for update_dict in xpath_expression_update_dict.itervalues(): update_dict.update(kw) conflict_list += self.updateNode(previous_xml=previous_xml, **update_dict) return conflict_list def isWorkflowActionAddable(self, object=None, status=None, wf_tool=None, wf_id=None, xml=None): """ Some checking in order to check if we should add the workfow or not We should not returns a conflict list as we wanted before, we should instead go to a conflict state. """ # We first test if the status in not already inside the workflow_history return 1 # XXX Disable for now wf_history = object.workflow_history if wf_history.has_key(wf_id): action_list = wf_history[wf_id] else: action_list = [] addable = True for action in action_list: this_one = True for key in action.keys(): if status[key] != action[key]: this_one = False break if this_one: addable = False break return addable security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'constructContent') def constructContent(self, object, object_id, portal_type): """ This allows to specify how to construct a new content. This is really usefull if you want to write your own Conduit. """ #LOG('ERP5Conduit.addNode',0,'portal_type: |%s|' % str(portal_type)) object.newContent(portal_type=portal_type, id=object_id) subobject = object._getOb(object_id) return subobject, True, True security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'addWorkflowNode') def addWorkflowNode(self, object, xml, simulate): """ This allows to specify how to handle the workflow informations. This is really usefull if you want to write your own Conduit. """ conflict_list = [] # We want to add a workflow action wf_tool = getToolByName(object,'portal_workflow') wf_id = self.getAttribute(xml,'id') if wf_id is None: # History added by xupdate wf_id = self.getHistoryIdFromSelect(xml) xml = xml[0] #for action in self.getWorkflowActionFromXml(xml): status = self.getStatusFromXml(xml) #LOG('addNode, status:',0,status) add_action = self.isWorkflowActionAddable(object=object, status=status,wf_tool=wf_tool, wf_id=wf_id,xml=xml) if add_action and not simulate: wf_tool.setStatusOf(wf_id,object,status) # Specific CPS, try to remove duplicate lines in portal_repository._histories tool = getToolByName(self,'portal_repository',None) if tool is not None: if getattr(self, 'getDocid', None) is not None: docid = self.getDocid() history = tool.getHistory(docid) new_history = () for history_line in history: if history_line not in new_history: new_history += (history_line,) tool.setHistory(docid,new_history) return conflict_list security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'addLocalRoleNode') def addLocalRoleNode(self, object, xml): """ This allows to specify how to handle the local role informations. This is really usefull if you want to write your own Conduit. """ # We want to add a local role roles = self.convertXmlValue(xml, data_type='tokens') user = self.getAttribute(xml, 'id') roles = list(roles) # Needed for CPS, or we have a CPS error #LOG('local_role: ',0,'user: %s roles: %s' % (repr(user),repr(roles))) #user = roles[0] #roles = roles[1:] if xml.xpath('local-name()') == self.local_role_tag: object.manage_setLocalRoles(user, roles) elif xml.xpath('local-name()') == self.local_group_tag: object.manage_setLocalGroupRoles(user, roles) security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'addLocalPermissionNode') def addLocalPermissionNode(self, object, xml): """ This allows to specify how to handle the local permision informations. This is really usefull if you want to write your own Conduit. """ conflict_list = [] # We want to add a local role #LOG('addLocalPermissionNode, xml',0,xml) roles = self.convertXmlValue(xml, data_type='tokens') permission = xml.get('id') #LOG('local_role: ',0,'permission: %s roles: %s' % (repr(permission),repr(roles))) #user = roles[0] #roles = roles[1:] if xml.xpath('local-name()') == self.local_permission_tag: object.manage_setLocalPermissions(permission, roles) return conflict_list security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'editDocument') def editDocument(self, object=None, **kw): """ This is the default editDocument method. This method can easily be overwritten. """ object._edit(**kw) security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'getProperty') def getProperty(self, object, kw): """ This is the default getProperty method. This method can easily be overwritten. """ return object.getProperty(kw) def nodeToString(self, node): """ return an xml string corresponding to the node """ return etree.tostring(node, encoding='utf-8', pretty_print=True) def getGidFromObject(self, object): """ return the Gid composed with the object informations """ return object.getId() def _createContent(self, xml=None, object=None, object_id=None, sub_object=None, reset_local_roles=False, reset_workflow=False, simulate=False, **kw): """ This is the method calling to create an object """ if object_id is None: object_id = xml.get('id') if object_id is not None: if sub_object is None: try: sub_object = object._getOb(object_id) except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError): sub_object = None if sub_object is None: # If so, it doesn't exist portal_type = '' if xml.xpath('local-name()') == self.xml_object_tag: portal_type = self.getObjectType(xml) sub_object, reset_local_roles, reset_workflow = self.constructContent( object, object_id, portal_type) self.newObject(object=sub_object, xml=xml, simulate=simulate, reset_local_roles=reset_local_roles, reset_workflow=reset_workflow) return sub_object def _updateContent(self, object=None, **args): """ This is the method for update the object """ return self.editDocument(object=object, **args) def _deleteContent(self, object=None, object_id=None): """ This is the method for delete the object """ return self.deleteObject(object, object_id) # def getGidFromXML(self, xml, namespace, gid_from_xml_list): # """ # return the Gid composed with xml informations # """ # gid = xml.xpath('string(.//syncml:id)') # if gid in gid_from_xml_list or gid == ' ': # return False # return gid