Commit 4ff4f33f authored by Yoshinori Okuji's avatar Yoshinori Okuji

getAggregatedAmount added

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 52367fe2
......@@ -33,10 +33,11 @@ from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet, Constraint, Interface
from Products.ERP5Type.XMLObject import XMLObject
from Products.ERP5Type.XMLMatrix import XMLMatrix
from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import cartesianProduct
from Products.ERP5Type.Base import TempBase
from Amount import Amount
from Products.ERP5.ERP5Globals import resource_type_list
from Products.ERP5.ERP5Globals import resource_type_list, variation_type_list
from zLOG import LOG
......@@ -485,3 +486,223 @@ identify a bank account."""
error_list += v_constraint.checkConsistency(c)
return error_list
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getAggregatedAmountList')
def getAggregatedAmountList(self, REQUEST):
# First, we set initial values for quantity and variation
# Currently, we only consider discrete variations
# Continuous variations will be implemented in a future version of ERP5
transformation = self.aq_parent
error_list = []
variation = []
quantity = self.getQuantity()
quantity_unit = self.getQuantityUnit()
efficiency = self.getEfficiency()
# XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX maybe this kind of constraints....
# should be defined in the property sheet and handled
# automaticaly
if efficiency is None or efficiency is '' or efficiency == 0.0:
efficiency = 1.0
efficiency = float(efficiency)
# We look up the resource involved in this transformed resource
resource = self.getDefaultResourceValue()
if resource is not None:
resource_id = resource.getId()
resource_id = None
# and get some attributed we need for the summary
priced_quantity = resource.getPricedQuantity()
# XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX maybe this kind of constraints....
# should be defined in the property sheet and handled
# automaticaly
priced_quantity = float(priced_quantity)
if priced_quantity == 0.0: priced_quantity = 1.0
priced_quantity = 1.0
error_list += ["Priced Quantity could not be converted for resource %s" % resource_id]
# source_base_price is the default base price.
# base_price is defined according to the destination.
source_base_price = 0.0
base_price = 0.0
duration = 0.0
is_variated_quantity = 0 # The variated quantity is 0 by default
# Try to update some attributes based on the resource attributes
if resource.hasDefaultBasePrice():
base_price = resource.getBasePrice()
base_price = float(base_price)
base_price = 0.0
error_list += ["Default base price could not be converted for resource %s" % resource_id]
if resource.hasSourceBasePrice():
source_base_price = resource.getSourceBasePrice()
source_base_price = float(source_base_price)
source_base_price = 0.0
error_list += ["Source base price could not be converted for resource %s" % resource_id]
resource_quantity_unit = resource.getDefaultQuantityUnit()
# This is very dirty and we must do some real unit conversion here XXXXXXX
if quantity_unit == "Temps/Minute":
duration = quantity
# Start filing the value holder with what we have now
# Maybe we should define a ValueHolder class XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
# First we create a object which id is the id of the transformed_resource
line_item = TempBase(
# and then call edit to update its attributed
# XXXXXXXXXXXXX bad: this call will call reindex() which is not needed at all
# How can we create standard objects which are temporary and not indexed ???
transformation = transformation,
transformed_resource = self,
resource = resource,
transformation_id = transformation.getId(),
resource_id = resource.getId(),
resource_relative_url = resource.getRelativeUrl(),
specialise_id = transformation.getId(),
specialise_relative_url = transformation.getRelativeUrl(),
description = self.getDescription(),
quantity_unit = quantity_unit,
duration = duration,
quantity = quantity,
efficiency = efficiency,
base_price = base_price,
source_base_price = source_base_price,
total_source_base_price = 0.0,
total_base_price = 0.0,
total_duration = 0.0,
base_price_defined_by = '',
source_base_price_defined_by = '',
quantity_defined_by = '',
variation_defined_by = '',
resource_quantity_unit = resource_quantity_unit
# We are going to try to find which variation applies to the current REQUEST
# First we initialize variation to the default variation value define by
# the transformed resource
variation = self.getVariationCategoryList()
variation_base_category_list = resource.getVariationBaseCategoryList()
variation_base_category_list, variation, base=1)
# and update the price with the variation price if necessary
for resource_variation in self.getValueList(
variation_base_category_list, portal_type=variation_type_list):
if resource_variation.hasDefaultBasePrice():
new_base_price = resource_variation.getBasePrice()
new_base_price = float(new_base_price)
new_base_price = 0.0
error_list += ["Default base price could not be converted for resource variation %s"
if new_base_price > 0.0:
base_price = new_base_price
line_item.base_price_defined_by = resource_variation.getId()
new_source_base_price = resource_variation.getSourceBasePrice()
if resource_variation.hasSourceBasePrice():
new_source_base_price = float(new_source_base_price)
new_source_base_price = 0.0
error_list += ["Source base price could not be converted for resource variation %s"
if new_source_base_price > 0.0:
source_base_price = new_source_base_price
line_item.source_base_price_defined_by = resource_variation.getId()
# Now, let us update variations and quantities
# We will browse the mapped values and dermine which apply
for mapped_value in self.objectValues():
if mapped_value.test(REQUEST):
# Update attributes defined by the mapped value
for attribute in mapped_value.getMappedValuePropertyList():
setattr(line_item, attribute, mapped_value.get(attribute))
if attribute == 'quantity':
line_item.quantity_defined_by = mapped_value.getId()
# If we have to do this, then there is a problem....
# We'd better have better API for this, like an update function in the mapped_value
quantity = float(mapped_value.quantity)
is_variated_quantity = 1 # The variated quantity is 1
# when the quantity is defined by a variation matrix
error_list += ["Quantity defined by %s is not a float" %]
# Update categories defined by the mapped value
base_category_list = mapped_value.getMappedValueBaseCategoryList()
if len(base_category_list) > 0:
line_item.variation_defined_by = mapped_value.getId()
#LOG('In Transformation prevariation',0,str(mapped_value.getCategoryMembershipList(base_category_list, base=1)))
self.portal_categories.setCategoryMembership(line_item, base_category_list,
mapped_value.getCategoryMembershipList(base_category_list, base=1), base=1)
for resource_variation in mapped_value.getValueList(base_category_list,
if resource_variation.hasDefaultBasePrice():
new_base_price = resource_variation.getBasePrice()
new_base_price = float(new_base_price)
new_base_price = 0.0
error_list += \
["Default base price could not be converted for resource variation %s"
if new_base_price > 0.0:
base_price = new_base_price
line_item.base_price_defined_by = resource_variation.getId()
if resource_variation.hasSourceBasePrice():
new_source_base_price = resource_variation.getSourceBasePrice()
new_source_base_price = float(new_source_base_price)
new_source_base_price = 0.0
error_list += \
["Source base price could not be converted for resource variation %s"
if new_source_base_price > 0.0:
source_base_price = new_source_base_price
line_item.source_base_price_defined_by = resource_variation.getId()
# Convert Quantities
converted_quantity = resource.convertQuantity(quantity, quantity_unit,
converted_quantity = float(converted_quantity)
converted_quantity = 0.0
error_list += ["Quantity could not be converted for resource %s" %]
# Convert price to unit price
unit_base_price = base_price / priced_quantity
unit_source_base_price = source_base_price / priced_quantity
variation = self.portal_categories.getCategoryMembershipList(line_item,
variation_base_category_list, base=1)
#LOG('In Transformation variation',0,str(variation))
total_base_price = converted_quantity * unit_base_price / efficiency
total_source_base_price = converted_quantity * unit_source_base_price / efficiency
# Define variated price
if is_variated_quantity:
total_variated_base_price = total_base_price
total_variated_source_base_price = total_source_base_price
total_variated_base_price = 0.0
total_variated_source_base_price = 0.0
# Create a nice presentation of the variation
pretty_variation = ''
for variation_item in variation:
pretty_variation += "<br>%s" % str(variation_item)
# Update the value and calculate total
converted_quantity = converted_quantity,
base_price = base_price,
unit_base_price = unit_base_price,
total_base_price = total_base_price,
source_base_price = source_base_price,
unit_source_base_price = unit_source_base_price,
total_source_base_price = total_source_base_price,
variation = variation,
variation_category_list = variation,
quantity = quantity,
pretty_variation = pretty_variation,
error_list = error_list
return [line_item], total_base_price, total_source_base_price, \
total_variated_base_price, total_variated_source_base_price, duration
\ No newline at end of file
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