[buildout] extends = # Exact version of Zope ztk-versions.cfg zope-versions.cfg buildout.hash.cfg ../../component/fonts/buildout.cfg ../../component/git/buildout.cfg ../../component/graphviz/buildout.cfg ../../component/gzip/buildout.cfg ../../component/haproxy/buildout.cfg ../../component/hookbox/buildout.cfg ../../component/findutils/buildout.cfg ../../component/librsvg/buildout.cfg ../../component/imagemagick/buildout.cfg ../../component/kumo/buildout.cfg ../../component/libdmtx/buildout.cfg ../../component/matplotlib/buildout.cfg ../../component/numpy/buildout.cfg ../../component/statsmodels/buildout.cfg ../../component/h5py/buildout.cfg ../../component/ocropy/buildout.cfg ../../component/pandas/buildout.cfg ../../component/percona-toolkit/buildout.cfg ../../component/patch/buildout.cfg ../../component/pillow/buildout.cfg ../../component/pycrypto-python/buildout.cfg ../../component/pysvn-python/buildout.cfg ../../component/python-ldap-python/buildout.cfg ../../component/rdiff-backup/buildout.cfg ../../component/scikit-learn/buildout.cfg ../../component/scikit-image/buildout.cfg ../../component/PyWavelets/buildout.cfg ../../component/subversion/buildout.cfg ../../component/tesseract/buildout.cfg ../../component/w3m/buildout.cfg ../../component/poppler/buildout.cfg ../../component/zabbix/buildout.cfg ../../component/sed/buildout.cfg ../../component/coreutils/buildout.cfg ../../component/grep/buildout.cfg ../../component/dash/buildout.cfg ../../component/bash/buildout.cfg ../../component/wget/buildout.cfg ../../component/aspell/buildout.cfg ../../component/jsl/buildout.cfg ../../component/6tunnel/buildout.cfg ../../component/userhosts/buildout.cfg ../../component/postfix/buildout.cfg ../../component/zbarlight/buildout.cfg ../../component/pylint/buildout.cfg ../../stack/caucase/buildout.cfg ../../software/jupyter/software.cfg ../../software/neoppod/software-common.cfg # keep neoppod extends last parts += erp5-util-develop slapos-cookbook rdiff-backup aspell-en-dictionary apache-antiloris mroonga-mariadb tesseract tesseract-eng-traineddata tesseract-osd-traineddata hookbox zabbix-agent # Buildoutish eggs-all-scripts testrunner test_suite_runner # fonts liberation-fonts ipaex-fonts ipa-fonts ocrb-fonts android-fonts # get git repositories genbt5list # some additional utils zodbanalyze zodbpack # Create instance template template # jupyter jupyter-notebook-initialized-scripts [gcc] # KumoFS is known not to build with gcc>6. # It may work with slightly more recent but not tested. part = gcc-5.5 # override instance-jupyter-notebook not to render into default template.cfg [instance-jupyter-notebook] rendered = ${buildout:directory}/template-jupyter.cfg [download-base] <= download-base-neo url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:filename} [check-recipe] recipe = plone.recipe.command stop-on-error = true update-command = ${:command} command = grep parts ${buildout:develop-eggs-directory}/slapos.cookbook.egg-link [mariadb-start-clone-from-backup] <= download-base mode = 755 [mariadb-resiliency-after-import-script] <= download-base mode = 755 [mariadb-slow-query-report-script] <= download-base mode = 755 [template-mariadb] <= download-base link-binary = ${coreutils:location}/bin/basename ${coreutils:location}/bin/cat ${coreutils:location}/bin/cp ${coreutils:location}/bin/ls ${coreutils:location}/bin/tr ${coreutils:location}/bin/uname ${gettext:location}/lib/gettext/hostname ${grep:location}/bin/grep ${sed:location}/bin/sed ${mariadb:location}/bin/mysqlbinlog [template-kumofs] <= download-base [template-zope-conf] <= download-base [site-zcml] <= download-base [template-my-cnf] <= download-base [template-mariadb-initial-setup] <= download-base [template-postfix] < = download-base [template-postfix-master-cf] < = download-base [template-postfix-main-cf] < = download-base [template-postfix-aliases] < = download-base [template-run-zelenium] < = download-base [template] recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2 # XXX: "template.cfg" is hardcoded in instanciation recipe rendered = ${buildout:directory}/template.cfg template = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:filename} mode = 640 context = key mariadb_link_binary template-mariadb:link-binary key zope_link_binary template-zope:link-binary key apache_location apache:location key bin_directory buildout:bin-directory key buildout_bin_directory buildout:bin-directory key caucase_jinja2_library caucase-jinja2-library:target key coreutils_location coreutils:location key curl_location curl:location key cyrus_sasl_location cyrus-sasl:location key dash_location dash:location key bash_location bash:location key dcron_location dcron:location key default_cloudooo_url erp5-defaults:cloudooo-connection-url key erp5_location erp5:location key findutils_location findutils:location key gzip_location gzip:location key haproxy_location haproxy:location key instance_common_cfg instance-common:rendered key jsl_location jsl:location key jupyter_enable_default erp5-defaults:jupyter-enable-default key kumo_location kumo:location key local_bt5_repository local-bt5-repository:list key logrotate_location logrotate:location key mariadb_location mariadb:location key mariadb_resiliency_after_import_script mariadb-resiliency-after-import-script:target key mariadb_slow_query_report_script mariadb-slow-query-report-script:target key mariadb_start_clone_from_backup mariadb-start-clone-from-backup:target key mroonga_mariadb_install_sql mroonga-mariadb:install-sql key matplotlibrc_location matplotlibrc:location key parts_directory buildout:parts-directory key openssl_location openssl:location key percona_toolkit_location percona-toolkit:location key perl_dbd_mariadb_path perl-DBD-mariadb:perl-PATH key postfix_location postfix:location key root_common root-common:target key site_zcml site-zcml:target key sixtunnel_location 6tunnel:location key template_run_zelenium template-run-zelenium:target key egg_interpreter eggs:interpreter key template_apache_conf template-apache-backend-conf:target key template_balancer template-balancer:target key template_erp5 template-erp5:target key template_haproxy_cfg template-haproxy-cfg:target key template_jupyter_cfg instance-jupyter-notebook:rendered key template_kumofs template-kumofs:target key template_mariadb template-mariadb:target key template_mariadb_initial_setup template-mariadb-initial-setup:target key template_my_cnf template-my-cnf:target key template_mysqld_wrapper template-mysqld-wrapper:rendered key template_postfix template-postfix:target key template_postfix_aliases template-postfix-aliases:target key template_postfix_main_cf template-postfix-main-cf:target key template_postfix_master_cf template-postfix-master-cf:target key template_zeo template-zeo:target key template_zope template-zope:target key template_zope_conf template-zope-conf:target key userhosts_location userhosts:location key unixodbc_location unixodbc:location key wget_location wget:location key extra_path_list eggs:extra-paths [template-erp5] <= download-base [template-zeo] <= download-base [template-zope] <= download-base link-binary = ${aspell:location}/bin/aspell ${dmtx-utils:location}/bin/dmtxwrite ${git:location}/bin/git ${graphviz:location}/bin/dot ${grep:location}/bin/grep ${imagemagick:location}/bin/convert ${imagemagick:location}/bin/identify ${jsl:location}/bin/jsl ${librsvg:location}/bin/rsvg-convert ${mariadb:location}/bin/mysql ${mariadb:location}/bin/mysqldump ${openssl:location}/bin/openssl ${poppler:location}/bin/pdfinfo ${poppler:location}/bin/pdftohtml ${poppler:location}/bin/pdftotext ${sed:location}/bin/sed ${tesseract:location}/bin/tesseract ${w3m:location}/bin/w3m [template-balancer] <= download-base [template-haproxy-cfg] <= download-base [erp5-bin] <= erp5 repository = https://lab.nexedi.com/nexedi/erp5-bin.git branch = master [erp5-doc] <= erp5 repository = https://lab.nexedi.com/nexedi/erp5-doc.git branch = master [bt5-repository] # Format: # <url or path> [...] # # Use absolute paths for local repositories, and URLs for non-local otherwise. # list = ${local-bt5-repository:list} [local-bt5-repository] # Same as bt5-repository, but only local repository. # Used to generate bt5lists. list = ${erp5:location}/bt5 ${erp5:location}/product/ERP5/bootstrap ${erp5-bin:location}/bt5 ${erp5-doc:location}/bt5 [genbt5list] recipe = plone.recipe.command stop-on-error = true genbt5list = ${erp5:location}/product/ERP5/bin/genbt5list command = echo '${local-bt5-repository:list}' |xargs ${buildout:executable} ${:genbt5list} update-command = ${:command} [erp5_repository_list] repository_id_list = erp5 erp5-bin erp5-doc # ERP5 defaults, which can be overridden in inheriting recipes (e.g. wendelin) [erp5-defaults] cloudooo-connection-url = https://cloudooo.erp5.net/ # Jupyter is by default disabled in ERP5 jupyter-enable-default = false [erp5] recipe = slapos.recipe.build:gitclone repository = https://lab.nexedi.com/nexedi/erp5.git branch = master git-executable = ${git:location}/bin/git [testrunner] # XXX: Workaround for fact ERP5Type is not an distribution and does not # expose entry point for test runner recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = ${eggs:eggs} extra-paths = ${eggs:extra-paths} entry-points = runUnitTest=runUnitTest:main scripts = runUnitTest initialization = import glob, imp, os, sys import App # prevent Testing from importing Zope2.App instead of App import Products Products.__path__[:0] = filter(None, os.getenv('INSERT_PRODUCTS_PATH', '').split(os.pathsep)) os.environ['SOFTWARE_HOME'] = os.path.abspath(imp.find_module('Zope2')[1]) os.environ['ZOPE_SCRIPTS'] = '' parts_directory = '''${buildout:parts-directory}''' repository_id_list = \ '''${erp5_repository_list:repository_id_list}'''.split()[::-1] os.environ['erp5_tests_bt5_path'] = ','.join( os.path.join(parts_directory, x, 'bt5') for x in repository_id_list) extra_path_list = '''${:extra-paths}'''.split() sys.path[:0] = sum(( glob.glob(os.path.join(x, 'tests')) for x in extra_path_list), []) sys.path[:0] = sum(( glob.glob(os.path.join(x, 'Products', '*', 'tests')) for x in extra_path_list), []) sys.path[:0] = sum(( glob.glob(os.path.join(x, 'Products', '*', 'tests')) for x in os.getenv('INSERT_PRODUCTS_PATH', '').split(os.pathsep)), []) os.environ['PATH'] = '${jsl:location}/bin:%s' % os.environ['PATH'] [test_suite_runner] # XXX: Workaround for fact ERP5Type is not an distribution and does not # expose entry point for test runner recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = ${eggs:eggs} extra-paths = ${eggs:extra-paths} entry-points = runTestSuite=Products.ERP5Type.tests.runTestSuite:main scripts = runTestSuite initialization = import os import sys import Products [Products.__path__.insert(0, p) for p in reversed(os.environ.get('INSERT_PRODUCTS_PATH', '').split(':')) if p] import Zope2 os.environ['SOFTWARE_HOME'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(Zope2.__file__))) os.environ['ZOPE_SCRIPTS'] = '' repository_id_list = list(reversed('''${erp5_repository_list:repository_id_list}'''.split())) sys.path[0:0] = ['/'.join(['''${buildout:parts-directory}''', x]) for x in repository_id_list] [eggs] <= neoppod eggs = ${neoppod:eggs} ${caucase-eggs:eggs} ${numpy:egg} ${matplotlib:egg} ${lxml-python:egg} ${ocropy:egg} ${pandas:egg} ${pillow-python:egg} ${python-ldap-python:egg} ${pysvn-python:egg} ${pycrypto-python:egg} ${scipy:egg} ${scikit-learn:egg} ${scikit-image:egg} sympy more-itertools ${h5py:egg} openpyxl ${statsmodels:egg} ${zbarlight:egg} lock_file astor APacheDEX PyStemmer PyXML Pympler SOAPpy chardet collective.recipe.template coverage erp5diff interval ipdb Jinja2 jsonschema mechanize mock objgraph paramiko ply pyflakes pypdf2 python-magic python-memcached pytz requests responses threadframe timerserver urlnorm uuid xml_marshaller xupdate_processor feedparser validictory erp5.util z3c.etestbrowser huBarcode qrcode spyne httplib2 suds pprofile pycountry xfw jsonschema selenium pytesseract decorator networkx # Needed for checking ZODB Components source code ${pylint:egg} jedi yapf typing pytracemalloc xlrd # Zope Zope2 # Zope acquisition patch Acquisition # for runzeo ZEO # Other Zope 2 packages Products.PluggableAuthService Products.PluginRegistry # CMF 2.2 Products.CMFActionIcons Products.CMFCalendar Products.CMFCore Products.CMFDefault Products.CMFTopic Products.CMFUid Products.DCWorkflow Products.GenericSetup five.localsitemanager # Other products Products.DCWorkflowGraph Products.MimetypesRegistry Products.ExternalEditor Products.TIDStorage Products.LongRequestLogger # BBB: Temporarily keep zope.app.testing awaiting we use newer version of CMF # (for tests like testCookieCrumbler). zope.app.testing # Currently forked in our repository # Products.PortalTransforms # Dependency for our fork of PortalTransforms StructuredText # Needed for parsing .po files from our Localizer subset polib # Needed for Google OAuth google-api-python-client # Need for Facebook OAuth facebook-sdk # Used by ERP5 Jupyter backend ipykernel # Used by DiffTool xmltodict deepdiff unidiff jsonpickle # WSGI server zope.globalrequest waitress # parameterizing the version of the generated python interpreter name by the # python section version causes dependency between this egg section and the # installation of python, which we don't want on an instance interpreter = ${buildout:python} entry-points = runwsgi=Products.ERP5.bin.zopewsgi:runwsgi scripts = apachedex performance_tester_erp5 runwsgi runzope runzeo tidstoraged tidstorage_repozo web_checker_utility extra-paths = ${erp5:location} # patches for eggs patch-binary = ${patch:location}/bin/patch Acquisition-patches = ${:_profile_base_location_}/../../component/egg-patch/Acquisition/aq_dynamic.patch#1d9a56e9af4371f5b6951ebf217a15d7 Acquisition-patch-options = -p1 Products.DCWorkflow-patches = ${:_profile_base_location_}/../../component/egg-patch/Products.DCWorkflow/workflow_method.patch#975b49e96bae33ac8563454fe5fa9899 Products.DCWorkflow-patch-options = -p1 python-magic-patches = ${:_profile_base_location_}/../../component/egg-patch/python_magic/magic.patch#de0839bffac17801e39b60873a6c2068 python-magic-patch-options = -p1 [eggs-all-scripts] recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = munnel patch-binary = ${eggs:patch-binary} [zodbanalyze] recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = erp5.util entry-points = zodbanalyze=erp5.util.zodbanalyze:main scripts = zodbanalyze # develop erp5.util from parts/erp5/ [erp5-util-develop] recipe = zc.recipe.egg:develop setup = ${erp5:location} [zodbpack] recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = ${lxml-python:egg} ${pycurl:egg} ${python-PyYAML:egg} ${python-cryptography:egg} ${python-cliff:egg} slapos.toolbox[zodbpack] scripts = zodbpack [versions] # See ../../software/neoppod/software-common.cfg for versions common with NEO: # neoppod, mysqlclient, slapos.recipe.template # patched eggs Acquisition = 2.13.12+SlapOSPatched001 Products.DCWorkflow = 2.2.4+SlapOSPatched001 ocropy = 1.0+SlapOSPatched001 pysvn = 1.7.10+SlapOSPatched002 python-ldap = 2.4.32+SlapOSPatched001 python-magic = 0.4.12+SlapOSPatched001 ## https://lab.nexedi.com/nexedi/slapos/merge_requests/648 pylint = 1.4.4 # use newer version than specified in ZTK PasteDeploy = 1.5.2 argparse = 1.4.0 zope.dottedname = 4.1.0 # test_UserManagerInterfaces in testERP5Security fails with 1.10.0. Products.PluggableAuthService = 1.9.0 # we are still using this old stable version. rdiff-backup = 1.0.5+SlapOSPatched001 # modified version that works fine for buildout installation SOAPpy = 0.12.0nxd001 # CMF 2.3 is not yet supported. Products.CMFCalendar = 2.2.3 Products.CMFCore = 2.2.10 Products.CMFDefault = 2.2.4 Products.CMFTopic = 2.2.1 Products.CMFUid = 2.2.1 # newer version requires zope.traversing>=4.0.0a2. zope.app.appsetup = 3.16.0 # newer version requires zope.i18n>=4.0.0a3 zope.app.publication = 3.14.0 # newer version requires zope.testbrowser>=4 zope.app.testing = 3.8.1 # Pinned versions APacheDEX = 1.6.2 Pillow = 5.2.0 Products.CMFActionIcons = 2.1.3 Products.DCWorkflowGraph = 0.4.1 # Products.ExternalEditor 2.0.0's dtml is not based on Zope2 OFS's one. Products.ExternalEditor = 1.1.1 Products.GenericSetup = 1.8.6 Products.LongRequestLogger = 2.1.0 # Products.MimetypesRegistry 2.1 requires AccessControl>=3.0.0Acquisition. Products.MimetypesRegistry = 2.0.10 Products.PluginRegistry = 1.4 Products.TIDStorage = 5.5.0 pyPdf = 1.13 PyPDF2 = 1.26.0 PyStemmer = 1.3.0 PyXML = 0.8.5 Pympler = 0.4.3 StructuredText = 2.11.1 WSGIUtils = 0.7 ZODB3 = 3.11.0 # astroid 1.4.1 breaks testDynamicClassGeneration astroid = 1.3.8 chardet = 2.3.0 csp-eventlet = 0.7.0 erp5diff = eventlet = 0.20.1 five.formlib = 1.0.4 five.localsitemanager = 2.0.5 google-api-python-client = 1.6.1 greenlet = 0.4.12 http-parser = 0.8.3 httplib2 = 0.10.3 huBarcode = 1.0.0 interval = 1.0.0 ipdb = 0.10.2 logilab-common = 1.3.0 munnel = 0.3 nt-svcutils = 2.13.0 oauth2client = 4.0.0 objgraph = 3.1.0 ply = 3.10 polib = 1.0.8 pprofile = 2.0.4 pyasn1-modules = 0.0.8 pycountry = 17.1.8 pycrypto = 2.6.1 pycurl = 7.43.0 pyflakes = 1.5.0 python-memcached = 1.58 pytracemalloc = 1.2 qrcode = 5.3 restkit = 4.2.2 rsa = 3.4.2 rtjp-eventlet = 0.3.2 socketpool = 0.5.3 spyne = 2.12.14 suds = 0.4 facebook-sdk = 2.0.0 threadframe = 0.2 timerserver = 2.0.4 urlnorm = 1.1.4 uuid = 1.30 validictory = 1.1.0 xfw = 0.10 xupdate-processor = 0.4 selenium = 3.8.0 scikit-image = 0.14.0 PyWavelets = 0.5.2 networkx = 2.1 pytesseract = 0.2.2 zbarlight = 2.0 cloudpickle = 0.5.3 dask = 0.18.1 toolz = 0.9.0 zope.globalrequest = 1.5 waitress = 1.3.0 xlrd = 1.1.0 # Re-add for as it is required to be there for uninstallation erp5.recipe.w3validator = 1.0.2 # Required by: # Products.CMFCore==2.2.10 Products.ZSQLMethods = 2.13.5 # Required by: # eventlet==0.20.1 enum-compat = 0.0.2 # Required by: # SOAPpy===0.12.0nxd001 fpconst = 0.7.2 # Required by: # objgraph==3.1.0 graphviz = 0.5.2 # Required by: # Pillow==4.0.0 olefile = 0.44 # Required by: # munnel==0.3 python-libmilter = 1.0.3 # Required by: # zope.app.testing==3.8.1 zope.app.debug = 3.4.1 # Required by: # zope.app.testing==3.8.1 zope.app.dependable = 3.5.1 # Required by: # Products.CMFCalendar==2.2.3 # five.formlib==1.0.4 zope.app.form = 4.0.2 et-xmlfile = 1.0.1 more-itertools = 5.0.0 h5py = 2.7.1 mpmath = 0.19 openpyxl = 2.4.8 sympy = 1.1.1 # Required by: # openpyxl==2.4.8 jdcal = 1.3 xmltodict = 0.11.0 deepdiff = 3.3.0 unidiff = 0.5.5 # Required by: # deepdiff = 3.3.0 jsonpickle = 0.9.6 decorator = 4.3.0 responses = 0.10.6 # Required by: # responses = 0.10.6 cookies = 2.2.1 jedi = 0.15.1 parso = 0.5.1 yapf = 0.28.0 typing = # Required by: # erp5.util==0.4.65 z3c.etestbrowser = 3.0.1 zope.testbrowser = 5.5.1 # Required by: # zope.testbrowser==5.5.1 WSGIProxy2 = 0.4.6 WebTest = 2.0.33 beautifulsoup4 = 4.8.2 # Required by: # WSGIProxy2==0.4.6 WebOb = 1.8.5 soupsieve = 1.9.5