# Copyright (c) 2006 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
#                    Romain Courteaud <romain@nexedi.com>
#                    Ivan Tyagov <ivan@nexedi.com>
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

import time
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Globals import PersistentMapping
from Acquisition import aq_base
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet
from zLOG import LOG, INFO
from cStringIO import StringIO

from Products.ERP5Configurator.Tool.ConfiguratorTool import _validateFormToRequest
from Products.ERP5.Document.Item import Item

## Workflow states definitions

class BusinessConfiguration(Item):
    BusinessConfiguration store the values enter by the wizard. 

  meta_type = 'ERP5 Business Configuration'
  portal_type = 'Business Configuration'
  add_permission = Permissions.AddPortalContent
  isPortalContent = 1
  isRADContent = 1

  # Declarative security
  security = ClassSecurityInfo()

  # Declarative properties
  property_sheets = ( PropertySheet.Base
                    , PropertySheet.XMLObject
                    , PropertySheet.CategoryCore
                    , PropertySheet.DublinCore
                    , PropertySheet.Item
                    , PropertySheet.Arrow
                    , PropertySheet.BusinessConfiguration
                    , PropertySheet.Comment
                    , PropertySheet.Version
                    , PropertySheet.DefaultImage

  security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'isInitialConfigurationState')
  def isInitialConfigurationState(self):
    """ Check if the Business Configuration is on initial workflow state
    workflow = self.getResourceValue()
    if workflow is not None:
      return self.getCurrentState() == workflow.getSource()
    return None

  security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'isDownloadConfigurationState')
  def isDownloadConfigurationState(self):
    """ Check if the Business Configuration is on Download State
    return self.getCurrentStateTitle() == DOWNLOAD_STATE_TITLE 

  security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'isEndConfigurationState')
  def isEndConfigurationState(self):
    """ Check if the Business Configuration is on End State
    return self.getCurrentStateTitle() == END_STATE_TITLE

  security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, \
  def initializeWorkflow(self):
    """ Initialize Related Workflow"""
    workflow = self.getResourceValue()
    workflow_history = getattr(self, 'workflow_history', {})
    if workflow is None:

    if self.getResource() not in workflow_history:
      if len(self.objectValues("ERP5 Configuration Save")) > 0:
        raise ValueError("Business Configuration Cannot be initialized, \
                          it contains one or more Configurator Save")

  security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getNextTransition')
  def getNextTransition(self):
    """ Return next transition. """
    current_state = self.getCurrentStateValue()
    if current_state is None:
      return None
    transition_list = current_state.getAvailableTransitionList(self)
    transition_number = len(transition_list)
    if transition_number > 1:
      raise TypeError("More than one transition is available.")
    elif transition_number == 0:
      return None

    return transition_list[0]

  def _executeTransition(self, \
    """ Execute the transition. """
    if form_kw is None:
      form_kw = {}
    current_state = self.getCurrentStateValue()
    transition = self.getNextTransition()
    ## it's possible that we have already saved a configuration save object 
    ## in workflow_history for this state so we use it
    configuration_save = self._getConfSaveForStateFromWorkflowHistory()
    if configuration_save is None:
      ## we haven't saved any configuration save for this state so create new one
      configuration_save = self.newContent(portal_type='Configuration Save')
      ## we have already created configuration save for this state
      ## so remove from it already existing configuration items
      if configuration_save != self:  # don't delete ourselves
        existing_conf_items = configuration_save.objectIds()
        existing_conf_items = map(None, existing_conf_items)

    modified_form_kw = {}
    for k in form_kw.keys():
      if form_kw[k].__class__.__name__ != 'FileUpload':
        modified_form_kw[k] = form_kw[k]
    ## Add some variables so we can get use them in workflow after scripts
    form_kw['configuration_save_url'] = configuration_save.getRelativeUrl()
    form_kw['transition'] = transition.getRelativeUrl()
    current_state.executeTransition(transition, self, form_kw=form_kw)

  def _displayNextForm(self, \
                       validation_errors=None, \
                       context=None, \
    """ Render next form. """
    if transition is None:
      transition = self.getNextTransition()
    while transition is not None:
      form_id = transition.getTransitionFormId()
      if self.isDownloadConfigurationState():
        ## exec next transition for this business configuration 
        transition = self.getNextTransition()
        return None, None, None, None, None
      if form_id is None:
        ## go on until you find a form
        transition = self.getNextTransition()
        if context is None:
          ## examine workflow_history for already saved 
          ## 'Configuration Save' objects for this state
          context = self._getConfSaveForStateFromWorkflowHistory()
        ## get form object in a proper context
        form_html, form_title = self._renderFormInContext(form_id, context, validation_errors)
        ## check if we've can shown 'Previous' button
        previous = None
        translate = self.Base_translateString
        if self._isAlreadyConfSaveInWorkflowHistory(transition):
          previous = translate("Previous")
        return previous, form_html, form_title, \
               translate(transition.getTitle()), self.getServerBuffer()

  def _renderFormInContext(self, form_id, context, validation_errors):
    html = ""
    html_forms = []
    isMultiEntryTransition = self._isMultiEntryTransition()
    forms_number = isMultiEntryTransition
    if context is None:
      form = getattr(self, form_id)
      if not isMultiEntryTransition:
        if validation_errors is not None:
          self.REQUEST.set('field_errors', form.ErrorFields(validation_errors))
        html = form()
        template_html = form()
        for form_counter in range(0, forms_number):
          form_html = self.Base_mainConfiguratorFormTemplate(
                                  current_form_number=form_counter + 1,
      if not isMultiEntryTransition:
        ## only one form saved under this context
        form = getattr(context, form_id)
        if validation_errors is not None:
          self.REQUEST.set('field_errors', form.ErrorFields(validation_errors))
        html = form()
        ## we have many forms saved under this context
        form = getattr(self, form_id)
        field_ids = form.get_fields()
        for form_counter in range(0, forms_number):
          ## fill REQUEST with data as it will be used to render form
          for field in field_ids:
            field_value = getattr(context, "field_%s" % field.id, None)
            if field_value is not None and len(field_value) > form_counter:
              field_value = field_value[form_counter]
              self.REQUEST.set(field.id, field_value)
              self.REQUEST.set(field.id, '')
          form_html = self.Base_mainConfiguratorFormTemplate( \
                             current_form_number=form_counter + 1,\
                             form_html=getattr(context, form_id)())
    if html_forms != []:
      html = "\n".join(html_forms)
    title = form.title  
    return html, title

  def _displayPreviousForm(self):
    """ Render previous form using workflow history. """
    workflow_history = self.getCurrentStateValue().getWorkflowHistory(self, remove_undo=1)
    for wh in workflow_history:
      ## go one step back
      current_state = self.getCurrentStateValue()
      transition = self.unrestrictedTraverse(wh['transition'])
      conf_save = self.unrestrictedTraverse(wh['configuration_save_url'])
      ## check if this transition can be shown to user ...
      if transition._checkPermission(self) and \
           transition.getTransitionFormId() is not None:
        return  self._displayNextForm(context=conf_save, transition=transition)

  def _validateNextForm(self, **kw):
    """ Validate the form displayed to the user. """
    form = getattr(self, self.getNextTransition().getTransitionFormId())
    return _validateFormToRequest(form, REQUEST, **kw)

  ## misc    ##
  def _getConfigurationStack(self):
    """ Return list of created by client configuration save objects 
        sort on id which is an integer. """
    result = self.objectValues('ERP5 Configuration Save')
    result = map(None, result)
    result.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.getIntIndex(x.getIntId()),
    return result

  def _getConfSaveForStateFromWorkflowHistory(self):
    """ Get from workflow history configuration save for this state """
    configuration_save = None
    current_state = self.getCurrentStateValue()
    transition = self.getNextTransition()
    next_state = self.unrestrictedTraverse(transition.getDestination())
    workflow_history = current_state.getWorkflowHistory(self)
    for wh in workflow_history:
      if next_state == self.unrestrictedTraverse(wh['current_state']):
        configuration_save = self.unrestrictedTraverse(wh['configuration_save_url'])
    return configuration_save

  def _isAlreadyConfSaveInWorkflowHistory(self, transition):
    """ check if we have an entry in worklow history for this state """
    workflow_history = self.getCurrentStateValue().getWorkflowHistory(self, remove_undo=1)
    for wh in workflow_history:
      wh_state = self.unrestrictedTraverse(wh['current_state'])
      for wh_transition in wh_state.getAvailableTransitionList(self):
        if wh_transition.getTransitionFormId() is not None and \
           wh_transition != transition:
          return True
    return False

  def _isMultiEntryTransition(self):
    """ Return number of multiple forms to show for a transition. """
    next_transition = self.getNextTransition()
    if next_transition is not None:
      if getattr(aq_base(self), '_multi_entry_transitions', None) is not None:
        multi_forms = self._multi_entry_transitions.get(next_transition.getRelativeUrl(), 0)
        if multi_forms == 1:
          # we have set '1' which means show one form which is not multiple forms
          multi_forms = 0
        return multi_forms
        return 0
      ## no transitions available
      return 0

  security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'setMultiEntryTransition')
  def setMultiEntryTransition(self, transition_url, max_entry_number):
    """ Set a transition as multiple - i.e max_entry_number of forms 
        which will be rendered. This method is called in after scripts
        and usually this number is set by user in a web form. """
    if getattr(aq_base(self), '_multi_entry_transitions', None) is None:
      self._multi_entry_transitions = PersistentMapping()
    self._multi_entry_transitions[transition_url] = max_entry_number

  security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'setServerBuffer')
  def setServerBuffer(self, **kw):
    """ Set what we should return to client. """
    if getattr(aq_base(self), '_server_buffer', None) is None:
      self._server_buffer = {}
    for item, value in kw.items():
      self._server_buffer[item] = value
    self._p_changed = 1

  security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getServerBuffer')
  def getServerBuffer(self):
    """ Get return buffer which will be sent to client and 
    afterwards deleted. """
    server_buffer = getattr(aq_base(self), '_server_buffer', {})
    self._server_buffer = {}
    return server_buffer

  security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'setGlobalConfigurationAttr')
  def setGlobalConfigurationAttr(self, **kw):
    """ Set global business configuration attribute. """
    if getattr(aq_base(self),
               '_global_configuration_attributes', None) is None:
      self._global_configuration_attributes = PersistentMapping()
    for key, value in kw.items():
      self._global_configuration_attributes[key] = value

  security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getGlobalConfigurationAttr')
  def getGlobalConfigurationAttr(self, key, default=None):
    """ Get global business configuration attribute. """
    global_configuration_attributes = getattr(self, '_global_configuration_attributes', {})
    return global_configuration_attributes.get(key, default)

  ############# Instance and Business Configuration ########################
  security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'buildConfiguration')
  def buildConfiguration(self, execute_after_setup_script=1):
      Build list of business templates according to already saved 
      Configuration Saves (i.e. user input).
      This is the actual implementation which can be used from workflow 
      actions and Configurator requets
    kw = dict(tag="start_configuration_%s" % self.getId(), 
    start = time.time()
        'Build process started for %s' % self.getRelativeUrl())
    # build
    for configuration_save in self._getConfigurationStack():
      # XXX: check which items are configure-able
      configuration_item_list = [x for x in configuration_save.contentValues()]
      configuration_item_list.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.getIntId(), y.getIntId()))
      for configurator_item in configuration_item_list:
        kw["after_tag"] = kw["tag"]
        kw["tag"] = "configurator_item_%s_%s" % (configurator_item.getId(),

        'Build process started for %s ended after %.02fs' % (self.getRelativeUrl(),
                                                             time.time() - start))

    if execute_after_setup_script:
      kw["tag"] = "final_configuration_step_%s" % self.getId()
      kw["after_method_id"] = ["build", 'immediateReindexObject', \


    if self.portal_workflow.isTransitionPossible(self, 'install'):

  security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'resetBusinessConfiguration')
  def resetBusinessConfiguration(self):
      Reset Business Confiration at server side.
      Remove all traces from user input (i.e. Configuration Saves, workflow history).
    object_ids = []
    for obj in self.contentValues(filter={'portal_type': ['Configuration Save', 'File', 'Link']}):
    del self.workflow_history
    # ERP5 Workflow initialization
    erp5_workflow = self.getResourceValue()

  def isStandardBT5(self, bt5_id):
    """Is bt5_id standard gzipped bt5 id?
       Use ERP5 site portal_templates to get list of bt5_ids from configured
       repository. This relies on the fact that the host site have a
       configured repository.
    # XXX This should be one API from portal_templates
    bt5_title_list = []
    bt5_title = bt5_id.split('.')[0]
    for bt5 in self.getPortalObject().portal_templates\
    return bt5_title in bt5_title_list