2010-06-21 mohamadou *add external methods to use the new extension - setUpInstance to set up all egov instance - enableProcedureLogin to enable some procedure such as Subscription Form to log in. * add SetUpEGovInstance Extension, to use Egov User and Group Manager and to enable some procedure log in. 2010-06-21 mohamadou * add publication section in erp5_egov Assignment _view 2010-06-21 mohamadou * update EgovSecurity to set security for Anonymous only if there is no authentification and no subscription 2010-06-21 mohamadou * update generatePortalType to use good role category for role information definition * add publication_section category if procedure needs subscription 2010-06-20 mayoro * Add complete transition from accepted state *Add the title of the transition Complete, it should not be configured in the hosting form 2010-06-20 mayoro *adjust left margin for status displaying * remove some specific files in img and clean up page templates 2010-06-18 mayoro * add script to generate security from entity 2010-06-13 mayoro *rename mistake in login_form of ecitizen (egov_portal) is no longer used *add padding left for site title in template_erp5_egov.css 2010-06-13 mayoro *remove unused variables 2010-06-02 mayoro * clean up change log and remove mistakes * remove replacing whitespace in preocedure title 2010-06-02 mayoro * add some processing in procedure title in case of special caracters before generating portal_type 2010-06-02 mayoro * rename extension for egov security * remove some word added by mistakes * remove unused extension SetUpInstance 2010-06-01 mayoro * remove portal_skins added by mistake 2010-06-01 mayoro * New version of ERP5 egov based on dynamic form generated from sla and pdf files defined on portal_types 2009-09-07 yusuke * Replace ERP5Report to ERP5Form and ReportBox 2008-11-17 fabien * add workflow scripts to send notification by email 2008-11-17 mohamadou * update workflow script for new form. 2008-11-11 fabien * modify some scripts to be able to make a subscription using the new form * typo 2008-11-03 fabien * add an interaction to raise an error on subscription submission if an account already exists * add a default parameter to NOT be in editable mode * hide "save draft and continue later" button and "Next step" buttons if user don't have Modify content permission. 2008-11-01 fabien * fix some problem in the send of credentials. Now it works, even with yahoo ! (not considered as spam) * fix a pb in a translated sentence 2008-10-21 fabien * fix some mistakes in sendCrendentialsByEMail workflow script and remove sender because it's not required * update testEgovMixin to add some other generic methods 2008-10-20 fabien * update ERP5Site_getSecurityFromLatestWorkflowHistory to remove workflow hardcoded value * add a script generateNewLogin to generate new login (remove spaces and accents, add a number at the end if the login already exists, ...) * send credentials using portal_notification 2008-10-16 fabien * change css to have all the tabs of the forms (actions) on the right instead of have the first on right and the others in the middle 2008-10-15 fabien * update some listbox to display the last application in first * update css * add some rights on assignee to the validated state on egov_universal_workflow. This avoid a security error if an agent have an assigned application and refuse it (it will change the state of the application to validated and redirect the agent on it). * update some listbox to be able to handle searchable text and to be able to sort application by modification date (descending) * make possible to return on the form page, even if the form has been submitted, this permit to see what have been entered in the form, but it's not possible to modify it * display logout button on every pages 2008-10-10 fabien bring some corrections after the Mme Ba review : * remove Mandate form from the allowed form list because it's not implemented yet * improve EGov_goToDocument script * update WebSite_login page template to redirect form user on view if the state of the document is draft (to be able to continue the subscription) * modify checkAccountInexistance workflow script to use ninea number instead of rccm one to check that the company don't exists * modify "Save draft and continue later" button behavior. Now when you click on, data are saved and a page is displayed with your credentials (if it's an anonymous application) * add EGov_Base_editAndRedirect script that save the data of the current form and redirect to 2008-09-25 fabien * modify some selection_name on listbox to be unique and avoid conflic 2008-09-23 fabien * remove standardSecurity extension. The name was in conflict with an Extension in erp5_core. Move it in erp5_egov bt and rename it in ERP5EGov_Security. 2008-09-12 fabien * Change all indentation, thanks to julien patch 2008-09-11 fabien * Make anonymous subscription safer using a login and password to check the application progress. 2008-09-09 fabien * report_section refactoring to be more generic and easier to customize with more pdf 2008-08-26 fabien * add erp5_captcha skin folder * add portal_sessions tool 2008-06-10 fabien * add erp5_egov_catalog to dependence list 2008-06-07 fabien * move all web page and web site to erp5_egov bt 2008-06-04 fabien * enhance EGov_Base_editAndNextStep script, now it should be possible to not have a modified Base_edit script 2008-05-26 fabien bt refactoring : * change portal_types names * add functionality (captcha, contextual help,...) * enhance security, ... 2008-03-11 fabien * hide Preference button on the workspace for annonymous users * add a login_form sript to override the existing one and permit to redirect on the appropriate page 2008-03-10 fabien * add some controls on validation state, add two widgets to see pending requests and users documents, align the form on the right, but all other pages are centered, enhance listbox page template to handle custom listbox fields. 2008-03-07 fabien * set up security and bring lot of change on all the bt 2007-12-27 fabien * Initial prototype