############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2002 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes <jp@nexedi.com> # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## import socket import urllib import threading import sys from types import StringType import re from Products.CMFCore import permissions as CMFCorePermissions from Products.ERP5Type.Core.Folder import Folder from Products.CMFActivity.ActiveResult import ActiveResult from Products.CMFActivity.ActiveObject import DEFAULT_ACTIVITY from Products.PythonScripts.Utility import allow_class from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo, Permissions from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import noSecurityManager from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import setSecurityManager from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import getSecurityManager from Products.CMFCore.utils import UniqueObject, _getAuthenticatedUser, getToolByName from Products.ERP5Type.Globals import InitializeClass, DTMLFile from Acquisition import aq_base from Acquisition import aq_inner from ActivityBuffer import ActivityBuffer from ActivityRuntimeEnvironment import BaseMessage from zExceptions import ExceptionFormatter from BTrees.OIBTree import OIBTree try: from Products import iHotfix localizer_lock = iHotfix._the_lock localizer_contexts = iHotfix.contexts LocalizerContext = iHotfix.Context except ImportError: # Localizer 1.2 includes iHotFix patches import Products.Localizer.patches localizer_lock = Products.Localizer.patches._requests_lock localizer_contexts = Products.Localizer.patches._requests LocalizerContext = lambda request: request from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError from Products.MailHost.MailHost import MailHostError from zLOG import LOG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR from warnings import warn from time import time try: from Products.TimerService import getTimerService except ImportError: def getTimerService(self): pass try: from traceback import format_list, extract_stack except ImportError: format_list = extract_stack = None # minimal IP:Port regexp NODE_RE = re.compile('^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+:\d+$') # Using a RAM property (not a property of an instance) allows # to prevent from storing a state in the ZODB (and allows to restart...) active_threads = 0 max_active_threads = 1 # 2 will cause more bug to appear (he he) is_initialized = False tic_lock = threading.Lock() # A RAM based lock to prevent too many concurrent tic() calls timerservice_lock = threading.Lock() # A RAM based lock to prevent TimerService spamming when busy is_running_lock = threading.Lock() currentNode = None ROLE_IDLE = 0 ROLE_PROCESSING = 1 # Activity Registration activity_dict = {} # Logging channel definitions import logging # Main logging channel activity_logger = logging.getLogger('CMFActivity') # Some logging subchannels activity_tracking_logger = logging.getLogger('Tracking') activity_timing_logger = logging.getLogger('CMFActivity.TimingLog') # Direct logging to "[instancehome]/log/CMFActivity.log", if this directory exists. # Otherwise, it will end up in root logging facility (ie, event.log). from App.config import getConfiguration import os instancehome = getConfiguration().instancehome if instancehome is not None: log_directory = os.path.join(instancehome, 'log') if os.path.isdir(log_directory): from Signals import Signals from ZConfig.components.logger.loghandler import FileHandler log_file_handler = FileHandler(os.path.join(log_directory, 'CMFActivity.log')) # Default zope log format string borrowed from # ZConfig/components/logger/factory.xml, but without the extra "------" # line separating entries. log_file_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)s", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")) Signals.registerZopeSignals([log_file_handler]) activity_logger.addHandler(log_file_handler) activity_logger.propagate = 0 def activity_timing_method(method, args, kw): begin = time() try: return method(*args, **kw) finally: end = time() activity_timing_logger.info('%.02fs: %r(*%r, **%r)' % (end - begin, method, args, kw)) # Here go ActivityBuffer instances # Structure: # global_activity_buffer[activity_tool_path][thread_id] = ActivityBuffer global_activity_buffer = {} from thread import get_ident, allocate_lock global_activity_buffer_lock = allocate_lock() def registerActivity(activity): # Must be rewritten to register # class and create instance for each activity #LOG('Init Activity', 0, str(activity.__name__)) activity_instance = activity() activity_dict[activity.__name__] = activity_instance MESSAGE_NOT_EXECUTED = 0 MESSAGE_EXECUTED = 1 MESSAGE_NOT_EXECUTABLE = 2 class Message(BaseMessage): """Activity Message Class. Message instances are stored in an activity queue, inside the Activity Tool. """ active_process = None active_process_uid = None def __init__(self, obj, active_process, activity_kw, method_id, args, kw): if isinstance(obj, str): self.object_path = tuple(obj.split('/')) activity_creation_trace = False else: self.object_path = obj.getPhysicalPath() activity_creation_trace = obj.getPortalObject().portal_activities.activity_creation_trace if active_process is not None: self.active_process = active_process.getPhysicalPath() self.active_process_uid = active_process.getUid() if activity_kw.get('serialization_tag', False) is None: # Remove serialization_tag if it's None. del activity_kw['serialization_tag'] self.activity_kw = activity_kw self.method_id = method_id self.args = args self.kw = kw self.is_executed = MESSAGE_NOT_EXECUTED self.exc_type = None self.exc_value = None self.traceback = None if activity_creation_trace and format_list is not None: # Save current traceback, to make it possible to tell where a message # was generated. # Strip last stack entry, since it will always be the same. self.call_traceback = ''.join(format_list(extract_stack()[:-1])) else: self.call_traceback = None self.processing = None self.user_name = str(_getAuthenticatedUser(self)) # Store REQUEST Info self.request_info = {} request = getattr(obj, 'REQUEST', None) if request is not None: if 'SERVER_URL' in request.other: self.request_info['SERVER_URL'] = request.other['SERVER_URL'] if 'VirtualRootPhysicalPath' in request.other: self.request_info['VirtualRootPhysicalPath'] = \ request.other['VirtualRootPhysicalPath'] if 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' in request.environ: self.request_info['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = \ request.environ['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] self.request_info['_script'] = list(request._script) def getObject(self, activity_tool): """return the object referenced in this message.""" return activity_tool.unrestrictedTraverse(self.object_path) def getObjectList(self, activity_tool): """return the list of object that can be expanded from this message.""" object_list = [] try: object_list.append(self.getObject(activity_tool)) except KeyError: pass else: if self.hasExpandMethod(): expand_method_id = self.activity_kw['expand_method_id'] # FIXME: how to pass parameters? object_list = getattr(object_list[0], expand_method_id)() return object_list def hasExpandMethod(self): """return true if the message has an expand method. An expand method is used to expand the list of objects and to turn a big recursive transaction affecting many objects into multiple transactions affecting only one object at a time (this can prevent duplicated method calls).""" return self.activity_kw.has_key('expand_method_id') def changeUser(self, user_name, activity_tool): """restore the security context for the calling user.""" uf = activity_tool.getPortalObject().acl_users user = uf.getUserById(user_name) # if the user is not found, try to get it from a parent acl_users # XXX this is still far from perfect, because we need to store all # informations about the user (like original user folder, roles) to # replay the activity with exactly the same security context as if # it had been executed without activity. if user is None: uf = activity_tool.getPortalObject().aq_parent.acl_users user = uf.getUserById(user_name) if user is not None: user = user.__of__(uf) newSecurityManager(None, user) else : LOG("CMFActivity", WARNING, "Unable to find user %r in the portal" % user_name) noSecurityManager() return user def activateResult(self, activity_tool, result, object): if self.active_process is not None: active_process = activity_tool.unrestrictedTraverse(self.active_process) if isinstance(result, ActiveResult): result.edit(object_path=object) result.edit(method_id=self.method_id) # XXX Allow other method_id in future active_process.activateResult(result) else: active_process.activateResult( ActiveResult(object_path=object, method_id=self.method_id, result=result)) # XXX Allow other method_id in future def __call__(self, activity_tool): try: obj = self.getObject(activity_tool) except KeyError: LOG('CMFActivity', ERROR, 'Message failed in getting an object from the path %r' % \ (self.object_path,), error=sys.exc_info()) self.setExecutionState(MESSAGE_NOT_EXECUTABLE, context=activity_tool) else: try: old_security_manager = getSecurityManager() try: # Change user if required (TO BE DONE) # We will change the user only in order to execute this method self.changeUser(self.user_name, activity_tool) try: # XXX: There is no check to see if user is allowed to access # that method ! method = getattr(obj, self.method_id) except: LOG('CMFActivity', ERROR, 'Message failed in getting a method %r from an object %r' % \ (self.method_id, obj,), error=sys.exc_info()) method = None self.setExecutionState(MESSAGE_NOT_EXECUTABLE, context=activity_tool) else: if activity_tool.activity_timing_log: result = activity_timing_method(method, self.args, self.kw) else: result = method(*self.args, **self.kw) finally: setSecurityManager(old_security_manager) if method is not None: self.activateResult(activity_tool, result, obj) self.setExecutionState(MESSAGE_EXECUTED) except: self.setExecutionState(MESSAGE_NOT_EXECUTED, context=activity_tool) def validate(self, activity, activity_tool, check_order_validation=1): return activity.validate(activity_tool, self, check_order_validation=check_order_validation, **self.activity_kw) def getDependentMessageList(self, activity, activity_tool): return activity.getDependentMessageList(activity_tool, self, **self.activity_kw) def notifyUser(self, activity_tool, retry=False): """Notify the user that the activity failed.""" portal = activity_tool.getPortalObject() user_email = portal.getProperty('email_to_address', portal.getProperty('email_from_address')) email_from_name = portal.getProperty('email_from_name', portal.getProperty('email_from_address')) call_traceback = '' if self.call_traceback: call_traceback = 'Created at:\n%s' % self.call_traceback fail_count = self.line.retry + 1 if self.getExecutionState() == MESSAGE_NOT_EXECUTABLE: message = "Not executable activity" elif retry: message = "Pending activity already failed %s times" % fail_count else: message = "Activity failed" path = '/'.join(self.object_path) mail_text = """From: %s <%s> To: %s Subject: %s: %s/%s Node: %s Failures: %s User name: %r Document: %s Method: %s Arguments: %r Named Parameters: %r %s Exception: %s %s %s """ % (email_from_name, activity_tool.email_from_address, user_email, message, path, self.method_id, activity_tool.getCurrentNode(), fail_count, self.user_name, path, self.method_id, self.args, self.kw, call_traceback, self.exc_type, self.exc_value, self.traceback) if isinstance(mail_text, unicode): # __traceback_info__ can turn the tracebacks into unicode strings, but # MailHost.send (in Zope 2.8) will not be able to parse headers if the # mail_text is passed as a unicode. mail_text = mail_text.encode('utf8') try: activity_tool.MailHost.send( mail_text ) except (socket.error, MailHostError), message: LOG('ActivityTool.notifyUser', WARNING, 'Mail containing failure information failed to be sent: %s. Exception was: %s %s\n%s' % (message, self.exc_type, self.exc_value, self.traceback)) def reactivate(self, activity_tool, activity=DEFAULT_ACTIVITY): # Reactivate the original object. obj= self.getObject(activity_tool) old_security_manager = getSecurityManager() try: # Change user if required (TO BE DONE) # We will change the user only in order to execute this method user = self.changeUser(self.user_name, activity_tool) active_obj = obj.activate(activity=activity, **self.activity_kw) getattr(active_obj, self.method_id)(*self.args, **self.kw) finally: # Use again the previous user setSecurityManager(old_security_manager) def setExecutionState(self, is_executed, exc_info=None, log=True, context=None): """ Set message execution state. is_executed can be one of MESSAGE_NOT_EXECUTED, MESSAGE_EXECUTED and MESSAGE_NOT_EXECUTABLE (variables defined above). exc_info must be - if given - similar to sys.exc_info() return value. log must be - if given - True or False. If True, a log line will be emited with failure details. This parameter should only be used when invoking this method on a list of messages to avoid log flood. It is caller's responsability to output a log line summing up all errors, and to store error in Zope's error_log. context must be - if given - an object wrapped in acquisition context. It is used to access Zope's error_log object. It is not used if log is False. If given state is not MESSAGE_EXECUTED, it will also store given exc_info. If not given, it will extract one using sys.exc_info(). If final exc_info does not contain any exception, current stack trace will be stored instead: it will hopefuly help understand why message is in an error state. """ assert is_executed in (MESSAGE_NOT_EXECUTED, MESSAGE_EXECUTED, MESSAGE_NOT_EXECUTABLE) self.is_executed = is_executed if is_executed != MESSAGE_EXECUTED: if exc_info is None: exc_info = sys.exc_info() if exc_info == (None, None, None): # Raise a dummy exception, ignore it, fetch it and use it as if it was the error causing message non-execution. This will help identifyting the cause of this misbehaviour. try: raise Exception, 'Message execution failed, but there is no exception to explain it. This is a dummy exception so that one can track down why we end up here outside of an exception handling code path.' except: pass exc_info = sys.exc_info() if log: LOG('ActivityTool', WARNING, 'Could not call method %s on object %s. Activity created at:\n%s' % (self.method_id, self.object_path, self.call_traceback), error=exc_info) # push the error in ZODB error_log error_log = getattr(context, 'error_log', None) if error_log is not None: error_log.raising(exc_info) self.exc_type = exc_info[0] self.exc_value = str(exc_info[1]) self.traceback = ''.join(ExceptionFormatter.format_exception(*exc_info)) def getExecutionState(self): return self.is_executed class Method: def __init__(self, passive_self, activity, active_process, kw, method_id): self.__passive_self = passive_self self.__activity = activity self.__active_process = active_process self.__kw = kw self.__method_id = method_id def __call__(self, *args, **kw): m = Message(self.__passive_self, self.__active_process, self.__kw, self.__method_id, args, kw) portal_activities = self.__passive_self.getPortalObject().portal_activities if portal_activities.activity_tracking: activity_tracking_logger.info('queuing message: activity=%s, object_path=%s, method_id=%s, args=%s, kw=%s, activity_kw=%s, user_name=%s' % (self.__activity, '/'.join(m.object_path), m.method_id, m.args, m.kw, m.activity_kw, m.user_name)) activity_dict[self.__activity].queueMessage(portal_activities, m) allow_class(Method) class ActiveWrapper: def __init__(self, passive_self, activity, active_process, **kw): self.__dict__['__passive_self'] = passive_self self.__dict__['__activity'] = activity self.__dict__['__active_process'] = active_process self.__dict__['__kw'] = kw def __getattr__(self, id): return Method(self.__dict__['__passive_self'], self.__dict__['__activity'], self.__dict__['__active_process'], self.__dict__['__kw'], id) def __repr__(self): return '<%s at 0x%x to %r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self), self.__dict__['__passive_self']) # True when activities cannot be executing any more. has_processed_shutdown = False def cancelProcessShutdown(): """ This method reverts the effect of calling "process_shutdown" on activity tool. """ global has_processed_shutdown is_running_lock.release() has_processed_shutdown = False class ActivityTool (Folder, UniqueObject): """ ActivityTool is the central point for activity management. Improvement to consider to reduce locks: Idea 1: create an SQL tool which accumulate queries and executes them at the end of a transaction, thus allowing all SQL transaction to happen in a very short time (this would also be a great way of using MyISAM tables) Idea 2: do the same at the level of ActivityTool Idea 3: do the same at the level of each activity (ie. queueMessage accumulates and fires messages at the end of the transactino) """ id = 'portal_activities' meta_type = 'CMF Activity Tool' portal_type = 'Activity Tool' allowed_types = ( 'CMF Active Process', ) security = ClassSecurityInfo() manage_options = tuple( [ { 'label' : 'Overview', 'action' : 'manage_overview' } , { 'label' : 'Activities', 'action' : 'manageActivities' } , { 'label' : 'LoadBalancing', 'action' : 'manageLoadBalancing'} , { 'label' : 'Advanced', 'action' : 'manageActivitiesAdvanced' } , ] + list(Folder.manage_options)) security.declareProtected( CMFCorePermissions.ManagePortal , 'manageActivities' ) manageActivities = DTMLFile( 'dtml/manageActivities', globals() ) security.declareProtected( CMFCorePermissions.ManagePortal , 'manageActivitiesAdvanced' ) manageActivitiesAdvanced = DTMLFile( 'dtml/manageActivitiesAdvanced', globals() ) security.declareProtected( CMFCorePermissions.ManagePortal , 'manage_overview' ) manage_overview = DTMLFile( 'dtml/explainActivityTool', globals() ) security.declareProtected( CMFCorePermissions.ManagePortal , 'manageLoadBalancing' ) manageLoadBalancing = DTMLFile( 'dtml/manageLoadBalancing', globals() ) distributingNode = '' _nodes = () activity_creation_trace = False activity_tracking = False activity_timing_log = False cancel_and_invoke_links_hidden = False def SQLDict_setPriority(self, **kw): real_SQLDict_setPriority = getattr(self.aq_parent, 'SQLDict_setPriority') LOG('ActivityTool', 0, real_SQLDict_setPriority(src__=1, **kw)) return real_SQLDict_setPriority(**kw) def __init__(self): return Folder.__init__(self, ActivityTool.id) # Filter content (ZMI)) def filtered_meta_types(self, user=None): # Filters the list of available meta types. all = ActivityTool.inheritedAttribute('filtered_meta_types')(self) meta_types = [] for meta_type in self.all_meta_types(): if meta_type['name'] in self.allowed_types: meta_types.append(meta_type) return meta_types def initialize(self): global is_initialized from Activity import RAMQueue, RAMDict, SQLQueue, SQLDict # Initialize each queue for activity in activity_dict.itervalues(): activity.initialize(self) is_initialized = True security.declareProtected(Permissions.manage_properties, 'isSubscribed') def isSubscribed(self): """ return True, if we are subscribed to TimerService. Otherwise return False. """ service = getTimerService(self) if not service: LOG('ActivityTool', INFO, 'TimerService not available') return False path = '/'.join(self.getPhysicalPath()) if path in service.lisSubscriptions(): return True return False security.declareProtected(Permissions.manage_properties, 'subscribe') def subscribe(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None): """ subscribe to the global Timer Service """ service = getTimerService(self) url = '%s/manageLoadBalancing?manage_tabs_message=' %self.absolute_url() if not service: LOG('ActivityTool', INFO, 'TimerService not available') url += urllib.quote('TimerService not available') else: service.subscribe(self) url += urllib.quote("Subscribed to Timer Service") if RESPONSE is not None: RESPONSE.redirect(url) security.declareProtected(Permissions.manage_properties, 'unsubscribe') def unsubscribe(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None): """ unsubscribe from the global Timer Service """ service = getTimerService(self) url = '%s/manageLoadBalancing?manage_tabs_message=' %self.absolute_url() if not service: LOG('ActivityTool', INFO, 'TimerService not available') url += urllib.quote('TimerService not available') else: service.unsubscribe(self) url += urllib.quote("Unsubscribed from Timer Service") if RESPONSE is not None: RESPONSE.redirect(url) security.declareProtected(Permissions.manage_properties, 'isActivityTrackingEnabled') def isActivityTrackingEnabled(self): return self.activity_tracking security.declareProtected(Permissions.manage_properties, 'manage_enableActivityTracking') def manage_enableActivityTracking(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None): """ Enable activity tracing. """ self.activity_tracking = True if RESPONSE is not None: url = '%s/manageActivitiesAdvanced?manage_tabs_message=' % self.absolute_url() url += urllib.quote('Tracking log enabled') RESPONSE.redirect(url) security.declareProtected(Permissions.manage_properties, 'manage_disableActivityTracking') def manage_disableActivityTracking(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None): """ Disable activity tracing. """ self.activity_tracking = False if RESPONSE is not None: url = '%s/manageActivitiesAdvanced?manage_tabs_message=' % self.absolute_url() url += urllib.quote('Tracking log disabled') RESPONSE.redirect(url) security.declareProtected(Permissions.manage_properties, 'isActivityTimingLoggingEnabled') def isActivityTimingLoggingEnabled(self): return self.activity_timing_log security.declareProtected(Permissions.manage_properties, 'manage_enableActivityTimingLogging') def manage_enableActivityTimingLogging(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None): """ Enable activity timing logging. """ self.activity_timing_log = True if RESPONSE is not None: url = '%s/manageActivitiesAdvanced?manage_tabs_message=' % self.absolute_url() url += urllib.quote('Timing log enabled') RESPONSE.redirect(url) security.declareProtected(Permissions.manage_properties, 'manage_disableActivityTimingLogging') def manage_disableActivityTimingLogging(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None): """ Disable activity timing logging. """ self.activity_timing_log = False if RESPONSE is not None: url = '%s/manageActivitiesAdvanced?manage_tabs_message=' % self.absolute_url() url += urllib.quote('Timing log disabled') RESPONSE.redirect(url) security.declareProtected(Permissions.manage_properties, 'isActivityCreationTraceEnabled') def isActivityCreationTraceEnabled(self): return self.activity_creation_trace security.declareProtected(Permissions.manage_properties, 'manage_enableActivityCreationTrace') def manage_enableActivityCreationTrace(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None): """ Enable activity creation trace. """ self.activity_creation_trace = True if RESPONSE is not None: url = '%s/manageActivitiesAdvanced?manage_tabs_message=' % self.absolute_url() url += urllib.quote('Activity creation trace enabled') RESPONSE.redirect(url) security.declareProtected(Permissions.manage_properties, 'manage_disableActivityCreationTrace') def manage_disableActivityCreationTrace(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None): """ Disable activity creation trace. """ self.activity_creation_trace = False if RESPONSE is not None: url = '%s/manageActivitiesAdvanced?manage_tabs_message=' % self.absolute_url() url += urllib.quote('Activity creation trace disabled') RESPONSE.redirect(url) security.declareProtected(Permissions.manage_properties, 'isCancelAndInvokeLinksHidden') def isCancelAndInvokeLinksHidden(self): return self.cancel_and_invoke_links_hidden security.declareProtected(Permissions.manage_properties, 'manage_hideCancelAndInvokeLinks') def manage_hideCancelAndInvokeLinks(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None): """ """ self.cancel_and_invoke_links_hidden = True if RESPONSE is not None: url = '%s/manageActivitiesAdvanced?manage_tabs_message=' % self.absolute_url() url += urllib.quote('Cancel and invoke links hidden') RESPONSE.redirect(url) security.declareProtected(Permissions.manage_properties, 'manage_showCancelAndInvokeLinks') def manage_showCancelAndInvokeLinks(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None): """ """ self.cancel_and_invoke_links_hidden = False if RESPONSE is not None: url = '%s/manageActivitiesAdvanced?manage_tabs_message=' % self.absolute_url() url += urllib.quote('Cancel and invoke links visible') RESPONSE.redirect(url) def manage_beforeDelete(self, item, container): self.unsubscribe() Folder.inheritedAttribute('manage_beforeDelete')(self, item, container) def manage_afterAdd(self, item, container): self.subscribe() Folder.inheritedAttribute('manage_afterAdd')(self, item, container) def getCurrentNode(self): """ Return current node in form ip:port """ global currentNode if currentNode is None: ip = port = '' from asyncore import socket_map for k, v in socket_map.items(): if hasattr(v, 'addr'): # see Zope/lib/python/App/ApplicationManager.py: def getServers(self) type = str(getattr(v, '__class__', 'unknown')) if type == 'ZServer.HTTPServer.zhttp_server': ip, port = v.addr break if ip == '': ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) currentNode = '%s:%s' %(ip, port) return currentNode security.declarePublic('getDistributingNode') def getDistributingNode(self): """ Return the distributingNode """ return self.distributingNode def getNodeList(self, role=None): node_dict = self.getNodeDict() if role is None: result = [x for x in node_dict.keys()] else: result = [node_id for node_id, node_role in node_dict.items() if node_role == role] result.sort() return result def getNodeDict(self): nodes = self._nodes if isinstance(nodes, tuple): new_nodes = OIBTree() new_nodes.update([(x, ROLE_PROCESSING) for x in self._nodes]) self._nodes = nodes = new_nodes return nodes def registerNode(self, node): node_dict = self.getNodeDict() if not node_dict.has_key(node): if len(node_dict) == 0: # If we are registering the first node, make # it both the distributing node and a processing # node. role = ROLE_PROCESSING self.distributingNode = node else: role = ROLE_IDLE self.updateNode(node, role) def updateNode(self, node, role): node_dict = self.getNodeDict() node_dict[node] = role security.declareProtected(CMFCorePermissions.ManagePortal, 'getProcessingNodeList') def getProcessingNodeList(self): return self.getNodeList(role=ROLE_PROCESSING) security.declareProtected(CMFCorePermissions.ManagePortal, 'getIdleNodeList') def getIdleNodeList(self): return self.getNodeList(role=ROLE_IDLE) def _isValidNodeName(self, node_name) : """Check we have been provided a good node name""" return isinstance(node_name, str) and NODE_RE.match(node_name) security.declarePublic('manage_setDistributingNode') def manage_setDistributingNode(self, distributingNode, REQUEST=None): """ set the distributing node """ if not distributingNode or self._isValidNodeName(distributingNode): self.distributingNode = distributingNode if REQUEST is not None: REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect( REQUEST.URL1 + '/manageLoadBalancing?manage_tabs_message=' + urllib.quote("Distributing Node successfully changed.")) else : if REQUEST is not None: REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect( REQUEST.URL1 + '/manageLoadBalancing?manage_tabs_message=' + urllib.quote("Malformed Distributing Node.")) security.declareProtected(CMFCorePermissions.ManagePortal, 'manage_delNode') def manage_delNode(self, unused_node_list=None, REQUEST=None): """ delete selected unused nodes """ processing_node = self.getDistributingNode() updated_processing_node = False if unused_node_list is not None: node_dict = self.getNodeDict() for node in unused_node_list: if node in node_dict: del node_dict[node] if node == processing_node: self.processing_node = '' updated_processing_node = True if REQUEST is not None: if unused_node_list is None: message = "No unused node selected, nothing deleted." else: message = "Deleted nodes %r." % (unused_node_list, ) if updated_processing_node: message += "Disabled distributing node because it was deleted." REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect( REQUEST.URL1 + '/manageLoadBalancing?manage_tabs_message=' + urllib.quote(message)) security.declareProtected(CMFCorePermissions.ManagePortal, 'manage_addToProcessingList') def manage_addToProcessingList(self, unused_node_list=None, REQUEST=None): """ Change one or more idle nodes into processing nodes """ if unused_node_list is not None: node_dict = self.getNodeDict() for node in unused_node_list: self.updateNode(node, ROLE_PROCESSING) if REQUEST is not None: if unused_node_list is None: message = "No unused node selected, nothing done." else: message = "Nodes now procesing: %r." % (unused_node_list, ) REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect( REQUEST.URL1 + '/manageLoadBalancing?manage_tabs_message=' + urllib.quote(message)) security.declareProtected(CMFCorePermissions.ManagePortal, 'manage_removeFromProcessingList') def manage_removeFromProcessingList(self, processing_node_list=None, REQUEST=None): """ Change one or more procesing nodes into idle nodes """ if processing_node_list is not None: node_dict = self.getNodeDict() for node in processing_node_list: self.updateNode(node, ROLE_IDLE) if REQUEST is not None: if processing_node_list is None: message = "No used node selected, nothing done." else: message = "Nodes now unused %r." % (processing_node_list, ) REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect( REQUEST.URL1 + '/manageLoadBalancing?manage_tabs_message=' + urllib.quote(message)) def process_shutdown(self, phase, time_in_phase): """ Prevent shutdown from happening while an activity queue is processing a batch. """ global has_processed_shutdown if phase == 3 and not has_processed_shutdown: has_processed_shutdown = True LOG('CMFActivity', INFO, "Shutdown: Waiting for activities to finish.") is_running_lock.acquire() LOG('CMFActivity', INFO, "Shutdown: Activities finished.") def process_timer(self, tick, interval, prev="", next=""): """ Call distribute() if we are the Distributing Node and call tic() with our node number. This method is called by TimerService in the interval given in zope.conf. The Default is every 5 seconds. """ # Prevent TimerService from starting multiple threads in parallel acquired = timerservice_lock.acquire(0) if not acquired: return # make sure our skin is set-up. On CMF 1.5 it's setup by acquisition, # but on 2.2 it's by traversal, and our site probably wasn't traversed # by the timerserver request, which goes into the Zope Control_Panel # calling it a second time is a harmless and cheap no-op. # both setupCurrentSkin and REQUEST are acquired from containers. self.setupCurrentSkin(self.REQUEST) try: old_sm = getSecurityManager() try: try: # get owner of portal_catalog, so normally we should be able to # have the permission to invoke all activities user = self.portal_catalog.getWrappedOwner() newSecurityManager(self.REQUEST, user) currentNode = self.getCurrentNode() self.registerNode(currentNode) processing_node_list = self.getNodeList(role=ROLE_PROCESSING) # only distribute when we are the distributingNode if (self.getDistributingNode() == currentNode): self.distribute(len(processing_node_list)) # SkinsTool uses a REQUEST cache to store skin objects, as # with TimerService we have the same REQUEST over multiple # portals, we clear this cache to make sure the cache doesn't # contains skins from another portal. stool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_skins', None) if stool is not None: stool.changeSkin(None) # call tic for the current processing_node # the processing_node numbers are the indices of the elements in the node tuple +1 # because processing_node starts form 1 if currentNode in processing_node_list: self.tic(processing_node_list.index(currentNode)+1) except: # Catch ALL exception to avoid killing timerserver. LOG('ActivityTool', ERROR, 'process_timer received an exception', error=sys.exc_info()) finally: setSecurityManager(old_sm) finally: timerservice_lock.release() security.declarePublic('distribute') def distribute(self, node_count=1): """ Distribute load """ # Initialize if needed if not is_initialized: self.initialize() # Call distribute on each queue for activity in activity_dict.itervalues(): activity.distribute(aq_inner(self), node_count) security.declarePublic('tic') def tic(self, processing_node=1, force=0): """ Starts again an activity processing_node starts from 1 (there is not node 0) """ global active_threads # return if the number of threads is too high # else, increase the number of active_threads and continue tic_lock.acquire() too_many_threads = (active_threads >= max_active_threads) if not too_many_threads or force: active_threads += 1 else: tic_lock.release() raise RuntimeError, 'Too many threads' tic_lock.release() # Initialize if needed if not is_initialized: self.initialize() inner_self = aq_inner(self) try: #Sort activity list by priority activity_list = sorted(activity_dict.itervalues(), key=lambda activity: activity.getPriority(self)) # Wakeup each queue for activity in activity_list: activity.wakeup(inner_self, processing_node) # Process messages on each queue in round robin has_awake_activity = 1 while has_awake_activity: has_awake_activity = 0 for activity in activity_list: acquired = is_running_lock.acquire(0) if acquired: try: activity.tic(inner_self, processing_node) # Transaction processing is the responsability of the activity has_awake_activity = has_awake_activity or activity.isAwake(inner_self, processing_node) finally: is_running_lock.release() finally: # decrease the number of active_threads tic_lock.acquire() active_threads -= 1 tic_lock.release() def hasActivity(self, *args, **kw): # Check in each queue if the object has deferred tasks # if not argument is provided, then check on self if len(args) > 0: obj = args[0] else: obj = self for activity in activity_dict.itervalues(): if activity.hasActivity(aq_inner(self), obj, **kw): return True return False def getActivityBuffer(self, create_if_not_found=True): """ Get activtity buffer for this thread for this activity tool. If no activity buffer is found at lowest level and create_if_not_found is True, create one. Intermediate level is unconditionaly created if non existant because chances are it will be used in the instance life. Lock is held when checking for intermediate level existance because: - intermediate level dict must not be created in 2 threads at the same time, since one creation would destroy the existing one. It's released after that step because: - lower level access is at thread scope, thus by definition there can be only one access at a time to a key - GIL protects us when accessing python instances """ # Safeguard: make sure we are wrapped in acquisition context before # using our path as an activity tool instance-wide identifier. assert getattr(self, 'aq_self', None) is not None my_instance_key = self.getPhysicalPath() my_thread_key = get_ident() global_activity_buffer_lock.acquire() try: if my_instance_key not in global_activity_buffer: global_activity_buffer[my_instance_key] = {} finally: global_activity_buffer_lock.release() thread_activity_buffer = global_activity_buffer[my_instance_key] if my_thread_key not in thread_activity_buffer: if create_if_not_found: buffer = ActivityBuffer(activity_tool=self) else: buffer = None thread_activity_buffer[my_thread_key] = buffer activity_buffer = thread_activity_buffer[my_thread_key] return activity_buffer security.declarePrivate('activateObject') def activateObject(self, object, activity, active_process, **kw): if not is_initialized: self.initialize() self.getActivityBuffer() return ActiveWrapper(object, activity, active_process, **kw) def deferredQueueMessage(self, activity, message): activity_buffer = self.getActivityBuffer() activity_buffer.deferredQueueMessage(self, activity, message) def deferredDeleteMessage(self, activity, message): activity_buffer = self.getActivityBuffer() activity_buffer.deferredDeleteMessage(self, activity, message) def getRegisteredMessageList(self, activity): activity_buffer = self.getActivityBuffer(create_if_not_found=False) if activity_buffer is not None: #activity_buffer._register() # This is required if flush flush is called outside activate return activity.getRegisteredMessageList(activity_buffer, aq_inner(self)) else: return [] def unregisterMessage(self, activity, message): activity_buffer = self.getActivityBuffer() #activity_buffer._register() return activity.unregisterMessage(activity_buffer, aq_inner(self), message) def flush(self, obj, invoke=0, **kw): if not is_initialized: self.initialize() self.getActivityBuffer() if isinstance(obj, tuple): object_path = obj else: object_path = obj.getPhysicalPath() for activity in activity_dict.itervalues(): activity.flush(aq_inner(self), object_path, invoke=invoke, **kw) def start(self, **kw): if not is_initialized: self.initialize() for activity in activity_dict.itervalues(): activity.start(aq_inner(self), **kw) def stop(self, **kw): if not is_initialized: self.initialize() for activity in activity_dict.itervalues(): activity.stop(aq_inner(self), **kw) def invoke(self, message): if self.activity_tracking: activity_tracking_logger.info('invoking message: object_path=%s, method_id=%s, args=%r, kw=%r, activity_kw=%r, user_name=%s' % ('/'.join(message.object_path), message.method_id, message.args, message.kw, message.activity_kw, message.user_name)) old_localizer_context = False if getattr(self, 'aq_chain', None) is not None: # Grab existing acquisition chain and extrach base objects. base_chain = [aq_base(x) for x in self.aq_chain] # Grab existig request (last chain item) and create a copy. request_container = base_chain.pop() request = request_container.REQUEST # Generate PARENTS value. Sadly, we cannot reuse base_chain since # PARENTS items must be wrapped in acquisition parents = [] application = self.getPhysicalRoot().aq_base for parent in self.aq_chain: if parent.aq_base is application: break parents.append(parent) # XXX: REQUEST.clone() requires PARENTS to be set, and it's not when # runing unit tests. Recreate it if it does not exist. if getattr(request.other, 'PARENTS', None) is None: request.other['PARENTS'] = parents # XXX: itools (used by Localizer) requires PATH_INFO to be set, and it's # not when runing unit tests. Recreate it if it does not exist. if request.environ.get('PATH_INFO') is None: request.environ['PATH_INFO'] = '/Control_Panel/timer_service/process_timer' # restore request information new_request = request.clone() request_info = message.request_info # PARENTS is truncated by clone new_request.other['PARENTS'] = parents if '_script' in request_info: new_request._script = request_info['_script'] if 'SERVER_URL' in request_info: new_request.other['SERVER_URL'] = request_info['SERVER_URL'] if 'VirtualRootPhysicalPath' in request_info: new_request.other['VirtualRootPhysicalPath'] = request_info['VirtualRootPhysicalPath'] if 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' in request_info: new_request.environ['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = request_info['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] # Replace Localizer/iHotfix Context, saving existing one localizer_context = LocalizerContext(new_request) id = get_ident() localizer_lock.acquire() try: old_localizer_context = localizer_contexts.get(id) localizer_contexts[id] = localizer_context finally: localizer_lock.release() # Execute Localizer/iHotfix "patch 2" new_request.processInputs() new_request_container = request_container.__class__(REQUEST=new_request) # Recreate acquisition chain. my_self = new_request_container base_chain.reverse() for item in base_chain: my_self = item.__of__(my_self) else: my_self = self LOG('CMFActivity.ActivityTool.invoke', INFO, 'Strange: invoke is called outside of acquisition context.') try: message(my_self) finally: if my_self is not self: # We rewrapped self # Restore default skin selection skinnable = self.getPortalObject() skinnable.changeSkin(skinnable.getSkinNameFromRequest(request)) if old_localizer_context is not False: # Restore Localizer/iHotfix context id = get_ident() localizer_lock.acquire() try: if old_localizer_context is None: del localizer_contexts[id] else: localizer_contexts[id] = old_localizer_context finally: localizer_lock.release() if self.activity_tracking: activity_tracking_logger.info('invoked message') if my_self is not self: # We rewrapped self for held in my_self.REQUEST._held: self.REQUEST._hold(held) def invokeGroup(self, method_id, message_list): if self.activity_tracking: activity_tracking_logger.info('invoking group messages: method_id=%s, paths=%s' % (method_id, ['/'.join(m.object_path) for m in message_list])) # Invoke a group method. object_list = [] expanded_object_list = [] new_message_list = [] path_dict = {} # Filter the list of messages. If an object is not available, mark its message as non-executable. # In addition, expand an object if necessary, and make sure that no duplication happens. for m in message_list: # alternate method is used to segregate objects which cannot be grouped. alternate_method_id = m.activity_kw.get('alternate_method_id') try: obj = m.getObject(self) except KeyError: LOG('CMFActivity', ERROR, 'Message failed in getting an object from the path %r' % \ (m.object_path,), error=sys.exc_info()) m.setExecutionState(MESSAGE_NOT_EXECUTABLE, context=self) continue try: i = len(new_message_list) # This is an index of this message in new_message_list. if m.hasExpandMethod(): for subobj in m.getObjectList(self): path = subobj.getPath() if path not in path_dict: path_dict[path] = i if alternate_method_id is not None \ and hasattr(aq_base(subobj), alternate_method_id): # if this object is alternated, generate a new single active object. activity_kw = m.activity_kw.copy() if 'group_method_id' in activity_kw: del activity_kw['group_method_id'] if 'group_id' in activity_kw: del activity_kw['group_id'] active_obj = subobj.activate(**activity_kw) getattr(active_obj, alternate_method_id)(*m.args, **m.kw) else: expanded_object_list.append(subobj) else: path = obj.getPath() if path not in path_dict: path_dict[path] = i if alternate_method_id is not None \ and hasattr(aq_base(obj), alternate_method_id): # if this object is alternated, generate a new single active object. activity_kw = m.activity_kw.copy() if 'group_method_id' in activity_kw: del activity_kw['group_method_id'] if 'group_id' in activity_kw: del activity_kw['group_id'] active_obj = obj.activate(**activity_kw) getattr(active_obj, alternate_method_id)(*m.args, **m.kw) else: expanded_object_list.append(obj) object_list.append(obj) new_message_list.append(m) except: m.setExecutionState(MESSAGE_NOT_EXECUTED, context=self) try: if len(expanded_object_list) > 0: method = self.unrestrictedTraverse(method_id) # FIXME: how to apply security here? # NOTE: expanded_object_list must be set to failed objects by the callee. # If it fully succeeds, expanded_object_list must be empty when returning. result = method(expanded_object_list, **m.kw) else: result = None except: # In this case, the group method completely failed. exc_info = sys.exc_info() for m in new_message_list: m.setExecutionState(MESSAGE_NOT_EXECUTED, exc_info=exc_info, log=False) LOG('WARNING ActivityTool', 0, 'Could not call method %s on objects %s' % (method_id, expanded_object_list), error=exc_info) error_log = getattr(self, 'error_log', None) if error_log is not None: error_log.raising(exc_info) else: # Obtain all indices of failed messages. Note that this can be a partial failure. failed_message_dict = {} for obj in expanded_object_list: path = obj.getPath() i = path_dict[path] failed_message_dict[i] = None # Only for succeeded messages, an activity process is invoked (if any). for i in xrange(len(object_list)): object = object_list[i] m = new_message_list[i] if i in failed_message_dict: m.setExecutionState(MESSAGE_NOT_EXECUTED, context=self) else: try: m.activateResult(self, result, object) except: m.setExecutionState(MESSAGE_NOT_EXECUTED, context=self) else: m.setExecutionState(MESSAGE_EXECUTED, context=self) if self.activity_tracking: activity_tracking_logger.info('invoked group messages') def newMessage(self, activity, path, active_process, activity_kw, method_id, *args, **kw): # Some Security Cheking should be made here XXX if not is_initialized: self.initialize() self.getActivityBuffer() activity_dict[activity].queueMessage(aq_inner(self), Message(path, active_process, activity_kw, method_id, args, kw)) security.declareProtected( CMFCorePermissions.ManagePortal, 'manageInvoke' ) def manageInvoke(self, object_path, method_id, REQUEST=None): """ Invokes all methods for object "object_path" """ if type(object_path) is type(''): object_path = tuple(object_path.split('/')) self.flush(object_path,method_id=method_id,invoke=1) if REQUEST is not None: return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect('%s/%s' % (self.absolute_url(), 'manageActivities')) security.declareProtected( CMFCorePermissions.ManagePortal, 'manageCancel' ) def manageCancel(self, object_path, method_id, REQUEST=None): """ Cancel all methods for object "object_path" """ if type(object_path) is type(''): object_path = tuple(object_path.split('/')) self.flush(object_path,method_id=method_id,invoke=0) if REQUEST is not None: return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect('%s/%s' % (self.absolute_url(), 'manageActivities')) security.declareProtected( CMFCorePermissions.ManagePortal, 'manageClearActivities' ) def manageClearActivities(self, keep=1, REQUEST=None): """ Clear all activities and recreate tables. """ folder = getToolByName(self, 'portal_skins').activity # Obtain all pending messages. message_list_dict = {} if keep: for activity in activity_dict.itervalues(): if hasattr(activity, 'dumpMessageList'): try: message_list_dict[activity.__class__.__name__] =\ activity.dumpMessageList(self) except ConflictError: raise except: LOG('ActivityTool', WARNING, 'could not dump messages from %s' % (activity,), error=sys.exc_info()) if getattr(folder, 'SQLDict_createMessageTable', None) is not None: try: folder.SQLDict_dropMessageTable() except ConflictError: raise except: LOG('CMFActivity', WARNING, 'could not drop the message table', error=sys.exc_info()) folder.SQLDict_createMessageTable() if getattr(folder, 'SQLQueue_createMessageTable', None) is not None: try: folder.SQLQueue_dropMessageTable() except ConflictError: raise except: LOG('CMFActivity', WARNING, 'could not drop the message queue table', error=sys.exc_info()) folder.SQLQueue_createMessageTable() # Reactivate the messages. for activity, message_list in message_list_dict.iteritems(): for m in message_list: try: m.reactivate(aq_inner(self), activity=activity) except ConflictError: raise except: LOG('ActivityTool', WARNING, 'could not reactivate the message %r, %r' % (m.object_path, m.method_id), error=sys.exc_info()) if REQUEST is not None: message = 'Activities%20Cleared' if keep: message = 'Tables%20Recreated' return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect( '%s/manageActivitiesAdvanced?manage_tabs_message=%s' % ( self.absolute_url(), message)) security.declarePublic('getMessageList') def getMessageList(self,**kw): """ List messages waiting in queues """ # Initialize if needed if not is_initialized: self.initialize() message_list = [] for activity in activity_dict.itervalues(): try: message_list += activity.getMessageList(aq_inner(self),**kw) except AttributeError: LOG('getMessageList, could not get message from Activity:',0,activity) return message_list security.declarePublic('countMessageWithTag') def countMessageWithTag(self, value): """ Return the number of messages which match the given tag. """ message_count = 0 for activity in activity_dict.itervalues(): message_count += activity.countMessageWithTag(aq_inner(self), value) return message_count security.declarePublic('countMessage') def countMessage(self, **kw): """ Return the number of messages which match the given parameter. Parameters allowed: method_id : the id of the method path : for activities on a particular object tag : activities with a particular tag message_uid : activities with a particular uid """ message_count = 0 for activity in activity_dict.itervalues(): message_count += activity.countMessage(aq_inner(self), **kw) return message_count security.declareProtected( CMFCorePermissions.ManagePortal , 'newActiveProcess' ) def newActiveProcess(self, **kw): from ActiveProcess import addActiveProcess new_id = str(self.generateNewId()) return addActiveProcess(self, new_id, **kw) # Active synchronisation methods security.declarePrivate('validateOrder') def validateOrder(self, message, validator_id, validation_value): message_list = self.getDependentMessageList(message, validator_id, validation_value) return len(message_list) > 0 security.declarePrivate('getDependentMessageList') def getDependentMessageList(self, message, validator_id, validation_value): if not is_initialized: self.initialize() message_list = [] method_id = "_validate_%s" % validator_id for activity in activity_dict.itervalues(): method = getattr(activity, method_id, None) if method is not None: result = method(aq_inner(self), message, validation_value) if result: message_list.extend([(activity, m) for m in result]) return message_list # Required for tests (time shift) def timeShift(self, delay): if not is_initialized: self.initialize() for activity in activity_dict.itervalues(): activity.timeShift(aq_inner(self), delay) InitializeClass(ActivityTool)