Commit 337a2213 authored by Sebastien Robin's avatar Sebastien Robin

many updates made when the cvs was down

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent b374861f
......@@ -27,21 +27,22 @@
from Products.ERP5SyncML.SyncCode import SyncCode
from Products.ERP5SyncML.XMLSyncUtils import XMLSyncUtilsMixin
from Products.ERP5SyncML.Subscription import Conflict
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.ERP5SyncML.XupdateUtils import XupdateUtils
from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import convertToUpperCase
from Products.ERP5Type.Accessor.TypeDefinition import list_types
from xml.dom.ext.reader.Sax2 import FromXml
from DateTime.DateTime import DateTime
from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase
from email import Encoders
import sre
import re, copy
from zLOG import LOG
class ERP5Conduit(SyncCode):
class ERP5Conduit(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
A conduit is a piece of code in charge of
......@@ -63,10 +64,22 @@ class ERP5Conduit(SyncCode):
a default class. This will be defined at the level of the synchronisation
Look carefully when we are adding elements,
for example, when we do 'insert-after', with 2 xupdate:element,
so adding 2 differents objects, actually it adds only XXXX one XXX object
In this case the getSubObjectDepth(), doesn't have
too much sence
There is also one problem, when we synchronize a conflict, we are not waiting
the response of the client, so that we are not sure if it take into account,
NOT_EDITABLE_PROPERTY = ('id','object','workflow_history','security_info','uid'
def getEncoding(self):
......@@ -75,18 +88,9 @@ class ERP5Conduit(SyncCode):
return "iso-8859-1"
def __init__(self):
self.args = {}
def applyModification(object=None):
This will apply all updates
args = self.args
def addNode(self, xml=None, object=None, previous_xml=None, force=0, **kw):
A node is added
......@@ -96,69 +100,76 @@ class ERP5Conduit(SyncCode):
conflict_list = []
xml = self.convertToXML(xml)
xml = self.convertToXml(xml)
LOG('addNode',0,'xml_reconstitued: %s' % str(xml))
# In the case where this new node is a object to add
LOG('addNode',0,' %s' % object.getId())
LOG('addNode',0,'xml.nodeName: %s' % xml.nodeName)
LOG('addNode',0,'isSubObjectAdd: %i' % self.getSubObjectAddDepth(xml))
LOG('addNode',0,'isSubObjectAdd: %i' % self.getSubObjectDepth(xml))
if xml.nodeName == 'object' \
or xml.nodeName == 'xupdate:insert-after' and self.getSubObjectAddDepth(xml)==1:
or xml.nodeName in self.XUPDATE_INSERT_OR_ADD and self.getSubObjectDepth(xml)==1:
object_id = self.getObjectId(xml)
docid = self.getObjectDocid(xml)
LOG('addNode',0,'object_id: %s' % object_id)
if object_id is not None:
subobject = None
subobject = object[object_id]
except KeyError:
subobject = object._getOb(object_id)
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
subobject = None
#subobject = None
# subobject = object[object_id]
#except KeyError:
# pass
if subobject is None: # If so it does'nt exist yes
portal_type = ''
if xml.nodeName == 'object':
portal_type = self.getObjectType(xml)
elif xml.nodeName == 'xupdate:insert-after':
elif xml.nodeName in self.XUPDATE_INSERT_OR_ADD:
portal_type = self.getXupdateObjectType(xml)
portal_types = getToolByName(object,'portal_types')
LOG('ERP5Conduit.addNode',0,'portal_type: |%s|' % str(portal_type))
if docid==None: # ERP5 content
portal_types.constructContent(type_name = portal_type,
container = object,
id = object_id)
subobject = object[object_id]
else: # CPS content
# This is specific to CPS, we will call the proxy tool
px_tool= getToolByName(object,'portal_proxies')
proxy_type = 'document'
if portal_type == 'Workspace':
proxy_type = 'folder'
proxy = px_tool.createEmptyProxy(proxy_type,
#px_tool.createRevision(proxy,px_tool.getDefaultLanguage()) # Doesn't works well
# px_tool._addProxy(proxy,None) # Doesn't works well
#object.newContent(portal_type=portal_type, id=object_id) # Doesn't works with CPS
#subobject = object[object_id] # Doesn't works with CPS
subobject = object._getOb(object_id)
# Again for CPS proxy XXX May be not needed
#if docid is not None:
# subobject.proxyChanged()
elif xml.nodeName == 'xupdate:insert-after' \
and self.getSubObjectAddDepth(xml)==2:
elif xml.nodeName in self.XUPDATE_INSERT_OR_ADD \
and self.getSubObjectDepth(xml)==2:
# We should find the object corresponding to
# this update, so we have to look in the previous_xml
object_number = self.getSubObjectIndex(xml)
LOG('addNode',0,'getSubObjectModification number: %i' % object_number)
sub_object_id = self.getSubObjectId(xml)
LOG('addNode',0,'getSubObjectModification number: %s' % sub_object_id)
#LOG('updateNode',0,'isSubObjectModification previous: %s' % str(previous_xml))
if previous_xml is not None and object_number is not None:
LOG('addNode',0,'previous xml is not none and also object_number')
if type(previous_xml) in (type('a'),type(u'a')):
previous_xml = FromXml(previous_xml)
previous_xml = previous_xml.childNodes[1] # Because we just created a new xml
# document, with childNodes[0] a DocumentType and childNodes[1] the Element Node
if previous_xml is not None and sub_object_id is not None:
LOG('addNode',0,'previous xml is not none and also sub_object_id')
previous_xml = self.getSubObjectXml(sub_object_id,previous_xml)
# Get the id of the previous object
i = 0
sub_previous_xml = None
# Find the previous xml corresponding to this subobject
for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(previous_xml):
if subnode.nodeName=='object':
for subnode1 in self.getElementNodeList(subnode):
if subnode1.nodeName=='object':
i += 1
if i==object_number:
sub_previous_xml = subnode1
sub_previous_xml == self.getSubObjectXml(sub_object_id,previous_xml)
LOG('addNode',0,'isSubObjectModification sub_p_xml: %s' % str(sub_previous_xml))
if sub_previous_xml is not None:
sub_object = None
LOG('addNode',0,'getObjectId: %s' % self.getObjectId(sub_previous_xml) )
# The problem is actually that the sub_previous_xml doesn't correspong to the
# xml, we have the xupdate of a subobject but we have the previous_xml
# of the object
sub_object = object[self.getObjectId(sub_previous_xml)]
sub_object = object[sub_object_id]
except KeyError:
if sub_object is not None:
......@@ -174,20 +185,37 @@ class ERP5Conduit(SyncCode):
conflict_list += self.updateNode(xml=xml,object=object, force=force, **kw)
return conflict_list
def deleteNode(self, xml=None, object=None, **kw):
def deleteNode(self, xml=None, object=None, object_id=None, force=None, **kw):
A node is deleted
# In the case where this new node is a object to delete
xml = self.convertToXML(xml)
if xml.nodeName == 'object':
LOG('ERP5Conduit',0,'deleteNode, %s' % object.getId())
conflict_list = []
xml = self.convertToXml(xml)
if object_id is None:
LOG('ERP5Conduit',0,'deleteNode, SubObjectDepth: %i' % self.getSubObjectDepth(xml))
if xml.nodeName == self.xml_object_tag:
object_id = self.getObjectId(xml)
if object_id is not None:
elif self.getSubObjectDepth(xml)==1:
object_id = self.getSubObjectId(xml)
elif self.getSubObjectDepth(xml)==2:
# we have to call delete node on a subsubobject
sub_object_id = self.getSubObjectId(xml)
sub_object = object._getOb(sub_object_id)
sub_xml = self.getSubObjectXupdate(xml)
conflict_list += self.deleteNode(xml=sub_xml,object=sub_object,
except KeyError:
else: # We do have an object_id
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
return conflict_list
def updateNode(self, xml=None, object=None, previous_xml=None, force=0, **kw):
......@@ -198,7 +226,7 @@ class ERP5Conduit(SyncCode):
when we have sub objects
conflict_list = []
xml = self.convertToXML(xml)
xml = self.convertToXml(xml)
LOG('updateNode',0,'xml.nodeName: %s' % xml.nodeName)
# we have an xupdate xml
if xml.nodeName == 'xupdate:modifications':
......@@ -208,52 +236,48 @@ class ERP5Conduit(SyncCode):
# we may have only the part of an xupdate
args = {}
LOG('isSubObjectModification',0,'result: %s' % str(self.isSubObjectModification(xml)))
if self.isProperty(xml) and not(self.isSubObjectModification(xml)):
for subnode in xml.attributes:
if subnode.nodeType == subnode.ATTRIBUTE_NODE and subnode.nodeName=='select':
select_list = subnode.nodeValue.split('/') # Something like: ('','object[1]','sid[1]')
LOG('updateNode',0,'selection: %s' % str(subnode.nodeValue))
select_list = subnode.nodeValue.split('/') # Something like:
new_select_list = ()
for select_item in select_list:
new_select_list += (select_item[:select_item.find('[')],)
if select_item.find('[')>=0:
select_item = select_item[:select_item.find('[')]
new_select_list += (select_item,)
select_list = new_select_list # Something like : ('','object','sid')
keyword = select_list[len(select_list)-1] # this will be 'sid'
if xml.nodeName != 'xupdate:insert-after':
LOG('updateNode',0,'keyword: %s' % str(keyword))
if not (xml.nodeName in self.XUPDATE_INSERT_OR_ADD):
for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(xml):
if subnode.nodeName=='xupdate:element':
for subnode1 in subnode.attributes:
if subnode1.nodeName=='name':
keyword = subnode1.nodeValue
i = 1
while (keyword.find('()') > 0) and (i <= len(select_list)):
keyword = select_list[len(select_list)-i] # we want description in :
# /object[1]/description[1]/text()[1]
i += 1
if not (keyword in self.NOT_EDITABLE_PROPERTY):
# We will look for the data to enter
if len(self.getElementNodeList(xml))==0:
data = xml.childNodes[0].data
data = self.convertXmlValue(data)
#data = data[data.find('\n')+1:data.rfind('\n')]
#data = data.replace('@@@','\n')
for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(xml):
element_data = subnode.childNodes[0].data
#element_data = element_data[element_data.find('\n')+1:element_data.rfind('\n')]
element_data = self.convertXmlValue(element_data)
element_data = element_data.replace('@@@','\n')
data += [element_data]
if len(data) == 1: # This is probably because this is not a list but a string XXX may be not good
data = data[0]
#LOG('updateNode',0,'data: %s' % str(data))
if keyword.find('_list') > 0:
LOG('updateNode',0,'keyword is type list')
if type(data) == type(u'a'): # Probably deprecated
data = data.split('@@@') # XXX very bad hack, must find something better
#if type(data) == type(u'a'):
# LOG('updateNode',0,'splitting it')
# data = data.split('\n')
except IndexError: # There is no data
data = None
# XXX may be not needed any more
# data=()
# for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(xml):
# element_data = subnode.childNodes[0].data
# element_data = self.convertXmlValue(element_data)
# data += (element_data,)
# if len(data) == 1: # This is probably because this is not a list
# but a string XXX may be not good
# data = data[0]
data_type = object.getPropertyType(keyword)
LOG('updateNode',0,'data_type: %s' % str(data_type))
data = self.convertXmlValue(data,data_type=data_type)
args[keyword] = data
args = self.getFormatedArgs(args=args)
# This is the place where we should look for conflicts
......@@ -263,21 +287,26 @@ class ERP5Conduit(SyncCode):
# - current_data : the data actually on this box
isConflict = 0
if previous_xml is not None: # if no previous_xml, no conflict
old_data = self.getObjectProperty(keyword,previous_xml)
old_data = self.getObjectProperty(keyword,previous_xml,data_type=data_type)
current_data = object.getProperty(keyword)
LOG('updateNode',0,'Conflict data: %s' % str(data))
LOG('updateNode',0,'Conflict old_data: %s' % str(old_data))
LOG('updateNode',0,'Conflict current_data: %s' % str(current_data))
if (old_data != current_data) and (data != current_data):
LOG('updateNode',0,'Conflict on : %s' % keyword)
# Hack in order to get the synchronization working for demo
# XXX this have to be removed after
if not (data_type in self.binary_type_list):
# This is a conflict
isConflict = 1
conflict_list += [Conflict(object_path=object.getPhysicalPath(),keyword=keyword,\
#conflict_list += [[object.getPath(),keyword,current_data,data]]
conflict_list += [Conflict(object_path=object.getPhysicalPath(),
# We will now apply the argument with the method edit
if args != {} and (isConflict==0 or force):
LOG('updateNode',0,'object.edit, args: %s' % str(args))
LOG('updateNode',0,'object._edit, args: %s' % str(args))
if keyword == 'object':
# This is the case where we have to call addNode
LOG('updateNode',0,'we will add sub-object')
......@@ -285,38 +314,16 @@ class ERP5Conduit(SyncCode):
elif self.isSubObjectModification(xml):
# We should find the object corresponding to
# this update, so we have to look in the previous_xml
object_number = self.getSubObjectIndex(xml)
LOG('updateNode',0,'getSubObjectModification number: %i' % object_number)
#LOG('updateNode',0,'isSubObjectModification previous: %s' % str(previous_xml))
if previous_xml is not None and object_number is not None:
LOG('updateNode',0,'previous xml is not none and also object_number')
if type(previous_xml) in (type('a'),type(u'a')):
previous_xml = FromXml(previous_xml)
previous_xml = previous_xml.childNodes[1] # Because we just created a new xml
# document, with childNodes[0] a DocumentType and childNodes[1] the Element Node
# Get the id of the previous object
i = 0
sub_previous_xml = None
# Find the previous xml corresponding to this subobject
for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(previous_xml):
if subnode.nodeName=='object':
for subnode1 in self.getElementNodeList(subnode):
if subnode1.nodeName=='object':
i += 1
if i==object_number:
sub_previous_xml = subnode1
sub_object_id = self.getSubObjectId(xml)
LOG('updateNode',0,'getSubObjectModification number: %s' % sub_object_id)
if previous_xml is not None and sub_object_id is not None:
LOG('updateNode',0,'previous xml is not none and also sub_object_id')
sub_previous_xml = self.getSubObjectXml(sub_object_id,previous_xml)
LOG('updateNode',0,'isSubObjectModification sub_p_xml: %s' % str(sub_previous_xml))
if sub_previous_xml is not None:
sub_object = None
LOG('updateNode',0,'getObjectId: %s' % self.getObjectId(sub_previous_xml) )
# The problem is actually that the sub_previous_xml doesn't correspong to the
# xml, we have the xupdate of a subobject but we have the previous_xml
# of the object
# I guess it was resolved with getSubObjectXupdate... so this comment may be removed XXX
sub_object = object[self.getObjectId(sub_previous_xml)]
sub_object = object[sub_object_id]
except KeyError:
if sub_object is not None:
......@@ -346,10 +353,12 @@ class ERP5Conduit(SyncCode):
for item in data:
if type(item) is type(u"a"):
item = item.encode(self.getEncoding())
item = item.replace('@@@','\n')
new_data += [item]
data = new_data
if type(data) is type(u"a"):
data = data.encode(self.getEncoding())
data = data.replace('@@@','\n')
if keyword == 'binary_data':
LOG('ERP5Conduit.getFormatedArgs',0,'binary_data keyword: %s' % str(keyword))
msg = MIMEBase('application','octet-stream')
......@@ -377,33 +386,19 @@ class ERP5Conduit(SyncCode):
This will change the xml in order to change the update
from the object to the subobject
for subnode in xml.attributes:
if subnode.nodeType == subnode.ATTRIBUTE_NODE and subnode.nodeName=='select':
value = subnode.nodeValue
if"/object\[[0-9]*\]/object\[[0-9]*\]/.",value) is not None:
new_value = ''
new_value_list = (value.split('/')[1:2] + value.split('/')[3:])
for s in new_value_list:
new_value += '/' + s
except KeyError:
subnode.nodeValue = new_value
xml = copy.deepcopy(xml)
for subnode in self.getAttributeNodeList(xml):
if subnode.nodeName=='select':
subnode.nodeValue = self.getSubObjectSelect(subnode.nodeValue)
element_node_list = self.getElementNodeList(xml)
# This is when we have a sub_sub_object_add and we will want a sub_object_add
LOG('getSubObjectXupdate',0,'xml.nodeName: %s' % xml.nodeName)
#for j in range(0,len(xml.childNodes)):
# subnode = xml.childNodes[j]
for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(xml):
#if subnode.nodeType == subnode.ELEMENT_NODE and subnode.nodeName=='xupdate:element':
if subnode.nodeName=='xupdate:element':
LOG('getSubObjectXupdate',0,'subnode.nodeName: %s' % subnode.nodeName)
for subnode1 in self.getElementNodeList(subnode):
LOG('getSubObjectXupdate',0,'subnode1.nodeName: %s' % subnode1.nodeName)
if subnode.nodeType == subnode.ELEMENT_NODE and \
#LOG('getSubObjectXupdate',0,'xml.childNodes[j].nodeName: %s' % xml.childNodes[j].nodeName)
#xml.childNodes[j] = subnode1
if subnode1.nodeName=='object':
return subnode1
return xml
......@@ -411,60 +406,105 @@ class ERP5Conduit(SyncCode):
Check if it is a modification from an subobject
good_list = ('/object[1]/object',)
good_list = (self.sub_object_exp,)
for subnode in xml.attributes:
if subnode.nodeType == subnode.ATTRIBUTE_NODE and subnode.nodeName=='select':
value = subnode.nodeValue
LOG('isSubObjectModification',0,'value: %s' % value)
for good_string in good_list:
if value.find(good_string)==0:
if,value) is not None:
return 1
return 0
def getSubObjectAddDepth(self, xml):
def getSubObjectDepth(self, xml):
Check if this modification is in reality a new subobject to add
Give the Depth of a subobject modification
0 means, no depth
1 means it is a subobject
2 means it is more depth than subobject
if xml.nodeName == 'xupdate:insert-after':
LOG('getSubObjectDepth',0,'xml.nodeName: %s' % xml.nodeName)
if xml.nodeName in self.XUPDATE_TAG:
LOG('getSubObjectDepth',0,'xml2.nodeName: %s' % xml.nodeName)
if xml.nodeName == self.xml_object_tag:
return 1
for subnode in self.getAttributeNodeList(xml):
LOG('getSubObjectDepth',0,'subnode.nodeName: %s' % subnode.nodeName)
if subnode.nodeName == 'select':
value = subnode.nodeValue
LOG('getSubObjectDepth',0,'subnode.nodeValue: %s' % subnode.nodeValue)
if,value) is not None:
new_select = self.getSubObjectSelect(value)
if self.getSubObjectSelect(new_select) != new_select:
return 2
return 1
for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(xml):
# One part of this is specific to xmldiff, may be need to rewrite
if subnode.nodeName == 'xupdate:element':
for attribute in subnode.attributes:
if attribute.nodeName == 'name':
is_sub_add = 0
if attribute.nodeValue == 'object':
if attribute.nodeValue == self.xml_object_tag:
is_sub_add = 1
if not is_sub_add:
return 0
for subnode1 in self.getElementNodeList(subnode):
if subnode1.nodeName == 'object': # In this particular case, this is sub_sub_add
if subnode1.nodeName == self.xml_object_tag: # In this particular case, this is sub_sub_add
return 2
return 1
if subnode.nodeName == 'object':
return 1
return 0
def getSubObjectIndex(self, xml):
def getSubObjectSelect(self, select):
Return the number of the subobject in an xupdate modification
Return a string wich is the selection for the subobject
ex: for "/object[@id='161']/object[@id='default_address']/street_address"
if returns "/object[@id='default_address']/street_address"
selection = None
good_string = '/object[1]/object['
for subnode in xml.attributes:
if subnode.nodeType == subnode.ATTRIBUTE_NODE and subnode.nodeName=='select':
if,select) is not None:
s = self.xml_object_tag
new_value = '/' + select[select.find(s,select.find(s)+1):]
select = new_value
return select
def getSubObjectId(self, xml):
Return the id of the subobject in an xupdate modification
object_id = None
for subnode in self.getAttributeNodeList(xml):
if subnode.nodeName=='select':
value = subnode.nodeValue
if value.find(good_string)==0:
string_number = value[len(good_string):]
string_number = string_number.split(']')[0]
selection = int(string_number)
return selection
if,value) is not None:
s = self.xml_object_tag
object_id = value[value.find(s,value.find(s)+1):]
object_id = object_id[object_id.find("'")+1:]
object_id = object_id[:object_id.find("'")]
return object_id
return object_id
def getSubObjectXml(self, object_id, xml):
Return the xml of the subobject which as the id object_id
xml = self.convertToXml(xml)
for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(xml):
if subnode.nodeName==self.xml_object_tag:
LOG('getSub0bjectXml: object_id:',0,object_id)
if object_id == self.getObjectId(subnode):
return subnode
return None
def getObjectId(self, xml):
Retrieve the id
for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(xml):
if subnode.nodeName == 'id':
data = subnode.childNodes[0].data
#for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(xml):
# if subnode.nodeName == 'id':
# data = subnode.childNodes[0].data
# return self.convertXmlValue(data)
for attribute in self.getAttributeNodeList(xml):
if attribute.nodeName == 'id':
data = attribute.childNodes[0].data
return self.convertXmlValue(data)
# In the case where the new object is inside an xupdate
if xml.nodeName.find('xupdate')>=0:
......@@ -476,32 +516,42 @@ class ERP5Conduit(SyncCode):
return self.convertXmlValue(data)
return None
def getObjectDocid(self, xml):
Retrieve the docid
for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(xml):
if subnode.nodeName == 'docid':
data = subnode.childNodes[0].data
return self.convertXmlValue(data)
return None
def getObjectProperty(self, property, xml):
def getObjectProperty(self, property, xml, data_type=None):
Retrieve the given property
if type(xml) in (type('a'),type(u'a')):
xml = FromXml(xml)
xml = xml.childNodes[1] # Because we just created a new xml
xml = self.convertToXml(xml)
# document, with childNodes[0] a DocumentType and childNodes[1] the Element Node
for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(xml):
LOG('getObjectProperty',0,'subnode.nodeName: %s' % subnode.nodeName)
if subnode.nodeName == property:
data = subnode.childNodes[0].data
data = self.convertXmlValue(data)
if property[-5:]=='_list':
data = data.split('@@@')
data = self.convertXmlValue(data, data_type=data_type)
except IndexError: # There is no data
data = None
return data
return None
def convertToXML(self,xml):
def convertToXml(self,xml):
if xml is a string, convert it to a node
if type(xml) in (type('a'),type(u'a')):
xml = FromXml(xml)
xml = xml.childNodes[1] # Because we just created a new xml
# If we have the xml from the node erp5, we just take the subnode
if xml.nodeName=='erp5':
xml = self.getElementNodeList(xml)[0]
return xml
def getObjectType(self, xml):
......@@ -556,27 +606,20 @@ class ERP5Conduit(SyncCode):
if len(subnode.childNodes) > 0: # We check that this tag is not empty
data = subnode.childNodes[0].data
data = self.convertXmlValue(data)
LOG('newObject',0,'keyword: %s' % str(keyword))
LOG('newObject',0,'keywordtype: %s' % str(keyword_type))
#if args.has_key(keyword):
# LOG('newObject',0,'data: %s' % str(args[keyword]))
if args.has_key(keyword):
LOG('newObject',0,'data: %s' % str(args[keyword]))
if keyword_type in list_types:
if args.has_key(keyword):
if type(args[keyword]) in [type(u'a'),type('a')]:
args[keyword] = args[keyword].split('@@@')
elif keyword_type in ('text',):
if args.has_key(keyword):
args[keyword] = args[keyword].replace('@@@','\n')
args[keyword] = self.convertXmlValue(args[keyword],keyword_type)
# We should first edit the object
args = self.getFormatedArgs(args=args)
LOG('newObject',0,"object.getpath: %s" % str(object.getPath()))
LOG('newObject',0,"args: %s" % str(args))
# edit the object with a dictionnary of arguments,
# like {"telephone_number":"02-5648"}
# Then we may create subobject
for subnode in xml.childNodes:
......@@ -584,37 +627,37 @@ class ERP5Conduit(SyncCode):
def convertXmlValue(self, data):
def convertXmlValue(self, data, data_type=None):
It is possible that the xml change the value, for example
there is some too much '\n' and some spaces. We should correct it
# Theses two lines are not needed any more
#if data.find('\n')>=0 and data[0]==' ': # We may suppose there is two '\n' in this case
# data = data[data.find('\n')+1:data.rfind('\n')]
# Then we should remove every other \n
# we doesn't want any of them on our synchronization, they have
# to be all replaced by '@@@', this is really usefull in order to split
# very long data
there is some too much '\n' and some spaces. We have to do some extra
things so that we convert correctly the vlalue
if data is None:
if data_type in self.list_type_list:
data = ()
return data
data = data.replace('\n','')
# Remove spaces at the beginning
while data.find(' ')==0:
data = data[1:]
# Remove spaces at the end
while data.rfind(' ')==(len(data)-1):
data = data[:-1]
if type(data) is type(u"a"):
data = data.encode(self.getEncoding())
# We can now convert string in tuple, dict, binary...
if data_type in self.list_type_list:
if type(data) is type('a'):
data = tuple(data.split('@@@'))
elif data_type in self.text_type_list:
data = data.replace('@@@','\n')
elif data_type in self.binary_type_list:
data = data.replace('@@@','\n')
msg = MIMEBase('application','octet-stream')
data = msg.get_payload(decode=1)
elif data_type in self.date_type_list:
data = DateTime(data)
elif data_type in self.dict_type_list:
dict_list = map(lambda x:x.split(':'),data[1:-1].split(','))
data = map(lambda (x,y):(x.replace(' ','').replace("'",''),int(y)),dict_list)
data = dict(data)
LOG('convertXmlValue',0,'data: %s' % str(data))
return data
def getElementNodeList(self, node):
Return childNodes that are ElementNode
subnode_list = []
for subnode in node.childNodes:
if subnode.nodeType == subnode.ELEMENT_NODE:
subnode_list += [subnode]
return subnode_list
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ class PublicationSynchronization(XMLSyncUtils):
# FIXME: Why can't we use the method addSubscriber ??
# first synchronization
elif self.checkAlert(xml_client) and self.getAlertCode(xml_client) in (self.TWO_WAY,self.SLOW_SYNC):
......@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ class Conflict(SyncCode):
remote_value=None, domain=None, domain_id=None):
self.keyword = keyword
self.domain = domain
self.domain_id = domain_id
......@@ -56,6 +56,36 @@ class Conflict(SyncCode):
return self.object_path
def getLocalValue(self):
get the domain
return self.local_value
def setLocalValue(self, value):
get the domain
self.local_value = value
except TypeError: # It happens when we try to store StringIO
self.local_value = None
def getRemoteValue(self):
get the domain
return self.remote_value
def setRemoteValue(self, value):
get the domain
self.remote_value = value
except TypeError: # It happens when we try to store StringIO
self.remote_value = None
def setDomain(self, domain):
set the domain
......@@ -68,6 +98,12 @@ class Conflict(SyncCode):
return self.domain
def getKeyword(self):
get the domain
return self.keyword
def getDomainId(self):
get the domain id
......@@ -80,6 +116,17 @@ class Conflict(SyncCode):
self.domain_id = domain_id
def applyRemoteValue():
We will take the remote value for this conflict
def applyLocalValue():
We will take the local value for this conflict
class Signature(SyncCode):
......@@ -102,6 +149,7 @@ class Signature(SyncCode):
self.md5_string = None
self.force = 0
#def __init__(self,object=None, status=None, xml_string=None):
......@@ -125,6 +173,9 @@ class Signature(SyncCode):
if len(self.getConflictList())>0:
elif status in (self.PUB_CONFLICT_MERGE,self.SENT):
# We have a solution for the conflict, don't need to keep the list
def getStatus(self):
......@@ -151,7 +202,7 @@ class Signature(SyncCode):
self.xml = xml
if self.xml != None:
self.setTempXML(None) # We make sure that the xml will not be erased
self.md5_string =
def getXML(self):
......@@ -183,7 +234,7 @@ class Signature(SyncCode):
get the MD5 object of this signature
return self.md5_object
return self.md5_string
def checkMD5(self, xml_string):
......@@ -192,7 +243,7 @@ class Signature(SyncCode):
if we want to know if an objects has changed or not
Returns 1 if MD5 are equals, else it returns 0
return == self.md5_string
return (( == self.getMD5())
def setRid(self, rid):
......@@ -223,14 +274,16 @@ class Signature(SyncCode):
Set the partial string we will have to
deliver in the future
#LOG('Subscriber.setPartialXML before',0,'partial_xml: %s' % str(self.partial_xml))
self.partial_xml = xml
#LOG('Subscriber.setPartialXML after',0,'partial_xml: %s' % str(self.partial_xml))
def getPartialXML(self):
Set the partial string we will have to
deliver in the future
LOG('Subscriber.getPartialXML',0,'partial_xml: %s' % str(self.partial_xml))
#LOG('Subscriber.getPartialXML',0,'partial_xml: %s' % str(self.partial_xml))
return self.partial_xml
def getAction(self):
......@@ -339,6 +392,13 @@ class Subscription(SyncCode):
def getSynchronizationType(self, default=None):
# XXX for debugging only, to be removed
dict_sign = {}
for object_id in self.signatures.keys():
dict_sign[object_id] = self.signatures[object_id].getStatus()
LOG('getSignature',0,'signatures_status: %s' % str(dict_sign))
code = self.SLOW_SYNC
if len(self.signatures.keys()) > 0:
code = self.TWO_WAY
......@@ -562,7 +622,7 @@ class Subscription(SyncCode):
for object_id in self.signatures.keys():
# Change the status only if we are not in a conflict mode
if not(self.signatures[object_id].getStatus() in (self.CONFLICT,self.PUB_CONFLICT_MERGE,
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
from Products.ERP5Type.Accessor.TypeDefinition import list_types
from Globals import Persistent
class SyncCode(Persistent):
......@@ -60,10 +61,28 @@ class SyncCode(Persistent):
MAX_LINES = 1000
NOT_EDITABLE_PROPERTY = ('id','object','workflow_history','security_info','uid'
XUPDATE_INSERT = ('xupdate:insert-after','xupdate:insert-before')
XUPDATE_ADD = ('xupdate:append',)
XUPDATE_DEL = ('xupdate:remove',)
XUPDATE_UPDATE = ('xupdate:update',)
text_type_list = ('text','string')
list_type_list = list_types
binary_type_list = ('image','file','document')
date_type_list = ('date',)
dict_type_list = ('dict',)
xml_object_tag = 'object'
sub_object_exp = "/object\[@id='.*'\]/object\[@id='.*'\]"
......@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
import smtplib
from Products.ERP5SyncML.SyncCode import SyncCode
from Products.ERP5SyncML.Conduit.ERP5Conduit import ERP5Conduit
from Products.ERP5SyncML.Subscription import Signature
from xml.dom.ext.reader.Sax2 import FromXml
from cStringIO import StringIO
......@@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ from xml.dom.ext import PrettyPrint
import commands
from zLOG import LOG
class XMLSyncUtils(SyncCode):
class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
def SyncMLHeader(self, session_id, msg_id, target, source):
......@@ -158,7 +157,7 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(SyncCode):
xml += ' <Item>\n'
xml += ' <Source><LocURI>%s</LocURI></Source>\n' % object_id
xml += ' <Data>\n'
xml += xml_object # We have to send the data, because it allows to
#xml += xml_object # We have to send the data, because it allows to
# wich object to delete (it could be clever things
xml += ' </Data>\n'
xml += ' </Item>\n'
......@@ -197,12 +196,14 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(SyncCode):
file2 = open('/tmp/sync_old_object','w')
xupdate = commands.getoutput('xmldiff -xg /tmp/sync_old_object /tmp/sync_new_object')
#xupdate = commands.getoutput('xmldiff -xg /tmp/sync_old_object /tmp/sync_new_object')
xupdate = commands.getoutput('erp5diff /tmp/sync_old_object /tmp/sync_new_object')
xupdate = xupdate[xupdate.find('<xupdate:modifications'):]
while xupdate.find('xupdate:move')>0:
LOG('getXupdateObject',0,'Removing the move section')
xupdate = xupdate[:xupdate.find('<xupdate:move')] + \
# XXX To be removed, this is only needed for xmldiff with does bad things
#while xupdate.find('xupdate:move')>0:
# LOG('getXupdateObject',0,'Removing the move section')
# xupdate = xupdate[:xupdate.find('<xupdate:move')] + \
# xupdate[xupdate.find('</xupdate:move>\n')+16:]
return xupdate
def getXMLObject(self, object=None, xml_mapping=None):
......@@ -517,6 +518,30 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(SyncCode):
if subnode2.nodeType == subnode2.ELEMENT_NODE and subnode2.nodeName == 'Type':
return str(subnode2.childNodes[0].data)
def getElementNodeList(self, node):
Return childNodes that are ElementNode
subnode_list = []
for subnode in node.childNodes:
if subnode.nodeType == subnode.ELEMENT_NODE:
subnode_list += [subnode]
return subnode_list
def getAttributeNodeList(self, node):
Return childNodes that are ElementNode
attribute_list = []
for subnode in node.attributes:
if subnode.nodeType == subnode.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
attribute_list += [subnode]
return attribute_list
class XMLSyncUtils(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
def Sync(self, id, msg=None, RESPONSE=None):
This is the main method for synchronization
......@@ -539,6 +564,7 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(SyncCode):
Send the server modification, this happens after the Synchronization
from Products.ERP5SyncML.Conduit.ERP5Conduit import ERP5Conduit
cmd_id = 1 # specifies a SyncML message-unique command identifier
LOG('SyncModif',0,'Starting... domain: %s' % str(domain))
# Get the destination folder
......@@ -564,8 +590,9 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(SyncCode):
destination_waiting_more_data = 0
while next_status != None:
object_id = self.getStatusTarget(next_status)
status_code = self.SUCCESS
status_code = self.getStatusCode(next_status)
signature = subscriber.getSignature(object_id)
LOG('SyncModif',0,'next_status: %s' % str(status_code))
if status_code == self.CHUNK_OK:
destination_waiting_more_data = 1
......@@ -579,7 +606,7 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(SyncCode):
elif status_code == self.CONFLICT_CLIENT_WIN:
# The server was agree to apply our updates, nothing to do
elif status_code == self.SUCCESS:
next_status = self.getNextSyncBodyStatus(remote_xml, next_status)
......@@ -607,6 +634,7 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(SyncCode):
data_subnode = None
if partial_data != None:
data_subnode = signature.getPartialXML() + partial_data
LOG('SyncModif',0,'data_subnode: %s' % data_subnode)
data_subnode = FromXml(data_subnode)
data_subnode = data_subnode.childNodes[1] # Because we just created a new xml
# document, with childNodes[0] a DocumentType and childNodes[1] the Element Node
......@@ -618,8 +646,8 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(SyncCode):
object =None
LOG('SyncModif',0,'addNode, getActionId: %s' % self.getActionId(next_action))
object = destination_path[self.getActionId(next_action)]
except KeyError:
object = destination_path._getOb(self.getActionId(next_action))
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
if object is not None:
LOG('SyncModif',0,'addNode, found the object')
......@@ -633,8 +661,8 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(SyncCode):
elif next_action.nodeName == 'Replace':
object =None
object = destination_path[self.getActionId(next_action)]
except KeyError:
object = destination_path._getOb(self.getActionId(next_action))
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
LOG('SyncModif',0,'object: %s will be updated...' % str(object))
if object is not None:
......@@ -661,7 +689,8 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(SyncCode):,status_code,'Replace')
cmd_id +=1
elif next_action.nodeName == 'Delete':
conduit.deleteNode(xml=self.getDataSubNode(next_action), object=destination_path)
conduit.deleteNode(xml=self.getDataSubNode(next_action), object=destination_path,
else: # We want to retrieve more data
......@@ -669,7 +698,8 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(SyncCode):
previous_partial = signature.getPartialXML() or ''
previous_partial += partial_data
LOG('SyncModif',0,'previous_partial: %s' % str(previous_partial))
#LOG('SyncModif',0,'previous_partial: %s' % str(previous_partial))
LOG('SyncModif',0,'waiting more data for :%s' % signature.getId())
xml_confirmation += self.SyncMLConfirmation(cmd_id,object_id,
if conflict_list != [] and signature is not None:
......@@ -696,9 +726,10 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(SyncCode):
syncml_data = ''
if has_next_action == 0:
for object in destination_path.objectValues():
status = self.SENT
local_id_list += []
force = 0
if syncml_data.count('\n') < self.MAX_LINES: # If not we have to cut
if syncml_data.count('\n') < self.MAX_LINES and ('.')!=0): # If not we have to cut
xml_object = self.getXMLObject(object=object,xml_mapping=domain.xml_mapping)
LOG('SyncModif',0,'code: %s' % str(self.getAlertCode(remote_xml)))
LOG('XMLSyncModif',0,'id_list: %s' % str(local_id_list))
......@@ -707,11 +738,12 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(SyncCode):
signature = subscriber.getSignature(
status = self.SENT
if signature==None or signature.getXML()==None or \
# For the case it was never synchronized, we have to send everything
if signature==None or (signature.getXML()==None and signature.getStatus()!=self.PARTIAL) or \
LOG('PubSyncModif',0,'Current object.getPath: %s' % object.getPath())
#LOG('PubSyncModif',0,'Current object.getPath: %s' % object.getPath())
xml_string = xml_object
signature = Signature(, status=status)
signature = Signature(
if xml_string.count('\n') > self.MAX_LINES:
......@@ -721,18 +753,22 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(SyncCode):
while i < self.MAX_LINES:
short_string += rest_string[:rest_string.find('\n')+1]
rest_string = xml_string[len(short_string):]
LOG('XMLSyncUtils',0,'rest_string: %s' % str(rest_string))
#LOG('XMLSyncUtils',0,'rest_string: %s' % str(rest_string))
i += 1
LOG('SyncModif',0,'setPartialXML with: %s' % str(rest_string))
status =self.PARTIAL
xml_string = '<!--' + short_string + '-->'
syncml_data += self.addXMLObject(cmd_id=cmd_id, object=object,
xml_string=xml_string, more_data=more_data)
cmd_id += 1
elif signature.getStatus()==self.NOT_SYNCHRONIZED \
or signature.getStatus()==self.PUB_CONFLICT_MERGE: # We don't have synchronized this object yet
LOG('SyncModif',0,'checkMD5: %s' % str(signature.checkMD5(xml_object)))
LOG('SyncModif',0,'getStatus: %s' % str(signature.getStatus()))
if signature.getStatus()==self.PUB_CONFLICT_MERGE:
xml_confirmation += self.SyncMLConfirmation(cmd_id,,
......@@ -752,7 +788,6 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(SyncCode):
status = self.PARTIAL
xml_string = '<!--' + short_string + '-->'
syncml_data += self.replaceXMLObject(cmd_id=cmd_id,object=object,
......@@ -772,7 +807,7 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(SyncCode):
elif signature.getStatus()==self.PARTIAL:
xml_string = signature.getPartialXML() or ''
xml_string = signature.getPartialXML()
if xml_string.count('\n') > self.MAX_LINES:
i = 0
......@@ -801,7 +836,10 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(SyncCode):
signature = subscriber.getSignature(object_id)
if signature.getStatus()!=self.PARTIAL: # If partial, then we have a signature
# but no local object
syncml_data += self.deleteXMLObject(xml_object=signature.getXML(),
xml_object = signature.getXML()
if xml_object is not None: # This prevent to delete an object that we
# were not able to create
syncml_data += self.deleteXMLObject(xml_object=signature.getXML() or '',
......@@ -26,11 +26,12 @@
from Products.ERP5SyncML.XMLSyncUtils import *
from Products.ERP5SyncML.XMLSyncUtils import XMLSyncUtilsMixin
from xml.dom.ext.reader.Sax2 import FromXml
from Products.ERP5SyncML.SyncCode import SyncCode
from zLOG import LOG
class XupdateUtils:
class XupdateUtils(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
This class contains method specific to xupdate xml,
this is the place where we should parse xupdate data.
......@@ -41,155 +42,25 @@ class XupdateUtils:
Parse the xupdate and then it will call the conduit
conflict_list = []
if type(xupdate) is type('a'):
if type(xupdate) in (type('a'),type(u'a')):
xupdate = FromXml(xupdate)
# This is a list of selection with a fake tag
fake_tag_list = ()
for subnode in xupdate.childNodes:
to_continue = 0
for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(xupdate):
selection_name = ''
if subnode.nodeType == subnode.ELEMENT_NODE and subnode.nodeName == 'xupdate:append':
if subnode.nodeName in self.XUPDATE_ADD:
# Check if we do not have a fake tag somewhere
for subnode1 in subnode.attributes:
if subnode1.nodeType == subnode1.ATTRIBUTE_NODE and subnode1.nodeName=='select':
selection_name = subnode1.nodeValue
LOG('applyXupdate',0,'selection_name: %s' % str(selection_name))
for subnode1 in subnode.childNodes:
if subnode1.nodeType == subnode1.ELEMENT_NODE and subnode1.nodeName == 'xupdate:element':
for subnode2 in subnode1.attributes:
if subnode2.nodeName=='name' and subnode2.nodeValue == 'LogilabXMLDIFFFAKETag':
fake_tag_list += (selection_name,)
to_continue = 1
if not to_continue:
conduit.addNode(xml=subnode, object=object, force=force, **kw)
if subnode1.nodeType == subnode.ELEMENT_NODE and subnode1.nodeName == 'xupdate:text':
if selection_name in fake_tag_list: # This is the case where xmldiff do the crazy thing :
# Adding a fake tag, modify and delete,
# so we should only update.
conflict_list += conduit.updateNode(xml=subnode, object=object, force=force, **kw)
for subnode1 in self.getElementNodeList(subnode):
if subnode1.nodeName == 'xupdate:element':
conflict_list += conduit.addNode(xml=subnode, object=object, force=force, **kw)
elif subnode1.nodeName == 'xupdate:text':
conflict_list += conduit.addNode(xml=subnode,object=object, force=force, **kw)
#if to_continue:
# continue
elif subnode.nodeType == subnode.ELEMENT_NODE and subnode.nodeName == 'xupdate:remove':
for subnode1 in subnode.attributes:
if subnode1.nodeType == subnode1.ATTRIBUTE_NODE and subnode1.nodeName=='select':
selection_name = subnode1.nodeValue
LOG('applyXupdate',0,'fake_tag_list: %s' % str(fake_tag_list))
for fake_tag in fake_tag_list:
if selection_name.find(fake_tag) == 0:
LOG('applyXupdate',0,'selection ignored for delete: %s' % str(selection_name))
to_continue = 1
if not to_continue:
conduit.deleteNode(xml=subnode, object=object)
elif subnode.nodeType == subnode.ELEMENT_NODE and subnode.nodeName == 'xupdate:update':
elif subnode.nodeName in self.XUPDATE_DEL:
conflict_list += conduit.deleteNode(xml=subnode, object=object, force=force, **kw)
elif subnode.nodeName in self.XUPDATE_UPDATE:
conflict_list += conduit.updateNode(xml=subnode, object=object, force=force, **kw)
elif subnode.nodeType == subnode.ELEMENT_NODE and subnode.nodeName == 'xupdate:insert-after':
elif subnode.nodeName in self.XUPDATE_INSERT:
conflict_list += conduit.addNode(xml=subnode, object=object, force=force, **kw)
return conflict_list
def old_applyXupdate(self, object=None, xupdate=None, conduit=None):
deprecated and should not be used
for subnode in xupdate.childNodes:
if subnode.nodeType == subnode.ELEMENT_NODE and subnode.nodeName == 'xupdate:modifications':
for subnode2 in subnode.childNodes:
if subnode2.nodeType == subnode2.ELEMENT_NODE:
to_continue = 0
select_list = ()
# First check if we are not a sub-object
for subnode3 in subnode2.attributes:
if subnode3.nodeType == subnode3.ATTRIBUTE_NODE and subnode3.nodeName=='select':
nodeValue = subnode3.nodeValue
if nodeValue.find('/object[1]/object')==0:
to_continue = 1
elif nodeValue.find('/object[1]/workflow_history')==0:
to_continue = 1
elif nodeValue.find('/object[1]/security_info')==0:
to_continue = 1
select_list = subnode3.nodeValue.split('/') # Something like: ('','object[1]','sid[1]')
new_select_list = ()
for select_item in select_list:
new_select_list += (select_item[:select_item.find('[')],)
select_list = new_select_list # Something like : ('','object','sid')
if to_continue:
# Then we have to find the keyword, differents ways are needed
# depending if we are inserting, updating, removing...
keyword = None
data = None
if subnode2.nodeName == 'xupdate:insert-after': # We suppose the tag was empty before
# XXX this supposition could be WRONG
for subnode3 in getElementNodeList(subnode2):
if subnode3.nodeName=='xupdate:element':
for subnode4 in subnode3.attributes:
if subnode4.nodeName=='name':
keyword = subnode4.nodeValue
LOG('ApplyUpdate',0,'i-a, keyword: %s' % keyword)
if keyword=='object': # This is a subobject, we have to stop right now
to_continue = 1
elif keyword.find('element_')==0: # We are on a part of a list
keyword = select_list[len(select_list)-2]
if to_continue:
if len(getElementNodeList(subnode3))==0:
data = str(subnode3.childNodes[0].data) # We assume the child is a text node
else: # We have many elements
data = []
for subnode4 in getElementNodeList(subnode3):
# In this case we should only have one childnode
LOG('ApplyUpdate',0,'subnode4: %s' % str(subnode4))
element_data = subnode4.childNodes[0].data
element_data = element_data[element_data.find('\n')+1:element_data.rfind('\n')]
data += [element_data]
elif subnode2.nodeName == 'xupdate:append':
keyword = select_list[len(select_list)-1]
if len(getElementNodeList(subnode2))==0:
data = subnode2.childNodes[0].data
data = data[data.find('\n')+1:data.rfind('\n')]
for subnode3 in getElementNodeList(subnode2):
element_data = subnode3.childNodes[0].data
element_data = element_data[element_data.find('\n')+1:element_data.rfind('\n')]
data += [element_data]
if len(data) == 1: # This is probably because this is not a list but a string XXX may be not good
data = data[0]
LOG('ERP5Conduit.ApplyUpdate',0,'args: %s' % str(args))
if keyword is not None:
if type(keyword) is type(u"a"):
LOG('ERP5Conduit.ApplyUpdate',0,'keyword before encoding: %s' % str(type(keyword)))
keyword = keyword.encode(self.getEncoding())
LOG('ERP5Conduit.ApplyUpdate',0,'keyword after encoding: %s' % str(type(keyword)))
if not(keyword in self.NOT_EDITABLE_PROPERTY):
if type(data) is type([]) or type(data) is type(()):
new_data = []
for item in data:
if type(item) is type(u"a"):
item = item.encode(self.getEncoding())
new_data += [item]
data = new_data
if type(data) is type(u"a"):
data = data.encode(self.getEncoding())
# if we have already this keyword, then we may append to a list
if args.has_key(keyword):
arg_type = type(args[keyword])
if arg_type is type(()) or arg_type is type([]):
if type(data) is not type(()) or type(data) is not type([]):
data = [data]
data = args[keyword] + data
args[keyword] = data
if len(args) > 0:
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