Commit 2026d064 authored by ElenaSubbotina's avatar ElenaSubbotina

DocFormatReader - fix shape freeforms

parent 42257ca4
......@@ -35,11 +35,23 @@
namespace DocFileFormat
struct _guides
unsigned char type;
unsigned char param_type1;
unsigned char param_type2;
unsigned char param_type3;
WORD param1;
WORD param2;
WORD param3;
class PathParser
PathParser (const unsigned char* pSegmentInfo, unsigned int pSegmentInfoSize, const unsigned char* pVertices, unsigned int pVerticesSize)
PathParser (const unsigned char* pSegmentInfo, unsigned int pSegmentInfoSize, const unsigned char* pVertices, unsigned int pVerticesSize, std::vector<_guides> & guides)
if ((pSegmentInfo != NULL) && (pSegmentInfoSize > 0))
......@@ -105,31 +117,40 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
unsigned short nElemsAlloc = FormatUtils::BytesToUInt16(pVertices, 2, pVerticesSize);
unsigned short cb = FormatUtils::BytesToUInt16(pVertices, 4, pVerticesSize);
if (0xfff0 == cb)
cb = 4;
for (unsigned short i = 0; i < nElems; ++i)
for (unsigned short i = 0; i < nElems; ++i)
POINT point;
if (0xfff0 == cb)
POINT point;
cb = 4;
point.x = FormatUtils::BytesToInt16(pVertices + 6, (i * cb), pVerticesSize);
point.y = FormatUtils::BytesToInt16(pVertices + 6, (i * cb) + (cb / 2), pVerticesSize);
for (unsigned short i = 0; i < nElems; ++i)
POINT point;
point.x = FormatUtils::BytesToInt32(pVertices + 6, (i * cb), pVerticesSize);
point.y = FormatUtils::BytesToInt32(pVertices + 6, (i * cb) + (cb / 2), pVerticesSize);
LONG lMinF = (LONG)0x80000000;
if (lMinF <= point.x)
int index = (DWORD)point.x - 0x80000000;
if (index >= 0 && index < guides.size())
point.x = guides[index].param3;
if (lMinF <= point.y)
int index = (DWORD)point.y - 0x80000000;
if (index >= 0 && index < guides.size())
point.y = guides[index].param3;
......@@ -106,21 +106,20 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
return new ShapeContainer( _reader, bodySize, typeCode, version, instance );
std::list<OptionEntry> ExtractOptions() const
std::vector<OptionEntryPtr> ExtractOptions() const
std::list<OptionEntry> ret;
std::vector<OptionEntryPtr> ret;
//build the list of all option entries of this shape
for ( std::vector<Record*>::const_iterator iter = this->Children.begin(); iter != this->Children.end(); iter++ )
ShapeOptions* opt = dynamic_cast<ShapeOptions*>( *iter );
if ( opt != NULL )
if ( opt == NULL ) continue;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < opt->Options.size(); i++)
for ( std::vector<OptionEntry>::iterator oeIter = opt->Options.begin(); oeIter != opt->Options.end(); oeIter++ )
ret.push_back( *oeIter );
ret.push_back( opt->Options[i]);
......@@ -568,18 +568,19 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
struct OptionEntry
OptionEntry() : pid(PropertyId_left), fBid(false), fComplex(false), op(0), opComplex(NULL)
OptionEntry() : pid(PropertyId_left), fBid(false), fComplex(false), op(0)
PropertyId pid;
bool fBid;
bool fComplex;
unsigned int op;
unsigned char* opComplex;
std::shared_ptr<unsigned char> opComplex;
typedef std::shared_ptr<OptionEntry> OptionEntryPtr;
class ShapeOptions: public Record
......@@ -587,8 +588,8 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
static const unsigned short TYPE_CODE_0xF121 = 0xF121;
static const unsigned short TYPE_CODE_0xF122 = 0xF122;
std::vector<OptionEntry> Options;
std::map<PropertyId, OptionEntry> OptionsByID;
std::vector<OptionEntryPtr> Options;
std::map<PropertyId, OptionEntryPtr> OptionsByID;
ShapeOptions() : Record()
......@@ -596,8 +597,8 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
virtual ~ShapeOptions()
for (std::vector<OptionEntry>::iterator iter = Options.begin(); iter != Options.end(); ++iter)
//for (std::vector<OptionEntry>::iterator iter = Options.begin(); iter != Options.end(); ++iter)
// RELEASEARRAYOBJECTS( iter->opComplex );
ShapeOptions (IBinaryReader* _reader, unsigned int size, unsigned int typeCode, unsigned int version, unsigned int instance) : Record (_reader, size, typeCode, version, instance)
......@@ -606,16 +607,16 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
//instance is the count of properties stored in this record
OptionEntry entry;
//parse the flags and the simple values
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < instance; ++i)
OptionEntryPtr entry = std::shared_ptr<OptionEntry>(new OptionEntry());
unsigned short flag = Reader->ReadUInt16(); = (PropertyId)FormatUtils::BitmaskToInt (flag, 0x3FFF);
entry.fBid = FormatUtils::BitmaskToBool (flag, 0x4000);
entry.fComplex = FormatUtils::BitmaskToBool (flag, 0x8000);
entry.op = Reader->ReadUInt32();
entry->pid = (PropertyId)FormatUtils::BitmaskToInt (flag, 0x3FFF);
entry->fBid = FormatUtils::BitmaskToBool (flag, 0x4000);
entry->fComplex = FormatUtils::BitmaskToBool (flag, 0x8000);
entry->op = Reader->ReadUInt32();
Options.push_back( entry );
......@@ -625,21 +626,12 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
//of the OptionEntry arry, sorted by pid
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < instance; ++i)
if (Options[i].fComplex)
int read_size = (int)Options[i].op + 6 ; //????
//todooo !!!! проверить все остальные !! тут размер в зависимости от типа Complex!!!
case PropertyId::gtextUNICODE:
case PropertyId::gtextFont:
read_size = (int)Options[i].op;
Options[i].opComplex = Reader->ReadBytes( read_size, true );
if (Options[i]->fComplex && Options[i]->op > 0)
Options[i]->opComplex = std::shared_ptr<unsigned char>(Reader->ReadBytes( Options[i]->op, true ));
OptionsByID.insert(std::pair<PropertyId, OptionEntry>(Options[i].pid, Options[i]));
OptionsByID.insert(std::make_pair(Options[i]->pid, Options[i]));
Reader->Seek(( pos + size ), 0/*STREAM_SEEK_SET*/);
......@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
std::wstring strHeight = FormatUtils::DoubleToWideString( height.ToPoints() );
std::wstring strStyle;
std::list<OptionEntry> options;
std::vector<OptionEntryPtr> options;
PictureFrameType type;
if ((pict->shapeContainer || pict->blipStoreEntry) && pict->shapeContainer->Children.size() > 0)
......@@ -282,9 +282,9 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
//todooo oбъединить с shape_mapping
std::list<OptionEntry>::iterator end = options.end();
for (std::list<OptionEntry>::iterator iter = options.begin(); iter != end; ++iter)
for (size_t i = 0; i < options.size(); i++)
OptionEntryPtr & iter = options[i];
switch ( iter->pid )
case wzEquationXML:
......@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
m_isEquation = true;
m_isEmbedded = true;
m_embeddedData = std::string((char*)iter->opComplex, iter->op);
m_embeddedData = std::string((char*)iter->opComplex.get(), iter->op);
if (ParseEmbeddedEquation( m_embeddedData, m_equationXml))
......@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
//встроенная неведомая хуйня
m_isEmbedded = true;
m_embeddedData = std::string((char*)iter->opComplex, iter->op);
m_embeddedData = std::string((char*)iter->opComplex.get(), iter->op);
//if (ParseEmbeddedBlob( m_embeddedData, m_blobXml)) // todoooo
......@@ -143,8 +143,9 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
ShapeContainer* groupShape = static_cast<ShapeContainer*>(container->Children[0]);
GroupShapeRecord* gsr = static_cast<GroupShapeRecord*>(groupShape->Children[0]);
Shape* shape = static_cast<Shape*>(groupShape->Children[1]);
std::list<OptionEntry> options = groupShape->ExtractOptions();
ChildAnchor* anchor = groupShape->FirstChildWithType<ChildAnchor>();
ChildAnchor* anchor = groupShape->FirstChildWithType<ChildAnchor>();
std::vector<OptionEntryPtr> options = groupShape->ExtractOptions();
m_shapeId = GetShapeID(shape);
......@@ -155,14 +156,13 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
m_pXmlWriter->WriteAttribute( L"coordsize", ( FormatUtils::IntToWideString(gsr-> + L"," + FormatUtils::IntToWideString(gsr->;
// Write wrap coords
std::list<OptionEntry>::const_iterator end = options.end();
for (std::list<OptionEntry>::const_iterator iter = options.begin(); iter != end; ++iter)
for (size_t i = 0; i < options.size(); i++)
switch (iter->pid)
switch (options[i]->pid)
case pWrapPolygonVertices:
case pWrapPolygonVertices:
std::wstring wrapCoords = getWrapCoords(*iter);
std::wstring wrapCoords = GetWrapCoords(options[i]);
if (wrapCoords.length())
m_pXmlWriter->WriteAttribute(L"wrapcoords", wrapCoords);
......@@ -226,9 +226,9 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
bool freeform = true;
std::wstring sShapeId;
std::list<OptionEntry> options = pContainer->ExtractOptions();
ChildAnchor* pAnchor = pContainer->FirstChildWithType<ChildAnchor>();
ClientAnchor* clientAnchor = pContainer->FirstChildWithType<ClientAnchor>();
std::vector<OptionEntryPtr> options = pContainer->ExtractOptions();
ChildAnchor* pAnchor = pContainer->FirstChildWithType<ChildAnchor>();
ClientAnchor* clientAnchor = pContainer->FirstChildWithType<ClientAnchor>();
WriteBeginShapeNode (pShape);
......@@ -294,13 +294,17 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
std::wstring sTextboxStyle;
std::wstring adjValues[8];
ShadowStyleBooleanProperties shadowBoolean(0);
std::vector<std::wstring> arrInscribe;
OptionEntryPtr opSegmentInfo;
OptionEntryPtr opVerticles;
OptionEntryPtr opInscribe;
OptionEntryPtr opConnectAngles;
OptionEntryPtr opConnectLocs;
std::list<OptionEntry>::const_iterator end = options.end();
for (std::list<OptionEntry>::const_iterator iter = options.begin(); iter != end; ++iter)
for (size_t i = 0; i < options.size(); i++)
OptionEntryPtr & iter = options[i];
switch (iter->pid)
......@@ -335,19 +339,16 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
case protectionBooleans:
ProtectionBooleanProperties booleans(iter->op);
case diagramBooleans:
DiagramBooleanProperties booleans(iter->op);
case groupShapeBooleans:
GroupShapeBooleanProperties booleans(iter->op);
......@@ -357,56 +358,80 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
case shapePath :
bHavePath = true;
case pVertices:
opVerticles = iter;
case pSegmentInfo:
opSegmentInfo = iter;
case pGuides:
case pConnectionSites:
opConnectLocs = iter;
case pConnectionSitesDir:
opConnectAngles = iter;
case pInscribe:
opInscribe = iter;
case adjustValue:
adjValues[0] = FormatUtils::IntToWideString( (int)iter->op );
nAdjValues = (std::max)(nAdjValues,1);
m_nAdjValues[0] = (int)iter->op;
nAdjValues = (std::max)(nAdjValues,1);
case adjust2Value:
adjValues[1] = FormatUtils::IntToWideString( (int)iter->op );
nAdjValues = (std::max)(nAdjValues,2);
m_nAdjValues[1] = (int)iter->op;
nAdjValues = (std::max)(nAdjValues, 2);
case adjust3Value:
adjValues[2] = FormatUtils::IntToWideString( (int)iter->op );
nAdjValues = (std::max)(nAdjValues,3);
m_nAdjValues[2] = (int)iter->op;
nAdjValues =(std::max)(nAdjValues, 3);
case adjust4Value:
adjValues[3] = FormatUtils::IntToWideString( (int)iter->op );
nAdjValues = (std::max)(nAdjValues,4);
m_nAdjValues[3] = (int)iter->op;
nAdjValues = (std::max)(nAdjValues, 4);
case adjust5Value:
adjValues[4] = FormatUtils::IntToWideString( (int)iter->op );
nAdjValues = (std::max)(nAdjValues,5);
m_nAdjValues[4] = (int)iter->op;
nAdjValues = (std::max)(nAdjValues, 5);
case adjust6Value:
adjValues[5] = FormatUtils::IntToWideString( (int)iter->op );
nAdjValues = (std::max)(nAdjValues,6);
m_nAdjValues[5] = (int)iter->op;
nAdjValues = (std::max)(nAdjValues, 6);
case adjust7Value:
adjValues[6] = FormatUtils::IntToWideString( (int)iter->op );
nAdjValues = (std::max)(nAdjValues,7);
m_nAdjValues[6] = (int)iter->op;
nAdjValues = (std::max)(nAdjValues, 7);
case adjust8Value:
adjValues[7] = FormatUtils::IntToWideString( (int)iter->op );
nAdjValues = (std::max)(nAdjValues,8);
m_nAdjValues[7] = (int)iter->op;
nAdjValues = (std::max)(nAdjValues, 8);
case pWrapPolygonVertices:
std::wstring wrapCoords = getWrapCoords(*iter);
std::wstring wrapCoords = GetWrapCoords(iter);
if (!wrapCoords.empty())
......@@ -421,13 +446,6 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
yCoord = iter->op;
case pGuides:
case pInscribe:
arrInscribe = GetTextRectangles(*iter);
case lineColor:
......@@ -497,7 +515,7 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
case fillShadeColors:
appendValueAttribute(&m_fill, L"colors", getFillColorString( iter->opComplex, iter->op ));
appendValueAttribute(&m_fill, L"colors", getFillColorString( iter->opComplex.get(), iter->op ));
case fillFocus:
......@@ -602,7 +620,7 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
case pibName:
std::wstring name;
FormatUtils::GetSTLCollectionFromBytes<std::wstring>(&name, iter->opComplex, iter->op, ENCODING_UTF16);
FormatUtils::GetSTLCollectionFromBytes<std::wstring>(&name, iter->opComplex.get(), iter->op, ENCODING_UTF16);
if (!name.empty())
appendValueAttribute(&m_imagedata, L"o:title", FormatUtils::XmlEncode(name));
......@@ -676,10 +694,10 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
hasTextbox = true;
nLTxID = (((iter->op) >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
case dxTextLeft: {ndxTextLeft = (int)iter->op;break;}
case dyTextTop: {ndyTextTop = (int)iter->op;break;}
case dxTextRight: {ndxTextRight = (int)iter->op;break;}
case dyTextBottom: {ndyTextBottom = (int)iter->op;break;}
case dxTextLeft: {ndxTextLeft = (int)iter->op; break;}
case dyTextTop: {ndyTextTop = (int)iter->op; break;}
case dxTextRight: {ndxTextRight = (int)iter->op; break;}
case dyTextBottom: {ndyTextBottom = (int)iter->op; break;}
case txflTextFlow:
......@@ -700,7 +718,7 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
// Word Art
case gtextUNICODE:
std::wstring text = NSStringExt::CConverter::GetUnicodeFromUTF16((unsigned short*)iter->opComplex, (iter->op)/2);
std::wstring text = NSStringExt::CConverter::GetUnicodeFromUTF16((unsigned short*)iter->opComplex.get(), (iter->op)/2);
text = FormatUtils::XmlEncode(text);
......@@ -713,7 +731,7 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
case gtextFont:
std::wstring font = NSStringExt::CConverter::GetUnicodeFromUTF16((unsigned short*)iter->opComplex, (iter->op)/2);
std::wstring font = NSStringExt::CConverter::GetUnicodeFromUTF16((unsigned short*)iter->opComplex.get(), (iter->op)/2);
int i = font.size();
while (i > 0)
......@@ -764,31 +782,31 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
appendStyleProperty(&m_textPathStyle, L"font-weight", L"bold");
case shapePath :
bHavePath = true;
std::wstring path = ParsePath(options);
if (false == path.empty())
m_pXmlWriter->WriteAttribute (L"path", path);
int val = iter->op;
if (false == bHavePath) // фигура может быть задана только наборами вершин и индексов
if (opVerticles && opSegmentInfo)
std::wstring path = ParsePath(options);
const unsigned char* pVP = opVerticles->opComplex.get();
unsigned int nVP = opVerticles->op;
const unsigned char* pSI = opSegmentInfo->opComplex.get();
unsigned int nSI = opSegmentInfo->op;
PathParser oParser (pSI, nSI, pVP, nVP, m_arrGuides);
std::wstring path = oParser.GetVmlPath();
if (false == path.empty())
m_pXmlWriter->WriteAttribute (L"path", path);
if (freeform && (xCoord == 0 || yCoord == 0 ))
xCoord = 21600;
yCoord = 21600;
if ( !filled )
m_pXmlWriter->WriteAttribute( L"filled", L"f" );
......@@ -804,10 +822,10 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
m_pXmlWriter->WriteAttribute(L"o:allowincell", L"f");
if ( ( xCoord > 0 ) && ( yCoord > 0 ) )
if ( xCoord > 0 && yCoord > 0 )
m_pXmlWriter->WriteAttribute( L"coordsize", ( FormatUtils::IntToWideString( xCoord ) + L"," + FormatUtils::IntToWideString( yCoord ) ));
int nCode = 0;
if (pShape->GetShapeType())
......@@ -819,17 +837,17 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
if (nAdjValues)
m_pXmlWriter->WriteAttribute(L"arcsize", adjValues[0]);
m_pXmlWriter->WriteAttribute(L"arcsize", m_nAdjValues[0]);
if (nAdjValues)
if (nAdjValues > 0)
std::wstring adjTag = adjValues[0];
std::wstring adjTag = std::to_wstring(m_nAdjValues[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < nAdjValues; ++i)
adjTag += std::wstring(L",") + adjValues[i];
adjTag += L"," + std::to_wstring(m_nAdjValues[i]);
m_pXmlWriter->WriteAttribute(L"adj", adjTag);
......@@ -982,10 +1000,24 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
if (freeform)
if (arrInscribe.size())
if (opInscribe || opConnectAngles || opConnectLocs)
std::vector<std::wstring> arrInscribe = GetTextRectangles(opInscribe);
std::wstring strConnectAngles = GetConnectAngles(opConnectAngles);
std::wstring strConnectLocs = GetConnectLocs(opConnectLocs);
m_pXmlWriter->WriteNodeBegin(L"v:path", true);
m_pXmlWriter->WriteAttribute(L"textboxrect", arrInscribe[0]);
if (!arrInscribe.empty())
m_pXmlWriter->WriteAttribute(L"textboxrect", arrInscribe[0]);
if (!strConnectAngles.empty() || !strConnectLocs.empty())
m_pXmlWriter->WriteAttribute(L"o:connecttype", L"custom");
if (!strConnectLocs.empty())
m_pXmlWriter->WriteAttribute(L"o:connectlocs", strConnectLocs);
if (!strConnectAngles.empty())
m_pXmlWriter->WriteAttribute(L"o:connectangles", strConnectAngles);
m_pXmlWriter->WriteNodeEnd(L"", true);
......@@ -1182,11 +1214,13 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
/// Build the VML wrapcoords string for a given pWrapPolygonVertices
std::wstring VMLShapeMapping::getWrapCoords(const OptionEntry& pWrapPolygonVertices) const
std::wstring VMLShapeMapping::GetWrapCoords(const OptionEntryPtr& pWrapPolygonVertices) const
if (!pWrapPolygonVertices) return L"";
std::wstring coords;
MemoryStream oStream(pWrapPolygonVertices.opComplex, pWrapPolygonVertices.op);
MemoryStream oStream(pWrapPolygonVertices->opComplex.get(), pWrapPolygonVertices->op);
std::list<int> arrVertices;
unsigned short nElems = oStream.ReadUInt16();
......@@ -1498,7 +1532,7 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
void VMLShapeMapping::AppendOptionsToStyle (std::wstring* oStyle, const std::list<OptionEntry>& options, int zIndex) const
void VMLShapeMapping::AppendOptionsToStyle (std::wstring* oStyle, const std::vector<OptionEntryPtr>& options, int zIndex) const
bool bRelH = false;
bool bRelV = false;
......@@ -1508,9 +1542,9 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
bool bZIndex = false;
std::list<OptionEntry>::const_iterator end = options.end();
for (std::list<OptionEntry>::const_iterator iter = options.begin(); iter != end; ++iter)
for (size_t i = 0; i < options.size(); i++)
const OptionEntryPtr & iter = options[i];
switch (iter->pid)
......@@ -1616,15 +1650,16 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
std::wstring VMLShapeMapping::buildStyle (const Shape* shape, const ChildAnchor* anchor, const std::list<OptionEntry>& options, int zIndex) const
std::wstring VMLShapeMapping::buildStyle (const Shape* shape, const ChildAnchor* anchor, const std::vector<OptionEntryPtr>& options, int zIndex) const
std::wstring style;
// Check if some properties are set that cause the dimensions to be twisted
bool twistDimensions = false;
std::list<OptionEntry>::const_iterator end = options.end();
for (std::list<OptionEntry>::const_iterator iter = options.begin(); iter != end; ++iter)
for (size_t i = 0; i < options.size(); i++)
const OptionEntryPtr & iter = options[i];
if (geometryTextBooleanProperties == iter->pid)
GeometryTextBooleanProperties props(iter->op);
......@@ -1860,61 +1895,210 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
return wrapType;
std::wstring VMLShapeMapping::ParsePath (const std::list<OptionEntry>& options) const
std::wstring VMLShapeMapping::GetConnectAngles(const OptionEntryPtr& opAngles) const
const unsigned char* pVP = NULL;
unsigned int nVP = 0;
const unsigned char* pSI = NULL;
unsigned int nSI = 0;
if (!opAngles) return L"";
if (!opAngles->opComplex) return L"";
std::list<OptionEntry>::const_iterator end = options.end();
for (std::list<OptionEntry>::const_iterator iter = options.begin(); iter != end; ++iter)
MemoryStream reader(opAngles->opComplex.get(), opAngles->op);
unsigned short nElems = reader.ReadUInt16();
unsigned short nElemsAlloc = reader.ReadUInt16();
unsigned short nElemSize = reader.ReadUInt16();
bool bTruncated = false;
if (0xFFF0 == nElemSize)
nElemSize = 4;
bTruncated = true;
long dwSize = nElems * nElemSize;
if (opAngles->op - 6 != (dwSize))
bool b = false;
if (nElemSize < 1) return L"";
int count = dwSize / nElemSize;
std::wstring angles;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
if (iter->pid == pVertices)
DWORD v = reader.ReadUInt32();
double val = (double)((WORD)(v >> 16) + ((WORD)(v) / 65536.0));
angles += std::to_wstring((int)val) + (i < (count - 1) ? L"," : L"");
return angles;
int VMLShapeMapping::UpdateFromGuides(const int val) const
int new_val = val;
LONG lMinF = (LONG)0x80000000;
if (lMinF <= val)
int index = (DWORD)val - 0x80000000;
if (index >= 0 && index < m_arrGuides.size())
pVP = iter->opComplex;
nVP = iter->op;
new_val = m_arrGuides[index].param3;
if (iter->pid == pSegmentInfo)
return new_val;
void VMLShapeMapping::GetGuides( const OptionEntryPtr& opGuides )
if (!opGuides) return;
if (!opGuides->opComplex) return;
MemoryStream reader(opGuides->opComplex.get(), opGuides->op);
unsigned short nElems = reader.ReadUInt16();
unsigned short nElemsAlloc = reader.ReadUInt16();
unsigned short nElemSize = reader.ReadUInt16();
bool bTruncated = false;
if (0xFFF0 == nElemSize)
nElemSize = 4;
bTruncated = true;
long dwSize = nElems * nElemSize;
if (opGuides->op - 6 != (dwSize))
bool b = false;
int count = dwSize / nElemSize; //1x (int or short)
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
_guides g;
WORD flags = reader.ReadUInt16();
g.type = flags & 0x1FFF;
g.param_type1 = (unsigned char)(flags & 0x04);
g.param_type2 = (unsigned char)(flags & 0x02);
g.param_type3 = (unsigned char)(flags & 0x01);
g.param1 = reader.ReadUInt16();
g.param2 = reader.ReadUInt16();
g.param3 = reader.ReadUInt16();
std::wstring VMLShapeMapping::GetConnectLocs( const OptionEntryPtr& opLocs ) const
if (!opLocs) return L"";
if (!opLocs->opComplex) return L"";
MemoryStream reader(opLocs->opComplex.get(), opLocs->op);
unsigned short nElems = reader.ReadUInt16();
unsigned short nElemsAlloc = reader.ReadUInt16();
unsigned short nElemSize = reader.ReadUInt16();
bool bTruncated = false;
if (0xFFF0 == nElemSize)
nElemSize = 4;
bTruncated = true;
long dwSize = nElems * nElemSize;
if (opLocs->op - 6 != (dwSize))
bool b = false;
int count = dwSize / nElemSize; //2x (int or short)
std::wstring locs;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
if (bTruncated)
pt.x = reader.ReadInt16();
pt.y = reader.ReadInt16();
pSI = iter->opComplex;
nSI = iter->op;
pt.x = reader.ReadInt32();
pt.y = reader.ReadInt32();
pt.x = UpdateFromGuides(pt.x);
pt.y = UpdateFromGuides(pt.y);
locs += std::to_wstring(pt.x) + L"," + std::to_wstring(pt.y) + (i < (count - 1) ? L";" : L"");
PathParser oParser (pSI, nSI, pVP, nVP);
return oParser.GetVmlPath();
return locs;
std::vector<std::wstring> VMLShapeMapping::GetTextRectangles(const OptionEntry& inscribe) const
std::vector<std::wstring> VMLShapeMapping::GetTextRectangles( const OptionEntryPtr& opInscribe ) const
MemoryStream reader(inscribe.opComplex, inscribe.op + 6);
unsigned short elems = reader.ReadUInt16();
unsigned short allocElems = reader.ReadUInt16();
unsigned short cb = reader.ReadUInt16();
std::vector<std::wstring> rectangles;
if (!opInscribe) return rectangles;
if (!opInscribe->opComplex) return rectangles;
MemoryStream reader(opInscribe->opComplex.get(), opInscribe->op);
unsigned short nElems = reader.ReadUInt16();
unsigned short nElemsAlloc = reader.ReadUInt16();
unsigned short nElemSize = reader.ReadUInt16();
bool bTruncated = false;
if (16 != cb) return rectangles; // TODO: доделать
if (0xFFF0 == nElemSize)
nElemSize = 4;
bTruncated = true;
int count = (inscribe.op) / 16;
long dwSize = nElems * nElemSize;
if (opInscribe->op - 6 != (dwSize))
bool b = false;
int count = dwSize / nElemSize; //4x (int or short)
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
RECT rc; = reader.ReadInt32();
rc.left = reader.ReadInt32();
rc.right = reader.ReadInt32();
rc.bottom = reader.ReadInt32();
if (bTruncated)
{ = reader.ReadInt16();
rc.left = reader.ReadInt16();
rc.right = reader.ReadInt16();
rc.bottom = reader.ReadInt16();
{ = reader.ReadInt32();
rc.left = reader.ReadInt32();
rc.right = reader.ReadInt32();
rc.bottom = reader.ReadInt32();
} = UpdateFromGuides(;
rc.left = UpdateFromGuides(rc.left);
rc.right = UpdateFromGuides(rc.right);
rc.bottom = UpdateFromGuides(rc.bottom);
std::wstringstream sstream;
sstream << boost::wformat(L"%d,%d,%d,%d") % % rc.left % rc.right % rc.bottom;
rectangles.push_back( std::to_wstring( + L"," + std::to_wstring(rc.left) + L"," +
std::to_wstring(rc.right) + L"," + std::to_wstring(rc.bottom));
return rectangles;
......@@ -77,17 +77,10 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
void WritePrimitiveProps(DrawingPrimitive * primitive, bool root);
// Converts a group of shapes
void WriteGroup(const GroupContainer* pContainer);
// Converts a single shape
void WriteShape (const ShapeContainer* pContainer);
/// Generates a string id for the given shape
std::wstring GenShapeId(const Shape* pShape) const;
/// Build the VML wrapcoords string for a given pWrapPolygonVertices
std::wstring getWrapCoords( const OptionEntry& pWrapPolygonVertices ) const;
/// Copies the picture from the binary stream to the zip archive
/// and creates the relationships for the image.
bool copyPicture( const BlipStoreEntry* bse );
std::wstring GetTargetExt( Global::BlipType _type ) const;
......@@ -98,21 +91,22 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
std::wstring getTextboxAnchor( unsigned int anchor ) const;
void AppendOptionsToStyle( std::wstring* style, const std::list<OptionEntry>& options, int zIndex ) const;
std::wstring buildStyle ( const Shape* shape, const ChildAnchor* anchor, const std::vector<OptionEntryPtr>& options, int zIndex ) const;
void AppendOptionsToStyle ( std::wstring* style, const std::vector<OptionEntryPtr>& options, int zIndex ) const;
std::wstring buildStyle ( const Shape* shape, const ChildAnchor* anchor, const std::list<OptionEntry>& options, int zIndex ) const;
int UpdateFromGuides(const int val) const;
std::wstring getLineStyle ( unsigned int p ) const;
std::wstring getArrowStyle ( unsigned int op ) const;
std::wstring getArrowLength ( unsigned int op ) const;
std::wstring getArrowWidth ( unsigned int op ) const;
std::wstring getFillMethod ( unsigned int p ) const;
std::wstring getFillColorString( const unsigned char* p, unsigned int size ) const;
/// Returns the OpenXML fill type of a fill effect
std::wstring getFillType ( unsigned int p ) const;
std::wstring getShadowType ( unsigned int p ) const;
/// Returns the OpenXML wrap type of the shape
std::wstring getWrapType (const Spa* pSpa) const;
std::wstring ParsePath (const std::list<OptionEntry>& options) const;
void WriteBeginShapeNode (const Shape* pShape);
void WriteEndShapeNode (const Shape* pShape);
......@@ -121,9 +115,15 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
std::wstring GetLineFrom (const ChildAnchor* pAnchor) const;
std::wstring GetLineTo (const ChildAnchor* pAnchor) const;
std::vector<std::wstring> GetTextRectangles(const OptionEntry& inscribe) const;
std::wstring GetWrapCoords ( const OptionEntryPtr& pOpt ) const;
std::vector<std::wstring> GetTextRectangles ( const OptionEntryPtr& pOpt ) const;
std::wstring GetConnectAngles ( const OptionEntryPtr& pOpt ) const;
std::wstring GetConnectLocs ( const OptionEntryPtr& pOpt ) const;
void GetGuides ( const OptionEntryPtr& pOpt );
int m_nAdjValues[8];
std::vector<_guides> m_arrGuides;
bool m_isInlineShape;
Spa* m_pSpa;
IMapping* m_pCaller;
......@@ -45,6 +45,12 @@
#pragma comment(lib,"Shell32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"Advapi32.lib")
#if defined(_WIN64)
#pragma comment(lib, "../../build/bin/icu/win_64/icuuc.lib")
#elif defined (_WIN32)
#pragma comment(lib, "../../build/bin/icu/win_32/icuuc.lib")
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?>
ProjectType="Visual C++"
......@@ -367,14 +367,6 @@
......@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ namespace NSCustomShapesConvert
if (lMaxF > m_arVertices[nIndex].x ) nGuideIndex_x = (DWORD)m_arVertices[nIndex].x - (DWORD)lMinF;
if (lMaxF > m_arVertices[nIndex].y ) nGuideIndex_y = (DWORD)m_arVertices[nIndex].y - (DWORD)lMinF;
if (nGuideIndex_x >= 0 )
if (nGuideIndex_x >= 0 && nGuideIndex_x < m_arGuides.size())
strPath += std::to_wstring(m_arGuides[nGuideIndex_x].m_param_value1) + L",";
......@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ namespace NSCustomShapesConvert
strPath += std::to_wstring(m_arVertices[nIndex].x) + L",";
if (nGuideIndex_y >= 0)
if (nGuideIndex_y >= 0 && nGuideIndex_y < m_arGuides.size())
strPath += std::to_wstring(m_arGuides[nGuideIndex_y].m_param_value1) + L",";
......@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ namespace NSCustomShapesConvert
if (lMaxF > m_arVertices[nV].x ) nGuideIndex_x = (DWORD)m_arVertices[nV].x - (DWORD)lMinF;
if (lMaxF > m_arVertices[nV].y ) nGuideIndex_y = (DWORD)m_arVertices[nV].y - (DWORD)lMinF;
if (nGuideIndex_x >= 0 )
if (nGuideIndex_x >= 0 && nGuideIndex_x < m_arGuides.size() )
strPath += std::to_wstring(m_arGuides[nGuideIndex_x].m_param_value1) + L",";
......@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ namespace NSCustomShapesConvert
strPath += std::to_wstring(m_arVertices[nV].x) + L",";
if (nGuideIndex_y >= 0)
if (nGuideIndex_y >= 0 && nGuideIndex_y < m_arGuides.size())
strPath += std::to_wstring(m_arGuides[nGuideIndex_y].m_param_value1) + L",";
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