Commit 2c6618dd authored by Elen.Subbotina's avatar Elen.Subbotina Committed by Alexander Trofimov


git-svn-id: svn://fileserver/activex/AVS/Sources/TeamlabOffice/trunk/ServerComponents@58033 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 972939ab
......@@ -908,9 +908,8 @@ namespace SimpleTypes
m_unR = 0;
m_unB = 0;
m_unG = 0;
m_sValue.Format( _T("#%02X%02X%02X"), m_unR, m_unG, m_unB );
virtual EColorType FromString(CString& sValue)
......@@ -978,129 +977,137 @@ namespace SimpleTypes
m_unG = hexColor.Get_G();
m_unB = hexColor.Get_B();
void ByColorName(CString& sValue)
void SetRGB()
if (_T("aqua") == sValue)
this->m_eValue = colortypeAqua;
m_unR = 0x00;
m_unG = 0xff;
m_unB = 0xff;
else if (_T("black") == sValue)
this->m_eValue = colortypeBlack;
m_unR = 0x00;
m_unG = 0x00;
m_unB = 0x00;
else if (_T("blue") == sValue)
this->m_eValue = colortypeBlue;
m_unR = 0x00;
m_unG = 0x00;
m_unB = 0xff;
else if (_T("fuchsia") == sValue)
this->m_eValue = colortypeFuchsia;
m_unR = 0xff;
m_unG = 0x00;
m_unB = 0xff;
else if (_T("gray") == sValue)
this->m_eValue = colortypeGray;
m_unR = 0x80;
m_unG = 0x80;
m_unB = 0x80;
else if (_T("green") == sValue)
this->m_eValue = colortypeGreen;
m_unR = 0x00;
m_unG = 0x80;
m_unB = 0x00;
else if (_T("lime") == sValue)
this->m_eValue = colortypeLime;
m_unR = 0x00;
m_unG = 0xff;
m_unB = 0x00;
else if (_T("maroon") == sValue)
this->m_eValue = colortypeMaroon;
m_unR = 0x80;
m_unG = 0x00;
m_unB = 0x00;
else if (_T("navy") == sValue)
this->m_eValue = colortypeNavy;
m_unR = 0x00;
m_unG = 0x00;
m_unB = 0x80;
else if (_T("olive") == sValue)
this->m_eValue = colortypeOlive;
m_unR = 0x80;
m_unG = 0x80;
m_unB = 0x00;
else if (_T("purple") == sValue)
this->m_eValue = colortypePurple;
m_unR = 0x80;
m_unG = 0x00;
m_unB = 0x80;
else if (_T("red") == sValue)
this->m_eValue = colortypeRed;
m_unR = 0xff;
m_unG = 0x00;
m_unB = 0x00;
else if (_T("silver") == sValue)
this->m_eValue = colortypeSilver;
m_unR = 0xc0;
m_unG = 0xc0;
m_unB = 0xc0;
else if (_T("teal") == sValue)
this->m_eValue = colortypeTeal;
m_unR = 0x00;
m_unG = 0x80;
m_unB = 0x80;
else if (_T("white") == sValue)
this->m_eValue = colortypeWhite;
m_unR = 0xff;
m_unG = 0xff;
m_unB = 0xff;
else if (_T("yellow") == sValue)
this->m_eValue = colortypeYellow;
m_unR = 0xff;
m_unG = 0xff;
m_unB = 0;
this->m_eValue = colortypeNone;
m_unR = 0;
m_unG = 0;
m_unB = 0;
case colortypeAqua:
m_unR = 0x00;
m_unG = 0xff;
m_unB = 0xff;
case colortypeBlack:
m_unR = 0x00;
m_unG = 0x00;
m_unB = 0x00;
case colortypeBlue:
m_unR = 0x00;
m_unG = 0x00;
m_unB = 0xff;
case colortypeFuchsia:
m_unR = 0xff;
m_unG = 0x00;
m_unB = 0xff;
case colortypeGray:
m_unR = 0x80;
m_unG = 0x80;
m_unB = 0x80;
case colortypeGreen:
m_unR = 0x00;
m_unG = 0x80;
m_unB = 0x00;
case colortypeLime:
m_unR = 0x00;
m_unG = 0xff;
m_unB = 0x00;
case colortypeMaroon:
m_unR = 0x80;
m_unG = 0x00;
m_unB = 0x00;
case colortypeNavy:
m_unR = 0x00;
m_unG = 0x00;
m_unB = 0x80;
case colortypeOlive:
m_unR = 0x80;
m_unG = 0x80;
m_unB = 0x00;
case colortypePurple:
m_unR = 0x80;
m_unG = 0x00;
m_unB = 0x80;
case colortypeRed:
m_unR = 0xff;
m_unG = 0x00;
m_unB = 0x00;
case colortypeSilver:
m_unR = 0xc0;
m_unG = 0xc0;
m_unB = 0xc0;
case colortypeTeal:
m_unR = 0x00;
m_unG = 0x80;
m_unB = 0x80;
case colortypeWhite:
m_unR = 0xff;
m_unG = 0xff;
m_unB = 0xff;
case colortypeYellow:
m_unR = 0xff;
m_unG = 0xff;
m_unB = 0;
case colortypeNone:
m_unR = 0;
m_unG = 0;
m_unB = 0;
void ByColorName(CString& sValue)
if (_T("aqua") == sValue)this->m_eValue = colortypeAqua;
else if (_T("black") == sValue)this->m_eValue = colortypeBlack;
else if (_T("blue") == sValue)this->m_eValue = colortypeBlue;
else if (_T("fuchsia") == sValue)this->m_eValue = colortypeFuchsia;
else if (_T("gray") == sValue)this->m_eValue = colortypeGray;
else if (_T("green") == sValue)this->m_eValue = colortypeGreen;
else if (_T("lime") == sValue)this->m_eValue = colortypeLime;
else if (_T("maroon") == sValue)this->m_eValue = colortypeMaroon;
else if (_T("navy") == sValue)this->m_eValue = colortypeNavy;
else if (_T("olive") == sValue)this->m_eValue = colortypeOlive;
else if (_T("purple") == sValue)this->m_eValue = colortypePurple;
else if (_T("red") == sValue)this->m_eValue = colortypeRed;
else if (_T("silver") == sValue)this->m_eValue = colortypeSilver;
else if (_T("teal") == sValue)this->m_eValue = colortypeTeal;
else if (_T("white") == sValue)this->m_eValue = colortypeWhite;
else if (_T("yellow") == sValue)this->m_eValue = colortypeYellow;
else this->m_eValue = colortypeNone;
......@@ -279,9 +279,7 @@ namespace OOX
m_oHrPct.SetValue( 0 );
m_oOpacity.SetValue( 1.0 );
m_oSpt.SetValue( 0 );
m_oStrokeWeight.FromPoints( 1 );
if ( oReader.GetAttributesCount() <= 0 )
......@@ -506,19 +504,16 @@ namespace OOX
if ( SimpleTypes::booleanTrue != m_oFilled.GetValue() )
sResult += _T("filled=\"false\" ");
if ( SimpleTypes::colortypeWhite != m_oFillColor.GetValue() )
sResult += _T("fillcolor=\"") + m_oFillColor.ToString() + _T("\" ");
if ( 1 != m_oOpacity.GetValue() )
sResult += _T("opacity=\"") + m_oOpacity.ToString() + _T("\" ");
ComplexTypes_WriteAttribute ( _T("fillcolor=\""), m_oFillColor );
ComplexTypes_WriteAttribute ( _T("opacity=\""), m_oOpacity );
ComplexTypes_WriteAttribute ( _T("stroked=\""), m_oStroked );
if ( SimpleTypes::colortypeBlack != m_oStrokeColor.GetValue() )
sResult += _T("strokecolor=\"") + m_oStrokeColor.ToString() + _T("\" ");
if ( 1 != m_oStrokeWeight.GetValue() )
sResult += _T("strokeweight=\"") + m_oStrokeWeight.ToString() + _T("\" ");
if ( m_oStrokeWeight.IsInit() )
sResult += _T("strokeweight=\"") + m_oStrokeWeight->ToString() + _T("\" ");
ComplexTypes_WriteAttribute ( _T("insetpen=\""), m_oInsetPen );
......@@ -841,10 +836,9 @@ namespace OOX
if ( SimpleTypes::booleanTrue != m_oFilled.GetValue() )
sResult += _T("filled=\"false\" ");
if ( SimpleTypes::colortypeWhite != m_oFillColor.GetValue() )
sResult += _T("fillcolor=\"") + m_oFillColor.ToString() + _T("\" ");
ComplexTypes_WriteAttribute ( _T("fillcolor=\""), m_oFillColor );
ComplexTypes_WriteAttribute ( _T("editas=\""), m_oEditAs );
ComplexTypes_WriteAttribute ( _T("editas=\""), m_oEditAs );
if ( 0 != m_oTableProperties.GetValue() )
sResult += _T("o:tableproperties=\"") + m_oTableProperties.ToString() + _T("\" ");
......@@ -82,11 +82,11 @@ namespace OOX
// 2.1 AG_ShapeAttributes
nullable<SimpleTypes::CColorType<>> m_oChromaKey;
SimpleTypes::CTrueFalse<SimpleTypes::booleanTrue> m_oFilled;
SimpleTypes::CColorType<SimpleTypes::colortypeWhite> m_oFillColor;
SimpleTypes::Vml::CVml_1_65536 m_oOpacity;
nullable<SimpleTypes::CColorType<>> m_oFillColor;
nullable<SimpleTypes::Vml::CVml_1_65536> m_oOpacity;
nullable<SimpleTypes::CTrueFalse<>> m_oStroked;
SimpleTypes::CColorType<SimpleTypes::colortypeBlack> m_oStrokeColor;
SimpleTypes::CEmu m_oStrokeWeight;
nullable<SimpleTypes::CEmu> m_oStrokeWeight;
nullable<SimpleTypes::CTrueFalse<>> m_oInsetPen;
// 2.2 AG_OfficeShapeAttributes
SimpleTypes::CDecimalNumber<> m_oSpt;
......@@ -405,8 +405,8 @@ namespace OOX
if ( SimpleTypes::colortypeWhite != m_oColor.GetValue() )
sResult += _T("color=\"") + m_oColor.ToString() + _T("\" ");
if ( 1 != m_oOpacity.GetValue() )
sResult += _T("opacity=\"") + m_oOpacity.ToString() + _T("\" ");
if ( m_oOpacity.IsInit() )
sResult += _T("opacity=\"") + m_oOpacity->ToString() + _T("\" ");
if ( SimpleTypes::colortypeWhite != m_oColor2.GetValue() )
sResult += _T("color2=\"") + m_oColor2.ToString() + _T("\" ");
......@@ -443,8 +443,8 @@ namespace OOX
ComplexTypes_WriteAttribute ( _T("o:detectmouseclick=\""), m_oDetectMouseClick );
ComplexTypes_WriteAttribute2( _T("o:title=\""), m_sTitle );
if ( 1 != m_oOpacity2.GetValue() )
sResult += _T("o:opacity2=\"") + m_oOpacity2.ToString() + _T("\" ");
if ( m_oOpacity2.IsInit() )
sResult += _T("o:opacity2=\"") + m_oOpacity2->ToString() + _T("\" ");
if ( SimpleTypes::booleanFalse != m_oRecolor.GetValue() )
sResult += _T("recolor=\"true\" ");
......@@ -474,8 +474,6 @@ namespace OOX
void ReadAttributes(XmlUtils::CXmlLiteReader& oReader)
m_oOpacity.SetValue( 1.0 );
m_oOpacity2.SetValue( 1.0 );
m_oFocus.SetValue( 0 );
m_oFocusPosition.SetValue( 0.0, 0.0 );
m_oFocusSize.SetValue( 0.0, 0.0 );
......@@ -587,8 +585,8 @@ namespace OOX
nullable<CString> m_sId;
SimpleTypes::CFillMethod<SimpleTypes::fillmethodSigma> m_oMethod;
SimpleTypes::CTrueFalse<SimpleTypes::booleanTrue> m_oOn;
SimpleTypes::Vml::CVml_1_65536 m_oOpacity;
SimpleTypes::Vml::CVml_1_65536 m_oOpacity2;
nullable<SimpleTypes::Vml::CVml_1_65536> m_oOpacity;
nullable<SimpleTypes::Vml::CVml_1_65536> m_oOpacity2;
nullable<SimpleTypes::Vml::CVml_Vector2D_1_65536> m_oOrigin;
nullable<SimpleTypes::Vml::CVml_Vector2D_1_65536> m_oPosition;
SimpleTypes::CTrueFalse<SimpleTypes::booleanFalse> m_oRecolor;
......@@ -647,13 +645,11 @@ namespace OOX
if ( SimpleTypes::booleanTrue != m_oFilled.GetValue() )
sResult += _T("filled=\"false\" ");
if ( SimpleTypes::colortypeWhite != m_oFillColor.GetValue() )
sResult += _T("fillcolor=\"") + m_oFillColor.ToString() + _T("\" ");
ComplexTypes_WriteAttribute ( _T("o:bwmode=\""), m_oBwMode );
ComplexTypes_WriteAttribute ( _T("o:bwpure=\""), m_oBwPure );
ComplexTypes_WriteAttribute ( _T("o:bwnormal=\""), m_oBwNormal );
ComplexTypes_WriteAttribute ( _T("o:targetscreensize=\""), m_oTargetScreenSize );
ComplexTypes_WriteAttribute ( _T("fillcolor=\""), m_oFillColor );
ComplexTypes_WriteAttribute ( _T("o:bwmode=\""), m_oBwMode );
ComplexTypes_WriteAttribute ( _T("o:bwpure=\""), m_oBwPure );
ComplexTypes_WriteAttribute ( _T("o:bwnormal=\""), m_oBwNormal );
ComplexTypes_WriteAttribute ( _T("o:targetscreensize=\""), m_oTargetScreenSize );
sResult += _T(">");
......@@ -720,7 +716,7 @@ namespace OOX
nullable<SimpleTypes::CBWMode<>> m_oBwMode;
nullable<SimpleTypes::CBWMode<>> m_oBwNormal;
nullable<SimpleTypes::CBWMode<>> m_oBwPure;
SimpleTypes::CColorType<SimpleTypes::colortypeWhite> m_oFillColor;
nullable<SimpleTypes::CColorType<>> m_oFillColor;
SimpleTypes::CTrueFalse<SimpleTypes::booleanTrue> m_oFilled;
nullable<CString> m_sId;
nullable<SimpleTypes::CScreenSize<>> m_oTargetScreenSize;
......@@ -1885,8 +1881,8 @@ namespace OOX
if ( 128 != m_oColor.Get_R() || 128 != m_oColor.Get_G() || 128 != m_oColor.Get_B() )
sResult += _T("color=\"") + m_oColor.ToString() + _T("\" ");
if ( 1 != m_oOpacity.GetValue() )
sResult += _T("opacity=\"") + m_oOpacity.ToString() + _T("\" ");
if (m_oOpacity.IsInit())
sResult += _T("opacity=\"") + m_oOpacity->ToString() + _T("\" ");
sResult += _T("offset=\"") + m_oOffset.ToString() + _T("\" ");
......@@ -1918,7 +1914,6 @@ namespace OOX
m_oColor2.SetRGB( 203, 203, 203 );
m_oOffset.SetValue_Points( 2, 2 );
m_oOffset2.SetValue_Points( -2, -2 );
m_oOpacity.SetValue( 1.0 );
m_oOrigin.SetValue( 0, 0 );
......@@ -1980,7 +1975,7 @@ namespace OOX
SimpleTypes::Vml::CVml_Vector2D_Units_Or_Percentage m_oOffset;
SimpleTypes::Vml::CVml_Vector2D_Units_Or_Percentage m_oOffset2;
SimpleTypes::CTrueFalse<SimpleTypes::booleanTrue> m_oOn;
SimpleTypes::Vml::CVml_1_65536 m_oOpacity;
nullable<SimpleTypes::Vml::CVml_1_65536> m_oOpacity;
SimpleTypes::Vml::CVml_Vector2D_Percentage m_oOrigin;
SimpleTypes::CShadowType<SimpleTypes::shadowtypeSingle> m_oType;
......@@ -2236,8 +2231,8 @@ namespace OOX
// sResult += _T("color=\"") + m_oColor.ToString() + _T("\" ");
ComplexTypes_WriteAttribute ( _T("color=\""), m_oColor );
if ( 1 != m_oOpacity.GetValue() )
sResult += _T("opacity=\"") + m_oOpacity.ToString() + _T("\" ");
if (m_oOpacity.IsInit() )
sResult += _T("opacity=\"") + m_oOpacity->ToString() + _T("\" ");
//if ( SimpleTypes::strokelinestyleSingle != m_oLineStyle.GetValue() )
// sResult += _T("linestyle=\"") + m_oLineStyle.ToString() + _T("\" ");
......@@ -2330,8 +2325,6 @@ namespace OOX
void ReadAttributes(XmlUtils::CXmlLiteReader& oReader)
m_oOpacity.SetValue( 1.0 );
m_oWeight.SetValue( 1.0 );
if ( oReader.GetAttributesCount() <= 0 )
......@@ -2435,7 +2428,7 @@ namespace OOX
nullable<SimpleTypes::CStrokeLineStyle<SimpleTypes::strokelinestyleSingle>> m_oLineStyle;
SimpleTypes::CDecimalNumber<8> m_oMiterLimit;
SimpleTypes::CTrueFalse<SimpleTypes::booleanTrue> m_oOn;
SimpleTypes::CDouble m_oOpacity;
nullable<SimpleTypes::CDouble> m_oOpacity;
nullable<SimpleTypes::CRelationshipId> m_oRelId;
nullable<CString> m_sSrc;
SimpleTypes::CStrokeArrowType<SimpleTypes::strokearrowtypeNone> m_oStartArrow;
......@@ -2888,7 +2881,7 @@ namespace OOX
SimpleTypes::CInsetMode<SimpleTypes::insetmodeCustom> m_oInsetMode;
SimpleTypes::CTrueFalse<SimpleTypes::booleanTrue> m_oFilled;
SimpleTypes::CColorType<SimpleTypes::colortypeWhite> m_oFillColor;
nullable<SimpleTypes::CColorType<>> m_oFillColor;
nullable<SimpleTypes::CEditAs<>> m_oEditAs;
nullable<SimpleTypes::Vml::CVml_TableLimits> m_oTableLimits;
SimpleTypes::Vml::CVml_TableProperties<0> m_oTableProperties;
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