Commit 3ff5233e authored by ElenaSubbotina's avatar ElenaSubbotina

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/hotfix/v4.4.2' into develop

parents a88ad0c2 4c7ab6e6
......@@ -87,9 +87,10 @@ public:
std::wstring convert_conditional_formula(std::wstring const & expr);
// Лист1!$A$1 -> $Лист1.$A$1
std::wstring convert_named_ref(std::wstring const & expr);
std::wstring convert_named_ref (std::wstring const & expr);
std::wstring convert_named_formula(std::wstring const & expr);
std::wstring find_base_cell(std::wstring const & expr);
std::wstring get_base_cell_formula(std::wstring const & expr);
//Sheet2!C3:C19 -> Sheet2.C3:Sheet2.C19
std::wstring convert_chart_distance(std::wstring const & expr);
......@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ namespace formulasconvert {
static std::wstring replace_named_ref_formater1(boost::wsmatch const & what);
static std::wstring replace_cell_range_formater(boost::wsmatch const & what);
void replace_named_formula(std::wstring & expr, bool w = true);
void replace_named_ref(std::wstring & expr, bool w = true);
bool find_first_ref(std::wstring const & expr, std::wstring & table, std::wstring & ref);
bool find_first_last_ref(std::wstring const & expr, std::wstring & table, std::wstring & ref_first,std::wstring & ref_last);
......@@ -263,15 +264,12 @@ namespace formulasconvert {
return what[2].str();
else if (what[3].matched)
return what[3].str();
//else if (what[4].matched)
// return what[4].str();
return L"";
// заменить точки с запятой во всех вхождениях кроме находящихся в кавычках --*и в фигурных скобках*--
// TODO: проверить как сохраняются кавычки в строке
void odf2oox_converter::Impl::replace_semicolons(std::wstring& expr)
const std::wstring res = boost::regex_replace(
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ namespace formulasconvert {
class oox2odf_converter::Impl
std::wstring convert(const std::wstring& expr);
std::wstring convert_formula(const std::wstring& expr);
std::wstring convert_conditional_formula(const std::wstring& expr);
......@@ -59,93 +60,17 @@ public:
static std::wstring replace_arguments(boost::wsmatch const & what);
static std::wstring convert_scobci(boost::wsmatch const & what);
std::wstring replace_arguments1(std::wstring & workstr);
void replace_named_ref(std::wstring & expr);
void replace_named_formula(std::wstring & expr);
std::wstring find_base_cell(const std::wstring & expr);
static bool isFindBaseCell_;
// bool find_first_ref(std::wstring const & expr, std::wstring & table, std::wstring & ref);
//bool find_first_last_ref(std::wstring const & expr, std::wstring & table, std::wstring & ref_first,std::wstring & ref_last);
static std::wstring base_cell_formula_;
////Table!.$A$1:$A2 -> ref $A$1 -> ref $A$2
//bool oox2odf_converter::Impl::find_first_last_ref(std::wstring const & expr, std::wstring & table,std::wstring & ref_first,std::wstring & ref_last)
// std::vector< std::wstring > splitted;
// boost::algorithm::split(splitted, expr, boost::algorithm::is_any_of(L".:"), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on);
// if (splitted.size()>2)
// {
// table = splitted[0];
// ref_first = splitted[1];
// ref_last = splitted[2];
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// // =[.A1]+[.B1] -> table = ""; ref = "A1"
// // of:=['Sheet2 A'.B2] -> table= "Sheet2 A"; ref = "B2"
//bool oox2odf_converter::Impl::find_first_ref(std::wstring const & expr, std::wstring & table, std::wstring & ref)
// boost::wregex re(L"\\[(?:\\$)?([^\\.]+?){0,1}\\.([a-zA-Z\\$]+\\d+)(?::\\.([a-zA-Z]+\\d+)){0,1}\\]");
// boost::wsmatch result;
// bool b = boost::regex_search(expr, result, re);
// size_t sz = result.size();
// if (sz == 4 && !result[1].matched)
// {
// table = L"";
// ref = result[2].str();
// return true;
// }
// else if (sz == 4 && result[1].matched)
// {
// table = result[1].str();
// XmlUtils::replace_all( table, L"$", L"");
// XmlUtils::replace_all( table, L"'", L"");
// ref = result[2].str();
// return true;
// }
// return false;
//std::wstring replace_cell_range_formater(boost::wsmatch const & what)
// const size_t sz = what.size();
// if (sz == 4 && !what[1].matched)
// {
// const std::wstring c1 = what[2].str();
// const std::wstring c2 = what[3].str();
// const std::wstring s = c1 + (c2.empty() ? L"" : (L":" + c2) );
// return s;
// }
// else if (sz == 4 && what[1].matched)
// {
// std::wstring sheet1 = what[1].str();
// XmlUtils::replace_all( sheet1, L"$", L"");
// const std::wstring c1 = what[2].str();
// const std::wstring c2 = what[3].str();
// const std::wstring s = sheet1 + L"!" + c1 + (c2.empty() ? L"" : (L":" + c2) );
// return s;
// }
// return L"";
// заменяем формат адресации ячеек НАОБОРОТ
// [.A1] -> A1
// [.A1:.B5] -> A1:B5
// [Sheet2.A1:B5] -> Sheet2!A1:B5
// [Sheet2.A1] -> Sheet2!A1
// [$'Sheet2 A'.$B2] -> 'Sheet2 A'!$B2
bool oox2odf_converter::Impl::isFindBaseCell_ = false;
std::wstring oox2odf_converter::Impl::base_cell_formula_ = L"";
void oox2odf_converter::Impl::replace_cells_range(std::wstring& expr)
boost::wregex re(L"([:$!])+");
......@@ -155,8 +80,10 @@ void oox2odf_converter::Impl::replace_cells_range(std::wstring& expr)
if (b)
boost::wregex re1(L"(\\$?\\w+\\!)?([a-zA-Z$]+\\d{1,})\\:?([a-zA-Z$]+\\d{1,})?");
// $ Sheet2 ! $ A1 : $ B5
boost::wregex re1(L"(\\$?\\w+\\!)?([a-zA-Z$]*\\d*)\\:?([a-zA-Z$]*\\d*)?");
// $ Sheet2 ! $ A1 : $ B5
// $ Sheet2 ! $ A : $ A
// $ Sheet2 ! $ 1 : $ 1
std::wstring workstr = expr;
std::wstring res = boost::regex_replace(
......@@ -178,19 +105,28 @@ std::wstring oox2odf_converter::Impl::replace_cells_range_formater1(boost::wsmat
const size_t sz = what.size();
if (sz>3)
if (sz > 3)
std::wstring sheet1 = what[1].matched ? what[1].str() : L"";
XmlUtils::replace_all( sheet1, L"!", L"");
std::wstring s;
std::wstring sheet = what[1].matched ? what[1].str() : L"";
std::wstring c1 = what[2].str();
std::wstring c2 = what[3].str();
int res=0;
if (sheet1.length() > 0 && (res = c1.find(L"$")) >=0) sheet1 = L"$" + sheet1;
if (!c1.empty() || !c2.empty() || !sheet.empty())
XmlUtils::replace_all( sheet, L"!", L"");
if (isFindBaseCell_ && base_cell_formula_.empty() && !sheet.empty())
base_cell_formula_ = sheet + L".$A$1";
if (!sheet.empty() && (std::wstring::npos != c1.find(L"$"))) sheet = L"$" + sheet;
const std::wstring s = std::wstring(L"[") + sheet1 + L"." +
c1 +
(c2.empty() ? L"" : (L":" + sheet1 + L"." + c2) ) + std::wstring(L"]");
s = std::wstring(L"[") + sheet + L"." +
c1 +
(c2.empty() ? L"" : (L":" + sheet + L"." + c2) ) + std::wstring(L"]");
return s;
......@@ -209,7 +145,7 @@ std::wstring oox2odf_converter::Impl::replace_cells_range_formater2(boost::wsmat
const size_t sz = what.size();
if (sz>2)
if (sz > 2)
const std::wstring c1 = what[1].str();
const std::wstring c2 = what[2].str();
......@@ -222,39 +158,22 @@ std::wstring oox2odf_converter::Impl::replace_cells_range_formater2(boost::wsmat
return L"";
//namespace {
//std::wstring replace_named_ref_formater(boost::wsmatch const & what)
// const size_t sz = what.size();
// if (sz == 4 && !what[1].matched)
// {
// const std::wstring c1 = what[2].str();
// const std::wstring c2 = what[3].str();
// const std::wstring s = c1 + (c2.empty() ? L"" : (L":" + c2) );
// return s;
// }
// else if (sz == 4 && what[1].matched)
// {
// std::wstring sheet1 = what[1].str();
// XmlUtils::replace_all( sheet1, L"$", L"");
// const std::wstring c1 = what[2].str();
// const std::wstring c2 = what[3].str();
// const std::wstring s = sheet1 + L"!" + c1 + (c2.empty() ? L"" : (L":" + c2) );
// return s;
// }
// return L"";
void oox2odf_converter::Impl::replace_named_formula(std::wstring & expr)
isFindBaseCell_ = true;
expr = convert_formula(expr);
isFindBaseCell_ = false;
// Лист1!$A$1 -> $Лист1.$A$1
void oox2odf_converter::Impl::replace_named_ref(std::wstring & expr)
isFindBaseCell_ = true;
std::wstring workstr = expr, out;
......@@ -264,8 +183,10 @@ void oox2odf_converter::Impl::replace_named_ref(std::wstring & expr)
boost::algorithm::split(distance,workstr, boost::algorithm::is_any_of(L";"), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on);
BOOST_FOREACH(std::wstring &d, distance)
for (size_t i = 0; i < distance.size(); i++)
std::wstring &d = distance[i];
XmlUtils::replace_all( d, L"(", L"SCOBCAIN");
XmlUtils::replace_all( d, L")", L"SCOBCAOUT");
XmlUtils::replace_all( d, L" ", L"PROBEL");
......@@ -283,21 +204,9 @@ void oox2odf_converter::Impl::replace_named_ref(std::wstring & expr)
out = out + d + std::wstring(L";");
if (out.length()>0) expr = out.substr(0,out.length()-1);
if (!out.empty()) expr = out.substr(0, out.length() - 1);
std::wstring oox2odf_converter::Impl::find_base_cell(const std::wstring & expr)
std::vector< std::wstring > splitted;
boost::algorithm::split(splitted, expr, boost::algorithm::is_any_of(L"!"), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on);
if (splitted.size()>1)
return splitted[0] + L".$A$1";
else return L"";
isFindBaseCell_ = false;
......@@ -440,32 +349,6 @@ std::wstring replace_(boost::wsmatch const & what)
return L"";
std::wstring oox2odf_converter::Impl::replace_arguments1(std::wstring & workstr1)
std::wstring out;
std::wstring workstr = workstr1;
std::vector<std::wstring> distance;
boost::algorithm::split(distance,workstr, boost::algorithm::is_any_of(L";"), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on);
BOOST_FOREACH(std::wstring &d, distance)
out = out + d + std::wstring(L";");
if (out.length()>0) out = out.substr(0,out.length()-1);
return out ;
std::wstring oox2odf_converter::Impl::convert_scobci(boost::wsmatch const & what)
if (what[1].matched)
......@@ -506,33 +389,31 @@ std::wstring oox2odf_converter::Impl::replace_arguments(boost::wsmatch const &
int sz = what.size();
std::wstring c1= what[1].str();
std::wstring c2= what[2].str();
std::wstring c3= what[3].str();
if (what[1].matched)
std::wstring workstr = what[1].str();
out = what[1].str();
else if (what[2].matched)
out = what[2].str();
if (!out.empty())
std::vector<std::wstring> distance;
boost::algorithm::split(distance,workstr, boost::algorithm::is_any_of(L";"), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on);
boost::algorithm::split(distance, out, boost::algorithm::is_any_of(L";"), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on);
BOOST_FOREACH(std::wstring &d, distance)
out = L"";
for (size_t i = 0; i < distance.size(); i++)
out = out + d + std::wstring(L";");
out = out + distance[i] + std::wstring(L";");
if (out.length()>0) out = out.substr(0,out.length()-1);
if (!out.empty()) out = out.substr(0, out.length() - 1);
else if (what[2].matched)
out = what[2].str();
else if (what[3].matched)
out = what[3].str();
return out ;
......@@ -560,7 +441,7 @@ std::wstring oox2odf_converter::Impl::convert_formula(const std::wstring & expr)
std::wstring res = boost::regex_replace(
&oox2odf_converter::Impl::replace_arguments, boost::match_default | boost::format_all);
if (res1 == res)
......@@ -572,10 +453,6 @@ std::wstring oox2odf_converter::Impl::convert_formula(const std::wstring & expr)
boost::match_default | boost::format_all);
XmlUtils::replace_all( res, L"SCOBCAIN", L"(");
......@@ -584,12 +461,16 @@ std::wstring oox2odf_converter::Impl::convert_formula(const std::wstring & expr)
XmlUtils::replace_all( res, L"KVADRATIN", L"[");
XmlUtils::replace_all( res, L"KVADRATOUT", L"]");
XmlUtils::replace_all( res, L"PROBEL", L" ");
XmlUtils::replace_all( res, L"APOSTROF", L"'");
XmlUtils::replace_all( res, L"KAVYCHKA", L"\"");
XmlUtils::replace_all( res, L"PROBEL", L" ");
return std::wstring(L"of:=") + res;
......@@ -600,12 +481,12 @@ std::wstring oox2odf_converter::Impl::convert_conditional_formula(const std::wst
std::wstring res1 = boost::regex_replace(
&oox2odf_converter::Impl::convert_scobci,boost::match_default | boost::format_all);
&oox2odf_converter::Impl::convert_scobci, boost::match_default | boost::format_all);
std::wstring res = boost::regex_replace(
&oox2odf_converter::Impl::replace_arguments,boost::match_default | boost::format_all);
&oox2odf_converter::Impl::replace_arguments, boost::match_default | boost::format_all);
if (res1 == res)
......@@ -614,20 +495,21 @@ std::wstring oox2odf_converter::Impl::convert_conditional_formula(const std::wst
boost::match_default | boost::format_all);
XmlUtils::replace_all( res, L"SCOBCAIN", L"(");
XmlUtils::replace_all( res, L"SCOBCAOUT", L")");
XmlUtils::replace_all( res, L"PROBEL", L" ");
XmlUtils::replace_all( res, L"APOSTROF", L"'");
XmlUtils::replace_all( res, L"KAVYCHKA", L"\"");
return res;
XmlUtils::replace_all( res, L"PROBEL", L" ");
return res;
......@@ -726,9 +608,15 @@ std::wstring oox2odf_converter::convert_named_ref(const std::wstring& expr)
return workstr;
std::wstring oox2odf_converter::find_base_cell(const std::wstring& expr)
std::wstring oox2odf_converter::convert_named_formula(const std::wstring& expr)
std::wstring workstr = expr;
return workstr;
std::wstring oox2odf_converter::get_base_cell_formula(const std::wstring& expr)
return impl_->find_base_cell(expr);
return impl_->base_cell_formula_;
......@@ -840,14 +728,6 @@ int oox2odf_converter::get_count_value_points(std::wstring expr)
return count;
//bool oox2odf_converter::find_first_ref(std::wstring const & expr, std::wstring & table, std::wstring & ref)
// return impl_->find_first_ref(expr, table, ref);
//bool oox2odf_converter::find_first_last_ref(std::wstring const & expr, std::wstring & table, std::wstring & ref_first,std::wstring & ref_last)
// return impl_->find_first_last_ref(expr, table, ref_first,ref_last);
......@@ -138,7 +138,8 @@ void ods_table_context::add_defined_range(const std::wstring & name, const std::
std::wstring odf_range = formulas_converter.convert_named_ref(cell_range);//todo - разделить конвертацию диапазонов/рэнжей на c [] и без
XmlUtils::replace_all( odf_range, L"[", L"");
XmlUtils::replace_all( odf_range, L"]", L"");
std::wstring odf_base_cell = formulas_converter.find_base_cell(cell_range);
std::wstring odf_base_cell = formulas_converter.get_base_cell_formula(cell_range);
named_range->table_name_ = name;
named_range->table_cell_range_address_ = odf_range;
......@@ -181,8 +182,8 @@ void ods_table_context::add_defined_expression(const std::wstring & name, const
formulasconvert::oox2odf_converter formulas_converter;
std::wstring odf_value = formulas_converter.convert_named_ref(value);
std::wstring odf_base_cell = formulas_converter.find_base_cell(value);
std::wstring odf_value = formulas_converter.convert_named_formula(value);
std::wstring odf_base_cell = formulas_converter.get_base_cell_formula(value);
named_expression->table_name_ = name;
named_expression->table_expression_ = odf_value;
......@@ -215,10 +216,9 @@ void ods_table_context::add_defined_expression(const std::wstring & name, const
if (odf_base_cell.length() > 0)
if (!odf_base_cell.empty())
named_expression->table_base_cell_address_ = odf_base_cell;
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