Commit 812fd20e authored by Oleg.Korshul's avatar Oleg.Korshul Committed by Alexander Trofimov

взял реализацию с бранча DoctToDocx

git-svn-id: svn://fileserver/activex/AVS/Sources/TeamlabOffice/trunk/ServerComponents@61240 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent ee367b86
#pragma once
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "../../Common/BaseThread.h"
#include <wininet.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "Wininet")
#define MAX_SIZE 256
#define DOWNLOAD_FILE_SIZE 32768
#define CONTENT_RANGE _T("bytes 0-0/")
#define CONTENT_RANGE_SIZE ( 11/*sizeof ( CONTENT_RANGE )*/ - 1 )
class CFileDownloader : public CBaseThread
public :
CFileDownloader (CString sFileUrl, BOOL bDelete = TRUE) : CBaseThread(0)
m_pFile = NULL;
m_sFilePath = _T("");
m_sFileUrl = sFileUrl;
m_bComplete = FALSE;
m_bDelete = bDelete;
~CFileDownloader ()
if ( m_pFile )
::fclose( m_pFile );
m_pFile = NULL;
if ( m_sFilePath.GetLength() > 0 && m_bDelete )
DeleteFileW( m_sFilePath.GetBuffer() );
m_sFilePath = _T("");
CString GetFilePath()
return m_sFilePath;
BOOL IsFileDownloaded()
return m_bComplete;
protected :
unsigned int DownloadFile(CString sFileUrl)
if ( FALSE == InternetGetConnectedState ( 0, 0 ) )
return S_FALSE;
char sTempPath[MAX_PATH], sTempFile[MAX_PATH];
if ( 0 == GetTempPathA( MAX_PATH, sTempPath ) )
return S_FALSE;
if ( 0 == GetTempFileNameA( sTempPath, "CSS", 0, sTempFile ) )
return S_FALSE;
m_pFile = ::fopen( sTempFile, "wb" );
if ( !m_pFile )
return S_FALSE;
m_sFilePath = CString( sTempFile );
HINTERNET hInternetSession = InternetOpen ( _T ("Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98)"), INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0 );
if ( NULL == hInternetSession )
return S_FALSE;
// ( 0 ( ) )
CString sHTTPHdr = _T ("Range: bytes=0-0");
// ,
HINTERNET hInternetOpenURL = InternetOpenUrl ( hInternetSession, sFileUrl, sHTTPHdr, -1, INTERNET_FLAG_RESYNCHRONIZE, 0 );
if ( NULL != hInternetOpenURL )
// ,
if ( TRUE == QueryStatusCode ( hInternetOpenURL, TRUE ) )
// ,
LONGLONG nFileSize = IsAccept_Ranges ( hInternetOpenURL );
InternetCloseHandle ( hInternetOpenURL );
if ( -1 == nFileSize )
InternetCloseHandle ( hInternetSession );
// ( DownloadAll)
return S_FALSE;
LONGLONG nStartByte = 0;
while ( m_bRunThread )
// -
if ( nStartByte == nFileSize - 1 )
InternetCloseHandle ( hInternetSession );
return S_OK;
// , ( 1 , , .. 0 )
if ( nEndByte >= nFileSize )
nEndByte = nFileSize - 1;
BYTE arrBuffer [ DOWNLOAD_FILE_SIZE ] = { 0 };
DWORD dwBytesDownload = DownloadFilePath ( hInternetSession, arrBuffer, nStartByte, nEndByte, sFileUrl );
nStartByte = nEndByte;
if ( -1 == dwBytesDownload )
// - !!!!
InternetCloseHandle ( hInternetSession );
// ( DownloadAll)
return S_FALSE;
::fwrite( (BYTE*)arrBuffer, 1, dwBytesDownload, m_pFile );
::fflush( m_pFile );
CheckSuspend ();
InternetCloseHandle ( hInternetSession );
// ( DownloadAll)
return S_FALSE;
InternetCloseHandle ( hInternetSession );
// ( DownloadAll)
return S_FALSE;
InternetCloseHandle ( hInternetSession );
return S_OK;
DWORD DownloadFilePath ( HINTERNET hInternet, LPBYTE pBuffer, LONGLONG nStartByte, LONGLONG nEndByte, CString sFileURL )
if ( NULL == hInternet )
return -1;
if ( nStartByte > nEndByte || !pBuffer )
return -1;
// ( nEndByte - nStartByte )
CString sHTTPHdr = _T (""); sHTTPHdr.Format ( _T ("Range: bytes=%lld-%lld"), nStartByte, nEndByte );
HINTERNET hInternetOpenURL = InternetOpenUrl ( hInternet, sFileURL, sHTTPHdr, -1, INTERNET_FLAG_RESYNCHRONIZE, 0 );
if ( NULL == hInternetOpenURL )
return -1;
// ,
if ( FALSE == QueryStatusCode ( hInternetOpenURL, TRUE ) )
InternetCloseHandle ( hInternetOpenURL );
return -1;
DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
if ( FALSE == InternetReadFile ( hInternetOpenURL, pBuffer, DOWNLOAD_FILE_SIZE, &dwBytesRead ) )
InternetCloseHandle ( hInternetOpenURL );
return -1;
InternetCloseHandle ( hInternetOpenURL );
return dwBytesRead;
virtual DWORD ThreadProc ()
m_bComplete = FALSE;
CoInitialize ( NULL );
if ( S_OK != DownloadFile ( m_sFileUrl ) )
HRESULT hrResultAll = DownloadFileAll(m_sFileUrl, m_sFilePath);
if (S_OK != hrResultAll)
m_bRunThread = FALSE;
CoUninitialize ();
return 0;
m_bRunThread = FALSE;
CoUninitialize ();
m_bComplete = TRUE;
return 0;
BOOL QueryStatusCode ( HINTERNET hInternet, BOOL bIsRanges )
// -
if ( NULL == hInternet )
return FALSE;
INT nResult = 0;
// ( = 4 )
DWORD dwLengthDataSize = 4;
// , - FALSE
if ( FALSE == HttpQueryInfo ( hInternet, HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE | HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER, &nResult, &dwLengthDataSize, NULL ) )
return FALSE;
// ,
if ( HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND == nResult )
// , -
return FALSE;
else if ( ( HTTP_STATUS_OK != nResult && FALSE == bIsRanges ) || ( HTTP_STATUS_PARTIAL_CONTENT != nResult && TRUE == bIsRanges ) )
// -
return FALSE;
// ,
return TRUE;
// , -1 ,
LONGLONG IsAccept_Ranges ( HINTERNET hInternet )
// -
if ( NULL == hInternet )
return -1;
char arrResult [ MAX_SIZE ] = { 0 };
DWORD dwLengthDataSize = sizeof ( arrResult );
// , - FALSE
if ( FALSE == HttpQueryInfoA ( hInternet, HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_RANGE, &arrResult, &dwLengthDataSize, NULL ) )
DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError ();
// ,
return -1;
// - - FALSE
return -1;
// 0,
if ( 0 >= dwLengthDataSize )
return -1;
// CString
CString strResult ( arrResult );
LONGLONG nFileSize = 0;
INT nStartIndex = strResult.Find ( CONTENT_RANGE );
if ( -1 == nStartIndex )
return -1;
strResult = strResult.Mid ( nStartIndex + CONTENT_RANGE_SIZE );
nFileSize = _wtoi64 ( strResult.GetBuffer () );
// .. 0 ( 1 )
if ( 0 < nFileSize )
nFileSize += 1;
catch ( ... )
return -1;
// , ,
return nFileSize;
HRESULT DownloadFileAll(CString sFileURL, CString strFileOutput)
if ( m_pFile )
::fclose( m_pFile );
m_pFile = NULL;
return URLDownloadToFile (NULL, sFileURL, strFileOutput, NULL, NULL);
static bool IsNeedDownload(CString FilePath)
int n1 = FilePath.Find(_T("www."));
int n2 = FilePath.Find(_T("http://"));
int n3 = FilePath.Find(_T("ftp://"));
int n4 = FilePath.Find(_T("https://"));
if (((n1 >= 0) && (n1 < 10)) || ((n2 >= 0) && (n2 < 10)) || ((n3 >= 0) && (n3 < 10)) || ((n4 >= 0) && (n4 < 10)))
return true;
return false;
protected :
FILE *m_pFile; //
CString m_sFilePath; //
CString m_sFileUrl; //
BOOL m_bComplete; //
BOOL m_bDelete; //
// not win32
//#include <boost/network/protocol/http/client.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "./DocxFormat/Source/Base/ASCString.h"
#include "./DocxFormat/Source/SystemUtility/FileSystem/Directory.h"
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "3dParty/curl/include/curl/curl.h"
#include "3dParty/curl/include/curl/easy.h"
static void Sleep (unsigned int mSec)
usleep(1000 * mSec);
class CFileDownloader
public :
CFileDownloader (CString sFileUrl, BOOL bDelete = TRUE)
char filename[L_tmpnam];
m_sFileUrl = sFileUrl;
m_bComplete = FALSE;
m_bDelete = bDelete;
~CFileDownloader ()
if (m_bDelete && !m_sFilePath.IsEmpty())
unlink(stringWstingToUtf8String (m_sFilePath).c_str());
static size_t write_data(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, int fd) {
size_t written = write(fd, ptr, size * nmemb);
return written;
void Start (int n)
CURL *curl;
int fp;
CURLcode res;
std::string sUrl = stringWstingToUtf8String (m_sFileUrl);
std::string sOut;
const char *url = sUrl.c_str();
curl = curl_easy_init();
if (curl) {
fp = createUniqueTempFile(sOut);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_data);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, fp);
/* some servers don't like requests that are made without a user-agent field, so we provide one */
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "libcurl-agent/1.0");
res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
/* always cleanup */
m_bComplete = CURLE_OK == res;
if (m_bComplete)
m_sFilePath = sOut;
//int nRes = execl("/usr/bin/wget", stringWstingToUtf8String (m_sFileUrl).c_str(), "-P", stringWstingToUtf8String (m_sFilePath).c_str(), (char *)NULL);
//m_bComplete = nRes >= 0;
bool IsRunned()
return false;
CString GetFilePath()
return m_sFilePath;
BOOL IsFileDownloaded()
return m_bComplete;
protected :
unsigned int DownloadFile(CString sFileUrl)
return S_OK;
int createUniqueTempFile (std::string &filename)
std::string sTempPath = stringWstingToUtf8String (FileSystem::Directory::GetTempPath());
sTempPath += "/fileXXXXXX";
int fd = mkstemp(const_cast <char *> (sTempPath.c_str()));
if (-1 != fd)
filename = sTempPath;
return fd;
static bool IsNeedDownload(CString FilePath)
int n1 = FilePath.Find(_T("www."));
int n2 = FilePath.Find(_T("http://"));
int n3 = FilePath.Find(_T("ftp://"));
int n4 = FilePath.Find(_T("https://"));
if (((n1 >= 0) && (n1 < 10)) || ((n2 >= 0) && (n2 < 10)) || ((n3 >= 0) && (n3 < 10)) || ((n4 >= 0) && (n4 < 10)))
return true;
return false;
protected :
CString m_sFilePath; //
CString m_sFileUrl; //
BOOL m_bComplete; //
BOOL m_bDelete; //
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