Commit 8e91112c authored by Sergey.Konovalov's avatar Sergey.Konovalov Committed by Alexander Trofimov

ASCHTMLRendererLib Linux build,некоторые файла переведены в utf8.

git-svn-id: svn://fileserver/activex/AVS/Sources/TeamlabOffice/trunk/ServerComponents@58853 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 778b60d5
......@@ -167,7 +167,6 @@
......@@ -226,10 +225,6 @@
......@@ -242,10 +237,6 @@
#include "ASCSVGWriter.h"
#include "ASCSVGWriter.h"
#include "../DesktopEditor/graphics/GraphicsPath.h"
#include "Writer/VectorGraphicsWriter2.h"
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
m_pTransform = new Aggplus::CMatrix();
m_pFullTransform = new Aggplus::CMatrix();
//todo , ?
//todo вроде как подбора нет, но может нужно передавать?
m_pFontManager = new CFontManager();
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
*lType = c_nSVGRendrerer;
return S_OK;
//-------- --------------------------------------------------
//-------- Функции для работы со страницей --------------------------------------------------
return S_OK;
......@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
m_pFont->FaceIndex = lFaceIndex;
return S_OK;
//-------- --------------------------------------------------------
//-------- Функции для вывода текста --------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CASCSVGWriter::CommandDrawTextCHAR(const LONG& c, const double& x, const double& y, const double& w, const double& h, const double& baselineOffset)
//todo new command
......@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
return S_OK;
//-------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
//-------- Маркеры для команд ---------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CASCSVGWriter::BeginCommand(const DWORD& lType)
if (m_bIsRaster)
......@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
m_lCurrentCommandType = -1;
return S_OK;
//-------- Graphics Path -----------------------------------------------
//-------- Функции для работы с Graphics Path -----------------------------------------------
HRESULT CASCSVGWriter::PathCommandMoveTo(const double& fX, const double& fY)
if (m_bIsRaster)
......@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
m_pFont->StringGID = bGid;
return S_OK;
//-------- ---------------------------------------------------
//-------- Функции для вывода изображений ---------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CASCSVGWriter::DrawImage(IGrObject* pImage, const double& fX, const double& fY, const double& fWidth, const double& fHeight)
m_bIsRaster = true;
......@@ -797,7 +797,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
HRESULT CASCSVGWriter::IsRaster(bool* bVal)
*bVal = m_bIsRaster;
return S_OK;
// additiaonal params ----------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -924,4 +924,4 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
*m_pInstalledFont = *m_pFont;
\ No newline at end of file
#pragma once
#pragma once
#include "../DesktopEditor/graphics/IRenderer.h"
#include "IBaseMatrixUpdater.h"
......@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// тип рендерера-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT get_Type(LONG* lType);
//-------- --------------------------------------------------
//-------- Функции для работы со страницей --------------------------------------------------
HRESULT NewPage();
HRESULT get_Height(double* dHeight);
HRESULT put_Height(const double& dHeight);
......@@ -101,18 +101,18 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
HRESULT get_FontFaceIndex(int* lFaceIndex);
HRESULT put_FontFaceIndex(const int& lFaceIndex);
//-------- --------------------------------------------------------
//-------- Функции для вывода текста --------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CommandDrawTextCHAR(const LONG& c, const double& x, const double& y, const double& w, const double& h, const double& baselineOffset);
HRESULT CommandDrawText(const std::wstring& bsText, const double& x, const double& y, const double& w, const double& h, const double& baselineOffset);
HRESULT CommandDrawTextExCHAR(const LONG& c, const LONG& gid, const double& x, const double& y, const double& w, const double& h, const double& baselineOffset, const DWORD& lFlags);
HRESULT CommandDrawTextEx(const std::wstring& bsUnicodeText, const std::wstring& bsGidText, const double& x, const double& y, const double& w, const double& h, const double& baselineOffset, const DWORD& lFlags);
//-------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
//-------- Маркеры для команд ---------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT BeginCommand(const DWORD& lType);
HRESULT EndCommand(const DWORD& lType);
//-------- Graphics Path -----------------------------------------------
//-------- Функции для работы с Graphics Path -----------------------------------------------
HRESULT PathCommandMoveTo(const double& x, const double& y);
HRESULT PathCommandLineTo(const double& x, const double& y);
HRESULT PathCommandLinesTo(double* points, const int& count);
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
HRESULT PathCommandTextExCHAR(const LONG& c, const LONG& gid, const double& x, const double& y, const double& w, const double& h, const double& baselineOffset, const DWORD& lFlags);
HRESULT PathCommandTextEx(const std::wstring& bsUnicodeText, const std::wstring& bsGidText, const double& x, const double& y, const double& w, const double& h, const double& baselineOffset, const DWORD& lFlags);
//-------- ---------------------------------------------------
//-------- Функции для вывода изображений ---------------------------------------------------
HRESULT DrawImage(IGrObject* pImage, const double& x, const double& y, const double& w, const double& h);
HRESULT DrawImageFromFile(const std::wstring&, const double& x, const double& y, const double& w, const double& h, const BYTE& lAlpha);
......@@ -160,17 +160,17 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
NSHtmlRenderer::CSVGGraphicsWriter* m_pVectorWriter;
Aggplus::CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter* m_pSimpleGraphicsConverter; //
CFontManager* m_pFontManager; //
Aggplus::CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter* m_pSimpleGraphicsConverter; // конвертер сложных гафических путей в простые
CFontManager* m_pFontManager; // менеджер шрифтов
bool m_bDeleteFontManager;
Aggplus::CMatrix* m_pBaseTransform; // (: -> )
Aggplus::CMatrix* m_pTransform; //
Aggplus::CMatrix* m_pFullTransform; // (m_oBaseTransform * m_oTransform)
Aggplus::CMatrix* m_pBaseTransform; // матрица перерасчета координатных осей (здесь: миллиметры -> пикселы)
Aggplus::CMatrix* m_pTransform; // текущая матрица преобразований рендерера
Aggplus::CMatrix* m_pFullTransform; // полная матрица преобразований (m_oBaseTransform * m_oTransform)
double m_dTransformAngle;
LONG m_lCurrentCommandType; //
LONG m_lCurrentCommandType; // текущая команда
double m_dDpiX;
double m_dDpiY;
......@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
LONG m_lClipMode;
NSStructures::CPen* m_pPen; // ( AVSGraphics)
NSStructures::CPen* m_pPen; // настройки всей графики (скопирован ашник из AVSGraphics)
NSStructures::CBrush* m_pBrush;
NSStructures::CFont* m_pFont;
#include "CASCImage.h"
#include "CASCImage.h"
#include "../ASCImageStudio3/ASCGraphics/Objects/Image/Wmf/WmfFile.h"
#include "../ASCImageStudio3/ASCGraphics/Objects/Image/Wmf/RendererOutput.h"
......@@ -105,21 +105,21 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
void CASCImage::Open(const std::wstring& bsFilePath)
// ( )
// Закроем раннее открытый файл (если он был открыт)
// WMF
// Сначала попытаемя открыть файл как WMF
m_pWmfFile->OpenFromFile( bsFilePath.c_str() );
m_pWmfFile->Scan( m_pRect );
// Файл открылся нормально
if ( !m_pWmfFile->CheckError() )
m_lImageType = c_lImageTypeMetafile | c_lMetaWmf;
// Wmf, Emf
// Это не Wmf, попробуем открыть его как Emf
#ifdef _WIN32
CGdiPlusInit oCGdiPlusInit;
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
Gdiplus::Metafile *pMetaFile = new Gdiplus::Metafile( bsFilePath.c_str() );
if ( NULL != pMetaFile )
// , Wmf Gdi
// Похоже это метафайл, конвертируем его в Wmf с помощью Gdi
if ( NULL != hEmf )
......@@ -155,17 +155,17 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
::fclose( pFile );
// Wmf
// Сохраняем Wmf
HMETAFILE hTempWmf = CopyMetaFile( hWmf, m_wsTempFilePath.GetBuffer() );
DeleteMetaFile( hTempWmf );
// Wmf
// Открываем Wmf
m_pWmfFile->OpenFromFile( m_wsTempFilePath.GetBuffer() );
m_pWmfFile->Scan( m_pRect );
if ( !m_pWmfFile->CheckError() )
// Wmf
// Wmf нормально открылся
m_lImageType = c_lImageTypeMetafile | c_lMetaWmf;
DeleteMetaFile( hWmf );
......@@ -177,12 +177,12 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
else if ( m_pWmfFile->UnSupportedWmf() )
// Emf, Wmf
// Исходный файл Emf, но после конвертации в Wmf он не открылся
m_lImageType = c_lImageTypeMetafile | c_lMetaEmf;
// Сконвертированный файл не прочитался
m_lImageType = c_lImageTypeUnknown;
......@@ -225,8 +225,8 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
// (Wmf/Emf)
// TODO: Bitmap
// Исходный файл не явлется метафайлом (Wmf/Emf)
// TODO: Сделать чтение Bitmap
m_pMediaData = new Aggplus::CImage(bsFilePath);
if(Aggplus::Ok != m_pMediaData->GetLastStatus())
m_lImageType = c_lImageTypeBitmap;
......@@ -244,8 +244,15 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
if ( m_lImageType & c_lMetaEmf )
::_wunlink( m_wsTempFilePath.GetBuffer() );
// Удаляем временный файл
//todo может проверять не пустой ли m_wsTempFilePath, а не m_lImageType & c_lMetaEmf
#ifdef _WIN32
::_wunlink( m_wsTempFilePath.GetBuffer() );
std::string sTempFilePath = U_TO_UTF8(m_wsTempFilePath);
::unlink( sTempFilePath.c_str() );
......@@ -335,7 +342,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
HRESULT CASCImage::LoadFromFile(const std::wstring& bsFilePath)
// Open Close
// Внутри комманды Open выполняется команда Close
Open( bsFilePath );
return S_OK;
......@@ -438,4 +445,4 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
return m_pMediaData;
\ No newline at end of file
#include "CASCSVGRenderer.h"
#include "CASCSVGRenderer.h"
#include "../DesktopEditor/graphics/GraphicsPath.h"
#include "Writer/StringWriter.h"
#include "CMetafile.h"
......@@ -30,22 +30,22 @@ namespace NSSVG
namespace NSHtmlRenderer
static CString g_string_svgOpen = _T("<svg width=\"%dpx\" height=\"%dpx\" viewBox=\"0 0 %d %d\" version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">\n");
static _bstr_t g_bstr_svgClose = L"</svg>";
static CString g_bstr_svgClose = L"</svg>";
static CString g_string_image = _T("<image x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" xlink:href=\"%s\" preserveAspectRatio=\"none\"/>\n");
static _bstr_t g_bstr_graphicOpen = L"<g>\n";
static _bstr_t g_bstr_graphicClose = L"</g>\n";
static CString g_bstr_graphicOpen = L"<g>\n";
static CString g_bstr_graphicClose = L"</g>\n";
static _bstr_t g_bstr_path_d = L" d=\"";
static _bstr_t g_bstr_path_d_end = L"\" ";
static CString g_bstr_path_d = L" d=\"";
static CString g_bstr_path_d_end = L"\" ";
static _bstr_t g_bstr_vml_ClosePath = L"Z ";
static CString g_bstr_vml_ClosePath = L"Z ";
static CString g_string_vml_MoveTo = _T("M %d,%d ");
static CString g_string_vml_LineTo = _T("L %d,%d ");
static CString g_string_vml_CurveTo = _T("C %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d ");
static _bstr_t g_bstr_vml_Path = L"<path ";
static _bstr_t g_bstr_nodeClose = L" />\n";
static CString g_bstr_vml_Path = L"<path ";
static CString g_bstr_nodeClose = L" />\n";
static CString g_string_vml_StyleStroke = _T("style=\"fill:none;stroke:#%06x;stroke-width:%dpx;stroke-opacity:%.2lf\" ");
static CString g_string_vml_StyleStroke_class = _T("class=\"stroke%d\" style=\"fill:none;stroke-width:%dpx;stroke-opacity:%.2lf\" ");
static CString g_string_vml_StyleFill = _T("style=\"fill:#%06x;fill-opacity:%.2lf;fill-rule:%s;stroke:none\" ");
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
*lType = c_nSVGRendrerer;
return S_OK;
//-------- --------------------------------------------------
//-------- Функции для работы со страницей --------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CASCSVGRenderer::NewPage()
return S_OK;
......@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
m_pFont->FaceIndex = lFaceIndex;
return S_OK;
//-------- --------------------------------------------------------
//-------- Функции для вывода текста --------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CASCSVGRenderer::CommandDrawTextCHAR(const LONG& c, const double& x, const double& y, const double& w, const double& h, const double& baselineOffset)
//todo new command
......@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
m_pFont->StringGID = FALSE;
return CommandDrawText(bsUnicodeText, x, y, w, h, baselineOffset);
//-------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
//-------- Маркеры для команд ---------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CASCSVGRenderer::BeginCommand(const DWORD& lType)
if (c_nClipType == lType)
......@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
return S_OK;
//-------- Graphics Path -----------------------------------------------
//-------- Функции для работы с Graphics Path -----------------------------------------------
HRESULT CASCSVGRenderer::PathCommandMoveTo(const double& fX, const double& fY)
if (c_nSimpleGraphicType == m_lCurrentCommandType)
......@@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
m_pFont->StringGID = FALSE;
return PathCommandText(bsUnicodeText, x, y, w, h, baselineOffset);
//-------- ---------------------------------------------------
//-------- Функции для вывода изображений ---------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CASCSVGRenderer::DrawImage(IGrObject* pImage, const double& fX, const double& fY, const double& fWidth, const double& fHeight)
double x = fX;
......@@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
if ((1 == lFileType) || (2 == lFileType))
// метафайл
oExt.DrawOnRenderer(this, sVal, fX, fY, fWidth, fHeight, TRUE);
return S_OK;
......@@ -930,7 +930,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
NSFile::CFileBinary oFile;
if (S_OK == oFile.CreateFile(m_strDstFile))
if (S_OK == oFile.CreateFileW(m_strDstFile))
CString strData = m_pWriter->GetCString();
oFile.WriteFile((BYTE*)strData.GetBuffer(), sizeof(WCHAR) * strData.GetLength());
......@@ -1057,4 +1057,4 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
*m_pInstalledFont = *m_pFont;
\ No newline at end of file
# Project created by QtCreator 2014-10-10T14:24:04
QT -= core gui
CONFIG += staticlib
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11 -Wall -Wno-ignored-qualifiers -g
../../DesktopEditor/freetype-2.5.2/include \
SOURCES += ../ASCSVGWriter.cpp \
../CASCImage.cpp \
../CASCSVGRenderer.cpp \
../CMetafile.cpp \
HEADERS += ../ASCSVGWriter.h \
../CASCImage.h \
../CASCSVGRenderer.h \
../CMetafile.h \
../Writer/Common.h \
../Writer/Const.h \
../IBaseMatrixUpdater.h \
../Writer/TextItem.h \
../Writer/StringWriter.h \
../Writer/SVGWriter.h \
../Writer/VectorGraphicsWriter2.h \
../Writer/VMLWriter.h \
../../ASCImageStudio3/ASCGraphics/Objects/Image/Wmf/RendererOutput.h \
../../ASCImageStudio3/ASCGraphics/Objects/Image/Wmf/WmfCharsets.h \
../../ASCImageStudio3/ASCGraphics/Objects/Image/Wmf/WmfCodePage932.h \
../../ASCImageStudio3/ASCGraphics/Objects/Image/Wmf/WmfCodePage936.h \
../../ASCImageStudio3/ASCGraphics/Objects/Image/Wmf/WmfCodePage949.h \
../../ASCImageStudio3/ASCGraphics/Objects/Image/Wmf/WmfCodePage950.h \
../../ASCImageStudio3/ASCGraphics/Objects/Image/Wmf/WmfCodePage1361.h \
../../ASCImageStudio3/ASCGraphics/Objects/Image/Wmf/WmfColor.h \
../../ASCImageStudio3/ASCGraphics/Objects/Image/Wmf/WmfFile.h \
../../ASCImageStudio3/ASCGraphics/Objects/Image/Wmf/WmfMemory.h \
../../ASCImageStudio3/ASCGraphics/Objects/Image/Wmf/WmfOutputDevice.h \
../../ASCImageStudio3/ASCGraphics/Objects/Image/Wmf/WmfRegion.h \
../../ASCImageStudio3/ASCGraphics/Objects/Image/Wmf/WmfTypes.h \
unix {
target.path = /usr/lib
INSTALLS += target
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......@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
#ifdef _WIN32
#import "../Redist/ASCMediaCore3.dll" named_guids raw_interfaces_only rename_namespace("MediaCore"), exclude("tagRECT")
static RECT GetImageBounds(MediaCore::IAVSUncompressedVideoFrame* pFrame)
BYTE* pBuffer = NULL;
......@@ -244,6 +245,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
const double c_ag_Inch_to_MM = 25.4;
const double c_ag_1pxWidth = 25.4 / 96;
......@@ -277,12 +279,12 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
__forceinline static double FABS(double dVal)
AVSINLINE static double FABS(double dVal)
return (dVal >= 0) ? dVal : -dVal;
__forceinline static int round(double dVal)
AVSINLINE static int round(double dVal)
return (int)(dVal + 0.5);
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
#pragma once
#include "..\stdafx.h"
#pragma once
//#include "..\stdafx.h"
#include "StringWriter.h"
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <atlcoll.h>
#include <vector>
namespace NSHtmlRenderer
using namespace NSStrings;
static CString g_svg_string_svgOpen = _T("<svg width=\"%dpx\" height=\"%dpx\" viewBox=\"0 0 %d %d\" version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">\n");
static _bstr_t g_svg_bstr_svgClose = L"</svg>";
static CString g_svg_bstr_svgClose = L"</svg>";
static CString g_svg_string_image = _T("<image x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" xlink:href=\"%s\" preserveAspectRatio=\"none\"/>\n");
static _bstr_t g_svg_bstr_graphicOpen = L"<g>\n";
static _bstr_t g_svg_bstr_graphicClose = L"</g>\n";
static CString g_svg_bstr_graphicOpen = L"<g>\n";
static CString g_svg_bstr_graphicClose = L"</g>\n";
static _bstr_t g_svg_bstr_path_d = L" d=\"";
static _bstr_t g_svg_bstr_path_d_end = L"\" ";
static CString g_svg_bstr_path_d = L" d=\"";
static CString g_svg_bstr_path_d_end = L"\" ";
static CString g_svg_string_clip = _T("clip-path=\"url(#clip%d)\" ");
static CString g_svg_string_clipCreate = _T("<clipPath id=\"clip%d\"><path id=\"path%d\" d=\"");
static _bstr_t g_svg_bstr_clipendWinding = _T("\" clip-rule=\"nonzero\" /></clipPath>");
static _bstr_t g_svg_bstr_clipendEvenodd = _T("\" clip-rule=\"evenodd\" /></clipPath>");
static CString g_svg_bstr_clipendWinding = _T("\" clip-rule=\"nonzero\" /></clipPath>");
static CString g_svg_bstr_clipendEvenodd = _T("\" clip-rule=\"evenodd\" /></clipPath>");
static CString g_svg_string_gclip = _T("<g clip-path=\"url(#clip%d)\">");
static _bstr_t g_svg_bstr_vml_ClosePath = L"Z ";
static CString g_svg_bstr_vml_ClosePath = L"Z ";
static CString g_svg_string_vml_MoveTo = _T("M %d,%d ");
static CString g_svg_string_vml_LineTo = _T("L %d,%d ");
static CString g_svg_string_vml_CurveTo = _T("C %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d ");
static _bstr_t g_svg_bstr_vml_Path = L"<path ";
static _bstr_t g_svg_bstr_nodeClose = L" />\n";
static CString g_svg_bstr_vml_Path = L"<path ";
static CString g_svg_bstr_nodeClose = L" />\n";
static CString g_svg_string_vml_StyleStrokeDash = _T("style=\"fill:none;stroke:#%06x;stroke-width:%dpx;stroke-opacity:%.2lf;stroke-dasharray: 2,2;\" ");
static CString g_svg_string_vml_StyleStroke = _T("style=\"fill:none;stroke:#%06x;stroke-width:%dpx;stroke-opacity:%.2lf;\" ");
static CString g_svg_string_vml_StyleFill = _T("style=\"fill:#%06x;fill-opacity:%.2lf;fill-rule:%s;stroke:none\" ");
......@@ -75,15 +74,15 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
static CString g_svg_string_vml_StyleTx = _T("style=\"fill:url(#pt%d);fill-opacity:%.2lf;fill-rule:%s;stroke:#%06x;stroke-width:%dpx;stroke-opacity:%.2lf\" ");
static CString g_svg_object_start = _T("<object class=\"_svg\" data=\"page%d.svg\" type=\"image/svg+xml\">");
static _bstr_t g_svg_object_end = L"</object>";
static CString g_svg_object_end = L"</object>";
static CString g_string_intersect_clip = _T("<clipPath id=\"clip%d\" clip-path=\"url(#clip%d)\"><use x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" xlink:href=\"#path%d\"/></clipPath>");
class CClipSVG
CAtlArray<CString> m_arPaths;
CAtlArray<LONG> m_arTypes;
std::vector<CString> m_arPaths;
std::vector<LONG> m_arTypes;
LONG m_lWidth;
LONG m_lHeight;
......@@ -99,8 +98,8 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
void Write(NSHtmlRenderer::CStringWriter& oWriter, LONG& lCurrentClipPath)
size_t nCount = m_arPaths.GetCount();
// сначала запишем все пути
size_t nCount = m_arPaths.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
......@@ -118,7 +117,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
LONG lWritePathID = (LONG)lCurrentClipPath - 2;
// теперь запишем пересечения
for (size_t i = 1; i < nCount; ++i)
CString strWrite = _T("");
......@@ -131,8 +130,8 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
void Write2(NSHtmlRenderer::CStringWriter& oWriter, LONG& lCurrentClipPath)
size_t nCount = m_arPaths.GetCount();
// сначала запишем все пути
size_t nCount = m_arPaths.size();
double dMemoryClipTypes = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
......@@ -159,22 +158,22 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
__forceinline void Clear()
AVSINLINE void Clear()
__forceinline bool IsInit()
AVSINLINE bool IsInit()
return (0 != m_arPaths.GetCount());
return (0 != m_arPaths.size());
class CClipSVG2
CAtlArray<CString> m_arPaths;
CAtlArray<LONG> m_arTypes;
std::vector<CString> m_arPaths;
std::vector<LONG> m_arTypes;
LONG m_lWidth;
LONG m_lHeight;
......@@ -194,8 +193,8 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
void Write(NSHtmlRenderer::CStringWriter& oWriter, LONG& lCurrentClipPath)
size_t nCount = m_arPaths.GetCount();
// сначала запишем все пути
size_t nCount = m_arPaths.size();
LONG lOld = lCurrentClipPath;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
......@@ -232,14 +231,14 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
__forceinline void Clear()
AVSINLINE void Clear()
__forceinline bool IsInit()
AVSINLINE bool IsInit()
return (0 != m_arPaths.GetCount());
return (0 != m_arPaths.size());
......@@ -319,9 +318,12 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
//CDirectory::SaveToFile(strFile, m_oDocument.GetCString());
NSFile::CFileBinary oFile;
CStringA strA(m_oDocument.GetBuffer(), (int)m_oDocument.GetCurSize());
oFile.WriteFile((BYTE*)strA.GetBuffer(), strA.GetLength());
BYTE* pData;
LONG nDataSize;
NSFile::CUtf8Converter::GetUtf8StringFromUnicode(m_oDocument.GetBuffer(), m_oDocument.GetCurSize(), pData, nDataSize);
oFile.WriteFile(pData, nDataSize);
if (3000000 < m_oDocument.GetSize())
......@@ -557,7 +559,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
int _w = round(r - x);
int _h = round(b - y);
// пока заглушка
return WriteImage(oInfo, _x, _y, _w, _h, dAngle);
CString strPattern = _T("");
......@@ -656,8 +658,8 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
if (0 == m_oPath.GetCurSize())
void WritePathResetClip()
......@@ -786,4 +788,4 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -47,11 +47,6 @@ namespace NSStrings
AVSINLINE void WriteString(_bstr_t& bsString)
size_t nLen = bsString.length();
CTextItem::WriteString(bsString.GetBSTR(), nLen);
AVSINLINE void WriteString(CString& sString)
size_t nLen = (size_t)sString.GetLength();
#pragma once
#include "../stdafx.h"
#pragma once
//#include "../stdafx.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <atlcom.h>
#include "../../Common/DocxFormat/Source/Base/ASCString.h"
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
......@@ -99,7 +106,7 @@ namespace NSStrings
if (NULL == m_pData)
m_lSize = max(nSize, 1000);
m_lSize = nSize > 1000 ? nSize : 1000;
m_pData = (wchar_t*)malloc(m_lSize * sizeof(wchar_t));
m_lSizeCur = 0;
......@@ -117,7 +124,7 @@ namespace NSStrings
wchar_t* pRealloc = (wchar_t*)realloc(m_pData, m_lSize * sizeof(wchar_t));
if (NULL != pRealloc)
// реаллок сработал
m_pData = pRealloc;
m_pDataCur = m_pData + m_lSizeCur;
......@@ -139,11 +146,6 @@ namespace NSStrings
WriteString(oTemp.m_pData, oTemp.m_lSizeCur);
AVSINLINE void operator+=(_bstr_t& oTemp)
size_t nLen = oTemp.length();
WriteString(oTemp.GetBSTR(), nLen);
AVSINLINE void operator+=(CString& oTemp)
size_t nLen = (size_t)oTemp.GetLength();
......@@ -216,7 +218,7 @@ namespace NSStrings
AVSINLINE void WriteString(wchar_t* pString, const size_t& nLen)
AVSINLINE void WriteString(const wchar_t* pString, const size_t& nLen)
//memcpy(m_pDataCur, pString, nLen * sizeof(wchar_t));
......@@ -253,9 +255,9 @@ namespace NSStrings
m_lSizeCur = 0;
AVSINLINE size_t GetStringLen(wchar_t* pData)
AVSINLINE size_t GetStringLen(const wchar_t* pData)
wchar_t* s = pData;
const wchar_t* s = pData;
for (; *s != 0; ++s);
return (size_t)(s - pData);
......@@ -374,4 +376,4 @@ namespace NSStrings
\ No newline at end of file
#pragma once
#include "..\stdafx.h"
//#include "..\stdafx.h"
#include "StringWriter.h"
namespace NSHtmlRenderer
using namespace NSStrings;
static _bstr_t g_vml_bstr_ClosePath = L"x";
static CString g_vml_bstr_ClosePath = L"x";
static CString g_vml_string_MoveTo = _T("m%d,%d ");
static CString g_vml_string_LineTo = _T("l%d,%d ");
static CString g_vml_string_CurveTo = _T("c%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d ");
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
static CString g_vml_string_shape_image_png = _T("<v:image src=\"media/image%d.png\" style=\"left:%d;top:%d;width:%d;height:%d;\"/>");
static CString g_vml_string_document = _T("<xml xmlns:v=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml\">\n<v:group id=\"page%d\" style=\"position: absolute; width:1; height:1;\" coordsize=\"1 1\">\n");
static _bstr_t g_vml_bstr_document_end = L"</v:group>\n</xml>";
static CString g_vml_bstr_document_end = L"</v:group>\n</xml>";
static CString g_vml_string_frame = _T("<v:vmlframe clip=\"true\" origin=\"0,0\" size=\"%d,%d\" src=\"page%d.vml#page%d\" unselectable=\"on\"/>\n");
......@@ -82,9 +82,12 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
//CDirectory::SaveToFile(strFile, m_oDocument.GetCString());
NSFile::CFileBinary oFile;
CStringA strA(m_oDocument.GetBuffer(), (int)m_oDocument.GetCurSize());
oFile.WriteFile((BYTE*)strA.GetBuffer(), strA.GetLength());
BYTE* pData;
LONG nDataSize;
NSFile::CUtf8Converter::GetUtf8StringFromUnicode(m_oDocument.GetBuffer(), m_oDocument.GetCurSize(), pData, nDataSize);
oFile.WriteFile(pData, nDataSize);
if (3000000 < m_oDocument.GetSize())
......@@ -297,4 +300,4 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
\ No newline at end of file
#pragma once
#pragma once
//#include "Const.h"
#include "SVGWriter.h"
#include "VMLWriter.h"
#include "CanvasWriter.h"
#include "../DesktopEditor/graphics/GraphicsPath.h"
//#include "CanvasWriter.h"
#include "../../DesktopEditor/graphics/GraphicsPath.h"
namespace NSHtmlRenderer
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
CSVGWriter m_oSVG;
CVMLWriter m_oVML;
CCanvasWriter m_oCanvas;
//CCanvasWriter m_oCanvas;
Aggplus::CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter* m_pSimpleConverter;
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
double m_dHeight;
CVectorGraphicsWriter() : m_oSVG(), m_oVML(), m_oCanvas()
CVectorGraphicsWriter() : m_oSVG(), m_oVML()/*, m_oCanvas()*/
m_pSimpleConverter = NULL;
m_lCurrentObjectInPage = 0;
......@@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
inline void WriteDrawPath(LONG lType, CImageInfo& oInfo, const double& dAngle)
// pdf
// , path - - .
// . ,
// -
// вот мега заглушка под некоторые таблицы из pdf
// проблема в том, что приходит path нулевой толщины - а след-но он не рисуется.
// здесь это отслеживаем и правим пат. Не очень хорошо, так как всякие пунктирности
// в таких патах - теряются при таком подходе
if (0x00 == (lType & 0xFF))
double x = 0;
......@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
inline bool IsGraphics()
// 10
// 10 цифр на номер страницы
return ((g_vml_string_document.GetLength() + 10) < (int)m_oVML.m_oDocument.GetCurSize());
......@@ -307,8 +307,8 @@ namespace NSHtmlRenderer
inline bool IsGraphics()
// 10
// 10 цифр на номер страницы
return ((g_vml_string_document.GetLength() + 10) < (int)m_oSVG.m_oDocument.GetCurSize());
\ No newline at end of file
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