Commit a61abdd0 authored by ElenaSubbotina's avatar ElenaSubbotina

EcmaCryptReader/Decoder - agile + standart

parent f1f535f9
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "IBinaryReader.h"
#include "../Common/FormatUtils.h"
class MemoryStream: public IBinaryReader
......@@ -116,8 +116,15 @@ bool COfficeFileFormatChecker::isDocFormatFile (POLE::Storage * storage)
POLE::Stream stream(storage, "WordDocument");
unsigned char buffer[10];
if (,10) >0)
if (,10) > 0)
//ms office 2007 encrypted contains stream WordDocument !!
std::list<std::string> entries = storage->entries("DataSpaces");
if (entries.size() > 0)
return false;
return true;
return false;
......@@ -51,22 +51,6 @@ static const unsigned char encrDataIntegrityHmacValueBlockKey[8] = { 0xa0, 0x67,
//default ms2010
cryptData.cipherAlgorithm = CRYPT_METHOD::AES_CBC;
cryptData.hashAlgorithm = CRYPT_METHOD::SHA1;
cryptData.spinCount = 100000;
cryptData.keySize = 0x10;
cryptData.hashSize = 0x14;
cryptData.blockSize = 0x10;
cryptData.saltSize = 0x10;
//default ms2013/ms2016
//cryptData.cipherAlgorithm = AES_CBC;
//cryptData.hashAlgorithm = SHA256;
//cryptData.spinCount = 100000;
//cryptData.keySize = 0x20;
//cryptData.hashSize = 0x40;
//cryptData.blockSize = 0x10;
//cryptData.saltSize = 0x10;
class _buf
......@@ -133,16 +117,12 @@ public:
return *this;
_buf& operator=(_buf& oSrc)
void Clear()
if (bDelete && ptr) delete []ptr;
ptr = NULL; size = 0;
size = oSrc.size;
ptr = new unsigned char [oSrc.size];
memcpy(ptr, oSrc.ptr, oSrc.size);
bDelete = true;
return *this;
......@@ -162,13 +142,6 @@ private:
void Clear()
if (bDelete && ptr) delete []ptr;
ptr = NULL; size = 0;
bDelete = true;
bool operator==(const _buf& oBuf1, const _buf& oBuf2)
......@@ -185,7 +158,8 @@ void CorrectHashSize(_buf & hashBuf, int size, unsigned char padding)
unsigned char *newPtr = new unsigned char[size];
memset(newPtr, padding, size);
memcpy(newPtr, hashBuf.ptr, hashBuf.size);
delete []hashBuf.ptr;
hashBuf.ptr = newPtr;
hashBuf.size = size;
......@@ -238,7 +212,7 @@ _buf HashAppend(_buf & hashBuf, _buf & block, CRYPT_METHOD::_hashAlgorithm algo
return _buf();
_buf GenerateKey(_buf & salt, _buf & password, _buf & blockKey, int hashSize, int spin, CRYPT_METHOD::_hashAlgorithm algorithm)
_buf GenerateAgileKey(_buf & salt, _buf & password, _buf & blockKey, int hashSize, int spin, CRYPT_METHOD::_hashAlgorithm algorithm)
_buf pHashBuf = HashAppend(salt, password, algorithm);
......@@ -255,20 +229,65 @@ _buf GenerateKey(_buf & salt, _buf & password, _buf & blockKey, int hashSize, in
return _buf(pHashBuf.ptr, pHashBuf.size);
bool DecryptAES(_buf & key, _buf & iv, _buf & data_inp, _buf & data_out)
_buf GenerateHashKey(_buf & salt, _buf & password, int hashSize, int spin, CRYPT_METHOD::_hashAlgorithm algorithm)
_buf empty (NULL, 0, false);
_buf pHashBuf = HashAppend(salt, password, algorithm);
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < spin; i++)
_buf iterator((unsigned char*)&i, 4, false);
pHashBuf = HashAppend(iterator, pHashBuf, algorithm);
i = 0;
_buf iterator((unsigned char*)&i, 4, false);
pHashBuf = HashAppend(pHashBuf, iterator, algorithm);
_buf derivedKey(64);
for (int i = 0; i < derivedKey.size; i++)
derivedKey.ptr[i] = (i < pHashBuf.size ? 0x36 ^ pHashBuf.ptr[i] : 0x36);
pHashBuf = HashAppend(derivedKey, empty, algorithm);
return _buf(pHashBuf.ptr, hashSize);
bool DecryptCipher(_buf & key, _buf & iv, _buf & data_inp, _buf & data_out, CRYPT_METHOD::_cipherAlgorithm algorithm)
if (algorithm == CRYPT_METHOD::RC4)
CryptoPP::AES::Decryption aesDecryption(key.ptr, key.size);
CryptoPP::CBC_Mode_ExternalCipher::Decryption cbcDecryption( aesDecryption, iv.ptr );
CryptoPP::StreamTransformation *modeDecryption = NULL;
modeDecryption = new CryptoPP::ECB_Mode_ExternalCipher::Decryption(aesDecryption, iv.ptr );
modeDecryption = new CryptoPP::CBC_Mode_ExternalCipher::Decryption(aesDecryption, iv.ptr );
if (!modeDecryption) return false;
if (!data_out.ptr)
data_out = _buf(data_inp.size);
CryptoPP::StreamTransformationFilter stfDecryptor(cbcDecryption, new CryptoPP::ArraySink( data_out.ptr, data_out.size), CryptoPP::StreamTransformationFilter::NO_PADDING);
CryptoPP::StreamTransformationFilter stfDecryptor(*modeDecryption, new CryptoPP::ArraySink( data_out.ptr, data_out.size), CryptoPP::StreamTransformationFilter::NO_PADDING);
stfDecryptor.Put( data_inp.ptr, data_inp.size );
delete modeDecryption;
return true;
......@@ -276,31 +295,58 @@ bool ECMADecryptor::SetPassword(std::wstring password_)
password = password_;
if (cryptData.bAgile)
_buf pPassword (password);
_buf pSalt (cryptData.saltValue);
_buf pInputBlockKey ((unsigned char*)encrVerifierHashInputBlockKey, 8);
_buf pValueBlockKey ((unsigned char*)encrVerifierHashValueBlockKey, 8);
_buf empty (NULL, 0, false);
_buf pEncVerInput (cryptData.encryptedVerifierInput);
_buf pEncVerValue (cryptData.encryptedVerifierValue);
_buf verifierInputKey = GenerateAgileKey( pSalt, pPassword, pInputBlockKey, cryptData.keySize, cryptData.spinCount, cryptData.hashAlgorithm );
_buf decryptedVerifierHashInputBytes;
DecryptCipher(verifierInputKey, pSalt, pEncVerInput, decryptedVerifierHashInputBytes, cryptData.cipherAlgorithm);
_buf hashBuf = HashAppend(decryptedVerifierHashInputBytes, empty, cryptData.hashAlgorithm);
_buf decryptedVerifierHashBytes;
_buf verifierHashKey = GenerateAgileKey(pSalt, pPassword, pValueBlockKey, cryptData.keySize, cryptData.spinCount, cryptData.hashAlgorithm);
DecryptCipher(verifierHashKey, pSalt, pEncVerValue, decryptedVerifierHashBytes, cryptData.cipherAlgorithm);
return (decryptedVerifierHashBytes==hashBuf);
_buf pPassword (password);
_buf pSalt (cryptData.saltValue);
_buf empty (NULL, 0, false);
_buf pEncVerInput (cryptData.encryptedVerifierInput);
_buf pEncVerValue (cryptData.encryptedVerifierValue);
_buf hashKey = GenerateHashKey(pSalt, pPassword, cryptData.keySize, cryptData.spinCount, cryptData.hashAlgorithm);
_buf verifierInputKey = GenerateKey( pSalt, pPassword, pInputBlockKey, cryptData.keySize, cryptData.spinCount, cryptData.hashAlgorithm );
_buf decryptedVerifierHashInputBytes;
DecryptCipher(hashKey, empty, pEncVerInput, decryptedVerifierHashInputBytes, cryptData.cipherAlgorithm);
DecryptAES(verifierInputKey, pSalt, pEncVerInput, decryptedVerifierHashInputBytes);
_buf empty(NULL,0,false);
_buf hashBuf = HashAppend(decryptedVerifierHashInputBytes, empty, cryptData.hashAlgorithm);
_buf decryptedVerifierHashBytes;
_buf verifierHashKey = GenerateKey(pSalt, pPassword, pValueBlockKey, cryptData.keySize, cryptData.spinCount, cryptData.hashAlgorithm);
DecryptAES(verifierHashKey, pSalt, pEncVerValue, decryptedVerifierHashBytes);
DecryptCipher(hashKey, empty, pEncVerValue, decryptedVerifierHashBytes, cryptData.cipherAlgorithm);
return (decryptedVerifierHashBytes==hashBuf);
void ECMADecryptor::SetCryptData(_cryptData &data)
......@@ -312,25 +358,28 @@ void ECMADecryptor::Decrypt(unsigned char* data_inp, int size, unsigned char*&
data_out = NULL;
_buf pBlockKey ((unsigned char*)encrKeyValueBlockKey, 8);
_buf pPassword (password);
_buf pSalt (cryptData.saltValue);
_buf empty (NULL, 0, false);
data_out = new unsigned char[size];
if (cryptData.bAgile)
_buf pBlockKey ((unsigned char*)encrKeyValueBlockKey, 8);
_buf pDataSalt (cryptData.dataSaltValue);
_buf pSalt (cryptData.saltValue);
_buf pKeyValue (cryptData.encryptedKeyValue);
_buf Key = GenerateKey( pSalt, pPassword, pBlockKey, cryptData.keySize, cryptData.spinCount, cryptData.hashAlgorithm);
_buf agileKey = GenerateAgileKey( pSalt, pPassword, pBlockKey, cryptData.keySize, cryptData.spinCount, cryptData.hashAlgorithm);
_buf pDecryptedKey;
DecryptAES( Key, pSalt, pKeyValue, pDecryptedKey);
DecryptCipher( agileKey, pSalt, pKeyValue, pDecryptedKey, cryptData.cipherAlgorithm);
_buf iv(cryptData.blockSize);
memset( iv.ptr, 0x00, cryptData.blockSize );
int i = 0, sz = 4096, pos = 0;
data_out = new unsigned char[size];
while (pos < size)
if (pos + sz > size)
......@@ -344,8 +393,18 @@ void ECMADecryptor::Decrypt(unsigned char* data_inp, int size, unsigned char*&
_buf pInp(data_inp + pos, sz, false);
_buf pOut(data_out + pos, sz, false);
DecryptAES(pDecryptedKey, iv, pInp, pOut);
DecryptCipher(pDecryptedKey, iv, pInp, pOut, cryptData.cipherAlgorithm);
pos += sz; i++;
_buf hashKey = GenerateHashKey(pSalt, pPassword, cryptData.keySize, cryptData.spinCount, cryptData.hashAlgorithm);
_buf pInp(data_inp, size, false);
_buf pOut(data_out, size, false);
DecryptCipher(hashKey, empty, pInp, pOut, cryptData.cipherAlgorithm);
......@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ namespace CRYPT_METHOD
......@@ -60,6 +61,14 @@ public:
struct _cryptData
//default ms2010
_cryptData() : cipherAlgorithm(CRYPT_METHOD::AES_CBC), hashAlgorithm(CRYPT_METHOD::SHA1), spinCount(100000),
keySize(0x10), hashSize(0x14), blockSize(0x10), saltSize(0x10), bAgile(true)
//default ms2013/ms2016
//_cryptData(): cipherAlgorithm(CRYPT_METHOD::AES_CBC), hashAlgorithm(CRYPT_METHOD::SHA256), spinCount(100000),
// keySize(0x20), hashSize(0x40), blockSize(0x10), saltSize(0x10), bAgile(true)
CRYPT_METHOD::_cipherAlgorithm cipherAlgorithm;
CRYPT_METHOD::_hashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm;
......@@ -78,6 +87,8 @@ public:
std::string encryptedHmacKey;
std::string encryptedHmacValue;
bool bAgile;
......@@ -86,8 +97,6 @@ public:
void Decrypt(unsigned char* data, int size, unsigned char*& data_out);
bool IsVerify(){}
bool SetPassword(std::wstring password);
void SetCryptData(_cryptData &data);
......@@ -39,29 +39,6 @@ class ECMACryptReader
bool DecryptOfficeFile(std::wstring file_name_inp, std::wstring file_name_out, std::wstring password);
struct _keyEncryptor
std::string spinCount;
std::string saltSize;
std::string blockSize;
std::string keyBits;
std::string hashSize;
std::string cipherAlgorithm;
std::string cipherChaining;
std::string hashAlgorithm;
std::string saltValue;
std::string encryptedVerifierHashInput;
std::string encryptedVerifierHashValue;
std::string encryptedKeyValue;
struct _dataIntegrity
std::string encryptedHmacKey;
std::string encryptedHmacValue;
struct _refComponent
int type;
......@@ -72,13 +49,5 @@ public:
std::vector<_refComponent> refComponents;
std::wstring dataSpaceName;
bool ReadEncryptionInfo(const std::string & xmlString);
std::vector<_mapEntry> mapEntries;
_keyEncryptor keyData;
_dataIntegrity dataIntegrity;
std::vector<_keyEncryptor> keyEncryptors;
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