Commit bc7a0692 authored by Elen.Subbotina's avatar Elen.Subbotina Committed by Alexander Trofimov

X2t добавлен Txt File Converter

git-svn-id: svn://fileserver/activex/AVS/Sources/TeamlabOffice/trunk/ServerComponents@62352 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 8bfb976f
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ namespace BinXlsxRW{
sMediaPath = pathMediaDir.GetPath();
bool CXlsxSerializer::loadFromFile(const CString& sSrcFileName, const CString& sDstPath, CString& sXMLOptions, CString& sMediaDir)
bool CXlsxSerializer::loadFromFile(const CString& sSrcFileName, const CString& sDstPath, const CString& sXMLOptions, CString& sMediaDir)
NSBinPptxRW::CDrawingConverter oOfficeDrawingConverter;
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ namespace BinXlsxRW {
void CreateXlsxFolders(CString& sXmlOptions, CString sDstPath, CString& sMediaPath);
bool loadFromFile(const CString& sSrcFileName, const CString& sDstPath, CString& sXMLOptions, CString& sMediaDir);
bool loadFromFile(const CString& sSrcFileName, const CString& sDstPath, const CString& sXMLOptions, CString& sMediaDir);
bool saveToFile(const CString& sSrcFileName, const CString& sDstPath, CString& sXMLOptions);
bool loadChart(CString& sChartPath, NSBinPptxRW::CBinaryFileWriter& oBufferedStream, long& lDataSize);
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ LIBS += -lxml2
SOURCES += RtfFormatLib.cpp \
../source/DestinationCommand.cpp \
../source/RtfBookmark.cpp \
../source/RtfChar.cpp \
......@@ -38,9 +38,10 @@ SOURCES += RtfFormatLib.cpp \
../source/Reader/OOXShapeReader.cpp \
../source/Reader/OOXTableReader.cpp \
../source/Writer/OOXDocumentWriter.cpp \
../source/Writer/OOXWriter.cpp \
HEADERS += RtfFormatLib.h \
../source/Basic.h \
../source/ConvertationManager.h \
../source/DestinationCommand.h \
#include "ConvertationManager.h"
#pragma once
#include "RtfReader.h"
#include "RtfDocument.h"
#include "RtfWriter.h"
#include "Writer/OOXWriter.h"
#include "Reader/OOXReader.h"
const double g_cdMaxReadRtfPercent = 0.70;
const double g_cdMaxWriteRtfPercent = 0.30;
const double g_cdMaxReadOoxPercent = 0.70;
const double g_cdMaxWriteOoxPercent = 0.30;
HRESULT RtfConvertationManager::ConvertRtfToOOX( std::wstring sSrcFileName, std::wstring sDstPath )
m_bParseFirstItem = true;
RtfDocument oDocument;
RtfReader oReader( oDocument, sSrcFileName );
OOXWriter oWriter( oDocument, sDstPath );
if (m_sTempFolder.length()< 1)
m_sTempFolder = FileSystem::Directory::GetTempPath();
oReader.m_sTempFolder = FileSystem::Directory::CreateDirectoryWithUniqueName(m_sTempFolder);
oWriter.m_sTempFolder = FileSystem::Directory::CreateDirectoryWithUniqueName(m_sTempFolder);
m_poRtfReader = &oReader;
m_poOOXWriter = &oWriter;
m_poRtfReader->m_convertationManager = this;
bool succes = oReader.Load( );
//сохранение будет поэлементое в обработчике OnCompleteItemRtf
//надо только завершить
if( true == m_bParseFirstItem )
m_bParseFirstItem = false;
oWriter.SaveByItemStart( );
oWriter.SaveByItemEnd( );
if( true == succes )
return S_OK;
return S_FALSE;
HRESULT RtfConvertationManager::ConvertOOXToRtf( std::wstring sDstFileName, std::wstring sSrcPath )
m_bParseFirstItem = true;
RtfDocument oDocument;
OOXReader oReader( oDocument, sSrcPath );
RtfWriter oWriter( oDocument, sDstFileName, sSrcPath );
if (m_sTempFolder.length() < 1)
m_sTempFolder = FileSystem::Directory::GetTempPath();
oReader.m_sTempFolder = FileSystem::Directory::CreateDirectoryWithUniqueName(m_sTempFolder);
oWriter.m_sTempFolder = FileSystem::Directory::CreateDirectoryWithUniqueName(m_sTempFolder);
m_poOOXReader = &oReader;
m_poRtfWriter = &oWriter;
m_poOOXReader->m_convertationManager = this;
bool succes = oReader.Parse( );
if( true == succes)
succes = oWriter.Save( );
if( true == succes) return S_OK;
return S_FALSE;
void RtfConvertationManager::OnCompleteItemRtf()
if( true == m_bParseFirstItem )
m_bParseFirstItem = false;
m_poOOXWriter->SaveByItemStart( );
void RtfConvertationManager::OnCompleteItemOOX()
if( true == m_bParseFirstItem )
m_bParseFirstItem = false;
m_poRtfWriter->SaveByItemStart( );
m_poRtfWriter->SaveByItem( );
#pragma once
#include "RtfReader.h"
#include "RtfDocument.h"
#include "RtfWriter.h"
#include "Writer/OOXWriter.h"
#include "Reader/OOXReader.h"
#include <string>
const double g_cdMaxReadRtfPercent = 0.70;
const double g_cdMaxWriteRtfPercent = 0.30;
const double g_cdMaxReadOoxPercent = 0.70;
const double g_cdMaxWriteOoxPercent = 0.30;
class OOXWriter;
class OOXReader;
class RtfWriter;
class RtfReader;
class ConvertationManager
class RtfConvertationManager
CString m_sTempFolder;
ConvertationManager( )
std::wstring m_sTempFolder;
HRESULT ConvertRtfToOOX( std::wstring sSrcFileName, std::wstring sDstPath, CString sXMLOptions )
RtfConvertationManager( )
m_bParseFirstItem = true;
RtfDocument oDocument;
RtfReader oReader( oDocument, sSrcFileName );
OOXWriter oWriter( oDocument, sDstPath );
if (m_sTempFolder.GetLength() < 1)
m_sTempFolder = FileSystem::Directory::GetTempPath();
oReader.m_sTempFolder = FileSystem::Directory::CreateDirectoryWithUniqueName(m_sTempFolder);
oWriter.m_sTempFolder = FileSystem::Directory::CreateDirectoryWithUniqueName(m_sTempFolder);
m_poOOXWriter = NULL;
m_poOOXReader = NULL;
m_poRtfReader = &oReader;
m_poOOXWriter = &oWriter;
m_poRtfReader->m_convertationManager = this;
bool succes = oReader.Load( );
//сохранение будет поэлементое в обработчике OnCompleteItemRtf
//надо только завершить
if( true == m_bParseFirstItem )
m_bParseFirstItem = false;
oWriter.SaveByItemStart( );
m_poRtfWriter = NULL;
m_poRtfReader = NULL;
oWriter.SaveByItemEnd( );
if( true == succes )
return S_OK;
return S_FALSE;
HRESULT ConvertOOXToRtf( std::wstring sDstFileName, std::wstring sSrcPath, CString sXMLOptions )
m_bParseFirstItem = true;
RtfDocument oDocument;
long ConvertRtfToOOX( std::wstring sSrcFileName, std::wstring sDstPath);
OOXReader oReader( oDocument, sSrcPath );
RtfWriter oWriter( oDocument, sDstFileName, sSrcPath );
long ConvertOOXToRtf( std::wstring sDstFileName, std::wstring sSrcPath);
if (m_sTempFolder.GetLength() < 1)
m_sTempFolder = FileSystem::Directory::GetTempPath();
oReader.m_sTempFolder = FileSystem::Directory::CreateDirectoryWithUniqueName(m_sTempFolder);
oWriter.m_sTempFolder = FileSystem::Directory::CreateDirectoryWithUniqueName(m_sTempFolder);
m_poOOXReader = &oReader;
m_poRtfWriter = &oWriter;
m_poOOXReader->m_convertationManager = this;
bool succes = oReader.Parse( );
if( true == succes)
succes = oWriter.Save( );
if( true == succes) return S_OK;
return S_FALSE;
void OnCompleteItemRtf()
if( true == m_bParseFirstItem )
m_bParseFirstItem = false;
m_poOOXWriter->SaveByItemStart( );
void OnCompleteItemOOX()
if( true == m_bParseFirstItem )
m_bParseFirstItem = false;
m_poRtfWriter->SaveByItemStart( );
m_poRtfWriter->SaveByItem( );
void OnCompleteItemRtf();
void OnCompleteItemOOX();
OOXWriter* m_poOOXWriter;
OOXReader* m_poOOXReader;
......@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
#include "../RtfField.h"
#include "../../../../Common/DocxFormat/Source/DocxFormat/Docx.h"
class ConvertationManager;
class RtfConvertationManager;
class OOXReader
ConvertationManager * m_convertationManager;
RtfConvertationManager *m_convertationManager;
CString m_sPath;
int m_nCurItap; //для определение вложенности таблицы
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#include "RtfProperty.h"
#include "RtfDocument.h"
class ConvertationManager;
class RtfConvertationManager;
class RtfReader
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ public:
class ReaderState;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<ReaderState> ReaderStatePtr;
ConvertationManager *m_convertationManager;
RtfConvertationManager *m_convertationManager;
class ReaderState
......@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
class RtfDocument;
//[ event_source(native)]
class RtfWriter
# Project created by QtCreator 2015-04-29T13:41:59
QT -= core gui
TARGET = TxtXmlFormatLib
CONFIG += staticlib
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11 -Wall -Wno-ignored-qualifiers
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/libxml2
../Source/TxtXmlEvent.h \
../Source/TxtXmlFile.h \
../Source/Common/Encoding.h \
../Source/Common/precompiled_utility.h \
../Source/Common/StlUtils.h \
../Source/Common/ToString.h \
../Source/Common/Utility.h \
../Source/Docx2Txt/Converter.h \
../Source/Txt2Docx/Converter.h \
../Source/TxtFormat/File.h \
../Source/TxtFormat/TxtFile.h \
../Source/TxtXmlFile.cpp \
../Source/Common/Encoding.cpp \
../Source/Common/ToString.cpp \
../Source/Docx2Txt/Converter.cpp \
../Source/Txt2Docx/Converter.cpp \
../Source/TxtFormat/File.cpp \
unix {
target.path = /usr/lib
INSTALLS += target
......@@ -4,11 +4,13 @@
#include "Encoding.h"
#include "Utility.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#if defined (_WIN32) || defined (_WIN64)
#include <windows.h>
#include <iconv.h>
#include "../../../../Base/unicode_util.h"
#include "../../../Common/DocxFormat/Source/Base/unicode_util.h"
const std::wstring Encoding::ansi2unicode(const std::string& line)
......@@ -16,25 +18,53 @@ const std::wstring Encoding::ansi2unicode(const std::string& line)
return std::wstring(line.begin(), line.end());//cp2unicode(line, CP_ACP);
const std::wstring Encoding::cp2unicode(const std::string& sline, const unsigned int codePage)
const std::wstring Encoding::cp2unicode(const std::string& sline, const unsigned int nCodepage)
#ifdef _WIN32
#if defined (_WIN32) || defined (_WIN64)
const int nSize = MultiByteToWideChar(codePage, 0, sline.c_str(), sline.size(), NULL, 0);
wchar_t *sTemp = new wchar_t[nSize];
if (!sTemp)
return std::wstring();
int size = MultiByteToWideChar(codePage, 0, sline.c_str(), sline.size(), sTemp, nSize);
int size = MultiByteToWideChar(nCodepage, 0, sline.c_str(), sline.size(), sTemp, nSize);
std::wstring sResult(sTemp, size);
delete []sTemp;
return sResult;
#elif __linux__
return std::wstring();
return std::wstring();
bool ansi = true;
size_t insize = sline.length();
std::wstring w_out;
char *inptr = (char*)sline.c_str();
char* outptr = (char*)w_out.c_str();
if (nCodepage > 0)
std::string sCodepage = "CP" + std::to_string(nCodepage);
iconv_t ic= iconv_open("WCHAR_T", sCodepage.c_str());
if (ic != (iconv_t) -1)
size_t nconv = 0, avail = (insize) * sizeof(wchar_t);
nconv = iconv (ic, &inptr, &insize, &outptr, &avail);
if (nconv == 0)
ansi = false;
if (ansi)
w_out = std::wstring(sline.begin(), sline.end());
return w_out;
......@@ -43,7 +73,7 @@ const std::wstring Encoding::utf82unicode(const std::string& line)
if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 2)//utf8 -> utf16
unsigned __int32 nLength = line.length();
unsigned int nLength = line.length();
UTF16 *pStrUtf16 = new UTF16 [nLength+1];
memset ((void *) pStrUtf16, 0, sizeof (UTF16) * (nLength+1));
......@@ -70,7 +100,7 @@ const std::wstring Encoding::utf82unicode(const std::string& line)
else //utf8 -> utf32
unsigned __int32 nLength = line.length();
unsigned int nLength = line.length();
UTF32 *pStrUtf32 = new UTF32 [nLength+1];
memset ((void *) pStrUtf32, 0, sizeof (UTF32) * (nLength+1));
......@@ -100,7 +130,7 @@ const std::wstring Encoding::utf82unicode(const std::string& line)
const std::string Encoding::unicode2ansi(const std::wstring& line)
return unicode2cp(line, CP_ACP);
return std::string(line.begin(), line.end());
const std::string Encoding::unicode2utf8(const std::wstring& line)
......@@ -109,8 +139,8 @@ const std::string Encoding::unicode2utf8(const std::wstring& line)
UTF16 *pStrUtf16 = (UTF16 *) &line[0];
unsigned __int32 nLength = line.length();
unsigned __int32 nDstLength = 4*nLength + 1;
unsigned int nLength = line.length();
unsigned int nDstLength = 4*nLength + 1;
UTF8 *pStrUtf8 = new UTF8 [nDstLength];
memset ((void *) pStrUtf8, 0, sizeof (UTF8) * (nDstLength));
......@@ -138,8 +168,8 @@ const std::string Encoding::unicode2utf8(const std::wstring& line)
UTF32 *pStrUtf32 = (UTF32 *) &line[0];
unsigned __int32 nLength = line.length();
unsigned __int32 nDstLength = 4*nLength + 1;
unsigned int nLength = line.length();
unsigned int nDstLength = 4*nLength + 1;
UTF8 *pStrUtf8 = new UTF8 [nDstLength];
memset ((void *) pStrUtf8, 0, sizeof (UTF8) * (nDstLength));
......@@ -165,23 +195,49 @@ const std::string Encoding::unicode2utf8(const std::wstring& line)
const std::string Encoding::unicode2cp(const std::wstring& sLine, const unsigned int codePage)
const std::string Encoding::unicode2cp(const std::wstring& sLine, const unsigned int nCodepage)
#ifdef _WIN32
#if defined (_WIN32) || defined (_WIN64)
const int nSize = WideCharToMultiByte(codePage, 0, sLine.c_str(), sLine.length(), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
char *sTemp = new char[nSize];
if (!sTemp)
return std::string();
int size = WideCharToMultiByte(codePage, 0, sLine.c_str(), sLine.length(), sTemp, nSize, NULL, NULL);
int size = WideCharToMultiByte(nCodepage, 0, sLine.c_str(), sLine.length(), sTemp, nSize, NULL, NULL);
std::string sResult(sTemp, size);
delete []sTemp;
return sResult;
#elif __linux__
return std::string();
return std::string();
std::string out;
bool ansi = true;
size_t insize = sLine.length();
char *inptr = (char*)sLine.c_str();
char* outptr = (char*)out.c_str();
if (nCodepage > 0)
std::string sCodepage = "CP" + std::to_string(nCodepage);
iconv_t ic= iconv_open(sCodepage.c_str(), "WCHAR_T");
if (ic != (iconv_t) -1)
size_t nconv = 0, avail = insize * sizeof(wchar_t);
nconv = iconv (ic, &inptr, &insize, &outptr, &avail);
if (nconv == 0) ansi = false;
if (ansi)
out = std::string(sLine.begin(), sLine.end());
return out;
......@@ -7,32 +7,48 @@
namespace StlUtils
static inline std::wstring IntToWideString(int value, int radix = 10)
static inline std::wstring IntToWideString(int value)
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
wchar_t strValue[256];
_itow_s(value, strValue, 256, radix);
return std::wstring(strValue);
return std::to_wstring(value);
static inline std::wstring DoubleToWideString(double value)
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
wchar_t strValue[256];
swprintf_s(strValue, 256, L"%f", value);
return std::wstring(strValue);
return std::to_wstring(value);
static inline std::string IntToString(int value, int radix = 10)
static inline std::string IntToString(int value)
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
char strValue[256];
_itoa_s(value, strValue, 256, radix);
return std::string(strValue);
return std::to_string(value);
static inline std::string DoubleToString(double value)
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
char strValue[256];
sprintf_s(strValue, 256, "%f", value);
return std::string(strValue);
return std::to_string(value);
static int ToInteger(const std::string& strValue)
......@@ -42,7 +58,11 @@ namespace StlUtils
static int ToInteger(const std::wstring& strValue)
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
return _wtoi(strValue.c_str());
return std::stoi(strValue);
static double ToDouble(const std::string& strValue)
......@@ -52,7 +72,11 @@ namespace StlUtils
static double ToDouble(const std::wstring& strValue)
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
return _wtof(strValue.c_str());
return std::stod(strValue);
#pragma once
#include "../../../../Common/DocxFormat/Source/XML/stringcommon.h"
......@@ -10,7 +8,7 @@ template<typename Out, typename In>
static const std::vector<Out> _transform(const std::vector<In>& lines, const Out(*func)(const In&))
std::vector<Out> result;
for (std::vector<In>::const_iterator iter = lines.begin(); iter != lines.end(); ++iter)
for (typename std::vector<In>::const_iterator iter = lines.begin(); iter != lines.end(); ++iter)
......@@ -22,7 +20,7 @@ template<typename Out, typename In>
static const std::list<Out> _transform(const std::list<In>& lines, const Out(*func)(const In&))
std::list<Out> result;
for (std::list<In>::const_iterator iter = lines.begin(); iter != lines.end(); ++iter)
for (typename std::list<In>::const_iterator iter = lines.begin(); iter != lines.end(); ++iter)
......@@ -33,11 +31,10 @@ template<typename Out, typename In, typename In2>
static const std::list<Out> _transform2(const std::list<In>& lines, const int codepage, const Out(*func)(const In&, const In2 codePage))
std::list<Out> result;
for (std::list<In>::const_iterator iter = lines.begin(); iter != lines.end(); ++iter)
for (typename std::list<In>::const_iterator iter = lines.begin(); iter != lines.end(); ++iter)
result.push_back(func(*iter, codepage));
return result;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ namespace Docx2Txt
void convert(TxtXml::ITxtXmlEvent& Event);
void writeUtf8 (const boost::filesystem::wpath& path) const;
void writeUnicode (const boost::filesystem::wpath& path) const;
void writeBigEndian (const boost::filesystem::wpath& path) const;
void writeAnsi (const boost::filesystem::wpath& path) const;
void writeUtf8 (const std::wstring& path) const;
void writeUnicode (const std::wstring& path) const;
void writeBigEndian (const std::wstring& path) const;
void writeAnsi (const std::wstring& path) const;
Txt::File m_outputFile;
OOX::CDocx m_inputFile;
......@@ -77,33 +77,33 @@ namespace Docx2Txt
return converter_->convert(Event);
void Converter::read(const boost::filesystem::wpath& path)
void Converter::read(const std::wstring& path)
BOOL res = converter_->m_inputFile.Read(std_string2string(path.string()));
BOOL res = converter_->m_inputFile.Read(std_string2string(path));
void Converter::write(const boost::filesystem::wpath& path)
void Converter::write(const std::wstring& path)
return converter_->m_outputFile.write(path);
void Converter::writeUtf8(const boost::filesystem::wpath& path) const
void Converter::writeUtf8(const std::wstring& path) const
return converter_->writeUtf8(path);
void Converter::writeUnicode(const boost::filesystem::wpath& path) const
void Converter::writeUnicode(const std::wstring& path) const
return converter_->writeUnicode(path);
void Converter::writeBigEndian(const boost::filesystem::wpath& path) const
void Converter::writeBigEndian(const std::wstring path) const
return converter_->writeBigEndian(path);
void Converter::writeAnsi(const boost::filesystem::wpath& path) const
void Converter::writeAnsi(const std::wstring path) const
return converter_->writeAnsi(path);
......@@ -183,25 +183,25 @@ namespace Docx2Txt
void Converter_Impl::writeUtf8(const boost::filesystem::wpath& path) const
void Converter_Impl::writeUtf8(const std::wstring& path) const
void Converter_Impl::writeUnicode(const boost::filesystem::wpath& path) const
void Converter_Impl::writeUnicode(const std::wstring& path) const
void Converter_Impl::writeBigEndian(const boost::filesystem::wpath& path) const
void Converter_Impl::writeBigEndian(const std::wstring& path) const
void Converter_Impl::writeAnsi(const boost::filesystem::wpath& path) const
void Converter_Impl::writeAnsi(const std::wstring& path) const
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
......@@ -22,13 +21,13 @@ namespace Docx2Txt
void convert(TxtXml::ITxtXmlEvent& Event);
void read (const boost::filesystem::wpath& path);
void write (const boost::filesystem::wpath& path);
void read (const std::wstring& path);
void write (const std::wstring& path);
void writeUtf8 (const boost::filesystem::wpath& path) const;
void writeUnicode (const boost::filesystem::wpath& path) const;
void writeBigEndian (const boost::filesystem::wpath& path) const;
void writeAnsi (const boost::filesystem::wpath& path) const;
void writeUtf8 (const std::wstring& path) const;
void writeUnicode (const std::wstring& path) const;
void writeBigEndian (const std::wstring& path) const;
void writeAnsi (const std::wstring& path) const;
Converter_Impl * converter_;
#include "Converter.h"
//#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
//#include "../Common/AbstractConverter.h"
#include "../../../../Common/DocxFormat/Source/DocxFormat/Docx.h"
#include "../TxtFormat/TxtFormat.h"
#include "../TxtXmlEvent.h"
......@@ -34,12 +32,12 @@ namespace Txt2Docx
return converter_->convert(Event);
void Converter::read(const boost::filesystem::wpath& path)
void Converter::read(const std::wstring& path)
return converter_->;
void Converter::write(/*const boost::filesystem::wpath& path*/XmlUtils::CStringWriter & stringWriter)
void Converter::write(/*const std::wstring& path*/XmlUtils::CStringWriter & stringWriter)
for (long i=0;i < converter_->m_outputFile.m_arrItems.size(); i++)
......@@ -123,7 +121,10 @@ namespace Txt2Docx
if(line->length() > 0)
temp->AddText(std_string2string(*line));//, rPr);
CString s = std_string2string(*line);
temp->AddText(s);//, rPr);
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include "../../../../Common/DocxFormat/Source/XML/Utils.h"
namespace TxtXml
......@@ -21,8 +20,8 @@ namespace Txt2Docx
~Converter ();
void convert(TxtXml::ITxtXmlEvent& Event);
void read (const boost::filesystem::wpath& path);
void write (XmlUtils::CStringWriter & stringWriter/*const boost::filesystem::wpath& path*/);
void read (const std::wstring& path);
void write (XmlUtils::CStringWriter & stringWriter/*const std::wstring& path*/);
Converter_Impl * converter_;
......@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
#include "../Common/Utility.h"
#include "TxtFile.h"
#include "../../../DesktopEditor/common/File.h"
namespace Txt
......@@ -12,14 +15,14 @@ namespace Txt
void File::read(const boost::filesystem::wpath& filename, int code_page) //
void File::read(const std::wstring& filename, int code_page) //
if (filename.empty())
TxtFile file(std_string2string(filename.string()));
TxtFile file(std_string2string(filename));
std::list<std::string> codePageContent = file.readAnsiOrCodePage();
m_listContentSize = file.getLinesCount();
......@@ -30,14 +33,14 @@ namespace Txt
void File::read(const boost::filesystem::wpath& filename)
void File::read(const std::wstring& filename)
if (filename.empty())
TxtFile file(std_string2string(filename.string()));
TxtFile file(std_string2string(filename));
......@@ -69,15 +72,15 @@ namespace Txt
void File::write(const boost::filesystem::wpath& filename) const
void File::write(const std::wstring& filename) const
TxtFile file(std_string2string(filename.string()));
TxtFile file(std_string2string(filename));
file.writeUtf8(_transform(m_listContent, Encoding::unicode2utf8));
void File::writeCodePage(const boost::filesystem::wpath& filename, int code_page) const
void File::writeCodePage(const std::wstring& filename, int code_page) const
TxtFile file(std_string2string(filename.string()));
TxtFile file(std_string2string(filename));
std::list<std::string> result;
for (std::list<std::wstring>::const_iterator iter = m_listContent.begin(); iter != m_listContent.end(); ++iter)
......@@ -88,39 +91,40 @@ namespace Txt
void File::writeUtf8(const boost::filesystem::wpath& filename) const
void File::writeUtf8(const std::wstring& filename) const
TxtFile file(std_string2string(filename.string()));
TxtFile file(std_string2string(filename));
file.writeUtf8(_transform(m_listContent, Encoding::unicode2utf8));
void File::writeUnicode(const boost::filesystem::wpath& filename) const
void File::writeUnicode(const std::wstring& filename) const
TxtFile file(std_string2string(filename.string()));
TxtFile file(std_string2string(filename));
void File::writeBigEndian(const boost::filesystem::wpath& filename) const
void File::writeBigEndian(const std::wstring& filename) const
TxtFile file(std_string2string(filename.string()));
OOX::CPath path (filename);
TxtFile file(path);
void File::writeAnsi(const boost::filesystem::wpath& filename) const
void File::writeAnsi(const std::wstring& filename) const
TxtFile file(std_string2string(filename.string()));
TxtFile file(std_string2string(filename));
file.writeAnsiOrCodePage(_transform(m_listContent, Encoding::unicode2ansi));
const bool File::isValid(const boost::filesystem::wpath& filename) const
const bool File::isValid(const std::wstring& filename) const
if (filename.empty())
return true;
return boost::filesystem::exists(filename);
return NSFile::CFileBinary::Exists(filename);
void File::correctUnicode(std::list<std::wstring>& input)
......@@ -2,12 +2,8 @@
//#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
//#include "property.h"
namespace Txt
......@@ -17,18 +13,18 @@ namespace Txt
void read (const boost::filesystem::wpath& filename);
void read (const boost::filesystem::wpath& filename, int code_page);
void read (const std::wstring& filename);
void read (const std::wstring& filename, int code_page);
void write (const boost::filesystem::wpath& filename) const;
void write (const std::wstring& filename) const;
void writeCodePage (const boost::filesystem::wpath& filename, int code_page) const;
void writeUtf8 (const boost::filesystem::wpath& filename) const;
void writeUnicode (const boost::filesystem::wpath& filename) const;
void writeBigEndian (const boost::filesystem::wpath& filename) const;
void writeAnsi (const boost::filesystem::wpath& filename) const;
void writeCodePage (const std::wstring& filename, int code_page) const;
void writeUtf8 (const std::wstring& filename) const;
void writeUnicode (const std::wstring& filename) const;
void writeBigEndian (const std::wstring& filename) const;
void writeAnsi (const std::wstring& filename) const;
const bool isValid (const boost::filesystem::wpath& filename) const;
const bool isValid (const std::wstring& filename) const;
std::list<std::wstring> m_listContent; //unicode ( utf8)
int m_listContentSize; //
......@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ const std::list<std::string> TxtFile::readUtf8()
void TxtFile::writeAnsiOrCodePage(const std::list<std::string>& content) // === writeUtf8withoutPref
CFile file;
if (file.CreateFileW(m_path.GetPath()) == S_OK)
if (file.CreateFile(m_path.GetPath()) == S_OK)
BYTE endLine[2] = {0x0d, 0x0a};
for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator iter = content.begin(); iter != content.end(); ++iter)
......@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ void TxtFile::writeAnsiOrCodePage(const std::list<std::string>& content) // ===
void TxtFile::writeUnicode(const std::list<std::wstring>& content)
CFile file;
if (file.CreateFileW(m_path.GetPath()) == S_OK)
if (file.CreateFile(m_path.GetPath()) == S_OK)
BYTE Header[2] = {0xff, 0xfe};
BYTE EndLine[4] = {0x0d, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x00};
......@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ void TxtFile::writeUnicode(const std::list<std::wstring>& content)
void TxtFile::writeBigEndian(const std::list<std::wstring>& content)
CFile file;
if (file.CreateFileW(m_path.GetPath()) == S_OK)
if (file.CreateFile(m_path.GetPath()) == S_OK)
BYTE Header[2] = {0xfe, 0xff};
BYTE EndLine[4] = {0x00, 0x0d, 0x00, 0x0a};
......@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ void TxtFile::writeBigEndian(const std::list<std::wstring>& content)
void TxtFile::writeUtf8(const std::list<std::string>& content)
CFile file;
if (file.CreateFileW(m_path.GetPath()) == S_OK)
if (file.CreateFile(m_path.GetPath()) == S_OK)
BYTE Header[3] = {0xef ,0xbb , 0xbf};
BYTE EndLine[2] = {0x0d ,0x0a};
#include <string>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include "TxtXmlFile.h"
......@@ -23,7 +22,7 @@ namespace BinDocxRW
#include "../../../ASCOfficeUtils/ASCOfficeUtilsLib/OfficeUtils.h"
#include "../../../Common/OfficeDefines.h"
#include "../../../common/docxformat/source/systemutility/file.h"
#include "../../../Common/DocxFormat/Source/SystemUtility/File.h"
#include "../../../DesktopEditor/common/Path.h"
#include "../../../ASCOfficeDocxFile2/DocWrapper/FontProcessor.h"
......@@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ bool CTxtXmlFile::Progress(long ID, long Percent)
return (res != 0);
static int ParseTxtOptions(static CString & sXmlOptions)
static int ParseTxtOptions(const std::wstring & sXmlOptions)
int encoding = -1;
......@@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ static int ParseTxtOptions(static CString & sXmlOptions)
HRESULT CTxtXmlFile::txt_LoadFromFile(CString sSrcFileName, CString sDstPath, CString sXMLOptions)
HRESULT CTxtXmlFile::txt_LoadFromFile(const std::wstring & sSrcFileName, const std::wstring & sDstPath, const std::wstring & sXMLOptions)
// xml -
//HRESULT hr = xml_LoadFromFile(sSrcFileName, sDstPath, sXMLOptions);
......@@ -87,14 +86,10 @@ HRESULT CTxtXmlFile::txt_LoadFromFile(CString sSrcFileName, CString sDstPath, CS
//As Text
const boost::filesystem::wpath txtFile = string2std_string(sSrcFileName);
const boost::filesystem::wpath docxPath = string2std_string(sDstPath);
const boost::filesystem::wpath origin = docxPath/L"Origin";
Writers::FileWriter *pDocxWriter = new Writers::FileWriter(sDstPath, _T(""), 1, false, NULL, _T(""));
if (pDocxWriter == NULL) return S_FALSE;
CreateDocxEmpty(sDstPath, pDocxWriter);
CreateDocxEmpty(std_string2string(sDstPath), pDocxWriter);
......@@ -102,7 +97,7 @@ HRESULT CTxtXmlFile::txt_LoadFromFile(CString sSrcFileName, CString sDstPath, CS
Progress(0, 0);
Txt2Docx::Converter converter( encoding);;;
Progress(0, 100000);
......@@ -122,35 +117,32 @@ HRESULT CTxtXmlFile::txt_LoadFromFile(CString sSrcFileName, CString sDstPath, CS
HRESULT CTxtXmlFile::txt_SaveToFile(CString sDstFileName, CString sSrcPath, CString sXMLOptions)
HRESULT CTxtXmlFile::txt_SaveToFile(const std::wstring & sDstFileName, const std::wstring & sSrcPath, const std::wstring & sXMLOptions)
const boost::filesystem::wpath txtFile = string2std_string(sDstFileName);
const boost::filesystem::wpath docxPath = string2std_string(sSrcPath);
Progress(0, 0);
Docx2Txt::Converter converter;;;
Progress(0, 100000);
int encoding = ParseTxtOptions(sXMLOptions);
if (encoding == EncodingType::Utf8)
else if (encoding == EncodingType::Unicode)
else if (encoding == EncodingType::Ansi)
else if (encoding == EncodingType::BigEndian)
else if (encoding > 0) //code page
else //auto define
Progress(0, 1000000);
#pragma once
#include "TxtXmlEvent.h"
#include "../../../Common/DocxFormat/Source/XML/stringcommon.h"
#include <string>
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
#include <windows.h>
#include "../../../DesktopEditor/common/ASCVariant.h"
namespace Writers
......@@ -13,8 +20,8 @@ class CTxtXmlFile : public TxtXml::ITxtXmlEvent
virtual bool Progress(long ID, long Percent);
HRESULT txt_LoadFromFile(CString sSrcFileName, CString sDstPath, CString sXMLOptions);
HRESULT txt_SaveToFile (CString sDstFileName, CString sSrcPath, CString sXMLOptions);
HRESULT txt_LoadFromFile(const std::wstring & sSrcFileName, const std::wstring & sDstPath, const std::wstring & sXMLOptions);
HRESULT txt_SaveToFile (const std::wstring & sDstFileName, const std::wstring & sSrcPath, const std::wstring & sXMLOptions);
//HRESULT xml_LoadFromFile(CString sSrcFileName, CString sDstPath, CString sXMLOptions);
//HRESULT xml_SaveToFile (CString sDstFileName, CString sSrcPath, CString sXMLOptions);
LIBS += -lxml2
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/libxml2
SOURCES += docxformatlib.cpp \
../Source/Common/Align.cpp \
#include <windows.h>
......@@ -50,4 +48,5 @@ const int c_nSaveModeNone = 0;
const int c_nSaveModeStart = 1;
const int c_nSaveModeContinue = 2;
const int c_nSaveModeCommit = 4;
......@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
#include "../../Common/DocxFormat/Source/Base/ASCString.h" // TODO: move ASCString to DecktopEditor/commmon directory
#ifndef _WIN32
#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64)
// 0 == FALSE, -1 == TRUE
typedef short VARIANT_BOOL;
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ namespace SerializeCommon
return sSourcePath.Left(nIndex + 1) + sTargetExt;
return sSourcePath;
void ReadFileType(CString& sXMLOptions, BYTE& result, UINT& nCodePage, WCHAR& wcDelimiter, BYTE& cSaveFileType)
void ReadFileType(const CString& sXMLOptions, BYTE& result, UINT& nCodePage, WCHAR& wcDelimiter, BYTE& cSaveFileType)
result = BinXlsxRW::c_oFileTypes::XLSX;
nCodePage = CP_UTF8;
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ namespace SerializeCommon
void ReadFileType(CString& sXMLOptions, BYTE& result, UINT& nCodePage, WCHAR& wcDelimiter, BYTE& saveFileType);
void ReadFileType(const CString& sXMLOptions, BYTE& result, UINT& nCodePage, WCHAR& wcDelimiter, BYTE& saveFileType);
......@@ -3023,7 +3023,7 @@ namespace BinXlsxRW {
public: BinaryFileReader()
int ReadFile(CString sSrcFileName, CString sDstPath, NSBinPptxRW::CDrawingConverter* pOfficeDrawingConverter, CString& sXMLOptions)
int ReadFile(const CString& sSrcFileName, CString sDstPath, NSBinPptxRW::CDrawingConverter* pOfficeDrawingConverter, const CString& sXMLOptions)
bool bResultOk = false;
NSFile::CFileBinary oFile;
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