From d0f6f1fe4da7e497f8809c2325d55ddd03ee908b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexandre Boeglin <>
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 10:57:01 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] ERP5/Tool/ * added method
 generateMultivaluedMappedValue that returns a list of mapped   value
 properties, instead of one single value

* optimized price calculation with options

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
 product/ERP5/Document/ | 81 +++++++++++++------------------
 product/ERP5/Tool/   | 53 +++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

diff --git a/product/ERP5/Document/ b/product/ERP5/Document/
index 7a1ae3a89b..ad9efa1d38 100644
--- a/product/ERP5/Document/
+++ b/product/ERP5/Document/
@@ -544,10 +544,13 @@ class Resource(XMLMatrix, CoreResource, Variated):
       return p
     def _pricingSortMethod(self, a, b):
-      # Simple method : the one that matches the highest number
-      # of criterions wins
-      return cmp(len(b.getAcquiredCategoryList()),
-          len(a.getAcquiredCategoryList()))
+      # Simple method : the one that defines a destination wins
+      parent = a.getParentValue()
+      if parent.getPortalType().endswith(' Line'):
+        parent = parent.getParentValue()
+      if parent.getDestination():
+        return -1 # a has a destination and wins
+      return 1 # a has no destination ans loses
@@ -567,43 +570,22 @@ class Resource(XMLMatrix, CoreResource, Variated):
       resource_category = 'resource/' + self.getRelativeUrl()
       if not resource_category in new_category_list:
         new_category_list += (resource_category, )
-      # Generate a mapped value without option, and one for each option
-      # Separate option from new_category_list
-      option_base_category_list = self.getPortalOptionBaseCategoryList()
-      option_category_list = []
-      no_option_category_list = []
-      for new_category in new_category_list:
-        is_option = 0
-        for option_base_category in option_base_category_list:
-          if new_category.startswith(option_base_category):
-            is_option = 1
-            break
-        if is_option:
-          option_category_list.append(new_category)
-        else:
-          no_option_category_list.append(new_category)
       # Generate the predicate mapped value
       # to get some price values.
-      mapped_value_list = []
       domain_tool = getToolByName(self,'portal_domains')
       portal_type_list = self.getPortalSupplyPathTypeList()
-      category_list_list = [no_option_category_list] + \
-          [no_option_category_list+[x] for x in option_category_list]
-      for category_list in category_list_list:
-        # Generate the fake context
-        tmp_context = self.asContext(context=context, 
-                                     categories=category_list,
-                                     REQUEST=REQUEST, **kw)
-        tmp_kw = kw.copy()
-        if 'sort_method' not in tmp_kw:
-          tmp_kw['sort_method'] = self._pricingSortMethod
-        mapped_value = domain_tool.generateMappedValue(
-                                               tmp_context,
-                                               portal_type=portal_type_list,
-                                               has_cell_content=0, **tmp_kw)
-        if mapped_value is not None:
-          mapped_value_list.append(mapped_value)
+      # Generate the fake context
+      tmp_context = self.asContext(context=context, 
+                                   categories=new_category_list,
+                                   REQUEST=REQUEST, **kw)
+      tmp_kw = kw.copy()
+      if 'sort_method' not in tmp_kw:
+        tmp_kw['sort_method'] = self._pricingSortMethod
+      mapped_value = domain_tool.generateMultivaluedMappedValue(
+                                             tmp_context,
+                                             portal_type=portal_type_list,
+                                             has_cell_content=0, **tmp_kw)
       # Get price parameters
       price_parameter_dict = {
         'base_price': None,
@@ -614,18 +596,23 @@ class Resource(XMLMatrix, CoreResource, Variated):
         'variable_additional_price': [],
         'non_discountable_additional_price': [],
-      for mapped_value in mapped_value_list:
-        for price_parameter_name in price_parameter_dict.keys():
-          price_parameter_value = \
-            mapped_value.getProperty(price_parameter_name)
-          if price_parameter_value not in [None, '']:
-            try:
-              price_parameter_dict[price_parameter_name].append(
-                                              price_parameter_value)
-            except AttributeError:
-              if price_parameter_dict[price_parameter_name] is None:
+      if mapped_value is None:
+        return price_parameter_dict
+      for price_parameter_name in price_parameter_dict.keys():
+        price_parameter_value = \
+          mapped_value.getProperty(price_parameter_name)
+        if price_parameter_value not in [None, '']:
+          try:
+            price_parameter_dict[price_parameter_name].extend(
+                                            price_parameter_value)
+          except AttributeError:
+            if price_parameter_dict[price_parameter_name] is None:
+              if price_parameter_name == 'exclusive_discount_ratio':
                 price_parameter_dict[price_parameter_name] = \
-                                                price_parameter_value
+                    max(price_parameter_value)
+              else:
+                price_parameter_dict[price_parameter_name] = \
+                    price_parameter_value[0]
       return price_parameter_dict
diff --git a/product/ERP5/Tool/ b/product/ERP5/Tool/
index 97e8f545ec..ad85af8779 100644
--- a/product/ERP5/Tool/
+++ b/product/ERP5/Tool/
@@ -189,12 +189,12 @@ class DomainTool(BaseTool):
     def generateMappedValue(self, context, test=1, predicate_list=None, **kw):
       We will generate a mapped value with the list of all predicates 
-      founds. 
+      found. 
       Let's say we have 3 predicates (in the order we want) like this:
       Predicate 1   [ base_price1,           ,   ,   ,    ,    , ]
       Predicate 2   [ base_price2, quantity2 ,   ,   ,    ,    , ]
       Predicate 3   [ base_price3, quantity3 ,   ,   ,    ,    , ]
-      Our MappedValue generated will have the base_price of the 
+      Our generated MappedValue will have the base_price of the 
       predicate1, and the quantity of the Predicate2, because Predicate
       1 is the first one which defines a base_price and the Predicate2
       is the first one wich defines a quantity.
@@ -223,6 +223,55 @@ class DomainTool(BaseTool):
         mapped_value = mapped_value.asContext(**mapped_value_property_dict)
       return mapped_value
+    # XXX FIXME method should not be public 
+    # (some users are not able to see resource's price)
+    security.declarePublic('generateMultivaluedMappedValue')
+    def generateMultivaluedMappedValue(self, context, test=1, predicate_list=None, **kw):
+      """
+      We will generate a mapped value with the list of all predicates 
+      found. 
+      Let's say we have 3 predicates (in the order we want) like this:
+      Predicate 1   [ base_price1,           ,   ,   ,    ,    , ]
+      Predicate 2   [ base_price2, additional_price2 ,   ,   ,    ,    , ]
+      Predicate 3   [ base_price3, additional_price3 ,   ,   ,    ,    , ]
+      Our generated MappedValue will take all values for each property and put
+      them in lists, unless predicates define the same list of criterion categories
+      """
+      # First get the list of predicates
+      if predicate_list is None:
+        predicate_list = self.searchPredicateList(context, test=test, **kw)
+      if len(predicate_list)==0:
+        # No predicate, return None
+        mapped_value = None
+      else:
+        # Generate tempDeliveryCell
+        from Products.ERP5Type.Document import newTempSupplyCell
+        mapped_value = newTempSupplyCell(self.getPortalObject(),
+                                           'new_mapped_value')
+        mapped_value_property_dict = {}
+        processed_dict = {}
+        # Look for each property the first predicate with unique criterion
+        # categories which defines the property
+        for predicate in predicate_list:
+          predicate_category_list = \
+              tuple(predicate.getMembershipCriterionCategoryList())
+          for mapped_value_property in predicate.getMappedValuePropertyList():
+            prop_list = processed_dict.setdefault(predicate_category_list, [])
+            if mapped_value_property in prop_list:
+              # we already have one value for this (categories, property)
+              continue
+            prop_list.append(mapped_value_property)
+            value = predicate.getProperty(mapped_value_property)
+            if value is not None:
+              mv_prop_list = \
+                  mapped_value_property_dict.setdefault(
+                  mapped_value_property, [])
+              mv_prop_list.append(value)
+        # Update mapped value
+        mapped_value = mapped_value.asContext(**mapped_value_property_dict)
+      return mapped_value
     def getChildDomainValueList(self, parent, **kw):