Formulator Form - Order Description The 'order' view allows you to change the order in which fields should be displayed in the form. You can also group fields together; this may be helpful when you create a complicated form. Any field that gets added to the form ends up in the first group. This group always exists and cannot be removed. You can click on the field id to go directly to the field management screen. Note that you *cannot* add or remove any fields in this form; you have to use the main 'contents' view of the form for that. How this information is used The order and grouping information is used internally by the 'test' tab of the form, and you can also use it in your own code. See the Formulator API Reference (to be written; for now read the source!) for more information on how to do that. Reordering fields inside a group You can reorder fields in a group by moving them up and down in the group. Select the field you want to move using the checkbox in front of the field id. Then click on the 'Move Up' or 'Move Dn' button, to move the field up or down respectively. You will see a feedback message at the top of the screen. You can only move a single field at a time this way, you select only the field you want to move! Creating a new group The first group has a button called 'Create' at the bottom, with an input box above it. Fill in the name of the new group that you want to create there, and press the 'Create' button. The new group will be added (as the last group visible). How the groups are displayed In order to show more information on a single screen, the groups are ordered in columns from left to right, then in rows from top to bottom. The 'settings' view allows you to modify how many groups should appear in a single row (the default is 4 groups). Changing this has no impact on the functionality of the form itself. When you add a new group, it will be added to the right of the current last group, if this still fits in a row. Otherwise a new row will be created and the group will be displayed there. Moving fields to a different group When you create a new group, it remains empty. You can move several fields into a group by using the 'Transfer' button of a group. First select one ore more fields in an old group that you want to move away. Then, use the 'Move to:' dropdown list to select the group to which you want to move the selected fields. Then, press the 'Transfer' button. The fields should now disappear from the origin group and appear in the target group. Reordering groups You can change the order of the gropus by using the 'Move Up' and 'Move Dn' buttons in the 'Group' section of a group. This moves the entire group in the group order. You cannot move the first group (and it therefore has no group movement buttons). Renaming groups You can rename a group by filling in the new name in the input box above the 'Rename' button, and then pressing that button. Removing groups You can remove a group by pressing the 'Remove' button in the 'Group' section of the group. The entire group will disappear. Any fields that were in the group will move to the bottom of the first group; you cannot lose any fields this way.