# Copyright (c) 2002 Nexedi SARL. All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2001 Zope Corporation and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.

from Persistence import Persistent
import Acquisition
import ExtensionClass
from string import lower, split, join

from Products.PluginIndexes.common.randid import randid
from Products.CMFCore.Expression import Expression
from Acquisition import aq_parent, aq_inner, aq_base, aq_self
from zLOG import LOG

import time

class Catalog(Persistent, Acquisition.Implicit, ExtensionClass.Base):
  """ An Object Catalog

  An Object Catalog maintains a table of object metadata, and a
  series of manageable indexes to quickly search for objects
  (references in the metadata) that satisfy a search query.

  This class is not Zope specific, and can be used in any python
  program to build catalogs of objects.  Note that it does require
  the objects to be Persistent, and thus must be used with ZODB3.

  uid -> the (local) universal ID of objects
  path -> the (local) path of objects

  bgrain defined in meyhods...


    - optmization: indexing objects should be deferred
      until timeout value or end of transaction

  def __init__(self):
    self.schema = {}  # mapping from attribute name to column
    self.names = {}   # mapping from column to attribute name
    self.indexes = {}   # empty mapping

  def clear(self):
    Clears the catalog by calling a list of methods
    methods = self.sql_clear_catalog
    for method_name in methods:
      method = getattr(self,method_name)

  def __getitem__(self, uid):
    Get an object by UID
    Note: brain is defined in Z SQL Method object
    method = getattr(self,  self.sql_getitem_by_uid)
    search_result = method(uid = uid)
    if len(search_result) > 0:
      return search_result[0]
      return None

  def editSchema(self, names_list):
    Builds a schema from a list of strings
    Splits each string to build a list of attribute names
    Columns on the database should not change during this operations
    i = 0
    schema = {}
    names = {}
    for cid in self.getColumnIds():
      name_list = []
      for name in names_list[i].split():
        schema[name] = cid
        name_list += [name,]
      names[cid] = tuple(name_list)
      i += 1
    self.schema = schema
    self.names = names

  def getColumnIds(self):
    Calls the show column method and returns dictionnary of
    Field Ids
    method_name = self.sql_catalog_schema
    keys = {}
    for table in self.getCatalogSearchTableIds():
        method = getattr(self,  method_name)
        search_result = method(table=table)
        for c in search_result:
          keys[c.Field] = 1
    keys = keys.keys()
    return keys

  def getResultColumnIds(self):
    Calls the show column method and returns dictionnary of
    Field Ids
    method_name = self.sql_catalog_schema
    keys = {}
    for table in self.getCatalogSearchTableIds():
        method = getattr(self,  method_name)
        search_result = method(table=table)
        for c in search_result:
          keys['%s.%s' % (table, c.Field)] = 1
    keys = keys.keys()
    return keys

  def getTableIds(self):
    Calls the show table method and returns dictionnary of
    Field Ids
    keys = []
    method_name = self.sql_catalog_tables
      method = getattr(self,  method_name)
      search_result = method()
      for c in search_result:
    return keys

  # the cataloging API
  def catalogObject(self, object, path, is_object_moved=0):
    Adds an object to the Catalog by calling
    all SQL methods and providing needed arguments.

    'object' is the object to be cataloged

    'uid' is the unique Catalog identifier for this object

    LOG('Catalog object:',0,str(path))

    # Prepare the dictionnary of values
    kw = {}

    # Check if already Catalogued
    if hasattr(object, 'uid'):
      # Try to use existing uid
      uid = object.uid
      # Look up in (previous) path
      uid = 0
    if is_object_moved:
      index = uid # We trust the current uid
      index = self.getUidForPath(path)
    if index:
      if (uid != index):
        # Update uid attribute of object
        uid = int(index)
        LOG("Write Uid",0, "uid %s index %s" % (uid, index))
        object.uid = uid
      # We will check if there is an filter on this
      # method, if so we may not call this zsqlMethod
      # for this object
      for method_name in self.sql_update_object:
        if self.isMethodFiltered(method_name):
          if self.filter_dict.has_key(method_name):
            portal_type = object.getPortalType()
            if portal_type not in (self.filter_dict[method_name]['type']):
              #LOG('catalog_object',0,'XX1 this method is broken because not in types: %s' % method_name)
              expression = self.filter_dict[method_name]['expression_instance']
              if expression is not None:
                econtext = self.getExpressionContext(object)
                result = expression(econtext)
                if not result:
                  #LOG('catalog_object',0,'XX2 this method is broken because expression: %s' % method_name)
        #LOG('catalog_object',0,'this method is not broken: %s' % method_name)
        # Get the appropriate SQL Method
        # Lookup by path is required because of OFS Semantics
        method = getattr(self, method_name)
        if method.meta_type == "Z SQL Method":
          # Build the dictionnary of values
          arguments = method.arguments_src
          for arg in split(arguments):
              value = getattr(object, arg)
              if callable(value):
                value = value()
              kw[arg] = value
              #LOG("SQLCatalog Warning: Callable value could not be called",0,str((path, arg, method_name)))
              kw[arg] = None
        method = aq_base(method).__of__(object.__of__(self)) # Use method in the context of object
        # Generate UID
        kw['path'] = path
        kw['uid'] = int(index)
        # LOG
        # LOG("Call SQL Method %s with args:" % method_name,0, str(kw))
        # Alter row
        #LOG("Call SQL Method %s with args:" % method_name,0, str(kw))
      # Get the appropriate SQL Method
      # Lookup by path is required because of OFS Semantics
      if uid:
        # Make sure no duplicates - ie. if an object with different path has same uid, we need a new uid
        # This can be very dangerous with relations stored in a category table (CMFCategory)
        # This is why we recommend completely reindexing subobjects after any change of id
        if self.hasUid(uid):
          uid = 0
      if not uid:
        # Generate UID
        # New style, get radom id
        index=getattr(self, '_v_nextid', 0)
        if index%4000 == 0: index = randid()
        while self.hasUid(index):
        # We want ids to be somewhat random, but there are
        # advantages for having some ids generated
        # sequentially when many catalog updates are done at
        # once, such as when reindexing or bulk indexing.
        # We allocate ids sequentially using a volatile base,
        # so different threads get different bases. This
        # further reduces conflict and reduces churn in
        # here and it result sets when bulk indexing.
        # Update uid attribute of object
        LOG("Write Uid 2",0, "uid %s index %s" % (uid, index))
        object.uid = index
        index = uid

      for method_name in self.sql_catalog_object:
        # We will check if there is an filter on this
        # method, if so we may not call this zsqlMethod
        # for this object
        if self.isMethodFiltered(method_name):
          if self.filter_dict.has_key(method_name):
            portal_type = object.getPortalType()
            if portal_type not in (self.filter_dict[method_name]['type']):
              #LOG('catalog_object',0,'XX1 this method is broken because not in types: %s' % method_name)
              expression = self.filter_dict[method_name]['expression_instance']
              if expression is not None:
                econtext = self.getExpressionContext(object)
                result = expression(econtext)
                if not result:
                  #LOG('catalog_object',0,'XX2 this method is broken because expression: %s' % method_name)
        #LOG('catalog_object',0,'this method is not broken: %s' % method_name)

        method = getattr(self, method_name)
        if method.meta_type == "Z SQL Method":
          # Build the dictionnary of values
          arguments = method.arguments_src
          for arg in split(arguments):
              value = getattr(object, arg)
              if callable(value):
                value = value()
              kw[arg] = value
              #LOG("SQLCatalog Warning: Callable value could not be called",0,str((path, arg, method_name)))
              kw[arg] = None
        method = aq_base(method).__of__(object.__of__(self)) # Use method in the context of object
        # Generate UID
        kw['path'] = path
        kw['uid'] = index
        # LOG
        # LOG("Call SQL Method %s with args:" % method_name,0, str(kw))
        # Alter row
        # Create row
        if 1:
          #LOG("Call SQL Method %s with args:" % method_name,0, str(kw))
        #  #  # This is a real LOG message
        #  #  # which is required in order to be able to import .zexp files
        #  LOG("SQLCatalog Warning: could not catalog object with method %s" % method_name,
        #                                                                   100,str(path))

  def uncatalogObject(self, path):
    Uncatalog and object from the Catalog.

    Note, the uid must be the same as when the object was
    catalogued, otherwise it will not get removed from the catalog

    This method should not raise an exception if the uid cannot
    be found in the catalog.

    XXX Add filter of methods

    LOG('Uncatalog object:',0,str(path))

    uid = self.getUidForPath(path)
    methods = self.sql_uncatalog_object
    for method_name in methods:
      method = getattr(self, method_name)
        #if 1:
        method(uid = uid)
        # This is a real LOG message
        # which is required in order to be able to import .zexp files
        LOG("SQLCatalog Warning: could not uncatalog object uid %s with method %s" %
                                               (uid, method_name),0,str(path))

  def uniqueValuesFor(self, name):
    """ return unique values for FieldIndex name """
    method = getattr(self, self.sql_unique_values)
    return method()

  def getPaths(self):
    """ Returns all object paths stored inside catalog """
    method = getattr(self, self.sql_catalog_paths)
    return method()

  def getUidForPath(self, path):
    """ Looks up into catalog table to convert path into uid """
      if path is None:
        return None
      # Get the appropriate SQL Method
      method = getattr(self, self.sql_getitem_by_path)
      search_result = method(path = path)
      # If not emptyn return first record
      if len(search_result) > 0:
        return search_result[0].uid
        return None
      # This is a real LOG message
      # which is required in order to be able to import .zexp files
      LOG("Warning: could not find uid from path",0,str(path))
      return None

  def hasPath(self, path):
    """ Checks if path is catalogued """
    return self.getUidForPath(path) is not None

  def getPathForUid(self, uid):
    """ Looks up into catalog table to convert uid into path """
      if uid is None:
        return None
      # Get the appropriate SQL Method
      method = getattr(self, self.sql_getitem_by_uid)
      search_result = method(uid = uid)
      # If not empty return first record
      if len(search_result) > 0:
        return search_result[0].path
        return None
      # This is a real LOG message
      # which is required in order to be able to import .zexp files
      LOG("Warning: could not find path from uid",0,str(uid))
      return None

  def hasUid(self, uid):
    """ Checks if uid is catalogued """
    return self.getPathForUid(uid) is not None

  def getMetadataForUid(self, uid):
    """ Accesses a single record for a given uid """
    if uid is None:
      return None
    # Get the appropriate SQL Method
    method = getattr(self, self.sql_getitem_by_uid)
    brain = method(uid = uid)[0]
    result = {}
    for k in brain.__record_schema__.keys():
      result[k] = getattr(brain,k)
    return result

  def getIndexDataForUid(self, uid):
    """ Accesses a single record for a given uid """
    return self.getMetadataForUid(uid)

  def getMetadataForPath(self, path):
    """ Accesses a single record for a given path """
      if uid is None:
        return None
      # Get the appropriate SQL Method
      method = getattr(self, self.sql_getitem_by_path)
      brain = method(path = path)[0]
      result = {}
      for k in brain.__record_schema__.keys():
        result[k] = getattr(brain,k)
      return result
      # This is a real LOG message
      # which is required in order to be able to import .zexp files
      LOG("Warning: could not find uid from path",0,str(path))
      return None

  def getIndexDataForPath(self, path):
    """ Accesses a single record for a given path """
    return self.getMetadataForPath(path)

  def queryResults(self, sql_method, REQUEST=None, used=None, **kw):
    """ Builds a complex SQL query to simulate ZCalatog behaviour """
    """ Returns a list of brains from a set of constraints on variables """

    # Get search arguments:
    if REQUEST is None and (kw is None or kw == {}):
      # We try to get the REQUEST parameter
      # since we have nothing handy
      try: REQUEST=self.REQUEST
      except AttributeError: pass

    # If kw is not set, then use REQUEST instead
    if kw is None or kw == {}:
      kw = REQUEST

    # We take additional parameters from the REQUEST
    # and give priority to the REQUEST
    if REQUEST is not None:
      acceptable_keys = self.getColumnIds()
      for key in acceptable_keys:
        if REQUEST.has_key(key):
          # Only copy a few keys from the REQUEST
          if key in self.sql_catalog_request_keys:
            kw[key] = REQUEST[key]

    # Let us start building the query
    if kw:
      query = []
      acceptable_keys = self.getColumnIds()
      full_text_search_keys = self.sql_catalog_full_text_search_keys
      keyword_search_keys = self.sql_catalog_keyword_search_keys
      for key, value in kw.items():
        if key not in ('query', 'sort-on', 'sort_on', 'sort-order', 'sort_order'):
          # Make sure key belongs to schema
          if key in acceptable_keys:
            # uid is always ambiguous so we can only change it here
            if key == 'uid': key = 'catalog.uid'
            # Default case: variable equality
            if type(value) is type(''):
              if value != '':
                # we consider empty string as Non Significant
                if value == '=':
                  # But we consider the sign = as empty string
                if '%' in value:
                  query += ["%s LIKE '%s'" % (key, value)]
                elif value[0] == '>':
                  query += ["%s > '%s'" % (key, value[1:])]
                elif value[0] == '<':
                  query += ["%s < '%s'" % (key, value[1:])]
                elif key in keyword_search_keys:
                  # We must add % in the request to simulate the catalog
                  query += ["%s LIKE '%%%s%%'" % (key, value)]
                elif key in full_text_search_keys:
                  # We must add % in the request to simulate the catalog
                  query += ["MATCH %s AGAINST ('%s')" % (key, value)]
                  query += ["%s = '%s'" % (key, value)]
            elif type(value) is type([]) or type(value) is type(()):
              # We have to create an OR from tuple or list
              query_item = []
              for value_item in value:
                if value_item != '':
                  # we consider empty string as Non Significant
                  # also for lists
                  if type(value_item) in (type(1), type(1.0)):
                    query_item += ["%s = %s" % (key, value_item)]
                    if '%' in value_item:
                      query_item += ["%s LIKE '%s'" % (key, str(value_item))]
                    elif key in keyword_search_keys:
                      # We must add % in the request to simulate the catalog
                      query_item += ["%s LIKE '%%%s%%'" % (key, str(value_item))]
                    elif key in full_text_search_keys:
                      # We must add % in the request to simulate the catalog
                      query_item +=  ["MATCH %s AGAINST ('%s')" % (key, value)]
                      query_item += ["%s = '%s'" % (key, str(value_item))]
              if len(query_item) > 0:
                query += ['(%s)' % join(query_item, ' OR ')]
              query += ["%s = %s" % (key, value)]
        elif key is 'query':
          # Not implemented yet
      if kw.has_key('query'):
        if len(query) > 0:
          kw['query'] = "(%s) AND (%s)" % (kw['query'], join(query, ' AND ') )
        kw['query'] = join(query, ' AND ')

    LOG("Search Query Args:",0,str(kw))

    # Compute "sort_index", which is a sort index, or none:
    if kw.has_key('sort-on'):
    elif hasattr(self, 'sort-on'):
      sort_index=getattr(self, 'sort-on')
    elif kw.has_key('sort_on'):
    else: sort_index=None

    # Compute the sort order
    if kw.has_key('sort-order'):
    elif hasattr(self, 'sort-order'):
      so=getattr(self, 'sort-order')
    elif kw.has_key('sort_order'):
    else: so=None

    # We must now turn so into a string
    if type(so) is not type('a'):
      so = 'ascending'

    # We must now turn sort_index into
    # a dict with keys as sort keys and values as sort order
    if type(sort_index) is type('a'):
      sort_index = [(sort_index, so)]
    elif type(sort_index) is not type(()) and type(sort_index) is not type([]):
      sort_index = None

    # If sort_index is a dictionnary
    # then parse it and change it
    if sort_index is not None:
        new_sort_index = []
        for (k , v) in sort_index:
          if v == 'descending' or v == 'reverse':
            new_sort_index += ['%s DESC' % k]
            new_sort_index += ['%s' % k]
        sort_index = join(new_sort_index,',')
        kw['sort_on'] = str(sort_index)

    # Return the result
    #LOG('queryResults',0,'kw: %s' % str(kw))
    return sql_method(**kw)

  def searchResults(self, REQUEST=None, used=None, **kw):
    """ Builds a complex SQL query to simulate ZCalatog behaviour """
    """ Returns a list of brains from a set of constraints on variables """
      # Get the search method
      method = getattr(self, self.sql_search_results)

      # Return the result
      kw['used'] = used
      kw['REQUEST'] = REQUEST
      return self.queryResults(method, **kw)
      LOG("Warning: could not search catalog",0,'')
      return []

  __call__ = searchResults

  def countResults(self, REQUEST=None, used=None, **kw):
    """ Builds a complex SQL query to simulate ZCalatog behaviour """
    """ Returns the number of items which satisfy the query """
      # Get the search method
      #LOG("countResults: scr:",0,str(self.sql_count_results))
      #LOG("countResults: used:",0,str(used))
      #LOG("countResults: kw:",0,str(kw))
      method = getattr(self, self.sql_count_results)

      # Return the result
      kw['used'] = used
      kw['REQUEST'] = REQUEST
      return self.queryResults(method, **kw)
      LOG("Warning: could not count catalog",0,str(self.sql_count_results))
      return [[0]]

class CatalogError(Exception): pass