Commit afb4b7d4 authored by Xavier Thompson's avatar Xavier Thompson

mutex.hpp: Change the mutex implementation

parent a6f1b0c2
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include <atomic>
#include <coroutine>
#include <cstdint>
#include <typon/scheduler.hpp>
#include <typon/stack.hpp>
......@@ -13,42 +14,45 @@ namespace typon
/* An asynchronous mutex.
Based on the MCS lock, but without the spinning. This means it should be
easy to implement spinning before suspension.
Disadvantage: each lock acquisition incurs an allocation. The alternative
is to potentially spin when unlocking.
Inspired by the implementation in CppCoro by Lewis Baker.
struct Mutex
struct Node
std::atomic<Node *> _next { nullptr };
Stack * _stack;
Node * _next;
std::atomic<std::uintptr_t> _stack { 0 };
std::atomic<Node *> _state { nullptr };
Node * _waiters { nullptr };
[[nodiscard]] auto lock() noexcept
struct awaitable
struct awaitable : Node
std::atomic<Node *> & _state;
Node * _prev;
Node * _node;
Mutex * _mutex;
bool await_ready() noexcept
return !_prev;
Node * next = nullptr;
// _next must be properly set before updating _state
_next = next;
if(_mutex->_state.compare_exchange_weak(next, this))
return !next;
void await_suspend(std::coroutine_handle<> coroutine) noexcept
auto stack = _node->_stack = Scheduler::suspend(coroutine);
auto ready = _prev->;
if (ready)
auto stack = Scheduler::suspend(coroutine);
if (<std::uintptr_t>(stack)))
delete _prev;
......@@ -57,28 +61,33 @@ namespace typon
Node * node = _node;
bool waiters = !_state.compare_exchange_strong(node, nullptr);
if (waiters)
Node * waiter = _mutex->_waiters;
if (!waiter)
Node * state = this;
if (_mutex->_state.compare_exchange_strong(state, nullptr))
node = _node;
auto next = node->;
if (next)
auto next = state;
while (next != this)
delete node;
auto tmp = next->_next;
next->_next = waiter;
waiter = next;
next = tmp;
_mutex->_waiters = waiter->_next;
auto stack = waiter->;
if (stack)
delete node;
Scheduler::enable(reinterpret_cast<Stack *>(stack));
auto node = new Node();
auto prev =;
return awaitable { this->_state, prev, node };
return awaitable { {}, this };
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