From 65ecb29d6355b173aa5c95cc988bc8813bf4dc63 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alain Takoudjou <>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 11:21:14 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Update request Boinc-application to use Json parameter

 slapos/recipe/boinc/  | 143 +++++++++++++++++++------------
 slapos/recipe/boinc/ |   6 +-
 software/boinc/instance.cfg      |   2 +-
 software/boinc/software.cfg      |  33 ++++---
 stack/boinc/buildout.cfg         |  11 ++-
 stack/boinc/instance-boinc.cfg   |  58 ++++---------
 6 files changed, 135 insertions(+), 118 deletions(-)

diff --git a/slapos/recipe/boinc/ b/slapos/recipe/boinc/
index 3062eba56..a2b9b874b 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/boinc/
+++ b/slapos/recipe/boinc/
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ from slapos.recipe.librecipe import GenericBaseRecipe
 import os
 import subprocess
 import pwd
+import json
 import signal
 import zc.buildout
@@ -223,10 +224,10 @@ class App(GenericBaseRecipe):
   """This recipe allow to deploy an scientific applications using boinc
   Note that recipe use depend on boinc-server parameter"""
-  def downloadFiles(self):
+  def downloadFiles(self, app):
     """This is used to download app files if necessary and update options values"""
     for key in ('input-file', 'template-result', 'template-wu', 'binary'):
-      param = self.options[key].strip()
+      param = app[key]
       if param and (param.startswith('http') or param.startswith('ftp')):
         #download the specified file
         cache = os.path.join(self.options['home'].strip(), 'tmp')
@@ -237,39 +238,61 @@ class App(GenericBaseRecipe):
         if key == 'binary':
           mode = 0700
         os.chmod(path, mode)
-        self.options[key] = path
-  def checkOptions(self):
-    """Check if parameter send is valid to install or update application"""
-    if not self.options['app-name'].strip() or \
-              not self.options['version'].strip():
-      return False
-    self.appname = self.options['app-name'].strip()
-    self.version = self.options['version'].strip()
-    #for non exist application, check if parameter is complete
-    appdir = os.path.join(self.options['installroot'].strip(), 'apps',
-                    self.options['app-name'].strip(),
-                    self.options['version'].strip())
-    if not os.path.exists(appdir):
-      if not self.options['template-result'].strip() or not self.options['binary'].strip() \
-          or not self.options['input-file'].strip() or not self.options['template-wu'].strip() \
-          or not self.options['wu-number'].strip() or not self.options['platform'].strip():
-        print "Invalid argement values...operation cancelled"
-        return False
-    #write application to install
-    request_file = os.path.join(self.options['home'].strip(),
-                        '.install_' + self.appname + self.version)
-    toInstall = open(request_file, 'w')
-    toInstall.write('install or update')
-    toInstall.close()
-    return True
+        app[key] = path
+  def getAppList(self):
+    """Load parameters,
+      check if parameter send is valid to install or update application"""
+    app_list = json.loads(self.options['boinc-app-list'])
+    if not app_list:
+      return None
+    default_template_result = self.options.get('default-template-result', '').strip()
+    default_template_wu = self.options.get('default-template-wu', '').strip()
+    default_extension = self.options.get('default-extension', '').strip()
+    default_platform = self.options.get('default-platform', '').strip()
+    for app in app_list:
+      for version in app_list[app]:
+        current_app = app_list[app][version]
+        #Use default value if empty and Use_default is True
+        #Initialize all values to empty if not define by the user
+        if current_app['use_default']:
+          current_app['template-result'] = current_app.get('template-result',
+                        default_template_result).strip()
+          current_app['template-wu'] = current_app.get('template-wu',
+                        default_template_wu).strip()
+          current_app['extension'] = current_app.get('extension',
+                        default_extension).strip()
+          current_app['platform'] = current_app.get('platform',
+                        default_platform).strip()
+        else:
+          current_app['template-result'] = current_app.get('template-result', '').strip()
+          current_app['template-wu'] = current_app.get('template-wu', '').strip()
+          current_app['extension'] = current_app.get('extension', '').strip()
+          current_app['platform'] = current_app.get('platform', '').strip()
+        current_app['input-file'] = current_app.get('input-file', '').strip()
+        current_app['wu-number'] = current_app.get('wu-number', 1)
+        #for new application, check if parameter is complete
+        appdir = os.path.join(self.options['installroot'].strip(), 'apps',
+                        app, version)
+        if not os.path.exists(appdir):
+          if not current_app['template-result'] or not current_app['binary'] \
+              or not current_app['input-file'] or not current_app['template-wu'] \
+              or not current_app['platform']:
+            print "BOINC-APP: ERROR - Invalid argements values for % ...operation cancelled" % app
+            app_list[app][version] = None
+            continue
+        #write application to install
+        request_file = os.path.join(self.options['home'].strip(),
+                            '.install_' + app + version)
+        toInstall = open(request_file, 'w')
+        toInstall.write('install or update')
+        toInstall.close()
+    return app_list
   def install(self):
-    self.appname = ''
-    self.version = ''
-    if not self.checkOptions():
-      #don't deploy empty or invalid application...skipped
-      return []
+    app_list = self.getAppList()
     path_list = []
     package = self.options['boinc'].strip()
     #Define environment variable here
@@ -299,39 +322,45 @@ class App(GenericBaseRecipe):
     os.chmod(bash , 0700)
     #If useful, download necessary files and update options path
-    self.downloadFiles()
     start_boinc = os.path.join(home, '.start_boinc')
     installroot = self.options['installroot'].strip()
-    platform = self.options['platform'].strip()
     apps_dir = os.path.join(installroot, 'apps')
-    bin_name = self.appname +"_"+ self.version +"_"+ \
-        platform +  self.options['extension'].strip()
-    application = os.path.join(apps_dir, self.appname, self.version, platform)
     wrapperdir = self.options['wrapper-dir'].strip()
     project = self.options['project'].strip()
     lockfile = os.path.join(self.options['home'].strip(), 'app_install.lock')
     fd =, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT)
     os.close( fd )
-    parameter = dict(installroot=installroot, project=project,
-            appname=self.appname, binary_name=bin_name,
-            version=self.version, platform=platform,
-            application=application, environment=environment,
-            start_boinc=start_boinc,
-            wu_number=int(self.options['wu-number'].strip()),
-            t_result=self.options['template-result'].strip(),
-            t_wu=self.options['template-wu'].strip(),
-            t_input=self.options['input-file'].strip(),
-            binary=self.options['binary'].strip(),
-            bash=bash, home_dir=home,
-            lockfile=lockfile,
-    )
-    deploy_app = self.createPythonScript(
-      os.path.join(wrapperdir, 'boinc_%s' % self.appname),
-      '%s.configure.deployApp' % __name__, parameter
-    )
-    path_list.append(deploy_app)
+    for appname in app_list:
+      for version in app_list[appname]:
+        if not app_list[appname][version]:
+          continue
+        self.downloadFiles(app_list[appname][version])
+        platform = app_list[appname][version]['platform']
+        application = os.path.join(apps_dir, appname, version, platform)
+        if app_list[appname][version]['binary'] and not platform:
+          print "BOINC-APP: WARNING - Cannot specify binary without giving platform value"
+          app_list[appname][version]['binary'] = '' #Binary will not be updated
+        parameter = dict(installroot=installroot,
+                appname=appname, project=project,
+                version=version, platform=platform,
+                application=application, environment=environment,
+                start_boinc=start_boinc,
+                wu_number=app_list[appname][version]['wu-number'],
+                t_result=app_list[appname][version]['template-result'],
+                t_wu=app_list[appname][version]['template-wu'],
+                t_input=app_list[appname][version]['input-file'],
+                binary=app_list[appname][version]['binary'],
+                extension=app_list[appname][version]['extension'],
+                bash=bash, home_dir=home,
+                lockfile=lockfile,
+        )
+        deploy_app = self.createPythonScript(
+          os.path.join(wrapperdir, 'boinc_%s' % appname),
+          '%s.configure.deployApp' % __name__, parameter
+        )
+        path_list.append(deploy_app)
     return path_list
diff --git a/slapos/recipe/boinc/ b/slapos/recipe/boinc/
index 8901be568..7bf9549b8 100644
--- a/slapos/recipe/boinc/
+++ b/slapos/recipe/boinc/
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ def services(args):
   writeFile(args['service_status'], "started")
 def deployApp(args):
-  """Deploy Boinc App with lock"""  
+  """Deploy Boinc App with lock"""
   print "Asking to enter in execution with lock mode..."
   with LockFile(args['lockfile'], wait=True):
     print "acquire the lock file..."
@@ -211,7 +211,9 @@ def deployManagement(args):
                           args['appname'] + numversion + '_result')
   t_wu = os.path.join(args['templates'],
                           args['appname'] + numversion + '_wu')
-  binary = os.path.join(args['application'], args['binary_name'])
+  binary_name = args['appname'] +"_"+ args['version'] +"_"+ \
+          args['platform'] +  args['extension']
+  binary = os.path.join(args['application'], binary_name)
   signBin = False
   if not os.path.exists(base_app):
diff --git a/software/boinc/instance.cfg b/software/boinc/instance.cfg
index 083c65b0d..f7a2d73a7 100644
--- a/software/boinc/instance.cfg
+++ b/software/boinc/instance.cfg
@@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ offline = true
 recipe = slapos.cookbook:softwaretype
-default = ${boinc-instance:output}
+default = ${template-boinc:output}
 mariadb = ${template-mariadb:output}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/software/boinc/software.cfg b/software/boinc/software.cfg
index 74ce61515..0b67b1909 100644
--- a/software/boinc/software.cfg
+++ b/software/boinc/software.cfg
@@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ develop =
 parts = 
-  boinc-instance
-  boinc-application
+  application
@@ -21,22 +20,16 @@ extends =
 #Generate All instances templates
-recipe = slapos.recipe.template
-url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/boinc-app.cfg
-output = ${buildout:directory}/template-app.cfg
-mode = 0644
-md5sum = ab01f101cc6280ef07ea61a22a1432d0
 recipe = slapos.recipe.template
 url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/instance.cfg
 output = ${buildout:directory}/template.cfg
 mode = 0644
-md5sum = d097ddeeee5d89881d097efe6165caf6
+md5sum = 4a286795a6822ee6d53743191d5374a6
 #Download Boinc Application Binary and configure project
 recipe =
 url = ${boinc:location}/libexec/examples/upper_case
 download-only = true
@@ -44,11 +37,6 @@ filename = upper_case
 #Application configuration
 app-name = upper_case
 version = 1.00
-exec-extension = 
-#Please read Boinc platform before update platform value:
-platform = x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
-#Work Unit number number of work unit
-wu-number = 2
 recipe =
@@ -60,21 +48,30 @@ mode = 0644
 url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/templates/template_result
 filename = template_result
 location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
-#md5sum = 
+md5sum = a3f0e9fd559cadcb2f297b952f8face8
 <= template-base
 url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/templates/template_wu
 filename = template_wu
 location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
-#md5sum = 
+md5sum = 66d7ec85ce15e65d2858c11b75fb9574
 <= template-base
 url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/input/input_file
 filename = input_file
 location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
-#md5sum = 
+md5sum = 6f8db599de986fab7a21625b7916589c
+app-list = {"${application:app-name}":{"${application:version}":{"use_default":true, "wu-number":2, "input-file":"${template_input:location}/${template_input:filename}", "binary":"${application:location}/${application:filename}"}}}
+template-result = ${template_result:location}/${template_result:filename}
+template-wu = ${template_wu:location}/${template_wu:filename}
+platform = x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
+extension = 
 # Local development
diff --git a/stack/boinc/buildout.cfg b/stack/boinc/buildout.cfg
index fd663eb9a..fdeaf28a1 100644
--- a/stack/boinc/buildout.cfg
+++ b/stack/boinc/buildout.cfg
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ eggs =
 recipe = slapos.recipe.template
 url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/instance-boinc.cfg
 output = ${buildout:directory}/template-boinc.cfg
-md5sum = 20e9e2276e3cbc6504bf065eabbe13a7
+md5sum = cc95919d5400c4dfcd16646f25ba8c96
 mode = 0644
 #Template for deploying MySQL Database Server
@@ -53,6 +53,15 @@ filename =
 md5sum = 030892494ce87357e6e09dcd89187bf4
 location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
+template-result = 
+template-wu = 
+extension = 
+platform = x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
+app-list = {}
 # signature certificates of the following uploaders.
 #   Romain Courteaud
diff --git a/stack/boinc/instance-boinc.cfg b/stack/boinc/instance-boinc.cfg
index cd1dd36ce..3a5af50f7 100644
--- a/stack/boinc/instance-boinc.cfg
+++ b/stack/boinc/instance-boinc.cfg
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ parts =
-  slapreport
@@ -184,7 +183,7 @@ bytes = 4
 recipe = slapos.cookbook:boinc
 home = $${buildout:directory}
 project = $${slap-parameter:project}
+#url-base = http://[$${apache-php:ip}]:$${apache-php:port}/
 url-base = $${request-frontend:connection-site_url}
 fullname = $${slap-parameter:full-name}
 copyright = $${slap-parameter:copyright-holder}
@@ -223,15 +222,11 @@ mysql-port = $${stunnel:local-port}
 recipe =
 #appname and version is require to update any existing application
 #otherwise, the recipe would try to install a new one
-app-name = $${slap-parameter:app-name}
-version = $${slap-parameter:version}
-wu-number = $${slap-parameter:wu-number}
-binary = $${slap-parameter:binary}
-platform = $${slap-parameter:platform}
-extension = $${slap-parameter:extension}
-template-result = $${slap-parameter:template-result}
-template-wu = $${slap-parameter:template-wu}
-input-file = $${slap-parameter:input-file}
+boinc-app-list  = $${slap-parameter:boinc-app-list}
+default-template-result = $${slap-parameter:default-template-result}
+default-template-wu = $${slap-parameter:default-template-wu}
+default-extension = $${slap-parameter:default-extension}
+default-platform = $${slap-parameter:default-platform}
 # Deploy logrotate, cron, configure it
@@ -321,19 +316,6 @@ shell-path = ${dash:location}/bin/dash
 slapmonitor-path = ${buildout:bin-directory}/slapmonitor
 path = $${basedirectory:scripts}/slapmonitor
-recipe = slapos.cookbook:slapreport
-pid-file = $${basedirectory:run}/
-database-path = $${basedirectory:log}/slapmonitor.db
-consumption-log-path = $${basedirectory:log}/instance_consumption.log
-logbox-ip =
-logbox-port = 5122
-logbox-user = admin
-logbox-passwd = passer
-shell-path = ${dash:location}/bin/dash
-slapreport-path = ${buildout:bin-directory}/slapreport
-path = $${basedirectory:scripts}/slapreport
 # Publish all instance parameters (url of instance)
@@ -372,20 +354,18 @@ dbname = boinctest
 project = boinc_test
 full-name = Boinc Project SAMPLE
-#This parameter is use to update or to deploy BOINC application
-binary = 
-app-name = 
-version = 
-platform = 
-extension = 
-template-result = 
-template-wu = 
-wu-number = 
-input-file = 
+#definition of BOINC parameter
+#boinc-app-list is a Json data for all application to deploy
+# boinc-app-list  = {"MY_APP1":{VERSION1:{
+#                   use_default:true, "binary":"MY_BINARY",
+#                   "platform":"", "extension":"", "template-result":"",
+#                   "template-wu":"", "wu-number":1, "input-file":"INPUT"},
+#                   "VERSION2":{use_default:false, ...}}}
+# "app-name" parameter is now boinc-app-list[key]
+boinc-app-list  = ${boinc-application:app-list}
+default-template-result = ${boinc-default:template-result}
+default-template-wu = ${boinc-default:template-wu}
+default-extension = ${boinc-default:extension}
+default-platform = ${boinc-default:platform}
 # Default value if no domain is specified
 domain = 
-# Default value if no ssh parameter is specified
-logbox-ip =
-logbox-port =
-logbox-user =
-logbox-passwd =