diff --git a/slapos/test/recipe/test_free_port.py b/slapos/test/recipe/test_free_port.py
index 7693d9e02cd3bbe10d4a20e6fd7e4c7b42979971..e2cea348bf548c5032c5c42cd6960279b9ff3703 100644
--- a/slapos/test/recipe/test_free_port.py
+++ b/slapos/test/recipe/test_free_port.py
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ import unittest
 from mock import patch
-from slapos.recipe import free_port
 class SocketMock():
   def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
     self.args = args
@@ -28,31 +26,16 @@ class FreePortTest(unittest.TestCase):
     SocketMock.bind = SocketMock.close = SocketMock.nothing_happen
   def new_recipe(self, **kw):
-    buildout = {
-      'buildout': {
-        'bin-directory': '',
-        'find-links': '',
-        'allow-hosts': '',
-        'develop-eggs-directory': '',
-        'eggs-directory': '',
-        'python': 'testpython',
-        'installed': '.installed.cfg',
-        },
-       'testpython': {
-         'executable': sys.executable,
-       },
-       'slap-connection': {
-         'computer-id': '',
-         'partition-id': '',
-         'server-url': '',
-         'software-release-url': '',
-       }
-    }
+    from slapos.recipe import free_port
+    from slapos.test.utils import makeRecipe
     options = {
       'ip': '',
-    return free_port.Recipe(buildout=buildout, name='free_port', options=options)
+    return makeRecipe(
+        free_port.Recipe,
+        options=options,
+        name='free_port')
   def test_ifNoBusyPortThenMinPortIsAlwaysReturned(self):
diff --git a/slapos/test/recipe/test_generic_cloudooo.py b/slapos/test/recipe/test_generic_cloudooo.py
index d171efcb2d9b4493323b5825591758977a0239ae..29ddf64fdf3a8ff030df3a6e452bc3cc49b33072 100644
--- a/slapos/test/recipe/test_generic_cloudooo.py
+++ b/slapos/test/recipe/test_generic_cloudooo.py
@@ -4,30 +4,15 @@ import unittest
 from tempfile import mkdtemp
 from shutil import rmtree
-from slapos.recipe import generic_cloudooo
 class TestGenericCloudooo(unittest.TestCase):
   def new_recipe(self, options):
-    buildout = {
-      'buildout': {
-        'bin-directory': '',
-        'find-links': '',
-        'allow-hosts': '',
-        'develop-eggs-directory': '',
-        'eggs-directory': '',
-        'python': 'testpython',
-      },
-      'testpython': {
-        'executable': sys.executable,
-      },
-      'slap-connection': {
-         'computer-id': '',
-         'partition-id': '',
-         'server-url': '',
-         'software-release-url': '',
-      }
-    }
-    return generic_cloudooo.Recipe(buildout=buildout, name='generic_cloudooo', options=options)
+    from slapos.recipe import generic_cloudooo
+    from slapos.test.utils import makeRecipe
+    return makeRecipe(
+        generic_cloudooo.Recipe,
+        options=options,
+        name='generic_cloudooo')
   def setUp(self):
     self.test_dir = mkdtemp()
diff --git a/slapos/test/recipe/test_pbs.py b/slapos/test/recipe/test_pbs.py
index ff7c04f28d97240912d21b3202b9f673967aac8c..08327f8272b7726231c2fcead1dbf8adbecc042e 100644
--- a/slapos/test/recipe/test_pbs.py
+++ b/slapos/test/recipe/test_pbs.py
@@ -5,37 +5,19 @@ import sys
 import tempfile
 import unittest
-from slapos.recipe import pbs
 class PBSTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def new_recipe(self):
-        buildout = {
-                'buildout': {
-                    'bin-directory': '',
-                    'find-links': '',
-                    'allow-hosts': '',
-                    'develop-eggs-directory': '',
-                    'eggs-directory': '',
-                    'python': 'testpython',
-                    },
-                 'testpython': {
-                     'executable': sys.executable,
-                     },
-                 'slap-connection': {
-                     'computer-id': '',
-                     'partition-id': '',
-                     'server-url': '',
-                     'software-release-url': '',
-                     }
-                }
+        from slapos.recipe import pbs
+        from slapos.test.utils import makeRecipe
         options = {
-                'rdiffbackup-binary': ''
-                }
-        return pbs.Recipe(buildout=buildout, name='pbs', options=options)
+            'rdiffbackup-binary': ''
+        }
+        return makeRecipe(
+            pbs.Recipe,
+            options=options,
+            name='pbs')
     def test_push(self):
         recipe = self.new_recipe()
diff --git a/slapos/test/recipe/test_re6stnet.py b/slapos/test/recipe/test_re6stnet.py
index ca2b5e635f0352742236242244db59284e618af7..0c3ac919b4f486f407b12ac033d5c53f0cff3be0 100644
--- a/slapos/test/recipe/test_re6stnet.py
+++ b/slapos/test/recipe/test_re6stnet.py
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ import tempfile
 import unittest
 from slapos.slap.slap import NotFoundError, ConnectionError
-from slapos.recipe import re6stnet
 class Re6stnetTest(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -47,31 +45,21 @@ class Re6stnetTest(unittest.TestCase):
   def new_recipe(self):
-      buildout = {
-              'buildout': {
-                  'bin-directory': '',
-                  'find-links': '',
-                  'allow-hosts': '',
-                  'develop-eggs-directory': '',
-                  'eggs-directory': '',
-                  'python': 'testpython',
-                  },
-               'testpython': {
-                   'executable': sys.executable,
-                   },
-               'slap-connection': {
+      from slapos.recipe import re6stnet
+      from slapos.test.utils import makeRecipe
+      return makeRecipe(
+            re6stnet.Recipe,
+            options=self.options,
+            slap_connection={
                    'computer-id': 'comp-test',
                    'partition-id': 'slappart0',
                    'server-url': 'http://server.com',
                    'software-release-url': 'http://software.com',
                    'key-file': '/path/to/key',
                    'cert-file': '/path/to/cert'
-                   }
-              }
-      options = self.options
+            },
+            name='re6stnet')
-      return re6stnet.Recipe(buildout=buildout, name='re6stnet', options=options)
   def checkWrapper(self, path):
diff --git a/slapos/test/utils.py b/slapos/test/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d605bab9d326748881ef3858b81b1ed47c743b41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/test/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+"""Test helpers
+import sys
+import os.path
+from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
+import logging
+def makeRecipe(recipe_class, options, name='test', slap_connection=None):
+  """Instanciate a recipe of `recipe_class` with `options` with a buildout
+  mapping containing a python and an empty `slapos-connection` mapping, unless
+  provided as `slap_connection`.
+  If running tests in a buildout folder, the test recipe will reuse the
+  `eggs-directory` and `develop-eggs-directory` from this buildout so that the
+  test recipe does not need to install eggs again when using working set.
+  To prevent test accidentally writing to the buildout's eggs repositories, we
+  set `newest` to false and `offline` to true in this case.
+  """
+  buildout = {
+    'buildout': {
+      'bin-directory': '',
+      'find-links': '',
+      'allow-hosts': '',
+      'develop-eggs-directory': '',
+      'eggs-directory': '',
+      'python': 'testpython',
+    },
+    'testpython': {
+      'executable': sys.executable,
+    },
+    'slap-connection': {
+       'computer-id': '',
+       'partition-id': '',
+       'server-url': '',
+       'software-release-url': '',
+     }
+  }
+  if slap_connection is not None:
+    buildout['slap-connection'] = slap_connection
+  # are we in buildout folder ?
+  # the usual layout is
+  # ${buildout:directory}/parts/slapos-repository/slapos/test/utils.py , so try
+  # to find a buildout relative to this file.
+  buildout_cfg = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..', '..', 'buildout.cfg')
+  if os.path.exists(buildout_cfg):
+    parser = ConfigParser()
+    parser.readfp(open(buildout_cfg))
+    eggs_directory = parser.get('buildout', 'eggs-directory')
+    develop_eggs_directory = parser.get('buildout', 'develop-eggs-directory')
+    logging.getLogger(__name__).info(
+        'Using eggs-directory (%s) and develop-eggs-directory (%s) from buildout at %s',
+        eggs_directory,
+        develop_eggs_directory,
+        buildout_cfg)
+    buildout['buildout']['eggs-directory'] = eggs_directory
+    buildout['buildout']['develop-eggs-directory'] = develop_eggs_directory
+    buildout['buildout']['newest'] = False
+    buildout['buildout']['offline'] = True
+  return recipe_class(buildout=buildout, name=name, options=options)