# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: set et sts=2:
# Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, 2012 Vifib SARL and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# guarantees and support are strongly advised to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

import ConfigParser
import errno
import fcntl
import grp
import json
import logging
import math
import netaddr
import netifaces
import os
import glob
import pwd
import random
import shutil
import socket
import struct
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import time
import traceback
import zipfile
import platform
from urllib2 import urlopen

import lxml.etree
import xml_marshaller.xml_marshaller

import slapos.util
from slapos.util import mkdir_p
import slapos.slap as slap
from slapos import version

logger = logging.getLogger("slapos.format")

def prettify_xml(xml):
  root = lxml.etree.fromstring(xml)
  return lxml.etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)

class OS(object):
  """Wrap parts of the 'os' module to provide logging of performed actions."""

  _os = os

  def __init__(self, conf):
    self._dry_run = conf.dry_run
    self._logger = conf.logger
    add = self._addWrapper

  def _addWrapper(self, name):
    def wrapper(*args, **kw):
      arg_list = [repr(x) for x in args] + [
          '%s=%r' % (x, y) for x, y in kw.iteritems()
      self._logger.debug('%s(%s)' % (name, ', '.join(arg_list)))
      if not self._dry_run:
        getattr(self._os, name)(*args, **kw)
    setattr(self, name, wrapper)

  def __getattr__(self, name):
    return getattr(self._os, name)

class UsageError(Exception):

class NoAddressOnInterface(Exception):
  Exception raised if there is no address on the interface to construct IPv6
  address with.

    brige: String, the name of the interface.

  def __init__(self, interface):
    super(NoAddressOnInterface, self).__init__(
      'No IPv6 found on interface %s to construct IPv6 with.' % interface

class AddressGenerationError(Exception):
  Exception raised if the generation of an IPv6 based on the prefix obtained
  from the interface failed.

    addr: String, the invalid address the exception is raised for.
  def __init__(self, addr):
    super(AddressGenerationError, self).__init__(
      'Generated IPv6 %s seems not to be a valid IP.' % addr

def getPublicIPv4Address():
  test_list = [
    { "url": 'https://api.ipify.org/?format=json' , "json_key": "ip"},
    { "url": 'http://httpbin.org/ip', "json_key": "origin"},
    { "url": 'http://jsonip.com', "json_key": "ip"}]
  previous = None
  ipv4 = None
  for test in test_list:
    if ipv4 is not None:
      previous = ipv4
      ipv4 = json.load(urlopen(test["url"]))[test["json_key"]]
      ipv4 = None
    if ipv4 is not None and ipv4 == previous:
      return ipv4

def callAndRead(argument_list, raise_on_error=True):
  popen = subprocess.Popen(argument_list,
  result = popen.communicate()[0]
  if raise_on_error and popen.returncode != 0:
    raise ValueError('Issue while invoking %r, result was:\n%s' % (
                     argument_list, result))
  return popen.returncode, result

def isGlobalScopeAddress(a):
  """Returns True if a is global scope IP v4/6 address"""
  ip = netaddr.IPAddress(a)
  return not ip.is_link_local() and not ip.is_loopback() and \
      not ip.is_reserved() and ip.is_unicast()

def netmaskToPrefixIPv4(netmask):
  """Convert string represented netmask to its integer prefix"""
  return netaddr.strategy.ipv4.netmask_to_prefix[

def netmaskToPrefixIPv6(netmask):
  """Convert string represented netmask to its integer prefix"""
  return netaddr.strategy.ipv6.netmask_to_prefix[

def getIfaceAddressIPv4(iface):
  """return dict containing ipv4 address netmask, network and broadcast address
  of interface"""
  if not iface in netifaces.interfaces():
    raise ValueError('Could not find interface called %s to use as gateway ' \
                      'for tap network' % iface)
    addresses_list = netifaces.ifaddresses(iface)[socket.AF_INET]
    if len (addresses_list) > 0:

      addresses = addresses_list[0].copy()
      addresses['network'] = str(netaddr.IPNetwork('%s/%s' % (addresses['addr'],
      return addresses
      return {}
  except KeyError:
    raise KeyError('Could not find IPv4 adress on interface %s.' % iface)

def getIPv4SubnetAddressRange(ip_address, mask, size):
  """Check if a given ipaddress can be used to create 'size'
  host ip address, then return list of ip address in the subnet"""
  ip = netaddr.IPNetwork('%s/%s' % (ip_address, mask))
  # Delete network and default ip_address from the list
  ip_list = [x for x in sorted(list(ip))
              if str(x) != ip_address and x.value != ip.cidr.network.value]
  if len(ip_list) < size:
    raise ValueError('Could not create %s tap interfaces from address %s.' % (
              size, ip_address))
  return ip_list

def _getDict(obj):
  Serialize an object into dictionaries. List and dict will remains
  the same, basic type too. But encapsulated object will be returned as dict.
  Set, collections and other aren't handle for now.

    obj: an object of any type.

    A dictionary if the given object wasn't a list, a list otherwise.
  if isinstance(obj, list):
    return [_getDict(item) for item in obj]

  if isinstance(obj, dict):
    dikt = obj
      dikt = obj.__dict__
    except AttributeError:
      return obj

  return {
    key: _getDict(value) \
    for key, value in dikt.iteritems() \
    # do not attempt to serialize logger: it is both useless and recursive.
    if not isinstance(value, logging.Logger)

class CGroupManager(object):
  """Manage cgroups in terms on initializing and runtime operations.

  This class takes advantage of slapformat being run periodically thus
  it can act as a "daemon" performing runtime tasks.

  cpu_exclusive_file = ".slapos-cpu-exclusive"
  cpuset_path = "/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/"
  task_write_mode = "wt"

  def __init__(self, computer):
    """Extract necessary information from the ``computer``.

    :param computer: slapos.format.Computer, extract necessary attributes
    self.instance_root = computer.instance_root
    self.software_gid = computer.software_gid

  def allowed(self):
    return os.path.exists("/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/cpuset.cpus")

  def format(self):
    """Build CGROUP tree to fit SlapOS needs.

    - Create hierarchy of CPU sets so that every partition can have exclusive
      hold of one of the CPUs.

  def update(self):
    """Control runtime state of the computer."""

  def prepare_cpuset(self):
    """Create cgroup folder per-CPU with exclusive access to the CPU.

    Those folders are "/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/cpu<N>".
    for cpu in self._cpu_list():
      cpu_path = self._prepare_folder(
        os.path.join(self.cpuset_path, "cpu" + str(cpu)))
      with open(cpu_path + "/cpuset.cpus", "wt") as fx:
        fx.write(str(cpu))  # this cgroup manages only this cpu
      with open(cpu_path + "/cpuset.cpu_exclusive", "wt") as fx:
        fx.write("1")  # manages it exclusively
      with open(cpu_path + "/cpuset.mems", "wt") as fx:
        fx.write("0")  # it doesn't work without that
      os.chown(cpu_path + "/tasks", -1, self.software_gid)
      os.chmod(cpu_path + "/tasks", 0o664)

  def ensure_exlusive_cpu(self):
    """Move processes among exclusive CPUSets based on software release demands.

    We expect PIDs which require own CPU to be found in ~instance/.slapos-cpu-exclusive
    request_pid_set = set()  # gather requests from all instances
    for request_file in glob.iglob(os.path.join(self.instance_root, '*', CGroupManager.cpu_exclusive_file)):
      with open(request_file, "rt") as fi:
        request_pid_set.update(map(int, fi.read().split()))

    cpu_list = self._cpu_list()
    generic_cpu = cpu_list[0]
    exclusive_cpu_list = cpu_list[1:]

    # gather all running PIDs for filtering out stale PIDs
    running_pid_set = set()
    with open(os.path.join(self.cpuset_path, "tasks"), "rt") as fi:
      running_pid_set.update(map(int, fi.read().split()))
    with open(os.path.join(self.cpuset_path, "cpu" + str(generic_cpu), "tasks"), "rt") as fi:
      running_pid_set.update(map(int, fi.read().split()))

    # gather already exclusively running PIDs
    exclusive_pid_set = set()
    for exclusive_cpu in exclusive_cpu_list:
      with open(os.path.join(self.cpuset_path, "cpu" + str(exclusive_cpu), "tasks"), "rt") as fi:
        exclusive_pid_set.update(map(int, fi.read().split()))

    for request in request_pid_set:
      if request in exclusive_pid_set:
        continue  # already exclusive
      if request not in running_pid_set:
        continue  # stale PID which is not running anywhere

  def prepare_cpu_space(self):
    """Move all PIDs from the pool of all CPUs into the first exclusive CPU."""
    with open(os.path.join(self.cpuset_path, "tasks"), "rt") as fi:
      running_set = set(map(int, fi.read().split()))
    first_cpu = self._cpu_list()[0]
    for pid in running_set:
      self._move_task(pid, first_cpu)

  def _cpu_list(self):
    """Extract IDs of available CPUs and return them as a list.

    The first one will be always used for all non-exclusive processes.
    :return: list[int]
    cpu_list = []  # types: list[int]
    with open(self.cpuset_path + "cpuset.cpus", "rt") as cpu_def:
      for cpu_def_split in cpu_def.read().strip().split(","):
        # IDs can be in form "0-4" or "0,1,2,3,4"
        if "-" in cpu_def_split:
          a, b = map(int, cpu_def_split.split("-"))
          cpu_list.extend(range(a, b + 1)) # because cgroup's range is inclusive
    return cpu_list

  def _move_to_exclusive_cpu(self, pid):
    """Try all exclusive CPUs and place the ``pid`` to the first available one.

    :return: int, cpu_id of used CPU, -1 if placement was not possible
    exclusive_cpu_list = self._cpu_list()[1:]
    for exclusive_cpu in exclusive_cpu_list:
      # gather tasks assigned to current exclusive CPU
      task_path = os.path.join(self.cpuset_path, "cpu" + str(exclusive_cpu), "tasks")
      with open(task_path, "rt") as fi:
        task_list = fi.read().split()
      if len(task_list) > 0:
        continue  # skip occupied CPUs
      return self._move_task(pid, exclusive_cpu)[1]
    return -1

  def _move_task(self, pid, cpu_id):
    """Move ``pid`` to ``cpu_id``."""
    with open(os.path.join(self.cpuset_path, "cpu" + str(cpu_id), "tasks"), self.task_write_mode) as fo:
      fo.write(str(pid) + "\n")
    return pid, cpu_id

  def _prepare_folder(self, folder):
    """If-Create folder and set group write permission."""
    if not os.path.exists(folder):
      os.chown(folder, -1, self.software_gid)
      # make your life and testing easier and create mandatory files if they don't exist
      mandatory_file_list = ("tasks", "cpuset.cpus")
      for mandatory_file in mandatory_file_list:
        file_path = os.path.join(folder, mandatory_file)
        if not os.path.exists(file_path):
          with open(file_path, "wb"):
            pass  # touche
    return folder

class Computer(object):
  """Object representing the computer"""

  def __init__(self, reference, interface=None, addr=None, netmask=None,
               ipv6_interface=None, software_user='slapsoft',
               instance_root=None, software_root=None, instance_storage_home=None,
               partition_list=None, manager_list=None):
      reference: str, the reference of the computer.
      interface: str, the name of the computer's used interface.
    self.reference = str(reference)
    self.interface = interface
    self.partition_list = partition_list or []
    self.address = addr
    self.netmask = netmask
    self.ipv6_interface = ipv6_interface
    self.software_user = software_user
    self.tap_gateway_interface = tap_gateway_interface

    # Used to be static attributes of the class object - didn't make sense (Marco again)
    assert instance_root is not None and software_root is not None, \
           "Computer's instance_root and software_root must not be empty!"
    self.software_root = software_root
    self.instance_root = instance_root
    self.instance_storage_home = instance_storage_home

    # The following properties are updated on update() method
    self.public_ipv4_address = None
    self.os_type = None
    self.python_version = None
    self.slapos_version = None

    # HASA relation to managers (could turn into plugins with `format` and `update` methods)
    self.manager_list = [manager(self) for manager in manager_list if manager(self).allowed()] \
                        if manager_list else tuple() 

  def __getinitargs__(self):
    return (self.reference, self.interface)

  def getAddress(self, allow_tap=False):
    Return a list of the interface address not attributed to any partition (which
    are therefore free for the computer itself).

      False if the interface isn't available, else the list of the free addresses.
    if self.interface is None:
      return {'addr': self.address, 'netmask': self.netmask}

    computer_partition_address_list = []
    for partition in self.partition_list:
      for address in partition.address_list:
        if netaddr.valid_ipv6(address['addr']):
    # Going through addresses of the computer's interface
    for address_dict in self.interface.getGlobalScopeAddressList():
      # Comparing with computer's partition addresses
      if address_dict['addr'] not in computer_partition_address_list:
        return address_dict

    if allow_tap:
      # all addresses on interface are for partition, so let's add new one
      computer_tap = Tap('compdummy')
      computer_tap.createWithOwner(User('root'), attach_to_tap=True)
      return self.interface.addAddr()

    # Can't find address
    raise NoAddressOnInterface('No valid IPv6 found on %s.' % self.interface.name)

  def update(self):
    """Update computer runtime info and state."""
    for manager in self.manager_list:

    # Collect environmental hardware/network information.
    self.public_ipv4_address = getPublicIPv4Address()
    self.slapos_version = version.version
    self.python_version = platform.python_version()
    self.os_type = platform.platform()

  def send(self, conf):
    Send a marshalled dictionary of the computer object serialized via_getDict.
    slap_instance = slap.slap()
    connection_dict = {}
    if conf.key_file and conf.cert_file:
      connection_dict['key_file'] = conf.key_file
      connection_dict['cert_file'] = conf.cert_file
    slap_computer = slap_instance.registerComputer(self.reference)

    if conf.dry_run:
    except slap.NotFoundError as error:
      raise slap.NotFoundError("%s\nERROR: This SlapOS node is not recognised by "
          "SlapOS Master and/or computer_id and certificates don't match. "
          "Please make sure computer_id of slapos.cfg looks "
          "like 'COMP-123' and is correct.\nError is : 404 Not Found." % error)

  def dump(self, path_to_xml, path_to_json, logger):
    Dump the computer object to an xml file via xml_marshaller.

      path_to_xml: String, path to the file to load.
      path_to_json: String, path to the JSON version to save.

    computer_dict = _getDict(self)

    if path_to_json:
      with open(path_to_json, 'wb') as fout:
        fout.write(json.dumps(computer_dict, sort_keys=True, indent=2))

    new_xml = xml_marshaller.xml_marshaller.dumps(computer_dict)
    new_pretty_xml = prettify_xml(new_xml)

    path_to_archive = path_to_xml + '.zip'

    if os.path.exists(path_to_archive) and os.path.exists(path_to_xml):
      # the archive file exists, we only backup if something has changed
      with open(path_to_xml, 'rb') as fin:
        if fin.read() == new_pretty_xml:
          # computer configuration did not change, nothing to write

    if os.path.exists(path_to_xml):
        self.backup_xml(path_to_archive, path_to_xml)
        # might be a corrupted zip file. let's move it out of the way and retry.
                    path_to_archive + time.strftime('_broken_%Y%m%d-%H:%M'))
          self.backup_xml(path_to_archive, path_to_xml)
          # give up trying
          logger.exception("Can't backup %s:", path_to_xml)

    with open(path_to_xml, 'wb') as fout:

    for partition in self.partition_list:

  def backup_xml(self, path_to_archive, path_to_xml):
    Stores a copy of the current xml file to an historical archive.
    xml_content = open(path_to_xml).read()
    saved_filename = os.path.basename(path_to_xml) + time.strftime('.%Y%m%d-%H:%M')

    with zipfile.ZipFile(path_to_archive, 'a') as archive:
      archive.writestr(saved_filename, xml_content, zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)

  def load(cls, path_to_xml, reference, ipv6_interface, tap_gateway_interface,
           instance_root=None, software_root=None):
    Create a computer object from a valid xml file.

      path_to_xml: String, a path to a valid file containing
          a valid configuration.

      A Computer object.

    dumped_dict = xml_marshaller.xml_marshaller.loads(open(path_to_xml).read())

    # Reconstructing the computer object from the xml
    computer = Computer(
        software_user=dumped_dict.get('software_user', 'slapsoft'),
        software_root=dumped_dict.get('software_root', software_root),
        instance_root=dumped_dict.get('instance_root', instance_root),

    for i, partition_dict in enumerate(dumped_dict['partition_list']):

      if partition_dict['user']:
        user = User(partition_dict['user']['name'])
        user = User('root')

      if partition_dict['tap']:
        tap = Tap(partition_dict['tap']['name'])
        if tap_gateway_interface:
          tap.ipv4_addr = partition_dict['tap'].get('ipv4_addr', '')
          tap.ipv4_netmask = partition_dict['tap'].get('ipv4_netmask', '')
          tap.ipv4_gateway = partition_dict['tap'].get('ipv4_gateway', '')
          tap.ipv4_network = partition_dict['tap'].get('ipv4_network', '')
        tap = Tap(partition_dict['reference'])

      if partition_dict.get('tun') is not None and partition_dict['tun'].get('ipv4_addr') is not None:
        tun = Tun(partition_dict['tun']['name'], i, len(dumped_dict['partition_list']))
        tun.ipv4_addr = partition_dict['tun']['ipv4_addr']
        tun = Tun("slaptun" + str(i), i, len(dumped_dict['partition_list']))

      address_list = partition_dict['address_list']
      external_storage_list = partition_dict.get('external_storage_list', [])

      partition = Partition(


    return computer

  def _speedHackAddAllOldIpsToInterface(self):
    Speed hack:
    Blindly add all IPs from existing configuration, just to speed up actual
    computer configuration later on.
    # XXX-TODO: only add an address if it doesn't already exist.
    if self.ipv6_interface:
      interface_name = self.ipv6_interface
    elif self.interface:
      interface_name = self.interface.name

    for partition in self.partition_list:
        for address in partition.address_list:
            netmask = netmaskToPrefixIPv6(address['netmask'])
          callAndRead(['ip', 'addr', 'add',
                       '%s/%s' % (address['addr'], netmask),
                       'dev', interface_name])
      except ValueError:

  def _addUniqueLocalAddressIpv6(self, interface_name):
    Create a unique local address in the interface interface_name, so that
    slapformat can build upon this.
    See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unique_local_address.
    command = 'ip address add dev %s fd00::1/64' % interface_name

  def software_gid(self):
    """Return GID for self.software_user.

    Has to be dynamic because __init__ happens before ``format`` where we 
    effectively create the user and group."""
    return pwd.getpwnam(self.software_user)[3]

  def format(self, alter_user=True, alter_network=True, create_tap=True, use_unique_local_address_block=False):
    Setup underlaying OS so it reflects this instance (``self``).
    - setup interfaces and addresses
    - setup TAP and TUN interfaces
    - add groups and users
    - construct partitions inside slapgrid
    if alter_network and self.address is not None:
      self.interface.addAddr(self.address, self.netmask)

    if use_unique_local_address_block and alter_network:
      if self.ipv6_interface:
        network_interface_name = self.ipv6_interface
        network_interface_name = self.interface.name

    for path in self.instance_root, self.software_root:
      if not os.path.exists(path):
        os.makedirs(path, 0o755)
        os.chmod(path, 0o755)

    # own self.software_root by software user
    slapsoft = User(self.software_user)
    slapsoft.path = self.software_root
    if alter_user:
      slapsoft_pw = pwd.getpwnam(slapsoft.name)
      os.chown(slapsoft.path, slapsoft_pw.pw_uid, slapsoft_pw.pw_gid)
    os.chmod(self.software_root, 0o755)

    # Iterate over all managers and let them `format` the computer too
    for manager in self.manager_list:

    # get list of instance external storage if exist
    instance_external_list = []
    if self.instance_storage_home:
      # get all /XXX/dataN where N is a digit
      data_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.instance_storage_home, 'data*'))
      for i in range(0, len(data_list)):
        data_path = data_list.pop()
        the_digit = os.path.basename(data_path).split('data')[-1]
        if the_digit.isdigit():

    tap_address_list = []
    if alter_network and self.tap_gateway_interface and create_tap:
      gateway_addr_dict = getIfaceAddressIPv4(self.tap_gateway_interface)
      tap_address_list = getIPv4SubnetAddressRange(gateway_addr_dict['addr'],
      assert(len(self.partition_list) <= len(tap_address_list))

    if alter_network:

      for partition_index, partition in enumerate(self.partition_list):
        # Reconstructing User's
        partition.path = os.path.join(self.instance_root, partition.reference)
        partition.user.additional_group_list = [slapsoft.name]
        partition.external_storage_list = ['%s/%s' % (path, partition.reference)
                                            for path in instance_external_list]
        if alter_user:

        # Reconstructing Tap
        if partition.user and partition.user.isAvailable():
          owner = partition.user
          owner = User('root')

        if alter_network and create_tap:
          # In case it has to be  attached to the TAP network device, only one
          # is necessary for the interface to assert carrier
          if self.interface.attach_to_tap and partition_index == 0:
            partition.tap.createWithOwner(owner, attach_to_tap=True)
          # If tap_gateway_interface is specified, we don't add tap to bridge
          # but we create route for this tap
          if not self.tap_gateway_interface:
            next_ipv4_addr = '%s' % tap_address_list.pop(0)
            if not partition.tap.ipv4_addr:
              # define new ipv4 address for this tap
              partition.tap.ipv4_addr = next_ipv4_addr
              partition.tap.ipv4_netmask = gateway_addr_dict['netmask']
              partition.tap.ipv4_gateway = gateway_addr_dict['addr']
              partition.tap.ipv4_network = gateway_addr_dict['network']

        if alter_network and partition.tun is not None:
          # create TUN interface per partition as well

        # Reconstructing partition's directory

        # Reconstructing partition's address
        # There should be two addresses on each Computer Partition:
        #  * global IPv6
        #  * local IPv4, took from slapformat:ipv4_local_network
        if not partition.address_list:
          # regenerate
        elif alter_network:
          # regenerate list of addresses
          old_partition_address_list = partition.address_list
          partition.address_list = []
          if len(old_partition_address_list) != 2:
            raise ValueError(
              'There should be exactly 2 stored addresses. Got: %r' %
          if not any(netaddr.valid_ipv6(q['addr'])
                     for q in old_partition_address_list):
            raise ValueError('Not valid ipv6 addresses loaded')
          if not any(netaddr.valid_ipv4(q['addr'])
                     for q in old_partition_address_list):
            raise ValueError('Not valid ipv6 addresses loaded')

          for address in old_partition_address_list:
            if netaddr.valid_ipv6(address['addr']):
            elif netaddr.valid_ipv4(address['addr']):
              raise ValueError('Address %r is incorrect' % address['addr'])
      if alter_network and create_tap and self.interface.attach_to_tap:
        except IndexError:

class Partition(object):
  """Represent a computer partition."""

  resource_file = ".slapos-resource"

  def __init__(self, reference, path, user, address_list, 
               tap, external_storage_list=[], tun=None):
      reference: String, the name of the partition.
      path: String, the path to the partition folder.
      user: User, the user linked to this partition.
      address_list: List of associated IP addresses.
      tap: Tap, the tap interface linked to this partition e.g. used as a bridge for kvm
      tun: Tun interface used for special apps simulating ethernet connections
      external_storage_list: Base path list of folder to format for data storage

    self.reference = str(reference)
    self.path = str(path)
    self.user = user
    self.address_list = address_list or []
    self.tap = tap
    self.tun = tun
    self.external_storage_list = []

  def __getinitargs__(self):
    return (self.reference, self.path, self.user, self.address_list, self.tap, self.tun)

  def createPath(self, alter_user=True):
    Create the directory of the partition, assign to the partition user and
    give it the 750 permission. In case if path exists just modifies it.

    self.path = os.path.abspath(self.path)
    owner = self.user if self.user else User('root')
    if not os.path.exists(self.path):
      os.mkdir(self.path, 0o750)
    if alter_user:
      owner_pw = pwd.getpwnam(owner.name)
      os.chown(self.path, owner_pw.pw_uid, owner_pw.pw_gid)
    os.chmod(self.path, 0o750)

  def createExternalPath(self, alter_user=True):
    Create and external directory of the partition, assign to the partition user
    and give it the 750 permission. In case if path exists just modifies it.

    for path in self.external_storage_list:
      storage_path = os.path.abspath(path)
      owner = self.user if self.user else User('root')
      if not os.path.exists(storage_path):
        os.mkdir(storage_path, 0o750)
      if alter_user:
        owner_pw = pwd.getpwnam(owner.name)
        os.chown(storage_path, owner_pw.pw_uid, owner_pw.pw_gid)
      os.chmod(storage_path, 0o750)

  def dump(self):
    """Dump available resources into ~partition_home/.slapos-resource."""
    file_path = os.path.join(self.path, self.resource_file)
    logger.info("Partition {} dumping resources to {}".format(
      self.reference, file_path))
    data = _getDict(self)
    with open(file_path, "wb") as fo:
      json.dump(data, fo, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
    owner_pw = pwd.getpwnam(self.user.name)
    os.chmod(file_path, 0o640)
    os.chown(file_path, owner_pw.pw_uid, owner_pw.pw_gid)

class User(object):
  """User: represent and manipulate a user on the system."""

  path = None

  def __init__(self, user_name, additional_group_list=None):
        user_name: string, the name of the user, who will have is home in
    self.name = str(user_name)
    self.shell = '/bin/sh'
    self.additional_group_list = additional_group_list

  def __getinitargs__(self):
    return (self.name,)

  def setPath(self, path):
    self.path = path

  def create(self):
    Create a user on the system who will be named after the self.name with its
    own group and directory.

        True: if the user creation went right
    # XXX: This method shall be no-op in case if all is correctly setup
    #      This method shall check if all is correctly done
    #      This method shall not reset groups, just add them
    grpname = 'grp_' + self.name if sys.platform == 'cygwin' else self.name
    except KeyError:
      callAndRead(['groupadd', grpname])

    user_parameter_list = ['-d', self.path, '-g', self.name, '-s', self.shell]
    if self.additional_group_list is not None:
      user_parameter_list.extend(['-G', ','.join(self.additional_group_list)])
    except KeyError:
      callAndRead(['useradd'] + user_parameter_list)
      callAndRead(['usermod'] + user_parameter_list)
    # lock the password of user
    callAndRead(['passwd', '-l', self.name])

    return True

  def isAvailable(self):
    Determine the availability of a user on the system

        True: if available
        False: otherwise

      return True
    except KeyError:
      return False

class Tap(object):
  "Tap represent a tap interface on the system"
  IFF_TAP = 0x0002
  TUNSETIFF = 0x400454ca
  KEEP_TAP_ATTACHED_EVENT = threading.Event()
  MODE = "tap"

  def __init__(self, tap_name):
        tap_name: String, the name of the tap interface.
        ipv4_address: String, local ipv4 to route to this tap
        ipv4_network: String, netmask to use when configure route for this tap
        gateway_ipv4: String, ipv4 of gateway to be used to reach local network

    self.name = str(tap_name)
    self.ipv4_addr = ""
    self.ipv4_netmask = ""
    self.ipv4_gateway = ""
    self.ipv4_network = ""

  def __getinitargs__(self):
    return (self.name,)

  def attach(self):
    Attach to the TAP interface, meaning  that it just opens the TAP interface
    and waits for the caller to notify that it can be safely detached.

    Linux  distinguishes administrative  and operational  state of  an network
    interface.  The  former can be set  manually by running ``ip  link set dev
    <dev> up|down'', whereas the latter states that the interface can actually
    transmit  data (for  a wired  network interface,  it basically  means that
    there is  carrier, e.g.  the network  cable is plugged  into a  switch for

    In case of bridge:
    In order  to be able to check  the uniqueness of IPv6  address assigned to
    the bridge, the network interface  must be up from an administrative *and*
    operational point of view.

    However,  from  Linux  2.6.39,  the  bridge  reflects  the  state  of  the
    underlying device (e.g.  the bridge asserts carrier if at least one of its
    ports has carrier) whereas it  always asserted carrier before. This should
    work fine for "real" network interface,  but will not work properly if the
    bridge only binds TAP interfaces, which, from 2.6.36, reports carrier only
    and only if an userspace program is attached.
    tap_fd = os.open("/dev/net/tun", os.O_RDWR)

      # Attach to the TAP interface which has previously been created
      fcntl.ioctl(tap_fd, self.TUNSETIFF,
                  struct.pack("16sI", self.name, self.IFF_TAP))

    except IOError as error:
      # If  EBUSY, it  means another  program is  already attached,  thus just
      # ignore it...
      logger.warning("Cannot create interface " + self.name + ". Does it exist already?")
      if error.errno != errno.EBUSY:
      # Block until the  caller send an event stating that  the program can be
      # now detached safely,  thus bringing down the TAP  device (from 2.6.36)
      # and the bridge at the same time (from 2.6.39)

  def detach(self):
    Detach to the  TAP network interface by notifying  the thread which attach
    to the TAP and closing the TAP file descriptor

  def createWithOwner(self, owner, attach_to_tap=False):
    Create a tap interface on the system if it doesn't exist yet.
    check_file = '/sys/devices/virtual/net/%s/owner' % self.name
    owner_id = None
    if os.path.exists(check_file):
      with open(check_file) as fx:
        owner_id = fx.read().strip()
        owner_id = int(owner_id)
      except ValueError:
        owner_id = pwd.getpwnam(owner_id).pw_uid
      if owner_id != pwd.getpwnam(owner.name).pw_uid:
        logger.warning("Wrong owner of TUN/TAP interface {}! Not touching it."
                       "Expected {:d} got {:d}".format(
          self.name, pwd.getpwnam(owner.name).pw_uid, owner_id))
      # if the interface already exists - don't do anything

    callAndRead(['ip', 'tuntap', 'add', 'dev', self.name, 'mode', 
                 self.MODE, 'user', owner.name])
    callAndRead(['ip', 'link', 'set', self.name, 'up'])

    if attach_to_tap:

  def createRoutes(self):
    Configure ipv4 route to reach this interface from local network
    if self.ipv4_addr:
      # Check if this route exits
      code, result = callAndRead(['ip', 'route', 'show', self.ipv4_addr],
      if code == 0 and self.ipv4_addr in result and self.name in result:
      callAndRead(['ip', 'route', 'add', self.ipv4_addr, 'dev', self.name])
      raise ValueError("%s should not be empty. No ipv4 address assigned to %s" %
                         (self.ipv4_addr, self.name))

class Tun(Tap):
  """Represent TUN interface which might be many per user."""
  MODE = "tun"
  BASE_MASK = 12

  def __init__(self, name, sequence=None, partitions=None):
    """Create TUN interface with subnet according to the optional ``sequence`` number.

    :param name: name which will appear in ``ip list`` afterwards
    :param sequence: {int} position of this TUN among all ``partitions``
    super(Tun, self).__init__(name)
    if sequence is not None:
      assert 0 <= sequence < partitions, "0 <= {} < {}".format(sequence, partitions)
      # create base IPNetwork 
      ip_network = netaddr.IPNetwork(Tun.BASE_NETWORK + "/" + str(Tun.BASE_MASK))
      # compute shift in BITS to separate ``partitions`` networks into subset
      # example: for 30 partitions we need log2(30) = 8 BITS
      mask_shift = int(math.ceil(math.log(int(partitions), 2.0)))
      # IPNetwork.subnet returns iterator over all possible subnets of given mask
      ip_subnets = list(ip_network.subnet(Tun.BASE_MASK + mask_shift))
      subnet = ip_subnets[sequence]
      # For serialization purposes, convert directly to ``str``
      self.ipv4_network = str(subnet)
      self.ipv4_addr = str(subnet.ip)
      self.ipv4_netmask = str(subnet.netmask)

  def createRoutes(self):
    """Extend for physical addition of network address because TAP let this on external class."""
    if self.ipv4_network:
      # add an address
      code, _ = callAndRead(['ip', 'addr', 'add', self.ipv4_network, 'dev', self.name],
      if code == 0:
        # address added to the interface - wait
      raise RuntimeError("Cannot setup address on interface {}. "
                         "Address is missing.".format(self.name))
    # create routes
    super(Tun, self).createRoutes()
    # add iptables rule to accept connections from this interface
    chain_rule = ['INPUT', '-i', self.name, '-j', 'ACCEPT']
    code, _ = callAndRead(['iptables', '-C'] + chain_rule, raise_on_error=False)
    if code == 0:
      # 0 means the rule does not exits so we are free to insert it
      callAndRead(['iptables', '-I'] + chain_rule)

class Interface(object):
  """Represent a network interface on the system"""

  def __init__(self, logger, name, ipv4_local_network, ipv6_interface=None):
        name: String, the name of the interface

    self.logger = logger
    self.name = str(name)
    self.ipv4_local_network = ipv4_local_network
    self.ipv6_interface = ipv6_interface

    # Attach to TAP  network interface, only if the  interface interface does not
    # report carrier
    _, result = callAndRead(['ip', 'addr', 'list', self.name], raise_on_error=False)
    self.attach_to_tap = self.isBridge() and ('DOWN' in result.split('\n', 1)[0])

  # XXX no __getinitargs__, as instances of this class are never deserialized.

  def getIPv4LocalAddressList(self):
    Returns currently configured local IPv4 addresses which are in
    if not socket.AF_INET in netifaces.ifaddresses(self.name):
      return []
    return [
                'addr': q['addr'],
                'netmask': q['netmask']
            for q in netifaces.ifaddresses(self.name)[socket.AF_INET]
            if netaddr.IPAddress(q['addr'], 4) in netaddr.glob_to_iprange(

  def getGlobalScopeAddressList(self):
    """Returns currently configured global scope IPv6 addresses"""
    if self.ipv6_interface:
      interface_name = self.ipv6_interface
      interface_name = self.name
      address_list = [
          for q in netifaces.ifaddresses(interface_name)[socket.AF_INET6]
          if isGlobalScopeAddress(q['addr'].split('%')[0])
    except KeyError:
      raise ValueError("%s must have at least one IPv6 address assigned" %
    if sys.platform == 'cygwin':
      for q in address_list:
        q.setdefault('netmask', 'FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF::')
    # XXX: Missing implementation of Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Addresses as
    # defined in http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4193.txt
    # XXX: XXX: XXX: IT IS DISALLOWED TO IMPLEMENT link-local addresses as
    # Linux and BSD are possibly wrongly implementing it -- it is "too local"
    # it is impossible to listen or access it on same node
    # XXX: IT IS DISALLOWED to implement ad hoc solution like inventing node
    # local addresses or anything which does not exists in RFC!
    return address_list

  def isBridge(self):
      _, result = callAndRead(['brctl', 'show'])
      return any(line.startswith(self.name) for line in result.split("\n"))
    except Exception as e:
      # the binary "brctl" itself does not exist - bridge is imposible to exist
      return False

  def getInterfaceList(self):
    """Returns list of interfaces already present on bridge"""
    interface_list = []
    _, result = callAndRead(['brctl', 'show'])
    in_interface = False
    for line in result.split('\n'):
      if len(line.split()) > 1:
        if self.name in line:
          in_interface = True
        if in_interface:
      elif in_interface:
        if line.strip():

    return interface_list

  def addTap(self, tap):
    Add the tap interface tap to the bridge.

      tap: Tap, the tap interface.
    if tap.name not in self.getInterfaceList():
      if self.isBridge():
        callAndRead(['brctl', 'addif', self.name, tap.name])
        logger.warning("Interface slapos.cfg:interface_name={} is not a bridge. "
                       "TUN/TAP interface {} might not have internet connection."
                       "".format(self.name, tap.name))

  def _addSystemAddress(self, address, netmask, ipv6=True):
    """Adds system address to interface

    Returns True if address was added successfully.

    Returns False if there was issue.
    if ipv6:
      address_string = '%s/%s' % (address, netmaskToPrefixIPv6(netmask))
      af = socket.AF_INET6
      if self.ipv6_interface:
        interface_name = self.ipv6_interface
        interface_name = self.name
      af = socket.AF_INET
      address_string = '%s/%s' % (address, netmaskToPrefixIPv4(netmask))
      interface_name = self.name

    # check if address is already took by any other interface
    for interface in netifaces.interfaces():
      if interface != interface_name:
        address_dict = netifaces.ifaddresses(interface)
        if af in address_dict:
          if address in [q['addr'].split('%')[0] for q in address_dict[af]]:
            return False

    if not af in netifaces.ifaddresses(interface_name) \
        or not address in [q['addr'].split('%')[0]
                           for q in netifaces.ifaddresses(interface_name)[af]
      # add an address
      callAndRead(['ip', 'addr', 'add', address_string, 'dev', interface_name])

      # Fake success for local ipv4
      if not ipv6:
        return True

      # wait few moments

    # Fake success for local ipv4
    if not ipv6:
      return True

    # check existence on interface for ipv6
    _, result = callAndRead(['ip', '-6', 'addr', 'list', interface_name])
    for l in result.split('\n'):
      if address in l:
        if 'tentative' in l:
          # duplicate, remove
          callAndRead(['ip', 'addr', 'del', address_string, 'dev', interface_name])
          return False
        # found and clean
        return True
    # even when added not found, this is bad...
    return False

  def _generateRandomIPv4Address(self, netmask):
    # no addresses found, generate new one
    # Try 10 times to add address, raise in case if not possible
    try_num = 10
    while try_num > 0:
      addr = random.choice([q for q in netaddr.glob_to_iprange(
      if (dict(addr=addr, netmask=netmask) not in
        # Checking the validity of the IPv6 address
        if self._addSystemAddress(addr, netmask, False):
          return dict(addr=addr, netmask=netmask)
        try_num -= 1

    raise AddressGenerationError(addr)

  def addIPv4LocalAddress(self, addr=None):
    """Adds local IPv4 address in ipv4_local_network"""
    netmask = str(netaddr.IPNetwork(self.ipv4_local_network).netmask) if sys.platform == 'cygwin' \
             else ''
    local_address_list = self.getIPv4LocalAddressList()
    if addr is None:
      return self._generateRandomIPv4Address(netmask)
    elif dict(addr=addr, netmask=netmask) not in local_address_list:
      if self._addSystemAddress(addr, netmask, False):
        return dict(addr=addr, netmask=netmask)
        self.logger.warning('Impossible to add old local IPv4 %s. Generating '
            'new IPv4 address.' % addr)
        return self._generateRandomIPv4Address(netmask)
      # confirmed to be configured
      return dict(addr=addr, netmask=netmask)

  def addAddr(self, addr=None, netmask=None):
    Adds IP address to interface.

    If addr is specified and exists already on interface does nothing.

    If addr is specified and does not exists on interface, tries to add given
    address. If it is not possible (ex. because network changed) calculates new

      addr: Wished address to be added to interface.
      netmask: Wished netmask to be used.

      Tuple of (address, netmask).

      AddressGenerationError: Couldn't construct valid address with existing
          one's on the interface.
      NoAddressOnInterface: There's no address on the interface to construct
          an address with.
    # Getting one address of the interface as base of the next addresses
    if self.ipv6_interface:
      interface_name = self.ipv6_interface
      interface_name = self.name
    interface_addr_list = self.getGlobalScopeAddressList()

    # No address found
    if len(interface_addr_list) == 0:
      raise NoAddressOnInterface(interface_name)
    address_dict = interface_addr_list[0]

    if addr is not None:
      if dict(addr=addr, netmask=netmask) in interface_addr_list:
        # confirmed to be configured
        return dict(addr=addr, netmask=netmask)
      if netmask == address_dict['netmask']:
        # same netmask, so there is a chance to add good one
        interface_network = netaddr.ip.IPNetwork('%s/%s' % (address_dict['addr'],
        requested_network = netaddr.ip.IPNetwork('%s/%s' % (addr,
        if interface_network.network == requested_network.network:
          # same network, try to add
          if self._addSystemAddress(addr, netmask):
            # succeed, return it
            return dict(addr=addr, netmask=netmask)
            self.logger.warning('Impossible to add old public IPv6 %s. '
                'Generating new IPv6 address.' % addr)

    # Try 10 times to add address, raise in case if not possible
    try_num = 10
    netmask = address_dict['netmask']
    while try_num > 0:
      addr = ':'.join(address_dict['addr'].split(':')[:-1] + ['%x' % (
        random.randint(1, 65000), )])
      socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, addr)
      if (dict(addr=addr, netmask=netmask) not in
        # Checking the validity of the IPv6 address
        if self._addSystemAddress(addr, netmask):
          return dict(addr=addr, netmask=netmask)
        try_num -= 1

    raise AddressGenerationError(addr)

def parse_computer_definition(conf, definition_path):
  conf.logger.info('Using definition file %r' % definition_path)
  computer_definition = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser({
    'software_user': 'slapsoft',
  interface = None
  address = None
  netmask = None
  if computer_definition.has_option('computer', 'address'):
    address, netmask = computer_definition.get('computer', 'address').split('/')
  if (conf.alter_network and conf.interface_name is not None
        and conf.ipv4_local_network is not None):
    interface = Interface(logger=conf.logger,
  computer = Computer(
      software_user=computer_definition.get('computer', 'software_user'),
  partition_list = []
  for partition_number in range(int(conf.partition_amount)):
    section = 'partition_%s' % partition_number
    user = User(computer_definition.get(section, 'user'))
    address_list = []
    for a in computer_definition.get(section, 'address').split():
      address, netmask = a.split('/')
      address_list.append(dict(addr=address, netmask=netmask))
    tap = Tap(computer_definition.get(section, 'network_interface'))
    tun = Tun("slaptun" + str(partition_number),
              int(conf.partition_amount)) if conf.create_tap else None
    partition = Partition(reference=computer_definition.get(section, 'pathname'),
                                            computer_definition.get(section, 'pathname')),
                          tap=tap, tun=tun)
  computer.partition_list = partition_list
  return computer

def parse_computer_xml(conf, xml_path):
  interface = Interface(logger=conf.logger,

  if os.path.exists(xml_path):
    conf.logger.debug('Loading previous computer data from %r' % xml_path)
    computer = Computer.load(xml_path,
    # Connect to the interface defined by the configuration
    computer.interface = interface
    # If no pre-existent configuration found, create a new computer object
    conf.logger.warning('Creating new computer data with id %r', conf.computer_id)
    computer = Computer(

  partition_amount = int(conf.partition_amount)
  existing_partition_amount = len(computer.partition_list)

  if partition_amount < existing_partition_amount:
    conf.logger.critical('Requested amount of computer partitions (%s) is lower '
                         'than already configured (%s), cannot continue',
                         partition_amount, existing_partition_amount)
  elif partition_amount > existing_partition_amount:
    conf.logger.info('Adding %s new partitions',
                     partition_amount - existing_partition_amount)

  for i in range(existing_partition_amount, partition_amount):
    # add new partitions
    partition = Partition(
        reference='%s%s' % (conf.partition_base_name, i),
        path=os.path.join(conf.instance_root, '%s%s' % (
          conf.partition_base_name, i)),
        user=User('%s%s' % (conf.user_base_name, i)),
        tap=Tap('%s%s' % (conf.tap_base_name, i)),
        tun=Tun('slaptun' + str(i), i, partition_amount)

  return computer

def write_computer_definition(conf, computer):
  computer_definition = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
  if computer.address is not None and computer.netmask is not None:
    computer_definition.set('computer', 'address', '/'.join(
      [computer.address, computer.netmask]))
  for partition_number, partition in enumerate(computer.partition_list):
    section = 'partition_%s' % partition_number
    address_list = []
    for address in partition.address_list:
      address_list.append('/'.join([address['addr'], address['netmask']]))
    computer_definition.set(section, 'address', ' '.join(address_list))
    computer_definition.set(section, 'user', partition.user.name)
    computer_definition.set(section, 'network_interface', partition.tap.name)
    computer_definition.set(section, 'pathname', partition.reference)
  computer_definition.write(open(conf.output_definition_file, 'w'))
  conf.logger.info('Stored computer definition in %r' % conf.output_definition_file)

def random_delay(conf):
  # Add delay between 0 and 1 hour
  # XXX should be the contrary: now by default, and cron should have
  # --maximal-delay=3600
  if not conf.now:
    duration = float(60 * 60) * random.random()
    conf.logger.info('Sleeping for %s seconds. To disable this feature, '
                     'use with --now parameter in manual.' % duration)

def do_format(conf):

  if conf.input_definition_file:
    computer = parse_computer_definition(conf, conf.input_definition_file)
    # no definition file, figure out computer
    computer = parse_computer_xml(conf, conf.computer_xml)

  computer.instance_root = conf.instance_root
  computer.software_root = conf.software_root
  computer.instance_storage_home = conf.instance_storage_home
  conf.logger.info('Updating computer')
  address = computer.getAddress(conf.create_tap)
  computer.address = address['addr']
  computer.netmask = address['netmask']

  if conf.output_definition_file:
    write_computer_definition(conf, computer)


  if getattr(conf, 'certificate_repository_path', None):
    mkdir_p(conf.certificate_repository_path, mode=0o700)

  # Dumping and sending to the erp5 the current configuration
  if not conf.dry_run:
  conf.logger.info('Posting information to %r' % conf.master_url)
  conf.logger.info('slapos successfully prepared the computer.')

class FormatConfig(object):
  key_file = None
  cert_file = None
  alter_network = None
  alter_user = None
  create_tap = None
  computer_xml = None
  computer_json = None
  input_definition_file = None
  log_file = None
  output_definition_file = None
  dry_run = None
  software_user = None
  tap_gateway_interface = None
  use_unique_local_address_block = None
  instance_storage_home = None

  def __init__(self, logger):
    self.logger = logger

  def checkRequiredBinary(binary_list):
    missing_binary_list = []
    for b in binary_list:
      if type(b) != type([]):
        b = [b]
      except ValueError:
      except OSError:
    if missing_binary_list:
      raise UsageError('Some required binaries are missing or not '
          'functional: %s' % (','.join(missing_binary_list), ))

  def mergeConfig(self, args, configp):
    Set options given by parameters.
    Must be executed before setting up the logger.
    self.key_file = None
    self.cert_file = None

    # Set argument parameters
    for key, value in args.__dict__.items():
      setattr(self, key, value)

    # Merges the arguments and configuration
    for section in ("slapformat", "slapos"):
      configuration_dict = dict(configp.items(section))
      for key in configuration_dict:
        if not getattr(self, key, None):
          setattr(self, key, configuration_dict[key])

  def setConfig(self):
    # setup some nones
    for parameter in ['interface_name', 'partition_base_name', 'user_base_name',
          'tap_base_name', 'ipv4_local_network', 'ipv6_interface']:
      if getattr(self, parameter, None) is None:
        setattr(self, parameter, None)

    # Backward compatibility
    if not getattr(self, "interface_name", None) \
          and getattr(self, "bridge_name", None):
      setattr(self, "interface_name", self.bridge_name)
      self.logger.warning('bridge_name option is deprecated and should be '
          'replaced by interface_name.')
    if not getattr(self, "create_tap", None) \
          and getattr(self, "no_bridge", None):
      setattr(self, "create_tap", not self.no_bridge)
      self.logger.warning('no_bridge option is deprecated and should be '
          'replaced by create_tap.')

    # Set defaults lately
    if self.alter_network is None:
      self.alter_network = 'True'
    if self.alter_user is None:
      self.alter_user = 'True'
    if self.software_user is None:
      self.software_user = 'slapsoft'
    if self.create_tap is None:
      self.create_tap = True
    if self.tap_gateway_interface is None:
      self.tap_gateway_interface = ''
    if self.use_unique_local_address_block is None:
      self.use_unique_local_address_block = False

    # Convert strings to booleans
    for option in ['alter_network', 'alter_user', 'create_tap', 'use_unique_local_address_block']:
      attr = getattr(self, option)
      if isinstance(attr, str):
        if attr.lower() == 'true':
          root_needed = True
          setattr(self, option, True)
        elif attr.lower() == 'false':
          setattr(self, option, False)
          message = 'Option %r needs to be "True" or "False", wrong value: ' \
              '%r' % (option, getattr(self, option))
          raise UsageError(message)

    if not self.dry_run:
      if self.alter_user:
        self.checkRequiredBinary(['groupadd', 'useradd', 'usermod', ['passwd', '-h']])
      if self.create_tap or self.alter_network:

    # Required, even for dry run
    if self.alter_network and self.create_tap:

    # Check mandatory options
    for parameter in ('computer_id', 'instance_root', 'master_url',
                      'software_root', 'computer_xml'):
      if not getattr(self, parameter, None):
        raise UsageError("Parameter '%s' is not defined." % parameter)

    # Check existence of SSL certificate files, if defined
    for attribute in ['key_file', 'cert_file', 'master_ca_file']:
      file_location = getattr(self, attribute, None)
      if file_location is not None:
        if not os.path.exists(file_location):
          self.logger.fatal('File %r does not exist or is not readable.' %

    if self.dry_run:
      self.logger.info("Dry-run mode enabled.")
    if self.create_tap:
      self.logger.info("Tap creation mode enabled.")

    # Calculate path once
    self.computer_xml = os.path.abspath(self.computer_xml)

    if self.input_definition_file:
      self.input_definition_file = os.path.abspath(self.input_definition_file)

    if self.output_definition_file:
      self.output_definition_file = os.path.abspath(self.output_definition_file)

tracing_monkeypatch_mark = []
def tracing_monkeypatch(conf):
  """Substitute os module and callAndRead function with tracing wrappers."""

  # This function is called again if "slapos node boot" failed.
  # Don't wrap the logging method again, otherwise the output becomes double.
  if tracing_monkeypatch_mark:

  global os
  global callAndRead

  real_callAndRead = callAndRead

  os = OS(conf)
  if conf.dry_run:
    def dry_callAndRead(argument_list, raise_on_error=True):
      if argument_list == ['brctl', 'show']:
        return real_callAndRead(argument_list, raise_on_error)
        return 0, ''
    callAndRead = dry_callAndRead

    def fake_getpwnam(user):
      class result(object):
        pw_uid = 12345
        pw_gid = 54321
      return result
    pwd.getpwnam = fake_getpwnam
    dry_callAndRead = real_callAndRead

  def logging_callAndRead(argument_list, raise_on_error=True):
    conf.logger.debug(' '.join(argument_list))
    return dry_callAndRead(argument_list, raise_on_error)
  callAndRead = logging_callAndRead

  # Put a mark. This function was called once.