Commit e9580656 authored by Eric Zheng's avatar Eric Zheng

component/headless-chromium: rewrite buildout.cfg

parent 3e8439b3
[buildout] [buildout]
extends = extends =
../binutils/buildout.cfg # Build dependencies: note that bash, bzip2, getconf, grep, tar, and xz are already in /bin and /usr/bin
../bison/buildout.cfg # TODO: I think findutils is only here to expose xargs, which is already in /usr/bin, so see if we can get away with not requiring it
../pkgconfig/buildout.cfg # If the Python version doesn't default to 2, it might be necessary to include Python 2 as a component and then prepend it to the PATH or some similar trick.
../coreutils/buildout.cfg ../coreutils/buildout.cfg
../depot_tools/buildout.cfg ../depot_tools/buildout.cfg
../findutils/buildout.cfg ../git/buildout.cfg
# Runtime dependencies:
../fontconfig/buildout.cfg ../fontconfig/buildout.cfg
../nspr/buildout.cfg ../nspr/buildout.cfg
../nss/buildout.cfg ../nss/buildout.cfg
parts = parts =
chromium chromium-wrapper
[gconf] # TODO: it may be more appropriate to manage our own copy of depot_tools, because I think some of the "gclient sync" commands may modify depot_tools, which could be problematic if other components or software releases depend on a shared copy, and at any rate it causes some build errors: when updating depot_tools, git complains because HEAD has been moved. Is there a way to guarantee a private copy? (This may be a moot point, since I don't think it's used by anything else, anyway, and trying again fixes the git issue.)
recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
url =
md5sum = 2b16996d0e4b112856ee5c59130e822c
configure-options = --disable-orbit --disable-static
environment =
[chromedriver] # TODO: so there's a funny little issue: because we didn't clone the full repository history, some automated tools can't figure out the version number (well, actually the appropriate commit hash). This causes the frontend for the remote debugging port to crash, because it was expecting a version number. I see a few possible fixes:
recipe = # 1. Clone the full repository. But this blows up the size, from ~25 GB to ~100 GB.
url = # 2. Patch the C++ version API (see src/components/version_info) before compiling, to hard-code the number in.
md5sum = a72088c0a6b018ded2c0fff616da8f65 # 3. Patch the frontend JS (not sure where it is) before compiling.
# 4. Proxy the connection and patch the server's response on the fly.
# The correct commit hash for this particular version should be 3aad95ffffff0767e9b7d161885aa811de1f2195, which you can verify at and find by searching on
[chromium-download] # There's nothing special about version 91.0.4472.132. It just happened to be
# the current Chromium stable version at the time of writing.
# TODO: set source URL as a parameter to avoid duplication?
recipe = plone.recipe.command recipe = plone.recipe.command
# This revision is 56.0.2924.122. Because the chromedriver only support some certain
# version. Which version 56 is in the middle of 55-57.
revision = faf03429d9c3dbd483700dd42316b20776cbbd3c
path = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_} path = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
version = 91.0.4472.132
command = command =
set -e PATH=$PATH:${git:location}/bin
PATH=${depot_tools:location}:${git:location}/bin:$PATH rm -rf ${:path}
[ -d ${:path} ] && rm -r ${:path}
mkdir -p ${:path} mkdir -p ${:path}
cd ${:path} cd ${:path}
# Do never use `fetch` with the `--no-history` option unless you find an git clone \
# option to fetch directly at the wanted revision. `--no-history` could --branch ${:version} \
# reduce the download size significantly but even if it retrieves enough --depth 1 \
# commits at the time you test this section, development continues upstream
# and at some point the next command (gclient) would break.
# ...
# This command only could work in an empty dir.
fetch --nohooks chromium
gclient sync --revision ${:revision} --with_branch_heads
stop-on-error = true
[chromium] [chromium]
recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
path = ${chromium-download:path}/src path = ${chromium-source:path}/src
location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_} location = ${:path}/out/headless
# Configuration file for GN, the tool to build the actual compilation configuration file.
default-gclient-config =
solutions = [
"name": "src",
"url": "",
"managed": False,
"custom_deps": {},
"custom_vars": {},
# Build configuration options
build-config-options =
is_debug = false
symbol_level = 0
blink_symbol_level = 0
# Libraries needed at runtime. When using the compiled headless shell, you should specify LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:${libraries}.
libraries = ${nspr:location}/lib:${nss:location}/lib
# Create a headless build configuration.
configure-command = configure-command =
# Sync build dependencies---this is a little finnicky.
# NOTE: I'm not sure if a sync at the end is needed?
echo '${:default-gclient-config}' > ${chromium-source:path}/.gclient
gclient sync --revision ${chromium-source:version}
gclient runhooks gclient runhooks
# Generate build configuration files.
mkdir -p ${:location} mkdir -p ${:location}
echo 'use_udev = true echo '${:build-config-options}' > ${:location}/
is_debug = false
enable_nacl = false' > ${:location}/
gn gen ${:location} gn gen ${:location}
# Note you can run Chromium manually by: ${:location}/chrome --headless --no-sandbox --disable-gpu # You can run the headless Chromium shell using
make-binary = ninja -C ${:location} chrome # ${:location}/headless-chromium --remote-debugging-port=1234
make-binary =
# This is most certainly a massive hack, but retrying possibly works...
autoninja -C ${:location} headless_shell || autoninja -C ${:location} headless_shell
environment = environment =
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${freetype:location}/lib/pkgconfig:${zlib:location}/lib/pkgconfig:${libpng:location}/lib/pkgconfig:${randrproto:location}/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH # Possible foot-gun: if you specify PATH=...:$PATH, it will literally insert the string '$PATH' on your PATH; buildout won't do the expansion unless you use %(PATH)s
PATH=${chromedriver:location}:${dbus:location}/bin:${depot_tools:location}:${pkgconfig:location}/bin:${ninja:location}/bin:${bison:location}/bin:${gperf:location}/bin:${xserver:location}/bin:%(PATH)s # TODO: make sure it's appropriate for SlapOS components to depend on things in /bin, /usr/bin, etc.
CPATH=${dbus:location}/include/dbus-1.0:${dbus:location}/lib/dbus-1.0/include/:${freetype:location}/include/freetype2:${libffi:location}/include:${mpfr:location}/include:${ncurses:location}/include:${openssl:location}/include:${readline:location}/include:${sqlite3:location}/include:${zlib:location}/include:${bzip2:location}/include:$CPATH PATH=${depot_tools:location}:${gperf:location}/bin:${pkgconfig:location}/bin:${coreutils:location}/bin:${git:location}/bin:${curl:location}/bin:%(PATH)s
promises =
# A default font configuration to fall back on, same as the Firefox one.
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
template = ${template-fonts-conf:output}
rendered = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}/fonts.conf
context =
key cachedir :cache-dir
key fonts :fonts
key includes :includes
fonts =
includes =
cache-dir =
# Create a wrapper around the headless Chromium shell. The wrapper sets some default values for environment variables and is based on the Firefox one.
wrapper-name = headless-chromium
part = ${chromium:location}
recipe =
location = ${buildout:bin-directory}/${:wrapper-name}
install =
import os
chromium = options['part']
part = self.buildout[os.path.basename(chromium)]
with open(location, 'w') as f:
f.write("""#!/bin/sh -e
cd {}
export PATH={}:$PATH
[ -z $FONTCONFIG_FILE ] && export FONTCONFIG_FILE=${default-font-config:rendered}
exec ${chromium:location}/headless_shell "$@"
os.fchmod(f.fileno(), 0o755)
# Runtime libraries
libraries =
# Runtime path
# TODO: see if this part is really necessary
path =
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