Commit 013a6305 authored by Claes Sjofors's avatar Claes Sjofors

Mh removed qcom buffering of alarm status messages

parent 3feac8d9
......@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ static void scanTimerList();
static void sendEventListToOutunit(sOutunit*);
static pwr_tBoolean sendEventToOutunit(sOutunit*, sEventTab*);
static pwr_tStatus sendMessage(mh_eMsg, qcom_sQid*, co_sPlatform*, void*, pwr_tUInt32);
static pwr_tStatus sendToOutunit(sOutunit*, mh_eMsg, int, void*, int);
static pwr_tStatus sendToOutunit(sOutunit*, mh_eMsg, int, unsigned int, void*, int);
static void setTimerActive(int, pwr_tBoolean);
static sSupActive *supListGet(pwr_tAttrRef*);
static void timeOut();
......@@ -1340,7 +1340,7 @@ sendAlarmStatus( sOutunit *op)
default: ;
sts = sendToOutunit(op, mh_eMsg_HandlerAlarmStatus, 0, msg, msg_size);
sts = sendToOutunit(op, mh_eMsg_HandlerAlarmStatus, 0, op->outunit.oix, msg, msg_size);
free( (char *)msg);
......@@ -1369,7 +1369,7 @@ checkOutunits ()
cdh_ObjidToString(NULL, op->outunit, 1),
op->syncedIdx, op->eventIdx);
sendToOutunit(op, mh_eMsg_HandlerSync, 0, NULL, 0);
sendToOutunit(op, mh_eMsg_HandlerSync, 0, 0, NULL, 0);
} else {
op->check = 1;
......@@ -2132,7 +2132,7 @@ fromOutunit (
outunitSync(hp, op);
case mh_eMsg_OutunitSync:
sendToOutunit(op, mh_eMsg_Sync, 0, NULL, 0);
sendToOutunit(op, mh_eMsg_Sync, 0, 0, NULL, 0);
case mh_eMsg_OutunitAlarmReq:
outunitAlarmReq(hp, op);
......@@ -2221,7 +2221,7 @@ fromEvent (
for (ol = LstFir(&l.outunit_l); ol != LstEnd(&l.outunit_l); ol = LstNex(ol)) {
op = LstObj(ol);
sendToOutunit(op, mh_eMsg_OutunitClear, 0, NULL, 0);
sendToOutunit(op, mh_eMsg_OutunitClear, 0, 0, NULL, 0);
for (ol = LstFir(&l.outunit_l); ol != LstEnd(&l.outunit_l); ol = LstNex(ol)) {
op = LstObj(ol);
......@@ -2245,7 +2245,7 @@ fromEvent (
for (ol = LstFir(&l.outunit_l); ol != LstEnd(&l.outunit_l); ol = LstNex(ol)) {
op = LstObj(ol);
if (op->syncedIdx == op->eventIdx)
sendToOutunit(op, mh_eMsg_OutunitClear, 0, NULL, 0);
sendToOutunit(op, mh_eMsg_OutunitClear, 0, 0, NULL, 0);
printf( "rt_emon: SimLoadStart\n");
......@@ -3352,7 +3352,7 @@ isValidOutunit (
if (op->birthTime.tv_sec != hp->birthTime.tv_sec) {
if ( hp->type == mh_eMsg_OutunitInfo) {
//sendToOutunit(op, mh_eMsg_OutunitClear, 0, NULL, 0);
//sendToOutunit(op, mh_eMsg_OutunitClear, 0, 0, NULL, 0);
if ( hp->nix == l.head.nix)
handlerEvent(pwr_eSystemEventTypeEnum_OutunitRestart, hp->nix, 1);
......@@ -3498,7 +3498,7 @@ outunitAck (
sApplActive *aap;
op->ackGen = ip->ackGen;
sendToOutunit(op, mh_eMsg_Sync, 0, NULL, 0);
sendToOutunit(op, mh_eMsg_Sync, 0, 0, NULL, 0);
if ((ap = activeListGet(ip->targetIdx)) == NULL) {
/* Alarm does not exist */
......@@ -3564,7 +3564,7 @@ outunitBlock (
pwr_tNodeIndex nix;
op->blockGen = ip->blockGen;
sendToOutunit(op, mh_eMsg_Sync, 0, NULL, 0);
sendToOutunit(op, mh_eMsg_Sync, 0, 0, NULL, 0);
for (bl = LstFir(&l.block_l); bl != LstEnd(&l.block_l); bl = LstNex(bl))
if (cdh_ObjidIsEqual(ip->object, LstObj(bl)->link.object.Objid))
......@@ -3694,7 +3694,7 @@ outunitInfo (
op->check = 0;
sendToOutunit(op, mh_eMsg_Sync, 0, NULL, 0);
sendToOutunit(op, mh_eMsg_Sync, 0, 0, NULL, 0);
......@@ -4051,7 +4051,7 @@ reSendEventToOutunit (
sts = sendToOutunit(op, mh_eMsg_Event, etp->event, &event.message, size);
sts = sendToOutunit(op, mh_eMsg_Event, etp->event, 0, &event.message, size);
return ODD(sts);
......@@ -4278,7 +4278,7 @@ sendEventToOutunit (
pwr_tStatus sts;
sEvent *ep = etp->ep;
sts = sendToOutunit(op, mh_eMsg_Event, ep->, &ep->msg, ep->msgSize);
sts = sendToOutunit(op, mh_eMsg_Event, ep->, 0, &ep->msg, ep->msgSize);
if (EVEN(sts)) {
// errh_Error("%s\n%m", "sendEventToOutunit", sts);
......@@ -4326,7 +4326,7 @@ sendMessage (
target = *qid;
sts = mh_NetSendMessage(&target, platform, prio, 0, (mh_sHead *)mp, size);
sts = mh_NetSendMessage(&target, platform, prio, 0, 0, (mh_sHead *)mp, size);
if (EVEN(sts) && sts != QCOM__LINKDOWN) {
errh_Error("%s\n%m", "SendMessage: mh_NetSendMessage", sts);
......@@ -4341,6 +4341,7 @@ sendToOutunit (
sOutunit *op,
mh_eMsg type,
int subType,
unsigned int id,
void *msg,
int msgSize
......@@ -4373,7 +4374,7 @@ sendToOutunit (
hp->selGen = op->selGen;
// printf( "sendToOutunit: eventIdx %d\n", hp->eventIdx);
sts = mh_NetSendMessage(&op->link.qid, &op->link.platform, prio, subType, (mh_sHead *)mp, size);
sts = mh_NetSendMessage(&op->link.qid, &op->link.platform, prio, subType, id, (mh_sHead *)mp, size);
if (EVEN(sts) && sts != QCOM__LINKDOWN) {
errh_Error("%s\n%m", "SendMessage: mh_NetSendMessage", sts);
......@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ mh_NetSendMessage(
co_sPlatform *recPlatform,
int prio,
int subtype,
unsigned int id,
mh_sHead *hp,
unsigned int size
) {
......@@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ mh_NetSendMessage(
msg.type.s = subtype;
msg.reply = hp->qid;
msg.size = size;
msg.msg_id = 0;
msg.msg_id = id;
if (recPlatform == NULL || co_IsXdrNeeded(&hp->platform, recPlatform)) {
hp->xdr = TRUE;
......@@ -471,6 +471,7 @@ struct mh_sOutunitAlarmReq {
% co_sPlatform *recPlatform,
% int prio,
% int subtype,
% unsigned int id,
% mh_sHead *hp,
% unsigned int size
......@@ -1009,7 +1009,6 @@ handlerAlarmStatus (
pwr_tStatus sts;
mh_sAlarmStatus *mp = (mh_sAlarmStatus *) (p + 1);
int i;
/* Skip events sent from an old select list. */
if (p->selGen != l.selGen)
......@@ -1017,7 +1016,6 @@ handlerAlarmStatus (
if (l.cbAlarmStatus != NULL)
sts = l.cbAlarmStatus( mp);
......@@ -1208,7 +1206,7 @@ sendToHandler (
pfp = &hp->platform;
sts = mh_NetSendMessage(&qid, pfp, 0, 0, (mh_sHead *)mp, msize);
sts = mh_NetSendMessage(&qid, pfp, 0, 0, 0, (mh_sHead *)mp, msize);
if (ODD(sts))
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