Commit 3a660753 authored by claes's avatar claes

New gsd-file for Siemens Diagnostic Repeater

parent 11fffd63
; GSD-Datei Version "03" für die Stufe 2 (FW: V2.0.0) des Diagnose-Repeater
; ============================
; Stand: 3.7.2006
; <Unit-Definition-List>
Vendor_Name="SIEMENS AG"
Model_Name="Diagnostic Repeater"
Revision="2.0" ;******* DR Stufe 2
Hardware_Release="hardware release 1.0"
Software_Release="software release 2.0"
Info_Text="Diagnostic Repeater for line diagnostics on the PROFIBUS-DP (RS485), IP20, up to 12 MBit/s. Supports DP cycle time measurement, clock synchronisation."
; Slave-Specification:
OrderNumber="6ES7 972-0AB01-0XA0"
; Max_Diag_Data_Len=84 ;***** ohne ISOM
Max_Diag_Data_Len=91 ;***** mit ISOM
; DPV1 Keys
Publisher_supp=1 ;
Prm_Block_Structure_supp=1 ; Blockstruktur wird unterstützt
C1_Read_Write_supp=1 ;******* C1-Kanal wird unterstützt
C1_Max_Data_Len=240 ;******* volle Länge
C1_Response_Timeout=10000 ;******* = 10sec
C2_Read_Write_supp=1 ;******* C2-Kanal wird unterstützt
C2_Max_Data_Len=240 ;******* volle Länge
C2_Response_Timeout=10000 ;******* = 10sec
C2_Max_Count_Channels=3 ;******* 3 C2-Kanäle werden untestützt
Max_Initiate_PDU_Length=52 ;******* Default-Länge
; IsoM-Keywords
; Slave related keywords for Isochron Mode
Isochron_Mode_supp = 1
Isochron_Mode_required = 0
TBASE_DP = 1500 ; equal to 125µs
TDP_MAX = 256 ; equal to 32ms
TDP_MIN = 8 ; equal to 1ms
TBASE_IO = 1500 ; equal to 125µs
TI_MIN = 1
TO_MIN = 1
T_PLL_W_MAX = 12 ; equal 12*1/12 µs = 1µs
; FW_Update-Keywords
; I&M (I&A)-Funktion-Keywords
; UnitDiag-Area fuer Leitungsfehlerstatus
; Segment
Unit_Diag_Bit(28)="====== Segment DP3 ======"
Unit_Diag_Bit(29)="====== Segment DP2 ======"
Unit_Diag_Bit(30)="====== Segment DP1 ======"
Unit_Diag_Bit(31)="====== PG-Interface ======"
; Segment ON/OFF
Unit_Diag_Bit(33)="Segment deactivated"
; Topologieermittlung ON/OFF
Unit_Diag_Bit(34)="Topology detection deactivated"
; Reflexionsfehlerrate Bit 7 = 0
Value(0) ="Reflection error rate: 0%"
Value(1) ="Reflection error rate: 1%"
Value(2) ="Reflection error rate: 2%"
Value(3) ="Reflection error rate: 3%"
Value(4) ="Reflection error rate: 4%"
Value(5) ="Reflection error rate: 5%"
Value(6) ="Reflection error rate: 6%"
Value(7) ="Reflection error rate: 7%"
Value(8) ="Reflection error rate: 8%"
Value(9) ="Reflection error rate: 9%"
Value(10) ="Reflection error rate: 10%"
Value(11) ="Reflection error rate: 11%"
Value(12) ="Reflection error rate: 12%"
Value(13) ="Reflection error rate: 13%"
Value(14) ="Reflection error rate: 14%"
Value(15) ="Reflection error rate: 15%"
Value(16) ="Reflection error rate: 16%"
Value(17) ="Reflection error rate: 17%"
Value(18) ="Reflection error rate: 18%"
Value(19) ="Reflection error rate: 19%"
Value(20) ="Reflection error rate: 20%"
Value(21) ="Reflection error rate: 21%"
Value(22) ="Reflection error rate: 22%"
Value(23) ="Reflection error rate: 23%"
Value(24) ="Reflection error rate: 24%"
Value(25) ="Reflection error rate: 25%"
Value(26) ="Reflection error rate: 26%"
Value(27) ="Reflection error rate: 27%"
Value(28) ="Reflection error rate: 28%"
Value(29) ="Reflection error rate: 29%"
Value(30) ="Reflection error rate: 30%"
Value(31) ="Reflection error rate: 31%"
Value(32) ="Reflection error rate: 32%"
Value(33) ="Reflection error rate: 33%"
Value(34) ="Reflection error rate: 34%"
Value(35) ="Reflection error rate: 35%"
Value(36) ="Reflection error rate: 36%"
Value(37) ="Reflection error rate: 37%"
Value(38) ="Reflection error rate: 38%"
Value(39) ="Reflection error rate: 39%"
Value(40) ="Reflection error rate: 40%"
Value(41) ="Reflection error rate: 41%"
Value(42) ="Reflection error rate: 42%"
Value(43) ="Reflection error rate: 43%"
Value(44) ="Reflection error rate: 44%"
Value(45) ="Reflection error rate: 45%"
Value(46) ="Reflection error rate: 46%"
Value(47) ="Reflection error rate: 47%"
Value(48) ="Reflection error rate: 48%"
Value(49) ="Reflection error rate: 49%"
Value(50) ="Reflection error rate: 50%"
Value(51) ="Reflection error rate: 51%"
Value(52) ="Reflection error rate: 52%"
Value(53) ="Reflection error rate: 53%"
Value(54) ="Reflection error rate: 54%"
Value(55) ="Reflection error rate: 55%"
Value(56) ="Reflection error rate: 56%"
Value(57) ="Reflection error rate: 57%"
Value(58) ="Reflection error rate: 58%"
Value(59) ="Reflection error rate: 59%"
Value(60) ="Reflection error rate: 60%"
Value(61) ="Reflection error rate: 61%"
Value(62) ="Reflection error rate: 62%"
Value(63) ="Reflection error rate: 63%"
Value(64) ="Reflection error rate: 64%"
Value(65) ="Reflection error rate: 65%"
Value(66) ="Reflection error rate: 66%"
Value(67) ="Reflection error rate: 67%"
Value(68) ="Reflection error rate: 68%"
Value(69) ="Reflection error rate: 69%"
Value(70) ="Reflection error rate: 70%"
Value(71) ="Reflection error rate: 71%"
Value(72) ="Reflection error rate: 72%"
Value(73) ="Reflection error rate: 73%"
Value(74) ="Reflection error rate: 74%"
Value(75) ="Reflection error rate: 75%"
Value(76) ="Reflection error rate: 76%"
Value(77) ="Reflection error rate: 77%"
Value(78) ="Reflection error rate: 78%"
Value(79) ="Reflection error rate: 79%"
Value(80) ="Reflection error rate: 80%"
Value(81) ="Reflection error rate: 81%"
Value(82) ="Reflection error rate: 82%"
Value(83) ="Reflection error rate: 83%"
Value(84) ="Reflection error rate: 84%"
Value(85) ="Reflection error rate: 85%"
Value(86) ="Reflection error rate: 86%"
Value(87) ="Reflection error rate: 87%"
Value(88) ="Reflection error rate: 88%"
Value(89) ="Reflection error rate: 89%"
Value(90) ="Reflection error rate: 90%"
Value(91) ="Reflection error rate: 91%"
Value(92) ="Reflection error rate: 92%"
Value(93) ="Reflection error rate: 93%"
Value(94) ="Reflection error rate: 94%"
Value(95) ="Reflection error rate: 95%"
Value(96) ="Reflection error rate: 96%"
Value(97) ="Reflection error rate: 97%"
Value(98) ="Reflection error rate: 98%"
Value(99) ="Reflection error rate: 99%"
Value(100) ="Reflection error rate: 100%"
;Telegrammfehlerrate Bit 7 = 1
Value(128)="Frame error rate: 0%"
Value(129)="Frame error rate: 1%"
Value(130)="Frame error rate: 2%"
Value(131)="Frame error rate: 3%"
Value(132)="Frame error rate: 4%"
Value(133)="Frame error rate: 5%"
Value(134)="Frame error rate: 6%"
Value(135)="Frame error rate: 7%"
Value(136)="Frame error rate: 8%"
Value(137)="Frame error rate: 9%"
Value(138)="Frame error rate: 10%"
Value(139)="Frame error rate: 11%"
Value(140)="Frame error rate: 12%"
Value(141)="Frame error rate: 13%"
Value(142)="Frame error rate: 14%"
Value(143)="Frame error rate: 15%"
Value(144)="Frame error rate: 16%"
Value(145)="Frame error rate: 17%"
Value(146)="Frame error rate: 18%"
Value(147)="Frame error rate: 19%"
Value(148)="Frame error rate: 20%"
Value(149)="Frame error rate: 21%"
Value(150)="Frame error rate: 22%"
Value(151)="Frame error rate: 23%"
Value(152)="Frame error rate: 24%"
Value(153)="Frame error rate: 25%"
Value(154)="Frame error rate: 26%"
Value(155)="Frame error rate: 27%"
Value(156)="Frame error rate: 28%"
Value(157)="Frame error rate: 29%"
Value(158)="Frame error rate: 30%"
Value(159)="Frame error rate: 31%"
Value(160)="Frame error rate: 32%"
Value(161)="Frame error rate: 33%"
Value(162)="Frame error rate: 34%"
Value(163)="Frame error rate: 35%"
Value(164)="Frame error rate: 36%"
Value(165)="Frame error rate: 37%"
Value(166)="Frame error rate: 38%"
Value(167)="Frame error rate: 39%"
Value(168)="Frame error rate: 40%"
Value(169)="Frame error rate: 41%"
Value(170)="Frame error rate: 42%"
Value(171)="Frame error rate: 43%"
Value(172)="Frame error rate: 44%"
Value(173)="Frame error rate: 45%"
Value(174)="Frame error rate: 46%"
Value(175)="Frame error rate: 47%"
Value(176)="Frame error rate: 48%"
Value(177)="Frame error rate: 49%"
Value(178)="Frame error rate: 50%"
Value(179)="Frame error rate: 51%"
Value(180)="Frame error rate: 52%"
Value(181)="Frame error rate: 53%"
Value(182)="Frame error rate: 54%"
Value(183)="Frame error rate: 55%"
Value(184)="Frame error rate: 56%"
Value(185)="Frame error rate: 57%"
Value(186)="Frame error rate: 58%"
Value(187)="Frame error rate: 59%"
Value(188)="Frame error rate: 60%"
Value(189)="Frame error rate: 61%"
Value(190)="Frame error rate: 62%"
Value(191)="Frame error rate: 63%"
Value(192)="Frame error rate: 64%"
Value(193)="Frame error rate: 65%"
Value(194)="Frame error rate: 66%"
Value(195)="Frame error rate: 67%"
Value(196)="Frame error rate: 68%"
Value(197)="Frame error rate: 69%"
Value(198)="Frame error rate: 70%"
Value(199)="Frame error rate: 71%"
Value(200)="Frame error rate: 72%"
Value(201)="Frame error rate: 73%"
Value(202)="Frame error rate: 74%"
Value(203)="Frame error rate: 75%"
Value(204)="Frame error rate: 76%"
Value(205)="Frame error rate: 77%"
Value(206)="Frame error rate: 78%"
Value(207)="Frame error rate: 79%"
Value(208)="Frame error rate: 80%"
Value(209)="Frame error rate: 81%"
Value(210)="Frame error rate: 82%"
Value(211)="Frame error rate: 83%"
Value(212)="Frame error rate: 84%"
Value(213)="Frame error rate: 85%"
Value(214)="Frame error rate: 86%"
Value(215)="Frame error rate: 87%"
Value(216)="Frame error rate: 88%"
Value(217)="Frame error rate: 89%"
Value(218)="Frame error rate: 90%"
Value(219)="Frame error rate: 91%"
Value(220)="Frame error rate: 92%"
Value(221)="Frame error rate: 93%"
Value(222)="Frame error rate: 94%"
Value(223)="Frame error rate: 95%"
Value(224)="Frame error rate: 96%"
Value(225)="Frame error rate: 97%"
Value(226)="Frame error rate: 98%"
Value(227)="Frame error rate: 99%"
Value(228)="Frame error rate: 100%"
; Station x
Value(0) ="Station x: 0!"
Value(1) ="Station x: 1!"
Value(2) ="Station x: 2!"
Value(3) ="Station x: 3!"
Value(4) ="Station x: 4!"
Value(5) ="Station x: 5!"
Value(6) ="Station x: 6!"
Value(7) ="Station x: 7!"
Value(8) ="Station x: 8!"
Value(9) ="Station x: 9!"
Value(10) ="Station x: 10!"
Value(11) ="Station x: 11!"
Value(12) ="Station x: 12!"
Value(13) ="Station x: 13!"
Value(14) ="Station x: 14!"
Value(15) ="Station x: 15!"
Value(16) ="Station x: 16!"
Value(17) ="Station x: 17!"
Value(18) ="Station x: 18!"
Value(19) ="Station x: 19!"
Value(20) ="Station x: 20!"
Value(21) ="Station x: 21!"
Value(22) ="Station x: 22!"
Value(23) ="Station x: 23!"
Value(24) ="Station x: 24!"
Value(25) ="Station x: 25!"
Value(26) ="Station x: 26!"
Value(27) ="Station x: 27!"
Value(28) ="Station x: 28!"
Value(29) ="Station x: 29!"
Value(30) ="Station x: 30!"
Value(31) ="Station x: 31!"
Value(32) ="Station x: 32!"
Value(33) ="Station x: 33!"
Value(34) ="Station x: 34!"
Value(35) ="Station x: 35!"
Value(36) ="Station x: 36!"
Value(37) ="Station x: 37!"
Value(38) ="Station x: 38!"
Value(39) ="Station x: 39!"
Value(40) ="Station x: 40!"
Value(41) ="Station x: 41!"
Value(42) ="Station x: 42!"
Value(43) ="Station x: 43!"
Value(44) ="Station x: 44!"
Value(45) ="Station x: 45!"
Value(46) ="Station x: 46!"
Value(47) ="Station x: 47!"
Value(48) ="Station x: 48!"
Value(49) ="Station x: 49!"
Value(50) ="Station x: 50!"
Value(51) ="Station x: 51!"
Value(52) ="Station x: 52!"
Value(53) ="Station x: 53!"
Value(54) ="Station x: 54!"
Value(55) ="Station x: 55!"
Value(56) ="Station x: 56!"
Value(57) ="Station x: 57!"
Value(58) ="Station x: 58!"
Value(59) ="Station x: 59!"
Value(60) ="Station x: 60!"
Value(61) ="Station x: 61!"
Value(62) ="Station x: 62!"
Value(63) ="Station x: 63!"
Value(64) ="Station x: 64!"
Value(65) ="Station x: 65!"
Value(66) ="Station x: 66!"
Value(67) ="Station x: 67!"
Value(68) ="Station x: 68!"
Value(69) ="Station x: 69!"
Value(70) ="Station x: 70!"
Value(71) ="Station x: 71!"
Value(72) ="Station x: 72!"
Value(73) ="Station x: 73!"
Value(74) ="Station x: 74!"
Value(75) ="Station x: 75!"
Value(76) ="Station x: 76!"
Value(77) ="Station x: 77!"
Value(78) ="Station x: 78!"
Value(79) ="Station x: 79!"
Value(80) ="Station x: 80!"
Value(81) ="Station x: 81!"
Value(82) ="Station x: 82!"
Value(83) ="Station x: 83!"
Value(84) ="Station x: 84!"
Value(85) ="Station x: 85!"
Value(86) ="Station x: 86!"
Value(87) ="Station x: 87!"
Value(88) ="Station x: 88!"
Value(89) ="Station x: 89!"
Value(90) ="Station x: 90!"
Value(91) ="Station x: 91!"
Value(92) ="Station x: 92!"
Value(93) ="Station x: 93!"
Value(94) ="Station x: 94!"
Value(95) ="Station x: 95!"
Value(96) ="Station x: 96!"
Value(97) ="Station x: 97!"
Value(98) ="Station x: 98!"
Value(99) ="Station x: 99!"
Value(100)="Station x: 100!"
Value(101)="Station x: 101!"
Value(102)="Station x: 102!"
Value(103)="Station x: 103!"
Value(104)="Station x: 104!"
Value(105)="Station x: 105!"
Value(106)="Station x: 106!"
Value(107)="Station x: 107!"
Value(108)="Station x: 108!"
Value(109)="Station x: 109!"
Value(110)="Station x: 110!"
Value(111)="Station x: 111!"
Value(112)="Station x: 112!"
Value(113)="Station x: 113!"
Value(114)="Station x: 114!"
Value(115)="Station x: 115!"
Value(116)="Station x: 116!"
Value(117)="Station x: 117!"
Value(118)="Station x: 118!"
Value(119)="Station x: 119!"
Value(120)="Station x: 120!"
Value(121)="Station x: 121!"
Value(122)="Station x: 122!"
Value(123)="Station x: 123!"
Value(124)="Station x: 124!"
Value(125)="Station x: 125!"
Value(126)="Station x: 126!"
Value(128)="Station x: 0"
Value(129)="Station x: 1"
Value(130)="Station x: 2"
Value(131)="Station x: 3"
Value(132)="Station x: 4"
Value(133)="Station x: 5"
Value(134)="Station x: 6"
Value(135)="Station x: 7"
Value(136)="Station x: 8"
Value(137)="Station x: 9"
Value(138)="Station x: 10"
Value(139)="Station x: 11"
Value(140)="Station x: 12"
Value(141)="Station x: 13"
Value(142)="Station x: 14"
Value(143)="Station x: 15"
Value(144)="Station x: 16"
Value(145)="Station x: 17"
Value(146)="Station x: 18"
Value(147)="Station x: 19"
Value(148)="Station x: 20"
Value(149)="Station x: 21"
Value(150)="Station x: 22"
Value(151)="Station x: 23"
Value(152)="Station x: 24"
Value(153)="Station x: 25"
Value(154)="Station x: 26"
Value(155)="Station x: 27"
Value(156)="Station x: 28"
Value(157)="Station x: 29"
Value(158)="Station x: 30"
Value(159)="Station x: 31"
Value(160)="Station x: 32"
Value(161)="Station x: 33"
Value(162)="Station x: 34"
Value(163)="Station x: 35"
Value(164)="Station x: 36"
Value(165)="Station x: 37"
Value(166)="Station x: 38"
Value(167)="Station x: 39"
Value(168)="Station x: 40"
Value(169)="Station x: 41"
Value(170)="Station x: 42"
Value(171)="Station x: 43"
Value(172)="Station x: 44"
Value(173)="Station x: 45"
Value(174)="Station x: 46"
Value(175)="Station x: 47"
Value(176)="Station x: 48"
Value(177)="Station x: 49"
Value(178)="Station x: 50"
Value(179)="Station x: 51"
Value(180)="Station x: 52"
Value(181)="Station x: 53"
Value(182)="Station x: 54"
Value(183)="Station x: 55"
Value(184)="Station x: 56"
Value(185)="Station x: 57"
Value(186)="Station x: 58"
Value(187)="Station x: 59"
Value(188)="Station x: 60"
Value(189)="Station x: 61"
Value(190)="Station x: 62"
Value(191)="Station x: 63"
Value(192)="Station x: 64"
Value(193)="Station x: 65"
Value(194)="Station x: 66"
Value(195)="Station x: 67"
Value(196)="Station x: 68"
Value(197)="Station x: 69"
Value(198)="Station x: 70"
Value(199)="Station x: 71"
Value(200)="Station x: 72"
Value(201)="Station x: 73"
Value(202)="Station x: 74"
Value(203)="Station x: 75"
Value(204)="Station x: 76"
Value(205)="Station x: 77"
Value(206)="Station x: 78"
Value(207)="Station x: 79"
Value(208)="Station x: 80"
Value(209)="Station x: 81"
Value(210)="Station x: 82"
Value(211)="Station x: 83"
Value(212)="Station x: 84"
Value(213)="Station x: 85"
Value(214)="Station x: 86"
Value(215)="Station x: 87"
Value(216)="Station x: 88"
Value(217)="Station x: 89"
Value(218)="Station x: 90"
Value(219)="Station x: 91"
Value(220)="Station x: 92"
Value(221)="Station x: 93"
Value(222)="Station x: 94"
Value(223)="Station x: 95"
Value(224)="Station x: 96"
Value(225)="Station x: 97"
Value(226)="Station x: 98"
Value(227)="Station x: 99"
Value(228)="Station x: 100"
Value(229)="Station x: 101"
Value(230)="Station x: 102"
Value(231)="Station x: 103"
Value(232)="Station x: 104"
Value(233)="Station x: 105"
Value(234)="Station x: 106"
Value(235)="Station x: 107"
Value(236)="Station x: 108"
Value(237)="Station x: 109"
Value(238)="Station x: 110"
Value(239)="Station x: 111"
Value(240)="Station x: 112"
Value(241)="Station x: 113"
Value(242)="Station x: 114"
Value(243)="Station x: 115"
Value(244)="Station x: 116"
Value(245)="Station x: 117"
Value(246)="Station x: 118"
Value(247)="Station x: 119"
Value(248)="Station x: 120"
Value(249)="Station x: 121"
Value(250)="Station x: 122"
Value(251)="Station x: 123"
Value(252)="Station x: 124"
Value(253)="Station x: 125"
Value(254)="Station x: 126"
; Station y
Value(0) ="Station y: 0!"
Value(1) ="Station y: 1!"
Value(2) ="Station y: 2!"
Value(3) ="Station y: 3!"
Value(4) ="Station y: 4!"
Value(5) ="Station y: 5!"
Value(6) ="Station y: 6!"
Value(7) ="Station y: 7!"
Value(8) ="Station y: 8!"
Value(9) ="Station y: 9!"
Value(10) ="Station y: 10!"
Value(11) ="Station y: 11!"
Value(12) ="Station y: 12!"
Value(13) ="Station y: 13!"
Value(14) ="Station y: 14!"
Value(15) ="Station y: 15!"
Value(16) ="Station y: 16!"
Value(17) ="Station y: 17!"
Value(18) ="Station y: 18!"
Value(19) ="Station y: 19!"
Value(20) ="Station y: 20!"
Value(21) ="Station y: 21!"
Value(22) ="Station y: 22!"
Value(23) ="Station y: 23!"
Value(24) ="Station y: 24!"
Value(25) ="Station y: 25!"
Value(26) ="Station y: 26!"
Value(27) ="Station y: 27!"
Value(28) ="Station y: 28!"
Value(29) ="Station y: 29!"
Value(30) ="Station y: 30!"
Value(31) ="Station y: 31!"
Value(32) ="Station y: 32!"
Value(33) ="Station y: 33!"
Value(34) ="Station y: 34!"
Value(35) ="Station y: 35!"
Value(36) ="Station y: 36!"
Value(37) ="Station y: 37!"
Value(38) ="Station y: 38!"
Value(39) ="Station y: 39!"
Value(40) ="Station y: 40!"
Value(41) ="Station y: 41!"
Value(42) ="Station y: 42!"
Value(43) ="Station y: 43!"
Value(44) ="Station y: 44!"
Value(45) ="Station y: 45!"
Value(46) ="Station y: 46!"
Value(47) ="Station y: 47!"
Value(48) ="Station y: 48!"
Value(49) ="Station y: 49!"
Value(50) ="Station y: 50!"
Value(51) ="Station y: 51!"
Value(52) ="Station y: 52!"
Value(53) ="Station y: 53!"
Value(54) ="Station y: 54!"
Value(55) ="Station y: 55!"
Value(56) ="Station y: 56!"
Value(57) ="Station y: 57!"
Value(58) ="Station y: 58!"
Value(59) ="Station y: 59!"
Value(60) ="Station y: 60!"
Value(61) ="Station y: 61!"
Value(62) ="Station y: 62!"
Value(63) ="Station y: 63!"
Value(64) ="Station y: 64!"
Value(65) ="Station y: 65!"
Value(66) ="Station y: 66!"
Value(67) ="Station y: 67!"
Value(68) ="Station y: 68!"
Value(69) ="Station y: 69!"
Value(70) ="Station y: 70!"
Value(71) ="Station y: 71!"
Value(72) ="Station y: 72!"
Value(73) ="Station y: 73!"
Value(74) ="Station y: 74!"
Value(75) ="Station y: 75!"
Value(76) ="Station y: 76!"
Value(77) ="Station y: 77!"
Value(78) ="Station y: 78!"
Value(79) ="Station y: 79!"
Value(80) ="Station y: 80!"
Value(81) ="Station y: 81!"
Value(82) ="Station y: 82!"
Value(83) ="Station y: 83!"
Value(84) ="Station y: 84!"
Value(85) ="Station y: 85!"
Value(86) ="Station y: 86!"
Value(87) ="Station y: 87!"
Value(88) ="Station y: 88!"
Value(89) ="Station y: 89!"
Value(90) ="Station y: 90!"
Value(91) ="Station y: 91!"
Value(92) ="Station y: 92!"
Value(93) ="Station y: 93!"
Value(94) ="Station y: 94!"
Value(95) ="Station y: 95!"
Value(96) ="Station y: 96!"
Value(97) ="Station y: 97!"
Value(98) ="Station y: 98!"
Value(99) ="Station y: 99!"
Value(100)="Station y: 100!"
Value(101)="Station y: 101!"
Value(102)="Station y: 102!"
Value(103)="Station y: 103!"
Value(104)="Station y: 104!"
Value(105)="Station y: 105!"
Value(106)="Station y: 106!"
Value(107)="Station y: 107!"
Value(108)="Station y: 108!"
Value(109)="Station y: 109!"
Value(110)="Station y: 110!"
Value(111)="Station y: 111!"
Value(112)="Station y: 112!"
Value(113)="Station y: 113!"
Value(114)="Station y: 114!"
Value(115)="Station y: 115!"
Value(116)="Station y: 116!"
Value(117)="Station y: 117!"
Value(118)="Station y: 118!"
Value(119)="Station y: 119!"
Value(120)="Station y: 120!"
Value(121)="Station y: 121!"
Value(122)="Station y: 122!"
Value(123)="Station y: 123!"
Value(124)="Station y: 124!"
Value(125)="Station y: 125!"
Value(126)="Station y: 126!"
Value(127)="Fault locat. after last stat."
Value(128)="Station y: 0"
Value(129)="Station y: 1"
Value(130)="Station y: 2"
Value(131)="Station y: 3"
Value(132)="Station y: 4"
Value(133)="Station y: 5"
Value(134)="Station y: 6"
Value(135)="Station y: 7"
Value(136)="Station y: 8"
Value(137)="Station y: 9"
Value(138)="Station y: 10"
Value(139)="Station y: 11"
Value(140)="Station y: 12"
Value(141)="Station y: 13"
Value(142)="Station y: 14"
Value(143)="Station y: 15"
Value(144)="Station y: 16"
Value(145)="Station y: 17"
Value(146)="Station y: 18"
Value(147)="Station y: 19"
Value(148)="Station y: 20"
Value(149)="Station y: 21"
Value(150)="Station y: 22"
Value(151)="Station y: 23"
Value(152)="Station y: 24"
Value(153)="Station y: 25"
Value(154)="Station y: 26"
Value(155)="Station y: 27"
Value(156)="Station y: 28"
Value(157)="Station y: 29"
Value(158)="Station y: 30"
Value(159)="Station y: 31"
Value(160)="Station y: 32"
Value(161)="Station y: 33"
Value(162)="Station y: 34"
Value(163)="Station y: 35"
Value(164)="Station y: 36"
Value(165)="Station y: 37"
Value(166)="Station y: 38"
Value(167)="Station y: 39"
Value(168)="Station y: 40"
Value(169)="Station y: 41"
Value(170)="Station y: 42"
Value(171)="Station y: 43"
Value(172)="Station y: 44"
Value(173)="Station y: 45"
Value(174)="Station y: 46"
Value(175)="Station y: 47"
Value(176)="Station y: 48"
Value(177)="Station y: 49"
Value(178)="Station y: 50"
Value(179)="Station y: 51"
Value(180)="Station y: 52"
Value(181)="Station y: 53"
Value(182)="Station y: 54"
Value(183)="Station y: 55"
Value(184)="Station y: 56"
Value(185)="Station y: 57"
Value(186)="Station y: 58"
Value(187)="Station y: 59"
Value(188)="Station y: 60"
Value(189)="Station y: 61"
Value(190)="Station y: 62"
Value(191)="Station y: 63"
Value(192)="Station y: 64"
Value(193)="Station y: 65"
Value(194)="Station y: 66"
Value(195)="Station y: 67"
Value(196)="Station y: 68"
Value(197)="Station y: 69"
Value(198)="Station y: 70"
Value(199)="Station y: 71"
Value(200)="Station y: 72"
Value(201)="Station y: 73"
Value(202)="Station y: 74"
Value(203)="Station y: 75"
Value(204)="Station y: 76"
Value(205)="Station y: 77"
Value(206)="Station y: 78"
Value(207)="Station y: 79"
Value(208)="Station y: 80"
Value(209)="Station y: 81"
Value(210)="Station y: 82"
Value(211)="Station y: 83"
Value(212)="Station y: 84"
Value(213)="Station y: 85"
Value(214)="Station y: 86"
Value(215)="Station y: 87"
Value(216)="Station y: 88"
Value(217)="Station y: 89"
Value(218)="Station y: 90"
Value(219)="Station y: 91"
Value(220)="Station y: 92"
Value(221)="Station y: 93"
Value(222)="Station y: 94"
Value(223)="Station y: 95"
Value(224)="Station y: 96"
Value(225)="Station y: 97"
Value(226)="Station y: 98"
Value(227)="Station y: 99"
Value(228)="Station y: 100"
Value(229)="Station y: 101"
Value(230)="Station y: 102"
Value(231)="Station y: 103"
Value(232)="Station y: 104"
Value(233)="Station y: 105"
Value(234)="Station y: 106"
Value(235)="Station y: 107"
Value(236)="Station y: 108"
Value(237)="Station y: 109"
Value(238)="Station y: 110"
Value(239)="Station y: 111"
Value(240)="Station y: 112"
Value(241)="Station y: 113"
Value(242)="Station y: 114"
Value(243)="Station y: 115"
Value(244)="Station y: 116"
Value(245)="Station y: 117"
Value(246)="Station y: 118"
Value(247)="Station y: 119"
Value(248)="Station y: 120"
Value(249)="Station y: 121"
Value(250)="Station y: 122"
Value(251)="Station y: 123"
Value(252)="Station y: 124"
Value(253)="Station y: 125"
Value(254)="Station y: 126"
; Fehlerursache
; Bit A.0
Unit_Diag_Bit(112)="Fault location, cause unknown"
; Bit A.1
Unit_Diag_Bit(113)="Fault unknown (Fault A.1)"
; Bit A.2
Unit_Diag_Bit(114)="Fault unknown (Fault A.2)"
; Bit A.3
Unit_Diag_Bit(115)="Further DR wired up with DP2"
; Bit A.4
Unit_Diag_Bit(116)="Further DR wired up with DP3"
; Bit A.5
Unit_Diag_Bit(117)="Fault unknown (Fault A.5)"
; Bit A.6
Unit_Diag_Bit(118)="Fault cause unknown"
; Bit A.7
Unit_Diag_Bit(119)="Critical frame error rate"
; Bit B.0
Unit_Diag_Bit(120)="Break on signal line A"
; Bit B.1
Unit_Diag_Bit(121)="Short-circuit to shield on B"
; Bit B.2
Unit_Diag_Bit(122)="Fault unknown (Fault B.2)"
; Bit B.3
Unit_Diag_Bit(123)="Short-circuit to shield on A"
; Bit B.4
Unit_Diag_Bit(124)="Break on signal line A"
; Bit B.5
Unit_Diag_Bit(125)="Fault unknown (Fault B.5)"
; Bit B.6
Unit_Diag_Bit(126)="Break on line A/B no resist."
; Bit B.7
Unit_Diag_Bit(127)="A/B shorted, too much resist."
; Bit C.0
Unit_Diag_Bit(128)="Deactiv. seg.:permanent zero"
; Bit C.1
Unit_Diag_Bit(129)="Deactiv. segment: disturbed"
; Bit C.2
Unit_Diag_Bit(130)="Fault unknown (Fault C.2)"
; Bit C.3
Unit_Diag_Bit(131)="Fault unknown (Fault C.3)"
; Bit C.4
Unit_Diag_Bit(132)="More than 32 nodes on the seg."
; Bit C.5
Unit_Diag_Bit(133)="Node is too far away"
; Bit C.6
Unit_Diag_Bit(134)="Cascaded depth exceeded"
; Bit C.7
Unit_Diag_Bit(135)="Further faults detected"
; TSYNC-Diagnose
UnitDiagType = 161
X_Unit_Diag_Bit(40) = "TDP_Error"
X_Unit_Diag_Bit(41) = "TDX_Error"
X_Unit_Diag_Bit(42) = "TSYNC_Prm_Fault"
; Prm-Text-Def-List
Text(0)= "ON"
Text(1)= "OFF"
Text(0x1b)= "Segment DP2"
Text(0x2e)= "Segment DP2,DP3"
Text(0x41)= "Segment DP2,DP3,DP1"
Text(0x54)= "Segment DP2,DP3,DP1,PG"
Text(0x5b)= "Segment DP2,DP3,DP1,PG,TSYNC"
ExtUserPrmData=1 "Topology detection DP2"
Bit(0) 0 0-1
ExtUserPrmData=2 "Topology detection DP3"
Bit(1) 0 0-1
ExtUserPrmData=3 "Diagnose frame for"
BitArea(0-7) 0x54 0x5b,0x54,0x41,0x2e,0x1b
ExtUserPrmData=4 "TDP_Monitoring"
Bit(0) 1 0-1
ExtUserPrmData=5 "TDX_Monitoring"
Bit(1) 1 0-1
; UserPrmData: Length and Preset
; DPV1_Status_1 = 0x80, => DPV1_Enable = 1
; DPV1_Status_2 = 0x00,
; DPV1_Status_3 = 0x08, => Prm_Structure = 1
;Max_User_Prm_Data_Len=10 ;**** ohne ISOM-Parameter
;Max_User_Prm_Data_Len=39 ;**** mit ISOM-Parameter
Max_User_Prm_Data_Len=60 ;**** mit Time AR Block
; Einstellung der Diagnoselaenge
; Einstellung Topologieermittlung DP2 ON/OFF
; Einstellung Topologieermittlung DP3 ON/OFF
; Einstellung TDP_Überwachung ON/OFF
; Einstellung TDX_Überwachung ON/OFF
; ============================
; ============================
Time_Sync_supp = 1
Ident_Maintenance_supp = 1
; ============================
; ============================
; <Module-Definition-List>
; 1 Byte A, 0 Byte E
Module="DR-CfgData" 0x20
; 1Byte A, 3Byte E; fuer die Überwachung der Taktsynchronität
Module="TSYNC-Diag-Module" 0xC0, 0x00, 0x82
Slot(1) = "Slot 1" 1 1-2
;; Ende GSD
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