Commit 414a88ba authored by Claes Sjofors's avatar Claes Sjofors

Doc, the Ge and subgraphs manual updated with the latest dynamics and new subgraphs

parent d38b2cc7
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ The Proview realtime database.
Work with the editor
<option> printdisable
Baseobjects <link>geg_baseobjects
Base objects <link>geg_baseobjects
Editing <link>geg_editing
Subgraphs <link>geg_subgraphs
Special objects <link>geg_specialobjects
......@@ -2372,7 +2372,7 @@ an object is opened by double clicking on the object. Below is described, under
'Properties', the properties that can be changed from the tool panel or color palette, and under
the title 'Attributes' the attributes found in the object editor.
<h1>Base objects
Rectangle <link> geref_rectangle
Rounded rectangle <link> geref_roundedrect
......@@ -2388,10 +2388,13 @@ Bar <link>geref_bar
BarChart <link>geref_barchart
Pie <link>geref_pie
Trend <link>geref_trend
FastCurve <link>geref_fastcurve
Axis <link>geref_axis
AxisArc <link>geref_axisarc
Window <link>geref_windowobject
TabbedWindow <link>geref_tabbedwind
Table <link>geref_table
XYCurve <link>geref_xycurve
<topic>geref_rectangle <style>function
......@@ -2703,7 +2706,7 @@ of float values, where each element in the array states the segments size in dif
The properties fill, fillcolor, bordercolor etc. states properties for the background rectangle.
The properties for the bars and segments are stated in the object editor.
A bar is created by selecting BarChart in the subgraph palette, 'Analog/BarChart', and clicking
A barchart is created by selecting BarChart in the subgraph palette, 'Analog/BarChart', and clicking
MB2 in the working area.
......@@ -2714,21 +2717,21 @@ MB2 in the working area.
- Linewidth (for the background rectangle)
Attribute <t>Description
BarChart.Attribute0 <t>The name of an array in the database. The array values states the size
<t>of the first segment in the different bars.
BarChart.Attribute1 <t>Array for the second segment.
Attribute <t><t>Description
BarChart.Attribute0 <t><t>The name of an array in the database. The array values states the size
<t><t>of the first segment in the different bars.
BarChart.Attribute1 <t><t>Array for the second segment.
BarChart.Attribute11 <t>Array for the twelveth segment.
BarChart.Bars <t>Number of bars.
BarChart.BarSegments <t>Number of segments in each bar.
BarChart.MaxValue <t>Value that corresponds to full length of a bar.
BarChart.MinValue <t>Signal value that corresponds to zero length of a bar.
BarChart.BarColor1 <t>Fillcolor for the first segments.
BarChart.BarColor2 <t>Fillcolor for the second segments.
BarChart.Attribute11 <t><t>Array for the twelveth segment.
BarChart.Bars <t><t>Number of bars.
BarChart.BarSegments <t><t>Number of segments in each bar.
BarChart.MaxValue <t><t>Value that corresponds to full length of a bar.
BarChart.MinValue <t><t>Signal value that corresponds to zero length of a bar.
BarChart.BarColor1 <t><t>Fillcolor for the first segments.
BarChart.BarColor2 <t><t>Fillcolor for the second segments.
BarChart.BarColor12 <t>Fillcolor for the twelveth segments.
Dynamic <t>Not implemented
BarChart.BarColor12 <t><t>Fillcolor for the twelveth segments.
Dynamic <t><t>Not implemented
<topic>geref_pie <style>function
......@@ -2736,7 +2739,7 @@ Pie
<image> geg_fig171.png
Pie is a circular chart with a number of sectors in different color. The maximum number of
sectors is 12. The size of each segment corresponds a to a signal value.
sectors is 12. The size of each sector corresponds a to a signal value.
The properties fill, fillcolor, bordercolor etc. states properties for the background circle.
The properties for the sectors are stated in the object editor.
......@@ -2751,22 +2754,22 @@ MB2 in the working area.
- Linewidth (for the background circle)
Attribute <t>Description
Pie.Attribute0 <t>Database attribute of type Float that influences the size of the first
Pie.Attribute1 <t>Database attribute for the second sector.
Attribute <t><t>Description
Pie.Attribute0 <t><t>Database attribute of type Float that influences the size of
<t><t>the first sector.
Pie.Attribute1 <t><t>Database attribute for the second sector.
Pie.Attribute11 <t>Database attribute for the twelfth sector.
Pie.Angle1 <t>Angle from the x-axis in degrees to the start of the chart.
Pie.Angle2 <t>Angle in degrees that states the size of the chart.
Pie.Sectors <t>Number of sectors.
Pie.MaxValue <t>Value that corresponds to full chart.
Pie.MinValue <t>Signal value that corresponds to zero size of a sector.
Pie.SectorColor1 <t>Fillcolor for the first sector.
Pie.SectorColor2 <t>Fillcolor for the second sector.
Pie.Attribute11 <t><t>Database attribute for the twelfth sector.
Pie.Angle1 <t><t>Angle from the x-axis in degrees to the start of the chart.
Pie.Angle2 <t><t>Angle in degrees that states the size of the chart.
Pie.Sectors <t><t>Number of sectors.
Pie.MaxValue <t><t>Maximum value for the diagram range.
Pie.MinValue <t><t>Minimum value for the diagram range.
Pie.SectorColor1 <t><t>Fillcolor for the first sector.
Pie.SectorColor2 <t><t>Fillcolor for the second sector.
Pie.SectorColor12 <t>Fillcolor for the twelveth sector.
Dynamic <t>Not implemented
Pie.SectorColor12 <t><t>Fillcolor for the twelveth sector.
Dynamic <t><t>Not implemented
<topic>geref_trend <style>function
......@@ -2816,6 +2819,35 @@ Trend.CurveFillColor2 <t><t>Fill color for the curve of Attribute2
Trend.Dynamic <t><t>Not implemented
<topic>geref_fastcurve <style>function
<image> geref_fig14.png
The FastCurve displays one or two curves configured with a DsFastCurve object.
A Fast curve is the measurement of a signal for a certain period of time. The
measurement is triggered by some event, and when the measurement is done, the
curve is displayed in the FastCurve object.
<b>Attribute <t><t>Description
FastCurve.FastObject <t><t>Database object of class DsFastCurve.
FastCurve.CurveIndex1 <t><t>Index in the DsFastCurve object for first curve.
FastCurve.CurveIndex2 <t><t>Index in the DsFastCurve object for second curve.
FastCurve.NoOfPoints <t><t>Number of points in the curve.
FastCurve.CurveLineWidth <t><t>Line width.
FastCurve.FillCurve <t><t>Fill the area between the curve and the x-axis.
FastCurve.HorizontalLines <t><t>Number of horizontal lines in the diagram.
FastCurve.VerticalLines <t><t>Number of vertical lines.
FastCurve.MaxValue1 <t><t>Maximum value in range for curve 1.
FastCurve.MinValue1 <t><t>Minimum value in range for curve 1.
FastCurve.CurveColor1 <t><t>Color for curve 1.
FastCurve.CurveFillColor1 <t><t>Fill color for curve 1.
FastCurve.MaxValue2 <t><t>Maximum value in range for curve 2.
FastCurve.MinValue2 <t><t>Minimum value in range for curve 2.
FastCurve.CurveColor2 <t><t>Color for curve 2.
FastCurve.CurveFillColor2 <t><t>Fill color for curve 2.
<topic>geref_axis <style>function
<image> geref_fig12.png
......@@ -2848,6 +2880,41 @@ Axis.KeepSettings <t>If 0, new values of Lines, LongQuotient, ValueQoutient
<t>values will be kept.
<topic>geref_axisarc <style>function
<image> geg_fig172.png
AxisArc is an arc shaped scale that displays the range for a needle.
As for axis there are two variants of AxisArc, one with static min and max
values, and one with dynamic min and max values, where min and
max are connected to signals in the database. For a dynamic
AxisArc object, the values of Lines, LongQuotient, ValueQuotient and
Format are calculated automatically in runtime.
<b>Attribute <t>Description
Angle1 <t>Angle from the x-axis in degrees to the start of the axis.
Angle2 <t>Angle in degrees that states the size of the axis.
LineLength <t>Length of lines perpendicular to the axis.
MaxValue <t>Maximum value for the range.
MinValue <t>Minimum value for the range.
Lines <t>Number of lines perpendicular to the axis.
LongQuotient <t>Specification of lines that is a bit longer. For example 4 implies that
<t>every fourth line is a bit longer.
ValueQuotient <t>How often a value is to be written. For example 4 impies that a value is
<t>written at every fourth line.
Format <t>Format in c syntax of written values.
Dynamic <t>Not implemented.
<b>Dynamic AxisArc
Axis.MinValueAttr <t>Min value signal of type Float32 or Int32.
Axis.MaxValueAttr <t>Max value signal of type Float32 of Int32.
Axis.KeepSettings <t>If 0, new values of Lines, LongQuotient, ValueQoutient
<t>and Format are calculated when the Min or Max value is
<t>dymaically changed. If KeepSettings are 1, the original
<t>values will be kept.
<topic>geref_windowobject <style>function
<image> geref_fig15.png
......@@ -2880,7 +2947,7 @@ and when that folder is activated, the stated graph is displayed in the window.
Sliders within the window object are disabled.
You can not state an hierarchy or class object.
<b>Attribute <t><t>Description
Folder.NumberOfFolders <t><t>Number of folders.
Folder.HeaderHeight <t><t>Folder height.
......@@ -2953,6 +3020,54 @@ Column1.SelectAttribute <t><t>Array attribute of type Boolean, When a cell in th
Column1Width <t><t>Width of the column.
Column1.HeaderText <t><t>Column title. The title is written in the header row.
<topic>geref_xycurve <style>function
<image> geg_fig173.png
XYCurve displays curves defined with x and y coordinates. 10 curves can be displayed
in one XYCurve object. For each curve, the object is connected to two float arrays
containing the x and y coordinates for the curve. An UpdateAttr is also connected to
indicate when new coordinate values are present and the curves should be redrawn.
The ranges in x and y direction can be stated with fix values, or connected to attributes
in the database. Also the number of points can be defined statically with a connection
to a database attribute.
The XYCurve can be connected to any attributes in the database. There is though a specific
class, XyCurve, that can be used to store a curve with 100 points. It contains two arrays
with 100 elements for the coordinates, together with attributes for the ranges, number of
points and update indication.
<b>Attribute <t><t>Description
XY_Curve.XAttr <t><t>Database array containing the x coordinates for the curve.
XY_Curve.YAttr <t><t>Database array containing the y coordinates for the curve.
XY_Curve.UpdateAttr <t><t>Boolean database attribute that indicates that the curves
<t><t>should be updated.
XY_Curve.XMinValue <t><t>Minimum value of range in x direction.
XY_Curve.XMaxValue <t><t>Maximum value of range in x direction.
XY_Curve.YMinValue <t><t>Minimum value of range in y direction.
XY_Curve.YMaxValue <t><t>Maximum value of range in y direction.
XY_Curve.XMinValueAttr <t><t>Database attribute that contains the minimum value of range
<t><t>in x direction.
XY_Curve.XMaxValueAttr <t><t>Database attribute that contains the maximum value of range
<t><t>in x direction.
XY_Curve.YMinValueAttr <t><t>Database attribute that contains the minimum value of range
<t><t>in y direction.
XY_Curve.YMaxValueAttr <t><t>Database attribute that contains the maximum value of range
<t><t>in y direction.
XY_Curve.NoOfPointsAttr <t><t>Integer database attribute with number of points in the curve.
XY_Curve.CurveColor <t><t>Color of curve.
XY_Curve.FillColor <t><t>Fill color of curve.
XY_Curve.Instances <t><t>Adding new instances makes it possible to display several curves
<t><t>in the same diagram. Maximum 10 curves is possible to show.
XY_Curve.NoOfPoints <t><t>Number of points in curve.
XY_Curve.CurveLineWidth <t><t>Line width of curve.
XY_Curve.FillCurve <t><t>If 1 the curve is filled.
XY_Curve.HorizontalLines <t><t>Number of horizontal lines in the diagram.
XY_Curve.VerticalLines <t><t>Number of vertical lines in the diagram.
......@@ -3016,10 +3131,11 @@ You should save the different pages with the same zoom factor, otherwise you mig
pixels displacement of pages in runtime.
Shift between different pages in runtime is done with the dynamic types DigShift and AnalogShift.
DigShift shifts between the first and second page depending on a digital value. AnalogShift
is connected to an analog signal, where the value corresponds the the index for the page
to be displayed (the first page has index 0).
Shift between different pages in runtime is done with the dynamic types DigShift, DigFourShift
and AnalogShift. DigShift shifts between the first and second page depending on a digital
value. DigFourShift shifts between four pages depending on the values of three digital signals.
AnalogShift is connected to an analog signal, where the value corresponds the the index for
the page to be displayed (the first page has index 0).
When an animation is run, the pages are displayed, one after another and gives the impression
......@@ -3091,6 +3207,7 @@ Value <t>Arbitrary <t>Write the value of an attribute. <link>GeDynValue
Rotate <t>Float32 Int32 <t>Rotate the component. <link>GeDynRotate
Move <t>Float32 Int32 <t>Move and scale the component is x and y direction. <link>GeDynMove
DigShift <t>Boolean <t>Shift between two pages in the subgraph (first and last page). <link>GeDynDigShift
DigFourShift <t>Boolean <t>Shift between four pages in the subgraph. <link>GeDynDigFourShift
AnalogShift <t>Float32 Int32 <t>Shift between different pages in the subgraph. The value <link>GeDynAnalogShift
<t> <t>of the signal determines the page number.
Animation <t>Boolean <t>Different types of animation. <link>GeDynAnimation
......@@ -3557,6 +3674,25 @@ DigShift.Attribute <t><t>Signal in the database or type Boolean that shifts
<t><t>is displayed, when value is 1 the last page.
<topic>GeDynDigFourShift <style>function
Shift between four pages in the subgraph. The subgraph has to contain at least four pages.
The object is connected to three digital signals in the database. If the value is 0 on all
signals, the first page is drawn. If the value is 1 on Attribute1, the second page is drawn,
if Attribute2 is 1 the third page is drawn, and if Attribute3 is 1 the fourth page is drawn.
If several attributes it set, higher page number has higher priority.
<b>Attribute <t><t>Description
DigFourShift.Attribute1 <t><t>Signal in the database or type Boolean that shifts
<t><t>page. Activates drawing of the second page.
DigFourShift.Attribute2 <t><t>Signal in the database or type Boolean that shifts
<t><t>page. Activates drawing of the third page.
DigFourShift.Attribute3 <t><t>Signal in the database or type Boolean that shifts
<t><t>page. Activates drawing of the fouth page.
<topic>GeDynAnimation <style>function
......@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
Version V4.8.0
Version V5.3.0
......@@ -82,9 +82,15 @@ General
<topic> General_Analog
Group Analog
Axis <link>pwr_axis
AxisArc <link>pwr_axisarc
Bar <link>pwr_bar
BarChart <link>pwr_barchart
DynamicAxis <link>pwr_dynamicaxis
DynamicAxisArc <link>pwr_dynamicaxisarc
FastCurve <link>pwr_fastcurve
Pie <link>pwr_pie
Trend <link>pwr_trend
XYCurve <link>pwr_xycurve
<topic> General_Electric
......@@ -113,8 +119,8 @@ SafetySwitch <link>pwr_safetyswitch
Group Grafcet
InitStep <link>pwr_initstep
Order <link>pwr_order
Step <link>pwr_step
Step <link>pwr_stopwatch
Step <link>pwr_step
Trans <link>pwr_trans
......@@ -159,6 +165,7 @@ FrameMedium <link>pwr_framemedium
FrameRoundCorners <link>pwr_frameroundcorners
FrameThick <link>pwr_framethick
FrameThin <link>pwr_framethin
NamePlate <link>pwr_nameplate
PinConnection <link>pwr_pinconnection
ReliefGray <link>pwr_reliefgray
ReliefMedium <link>pwr_reliefmedium
......@@ -172,13 +179,14 @@ ThreeWayConnection <link>pwr_threewayconnection
<topic> General_Other
Group Other
Camera <link>pwr_camera
Menubar <link>pwr_menubar
Menubar <link>pwr_menubar2
Menubar2 <link>pwr_menubar2
Needle <link>pwr_needle
OptionMenu <link>pwr_optionmenu
Pc <link>pwr_pc
PulldownMenu <link>pwr_pulldownmenu
PulldownMenu <link>pwr_pulldownmenu2
PulldownMenu2 <link>pwr_pulldownmenu2
Pulpet <link>pwr_pulpet
PwrLogotype <link>pwr_logga
Rack <link>pwr_rack
......@@ -203,18 +211,19 @@ DamperAnim2 <link>pwr_damperanim2
DamperControl <link>pwr_dampercontrol
DamperControl2 <link>pwr_dampercontrol2
DirectValve <link>pwr_directvalve
Elheater1 <link>pwr_elheater1
Elheater2 <link>pwr_elheater2
Elheater3 <link>pwr_elheater3
EmergencyStop <link>pwr_emergencystop
Fan <link>pwr_fan
Fan2 <link>pwr_fan2
Fan2 <link>pwr_elheater3
Fan2 <link>pwr_elheater1
Fan2 <link>pwr_elheater2
Fan3 <link>pwr_fan3
FanAnim <link>pwr_fananim
FanAnim2 <link>pwr_fananim2
FanAnim3 <link>pwr_fananim3
Filter <link>pwr_filter
HandWheel <link>pwr_handwheel
LimitSwitch <link>pwr_limitswitch
M3WayValve <link>pwr_m3wayvalve
MDamper <link>pwr_mdamper
MValve <link>pwr_mvalve
......@@ -236,6 +245,8 @@ SpeedSwitch <link>pwr_speedswitch
Switch <link>pwr_switch
Thermometer <link>pwr_thermometer
TrafficLight <link>pwr_trafficlight
TrafficLight2 <link>pwr_trafficlight2
TrafficLight3 <link>pwr_trafficlight3
Valve <link>pwr_valve
Valve3Way <link>pwr_valve3way
Valve3Way2 <link>pwr_valve3way2
......@@ -246,7 +257,6 @@ ValveAnim2 <link>pwr_valveanim2
ValveControl <link>pwr_valvecontrol
ValveControl2 <link>pwr_valvecontrol2
ValveManuel <link>pwr_valvemanuel
pwr_nameplate <link>pwr_nameplate
<topic> General_Pushbuttons
......@@ -273,12 +283,13 @@ ButtonToggleCenter <link>pwr_buttontogglecenter
ButtonToggleConfirm <link>pwr_buttontoggleconfirm
ButtonUp <link>pwr_buttonup
CheckBox <link>pwr_checkbox
CheckBox <link>pwr_checkbox2
CheckBox2 <link>pwr_checkbox2
CheckBoxRelief <link>pwr_checkboxrelief
LargeButton <link>pwr_largebutton
NoteButton <link>pwr_notebutton
NoteButton2 <link>pwr_notebutton2
Radiobutton <link>pwr_radiobutton
Radiobutton <link>pwr_radiobutton2
Radiobutton2 <link>pwr_radiobutton2
RadiobuttonRelief <link>pwr_radiobuttonrelief
RoundButton <link>pwr_roundbutton
SmallButton <link>pwr_smallbutton
......@@ -288,7 +299,26 @@ SoapButton <link>pwr_soapbutton
<topic> General_Pushbuttons_Methodbuttons
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
MbBlockEvents <link>pwr_mbphoto
Mb2BlockEvents <link>pwr_mb2blockevents
Mb2Camera <link>pwr_mb2camera
Mb2CircuitDiagram <link>pwr_mb2circuitdiagram
Mb2CrossReferences <link>pwr_mb2crossreferences
Mb2DataSheet <link>pwr_mb2datasheet
Mb2Fast <link>pwr_mb2fast
Mb2Help <link>pwr_mb2help
Mb2HelpClass <link>pwr_mb2helpclass
Mb2HistEvent <link>pwr_mb2histevent
Mb2History <link>pwr_mb2history
Mb2Note <link>pwr_mb2note
Mb2OpenGraph <link>pwr_mb2opengraph
Mb2OpenObject <link>pwr_mb2openobject
Mb2OpenObjectGraph <link>pwr_mb2openobjectgraph
Mb2OpenPlc <link>pwr_mb2openplc
Mb2ParentGraph <link>pwr_mb2parentgraph
Mb2Photo <link>pwr_mb2photo
Mb2RtNavigator <link>pwr_mb2rtnavigator
Mb2Simulate <link>pwr_mb2simulate
Mb2Trend <link>pwr_mb2trend
MbBlockEvents <link>pwr_mbblockevents
MbCircuitDiagram <link>pwr_mbcircuitdiagram
MbCrossreferences <link>pwr_mbcrossreferences
......@@ -300,10 +330,11 @@ MbHistEvent <link>pwr_mbhistevent
MbNote <link>pwr_mbnote
MbOpenObject <link>pwr_mbopenobject
MbOpenPlc <link>pwr_mbopenplc
MbPhoto <link>pwr_mbphoto
MbRtNavigator <link>pwr_mbrtnavigator
MbSimulate <link>pwr_mbup
MbSimulate <link>pwr_mbsimulate
MbTrend <link>pwr_mbtrend
MbUp <link>pwr_mbup
<topic> General_Sliders
......@@ -312,6 +343,7 @@ Slider1 <link>pwr_slider1
Slider2 <link>pwr_slider2
Slider3 <link>pwr_slider3
SliderArrow <link>pwr_sliderarrow
SliderArrow2 <link>pwr_sliderarrow2
SliderBackground1 <link>pwr_sliderbackground1
SliderBackground1_2 <link>pwr_sliderbackground1_2
SliderBackground2 <link>pwr_sliderbackground2
......@@ -320,6 +352,7 @@ SliderBackground3 <link>pwr_sliderbackground3
<topic> General_Values
Group Values
PasswordInput <link>pwr_passwordinput
ValueInputLarge <link>pwr_valueinputlarge
ValueInputLargeCenter <link>pwr_valueinputlargecenter
ValueInputLargeRd <link>pwr_valueinputlargerd
......@@ -374,6 +407,21 @@ Group Analog
<topic> pwr_axisarc <style> function
Group Analog
<image> pwr_axisarc_gs.png
Circular axis.
<h1>Default dynamics
AxisArc is a complex object.
See AxisArc in Ge Reference Manual <link>geref_axisarc, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_bar <style> function
Group Analog
......@@ -389,6 +437,53 @@ Group Analog
<topic> pwr_barchart <style> function
Group Analog
<image> pwr_barchart_gs.png
A number of bars in a chart. Each bar can be divided in segments with differnt color.
The size of the segments and bars is determined from a set of arrays, one array for
each segment.
<h1>Default dynamics
BarChart is a complex object.
See BarChart in Ge Reference Manual<link>geref_barchart, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_dynamicaxis <style> function
Group Analog
<image> pwr_axis_gs.gif
Axis with dynamic range.
<h1>Default dynamics
Axis is a complex object.
See Axis in Ge Reference Manual <link>geref_axis, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_dynamicaxisarc <style> function
Group Analog
<image> pwr_axisarc_gs.png
Circular axis with dynamic range.
<h1>Default dynamics
AxisArc is a complex object.
See AxisArc in Ge Reference Manual <link>geref_axisarc, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_fastcurve <style> function
Group Analog
......@@ -399,11 +494,26 @@ Group Analog
Shows one or two curves in a DsFastCurve object.
<h1>Default dynamics
Bar is a complex object.
FastCurve is a complex object.
See FastCurve in Ge Reference Manual<link>geref_fastcurve, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_pie <style> function
Group Analog
<image> pwr_pie_gs.png
A circular diagram displaying a set of analog values.
<h1>Default dynamics
Pie is a complex object.
See Pie in Ge Reference Manual<link>geref_pie, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_trend <style> function
Group Analog
......@@ -419,6 +529,21 @@ Group Analog
<topic> pwr_xycurve <style> function
Group Analog
<image> pwr_xycurve_gs.png
A diagram displaying a number of curves, defined by x and y coordinates.
<h1>Default dynamics
XYCurve is a complex object.
See XYCurve in Ge Reference Manual<link>geref_xycurve, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic>Electric__dummy <style> function
Group Electric
......@@ -764,7 +889,7 @@ Group Grafcet
<topic> pwr_step <style> function
<topic> pwr_stopwatch <style> function
Group Grafcet
......@@ -779,7 +904,7 @@ Group Grafcet
<topic> pwr_stopwatch <style> function
<topic> pwr_step <style> function
Group Grafcet
......@@ -1254,6 +1379,20 @@ Group Layout
<topic> pwr_nameplate <style> function
Group Layout
<image> pwr_nameplate_gs.png
A name plate with an annotation.
<h1>Default dynamics
No default dynamics.
<topic> pwr_pinconnection <style> function
Group Layout
......@@ -1352,6 +1491,20 @@ Group Layout
Group Other
<topic> pwr_camera <style> function
Group Other
<image> pwr_camera_gs.png
<h1>Default dynamics
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_menubar <style> function
Group Other
......@@ -1368,14 +1521,14 @@ Group Other
<topic> pwr_menubar2 <style> function
Group Other
<image> pwr_menubar_gs.gif
<image> pwr_menubar2_gs.png
Add pulldownmenue-objects to the menubar.
Add pulldownmenu-objects to the menubar.
<h1>Default dynamics
No default dynamics.
......@@ -1439,13 +1592,13 @@ Group Other
<topic> pwr_pulldownmenu2 <style> function
Group Other
<image> pwr_pulldownmenu_gs.gif
<image> pwr_pulldownmenu2_gs.png
Pulldown menu. Place the pulldown menu on a menu bar.
Pulldown menu. Place the pulldown menu on a menu bar, preferably a menubar of type Menubar2.
<h1>Default dynamics
PulldownMenu <link>GeDynPulldownMenu, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
......@@ -1737,7 +1890,7 @@ Group Process
Control damper.
Annotation to display manuel or local mode.
Annotation to display manual or local mode.
<h1>Default dynamics
DigLowColor <link>GeDynDigLowColor, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
......@@ -1784,96 +1937,80 @@ Group Process
<topic> pwr_emergencystop <style> function
<topic> pwr_elheater1 <style> function
Group Process
<image> pwr_emergencystop_gs.gif
<image> pwr_elheater1_gs.png
Emergency stop.
Electrical heater.
Annotation for display of manual or local mode.
<h1>Default dynamics
DigLowColor <link>GeDynDigLowColor, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
with red color when signal is low.
Value <link>GeDynValue, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_fan <style> function
<topic> pwr_elheater2 <style> function
Group Process
<image> pwr_fan_gs.gif
<image> pwr_elheater2_gs.png
Electrical heater.
<h1>Default dynamics
No default dynamics.
DigLowColor <link>GeDynDigLowColor, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_fan2 <style> function
<topic> pwr_elheater3 <style> function
Group Process
<image> pwr_fan2_gs.gif
<image> pwr_elheater3_gs.png
Subgraph with two pages, fan off (page 1) and fan on (page 2).
Annotation for display of manual or local mode.
<image> pwr_fan2_ags.gif
Electrical heater.
<h1>Default dynamics
DigLowColor <link>GeDynDigLowColor, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Value <link>GeDynValue, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
DigShift <link>GeDynDigShift, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
No default dynamics.
<topic> pwr_elheater3 <style> function
<topic> pwr_emergencystop <style> function
Group Process
<image> pwr_fan2_gs.gif
<image> pwr_emergencystop_gs.gif
Subgraph with two pages, fan off (page 1) and fan on (page 2).
Annotation for display of manual or local mode.
<image> pwr_fan2_ags.gif
Emergency stop.
<h1>Default dynamics
DigLowColor <link>GeDynDigLowColor, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Value <link>GeDynValue, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
DigShift <link>GeDynDigShift, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
with red color when signal is low.
<topic> pwr_elheater1 <style> function
<topic> pwr_fan <style> function
Group Process
<image> pwr_fan2_gs.gif
<image> pwr_fan_gs.gif
Subgraph with two pages, fan off (page 1) and fan on (page 2).
Annotation for display of manual or local mode.
<image> pwr_fan2_ags.gif
<h1>Default dynamics
DigLowColor <link>GeDynDigLowColor, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Value <link>GeDynValue, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
DigShift <link>GeDynDigShift, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
No default dynamics.
<topic> pwr_elheater2 <style> function
<topic> pwr_fan2 <style> function
Group Process
......@@ -1997,6 +2134,23 @@ Group Process
<topic> pwr_limitswitch <style> function
Group Process
<image> pwr_limitswitch_gs.png
Limit switch
Subgraph with two pages, switch in left and right position.
<image> pwr_limitswitch_ags.png
<h1>Default dynamics
DigShift <link>GeDynDigShift, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_m3wayvalve <style> function
Group Process
......@@ -2332,6 +2486,40 @@ Group Process
<topic> pwr_trafficlight2 <style> function
Group Process
<image> pwr_trafficlight2_gs.png
Trafficlight with four pages. The color is shifting between dark gray, green for OK,
yellow for warning and red for fault. Also the shape is changed in the pages.
<image> pwr_trafficlight2_ags.png
<h1>Default dynamics
DigFourShift <link>GeDynDigFourShift, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_trafficlight3 <style> function
Group Process
<image> pwr_trafficlight3_gs.png
Trafficlight with four pages. The color is shifting between dark gray, green for OK,
yellow for warning and red for fault. Also the shape is changed in the pages.
<image> pwr_trafficlight3_ags.png
<h1>Default dynamics
DigFourShift <link>GeDynDigFourShift, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_valve <style> function
Group Process
......@@ -2501,7 +2689,7 @@ Group Process
<image> pwr_valvemanuel_gs.gif
Manuel valve.
Manual valve.
<h1>Default dynamics
DigLowColor <link>GeDynDigLowColor, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
......@@ -2549,7 +2737,7 @@ Group Pushbuttons
<image> pwr_buttonx_gs.gif
Button to execute a xtt command.
Button to execute an xtt command.
<h1>Default dynamics
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
......@@ -2563,7 +2751,7 @@ Group Pushbuttons
<image> pwr_buttonxcenter_gs.gif
Button to execute a xtt command. Center aligned text.
Button to execute an xtt command. Center aligned text.
<h1>Default dynamics
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
......@@ -2577,7 +2765,7 @@ Group Pushbuttons
<image> pwr_buttonx_gs.gif
Button to execute a xtt command with confirm.
Button to execute an xtt command with confirm.
<h1>Default dynamics
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
......@@ -2832,17 +3020,17 @@ Group Pushbuttons
<topic> pwr_checkbox2 <style> function
Group Pushbuttons
<image> pwr_checkbox_gs.gif
<image> pwr_checkbox2_gs.png
Subgraph with two pages, checkbox unmarked (page 1) and
checkbox marked (page 2).
<image> pwr_checkbox_ags.gif
<image> pwr_checkbox2_ags.png
<h1>Default dynamics
DigShift <link>GeDynDigShift, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
......@@ -2869,185 +3057,515 @@ Group Pushbuttons
<topic> pwr_largebutton <style> function
Group Pushbuttons
<topic> pwr_largebutton <style> function
Group Pushbuttons
<image> pwr_largebutton_gs.gif
Large pushbutton.
<h1>Default dynamics
ToggleDig <link>GeDynToggleDig, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_notebutton <style> function
Group Pushbuttons
<image> pwr_notebutton_gs.gif
Button to display the current note for the connected object.
<h1>Default dynamics
HostObject <link>GeDynHostObject, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
The button is visible if a note for the object is present,
and the note is displayed when the button is activated.
<topic> pwr_notebutton2 <style> function
Group Pushbuttons
<image> pwr_notebutton2_gs.png
Button to display the current note for the connected object.
<h1>Default dynamics
HostObject <link>GeDynHostObject, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
The button is visible if a note for the object is present,
and the note is displayed when the button is activated.
<topic> pwr_radiobutton <style> function
Group Pushbuttons
<image> pwr_radiobutton_gs.gif
A radiobutton should be a member of a group with other
radiobuttons. Connect the radiobuttons first and the create
the group.
Subgraph with two pages, radiobutton not selected (page 1) and
selected (page 2).
<image> pwr_radiobutton_ags.gif
<h1>Default dynamics
Radiobutton <link>GeDynRadiobutton, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_radiobutton2 <style> function
Group Pushbuttons
<image> pwr_radiobutton2_gs.png
A radiobutton should be a member of a group with other
radiobuttons. Connect the radiobuttons first and the create
the group.
Subgraph with two pages, radiobutton not selected (page 1) and
selected (page 2).
<image> pwr_radiobutton2_ags.png
<h1>Default dynamics
Radiobutton <link>GeDynRadiobutton, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_radiobuttonrelief <style> function
Group Pushbuttons
<image> pwr_radiobuttonrelief_gs.gif
A radiobutton should be a member of a group with other
radiobuttons. Connect the radiobuttons first and the create
the group.
Subgraph with two pages, radiobutton not selected (page 1) and
selected (page 2).
<image> pwr_radiobuttonrelief_ags.gif
<h1>Default dynamics
Radiobutton <link>GeDynRadiobutton, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_roundbutton <style> function
Group Pushbuttons
<image> pwr_roundbutton_gs.gif
A round pushbutton.
<h1>Default dynamics
SetDig <link>GeDynSetDig, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_smallbutton <style> function
Group Pushbuttons
<image> pwr_smallbutton_gs.gif
Small pushbutton.
<h1>Default dynamics
ToggleDig <link>GeDynToggleDig, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_smallbuttoncenter <style> function
Group Pushbuttons
<image> pwr_smallbuttoncenter_gs.gif
Small pushbutton with center aligned text.
<h1>Default dynamics
ToggleDig <link>GeDynToggleDig, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_soapbutton <style> function
Group Pushbuttons
<image> pwr_soapbutton_gs.gif
Soapshaped pushbutton.
<h1>Default dynamics
SetDig <link>GeDynSetDig, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic>Pushbuttons_Methodbuttons__dummy <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<topic> pwr_mb2blockevents <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<image> pwr_mb2blockevents_gs.png
Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
<h1>Default dynamics
Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_mb2camera <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<image> pwr_mb2camera_gs.png
Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
<h1>Default dynamics
Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_mb2circuitdiagram <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<image> pwr_mb2circuitdiagram_gs.png
Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
<h1>Default dynamics
Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_mb2crossreferences <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<image> pwr_mb2crossreferences_gs.png
Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
<h1>Default dynamics
Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_mb2datasheet <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<image> pwr_mb2datasheet_gs.png
Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
<h1>Default dynamics
Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_mb2fast <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<image> pwr_mb2fast_gs.png
Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
<h1>Default dynamics
Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_mb2help <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<image> pwr_mb2help_gs.png
Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
<h1>Default dynamics
Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_mb2helpclass <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<image> pwr_mb2helpclass_gs.png
Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
<h1>Default dynamics
Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_mb2histevent <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<image> pwr_mb2histevent_gs.png
Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
<h1>Default dynamics
Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_mb2history <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<image> pwr_mb2history_gs.png
Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
<h1>Default dynamics
Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_mb2note <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<image> pwr_largebutton_gs.gif
<image> pwr_mb2note_gs.png
Large pushbutton.
Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
<h1>Default dynamics
ToggleDig <link>GeDynToggleDig, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_notebutton <style> function
Group Pushbuttons
<topic> pwr_mb2opengraph <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<image> pwr_notebutton_gs.gif
<image> pwr_mb2opengraph_gs.png
Button to display the current note for the connected object.
Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
<h1>Default dynamics
HostObject <link>GeDynHostObject, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
The button is visible if a note for the object is present,
and the note is displayed when the button is activated.
Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_radiobutton <style> function
Group Pushbuttons
<topic> pwr_mb2openobject <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<image> pwr_radiobutton_gs.gif
<image> pwr_mb2openobject_gs.png
A radiobutton should be a member of a group with other
radiobuttons. Connect the radiobuttons first and the create
the group.
Subgraph with two pages, radiobutton not selected (page 1) and
selected (page 2).
<image> pwr_radiobutton_ags.gif
Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
<h1>Default dynamics
Radiobutton <link>GeDynRadiobutton, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_radiobutton2 <style> function
Group Pushbuttons
<topic> pwr_mb2openobjectgraph <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<image> pwr_radiobutton_gs.gif
<image> pwr_mb2openobjectgraph_gs.png
A radiobutton should be a member of a group with other
radiobuttons. Connect the radiobuttons first and the create
the group.
Subgraph with two pages, radiobutton not selected (page 1) and
selected (page 2).
<image> pwr_radiobutton_ags.gif
Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
<h1>Default dynamics
Radiobutton <link>GeDynRadiobutton, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_radiobuttonrelief <style> function
Group Pushbuttons
<topic> pwr_mb2openplc <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<image> pwr_radiobuttonrelief_gs.gif
<image> pwr_mb2openplc_gs.png
A radiobutton should be a member of a group with other
radiobuttons. Connect the radiobuttons first and the create
the group.
Subgraph with two pages, radiobutton not selected (page 1) and
selected (page 2).
<image> pwr_radiobuttonrelief_ags.gif
Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
<h1>Default dynamics
Radiobutton <link>GeDynRadiobutton, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_roundbutton <style> function
Group Pushbuttons
<topic> pwr_mb2parentgraph <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<image> pwr_roundbutton_gs.gif
<image> pwr_mb2parentgraph_gs.png
A round pushbutton.
Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
<h1>Default dynamics
SetDig <link>GeDynSetDig, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_smallbutton <style> function
Group Pushbuttons
<topic> pwr_mb2photo <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<image> pwr_smallbutton_gs.gif
<image> pwr_mb2photo_gs.png
Small pushbutton.
Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
<h1>Default dynamics
ToggleDig <link>GeDynToggleDig, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_smallbuttoncenter <style> function
Group Pushbuttons
<topic> pwr_mb2rtnavigator <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<image> pwr_smallbuttoncenter_gs.gif
<image> pwr_mb2rtnavigator_gs.png
Small pushbutton with center aligned text.
Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
<h1>Default dynamics
ToggleDig <link>GeDynToggleDig, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_soapbutton <style> function
Group Pushbuttons
<topic> pwr_mb2simulate <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<image> pwr_soapbutton_gs.gif
<image> pwr_mb2simulate_gs.png
Soapshaped pushbutton.
Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
<h1>Default dynamics
SetDig <link>GeDynSetDig, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic>Pushbuttons_Methodbuttons__dummy <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<topic> pwr_mbphoto <style> function
<topic> pwr_mb2trend <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<image> pwr_mbphoto_gs.gif
<image> pwr_mb2trend_gs.png
Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Photo'.
Used in object graphs with the following settings.
Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="Photo"/object=$object)
Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>1
Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="Photo"/object=$object
ToolTip.Text <t><t>Photo
The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is dimmed
if the method is not present for the current object.
Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
<h1>Default dynamics
Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_mbblockevents <style> function
......@@ -3109,7 +3627,7 @@ Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<image> pwr_mbcrossreferences_gs.gif
Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Crossrefereces'.
Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Crossreferences'.
Used in object graphs with the following settings.
......@@ -3336,21 +3854,21 @@ Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<topic> pwr_mbrtnavigator <style> function
<topic> pwr_mbphoto <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<image> pwr_mbrtnavigator_gs.gif
<image> pwr_mbphoto_gs.gif
Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'RtNavigator'.
Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Photo'.
Used in object graphs with the following settings.
Used in object graphs with the following settings.
Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="RtNavigator"/object=$object)
Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="Photo"/object=$object)
Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>1
Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="RtNavigator"/object=$object
ToolTip.Text <t><t>RtNavigator
Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="Photo"/object=$object
ToolTip.Text <t><t>Photo
The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is dimmed
if the method is not present for the current object.
......@@ -3362,25 +3880,24 @@ Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<topic> pwr_mbup <style> function
<topic> pwr_mbrtnavigator <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<image> pwr_mbsimulate_gs.gif
<image> pwr_mbrtnavigator_gs.gif
Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Simulate'.
Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'RtNavigator'.
Used in object graphs with the following settings.
Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="Simulate"/object=$object)
Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>0
Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="Simulate"/object=$object
ToolTip.Text <t><t>Simulate
Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="RtNavigator"/object=$object)
Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>1
Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="RtNavigator"/object=$object
ToolTip.Text <t><t>RtNavigator
The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is invisible
if the method is not present for the current object or in the current
The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is dimmed
if the method is not present for the current object.
<h1>Default dynamics
Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
......@@ -3442,6 +3959,33 @@ Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<topic> pwr_mbup <style> function
Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
<image> pwr_mbup_gs.png
Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'ParentGraph'.
Used in object graphs with the following settings.
Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="Simulate"/object=$object)
Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>0
Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="Simulate"/object=$object
ToolTip.Text <t><t>Simulate
The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is invisible
if the method is not present for the current object or in the current
<h1>Default dynamics
Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic>Sliders__dummy <style> function
Group Sliders
......@@ -3525,6 +4069,23 @@ Group Sliders
<topic> pwr_sliderarrow2 <style> function
Group Sliders
<image> pwr_sliderarrow2_gs.png
The mobile part of a slider.
There is no slider background to this slider.
Measure the coordinates of the moving range and insert
as MaxPosition and MinPosition.
<h1>Default dynamics
Slider <link>GeDynSlider, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_sliderbackground1 <style> function
Group Sliders
......@@ -3608,6 +4169,21 @@ Group Sliders
Group Values
<topic> pwr_passwordinput <style> function
Group Values
<image> pwr_passwordinput_gs.png
Value input field for passwords. Entered characters are viewed with an asterisk.
<h1>Default dynamics
Value <link>GeDynValue, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
ValueInput <link>GeDynValueInput, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
<topic> pwr_valueinputlarge <style> function
Group Values
......@@ -4160,7 +4736,7 @@ Group Ventilation
<image> sis032260_3wayvalve_actuator_gs.gif
Automatic threeway controlvalve with actuator.
Automatic threeway control valve with actuator.
The marked ports indicates regulatable ports.
<h1>Default dynamics
......@@ -7706,7 +8282,7 @@ Group Components/BaseComponent
<image> bcomp_manvalve_gs.gif
Manuel valve. Graphic symbol for basecomponent BaseManValve.
Manual valve. Graphic symbol for basecomponent BaseManValve.
Should be connected to an instance of BaseManValve, or a
subclass to this class.
......@@ -7734,7 +8310,7 @@ Group Components/BaseComponent
<image> bcomp_manvalve_gs.gif
Manuel valve without switches.
Manual valve without switches.
This subgraph is used when the open/closed state can
be set by the operator from the object graph.
......@@ -7763,7 +8339,7 @@ Group Components/BaseComponent
<image> bcomp_manvalve_gs.gif
Manuel valve. Graphic symbol for basecomponent BaseManValve.
Manual valve. Graphic symbol for basecomponent BaseManValve.
Should be connected to an instance of BaseManValve, or a
subclass to this class.
......@@ -7790,7 +8366,7 @@ Group Components/BaseComponent
<image> bcomp_manvalve_gs.gif
Manuel valve. Graphic symbol for basecomponent BaseManValve.
Manual valve. Graphic symbol for basecomponent BaseManValve.
Should be connected to an instance of BaseManValve, or a
subclass to this class.
......@@ -7817,7 +8393,7 @@ Group Components/BaseComponent
<image> bcomp_manvalve_gs.gif
Manuel valve. Graphic symbol for basecomponent BaseManValve.
Manual valve. Graphic symbol for basecomponent BaseManValve.
Should be connected to an instance of BaseManValve, or a
subclass to this class.
......@@ -8229,6 +8805,7 @@ ABB
Group Components/ABB
ACS800FanAggr <link>mcomp_abb_acs800fanaggr
ACS800MotorAggr <link>mcomp_abb_acs800motoraggr
ACS800PumpAggr <link>mcomp_abb_acs880
ACS800PumpAggr <link>mcomp_abb_acs800pumpaggr
......@@ -8305,6 +8882,42 @@ Group Components/ABB
<topic> mcomp_abb_acs880 <style> function
Group Components/ABB
<image> bcomp_pumpaggr_gs.gif
Pump aggregate. Graphic symbol for component ABB_ACS800PumpAggr.
Should be connected to an instance of ABB_ACS800PumpAggr, or a
subclass to this class.
Subgraph with two pages, pump off (page 1) and pump on (page 2).
<image> bcomp_pumpaggr_ags.gif
<h1>Default dynamics
HostObject <link>GeDynHostObject, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Dynamics for the symbol
- colored red when an error occurs.
- colored yellow when a warning occurs.
- colored darkgray when the pump is off.
- the mode (manual or local) is displayed with a M or L.
- pump on and off is displayed with different pages.
- popupmenu with the methods of the connected object.
DigError <t>$hostobject.IndError <link>GeDynDigError, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
DigWarning <t>$hostobject.IndWarning <link>GeDynDigWarning, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
DigLowColor <t>$hostobject.ACS800.ConvertRun <link>GeDynDigLowColor, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Value <t>$hostobject.Mode.IndMode <link>GeDynValue, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
DigShift <t>$hostobject.ACS800.ConvertRun <link>GeDynDigShift, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
PopupMenu <t>$hostobject <link>GeDynPopupMenu, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
Default Cycle Slow
<topic> mcomp_abb_acs800pumpaggr <style> function
Group Components/ABB

21 KB | W: | H:


20.6 KB | W: | H:

  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin

17 KB | W: | H:


15.1 KB | W: | H:

  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin
......@@ -2372,11 +2372,16 @@ Kopplingspunkt <link>geref_conpoint
<h1>Sammansatta objekt
Stapel <link>geref_bar
Stapeldiagram <link>geref_barchart
Cirkeldiagram <link>geref_pie
Trendkurva <link>geref_trend
Fastkurva <link>geref_fastcurve
Axis <link>geref_axis
AxisArc <link>geref_axisarc
Window <link>geref_windowobject
TabbedWindow <link>geref_tabbedwind
Table <link>geref_table
XYCurve <link>geref_xycurve
<topic>geref_rectangle <style>function
......@@ -2673,6 +2678,81 @@ Bar.BorderWidth <t>Kantlinjens linjebredd (1-8)
Dynamic <t>Ej implementerat
<topic>geref_barchart <style>function
<image> geg_fig170.png
Ett stapeldiagram visar ett antal staplar i ett diagram. Varje stapel kan indelas i segment
med olika färg. Man kan ha upp till 12 segment. Storleken på varje segment anges av en
vektor av float, där elementen i vektorn anger storleken på segmentet i de olika staplarna.
Egenskaperna fyllnad, fyllnadsfärg, kantfärg mm, anger egenskaper för bakgrunds-rektangeln.
Egenskaperna för staplar och segment anges i objekts-editorn.
Ett stapeldiagram skapas genom att välja BarChart i subgrafs-paletten, 'Analog/BarChart', och
klicka med MB2 i arbetsarean.
- Fill (för bakgrundsrektangel)
- Fillcolor (för bakgrundsrektangel)
- Border (för bakgrundsrektangel)
- Bordercolor (för bakgrundsrektangel)
- Linewidth (för bakgrundsrektangel)
Attribut <t><t>Beskrivning
BarChart.Attribute0 <t><t>Namnet på en array i databasen. Värdena i arrayen anger storleken på
<t><t>det första segmentet i de olika staplarna.
BarChart.Attribute1 <t><t>Array for andra segmentet.
BarChart.Attribute11 <t><t>Array för det tolfte segmentet..
BarChart.Bars <t><t>Antal staplar.
BarChart.BarSegments <t><t>Antal segment i varje stapel.
BarChart.MaxValue <t><t>Värde som motsvarar full längd på en stapel.
BarChart.MinValue <t><t>Värde som motsvarar noll längd på en stapel.
BarChart.BarColor1 <t><t>Fyllnadsfärg för det första segmentet.
BarChart.BarColor2 <t><t>Fyllnadsfärg för det andra segmentet.
BarChart.BarColor12 <t><t>Fyllnadsfärg för det tolfte segmentet.
Dynamic <t><t>Ej implementerat.
<topic>geref_pie <style>function
<image> geg_fig171.png
Ett cirkeldiagram med ett antal sektorer i olika färger. Diagrammet kan innehålla upp till
12 sektorer. Storleken på varje sektor anges av ett signalvärde.
Egenskaperna fyllnad, fyllnadsfärg, kantfärg mm, anger egenskaper för bakgrunds-cirkeln.
Egenskaperna för sektorerna anges i objekts-editorn.
Ett cirkeldiagram skapas genom att välja Pie i subgrafs-paletten, 'Analog/Pie', och
klicka med MB2 i arbetsarean.
- Fill (för bakgrundscirkeln)
- Fillcolor (för bakgrundscirkeln)
- Border (för bakgrundscirkeln)
- Bordercolor (för bakgrundscirkeln)
- Linewidth (för bakgrundscirkeln)
Attribut <t><t>Beskrivning
Pie.Attribute0 <t><t>Databas attribut av typen Float som anger storleken på den första sektorn.
Pie.Attribute1 <t><t>Databas attribut för den andra sektorn.
Pie.Attribute11 <t><t>Databas attribut för den tolfte sektorn.
Pie.Angle1 <t><t>Startvinkel i grader från x-axeln.
Pie.Angle2 <t><t>Vinkel i grader som anger diagrammets utbredning.
Pie.Sectors <t><t>Antal sektorer.
Pie.MaxValue <t><t>Maxvärde för diagrammets signalvärdesområde.
Pie.MinValue <t><t>Minvärde för diagrammets singalvärdesområde.
Pie.SectorColor1 <t><t>Fyllnadsfärg för den första sektorn.
Pie.SectorColor2 <t><t>Fyllnadsfärg för den andra sektorn.
Pie.SectorColor12 <t><t>Fyllnadsfärg för den tolfte sektorn.
Dynamic <t><t>Ej implementerad.
<topic>geref_trend <style>function
<image> geref_fig14.png
......@@ -2721,12 +2801,40 @@ Trend.CurveFillColor2 <t><t>Fyllnadsf
Trend.Dynamic <t><t>Ej implementerat
<topic>geref_fastcurve <style>function
<image> geref_fig14.png
FastCurve visar en eller två kurvor konfigurereade med ett DsFastCurve objekt.
En FastCurve är mätning av en signal under en viss tid. Mätningen triggas av
någon händelse, och när mätningen är slutförd visas kurvan i FastCurve objektet.
<b>Attribut <t><t>Beskrivning
FastCurve.FastObject <t><t>Databas-objekt av typen DsFastCurve.
FastCurve.CurveIndex1 <t><t>Index i DsFastCurve objektet för den första kurvan.
FastCurve.CurveIndex2 <t><t>Index i DsFastCurve objektet för den andra kurvan.
FastCurve.NoOfPoints <t><t>Antal punkter i kurvan.
FastCurve.CurveLineWidth <t><t>Linjebredd.
FastCurve.FillCurve <t><t>Arean mellan kurvan och x-axeln fylls.
FastCurve.HorizontalLines <t><t>Antal horisonella linjer.
FastCurve.VerticalLines <t><t>Antal vertikala linjer.
FastCurve.MaxValue1 <t><t>Maxvärde för signalområdet för kurva 1.
FastCurve.MinValue1 <t><t>Minvärde för signalområdet för kurva 1.
FastCurve.CurveColor1 <t><t>Färg på kurva 1.
FastCurve.CurveFillColor1 <t><t>Fyllnadsfärg på kurva 1.
FastCurve.MaxValue2 <t><t>Maxvärde för signalområdet för kurva 2.
FastCurve.MinValue2 <t><t>Minvärde för signalområdet för kurva 2.
FastCurve.CurveColor2 <t><t>Färg på kurva 2.
FastCurve.CurveFillColor2 <t><t>Fyllnadsfärg på kurva 2.
<topic>geref_axis <style>function
<image> geref_fig12.png
Axis visar skalområdet på kurva eller stapel i x- eller y-led.
Axis finns i två varanter, en med med fasta min och max värden,
Axis finns i två varanter, en med fasta min och max värden,
och en med dynamiska min och max värden, där min och max kopplas
till signaler i databasen. För ett dynamiskt Axis objekt beräknas
värden på Lines, LongQuotient, ValueQuotient och Format automatiskt
......@@ -2753,6 +2861,40 @@ Axis.KeepSettings <t>Om 0 ber
<topic>geref_axisarc <style>function
<image> geg_fig172.png
AxisArc är en cirkelformat skala som visar skalområdet för en visare.
Som för Axis finns det två varanter av AxisArc, en med med fasta min
och max värden, och en med dynamiska min och max värden, där min och
max kopplas till signaler i databasen. För ett dynamiskt AxisArc objekt beräknas
värden på Lines, LongQuotient, ValueQuotient och Format automatiskt
i runtime.
<b>Attribut <t>Beskrivning
Angle1 <t>Startvinkel i grader från x-axeln.
Angle2 <t>Vinkel i grader som anger skalans utbredning.
MaxValue <t>Övre värde på skalområdet.
MinValue <t>Undre värde på skalområdet.
Lines <t>Antal linjer vinkelräta mot axeln.
LongQuotient <t>Hur stor del av linjerna som ska vara långa. T ex 4 innebär
<t>att var 4:e linje är längre
ValueQuotient <t>Hur ofta värden ska skrivas ut. T ex 4 innebär att ett värde
<t>skrivs ut vid var 4:e linje.
Format <t>Format i c-syntax för utskrivna värden.
Dynamic <t>Ej implementerat.
<b>Dynamisk AxisArc
Axis.MinValueAttr <t>Signal för minvärde av typ Float32 eller Int32.
Axis.MaxValueAttr <t>Signal för maxvärde av typ Float32 eller Int32.
Axis.KeepSettings <t>Om 0 beräknas nya värden på Lines, LongQuotient, ValueQoutient
<t>och Format när min eller maxvärdet har ändrats dynamiskt.
<t>Om KeepSettings är 1 behålls de ursprungliga värdena.
<topic>geref_windowobject <style>function
<image> geref_fig15.png
......@@ -2858,6 +3000,52 @@ Column1Width <t><t>Bredd p
Column1.HeaderText <t><t>Rubrik på kolumnen. Rubriken skrivs i
<topic>geref_xycurve <style>function
<image> geg_fig173.png
XYCurve visar kurvor definierade med x och y koordinater. 10 kurvor kan visas i ett
XYCurve objekt. För varje kurva kopplas objektet till två vektorer som innehåller
s och y koordinaterna för kurvan. Ett digital signal kopplas till UpdateAttr som
indikerar när koordinaterna har uppdaterats och kurvan ska ritas om.
Skalområdena i x och y riktning kan anges med fixa värden, eller kopplas till
attribut i databasen. Antal punkter i kurvan kan också definieras statiskt eller
med en koppling till ett databasattribut.
XYCurve kan kopplas till godtyckliga attribut i databasen, men det finns en speciell
klass, XyCurve, som kan användas för att lagra en kurva med 100 punkter. Den innehåller
två vektorer med 100 element för koordinaterna, samt attributa för skalområden, antal
punkter och uppdatering.
<b>Attribut <t><t>Beskrivning
XY_Curve.XAttr <t><t>Vektor i databasen som innehåller x-koordinater för kurvan.
XY_Curve.YAttr <t><t>Vektor i databasen som innehåller y-koordinater för kurvan.
XY_Curve.UpdateAttr <t><t>Databas attribut av typen Boolean som indikerar att kurvan
<t><t>ska uppdateras.
XY_Curve.XMinValue <t><t>Minvärde för skalområde i x-riktning.
XY_Curve.XMaxValue <t><t>Maxvärde för skalområde i x-riktning.
XY_Curve.YMinValue <t><t>Minvärde för skalområde i y-riktning.
XY_Curve.YMaxValue <t><t>Maxvärde för skalområde i y-riktning.
XY_Curve.XMinValueAttr <t><t>Databas attribut som innehåller minvärde för skalområde
<t><t>i x-riktning.
XY_Curve.XMaxValueAttr <t><t>Databas attribut som innehåller maxvärde för skalområde
<t><t>i x-riktningen.
XY_Curve.YMinValueAttr <t><t>Databas attribut som innehåller minvärde för skalområde
<t><t>i y-ritning.
XY_Curve.YMaxValueAttr <t><t>Databas attribut som innehåller maxvärde för skalområde
<t><t>i y-riktning.
XY_Curve.NoOfPointsAttr <t><t>Databas attribut av typ integer med antal punkter i kurvan.
XY_Curve.CurveColor <t><t>Kurvans färg.
XY_Curve.FillColor <t><t>Kurvans fyllnadsfärg.
XY_Curve.Instances <t><t>Genom att addera flera instanser kan man visa flera kurvor
<t><t>i samma diagram. Max 10 kurvor kan visas.
XY_Curve.CurveLineWidth <t><t>Kurvans linjebredd.
XY_Curve.FillCurve <t><t>Om 1 ritas området mellan kurva och x-axeln med fyllnadsfärg.
XY_Curve.HorizontalLines <t><t>Antal horisontella linjer i diagrammet.
XY_Curve.VerticalLines <t><t>Antal vertikala linjer i diagrammet.
......@@ -2922,8 +3110,9 @@ Man b
pixels förskjutning mellan olika sidor i runtime.
Skiftning mellan olika sidor i runtime kan ske med dynamik-typerna DigShift och AnalogShift.
DigShift växlar mellan första och andra sidan beroende på ett digitalt värde. AnalogShift
Skiftning mellan olika sidor i runtime kan ske med dynamik-typerna DigShift, DigFourShigt
och AnalogShift. DigShift växlar mellan första och andra sidan beroende på ett digitalt värde.
DigFourShift växlar mellan fyra sidor, beroende på värdet av tre digitala signaler. AnalogShift
kopplas till en analog signal där värdet på den motsvara index för den sidan som ska visas
(första sidan har index 0).
......@@ -2992,6 +3181,7 @@ Value <t>Valfri <t>Skriver ut v
Rotate <t>Float32 Int32 <t>Roterar komponenten. <link>GeDynRotate
Move <t>Float32 Int32 <t>Flyttar och skalar komponenten i x- och y-led. <link>GeDynMove
DigShift <t>Boolean <t>Skiftar mellan två sidor i subgrafen (första och sista sidan). <link>GeDynDigShift
DigFourShift <t>Boolean <t>Skiftar mellan fyra sidor i subgrafen. <link>GeDynDigFourShift
AnalogShift <t>Float32 Int32 <t>Skiftar mellan olika sidor i subgrafen. Värdet <link>GeDynAnalogShift
<t> <t>på signalen bestämmer sidnr.
Animation <t>Boolean <t>Olika typer av animering. <link>GeDynAnimation
......@@ -3448,6 +3638,25 @@ DigShift.Attribute <t><t>Signal i rtdb av typen Boolean som skiftar sida.
<t><t>Vid 0 visas första sidan, vid 1 visas sista sidan.
<topic>GeDynDigFourShift <style>function
Shifta mellen fyra sidor i subgrafen. Subgrafen måste innehålla minst fyra sidor.
Objektet kopplas till tre digitala signaler i databasen. Om värdet är 0 på alla signaler
ritas den första sidan. Om värdet är 1 på Attribute1, ritas den andra sidan, om Attribute2
är 1 ritas den tredje sidan, och om Attribute3 är 1 ritas den fjärde sidan. Om flera
signaler är 1 samtidigt har högre sidnummer högre prioritet.
<b>Attribut <t><t>Beskrivning
DigFourShift.Attribute1 <t><t>Signal i databasen som skiftar sida. Aktiverar ritning av
<t><t>sida nummer 2.
DigFourShift.Attribute2 <t><t>Signal i databasen som skiftar sida. Aktiverar ritning av
<t><t>den tredje sidan.
DigFourShift.Attribute3 <t><t>Signal i databasen som skiftar sida. Aktiverar ritning av
<t><t>den fjärde sidan.
<topic>GeDynAnimation <style>function
......@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "pwr_version.h"
#include "co_cdh.h"
#include "co_dcli.h"
#include "co_time.h"
......@@ -368,7 +369,7 @@ void CnvPwgToXtthelp::header()
"<hr>" << endl <<
"</topic>" << endl << endl <<
"<topic> __DocumentInfoPage" << endl << endl << endl <<
"Copyright (C) "<< year << " SSAB Oxelsund AB" << endl << endl <<
pwrv_cPwrCopyright << endl << endl <<
"Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document" << endl <<
"under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2" << endl <<
"or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;" << endl <<
......@@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ int CnvWblToH::bit_exec()
" pwr_e" << ctx->rw->typedef_pgmname << "_" << pgmname;
for ( i = 0; i < int(30 - strlen(ctx->rw->typedef_pgmname) - strlen(pgmname)); i++)
fp_struct << ' ';
fp_struct << " = " << ctx->rw->bit_value << "UL," << endl;
fp_struct << " = " << (int)ctx->rw->bit_value << "," << endl;
return 1;
......@@ -1614,7 +1614,7 @@ int Graph::get_attr_items( grow_tObject object, attr_sItem **itemlist,
*item_cnt = 0;
dyn->get_attributes( object, items, item_cnt);
if ( dyn->dyn_type1 & ge_mDynType1_XY_Curve) {
else if ( dyn->dyn_type1 & ge_mDynType1_XY_Curve) {
char transtab[][32] = { "NoOfPoints", "XY_Curve.NoOfPoints",
"ScanTime", "",
"CurveWidth", "XY_Curve.CurveLineWidth",
! AxisArc
! Group Analog
! <image> pwr_axisarc_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Circular axis.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! AxisArc is a complex object.
! See AxisArc in Ge Reference Manual <link>geref_axisarc, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 20
135 20
101 20
102 0
103 0
104 20
136 20
105 100
106 0
107 0
108 -1e+10
109 1e+10
110 -1e+10
111 1e+10
116 0
117 0
118 0
119 0
120 0
121 Claes context
122 0
126 1
127 1
128 0
129 0.3
130 1.5
131 0.8
132 3
133 2
137 4510
2200 0
2201 0
2202 pwr_axis
2203 300
2205 0
2206 0
2209 0
2210 0
2211 0
2212 0
2213 4
2215 0
2236 0
2216 0
2221 0
2237 0
2238 0
2239 0
2240 0
2241 0
2242 0
2217 0
2218 0
2219 0
2230 0
2231 0
2223 1
2224 0.5
2232 0.5
2225 0.5
2226 0
2228 0
2229 99
2233 1
2234 1
2235 0
2243 0
! BarChart
! Group Analog
! <image> pwr_barchart_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! A number of bars in a chart. Each bar can be divided in segments with differnt color.
! The size of the segments and bars is determined from a set of arrays, one array for
! each segment.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! BarChart is a complex object.
! See BarChart in Ge Reference Manual<link>geref_barchart, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 20
135 20
101 20
102 0
103 0
104 20
136 20
105 100
106 0
107 0
108 -1e+10
109 1e+10
110 -1e+10
111 1e+10
116 0
117 0
118 0
119 0
120 0
121 Claes context
122 0
126 1
127 1
128 0
129 0.3
130 1.5
131 0.8
132 3
133 2
137 4510
2200 0
2201 0
2202 pwr_barchart
2203 300
2205 0
2206 0
2209 0
2210 0
2211 0
2212 0
2213 4
2215 0
2236 0
2216 0
2221 0
2237 0
2238 0
2239 0
2240 0
2241 0
2242 0
2217 0
2218 0
2219 0
2230 0
2231 0
2223 1
2224 0.5
2232 0.5
2225 0.5
2226 0
2228 0
2229 99
2233 1
2234 1
2235 0
2243 0
......@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! VideoCamera
! Camera
! Group Other
! <image> pwr_videocamera_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_camera_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Video camera.
! Camera.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! CheckBox
! CheckBox2
! Group Pushbuttons
! <image> pwr_checkbox_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_checkbox2_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Checkbox.
! Subgraph with two pages, checkbox unmarked (page 1) and
! checkbox marked (page 2).
! <image> pwr_checkbox_ags.gif
! <image> pwr_checkbox2_ags.png
! <h1>Default dynamics
! DigShift <link>GeDynDigShift, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! DynamicAxis
! Group Analog
! <image> pwr_axis_gs.gif
! <h1>Description
! Axis with dynamic range.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Axis is a complex object.
! See Axis in Ge Reference Manual <link>geref_axis, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 20
135 20
101 20
102 0
103 0
104 20
136 20
105 100
106 0
107 0
108 -1e+10
109 1e+10
110 -1e+10
111 1e+10
116 0
117 0
118 0
119 0
120 0
121 Claes context
122 0
126 1
127 1
128 0
129 0.3
130 1.5
131 0.8
132 3
133 2
137 4510
2200 0
2201 0
2202 pwr_dynamicaxis
2203 300
2205 0
2206 0
2209 0
2210 0
2211 0
2212 0
2213 4
2215 0
2236 0
2216 0
2221 0
2237 0
2238 0
2239 0
2240 0
2241 0
2242 0
2217 0
2218 0
2219 0
2230 0
2231 0
2223 1
2224 0.5
2232 0.5
2225 0.5
2226 0
2228 0
2229 99
2233 1
2234 1
2235 0
2243 0
! DynamicAxisArc
! Group Analog
! <image> pwr_axisarc_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Circular axis with dynamic range.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! AxisArc is a complex object.
! See AxisArc in Ge Reference Manual <link>geref_axisarc, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 20
135 20
101 20
102 0
103 0
104 20
136 20
105 100
106 0
107 0
108 -1e+10
109 1e+10
110 -1e+10
111 1e+10
116 0
117 0
118 0
119 0
120 0
121 Claes context
122 0
126 1
127 1
128 0
129 0.3
130 1.5
131 0.8
132 3
133 2
137 4510
2200 0
2201 0
2202 pwr_dynamicaxis
2203 300
2205 0
2206 0
2209 0
2210 0
2211 0
2212 0
2213 4
2215 0
2236 0
2216 0
2221 0
2237 0
2238 0
2239 0
2240 0
2241 0
2242 0
2217 0
2218 0
2219 0
2230 0
2231 0
2223 1
2224 0.5
2232 0.5
2225 0.5
2226 0
2228 0
2229 99
2233 1
2234 1
2235 0
2243 0
! Fan2
! Elheater1
! Group Process
! <image> pwr_fan2_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_elheater1_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Fan.
! Subgraph with two pages, fan off (page 1) and fan on (page 2).
! Electrical heater.
! Annotation for display of manual or local mode.
! <image> pwr_fan2_ags.gif
! <h1>Default dynamics
! DigLowColor <link>GeDynDigLowColor, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Value <link>GeDynValue, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! DigShift <link>GeDynDigShift, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Fan2
! Elheater2
! Group Process
! <image> pwr_fan2_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_elheater2_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Fan.
! Subgraph with two pages, fan off (page 1) and fan on (page 2).
! Annotation for display of manual or local mode.
! <image> pwr_fan2_ags.gif
! Electrical heater.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! DigLowColor <link>GeDynDigLowColor, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Value <link>GeDynValue, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! DigShift <link>GeDynDigShift, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Fan2
! Elheater3
! Group Process
! <image> pwr_fan2_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_elheater3_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Fan.
! Subgraph with two pages, fan off (page 1) and fan on (page 2).
! Annotation for display of manual or local mode.
! <image> pwr_fan2_ags.gif
! Electrical heater.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! DigLowColor <link>GeDynDigLowColor, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Value <link>GeDynValue, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! DigShift <link>GeDynDigShift, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! No default dynamics.
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
! Shows one or two curves in a DsFastCurve object.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Bar is a complex object.
! FastCurve is a complex object.
! See FastCurve in Ge Reference Manual<link>geref_fastcurve, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
......@@ -209,6 +209,26 @@ menu Pushbuttons
subgraph MbTrend pwr_exe:pwr_mbtrend.pwsg 83
subgraph MbSimulate pwr_exe:pwr_mbsimulate.pwsg 83
subgraph MbUp pwr_exe:pwr_mbup.pwsg 83
subgraph Mb2BlockEvents pwr_exe:pwr_mb2blockevents.pwsg 83
subgraph Mb2Camera pwr_exe:pwr_mb2camera.pwsg 83
subgraph Mb2CircuitDiagram pwr_exe:pwr_mb2circuitdiagram.pwsg 83
subgraph Mb2CrossReferences pwr_exe:pwr_mb2crossreferences.pwsg 83
subgraph Mb2DataSheet pwr_exe:pwr_mb2datasheet.pwsg 83
subgraph Mb2Fast pwr_exe:pwr_mb2fast.pwsg 83
subgraph Mb2Help pwr_exe:pwr_mb2help.pwsg 83
subgraph Mb2HelpClass pwr_exe:pwr_mb2helpclass.pwsg 83
subgraph Mb2HistEvent pwr_exe:pwr_mb2histevent.pwsg 83
subgraph Mb2History pwr_exe:pwr_mb2history.pwsg 83
subgraph Mb2Note pwr_exe:pwr_mb2note.pwsg 83
subgraph Mb2OpenGraph pwr_exe:pwr_mb2opengraph.pwsg 83
subgraph Mb2OpenObject pwr_exe:pwr_mb2openobject.pwsg 83
subgraph Mb2OpenObjectGraph pwr_exe:pwr_mb2openobjectgraph.pwsg 83
subgraph Mb2OpenPlc pwr_exe:pwr_mb2openplc.pwsg 83
subgraph Mb2ParentGraph pwr_exe:pwr_mb2parentgraph.pwsg 83
subgraph Mb2Photo pwr_exe:pwr_mb2photo.pwsg 83
subgraph Mb2RtNavigator pwr_exe:pwr_mb2rtnavigator.pwsg 83
subgraph Mb2Simulate pwr_exe:pwr_mb2simulate.pwsg 83
subgraph Mb2Trend pwr_exe:pwr_mb2trend.pwsg 83
menu Sliders
0! DefaultWidth 144
0! DefaultHeight 288
! LimitSwitch
! Group Process
! <image> pwr_limitswitch_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Limit switch
! Subgraph with two pages, switch in left and right position.
! <image> pwr_limitswitch_ags.png
! <h1>Default dynamics
! DigShift <link>GeDynDigShift, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 144.012
135 144.012
......@@ -2,23 +2,13 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! MbFast
! Mb2BlockEvents
! Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
! <image> pwr_mbfast_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_mb2blockevents_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Fast'.
! Used in object graphs with the following settings.
! Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="Fast"/object=$object)
! Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>1
! Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="Fast"/object=$object
! ToolTip.Text <t><t>Block Events
! The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is dimmed
! if the method is not present for the current object.
! Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
......@@ -2,29 +2,20 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! MbFast
! Mb2Camera
! Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
! <image> pwr_mbfast_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_mb2camera_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Fast'.
! Used in object graphs with the following settings.
! Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="Fast"/object=$object)
! Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>1
! Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="Fast"/object=$object
! ToolTip.Text <t><t>Block Events
! The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is dimmed
! if the method is not present for the current object.
! Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 20
......@@ -2,29 +2,20 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! MbFast
! Mb2CircuitDiagram
! Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
! <image> pwr_mbfast_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_mb2circuitdiagram_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Fast'.
! Used in object graphs with the following settings.
! Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="Fast"/object=$object)
! Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>1
! Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="Fast"/object=$object
! ToolTip.Text <t><t>Block Events
! The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is dimmed
! if the method is not present for the current object.
! Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 20
......@@ -2,29 +2,20 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! MbFast
! Mb2CrossReferences
! Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
! <image> pwr_mbfast_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_mb2crossreferences_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Fast'.
! Used in object graphs with the following settings.
! Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="Fast"/object=$object)
! Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>1
! Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="Fast"/object=$object
! ToolTip.Text <t><t>Block Events
! The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is dimmed
! if the method is not present for the current object.
! Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 20
......@@ -2,29 +2,20 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! MbFast
! Mb2DataSheet
! Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
! <image> pwr_mbfast_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_mb2datasheet_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Fast'.
! Used in object graphs with the following settings.
! Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="Fast"/object=$object)
! Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>1
! Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="Fast"/object=$object
! ToolTip.Text <t><t>Block Events
! The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is dimmed
! if the method is not present for the current object.
! Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 71.6636
......@@ -2,29 +2,20 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! MbFast
! Mb2Fast
! Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
! <image> pwr_mbfast_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_mb2fast_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Fast'.
! Used in object graphs with the following settings.
! Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="Fast"/object=$object)
! Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>1
! Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="Fast"/object=$object
! ToolTip.Text <t><t>Block Events
! The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is dimmed
! if the method is not present for the current object.
! Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 20
......@@ -2,29 +2,20 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! MbFast
! Mb2Help
! Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
! <image> pwr_mbfast_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_mb2help_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Fast'.
! Used in object graphs with the following settings.
! Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="Fast"/object=$object)
! Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>1
! Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="Fast"/object=$object
! ToolTip.Text <t><t>Block Events
! The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is dimmed
! if the method is not present for the current object.
! Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 20
......@@ -2,29 +2,20 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! MbFast
! Mb2HelpClass
! Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
! <image> pwr_mbfast_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_mb2helpclass_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Fast'.
! Used in object graphs with the following settings.
! Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="Fast"/object=$object)
! Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>1
! Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="Fast"/object=$object
! ToolTip.Text <t><t>Block Events
! The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is dimmed
! if the method is not present for the current object.
! Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 20
......@@ -2,29 +2,20 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! MbFast
! Mb2HistEvent
! Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
! <image> pwr_mbfast_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_mb2histevent_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Fast'.
! Used in object graphs with the following settings.
! Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="Fast"/object=$object)
! Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>1
! Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="Fast"/object=$object
! ToolTip.Text <t><t>Block Events
! The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is dimmed
! if the method is not present for the current object.
! Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 20
......@@ -2,29 +2,20 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! MbFast
! Mb2History
! Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
! <image> pwr_mbfast_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_mb2history_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Fast'.
! Used in object graphs with the following settings.
! Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="Fast"/object=$object)
! Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>1
! Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="Fast"/object=$object
! ToolTip.Text <t><t>Block Events
! The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is dimmed
! if the method is not present for the current object.
! Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 20
......@@ -2,29 +2,20 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! MbFast
! Mb2Note
! Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
! <image> pwr_mbfast_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_mb2note_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Fast'.
! Used in object graphs with the following settings.
! Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="Fast"/object=$object)
! Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>1
! Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="Fast"/object=$object
! ToolTip.Text <t><t>Block Events
! The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is dimmed
! if the method is not present for the current object.
! Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 178.322
......@@ -2,29 +2,20 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! MbFast
! Mb2OpenGraph
! Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
! <image> pwr_mbfast_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_mb2opengraph_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Fast'.
! Used in object graphs with the following settings.
! Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="Fast"/object=$object)
! Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>1
! Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="Fast"/object=$object
! ToolTip.Text <t><t>Block Events
! The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is dimmed
! if the method is not present for the current object.
! Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 20
......@@ -2,29 +2,20 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! MbFast
! Mb2OpenObject
! Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
! <image> pwr_mbfast_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_mb2openobject_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Fast'.
! Used in object graphs with the following settings.
! Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="Fast"/object=$object)
! Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>1
! Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="Fast"/object=$object
! ToolTip.Text <t><t>Block Events
! The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is dimmed
! if the method is not present for the current object.
! Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 20
......@@ -2,29 +2,20 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! MbFast
! Mb2OpenObjectGraph
! Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
! <image> pwr_mbfast_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_mb2openobjectgraph_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Fast'.
! Used in object graphs with the following settings.
! Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="Fast"/object=$object)
! Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>1
! Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="Fast"/object=$object
! ToolTip.Text <t><t>Block Events
! The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is dimmed
! if the method is not present for the current object.
! Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 20
......@@ -2,29 +2,20 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! MbFast
! Mb2OpenPlc
! Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
! <image> pwr_mbfast_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_mb2openplc_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Fast'.
! Used in object graphs with the following settings.
! Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="Fast"/object=$object)
! Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>1
! Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="Fast"/object=$object
! ToolTip.Text <t><t>Block Events
! The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is dimmed
! if the method is not present for the current object.
! Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 20
......@@ -2,29 +2,20 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! MbFast
! Mb2ParentGraph
! Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
! <image> pwr_mbfast_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_mb2parentgraph_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Fast'.
! Used in object graphs with the following settings.
! Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="Fast"/object=$object)
! Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>1
! Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="Fast"/object=$object
! ToolTip.Text <t><t>Block Events
! The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is dimmed
! if the method is not present for the current object.
! Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 20
......@@ -2,29 +2,20 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! MbFast
! Mb2Photo
! Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
! <image> pwr_mbfast_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_mb2photo_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Fast'.
! Used in object graphs with the following settings.
! Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="Fast"/object=$object)
! Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>1
! Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="Fast"/object=$object
! ToolTip.Text <t><t>Block Events
! The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is dimmed
! if the method is not present for the current object.
! Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 20
......@@ -2,29 +2,20 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! MbFast
! Mb2RtNavigator
! Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
! <image> pwr_mbfast_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_mb2rtnavigator_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Fast'.
! Used in object graphs with the following settings.
! Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="Fast"/object=$object)
! Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>1
! Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="Fast"/object=$object
! ToolTip.Text <t><t>Block Events
! The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is dimmed
! if the method is not present for the current object.
! Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 20
......@@ -2,29 +2,20 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! MbFast
! Mb2Simulate
! Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
! <image> pwr_mbfast_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_mb2simulate_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Fast'.
! Used in object graphs with the following settings.
! Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="Fast"/object=$object)
! Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>1
! Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="Fast"/object=$object
! ToolTip.Text <t><t>Block Events
! The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is dimmed
! if the method is not present for the current object.
! Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 20
......@@ -2,29 +2,20 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! MbFast
! Mb2Trend
! Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
! <image> pwr_mbfast_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_mb2trend_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Fast'.
! Used in object graphs with the following settings.
! Invisible.Attribute <t><t>$cmd(check method/method="Fast"/object=$object)
! Invisible.Dimmed <t><t>1
! Command.Command <t><t>call method/method="Fast"/object=$object
! ToolTip.Text <t><t>Block Events
! The method is executed on activation of the button, and the button is dimmed
! if the method is not present for the current object.
! Method button for object graphs. Used by the MethodToolbar component.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Invisible <link>GeDynInvisible, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Command <link>GeDynCommand, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Tooltip <link>GeDynTooltip, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! See also MethodToolbar in Ge Reference Manual <link>geg_specialobjects_methodtoolbar, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 20
! MbBlockEvents
! MbPhoto
! Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
! <image> pwr_mbphoto_gs.gif
! MbSimulate
! MbUp
! Group Pushbuttons/Methodbuttons
! <image> pwr_mbsimulate_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_mbup_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'Simulate'.
! Method button for object graphs, to activate method 'ParentGraph'.
! Used in object graphs with the following settings.
! Menubar
! Menubar2
! Group Other
! <image> pwr_menubar_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_menubar2_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Menubar.
! Add pulldownmenue-objects to the menubar.
! Add pulldownmenu-objects to the menubar.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! No default dynamics.
! NamePlate
! Group Layout
! <image> pwr_nameplate_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! A name plate with an annotation.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! No default dynamics.
100 20
135 20
......@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! NoteButton
! NoteButton2
! Group Pushbuttons
! <image> pwr_notebutton_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_notebutton2_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Button to display the current note for the connected object.
......@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! ValueInputMedium
! PasswordInput
! Group Values
! <image> pwr_valuemedium_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_passwordinput_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Value input field, medium sized with left aligned text.
! Value input field for passwords. Entered characters are viewed with an asterisk.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Value <link>GeDynValue, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Pie
! Group Analog
! <image> pwr_pie_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! A circular diagram displaying a set of analog values.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Pie is a complex object.
! See Pie in Ge Reference Manual<link>geref_pie, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 20
135 20
101 20
102 0
103 0
104 20
136 20
105 100
106 0
107 0
108 -1e+10
109 1e+10
110 -1e+10
111 1e+10
116 0
117 0
118 0
119 0
120 0
121 Claes context
122 0
126 1
127 1
128 0
129 0.3
130 1.5
131 0.8
132 3
133 2
137 4510
2200 0
2201 0
2202 pwr_pie
2203 300
2205 0
2206 0
2209 0
2210 0
2211 0
2212 0
2213 4
2215 0
2236 0
2216 0
2221 0
2237 0
2238 0
2239 0
2240 0
2241 0
2242 0
2217 0
2218 0
2219 0
2230 0
2231 0
2223 1
2224 0.5
2232 0.5
2225 0.5
2226 0
2228 0
2229 99
2233 1
2234 1
2235 0
2243 0
! PulldownMenu
! PulldownMenu2
! Group Other
! <image> pwr_pulldownmenu_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_pulldownmenu2_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Pulldown menu. Place the pulldown menu on a menu bar.
! Pulldown menu. Place the pulldown menu on a menu bar, preferably a menubar of type Menubar2.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! PulldownMenu <link>GeDynPulldownMenu, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! Radiobutton
! Radiobutton2
! Group Pushbuttons
! <image> pwr_radiobutton_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_radiobutton2_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Radiobutton.
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
! Subgraph with two pages, radiobutton not selected (page 1) and
! selected (page 2).
! <image> pwr_radiobutton_ags.gif
! <image> pwr_radiobutton2_ags.png
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Radiobutton <link>GeDynRadiobutton, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
0! DefaultWidth 0
0! DefaultHeight -49
! SliderArrow2
! Group Sliders
! <image> pwr_sliderarrow2_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! The mobile part of a slider.
! There is no slider background to this slider.
! Measure the coordinates of the moving range and insert
! as MaxPosition and MinPosition.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! Slider <link>GeDynSlider, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 98.8304
135 98.8304
......@@ -2,19 +2,19 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! TrafficLight
! TrafficLight2
! Group Process
! <image> pwr_trafficlight_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_trafficlight2_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Trafficlight with the colors green for OK, yellow for
! warning and red for fault.
! Trafficlight with four pages. The color is shifting between dark gray, green for OK,
! yellow for warning and red for fault. Also the shape is changed in the pages.
! <image> pwr_trafficlight2_ags.png
! <h1>Default dynamics
! DigLowColor <link>GeDynDigLowColor, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! DigWarning <link>GeDynDigWarning, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! DigError <link>GeDynDigError, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! DigFourShift <link>GeDynDigFourShift, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
......@@ -2,19 +2,19 @@
0! DefaultHeight 0
! TrafficLight
! TrafficLight3
! Group Process
! <image> pwr_trafficlight_gs.gif
! <image> pwr_trafficlight3_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! Trafficlight with the colors green for OK, yellow for
! warning and red for fault.
! Trafficlight with four pages. The color is shifting between dark gray, green for OK,
! yellow for warning and red for fault. Also the shape is changed in the pages.
! <image> pwr_trafficlight3_ags.png
! <h1>Default dynamics
! DigLowColor <link>GeDynDigLowColor, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! DigWarning <link>GeDynDigWarning, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! DigError <link>GeDynDigError, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! DigFourShift <link>GeDynDigFourShift, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
! XYCurve
! Group Analog
! <image> pwr_xycurve_gs.png
! <h1>Description
! A diagram displaying a number of curves, defined by x and y coordinates.
! <h1>Default dynamics
! XYCurve is a complex object.
! See XYCurve in Ge Reference Manual<link>geref_xycurve, ,$pwr_lang/man_geref.dat
100 20
135 20
101 20
102 0
103 0
104 20
136 20
105 100
106 0
107 0
108 -1e+10
109 1e+10
110 -1e+10
111 1e+10
116 0
117 0
118 0
119 0
120 0
121 Claes context
122 0
126 1
127 1
128 0
129 0.3
130 1.5
131 0.8
132 3
133 2
137 4510
2200 0
2201 0
2202 pwr_xycurve
2203 300
2205 0
2206 0
2209 0
2210 0
2211 0
2212 0
2213 4
2215 0
2236 0
2216 0
2221 0
2237 0
2238 0
2239 0
2240 0
2241 0
2242 0
2217 0
2218 0
2219 0
2230 0
2231 0
2223 1
2224 0.5
2232 0.5
2225 0.5
2226 0
2228 0
2229 99
2233 1
2234 1
2235 0
2243 0
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