Commit 5cd4a83b authored by Christoffer Ackelman's avatar Christoffer Ackelman

Cleaned up bcomp

parent ece9e66b
......@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ void CompOnOffZoneFo_exec(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompOnOffZoneFo* o)
x = ((x) < (min)) ? (min) : (((x) > (max)) ? (max) : (x))
//#define Normalize(x, y, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) y =
//(((((ymax)-(ymin))/((xmax)-(xmin)))*((x)-(xmin)))+(ymin)) // replaced by a
//function in v0.3
// function in v0.3
void CompIMC_Fo_init(pwr_sClass_CompIMC_Fo* plc_obj)
......@@ -587,36 +587,30 @@ void CompIMC_Fo_init(pwr_sClass_CompIMC_Fo* plc_obj)
plc_obj->PlcConnectP = 0;
void CompIMC_Fo_exec(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompIMC_Fo* plc_obj)
pwr_sClass_CompIMC* plant_obj = (pwr_sClass_CompIMC*)plc_obj->PlcConnectP;
if (!plant_obj)
pwr_tFloat32 man_OP, sig, yr, LSP, PV, nLSP, nPV, Tl1, Tl2;
void Normalize(pwr_tFloat32 x, pwr_tFloat32 * y, pwr_tFloat32 xmin,
void Normalize(pwr_tFloat32 x, pwr_tFloat32* y, pwr_tFloat32 xmin,
pwr_tFloat32 xmax, pwr_tFloat32 ymin, pwr_tFloat32 ymax) // v0.3
if ((xmax - xmin) != 0.0)
*y = (ymax - ymin) / (xmax - xmin) * (x - xmin) + ymin;
void LagFilter(pwr_tInt16 n, pwr_tFloat32 Tlag)
void LagFilter(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompIMC* plant_obj, pwr_tInt16 n,
pwr_tFloat32 Tlag)
if (Tlag < Te) {
plant_obj->S[n + 1] = plant_obj->S[n];
pwr_tFloat32 kf = 1.0 / (1.0 + Tlag / Te);
Clamp(plant_obj->S[n + 1], 0.0, 100.0);
plant_obj->S[n + 1]
= (1.0 - kf) * plant_obj->S[n + 1] + kf * plant_obj->S[n];
plant_obj->S[n + 1] = (1.0 - kf) * plant_obj->S[n + 1] + kf * plant_obj->S[n];
void LeadLagFilter(pwr_tInt16 n, pwr_tFloat32 T1, pwr_tFloat32 T2)
void LeadLagFilter(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompIMC* plant_obj, pwr_tInt16 n,
pwr_tFloat32 T1, pwr_tFloat32 T2)
if (T2 < Te) {
plant_obj->S[n + 1] = plant_obj->S[n];
plant_obj->M[n] = plant_obj->S[n];
......@@ -626,17 +620,17 @@ void CompIMC_Fo_exec(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompIMC_Fo* plc_obj)
pwr_tFloat32 kd = T2 / Te;
pwr_tFloat32 ka = 1.0 + kd;
pwr_tFloat32 kb = 1.0 - kc;
if (ka <= 0)
return; // v0.3
Clamp(plant_obj->S[n + 1], 0.0, 100.0);
plant_obj->S[n + 1] = kd / ka * plant_obj->S[n + 1]
+ kb / ka * plant_obj->S[n] + kc / ka * plant_obj->M[n];
plant_obj->M[n] = plant_obj->S[n];
void SouFilter(pwr_tInt16 n, pwr_tFloat32 w0P, pwr_tFloat32 ksi)
void SouFilter(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompIMC* plant_obj, pwr_tInt16 n,
pwr_tFloat32 w0P, pwr_tFloat32 ksi)
if (w0P <= 0.0) {
plant_obj->S[n + 1] = plant_obj->S[n];
......@@ -645,7 +639,6 @@ void CompIMC_Fo_exec(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompIMC_Fo* plc_obj)
pwr_tFloat32 a1 = 2.0 * (ksi * Te * w0P + 1.0);
pwr_tFloat32 a2 = -1.0;
pwr_tFloat32 b0 = Te * Te * w0P * w0P;
if (a0 <= 0)
return; // v0.3
Clamp(plant_obj->S[n + 1], 0.0, 100.0);
......@@ -653,11 +646,11 @@ void CompIMC_Fo_exec(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompIMC_Fo* plc_obj)
plant_obj->uOutm1 = plant_obj->S[n + 1];
plant_obj->S[n + 1] = a1 / a0 * plant_obj->uOutm1
+ a2 / a0 * plant_obj->uOutm2 + b0 / a0 * plant_obj->S[n];
void SouTOoFilter(pwr_tInt16 n, pwr_tFloat32 w0, pwr_tFloat32 ksi,
pwr_tFloat32 Tl1, pwr_tFloat32 Tl2)
void SouTOoFilter(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompIMC* plant_obj, pwr_tInt16 n,
pwr_tFloat32 w0, pwr_tFloat32 ksi, pwr_tFloat32 Tl1, pwr_tFloat32 Tl2)
if (w0 <= 0.0) {
plant_obj->S[n + 1] = plant_obj->S[n];
......@@ -668,25 +661,23 @@ void CompIMC_Fo_exec(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompIMC_Fo* plc_obj)
pwr_tFloat32 a0 = w0 * w0 * (Tl1 + Te) * (Tl2 + Te);
pwr_tFloat32 a1 = w0 * w0 * (2.0 * Tl1 * Tl2 + Te * (Tl1 + Tl2));
pwr_tFloat32 a2 = -w0 * w0 * Tl1 * Tl2;
if (a0 <= 0)
return; // v0.3
Clamp(plant_obj->S[n + 1], 0.0, 100.0);
plant_obj->Outm2 = plant_obj->Outm1;
plant_obj->Outm1 = plant_obj->S[n + 1];
plant_obj->S[n + 1] = a1 / a0 * plant_obj->Outm1
+ a2 / a0 * plant_obj->Outm2 + b0 / a0 * plant_obj->S[n]
+ b1 / a0 * plant_obj->Inm1 + b2 / a0 * plant_obj->Inm2;
plant_obj->S[n + 1] = a1 / a0 * plant_obj->Outm1 + a2 / a0 * plant_obj->Outm2
+ b0 / a0 * plant_obj->S[n] + b1 / a0 * plant_obj->Inm1
+ b2 / a0 * plant_obj->Inm2;
plant_obj->Inm2 = plant_obj->Inm1;
plant_obj->Inm1 = plant_obj->S[n];
void Delay(pwr_tInt16 n,
pwr_tFloat32 Delay) // Only one delay per IMC object available
void Delay(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompIMC* plant_obj, pwr_tInt16 n,
pwr_tFloat32 Delay) // Only one delay per IMC objectavailable
pwr_tFloat32 OP = 0.0;
int i, Ntime, Nscan;
if ((int)Delay < Te) {
plant_obj->S[n + 1] = plant_obj->S[n];
......@@ -725,7 +716,14 @@ void CompIMC_Fo_exec(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompIMC_Fo* plc_obj)
plant_obj->D[0] = plant_obj->S[n]; // copy input to first array item
plant_obj->S[n + 1] = OP; // copy to function output
void CompIMC_Fo_exec(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompIMC_Fo* plc_obj)
pwr_sClass_CompIMC* plant_obj = (pwr_sClass_CompIMC*)plc_obj->PlcConnectP;
if (!plant_obj)
pwr_tFloat32 man_OP, sig, yr, LSP, PV, nLSP, nPV, Tl1, Tl2;
pwr_tInt16 i;
pwr_tFloat32 OP;
......@@ -779,29 +777,32 @@ void CompIMC_Fo_exec(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompIMC_Fo* plc_obj)
plant_obj->S[0] = sig + plant_obj->S[11]; // Add previous model's feedback
0, plant_obj->RobTau); // Increasing robustness by low pass filtering
LagFilter(tp, plant_obj, 0,
plant_obj->RobTau); // Increasing robustness by low pass filtering
if (plant_obj->ProcModel & 8) {
LagFilter(1, plant_obj->LeadT);
LeadLagFilter(2, plant_obj->LagT3, plant_obj->LagT3 / plant_obj->Accel);
LagFilter(tp, plant_obj, 1, plant_obj->LeadT);
LeadLagFilter(tp, plant_obj, 2, plant_obj->LagT3,
plant_obj->LagT3 / plant_obj->Accel);
} else
plant_obj->S[3] = plant_obj->S[2] = plant_obj->S[1];
if (plant_obj->ProcModel & 1)
LeadLagFilter(3, plant_obj->LagT1, plant_obj->LagT1 / plant_obj->Accel);
LeadLagFilter(tp, plant_obj, 3, plant_obj->LagT1,
plant_obj->LagT1 / plant_obj->Accel);
plant_obj->S[4] = plant_obj->S[3];
if (plant_obj->ProcModel & 2)
LeadLagFilter(4, plant_obj->LagT2, plant_obj->LagT2 / plant_obj->Accel);
LeadLagFilter(tp, plant_obj, 4, plant_obj->LagT2,
plant_obj->LagT2 / plant_obj->Accel);
plant_obj->S[5] = plant_obj->S[4];
if (plant_obj->ProcModel & 4) {
Tl1 = Tl2
= plant_obj->ksi * M_PI / (2.0 * plant_obj->Accel * plant_obj->w0);
SouTOoFilter(5, plant_obj->w0, plant_obj->ksi, Tl1, Tl2);
SouTOoFilter(tp, plant_obj, 5, plant_obj->w0, plant_obj->ksi, Tl1, Tl2);
} else
plant_obj->S[6] = plant_obj->S[5];
......@@ -817,26 +818,26 @@ void CompIMC_Fo_exec(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompIMC_Fo* plc_obj)
// Model's feedback
if (plant_obj->ProcModel & 1)
LagFilter(6, plant_obj->LagT1);
LagFilter(tp, plant_obj, 6, plant_obj->LagT1);
plant_obj->S[7] = plant_obj->S[6];
if (plant_obj->ProcModel & 2)
LagFilter(7, plant_obj->LagT2);
LagFilter(tp, plant_obj, 7, plant_obj->LagT2);
plant_obj->S[8] = plant_obj->S[7];
if (plant_obj->ProcModel & 8)
LeadLagFilter(8, plant_obj->LeadT, plant_obj->LagT3);
LeadLagFilter(tp, plant_obj, 8, plant_obj->LeadT, plant_obj->LagT3);
plant_obj->S[9] = plant_obj->S[8];
if (plant_obj->ProcModel & 4)
SouFilter(9, plant_obj->w0, plant_obj->ksi);
SouFilter(tp, plant_obj, 9, plant_obj->w0, plant_obj->ksi);
plant_obj->S[10] = plant_obj->S[9];
Delay(10, plant_obj->DelayT);
Delay(tp, plant_obj, 10, plant_obj->DelayT);
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