Commit a0710922 authored by Claes Sjofors's avatar Claes Sjofors

Alignment bugfix class array attributes

parent 5097b8de
......@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ int CnvWblToH::body_exec()
char struct_name[80];
attr_count = 0;
attr_next_alignlw = 0;
attr_next_alignlw = 1; // Align first attribute on longword
if ( strcmp( CnvCtx::low( ctx->rw->body_name), "devbody") == 0) {
if ( ctx->hpp)
......@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ struct pwr_s_ParGraph {
struct pwr_s_ParInfo {
pwr_tPgmName PgmName; /* Name to be used in program. */
pwr_tPgmName PgmName pwr_dAlignW; /* Name to be used in program. */
pwr_eType Type pwr_dAlignW; /* Compiled system type. */
pwr_tUInt32 Offset pwr_dAlignW; /* Compiled offset in body. */
pwr_tUInt32 Size pwr_dAlignW; /* Compiled size, number of bytes. */
......@@ -750,34 +750,34 @@ union pwr_m_Adef {
#define PWR_MASK_NEWATTRIBUTE pwr_mAdef_newattribute
struct pwr_s_Param {
pwr_sParInfo Info;
pwr_sParInfo Info pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tTypeId TypeRef pwr_dAlignW; /* Reference to the object defining
the type. */
struct pwr_s_Intern {
pwr_sParInfo Info;
pwr_sParInfo Info pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tTypeId TypeRef pwr_dAlignW; /* Reference to the object defining
the type. */
pwr_sParGraph Graph pwr_dAlignW; /* Used by graphic editor. */
struct pwr_s_Input {
pwr_sParInfo Info;
pwr_sParInfo Info pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tTypeId TypeRef pwr_dAlignW; /* Reference to the object defining
the type. */
pwr_sParGraph Graph pwr_dAlignW; /* Used by graphic editor. */
struct pwr_s_Output {
pwr_sParInfo Info;
pwr_sParInfo Info pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tTypeId TypeRef pwr_dAlignW; /* Reference to the object defining
the type. */
pwr_sParGraph Graph pwr_dAlignW; /* Used by graphic editor. */
struct pwr_s_AttrXRef {
pwr_sParInfo Info;
pwr_sParInfo Info pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tXRef Identity pwr_dAlignW; /* A name to identify a cross
reference. */
pwr_tXRef Source pwr_dAlignW;
......@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ struct pwr_s_AttrXRef {
struct pwr_s_ObjXRef {
pwr_sParInfo Info;
pwr_sParInfo Info pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tXRef Identity pwr_dAlignW; /* A name to identify a cross
reference. */
pwr_tXRef Source pwr_dAlignW;
......@@ -797,7 +797,7 @@ struct pwr_s_ObjXRef {
struct pwr_s_Buffer {
pwr_sParInfo Info;
pwr_sParInfo Info pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_eClass Class pwr_dAlignW; /* The system class defining the
data stored here. */
......@@ -815,13 +815,13 @@ union pwr_u_ParDef {
struct pwr_s_Bit {
pwr_tString80 Text;
pwr_tString80 Text pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tString32 PgmName pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tUInt32 Value pwr_dAlignW;
struct pwr_s_Value {
pwr_tString80 Text;
pwr_tString80 Text pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tString32 PgmName pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tInt32 Value pwr_dAlignW;
......@@ -831,14 +831,14 @@ struct pwr_s_Value {
This section defines the classes to use when defining methods. */
struct pwr_s_DbCallBack {
pwr_tString80 MethodName;
pwr_tString80 MethodName pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tString40 MethodArguments[5] pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tStatus (*Method)() pwr_dAlignLW; /* Address to method. */
pwr_tUInt32 Flags pwr_dAlignW;
struct pwr_s_Method {
pwr_tString80 MethodName;
pwr_tString80 MethodName pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tString40 MethodArguments[5] pwr_dAlignW;
......@@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ struct pwr_s_Method {
This section defines the classes to use when defining menus. */
struct pwr_s_MenuCascade {
pwr_tString40 ButtonName;
pwr_tString40 ButtonName pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tString80 FilterName pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tString40 FilterArguments[5] pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tBoolean (*Filter)() pwr_dAlignLW; /* Address to method
......@@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ struct pwr_s_MenuCascade {
struct pwr_s_MenuButton {
pwr_tString40 ButtonName;
pwr_tString40 ButtonName pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tString80 MethodName pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tString80 MethodArguments[5] pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tString80 FilterName pwr_dAlignW;
......@@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ struct pwr_s_MenuButton {
struct pwr_s_MenuRef {
pwr_tString40 ButtonName;
pwr_tString40 ButtonName pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tString40 RefAttribute pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tString80 FilterName pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tString40 FilterArguments[5] pwr_dAlignW;
......@@ -882,12 +882,12 @@ struct pwr_s_MenuRef {
editors. */
struct pwr_s_Point {
pwr_tFloat32 x;
pwr_tFloat32 x pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tFloat32 y pwr_dAlignW;
struct pwr_s_PlcProgram {
pwr_tObjid oid;
pwr_tObjid oid pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tUInt32 object_type pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tClassId cid pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tUInt32 defnamecount[PWR_OBJTYPES_MAX] pwr_dAlignW;
......@@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ struct pwr_s_PlcProgram {
struct pwr_s_PlcWindow {
pwr_tObjid oid;
pwr_tObjid oid pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tUInt32 object_type pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tClassId cid pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tFloat32 x pwr_dAlignW;
......@@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ struct pwr_s_PlcWindow {
struct pwr_s_PlcNode {
pwr_tUInt32 object_type;
pwr_tUInt32 object_type pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tClassId cid pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tObjid oid pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tFloat32 x pwr_dAlignW;
......@@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ struct pwr_s_PlcNode {
struct pwr_s_PlcConnection {
pwr_tObjid oid;
pwr_tObjid oid pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tUInt32 object_type pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tClassId cid pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tUInt32 curvature pwr_dAlignW;
......@@ -948,12 +948,12 @@ struct pwr_s_PlcConnection {
struct pwr_s_GraphPlcProgram {
pwr_tUInt32 plc_type;
pwr_tUInt32 plc_type pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tClassId subwindow_class pwr_dAlignW;
struct pwr_s_GraphPlcWindow {
pwr_tUInt32 window_type;
pwr_tUInt32 window_type pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tUInt32 defaultobjects pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tUInt32 width pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tUInt32 height pwr_dAlignW;
......@@ -977,7 +977,7 @@ struct pwr_s_GraphPlcWindow {
struct pwr_s_GraphPlcNode {
pwr_tUInt32 object_type;
pwr_tUInt32 object_type pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tUInt32 parameters[4] pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tUInt32 subwindows pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tClassId subwindow_class[2] pwr_dAlignW;
......@@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ struct pwr_s_GraphPlcNode {
struct pwr_s_GraphPlcConnection {
pwr_tUInt32 con_type;
pwr_tUInt32 con_type pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tInt32 arrows pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tFloat32 linewidth pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tFloat32 dashes pwr_dAlignW;
......@@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@ struct pwr_s_GraphPlcConnection {
/* Plant defining classes. */
struct pwr_s_PlantHier {
pwr_tString80 Description;
pwr_tString80 Description pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tAttrRef DefGraph pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tAttrRef DefTrend pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tString40 HelpTopic pwr_dAlignW;
......@@ -1028,13 +1028,13 @@ struct pwr_s_PlantHier {
/* Node defining classes. */
struct pwr_s_System {
pwr_tString80 Description;
pwr_tString80 Description pwr_dAlignLW;
char SystemName[80] pwr_dAlignW;
char SystemGroup[80] pwr_dAlignW;
struct pwr_s_Node {
pwr_tString80 Description;
pwr_tString80 Description pwr_dAlignLW;
char ErrLogTerm[132] pwr_dAlignW;
char ErrLogFile[132] pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tTime BootTime pwr_dAlignLW;
......@@ -1059,7 +1059,7 @@ struct pwr_s_Node {
#define pwr_mAppl_PLC 1 /* This is the PLC program */
struct pwr_s_Appl {
pwr_tString80 Description;
pwr_tString80 Description pwr_dAlignLW;
char FileName[256] pwr_dAlignW;
char ProgramName[40] pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tBoolean StartWithDebug pwr_dAlignW;
......@@ -1073,29 +1073,29 @@ struct pwr_s_Appl {
struct pwr_s_Alias {
pwr_tString80 Description;
pwr_tString80 Description pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tObjid Object pwr_dAlignW;
struct pwr_s_Hier {
pwr_tString80 Description pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tString80 Description pwr_dAlignLW;
struct pwr_s_DocHier {
pwr_tString80 Description pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tString80 Description pwr_dAlignLW;
struct pwr_s_LibHier {
pwr_tString80 Description;
pwr_tString80 Description pwr_dAlignLW;
struct pwr_s_NodeHier {
pwr_tString80 Description pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tString80 Description pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tConfigStatusEnum ConfigurationStatus pwr_dAlignW;
struct pwr_s_RootVolume {
pwr_tString80 Description;
pwr_tString80 Description pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tObjectIx NextOix pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tProjVersion RtVersion pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tTime RtCreTime pwr_dAlignLW;
......@@ -1108,7 +1108,7 @@ struct pwr_s_RootVolume {
struct pwr_s_SubVolume {
pwr_tString80 Description;
pwr_tString80 Description pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tObjectIx NextOix pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tProjVersion RtVersion pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tTime RtCreTime pwr_dAlignLW;
......@@ -1121,7 +1121,7 @@ struct pwr_s_SubVolume {
struct pwr_s_SharedVolume {
pwr_tString80 Description;
pwr_tString80 Description pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tObjectIx NextOix pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tProjVersion RtVersion pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tTime RtCreTime pwr_dAlignLW;
......@@ -1143,7 +1143,7 @@ struct pwr_s_DynamicVolume {
struct pwr_s_SystemVolume {
pwr_tString80 Description;
pwr_tString80 Description pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tObjectIx NextOix pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tProjVersion RtVersion pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tTime RtCreTime pwr_dAlignLW;
......@@ -1153,7 +1153,7 @@ struct pwr_s_SystemVolume {
struct pwr_s_ClassVolume {
pwr_tString80 Description;
pwr_tString80 Description pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tObjectIx NextOix pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tProjVersion RtVersion pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tTime RtCreTime pwr_dAlignLW;
......@@ -1167,7 +1167,7 @@ struct pwr_s_ClassVolume {
struct pwr_s_WorkBenchVolume {
pwr_tString80 Description;
pwr_tString80 Description pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tObjectIx NextOix pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tProjVersion RtVersion pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tTime RtCreTime pwr_dAlignLW;
......@@ -1177,7 +1177,7 @@ struct pwr_s_WorkBenchVolume {
struct pwr_s_DirectoryVolume {
pwr_tString80 Description;
pwr_tString80 Description pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tObjectIx NextOix pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tProjVersion RtVersion pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tTime RtCreTime pwr_dAlignLW;
......@@ -1187,21 +1187,21 @@ struct pwr_s_DirectoryVolume {
struct pwr_s_VolatileVolume {
pwr_tString80 Description;
pwr_tString80 Description pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tObjectIx NextOix pwr_dAlignW;
struct pwr_s_ExternVolume {
pwr_tString80 Description;
pwr_tString80 Description pwr_dAlignLW;
struct pwr_s_CreateVolume {
pwr_tString80 Description;
pwr_tString80 Description pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tVolumeId Volume pwr_dAlignW;
struct pwr_s_MountVolume {
pwr_tString80 Description;
pwr_tString80 Description pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tVolumeId Volume pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_eVolumeAccess Access pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_eMountType MountType pwr_dAlignW;
......@@ -1212,12 +1212,12 @@ struct pwr_s_MountVolume {
struct pwr_s_MountObject {
pwr_tString80 Description;
pwr_tString80 Description pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tObjid Object pwr_dAlignW;
struct pwr_s_Security {
pwr_tMask DefaultWebPriv;
pwr_tMask DefaultWebPriv pwr_dAlignLW;
pwr_tMask DefaultXttPriv pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tBoolean XttUseOpsysUser pwr_dAlignW;
pwr_tString80 WebSystemGroup pwr_dAlignW;
......@@ -2026,6 +2026,9 @@ bool wb_vrepced::buildClass( pwr_tStatus *sts, wb_orep *co)
ao = next_ao;
// Align body size on longword
offset = pwr_AlignLW( offset);
// Store data in Body object
m_vrep->writeAttribute( sts, bo, pwr_eBix_sys, offsetof( pwr_sObjBodyDef, Size),
sizeof(offset), &offset);
......@@ -2577,7 +2580,7 @@ void wb_vrepced::printStructFile( bool hpp)
bool attr_found = false;
int attr_next_alignlw = 0;
int attr_next_alignlw = 1; // Align first attribute on longword
for ( o_adef = o_bdef->first( &sts); ODD(sts);) {
......@@ -868,6 +868,9 @@ void wb_wblnode::buildObjBodyDef( ref_wblnode classdef)
child->buildBuffer( classdef, this, &index, &o->b.size);
child = child->o->fws;
// Align body size on longword
o->b.size = pwr_AlignLW(o->b.size);
((pwr_sObjBodyDef *)o->rbody)->Size = o->b.size;
((pwr_sObjBodyDef *)o->rbody)->NumOfParams = index;
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