Commit dc20e6d7 authored by claes's avatar claes

Conversion to V4.5.1 (names on all object)

parent 52c471f9
* Proview $Id: ge_convert.cpp,v 1.6 2007-02-07 15:45:44 claes Exp $
* Proview $Id: ge_convert.cpp,v 1.7 2008-06-26 13:23:59 claes Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -53,1979 +53,45 @@ extern "C" {
#if defined OS_LINUX
static void get_class_dyntype( int trace_type, int *d, int *a, int *anim_sequence_p)
int dyn_type;
int action_type;
switch ( trace_type) {
case graph_eTrace_Dig:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_DigLowColor;
action_type = 0;
case graph_eTrace_DigWithError:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_DigLowColor | ge_mDynType_DigError;
action_type = 0;
case graph_eTrace_DigTone:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Tone | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor;
action_type = 0;
case graph_eTrace_DigToneWithError:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Tone | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor | ge_mDynType_DigError;
action_type = 0;
case graph_eTrace_Annot:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Value;
action_type = 0;
case graph_eTrace_DigWithText:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_DigLowColor | ge_mDynType_DigText;
action_type = 0;
case graph_eTrace_Bar:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Bar;
action_type = 0;
case graph_eTrace_Trend:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Trend;
action_type = 0;
case graph_eTrace_DigBorder:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_DigBorder;
action_type = 0;
case graph_eTrace_AnnotWithTone:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Tone | ge_mDynType_Value | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor;
action_type = 0;
case graph_eTrace_DigTwo:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_DigLowColor | ge_mDynType_DigColor;
action_type = 0;
case graph_eTrace_DigToneTwo:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Tone | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor | ge_mDynType_DigColor;
action_type = 0;
case graph_eTrace_Invisible:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Invisible;
action_type = 0;
case graph_eTrace_Rotate:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Rotate;
action_type = 0;
case graph_eTrace_AnalogShift:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_AnalogShift;
action_type = 0;
case graph_eTrace_Animation:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Animation;
action_type = 0;
*anim_sequence_p = (int) ge_eAnimSequence_Cycle;
case graph_eTrace_DigAnimation:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Animation;
action_type = 0;
*anim_sequence_p = (int) ge_eAnimSequence_Dig;
case graph_eTrace_AnimationForwBack:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Animation;
action_type = 0;
*anim_sequence_p = (int) ge_eAnimSequence_ForwBack;
case graph_eTrace_DigShift:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_DigShift;
action_type = 0;
case graph_eTrace_Move:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Move;
action_type = 0;
case graph_eTrace_SliderBackground:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_SliderBackground;
action_type = 0;
case graph_eTrace_Video:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Video;
action_type = 0;
case graph_eTrace_No:
dyn_type = 0;
action_type = 0;
case graph_eTrace_SetDig:
dyn_type = 0;
action_type = ge_mActionType_SetDig;
case graph_eTrace_ResetDig:
dyn_type = 0;
action_type = ge_mActionType_ResetDig;
case graph_eTrace_ToggleDig:
dyn_type = 0;
action_type = ge_mActionType_ToggleDig;
case graph_eTrace_Slider:
dyn_type = 0;
action_type = ge_mActionType_Slider;
case graph_eTrace_AnnotInput:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Value;
action_type = ge_mActionType_ValueInput;
case graph_eTrace_Command:
dyn_type = 0;
action_type = ge_mActionType_Command;
case graph_eTrace_CommandConfirm:
dyn_type = 0;
action_type = ge_mActionType_Command | ge_mActionType_Confirm;
case graph_eTrace_SetDigConfirm:
dyn_type = 0;
action_type = ge_mActionType_SetDig | ge_mActionType_Confirm;
case graph_eTrace_ResetDigConfirm:
dyn_type = 0;
action_type = ge_mActionType_ResetDig | ge_mActionType_Confirm;
case graph_eTrace_ToggleDigConfirm:
dyn_type = 0;
action_type = ge_mActionType_ToggleDig | ge_mActionType_Confirm;
case graph_eTrace_SetDigWithTone:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Tone | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor;
action_type = ge_mActionType_SetDig;
case graph_eTrace_ResetDigWithTone:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Tone | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor;
action_type = ge_mActionType_ResetDig;
case graph_eTrace_ToggleDigWithTone:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Tone | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor;
action_type = ge_mActionType_ToggleDig;
case graph_eTrace_AnnotInputWithTone:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Tone | ge_mDynType_Value | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor;
action_type = ge_mActionType_ValueInput;
case graph_eTrace_SetDigConfirmWithTone:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Tone | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor;
action_type = ge_mActionType_SetDig | ge_mActionType_Confirm;
case graph_eTrace_ResetDigConfirmWithTone:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Tone | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor;
action_type = ge_mActionType_ResetDig | ge_mActionType_Confirm;
case graph_eTrace_ToggleDigConfirmWithTone:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Tone | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor;
action_type = ge_mActionType_ToggleDig | ge_mActionType_Confirm;
case graph_eTrace_DigWithCommand:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_DigLowColor;
action_type = ge_mActionType_Command;
case graph_eTrace_DigWithErrorAndCommand:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_DigLowColor | ge_mDynType_DigError;
action_type = ge_mActionType_Command;
case graph_eTrace_DigToneWithCommand:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Tone | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor;
action_type = ge_mActionType_Command;
case graph_eTrace_DigToneWithErrorAndCommand:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Tone | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor | ge_mDynType_DigError;
action_type = ge_mActionType_Command;
case graph_eTrace_StoDigWithTone:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Tone | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor;
action_type = ge_mActionType_StoDig;
case graph_eTrace_DigTwoWithCommand:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_DigLowColor | ge_mDynType_DigColor;
action_type = ge_mActionType_Command;
case graph_eTrace_DigToneTwoWithCommand:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Tone | ge_mDynType_DigColor;
action_type = ge_mActionType_Command;
case graph_eTrace_IncrAnalog:
dyn_type = 0;
action_type = ge_mActionType_IncrAnalog;
case graph_eTrace_RadioButton:
dyn_type = 0;
action_type = ge_mActionType_RadioButton;
case graph_eTrace_DigShiftWithToggleDig:
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_DigShift;
action_type = ge_mActionType_ToggleDig;
dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
*d = dyn_type;
*a = action_type;
int Graph::convert()
grow_Convert( grow->ctx, glow_eConvert_V34);
if ( grow_IsSubGraph( grow->ctx)) {
// Convert trace_type to dyn_type and dyn_action_type
grow_sAttrInfo *grow_info_sub;
grow_sAttrInfo *grow_info_p;
int grow_info_cnt;
char transtab[][32] = { "DynType", "DynType",
"DynActionType", "Action",
"DynColor1", "Color1",
"DynColor2", "Color2",
"DynColor3", "Color3",
"DynColor4", "Color4",
"DynAttr1", "AnimSequence",
"DynAttr2", "",
"DynAttr3", "",
"DynAttr4", "",
"Dynamic", "",
grow_GetSubGraphAttrInfo( grow->ctx, (char *)transtab, &grow_info_sub,
grow_info_p = grow_info_sub;
int *dyn_type_p = (int *)grow_info_p[0].value_p;
int *action_type_p = (int *)grow_info_p[1].value_p;
int *anim_sequence_p = (int *)grow_info_p[6].value_p;
int trace_type = *(int *)grow_info_p->value_p;
int dyn_type;
int action_type;
get_class_dyntype( trace_type, &dyn_type, &action_type, anim_sequence_p);
*dyn_type_p = dyn_type;
*action_type_p = action_type;
if ( grow_IsSlider( grow->ctx))
*action_type_p |= ge_mActionType_Slider;
grow_FreeSubGraphAttrInfo( grow_info_sub);
// else {
grow_tObject *objectlist, *object_p;
char name[80];
grow_tObject *objectlist;
int object_cnt;
int i;
grow_tNodeClass *nodeclass_list;
int nodeclass_count;
// Check first that all nodeclasses are intern
grow_GetNodeClassList( grow->ctx, &nodeclass_list, &nodeclass_count);
for ( i = 0; i < nodeclass_count; i++) {
if ( grow_NodeClassIsExtern( nodeclass_list[i])) {
// Assume already converted
message( 'E', "Extern nodeclass found, conversion aborted");
printf("** Extern nodeclass, conversion aborted\n");
return 0;
// grow_Convert( grow->ctx, glow_eConvert_V34);
// Convert all objects
grow_GetObjectList( grow->ctx, &objectlist, &object_cnt);
object_p = objectlist;
for ( i = 0; i < object_cnt; i++) {
if ( grow_GetObjectType( *object_p) == glow_eObjectType_GrowNode ||
grow_GetObjectType( *object_p) == glow_eObjectType_GrowSlider ||
grow_GetObjectType( *object_p) == glow_eObjectType_GrowGroup ||
grow_GetObjectType( *object_p) == glow_eObjectType_GrowBar ||
grow_GetObjectType( *object_p) == glow_eObjectType_GrowTrend) {
convert_object( *object_p);
// Convert all nodeclasses
int nc_dyn_type, nc_action_type;
grow_GetNodeClassList( grow->ctx, &nodeclass_list, &nodeclass_count);
for ( i = 0; i < nodeclass_count; i++) {
grow_sAttrInfo *grow_info_sub;
grow_sAttrInfo *grow_info_p;
int grow_info_cnt;
if ( grow_NodeClassIsExtern( nodeclass_list[i]))
// Assume already converted
grow_GetObjectAttrInfo( nodeclass_list[i], (char *)0, &grow_info_sub,
grow_info_p = grow_info_sub;
int *dyn_type_p = (int *)grow_info_p[6].value_p;
int *action_type_p = (int *)grow_info_p[7].value_p;
int *anim_sequence_p = (int *)grow_info_p[5].value_p;
grow_GetNodeClassDynType( nodeclass_list[i], &nc_dyn_type, &nc_action_type);
get_class_dyntype( nc_dyn_type, &nc_dyn_type, &nc_action_type, anim_sequence_p);
*dyn_type_p = nc_dyn_type;
*action_type_p = nc_action_type;
if ( grow_IsSliderClass( nodeclass_list[i]))
*action_type_p |= ge_mActionType_Slider;
grow_FreeObjectAttrInfo( grow_info_sub);
// Convert all objects
grow_GetNodeClassObjectList( nodeclass_list[i], &objectlist, &object_cnt);
object_p = objectlist;
for ( int j = 0; j < object_cnt; j++) {
if ( grow_GetObjectType( *object_p) == glow_eObjectType_GrowNode ||
grow_GetObjectType( *object_p) == glow_eObjectType_GrowSlider ||
grow_GetObjectType( *object_p) == glow_eObjectType_GrowGroup ||
grow_GetObjectType( *object_p) == glow_eObjectType_GrowBar ||
grow_GetObjectType( *object_p) == glow_eObjectType_GrowTrend) {
convert_object( *object_p);
// }
grow_Redraw( grow->ctx);
return 1;
int Graph::convert_object( grow_tObject object)
glow_sTraceData *trace_data;
int trace_type;
int dyn_type;
int action_type;
glow_eDrawType trace_color;
glow_eDrawType trace_color2;
GeDyn *dyn;
GeDynElem *elem;
if ( grow_GetObjectType( object) == glow_eObjectType_GrowNode ||
grow_GetObjectType( object) == glow_eObjectType_GrowGroup ||
grow_GetObjectType( object) == glow_eObjectType_GrowSlider) {
grow_GetTraceAttr( object, &trace_data);
trace_type = trace_data->attr_type;
trace_color = trace_data->color;
trace_color2 = trace_data->color2;
if ( grow_GetObjectType( object) == glow_eObjectType_GrowSlider)
trace_type = graph_eTrace_Slider;
if ( trace_type == graph_eTrace_Inherit)
grow_GetObjectClassDynType( object, &trace_type, &action_type);
dyn = new GeDyn( this);
grow_SetUserData( object, (void *) dyn);
switch ( trace_type) {
case graph_eTrace_Dig:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[1], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Invisible);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigLowColor) {
GeDigLowColor *e = (GeDigLowColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
e->color = trace_data->color;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Invisible) {
GeInvisible *e = (GeInvisible *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[1]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_DigWithError:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[1], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigError);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[2], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigWarning);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigLowColor) {
GeDigLowColor *e = (GeDigLowColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
e->color = trace_data->color;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigError) {
GeDigError *e = (GeDigError *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[1]);
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigWarning) {
GeDigWarning *e = (GeDigWarning *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_DigTone:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Tone;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[1], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Invisible);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigLowColor) {
GeDigLowColor *e = (GeDigLowColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
e->color = trace_data->color;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Invisible) {
GeInvisible *e = (GeInvisible *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[1]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_DigToneWithError:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Tone;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[1], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigError);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[2], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigWarning);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigLowColor) {
GeDigLowColor *e = (GeDigLowColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
e->color = trace_data->color;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigError) {
GeDigError *e = (GeDigError *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[1]);
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigWarning) {
GeDigWarning *e = (GeDigWarning *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_Annot:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Value);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Value) {
GeValue *e = (GeValue *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
strcpy( e->format, trace_data->data[1]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_DigWithText:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigText);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigText) {
GeDigText *e = (GeDigText *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
strcpy( e->low_text, trace_data->data[1]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_Bar:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Bar);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Bar) {
GeBar *e = (GeBar *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_Trend:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Trend);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Trend) {
GeTrend *e = (GeTrend *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute1, trace_data->data[0]);
strcpy( e->attribute2, trace_data->data[1]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_DigBorder:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int) dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigBorder);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[1], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int) dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Invisible);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigBorder) {
GeDigBorder *e = (GeDigBorder *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
e->color = trace_data->color;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Invisible) {
GeInvisible *e = (GeInvisible *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[1]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_AnnotWithTone:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Value);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[1], "") != 0) {
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Tone);
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[2], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Invisible);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Value) {
GeValue *e = (GeValue *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
strcpy( e->format, trace_data->data[1]);
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigLowColor) {
GeDigLowColor *e = (GeDigLowColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
e->color = trace_data->color;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Invisible) {
GeInvisible *e = (GeInvisible *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[3]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_DigTwo:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[1], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigError);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[2], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigColor);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigLowColor) {
GeDigLowColor *e = (GeDigLowColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
e->color = trace_data->color;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigError) {
GeDigError *e = (GeDigError *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[1]);
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigColor) {
GeDigColor *e = (GeDigColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
e->color = trace_data->color2;
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_DigToneTwo:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Tone;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[1], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigError);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[2], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigColor);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigLowColor) {
GeDigLowColor *e = (GeDigLowColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
e->color = trace_data->color;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigError) {
GeDigError *e = (GeDigError *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[1]);
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigColor) {
GeDigColor *e = (GeDigColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
e->color = trace_data->color2;
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_Invisible:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Invisible);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Invisible) {
GeInvisible *e = (GeInvisible *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_Rotate:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Rotate);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[3], "") != 0) {
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor);
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Tone);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[4], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Invisible);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Rotate) {
GeRotate *e = (GeRotate *) elem;
float f;
int sts;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[5], "") != 0) {
sts = sscanf( trace_data->data[5], "%f", &f);
if ( sts == 0)
e->factor = 1.0;
e->factor = f;
e->factor = 1.0;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[1], "") != 0 &&
strcmp( trace_data->data[2], "") != 0) {
sts = sscanf( trace_data->data[1], "%f", &f);
if ( sts != 0) {
e->x0 = f;
sts = sscanf( trace_data->data[2], "%f", &f);
if ( sts != 0)
e->y0 = f;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigLowColor) {
GeDigLowColor *e = (GeDigLowColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[3]);
e->color = trace_data->color;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Invisible) {
GeInvisible *e = (GeInvisible *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[4]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_AnalogShift:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_AnalogShift);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[1], "") != 0) {
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Tone);
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[2], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Invisible);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type| ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_AnalogShift) {
GeAnalogShift *e = (GeAnalogShift *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigLowColor) {
GeDigLowColor *e = (GeDigLowColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[1]);
e->color = trace_data->color;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Invisible) {
GeInvisible *e = (GeInvisible *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_Animation:
case graph_eTrace_DigAnimation:
case graph_eTrace_AnimationForwBack:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Animation);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[1], "") != 0) {
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Tone);
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[2], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Invisible);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Animation) {
GeAnimation *e = (GeAnimation *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
if ( trace_type == graph_eTrace_Animation)
e->sequence = ge_eAnimSequence_Cycle;
else if ( trace_type == graph_eTrace_DigAnimation)
e->sequence = ge_eAnimSequence_Dig;
if ( trace_type == graph_eTrace_AnimationForwBack)
e->sequence = ge_eAnimSequence_ForwBack;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigLowColor) {
GeDigLowColor *e = (GeDigLowColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[1]);
e->color = trace_data->color;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Invisible) {
GeInvisible *e = (GeInvisible *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_DigShift:
// dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigShift);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[1], "") != 0) {
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Tone);
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[2], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Invisible);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigShift) {
GeDigShift *e = (GeDigShift *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigLowColor) {
GeDigLowColor *e = (GeDigLowColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[1]);
e->color = trace_data->color;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Invisible) {
GeInvisible *e = (GeInvisible *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_Move:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Move);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[2], "") != 0) {
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor);
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Tone);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[3], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Invisible);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type| ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Move) {
GeMove *e = (GeMove *) elem;
float f;
int sts;
strcpy( e->move_x_attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
strcpy( e->move_y_attribute, trace_data->data[1]);
strcpy( e->scale_x_attribute, trace_data->data[7]);
strcpy( e->scale_y_attribute, trace_data->data[8]);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[4], "") != 0) {
sts = sscanf( trace_data->data[4], "%f", &f);
if ( sts == 0)
e->factor = 1.0;
e->factor = f;
e->factor = 1.0;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[5], "") != 0 &&
strcmp( trace_data->data[6], "") != 0) {
sts = sscanf( trace_data->data[5], "%f", &f);
if ( sts != 0) {
e->x_offset = f;
sts = sscanf( trace_data->data[6], "%f", &f);
if ( sts != 0)
e->y_offset = f;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigLowColor) {
GeDigLowColor *e = (GeDigLowColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
e->color = trace_data->color;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Invisible) {
GeInvisible *e = (GeInvisible *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[3]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_SliderBackground:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_SliderBackground;
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_Video:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_Video;
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_No:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_SetDig:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_SetDig);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_SetDig) {
GeSetDig *e = (GeSetDig *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_ResetDig:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_ResetDig);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_ResetDig) {
GeResetDig *e = (GeResetDig *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_ToggleDig:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_ToggleDig);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_ToggleDig) {
GeToggleDig *e = (GeToggleDig *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_Slider:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_Slider);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_Slider) {
GeSlider *e = (GeSlider *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_AnnotInput:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Value);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_ValueInput;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Value) {
GeValue *e = (GeValue *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
strcpy( e->format, trace_data->data[1]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_ValueInput) {
GeValueInput *e = (GeValueInput *) elem;
float f;
int sts;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[3], "") != 0 &&
strcmp( trace_data->data[4], "") != 0) {
sts = sscanf( trace_data->data[3], "%f", &f);
if ( sts != 0) {
e->min_value = f;
sts = sscanf( trace_data->data[4], "%f", &f);
if ( sts != 0)
e->max_value = f;
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_Command:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_Command);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_Command) {
GeCommand *e = (GeCommand *) elem;
strcpy( e->command, trace_data->data[0]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_CommandConfirm:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_Command);
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_Confirm);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_Command) {
GeCommand *e = (GeCommand *) elem;
strcpy( e->command, trace_data->data[0]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_Confirm) {
GeConfirm *e = (GeConfirm *) elem;
strcpy( e->text, trace_data->data[1]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_SetDigConfirm:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_SetDig);
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_Confirm);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_SetDig) {
GeSetDig *e = (GeSetDig *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_Confirm) {
GeConfirm *e = (GeConfirm *) elem;
strcpy( e->text, trace_data->data[1]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_ResetDigConfirm:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_ResetDig);
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_Confirm);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_ResetDig) {
GeResetDig *e = (GeResetDig *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_Confirm) {
GeConfirm *e = (GeConfirm *) elem;
strcpy( e->text, trace_data->data[1]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_ToggleDigConfirm:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_ToggleDig);
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_Confirm);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_ToggleDig) {
GeToggleDig *e = (GeToggleDig *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_Confirm) {
GeConfirm *e = (GeConfirm *) elem;
strcpy( e->text, trace_data->data[1]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_SetDigWithTone:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[2], "") != 0) {
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Tone);
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[3], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Invisible);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[4], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigText);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_SetDig;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_SetDig) {
GeSetDig *e = (GeSetDig *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigLowColor) {
GeDigLowColor *e = (GeDigLowColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
e->color = trace_data->color;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Invisible) {
GeInvisible *e = (GeInvisible *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[3]);
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigText) {
GeDigText *e = (GeDigText *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
strcpy( e->low_text, trace_data->data[4]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_ResetDigWithTone:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[2], "") != 0) {
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Tone);
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[3], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Invisible);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[4], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigText);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_ResetDig;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_ResetDig) {
GeResetDig *e = (GeResetDig *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigLowColor) {
GeDigLowColor *e = (GeDigLowColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
e->color = trace_data->color;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Invisible) {
GeInvisible *e = (GeInvisible *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[3]);
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigText) {
GeDigText *e = (GeDigText *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
strcpy( e->low_text, trace_data->data[4]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_ToggleDigWithTone:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[2], "") != 0) {
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Tone);
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[3], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Invisible);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[4], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigText);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_ToggleDig;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_ToggleDig) {
GeToggleDig *e = (GeToggleDig *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigLowColor) {
GeDigLowColor *e = (GeDigLowColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
e->color = trace_data->color;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Invisible) {
GeInvisible *e = (GeInvisible *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[3]);
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigText) {
GeDigText *e = (GeDigText *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
strcpy( e->low_text, trace_data->data[4]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_AnnotInputWithTone:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Value);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[2], "") != 0) {
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Tone);
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_ValueInput;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Value) {
GeValue *e = (GeValue *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
strcpy( e->format, trace_data->data[1]);
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigLowColor) {
GeDigLowColor *e = (GeDigLowColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
e->color = trace_data->color;
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_ValueInput) {
GeValueInput *e = (GeValueInput *) elem;
float f;
int sts;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[3], "") != 0 &&
strcmp( trace_data->data[4], "") != 0) {
sts = sscanf( trace_data->data[3], "%f", &f);
if ( sts != 0) {
e->min_value = f;
sts = sscanf( trace_data->data[4], "%f", &f);
if ( sts != 0)
e->max_value = f;
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_SetDigConfirmWithTone:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[2], "") != 0) {
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Tone);
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[3], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Invisible);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[4], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigText);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_SetDig);
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_Confirm);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigLowColor) {
GeDigLowColor *e = (GeDigLowColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
e->color = trace_data->color;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Invisible) {
GeInvisible *e = (GeInvisible *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[3]);
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigText) {
GeDigText *e = (GeDigText *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
strcpy( e->low_text, trace_data->data[4]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_SetDig) {
GeSetDig *e = (GeSetDig *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_Confirm) {
GeConfirm *e = (GeConfirm *) elem;
strcpy( e->text, trace_data->data[1]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_ResetDigConfirmWithTone:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[2], "") != 0) {
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Tone);
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[3], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Invisible);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[4], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigText);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_ResetDig);
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_Confirm);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigLowColor) {
GeDigLowColor *e = (GeDigLowColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
e->color = trace_data->color;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Invisible) {
GeInvisible *e = (GeInvisible *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[3]);
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigText) {
GeDigText *e = (GeDigText *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
strcpy( e->low_text, trace_data->data[4]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_ResetDig) {
GeResetDig *e = (GeResetDig *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_Confirm) {
GeConfirm *e = (GeConfirm *) elem;
strcpy( e->text, trace_data->data[1]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_ToggleDigConfirmWithTone:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[2], "") != 0) {
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Tone);
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[3], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Invisible);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[4], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigText);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_ToggleDig);
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_Confirm);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigLowColor) {
GeDigLowColor *e = (GeDigLowColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
e->color = trace_data->color;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Invisible) {
GeInvisible *e = (GeInvisible *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[3]);
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigText) {
GeDigText *e = (GeDigText *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
strcpy( e->low_text, trace_data->data[4]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_ToggleDig) {
GeToggleDig *e = (GeToggleDig *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_Confirm) {
GeConfirm *e = (GeConfirm *) elem;
strcpy( e->text, trace_data->data[1]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_DigWithCommand:
case graph_eTrace_DigToneWithCommand:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor);
if ( trace_type == graph_eTrace_DigToneWithCommand)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Tone);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[1], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Invisible);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[3], "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_Command);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[4], "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_CommandDoubleClick);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigLowColor) {
GeDigLowColor *e = (GeDigLowColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
e->color = trace_data->color;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Invisible) {
GeInvisible *e = (GeInvisible *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[1]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_Command) {
GeCommand *e = (GeCommand *) elem;
strcpy( e->command, trace_data->data[3]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_CommandDoubleClick) {
GeCommandDoubleClick *e = (GeCommandDoubleClick *) elem;
strcpy( e->command, trace_data->data[4]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
for ( int i = 0; i < object_cnt; i++) {
grow_GetObjectName( objectlist[i], name);
if ( strcmp( name, "") == 0) {
sprintf( name, "O%d", grow_IncrNextObjectNameNumber( grow->ctx));
grow_SetObjectName( objectlist[i], name);
case graph_eTrace_DigWithErrorAndCommand:
case graph_eTrace_DigToneWithErrorAndCommand:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor);
if ( trace_type == graph_eTrace_DigToneWithErrorAndCommand)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Tone);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[1], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigError);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[2], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type| ge_mDynType_DigWarning);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[3], "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_Command);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[4], "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_CommandDoubleClick);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigLowColor) {
GeDigLowColor *e = (GeDigLowColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
e->color = trace_data->color;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigError) {
GeDigError *e = (GeDigError *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[1]);
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigWarning) {
GeDigWarning *e = (GeDigWarning *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_Command) {
GeCommand *e = (GeCommand *) elem;
strcpy( e->command, trace_data->data[3]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_CommandDoubleClick) {
GeCommandDoubleClick *e = (GeCommandDoubleClick *) elem;
strcpy( e->command, trace_data->data[4]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_StoDigWithTone:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[2], "") != 0) {
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Tone);
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[3], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Invisible);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[4], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigText);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_StoDig;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_StoDig) {
GeStoDig *e = (GeStoDig *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigLowColor) {
GeDigLowColor *e = (GeDigLowColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
e->color = trace_data->color;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Invisible) {
GeInvisible *e = (GeInvisible *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[3]);
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigText) {
GeDigText *e = (GeDigText *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
strcpy( e->low_text, trace_data->data[4]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
if ( grow_GetObjectType( objectlist[i]) == glow_eObjectType_GrowGroup) {
grow_tObject *grouplist;
int group_cnt;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
grow_GetGroupObjectList( objectlist[i], &grouplist, &group_cnt);
for ( int j = 0; j < group_cnt; j++) {
grow_GetObjectName( grouplist[j], name);
if ( strcmp( name, "") == 0) {
sprintf( name, "O%d", grow_IncrNextObjectNameNumber( grow->ctx));
grow_SetObjectName( grouplist[j], name);
case graph_eTrace_DigTwoWithCommand:
case graph_eTrace_DigToneTwoWithCommand:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigLowColor);
if ( trace_type == graph_eTrace_DigToneTwoWithCommand)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Tone);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[1], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigError);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[2], "") != 0)
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_DigColor);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[3], "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_Command);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[4], "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_CommandDoubleClick);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigLowColor) {
GeDigLowColor *e = (GeDigLowColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
e->color = trace_data->color;
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigError) {
GeDigError *e = (GeDigError *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[1]);
else if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigColor) {
GeDigColor *e = (GeDigColor *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[2]);
e->color = trace_data->color2;
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_Command) {
GeCommand *e = (GeCommand *) elem;
strcpy( e->command, trace_data->data[3]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_CommandDoubleClick) {
GeCommandDoubleClick *e = (GeCommandDoubleClick *) elem;
strcpy( e->command, trace_data->data[4]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_IncrAnalog:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_IncrAnalog;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_IncrAnalog) {
GeIncrAnalog *e = (GeIncrAnalog *) elem;
float f;
int sts;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[2], "") != 0 &&
strcmp( trace_data->data[3], "") != 0) {
sts = sscanf( trace_data->data[2], "%f", &f);
if ( sts != 0) {
e->min_value = f;
sts = sscanf( trace_data->data[3], "%f", &f);
if ( sts != 0)
e->max_value = f;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->data[1], "") != 0) {
sts = sscanf( trace_data->data[1], "%f", &f);
if ( sts != 0)
e->increment = f;
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_RadioButton:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_RadioButton;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_RadioButton) {
GeRadioButton *e = (GeRadioButton *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
case graph_eTrace_DigShiftWithToggleDig:
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_DigShift;
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_ToggleDig;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_DigShift) {
GeDigShift *e = (GeDigShift *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_ToggleDig) {
GeToggleDig *e = (GeToggleDig *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( trace_data->attr_type == (int)graph_eTrace_Inherit) {
int anim_seq;
get_class_dyntype( trace_type, &dyn_type, &action_type, &anim_seq);
dyn->dyn_type =(ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type & ~dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Inherit);
dyn->action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type & ~action_type | ge_mActionType_Inherit);
else {
dyn->dyn_type = dyn->total_dyn_type;
dyn->action_type = dyn->total_action_type;
dyn->cycle = trace_data->cycle;
dyn->access = trace_data->access;
else if ( grow_GetObjectType( object) == glow_eObjectType_GrowTrend) {
grow_GetTraceAttr( object, &trace_data);
trace_type = trace_data->attr_type;
trace_color = trace_data->color;
trace_color2 = trace_data->color2;
dyn = new GeDyn( this);
grow_SetUserData( object, (void *) dyn);
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Trend);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Trend) {
GeTrend *e = (GeTrend *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute1, trace_data->data[0]);
strcpy( e->attribute2, trace_data->data[1]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
dyn->dyn_type = dyn->total_dyn_type;
dyn->action_type = dyn->total_action_type;
dyn->cycle = trace_data->cycle;
dyn->access = trace_data->access;
else if ( grow_GetObjectType( object) == glow_eObjectType_GrowBar) {
grow_GetTraceAttr( object, &trace_data);
trace_type = trace_data->attr_type;
trace_color = trace_data->color;
trace_color2 = trace_data->color2;
dyn = new GeDyn( this);
grow_SetUserData( object, (void *) dyn);
dyn->total_dyn_type = ge_mDynType_No;
dyn->total_dyn_type = (ge_mDynType)((int)dyn->total_dyn_type | ge_mDynType_Bar);
dyn->total_action_type = ge_mActionType_No;
if ( strcmp( trace_data->ref_object, "") != 0)
dyn->total_action_type = (ge_mActionType)((int)dyn->total_action_type | ge_mActionType_PopupMenu);
for ( elem = dyn->elements; elem; elem = elem->next) {
if ( elem->dyn_type == ge_mDynType_Bar) {
GeBar *e = (GeBar *) elem;
strcpy( e->attribute, trace_data->data[0]);
else if ( elem->action_type == ge_mActionType_PopupMenu) {
GePopupMenu *e = (GePopupMenu *) elem;
strcpy( e->ref_object, trace_data->ref_object);
dyn->dyn_type = dyn->total_dyn_type;
dyn->action_type = dyn->total_action_type;
dyn->cycle = trace_data->cycle;
dyn->access = trace_data->access;
if ( grow_GetObjectType( object) == glow_eObjectType_GrowGroup) {
grow_tObject *objectlist, *object_p;
int object_cnt;
int i;
grow_GetGroupObjectList( object, &objectlist, &object_cnt);
object_p = objectlist;
for ( i = 0; i < object_cnt; i++) {
convert_object( *object_p);
// grow_Redraw( grow->ctx);
return 1;
int Graph::convert()
* Proview $Id: ge_graph.cpp,v 1.52 2008-05-13 13:59:02 claes Exp $
* Proview $Id: ge_graph.cpp,v 1.53 2008-06-26 13:23:59 claes Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -459,10 +459,10 @@ int Graph::save( char *filename)
int sts;
grow_GetVersion( grow->ctx, &grow_version, &graph_version);
if ( graph_version < 4000) {
if ( graph_version < 4500) {
// Needs to be converted
message( 'E', "Unable to save, graph needs conversion");
return 0;
return GE__NEEDCONV;
get_filename( filename, fname);
......@@ -485,10 +485,10 @@ int Graph::save_subgraph( char *filename)
int sts;
grow_GetVersion( grow->ctx, &grow_version, &graph_version);
if ( graph_version < 4000) {
if ( graph_version < 4500) {
// Needs to be converted
message( 'E', "Unable to save, graph needs conversion");
return 0;
return GE__NEEDCONV;
get_filename( filename, fname);
......@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ void Graph::open( char *filename)
strcpy( this->filename, filename);
grow_GetVersion( grow->ctx, &grow_version, &graph_version);
if ( graph_version < 4000) {
if ( graph_version < 4500) {
// Needs to be converted
message( 'E', "Old version, graph needs conversion");
* Proview $Id: ge_graph_command.cpp,v 1.13 2007-05-07 14:35:03 claes Exp $
* Proview $Id: ge_graph_command.cpp,v 1.14 2008-06-26 13:23:59 claes Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -2308,7 +2308,7 @@ static int graph_convert_func( void *client_data,
int arg1_sts;
arg1_sts = dcli_get_qualifier( "dcli_arg1", arg1_str, sizeof(arg1_str));
if ( strncmp( arg1_str, "V40", strlen( arg1_str)) == 0) {
if ( strncmp( arg1_str, "V45", strlen( arg1_str)) == 0) {
char name[40];
char msg[80];
int sts;
* Proview $Id: glow.h,v 1.26 2008-05-13 13:59:02 claes Exp $
* Proview $Id: glow.h,v 1.27 2008-06-26 13:23:59 claes Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ extern "C" {
#define GLOW_VERSION 4001
#define GLOW_VERSION 4510
#define DRAW_MP 6
#define DRAW_TYPE_SIZE 9
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