Commit effa81d9 authored by claes's avatar claes

Update classes: attribute references pointing to elements in attributes objects wasn't updated

parent 85866271
* Proview $Id: wb_vrepdb.cpp,v 1.56 2007-10-19 07:00:02 claes Exp $
* Proview $Id: wb_vrepdb.cpp,v 1.57 2007-11-06 13:29:38 claes Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -1746,10 +1746,16 @@ comp_attribute(tree_sTable *tp, tree_sNode *x, tree_sNode *y)
if (xp->key.bix < yp->key.bix)
return -1;
if (xp->key.oStart > yp->key.oEnd)
if (xp->key.oStart > yp->key.oStart)
return 1;
if (xp->key.oEnd < yp->key.oStart)
if (xp->key.oStart < yp->key.oStart)
return -1;
if (xp->key.oEnd > yp->key.oEnd)
return 1;
if (xp->key.oEnd < yp->key.oEnd)
return -1;
return 0;
......@@ -1841,13 +1847,22 @@ int wb_vrepdb::updateArefs(pwr_tOid oid, pwr_tCid cid)
try {
pwr_sAttrRef *arp = (pwr_sAttrRef *)(p + ap->key.offset);
if ( cdh_ObjidIsEqual( arp->Objid, pwr_cNObjid)) {
ap = (sAref *)tree_FindSuccessor(&sts, m_aref_th, &ap->key);
wb_db_ohead aohead(m_db, m_db->m_txn, arp->Objid);
wb_cdrep *n_cdrep = m_erep->merep()->cdrep(&sts, aohead.cid());
wb_bdrep *n_bdrep;
pwr_eBix bix = pwr_eBix_rt;
if (EVEN(sts))
printf("cdrep sts %d", sts);
n_bdrep = n_cdrep->bdrep(&sts, ap->key.bix);
else {
bix = (pwr_eBix)(arp->Body & 7);
if ( bix != pwr_eBix_dev)
bix = pwr_eBix_rt;
n_bdrep = n_cdrep->bdrep(&sts, bix);
if (EVEN(sts)) {
ap = (sAref *)tree_FindSuccessor(&sts, m_aref_th, &ap->key);
......@@ -1866,11 +1881,12 @@ int wb_vrepdb::updateArefs(pwr_tOid oid, pwr_tCid cid)
else {
sAttributeKey k;
k.cid = aohead.cid();
k.bix = ap->key.bix;
k.bix = bix;
k.oStart = arp->Offset;
k.oEnd = arp->Offset + arp->Size - 1;
sAttribute *cap = (sAttribute *)tree_Find(&sts, m_attribute_th, &k);
if (cap != 0) {
nAref[ap->key.bix - 1]++;
if (arp->Size > cap->o.aref.Size) {
......@@ -2211,6 +2227,7 @@ void wb_vrepdb::checkAttributes(pwr_tCid cid)
if (ODD(sts)) {
wb_bdrep *o_bdrep = o_cdrep->bdrep(&sts, bix);
if (ODD(sts)) {
pwr_tCid body = o_cdrep->cid() | o_bdrep->bix();
wb_adrep *o_adrep = o_bdrep->adrep(&sts);
while (ODD(sts)) {
......@@ -2218,11 +2235,21 @@ void wb_vrepdb::checkAttributes(pwr_tCid cid)
if (o_adrep->type() == pwr_eType_AttrRef) {
sArefKey a;
if ( o_adrep->isArray()) {
for ( int j = 0; j < o_adrep->nElement(); j++) {
a.cid = cid;
a.bix = bix;
a.offset = o_adrep->offset() + j * o_adrep->size() / o_adrep->nElement();
tree_Insert(&sts, m_aref_th, &a);
else {
a.cid = cid;
a.bix = bix;
a.offset = o_adrep->offset();
tree_Insert(&sts, m_aref_th, &a);
// Indentify attribute with the same aix
bool found = false;
......@@ -2237,32 +2264,67 @@ void wb_vrepdb::checkAttributes(pwr_tCid cid)
delete prev;
if (found) {
if (
(o_adrep->offset() != n_adrep->offset()) ||
if ( (o_adrep->offset() != n_adrep->offset()) ||
(o_adrep->size() != n_adrep->size()) ||
(o_adrep->type() != n_adrep->type()) ||
//(o_adrep->tid() != n_adrep->tid()) ||
(o_adrep->nElement() != n_adrep->nElement()) ||
(o_adrep->index() != n_adrep->index())
(o_adrep->index() != n_adrep->index())) {
sAttributeKey ak;
sAttribute *ap;
ak.cid = cid;
ak.bix = bix;
ak.oStart = o_adrep->offset();
ak.oEnd = o_adrep->offset() + o_adrep->size() - 1;
ak.oEnd = ak.oStart + o_adrep->size() - 1;
ap = (sAttribute *) tree_Insert(&sts, m_attribute_th, &ak);
ap->o.aref = o_adrep->aref();
ap->n.aref = n_adrep->aref();
ap->o.aix = o_adrep->aix();
ap->n.aix = n_adrep->aix();
ap->o.nElement = o_adrep->nElement();
ap->n.nElement = n_adrep->nElement();
if ( o_adrep->isArray()) {
// Insert each element
for ( int j = 0; j < MIN(o_adrep->nElement(),n_adrep->nElement()); j++) {
sAttributeKey ak;
sAttribute *ap;
int esize = o_adrep->size() / o_adrep->nElement();
ak.cid = cid;
ak.bix = bix;
ak.oStart = o_adrep->offset() + j * esize;
ak.oEnd = ak.oStart + esize - 1;
ap = (sAttribute *) tree_Insert(&sts, m_attribute_th, &ak);
ap->o.aref = o_adrep->aref();
ap->n.aref = n_adrep->aref();
ap->o.aref.Size = o_adrep->size() / o_adrep->nElement();
ap->n.aref.Size = n_adrep->size() / n_adrep->nElement();
ap->o.aref.Offset += j * ap->o.aref.Size;
ap->n.aref.Offset += j * ap->n.aref.Size;
ap->n.aref.Flags.b.Array = 0;
ap->o.aref.Flags.b.Array = 0;
ap->o.aix = o_adrep->aix();
ap->n.aix = n_adrep->aix();
ap->o.nElement = o_adrep->nElement();
ap->n.nElement = n_adrep->nElement();
if (o_adrep->isClass() && n_adrep->subClass() == o_adrep->subClass()) {
checkSubClass( cid, o_adrep->subClass(), o_adrep->offset(), n_adrep->offset());
if ( o_adrep->isArray()) {
for ( int j = 0; j < MIN(o_adrep->nElement(),n_adrep->nElement()); j++) {
checkSubClass( cid, o_adrep->subClass(),
o_adrep->offset() + j * o_adrep->size() / o_adrep->nElement(),
n_adrep->offset() + j * n_adrep->size() / n_adrep->nElement(),
checkSubClass( cid, o_adrep->subClass(), o_adrep->offset(),
n_adrep->offset(), body);
delete n_adrep;
......@@ -2278,7 +2340,8 @@ void wb_vrepdb::checkAttributes(pwr_tCid cid)
void wb_vrepdb::checkSubClass(pwr_tCid cid, pwr_tCid subcid, unsigned int o_offset, unsigned int n_offset)
void wb_vrepdb::checkSubClass(pwr_tCid cid, pwr_tCid subcid, unsigned int o_offset,
unsigned int n_offset, pwr_tCid body)
pwr_tStatus sts;
wb_cdrep *o_cdrep = m_merep->cdrep(&sts, subcid);
......@@ -2297,6 +2360,7 @@ void wb_vrepdb::checkSubClass(pwr_tCid cid, pwr_tCid subcid, unsigned int o_offs
while (ODD(sts)) {
bool found = false;
wb_adrep *n_adrep = n_bdrep->adrep(&sts);
while (ODD(sts)) {
if (o_adrep->aix() == n_adrep->aix()) {
......@@ -2308,14 +2372,12 @@ void wb_vrepdb::checkSubClass(pwr_tCid cid, pwr_tCid subcid, unsigned int o_offs
delete prev;
if (found) {
if (
(o_adrep->offset() != n_adrep->offset()) ||
if ( ((o_adrep->offset() + o_offset) != (n_adrep->offset() + n_offset)) ||
(o_adrep->size() != n_adrep->size()) ||
(o_adrep->type() != n_adrep->type()) ||
//(o_adrep->tid() != n_adrep->tid()) ||
(o_adrep->nElement() != n_adrep->nElement()) ||
(o_adrep->index() != n_adrep->index())) {
sAttributeKey ak;
sAttribute *ap;
......@@ -2327,22 +2389,76 @@ void wb_vrepdb::checkSubClass(pwr_tCid cid, pwr_tCid subcid, unsigned int o_offs
ap->o.aref = o_adrep->aref();
ap->n.aref = n_adrep->aref();
ap->o.aref.Offset += o_offset;
ap->n.aref.Offset += n_offset;
ap->o.aref.Body = body;
ap->n.aref.Body = body;
ap->o.aix = o_adrep->aix();
ap->n.aix = n_adrep->aix();
ap->o.nElement = o_adrep->nElement();
ap->n.nElement = n_adrep->nElement();
if ( o_adrep->isArray()) {
for ( int j = 0; j < MIN( o_adrep->nElement(), n_adrep->nElement()); j++) {
int esize = o_adrep->size() / o_adrep->nElement();
sAttributeKey ak;
sAttribute *ap;
ak.cid = cid;
ak.bix = bix;
ak.oStart = o_adrep->offset() + o_offset + j * esize;
ak.oEnd = ak.oStart + esize - 1;
ap = (sAttribute *) tree_Insert(&sts, m_attribute_th, &ak);
ap->o.aref = o_adrep->aref();
ap->n.aref = n_adrep->aref();
ap->o.aref.Size = o_adrep->size() / o_adrep->nElement();
ap->n.aref.Size = n_adrep->size() / n_adrep->nElement();
ap->o.aref.Offset += o_offset + j * ap->o.aref.Size;
ap->n.aref.Offset += n_offset + j * ap->n.aref.Size;
ap->n.aref.Flags.b.Array = 0;
ap->o.aref.Flags.b.Array = 0;
ap->o.aref.Body = body;
ap->n.aref.Body = body;
ap->o.aix = o_adrep->aix();
ap->n.aix = n_adrep->aix();
ap->o.nElement = o_adrep->nElement();
ap->n.nElement = n_adrep->nElement();
if (o_adrep->isClass() && o_adrep->subClass() == n_adrep->subClass()) {
checkSubClass( cid, n_adrep->subClass(), o_adrep->offset(), n_adrep->offset());
} else if (o_adrep->type() == pwr_eType_AttrRef) {
if ( o_adrep->isArray()) {
for ( int j = 0; j < MIN(o_adrep->nElement(),n_adrep->nElement()); j++) {
checkSubClass( cid, n_adrep->subClass(),
o_adrep->offset() + o_offset + j * o_adrep->size() / o_adrep->nElement(),
n_adrep->offset() + n_offset + j * n_adrep->size() / n_adrep->nElement(),
checkSubClass( cid, n_adrep->subClass(), o_adrep->offset() + o_offset,
n_adrep->offset() + n_offset, body);
else if (o_adrep->type() == pwr_eType_AttrRef) {
sArefKey a;
a.cid = subcid;
if ( o_adrep->isArray()) {
for ( int j = 0; j < o_adrep->nElement(); j++) {
a.cid = cid;
a.bix = bix;
a.offset = o_adrep->offset();
a.offset = o_adrep->offset() + o_offset + j * o_adrep->size() / o_adrep->nElement();
tree_Insert(&sts, m_aref_th, &a);
else {
a.cid = cid;
a.bix = bix;
a.offset = o_adrep->offset() + o_offset;
tree_Insert(&sts, m_aref_th, &a);
if (n_adrep) delete n_adrep;
wb_adrep *prev = o_adrep;
* Proview $Id: wb_vrepdb.h,v 1.34 2007-10-19 07:00:02 claes Exp $
* Proview $Id: wb_vrepdb.h,v 1.35 2007-11-06 13:29:38 claes Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -193,7 +193,8 @@ public:
int updateArefs(pwr_tOid oid, pwr_tCid cid);
int checkClass(pwr_tCid cid);
void checkAttributes(pwr_tCid cid);
void checkSubClass(pwr_tCid cid, pwr_tCid subcid, unsigned int o_offset, unsigned int n_offset);
void checkSubClass(pwr_tCid cid, pwr_tCid subcid, unsigned int o_offset,
unsigned int n_offset, pwr_tCid body);
//bool classIsChanged(pwr_tCid cid);
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