Commit f095a616 authored by claes's avatar claes

Sound dynamic, instances on DigText

parent 066117c9
* Proview $Id: ge_dyn.cpp,v 1.34 2005-11-02 14:07:36 claes Exp $
* Proview $Id: ge_dyn.cpp,v 1.35 2005-11-14 16:21:48 claes Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -190,6 +190,8 @@ GeDyn::GeDyn( const GeDyn& x) :
e = new GeStatusColor((const GeStatusColor&) *elem); break;
case ge_mDynType_HostObject:
e = new GeHostObject((const GeHostObject&) *elem); break;
case ge_mDynType_DigSound:
e = new GeDigSound((const GeDigSound&) *elem); break;
default: ;
switch( elem->action_type) {
......@@ -300,6 +302,7 @@ void GeDyn::open( ifstream& fp)
case ge_eSave_Table: e = (GeDynElem *) new GeTable(this); break;
case ge_eSave_StatusColor: e = (GeDynElem *) new GeStatusColor(this); break;
case ge_eSave_HostObject: e = (GeDynElem *) new GeHostObject(this); break;
case ge_eSave_DigSound: e = (GeDynElem *) new GeDigSound(this); break;
case ge_eSave_PopupMenu: e = (GeDynElem *) new GePopupMenu(this); break;
case ge_eSave_SetDig: e = (GeDynElem *) new GeSetDig(this); break;
case ge_eSave_ResetDig: e = (GeDynElem *) new GeResetDig(this); break;
......@@ -955,7 +958,7 @@ GeDynElem *GeDyn::create_dyn_element( int mask, int instance)
e = (GeDynElem *) new GeDigBorder(this);
case ge_mDynType_DigText:
e = (GeDynElem *) new GeDigText(this);
e = (GeDynElem *) new GeDigText(this, (ge_mInstance)instance);
case ge_mDynType_Value:
e = (GeDynElem *) new GeValue(this, (ge_mInstance)instance);
......@@ -1005,6 +1008,9 @@ GeDynElem *GeDyn::create_dyn_element( int mask, int instance)
case ge_mDynType_HostObject:
e = (GeDynElem *) new GeHostObject(this);
case ge_mDynType_DigSound:
e = (GeDynElem *) new GeDigSound(this, (ge_mInstance)instance);
default: ;
return e;
......@@ -1153,6 +1159,9 @@ GeDynElem *GeDyn::copy_element( GeDynElem& x)
case ge_mDynType_HostObject:
e = (GeDynElem *) new GeHostObject((GeHostObject&) x);
case ge_mDynType_DigSound:
e = (GeDynElem *) new GeDigSound((GeDigSound&) x);
default: ;
......@@ -1273,6 +1282,8 @@ int GeDyn::scan( grow_tObject object)
ignore_color = false;
reset_invisible = false;
ignore_invisible = false;
reset_text_a1 = false;
ignore_text_a1 = false;
for ( GeDynElem *elem = elements; elem; elem = elem->next)
elem->scan( object);
return 1;
......@@ -2743,6 +2754,7 @@ void GeDigText::get_attributes( attr_sItem *attrinfo, int *item_count)
int i = *item_count;
if ( instance == ge_mInstance_1) {
strcpy( attrinfo[i].name, "DigText.Attribute");
attrinfo[i].value = attribute;
attrinfo[i].type = glow_eType_String;
......@@ -2753,6 +2765,31 @@ void GeDigText::get_attributes( attr_sItem *attrinfo, int *item_count)
attrinfo[i].type = glow_eType_String;
attrinfo[i++].size = sizeof( low_text);
strcpy( attrinfo[i].name, "DigText.Instances");
attrinfo[i].value = &instance_mask;
attrinfo[i].type = ge_eAttrType_InstanceMask;
attrinfo[i++].size = sizeof( instance_mask);
else {
// Get instance number
int inst = 1;
int m = instance;
while( m > 1) {
m = m >> 1;
sprintf( attrinfo[i].name, "DigText%d.Attribute", inst);
attrinfo[i].value = attribute;
attrinfo[i].type = glow_eType_String;
attrinfo[i++].size = sizeof( attribute);
sprintf( attrinfo[i].name, "DigText%d.HighText", inst);
attrinfo[i].value = low_text;
attrinfo[i].type = glow_eType_String;
attrinfo[i++].size = sizeof( low_text);
*item_count = i;
......@@ -2774,7 +2811,13 @@ void GeDigText::set_attribute( grow_tObject object, char *attr_name, int *cnt)
char msg[200];
strncpy( attribute, attr_name, sizeof( attribute));
if ( instance == ge_mInstance_1) {
sprintf( msg, "DigText.Attribute = %s", attr_name);
else {
sprintf( msg, "DigText%d.Attribute = %s", GeDyn::instance_to_number( instance),
dyn->graph->message( 'I', msg);
......@@ -2789,6 +2832,8 @@ void GeDigText::save( ofstream& fp)
fp << int(ge_eSave_DigText) << endl;
fp << int(ge_eSave_DigText_attribute) << FSPACE << attribute << endl;
fp << int(ge_eSave_DigText_low_text) << FSPACE << low_text << endl;
fp << int(ge_eSave_DigText_instance) << FSPACE << int(instance) << endl;
fp << int(ge_eSave_DigText_instance_mask) << FSPACE << int(instance_mask) << endl;
fp << int(ge_eSave_End) << endl;
......@@ -2796,6 +2841,7 @@ void GeDigText::open( ifstream& fp)
int type;
int end_found = 0;
int tmp;
char dummy[40];
for (;;)
......@@ -2811,6 +2857,8 @@ void GeDigText::open( ifstream& fp)
fp.getline( low_text, sizeof(low_text));
case ge_eSave_DigText_instance: fp >> tmp; instance = (ge_mInstance)tmp; break;
case ge_eSave_DigText_instance_mask: fp >> tmp; instance_mask = (ge_mInstance)tmp; break;
case ge_eSave_End: end_found = 1; break;
cout << "GeDigText:open syntax error" << endl;
......@@ -2854,11 +2902,13 @@ int GeDigText::disconnect( grow_tObject object)
int GeDigText::scan( grow_tObject object)
if ( !p)
if ( !p || dyn->ignore_text_a1)
return 1;
if ( instance == ge_mInstance_1) {
// Write low_text on low signal
if ( !first_scan) {
if ( old_value == *p) {
if ( old_value == *p && !dyn->reset_text_a1) {
// No change since last time
return 1;
......@@ -2868,9 +2918,33 @@ int GeDigText::scan( grow_tObject object)
if ( (!inverted && !*p) || (inverted && *p)) {
grow_SetAnnotation( object, 1, low_text, strlen(low_text));
dyn->reset_text_a1 = true;
else {
grow_SetAnnotation( object, 1, high_text, strlen(high_text));
else {
// Instance > 1, write low_text on high signal
if ( !first_scan) {
if ( old_value == *p && !dyn->reset_text_a1) {
// No change since last time
if ( (!inverted && *p) || (inverted && !*p))
dyn->ignore_text_a1 = true;
return 1;
first_scan = false;
if ( (!inverted && *p) || (inverted && !*p)) {
grow_SetAnnotation( object, 1, low_text, strlen(low_text));
dyn->ignore_text_a1 = true;
else {
grow_SetAnnotation( object, 1, high_text, strlen(high_text));
dyn->reset_text_a1 = true;
old_value = *p;
return 1;
......@@ -6881,6 +6955,213 @@ int GeHostObject::export_java( grow_tObject object, ofstream& fp, bool first, ch
return 1;
void GeDigSound::get_attributes( attr_sItem *attrinfo, int *item_count)
int i = *item_count;
if ( instance == ge_mInstance_1) {
strcpy( attrinfo[i].name, "DigSound.Attribute");
attrinfo[i].value = attribute;
attrinfo[i].type = glow_eType_String;
attrinfo[i++].size = sizeof( attribute);
strcpy( attrinfo[i].name, "DigSound.SoundObject");
attrinfo[i].value = soundobject;
attrinfo[i].type = glow_eType_String;
attrinfo[i++].size = sizeof( soundobject);
strcpy( attrinfo[i].name, "DigSound.Level");
attrinfo[i].value = &level;
attrinfo[i].type = glow_eType_Boolean;
attrinfo[i++].size = sizeof( level);
strcpy( attrinfo[i].name, "DigSound.Interval");
attrinfo[i].value = &interval;
attrinfo[i].type = glow_eType_Double;
attrinfo[i++].size = sizeof( interval);
strcpy( attrinfo[i].name, "DigSound.Instances");
attrinfo[i].value = &instance_mask;
attrinfo[i].type = ge_eAttrType_InstanceMask;
attrinfo[i++].size = sizeof( instance_mask);
else {
// Get instance number
int inst = 1;
int m = instance;
while( m > 1) {
m = m >> 1;
sprintf( attrinfo[i].name, "DigSound%d.Attribute", inst);
attrinfo[i].value = attribute;
attrinfo[i].type = glow_eType_String;
attrinfo[i++].size = sizeof( attribute);
sprintf( attrinfo[i].name, "DigSound%d.SoundObject", inst);
attrinfo[i].value = soundobject;
attrinfo[i].type = glow_eType_String;
attrinfo[i++].size = sizeof( soundobject);
sprintf( attrinfo[i].name, "DigSound%d.Level", inst);
attrinfo[i].value = &level;
attrinfo[i].type = glow_eType_Boolean;
attrinfo[i++].size = sizeof( level);
sprintf( attrinfo[i].name, "DigSound%d.Interval", inst);
attrinfo[i].value = &interval;
attrinfo[i].type = glow_eType_Double;
attrinfo[i++].size = sizeof( interval);
*item_count = i;
void GeDigSound::set_attribute( grow_tObject object, char *attr_name, int *cnt)
if ( *cnt == 0) {
char msg[200];
strncpy( attribute, attr_name, sizeof( attribute));
if ( instance == ge_mInstance_1) {
sprintf( msg, "DigSound.Attribute = %s", attr_name);
else {
sprintf( msg, "DigSound%d.Attribute = %s", GeDyn::instance_to_number( instance),
dyn->graph->message( 'I', msg);
void GeDigSound::replace_attribute( char *from, char *to, int *cnt, int strict)
GeDyn::replace_attribute( attribute, sizeof(attribute), from, to, cnt, strict);
void GeDigSound::save( ofstream& fp)
fp << int(ge_eSave_DigSound) << endl;
fp << int(ge_eSave_DigSound_attribute) << FSPACE << attribute << endl;
fp << int(ge_eSave_DigSound_soundobject) << FSPACE << soundobject << endl;
fp << int(ge_eSave_DigSound_level) << FSPACE << level << endl;
fp << int(ge_eSave_DigSound_interval) << FSPACE << interval << endl;
fp << int(ge_eSave_DigSound_instance) << FSPACE << int(instance) << endl;
fp << int(ge_eSave_DigSound_instance_mask) << FSPACE << int(instance_mask) << endl;
fp << int(ge_eSave_End) << endl;
void GeDigSound::open( ifstream& fp)
int type;
int end_found = 0;
int tmp;
char dummy[40];
for (;;)
fp >> type;
switch( type) {
case ge_eSave_DigSound: break;
case ge_eSave_DigSound_attribute:
fp.getline( attribute, sizeof(attribute));
case ge_eSave_DigSound_soundobject:
fp.getline( soundobject, sizeof(soundobject));
case ge_eSave_DigSound_level: fp >> level; break;
case ge_eSave_DigSound_interval: fp >> interval; break;
case ge_eSave_DigSound_instance: fp >> tmp; instance = (ge_mInstance)tmp; break;
case ge_eSave_DigSound_instance_mask: fp >> tmp; instance_mask = (ge_mInstance)tmp; break;
case ge_eSave_End: end_found = 1; break;
cout << "GeDigSound:open syntax error" << endl;
fp.getline( dummy, sizeof(dummy));
if ( end_found)
int GeDigSound::connect( grow_tObject object, glow_sTraceData *trace_data)
int attr_type, attr_size;
pwr_tAName parsed_name;
int inverted;
pwr_tStatus sts;
p = 0;
// Check soundobject
sts = gdh_NameToAttrref( pwr_cNObjid, soundobject, &soundaref);
if ( EVEN(sts)) return 1;
size = 4;
db = dyn->parse_attr_name( attribute, parsed_name,
&inverted, &attr_type, &attr_size);
if ( strcmp( parsed_name,"") == 0)
return 1;
sts = dyn->graph->ref_object_info( dyn->cycle, parsed_name, (void **)&p, &subid, size);
if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;
if ( p)
trace_data->p = p;
first_scan = true;
return 1;
int GeDigSound::disconnect( grow_tObject object)
if ( p && db == graph_eDatabase_Gdh)
gdh_UnrefObjectInfo( subid);
p = 0;
return 1;
int GeDigSound::scan( grow_tObject object)
if ( !p)
return 1;
if ( !first_scan) {
if ( old_value == *p && !level) {
// No change since last time
return 1;
first_scan = false;
if ( !level) {
// Sound on positive edge
if ( (!inverted && *p && !old_value) || (inverted && !*p && old_value))
dyn->graph->sound( &soundaref);
else {
if ( (!inverted && *p) || (inverted && !*p)) {
if ( time_since_last >= interval)
time_since_last = 0;
if ( time_since_last == 0)
dyn->graph->sound( &soundaref);
time_since_last += dyn->graph->scan_time;
time_since_last = 0;
old_value = *p;
return 1;
void GeFillLevel::get_attributes( attr_sItem *attrinfo, int *item_count)
int i = *item_count;
* Proview $Id: ge_dyn.h,v 1.25 2005-11-02 14:07:36 claes Exp $
* Proview $Id: ge_dyn.h,v 1.26 2005-11-14 16:21:48 claes Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ extern "C" {
//! Priority order for dyntypes and actiontypes. Lower value gives higher priority.
typedef enum {
......@@ -171,7 +172,8 @@ extern "C" {
ge_mDynType_AnalogText = 1 << 23,
ge_mDynType_Table = 1 << 24,
ge_mDynType_StatusColor = 1 << 25,
ge_mDynType_HostObject = 1 << 26
ge_mDynType_HostObject = 1 << 26,
ge_mDynType_DigSound = 1 << 27
} ge_mDynType;
//! Action types.
......@@ -267,6 +269,7 @@ extern "C" {
ge_eSave_Table = 30,
ge_eSave_StatusColor = 31,
ge_eSave_HostObject = 32,
ge_eSave_DigSound = 33,
ge_eSave_PopupMenu = 50,
ge_eSave_SetDig = 51,
ge_eSave_ResetDig = 52,
......@@ -309,6 +312,8 @@ extern "C" {
ge_eSave_DigBorder_color = 1001,
ge_eSave_DigText_attribute = 1100,
ge_eSave_DigText_low_text = 1101,
ge_eSave_DigText_instance = 1102,
ge_eSave_DigText_instance_mask = 1103,
ge_eSave_Value_attribute = 1200,
ge_eSave_Value_format = 1201,
ge_eSave_Value_instance = 1202,
......@@ -402,6 +407,12 @@ extern "C" {
ge_eSave_StatusColor_attribute = 3100,
ge_eSave_StatusColor_nostatus_color = 3101,
ge_eSave_HostObject_object = 3200,
ge_eSave_DigSound_attribute = 3300,
ge_eSave_DigSound_soundobject = 3301,
ge_eSave_DigSound_level = 3302,
ge_eSave_DigSound_interval = 3303,
ge_eSave_DigSound_instance = 3304,
ge_eSave_DigSound_instance_mask = 3305,
ge_eSave_PopupMenu_ref_object = 5000,
ge_eSave_SetDig_attribute = 5100,
ge_eSave_SetDig_instance = 5101,
......@@ -590,6 +601,8 @@ class GeDyn {
bool reset_color; //!< An element of higher prio is passing color dynamics to elements of lower prio.
bool ignore_invisible; //!< All remaining elements with lower prio should ignore invisible dynamics.
bool reset_invisible; //!< An element of higher prio is passing invisible dynamics to elements of lower prio.
bool ignore_text_a1; //!< All remaining elements with lower prio should ignore a1 text dynamics.
bool reset_text_a1; //!< An element of higher prio is passing a1 text dynamics to elements of lower prio.
ge_mDynType dyn_type; //!< Dynamic type.
ge_mDynType total_dyn_type; //!< Total dynamic type, including the dyntype of the nodeclass if Inherit is set.
ge_mActionType action_type; //!< Action type.
......@@ -1062,12 +1075,13 @@ class GeDigText : public GeDynElem {
pwr_tBoolean old_value;
char high_text[80];
GeDigText( GeDyn *e_dyn) :
GeDigText( GeDyn *e_dyn, ge_mInstance e_instance = ge_mInstance_1) :
GeDynElem(e_dyn, ge_mDynType_DigText, (ge_mActionType) 0, ge_eDynPrio_DigText)
{ strcpy( attribute, ""); strcpy( low_text, "");}
{ strcpy( attribute, ""); strcpy( low_text, ""); instance = e_instance;}
GeDigText( const GeDigText& x) :
{ strcpy( attribute, x.attribute); strcpy( low_text, x.low_text);}
{ strcpy( attribute, x.attribute); strcpy( low_text, x.low_text);
instance = x.instance; instance_mask = x.instance_mask;}
void get_attributes( attr_sItem *attrinfo, int *item_count);
int get_transtab( char **tt);
void save( ofstream& fp);
......@@ -1521,6 +1535,42 @@ class GeHostObject : public GeDynElem {
int export_java( grow_tObject object, ofstream& fp, bool first, char *var_name);
//! Play sound specified by a Sound or SoundSequence object.
class GeDigSound : public GeDynElem {
pwr_tAName attribute;
pwr_tAName soundobject;
int level;
double interval;
pwr_tAttrRef soundaref;
pwr_tBoolean *p;
pwr_tSubid subid;
int size;
graph_eDatabase db;
int inverted;
bool first_scan;
pwr_tBoolean old_value;
double time_since_last;
GeDigSound( GeDyn *e_dyn, ge_mInstance e_instance = ge_mInstance_1) :
GeDynElem(e_dyn, ge_mDynType_DigSound, (ge_mActionType) 0, ge_eDynPrio_DigSound),
level(0), interval(10), time_since_last(0)
{ strcpy( attribute, ""); strcpy( soundobject, ""); instance = e_instance;}
GeDigSound( const GeDigSound& x) :
GeDynElem(x.dyn,x.dyn_type,x.action_type,x.prio), level(x.level),
interval(x.interval), time_since_last(0)
{ strcpy( attribute, x.attribute); strcpy(soundobject, x.soundobject);}
void get_attributes( attr_sItem *attrinfo, int *item_count);
void save( ofstream& fp);
int connect( grow_tObject object, glow_sTraceData *trace_data);
int disconnect( grow_tObject object);
int scan( grow_tObject object);
void open( ifstream& fp);
void set_attribute( grow_tObject object, char *attr_name, int *cnt);
void replace_attribute( char *from, char *to, int *cnt, int strict);
//! Display the methods popup menu.
class GePopupMenu : public GeDynElem {
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