<topic> __DocumentTitlePage <image> pwr_logga.gif <h1> Designer's Guide <hr> 2008-01-14 Version 4.4.0 <hr> </topic> <topic> __DocumentInfoPage Copyright (C) 2008 SSAB Oxel�sund AB Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. First Edition Mars 2005 </topic> <chapter> <topic> introduction Introduction Proview is a modern, powerful and general process control system. It contains all functions normally required for successful sequential control, adjustment, data acquisition, communication, supervision, etc. The configuration of a Proview system is done graphically, making the application adaptation simple, reliable, and flexible. Proview is a distributed system, which means that the system consists of several computers, connected via a network . Via the network computers exchange data with each other. In this way, for instance, the measuring signals will be known on all the process - and operator stations of a Proview system. A Proview system is defined with objects. Each object represents a physical or abstract entity in the system. The objects are structured in hierarchical tree structures, making it possible to describe the system in a structured way. The tree structure also imposes a hierarchical naming of all objects. By carefully choosing names when configuring a system, the full name of an object will identify its function, or role in the system. The hierarchies are divided into two groups; one called the Plant Configuration, describing the logical view of a system; and one called the Node Configuration , describing the physical view of the system. The configuration of these two parts can be done independently. Eventually the two parts are connected to each other. To configure a system you use the Proview Workbench. The workbench comprises a permanent database and a number of tools to help you configuring the objects needed to define the system. From the workbench you create a runnable system as well as documentation about the system. The purpose of Proview is to help you creating automated systems. Suppose you have a process that you wish to control, Proview helps you creating the control system for this process. When the system is created, you will find that you have also created the documentation for the system. </topic> </chapter> <option> printdisable <topic> index Designer's Guide Overview <link> design_overview Database structure <link> database_structure A case study <link> case_study Administration <link> administrator Configure the directoryvolume <link> configure_directoryvolume Configure the rootvolume <link> configure_rootvolume Plc programming <link>plc_programming Creating Process Graphics <link> ge_man Running and Testing a Proview System <link> conf_test <b>Reference Manuals The Configurator <link> configurator_refman The Object Editor<link> objecteditor_refman The Spreadsheet Editor<link> spreadsheeteditor_refman The Plc Editor<link> plceditor_refman The Class Editor<link> classeditor Commands <link> help command Script <link> script </topic> <option> printenable <chapter> <topic> design_overview Overview As this is a guide for designers, we to start with a description of what the design of a control system imply. The description can also work as an introduction to the different concepts that are used in this guide. A designer's starting point is, of course, the process that is to be controled by the system, and the first task is to learn about the process, and to figure out the best way to control it: which control loops is needed, which interlockings, how is the startup and shutdown carried out, how is operators and maintainers going to work with the system. This is summed up in a Design specification. At the same time you have to consider what information about the process the control system need to perform its task, i.e. which sensors should be placed in the plant. The control system also has to influence the process i varous ways, for example with valves and engines. This ends in a Signal list, that is alist of all input and output signals of the system. At this point the question of which control system is to be used is raised, and on alternative is of course Proview. You also has to decide whick IO-system to use, and how to devide the function i different process stations. <h1>IO-systems The task of the IO-system is to bring signals from the process to the control system, and to put out signals to influence the process. The signals are usually digital or analog, but there are also other types as integers and counters. You can choose between a rack and card system connected to the process station, or a distributed io, e.g profibus. <h1>Configure the system When it's time to start configure the system, you first create a new project in the Administrator. The Administartor is a tool to create order among all the projects, as there can be plenty of them in time. The configuration of a system is mainly done by creating objects in a database, the Workbench. There is a large amount of objects to configure everything from IO-channels to PLC programs. The Proview Object Reference Manual contains over 400 different types of objects. The objects are placed in a tree structure, and you use a tool called the Configurator to create objects and to navigate it the object tree. The object tree is separated in to parts, the plant hierarchy and the node hierarchy. The Plant hierarchy reflects the different functions in the plant and in the process, while the Node hierarchy reflects the hardware of the control system, with computors, IO-racks and IO-cards. When later the control system is started in runtime, a copy of the object tree is created in a realtime database, rtdb. The transfer from the Workbench to rtdb is done with so called loadfiles, files that are generated from the Workbench and contains all its objects. <h1>Control program Proview offers a graphical programming language in witch logic, Grafcet sequences and control loops is programmed. It is named the PLC program. Also the PLC program is a part of the object tree. It is configured by placing specific program objects, PlcPgm, in the Plant hierarchy. When opening a PlcPgm you enter the Plc Editor, in which the graphical programming is preformed. Function blocks is created, and connected in a signal flow of digital and analogous signals, where the input signals are feched at the left side, transformed in different function blocks, and finally stored in ouput signals at the right side. A complement to the PLC program is application programs, which are written in the c, c++ or java language. Applications are written and started as separate programs and connected to the realtimedatabase through an API. <h1>Simulation The realtime database, the PLC program and possible applications kan easily be started in the development station. This makes it possible to test the programs in direct connection with the programming. You kan even write special simulation programas which reads the output signals, simulates the ouputs influence of the process, calculates values of different sensors and puts this values in the input signals. The configuration and programming of the system is then a process, where you altertately configure/program and test. The result i carefully debugged programs and a fast and efficiant commissioning of the plant. It also result in better programs, and more thoroughly workt through functions, beacause the feedback is greater in the create process that the construction of a process control system implies. At the simulation and commissioning it is of greate importance to have access to tools that makes it possible to monitor and examine the system, and quickly locacalize possible malfunctions. In Proview this tools is called Xtt. Xtt containts a lot of functions to examine the content of the realtime database, to flow the signal flow, to log fast or slow sequences, etc. <h1>Operator interface There are a number of different groups of professionals that shall gain access to the system, operators running the plant on a daily basis, maintaners occasionally correcting som malfuncions, process engineers requesting various process data. All have their demands on the system interface. Furthermore the limits between the various groups of professionals might be fluid, operators that are both operators and maintainers, and perhaps even process engineers. This makes high demands on the functionality and flexibility of the operator interface. You can rapidly and easy trough, so called methods that i activated from popupmenues, fetch all the information of various objects, that i stored in the realtime database, or in different server systems. <h1>Process graphics Process graphics are build in a grapical editor. The grapics are vector based, which makes all graphs and components unlimitede scalable. Components have a preprogrammed dynamic to change color and shape, depending of signals in the realtime database, or to respond to mouse clicks and set values in the database. In each component that is sensible to mouse click or input, you can state access, and selectively allow or hinder users to influence the system. Process graphs can also, besides beeing displayed in the ordinary operator environment, be exported to java, which makes them viewable on the web with all dynamics. <h1>Supervision If any malfunction arise in the system, the operator has to be noticed. This is done with special supervisory objects, that is configured in the plant hierarchy or in the PLC program, and which originate alarms and events. The alarms have four priority levels: A, B, C and D, and is diplayed to the operator in the alarm list, the event list and the historical event list. The alarmlist contains unacknowledged alarms and alarms in alarm state. An alarm normally has to be acknowledged before it disapperas from the list. If the alarm state is active, the alarm remains in the list as long as it is active. Alarm also are registred in the event list, that displays events in a chronological order. The historical eventlist is a database, also registrering event. Here you can search for events, stating criteria as priority and process part. If a plant part is shut down, it is possible to block the alarms, to avoid to distract the operator. Blocked plant parts are displayed in the Block list. <h1>Data Storage You often want to follow the change of a signal over time, in the shape of a curve. In Proview there are there kinds of funktions for this, DsTrend, DsFast and DsHist. DsTrend is a trend that is stored in the realtime database. The value of a signal is stored continously with an interval of 1 second and upwards. For each curve there is space for about 500 samples, so if you choose to store a new sample every second, you have a trend of the signal of about 8 minutes. DsHist store signales in a similar way in a database on disk, which makes it possible to store values a longer period of time then DsTrend. DsFast store more rapid sequences, where the storage is started on a trigg condition, and continues a specified time, and is then displayed as a curve. </topic> </chapter> <chapter> <topic> database_structure Database structure As we have seen earlier, the main part of the configuration of a Proview system is taken place in a database, the Workbench. In the Workbench you create objects in a tree structure, and every object arise a certain function i the control system. Proview is what is called object oriented, so let us look a little closer at what a Proview object really is. <option> printdisable Objects <link> object Volumes <link> volume Attribute <link> attribute Class <link> class Object Tree <link> object_tree Object Name <link> object_name Mounting <link> mounting Object Identity <link> object_identity <option> printenable </topic> <topic> object Object An object consists of a quantity of data, that in some way defines the state of the object or the properties of the object. The data quantity can be very simple, as for an And-gate, where it consists of a boolean value that is true or false. However, a PID controler has a more complex quantity of data. It contains gain, integration time, output, force etc. It consists of a mix of digital, analogous and integer values. Some values are configured in the development environment and some are calculated in runtime. The quantity of data is called the body of the object. The body is divided in attributes, where every attribute has a name and a type. The body of an And-gate consists of the attribute Status which is of type Boolean, while the body of a PID controler consists of 47 attributes: ProcVal, SetVal, Bias, ForceVal etc. All PID objects has its quantity of data structured in the same way, you say they are a member of the same class. The PID objects are memebers of the PID class, and the And-gates are members of the And class. A class is a kind of model of how objects that belongs to the class appear, for example which the attributes are, and the name and type of the attribues. Besides a body, an objects also has a header. In the header, the class and identity of the objects is found, and also its relation to other objects. The objects are ordered in a tree structure, and in the header there are link to the parent, and the closest siblings of the object. </topic> <topic>volume Volumes When configuring a system, and creating objects, you usually know to which node the objects will belong in runtime. You could group the objects after which node they will belong to, but a more flexibel grouping is made, so instead you group the objects in volumes. A volume is a kind of container for objects. The volume has a name and an identity, and it contains a number of objects ordered in a tree structure. There are a number of different types of volumes, and the first you get into contact with is a root volume. When configuring a node, you usually work in a root volume. Every node is connected to a root volume, i.e when the node is starting up in runtime, the root volume, and its objects, is loaded into the node. Below is a description of the different types of volumes. <h2>RootVolume A root volume contains the root of the object tree in a node. At startup, the node is loading the root volume. A node is connected to one and only one root volume. Furthermore, a root volume can be loaded into several nodes. When a process station is running i production, the same volume can concurrently be loaded into a develoopment station for simulation, and a third node kan run the volume in educational purposes. Though, you have to consider that the nodes has to run in different communication busses. <h2>SubVolume Some of the objects in a node can be placed in a sub volume. The reason to divide the objects of a node in a root volume and in one or several sub volumes, could be that a number of persons has to configure the node simultaneously, or that you plan to move parts of the control of some plant parts to another node later. <h2>ClassVolume The definition of different classes reside in a special type of volume, called ClassVolume. Here the description of a class i built with objects that define the name of the class and the attributes of the class. There are two classvolumes that you always include in a Proview system, pwrs and pwrb. pwrs contains the system classes, mainly classes used in class definitions. pwrb contains base classes, i.e standard classes that is neede to build a process or operator station. <h2>DynamicVolume A dynamic volume contains dynamic objects, i.e. volatile objects created at runtime. If you have a material planning module in the system, an objects i created for each material that is processed in the plant. When the processing is completed, the object is removed. <h2>SystemVolume The system volume is a dynamic volume that reside in every node, and that keeps various system objects. <h2>DirectoryVolume The Directoy volume only exists in the development environment. Here the volumes and nodes of the system are configured. <h1>Volyme Identity Each volume has a unic identity, that is written with four numbers, separated with points, e.g. "_V0.3.4.23". The prefix _V states that it is a volume identity. To verify that the volume identities are unic, there is a global volumelist that contains all volumes. Before creating a project, the volumes of the project should be registred in the volume list. </topic> <topic> attribute Attribute The quantity of data for an object is divided into attributes. Each attribut has a name and a type. Here follows a description of the most common attribute types. <h2>Boolean Digital attributes are of type boolean. The value can be true (1) or false (0). <h2>Float32 Analogue attributes are of type Float32, i.e. a 32-bit float. <h2>Int32 Integer attributes are usually of type Int32, i.e. a 32-bit integer. There are also a number of other integer types, e.g. Int8, Int16, UInt8 and UInt16. <h2>String In a string attribute a character string is stored. There are different string types with variuos length, e.g. String8, String16, String40, String80, String256. <h2>Time Time contains an absolute time, e.g. 1-MAR-2005 12:35:00.00. <h2>DeltaTime DeltaTime contains an delta time, e.g. 1:12:22.13 (1 hour, 12 minutes, 22.13 seconds). <h2>Enum Enum is an enumeration type, used to chose one alternative of several alternatives. It can be assigned one integer value, in a serie of integer values, where each value is associated with a name. There are, for example, the enumeration ParityEnum which kan have the values 0 (None), 1 (Odd) or 2 (Even). Enum is a basic type and ParityEnum is a derived type. <h2>Mask Mask is used when to choose one, or several, of a number of alternatives. The alternatives are represented by the bits in a 32-bit integer. An attribute can also consist of a more complex datastructure. It can be an array with a specified number of elements, and it may also be another object, a so called attribute object. </topic> <topic>class Class A Class is a description of how an object that is a member of the class shall look like. An object that belong to the class is called an intance. The class defines how the data of the instances are structured in attributes of various type, or the graphic representation of objects in the PLCeditor or in the operator environment. Each class has a template object, i.e. an instance of the class that contains default values for the attributes of the class. Proview's basesystem conatins about 500 classes. See Object Reference Manaual detailed description. The designer can also create his own classes within a project. </topic> <topic>object_tree Object Tree The object in a volums are ordered in a tree structure. In the volume there is one, or several top objects, each top object can have one or several children, which can have children etc. You usually talk about the relations between objects in the tree in terms as parent, sibling, child, ancestor and descendants. </topic> <topic>object_name Object Name Each object has a name that is unic whithin its siblinghood. The object also has a path name that is unic within the world. The pathname includes, besides the object name, the volume name and the name of all the ancestors, e.g <c>VolTrafficCross1:TrafficCross1-ControlSignals-Reset If you want to be more specific, and point out an attribute in an object, you add the attribute name to the object name with a point between, e.g. <c>VolTrafficCross1:TrafficCross1-ControlSignals-Reset.ActualValue Also an attribute can have several segments, since an attribute can consist of an object. The attribute name segments are separated by points, e.g <c>VolTrafficCross1:Hydr-Valve.OpenSw.ActualValue </topic> <topic>mounting Mounting An operator station has to display values of signals and attributes that reside in the volumes of process stations. This is achieved by a mechanism, where an operator station mounts the volumes of the process stations, in its own object tree. A mounting means that you hang an object tree of another volume in the own rootvolume. Where in the tree the volumes is hanged, is configured wiht a MountObject object. In the MountObject states, which object in the other volumes that is mounted. The result is, that the MountObject is displayed as the mounted object, with the objecttree beneath is. It apparently looks as if the objects belong to the own root volume, while they in reality reside in another node. If you use subvolumes, they also have to be mounted in a root volume, to make the objects available. When you choose mounting points and names of mounting points, it is suitable to do this in a way, that the objects have the same pathname in both volumes. </topic> <topic>object_identity Objekt Identity An object has an identity that is unic. It consits of the volume identity, and an object index that is unic within the volume. An object identity is written for example "_O0.3.4.23:34" where is the volume identity, and 34 the object index. The prefix _O states that it is an object identity. </topic> </chapter> <chapter> <topic>development environment Development environment The configuration of a Proview system is done in a development station. The Proview development enviroment is installed in the development station. </topic> </chapter> <chapter> <topic>case_study A Case Study <option> printdisable Specification of I/O<link>io_specification Administration <link> administration Plant Configuration <link> plant_configuration Node Configuration <link> node_configuration PLC program <link> plcprogram Plant Graphics <link> process_graphics <option> printenable In this chapter we will give you an idea of how a Proview system is created. The process to control in this case study is very simple - an intersection with four traffic lights - but it will give you an idea of the steps you have to go through when creating a Proview system. The traffic lights should be able to operate in two different modes: - Normal: The traffic lights run normal cycle of red, yellow and green. - Flash: The traffic lights are flashing yellow. <image> dg_fig1.gif <b>Traffic lights in an Intersecion The operating mode of the traffic lights is decided by an operator at via operator station, or by a maintenance technician, who influences a switch. The maintenance technician can change mode, only if the operator have switched the traffic lights to service mode. Figure 'Traffic Lights, Control Panels' shows the different switches and indicators needed by the operator and maintenance technician respectively, to be able to monitor and control the system. These could be realized with plant graphics on the operator station or with hardware. <image> dg_fig2.gif <b>Traffic Lights, Control Panels </topic> <topic> io_specification Specification of I/O We start with analysing the task to decide what hardware to use. <h2>Digital Outputs We have four traffic lights, but the traffic lights in the same street can be connected in parallel, which means that we can treat them as two lights. Three outputs per light: 2 � 3 = 6 Indication: Operating mode 1 Indication: Control 1 ---------------------------------- Total number of digital outputs: 8 <h2>Digital Inputs The only digital input needed is for the maintenance technician's switch. The operator controls the process from the computer display, and this requires no physical signals. Switch: Operating mode 1 --------------------------------- Total number of digital inputs: 1 Den enda digitala ing�ng som beh�vs �r f�r underh�llsteknikerns vred. Operat�ren styr <h2>Analog I/O No analog in- or outputs are needed for this task. <h2>Specification of the Process Station When we have decided upon the I/O needed, we can choose the hardware. We choose: 1 Linux PC with rack. 1 card with 16 digital inputs. 1 card with 16 digital outputs. <h2>Specification of the Operator Station 1 Linux PC. <h2>Specification of Plant Graphics We need a display from which the operator can control and survey the traffic lights. </topic> <topic> administration Administration First we have to register a new volume, create a project, and, if necessary, create new users. For this we need - A name for the project. We call it trafficcross1. - Two volumes, one for the process station and one for the operator station. - We need three users: one developer, one operator and one maintenance technician. Volumes, projects and users are registred and created in the administrator tool. <h2>Register volume For this project, we need two volumes, one for the process station, and one for the operator station. They are root volumes so we can choose an idle volume identity in the intervall 0.1-254.1-254.1-254. We choose to the operator station and to the process station, and enter the volume mode in the administator to register these volumes. <image> dg_fig11.gif <b>Volume registration <h2>Create users Eric is a developer in the traffec department, an Carl is an operator. They are both involved in all the projects at the traffic department, so we create a common systemgroup for all the projects and let them share users. We grant Eric developer and system privileges, Carl operator privileges and Lisa maintenance privileges. <image> dg_fig4.gif <b>Created users <h2>Create Project We create the project with the hierarchy name 'trafiic-trafficcross1'. <image> dg_fig10.gif <b>Created project <h1>Configure the project The project has a directory volume in which the nodes and volumes of the project are configured. In the upper window the volumes are configured with RootVolumeConfig objects. In the lower window the process and the operator station are configured with NodeConfig objects. The NodeConfig objects is put beneath a BusConfig object that states in which QCOM bus the nodes are communicating. The NodeConfig objects contains - Nodename - ip adress of the node Below each NodeConfig object there is a RootVolumeLoad object that states the volume to load at runtime startup. Note also the system object with the attribute SystemGroup that is assigned the value 'trafficdepartment'. This grants the users eric, carl and lisa access to the project. <image>dg_fig5.gif <b>The Directory Voluem </topic> <topic> plant_configuration Plant Configuration Once the configuring of the project is done, next step is to configure the plant. The configuration is done in the Configuration Editor. The plant is a logical description of the reality, which is to be controlled and supervised. The plant is structured hierarchically. Examples of levels in the plant can be plant, process, process part, component, and signal. These are the logical signals represented by signal objects which will be connected to physical channels. <h2>The Process Station Den st�rsta delen av konfigureringen g�rs i processtationens volym, VolTrafficCross1. Det �r ju h�r som all kort, kanaler, signaler och PLC program ska konfigureras. The plant is structured hierarchically. Examples of levels in the plant can be plant, process, process part, component, and signal. These are the logical signals represented by signal objects which will be connected to physical channels. Sometimes it can be difficult to configure each signal in an initial stage, but it must at any rate be decided how possible signals shall be grouped. The figure below illustrates how a plant has been configured. We see how signals have been configured on different levels, and even how the PLC programs are configured in the plant. <image> dg_fig3.gif <b>An Example of a Plant Configuration We choose to call our plant TrafficCross1 and we decide on the following structure: - Two traffic lights, each one consisting of a green, a yellow, and a red lamp. Since the streets run north-south and west-east respectively, we call them TrafficLightNS and TrafficLightWE. Each lamp requires a signal. These are digital output signals and are called RedNS, RedWE, etc. - A PLC program to control the traffic lights. - A number of control signals to select operating mode and function. We choose to put them in one folder, ControlSignals. The table below shows the signals required. Figure shows the resulting Plant Configuration. We choose to call our plant TrafficCross1 and decide the following structure: <b>Signal Name <t>Signal Type <t>Function ServiceSwitch <t>Di <t>A switch which the maintenance technician can influence to <t> <t>change the operating mode. OperatorSwitch <t>Di <t>A value which the operator can influence to change the operating <t> <t>mode. ServiceMode <t>Di <t>A value which the operator can influence to change the function <t> <t>to service mode. ServiceModeInd <t>Do <t>A signal which shows the maintenance technician that the program <t> <t>is in service mode. Mode <t>Dv <t>Indicates whether the program is in normal or flashing mode. ModeInd <t>Do <t>Indicates whether the program is in normal or flashing mode. Reset <t>Dv <t>A value which is used to reset the program to initial mode. <bookmark> plant_example <image> dg_fig6.gif <b>The Plant Configuration of the Intersection As you can see we have a plant object at the topmost level, TrafficCross1 of the class $PlantHier. We use other objects of class $PlantHier to group our objects. We also create an object, which defines a PLC program, the ControlPgm object of the class PlcPgm . <h2>The Operator Station The configuration of the operator station is performed in the volume VolOpTrafficCross1. In the Plant side there is only a mount object, that makes the plant hierarchy of the process node available in the operator station. We have mounted the topmost $PlantHier object, 'TrafficCross1' with a MountObject with the same name. <image> dg_fig14.gif <b>The Plant Configuration in the operator volume. </topic> <topic> node_configuration Node Configration When you have configured the plant, continue to configure the nodes. <h2>Processtation In this example we choose to start configuring the process station. We name the process station "cross1". It is advisable to give the process stations descriptive names. In the node hierarchy we create a $NodeHier object 'Nodes' and below, a $Node object 'cross1' that configures the node. In the analysis phase we decided that the process station should consist of the following hardware: - 1 Linux PC - 1 rack with 16 slots - 1 card with 16 digital inputs (Di channels). - 1 card with 16 digital outputs (Do channels). The rack and the cards are configured in a manner much like what you would do physically. You have a node, place the rack in the node, the card in the rack, and the channels on each card. <image> dg_fig7.gif <b>Node Configuration of the Process Station We also configure the PLC program with a PlcProcess object, and below this, a PlcThread object for each time base. We are content with one 100 ms timebase. <image> dg_fig12.gif <b>Timebase configuration of the PLC program Each object has a number of attributes that you may have to change. To give an understanding of how to change attributes, some of the attributes in the PlcProcess object are edited below. <image> dg_fig13.gif <b>Change of Attribute Value <h2>Operator Station The node hierarchy of the operator station is configured in the volume VolOpTrafficCross1. Below the node object we find an OpPlace object that defines the operator place, and below this a User object that defines a user. Below the OpPlace object there is also a XttGraph object for the process graph of the operator station. <image> dg_fig8.gif <b>The Node Configuration i the Operator Volume. <h1> Connecting channels to signals When you have configured the plant and the nodes, it is time to connect the logical signals to the physical channels. Each logical signal in the Plant Configuration must be connected to one channel in the Node Configuration; a Di to a ChanDi, a Do to a ChanDo, an Ai to a ChanAi and an Ao to a ChanAo , etc. You can se the connection as a representation of the copper cable between the components in the plant, and the channel in the I/O rack. In the figure below there is a cable between the switch and channel 0 in the Di-card. As the Di-signal SeviceSwitch is representing the switch and Di-channel Di4-00 is representing the channel, we have to make a connection between these two objects. <image> dg_fig15.gif <b>Connection between a signal and a channel <image> dg_fig9.gif <b>Connect a signal to a channel </topic> <topic>plcprogram PLC program We use the Graphical PLC Editor to create PLC programs. However we must first connect the PlcPgm object to a PlcThread object in the node hierarchy. This states which timebase the PLC programm is executed on. <image> dg_fig16.gif <b>The Graphical PLC Editor We will use the PLC Editor to create a sequential control program for the traffic lights. There are two ways to solve the problem concerning the two operating modes for a traffic light, normal and flash: 1. Use one Grafcet sequence with conditional branches, i.e. one branch for the normal operating mode sequence and one for the flash operating mode sequence. 2. Use two separate Grafcet sequences with different start conditions. Here we choose to use the second alternative. In chapter 4, Graphical PLC Programming a more detailed description of Grafcet and sequential control can be found. Grafcet programs are based on activating and deactivating a number of steps in sequence. In linear sequences only one step at a time can be active. To each step you tie a number of orders that are to be executed when the step is active. This can be e.g. to set (with a StoDo object) a digital output signal, which turns on a lamp. The PLC programs thus control the logical signals. <image>dg_fig17.gif <b>The Flashing Light Sequence This is the sequence that will be executed when you want the lights to flash yellow. The start condition for this sequence is inverted in relation to the start condition for the normal operating mode sequence. This implies that the two sequences cannot execute at the same time. <image>dg_fig18.gif <b>The Normal Sequence The program for the normal operating mode is based on a traffic light following the sequence: <b> <t>North-South <t>West-East 1 <t>Red <t>Red 2 <t>Red, Yellow <t>Red 3 <t>Gr�n <t>Red 4 <t>Yellow, Green <t>Red 5 <t>Red <t>Red 6 <t>Red <t>Red, Yellow 7 <t>Red <t>Green 8 <t>Red <t>Yellow, Green 9 <t>Back to step 1 The program starts in the initial step. If the start condition is fulfilled, step S1 will become active and the red lamps are turned on. After a certain time, step S1 will become inactive and step S2 will become active, and a yellow lamp will also be turned on, and so on. When step S8 has been active for a certain time, it will be deactivated, and the initial step is once again activated. <image> dg_fig19.gif <b>Trigger Signals The program above shows the logic that controls different operating modes. At the very top to the right you set the Dv signal "Mode". If this is set to a logical 1, the sequence for the light's normal operating mode will be run, otherwise the sequence for flashing lights will be run. The Dv signal "Reset" will be set to a logical 1 during one execution cycle when the signal Mode changes value. This implies that the two Grafcet sequences will return to the initial step. The chosen sequence will be executed again when Reset is set to a logical 0. The PLC programs you have created must be compiled before they can be executed on a process station. </topic> <topic> process_graphics Plant Graphics Plant graphics are often used as an interface between the operator and the process. Plant graphics are created with the Plant Graphics Editor. <image> dg_fig20.gif <b>The Plant Graphics Edtitor Plant graphics can contain dynamics, which are connected to the logical signals, e.g.: - Text that becomes visible when a signal reaches a certain value - Graphical objects that change color when a signal reaches a certain value - Graphical objects that become invisible when a signal reaches a certain value - Graphical objects that move depending on the value of a signal You can also place push buttons in the plant graphics, which the operator can use for changing values of digital signals. To change analog signals you use an input entry field. In our example we choose to make a plant graphics, showing a road crossing, where the traffic lights (red, yellow, and green) are dynamic as shown in figure. How to create the plant graphics is described in chapter 5 Creating Plant Graphics . <image>dg_fig21.gif <b>The Plant Graphics for the Intersection </topic> </chapter> <chapter> <topic>administrator Administration <option> printdisable Create users <link> adm_user Register volumes <link> register_volumes Create project <link> create_project <option> printenable </topic> <topic> adm_user Users To gain access to the Proview development and runtime environment you need to login with username and password. Users are kept in the user database and are granted privileges which states the users authority to make changes in the system. Systems that share the same users are grouped into a system group, and the the users for this group is defined. You can also build a hierarchy of system groups where child groups inherit the users of their parent, and additional users can be defined for each child. A system is connected to a systemgroup by the SystemGroup attribute in the $System object. The notation for a system group in a hierarchy is the names of the group separated by a point, for example 'Main.West.F1�. In the example below Eric is responsible for all the systems in the plant, and is defined on the highest level in the hierarchy. Nils is working with the west side of the plant and is defined on the 'West� system group. Finally, Carl working with the systems in the F1 part of the plant. All system groups has the attribute UserInherit, that states that a child group inherits all the users of the parent. <image> dg_fig22.gif Users and systemgroups are created in the administrator: - Start the administrator with the command 'pwra' - Enter the UserDatabase from the menu 'File/Open/UserDatabase'. - Login by entering the login command. Open the login prompt from the menu 'Functions/Command' and enter 'login /adm� on the command line. If the systemgroup 'administrator� is presen you also has to add username and password to a user defined in the administrator systemgroup. - Enter edit mode from the menu 'Edit/Edit mode'. Systemgroups and users are represented by object of the classes SystemGroupReg and UserReg, that are displayed in the palette to the left. An object is created by selecting a class in the palette. After that, you click with the middle mousebutton on the future sibling or parent to the new object. If you click on the map/leaf in the destination object, the new object is placed as the first child, if you click to the right of the map/leaf, it is placed as a sibling. - Create a systemgroup by selecting 'SystemGroupReg' in the palette, and click with MB2 (the middle mousebutton) in the right window. Open the SystemGroupReg object and enter name ant attribute for the system group. Enter the complete hierarchy name, e.g. 'Main.West'. - Create a user by selecting 'UserReg' in the palette and click with MB2 on the map/leaf of the SystemGroupReg object that the UserReg should be a child of. Open the object and enter username, password and privileges for the user. - Save. - Logout with the command 'logout'. The user database reside in the directory $pwra_db. </topic> <topic>register_volumes Register Volumes All volumes in a network has to have a unique volumname and volume identity. To assure this, all volumes is registered in a global volume. The registration is done by the administrator: - Start the administrator with the command 'pwra� - Enter volume mode from the menu 'File/Open/GlobalVolumeList'. - Login as administartor. - Enter edit mode from the menu 'Edit/Edit mode'. Volumes are registred by objects of class VolumeReg, that is dislayed in the palette to the left. In the palette, there is also the $Hier class, that can be used to order the VolumeReg objects in a tree structure. - Create a VolumeReg object, open the object and enter volumename (equals objectname), volumeidentity and project. - Save. - Logout with the command 'logout'. <h2>Volume name The name of the volume, a unic name with max 31 characters. <h2>Volume Identity The volume identity is a 32 bit word specified in the form v1.v2.v3.v4 where v1, v2, v3 and v4 are numbers in the interval 0-255. Dependent on the class of the volume, the numbers can be chosen in separate intervals. RootVolumes <t>0. 1-254. 1-254. 1-254 User ClassVolumes <t>0. 0. 2-254. 1-254 The DirectoryVolume always has the identity </topic> <topic>create_project Create project A project is a number of nodes and volumes that share the same development environment. Usually it consist of some process stations and a couple of operators stations that control a part of the plant, but there are no restrictions in the size of a project. You can choose to have each node in its own project or all the nodes in the same project. - All the nodes in a project (on the same bus) has a nethandler link between each other. - All the volumes and nodes share the same directory tree. - All node has to be upgraded to new Proview versions at the same time. A common size is 1-10 nodes in a project. Too many nodes will increase the communication overhead and make it harder to upgrade the project. Create the project in the administrator: - Start the administrator with the command 'pwra�. - The projectlist is shown as default when starting the administrator. It can also be opened from the menu (File/Open/ProjectList). - Login as administrator. - Enter edit mode from the menu 'Edit/Edit mode'. Projects are represented by objects of class ProjectReg, that is displayed in the palette to the left. $Hier objects can be used to order the ProjectReg objects in a tree structure. - Create a ProjectReg object and enter project name, base version, path and description. - The project is created when saving. First you have to confirm the changes. - Save and logout. <h2>Project name A project has a project name that identifies the project in the development environment. It is similar the system name that identifies the project in the runtime environment, but it doesn�t have to be the same. Actually a system can have several projects in the development environment. When upgrading or making a major modification of the system, it is advisable to take a copy of the project and keep the currently running version of the system available for minor corrections. The copy is then created under a new project name, though it has the same system name. <h2>Base Proview is a multiversion system, i.e. different versions of proview can be installed in the same development environment and projects of different proview versions can coexist in the same development environment. A project points at a Proview base, e.g. V3.4, V4.0, and when creating a project you have to choose which base the project should point at. <h2>Path The project consist of a directory tree where databases, source files, archives etc is stored. The path is the root directory of this tree. </topic> </chapter> <chapter> <topic>configure_directoryvolume Directory Volume Configuration <h1>Open a project When the project is created, it is found in the administrator project tree. You open a project by activating 'Open Project' in the popupmenu for a ProjectReg object. The workbench is now opened for the project, and the Volume selection window is displayed, showing all the volumes in the project. So far, only the DirectoryVolume is created, and our first task is to configure this volume, with the volumes and nodes of the system. Select the DirectoryVolume and click on the Ok button to open the configuration editor for the volume. <image> dg_fig23.gif You can also create a project with a shell command. You tie to the project with the commmand > pwrp set project 'projektname' The Workbench is opened with the command > wb wb takes user, password and volume as arguments. <h2>The Configuration Editor The configuration editor displays two windows, and for the DirectoryVolume, the upper shows the volume configuration, and the lower the node configuration. <h2>Configure Volumes First we configure all the root volumes, sub volumes and class volumes in the project. This i done in the volume window in the directory volume. We start by creating a RootVolumeConfig object the configures a root volume. - Enter the edit mode from the menu 'Edit/Edit mode'. Now the palette is visible to the right in the window, and maps can be opened with a click on the map symbol or a double click on the text. - Open the Volume map and select the 'RootVolumeConfig' class. - Click with MB2 in the volume configuration window, and the object is created. - Select the object and open the object editor from the menu 'Functions/Open Object'. - Select ObjectName and activate 'Functions/Change value' in the object editor menu. - Enter the name of the object. The name should be the same as the name of the volume. - Close the object editor. Create the RootVolumeConfig objects for the other rootvolumes of the project. For the following objects you can control the position of the object. If you click with MB2 on the object name of an object, the new object will be a sibling to this object. If you click on the leaf or map symbol, the object will be a child. Also subvolumes and classvolumes is configured in a similar way with SubVolumeConfig and ClassVolumeConfig objects. It is also possible to display the attributes of an object directly in the configuration editor: - Press Shift and click MB1 on the object to open the object - Select an attribute and activate Functions/Change value to modify a value. <h2>Configure the nodes In the lower window, the nodes in the project is configured. You group the nodes by which QCOM bus they communicate on. We create two BusConfig objects, one for the produktion nodes and one for simutation. In the BusNumber attribute the busnumber is defined. As children to the BusConfig object, the NodeConfig objects are created, one for each process and operator station. When the NodeConfig objects are created, some additional objects are created - a RootVolumeLoad objects, that states the rootvolume to load when the runtime environment is started on this node. The name of the object should be equal to the name of the root volume. - a Distribute object that configures which files are copied from the development environment to the process or operator station. Open the NodeConfig object an enter nodename, operating system and ip address. Below the BusConfig object for the simulation bus, it is suitable to place a NodeConfig object for the development station, and below this, a RootVolumeLoad that states the volume of the process station you are going to work with first. In this way you can start the volume in runtime and test it on the development environment. State the name, operating system and ip address of the development station in the NodeConfig object. <b>System object Create also a $System object in the node configuration window. The system object has the attributes SystemName and SystemGroup. - The system name in this state, often is equal to the project name. - The system group attribute makes the system a member of a system group in the user database, which defines the users for the system. Once the system object is created you have to state a valid username and password when entering the workbench. <b>Save Save the session from the menu 'File/Save'. If the configuration passes the syntax check, you will receive a question if you want to create the configured volumes. Answer Ok to these questions and create the volumes. If the volume selection window is opened now, 'File/Open' in the menu, all the configured volumes are displayed. The next step is to configure a RootVolume. </topic> <topic>configure_rootvolume Configure a Root Volume A root volume is opened from the volume selection window. Select the volume and click on the Ok button. This will start the configration editor for the root volume. As for the DirectoryVolume it is separated in two windows, but this time, the upper window shows the plant configuration and the lower the node configuration. <h1>Plant Configuration The Plant Configuration describes the different plants which you can find in the Proview system. A plant is a logical description of e.g. a production process, functions, equipment, that is to be controlled, supervised, etc. Se an example of a plant configuration <link>plant_configuration, plant_example <h2>$PlantHier Object The top object in the plant hierarchy is the $PlantHier object. This object identifies the plant or parts of it. The $PlantHier object is used to group objects and to structure the plant. This object can, for instance, be used to group signal objects. <h2>Signal Objects The signal objects define logical signals, or points, representing a quantity or value somewhere in the process; whereas contrast to the channel objects, which define physical signals. The signal objects are generic, i.e. they can be used with any I/O-system. There are some classes of signals that cannot be connected to hardware signal, i.e. the Dv, Iv, Av and Sv objects (DigitalValue, IntegerValue, AnalogValue and StringValue). These objects are used to store a logical values, integer value, real numbers and strings respectively. The actual value of the signal is defined by the attribute ActualValue. At present the following signal objects are available: Ai <t>Analog input. Ao <t>Analog outupt. Av <t>Analogt value. Ii <t>Integer input. Io <t>Integer output. Iv <t>Integer value. Di <t>Digital input. Do <t>Digital output. Po <t>Pulsed digital output. Dv <t>Digital value. Co <t>Counter input. Sv <t>String value. Note! The PLC program can read signals placed on remote nodes, but cannot write to them. <h2>PlcPgm Object The PlcPgm object defines a PLC program. It is possible to have several PLC programs in a plant. The following attribute must be given a value: - ThreadObject indicates the plc thread where the program is executed. It references a PlcThread object in the node configuration. - If the program contains a GRAFCET sequence, the ResetObject must be given. This is a Dv, Di or Do that reset the sequence to its initial state. <bookmark> backup_object <h2>Backup Object The Backup object is used to point out the object or attribute, for which the backup will be made. It is also indicated whether storing will take place with fast or slow cycle time. <h2>MountObject The MountObject mounts an object in another volume. The attribute Object specifies the mounted object. <h1>Node Configuration The Node Configuration defines the nodes of your PROVIEW/R system. The nodes are named and their contents specified. <b>Node Configuration <image> dg_fig44.gif <h2>$NodeHier Object The node hierarchy object is used to group objects in the Node Configuration. This object is of the $NodeHier class. The object can be used to group for instance $Node objects or XttGraph objects. See $NodeHier i Object Reference Manual <link>nodehier,"",$pwr_lang/pwrs_xtthelp.dat <h2>$Node To define the nodes of the system, you use node objects. The node object is of the $Node class. When the node object is created, a number of server and operator objects are created. See $Node i Object Reference Manual <link>node,"",$pwr_lang/pwrs_xtthelp.dat <h2>I/O Objects The configuration of the I/O system is dependent of which type of I/O system you use. Proview has a modular I/O that can handle different types of I/O systems: rack and card systems, distributed bussystems, or systems connected with some network. The modolar I/O is devided in four levels: agent, rack, card and channel. <b>Rack and Card System We will take the PSS9000 as an example of an rack and card I/O. The system consists of analog and digital input and output cards that i mounted i racks. The rack i connected via a bus cable to a busconvertercard in the computor, that converts the PSS9000 bus to the computors PCI bus. In this case, the agent level is not used, so the $Node object works as an agent. The rack level is configured with SSAB_Rack objects that is placed below the $Node object, one for each rack in the system. The cards are configured with objects below the rack object, that is specific for different kind of IO cards. For PSS9000 there are card objects like Ai_Ai32uP, Ao_Ao4uP, Di_DIX2 and Do_DVDO32. Below a card object, there are placed channel objects, one for each channel on the card. Common for the different I/O systems is the channel objects, that defines the input or output channels of a card or module. There are som different types of channels. ChanDi <t>Digital input. ChanDo <t>Digital output. ChanAi <t>Analog input. ChanAit <t>Analog input with conversion of the signalvalue from a table. ChanAo <t>Analog output. ChanIi <t>Integer input. ChanIo <t>Integer output. ChanCo <t>Counter input. <b>I/O configuration <image> dg_fig43.gif <b>Distributed I/O As an example of distributed I/O we choose profibus. In this case, all the four levels is used. In the PCI bus of the computor, there is a mastercard the communicates with a number of slaves on the profibus circuit. The mastercard is configured with a Pb_Profiboard card on the agent level. Below this, we find the different slaves configured with Pb_DP_Slave objects. They represent the rack level. Below the slave objects there are module objects of type Pb_Ai, Pb_Ao, Pb_Di, Pb_Do etc, that are placed on the card level. Below the module objects finally, the channels are configured with the channel objects ChanDi, ChanDo etc. <b>Process and thread for I/O objects I/O objects of the card level, often contains the attributes Process and ThreadObject. In Process which process to handle the card is defined. The card can be handled by the PLC program, that is, reading and writing is made syncroized with the execution of the PLC. You can also specify a thread in the PLC that should handle the card, i.e. which timebase is used to read or write the card (the PlcThread attribute). The card can also be handled by the rt_io process, that usually has a lower priority then the PLC, and that is not syncronized with the PLC. Certain types of analog inputcards that takes some time to read, are with advantage handled by this process. You can also write an application that handles reading and writing of cards. There are an API to initiate, read and write the cards. This is useful if the reading and writing of a card has to be syncronized with the application. <h2>MessageHandler Object The MessageHandler object configures the server process rt_emon, that handles the supervision objects (DSup, ASup, CycleSup). When an event is detected by the server, a message is sent to the outunits that has has interesst of this specific event. In the object indicates, for example the number of events that is stored in the node. The object is automatically create below a $Node object. See MessageHandler i Object Reference Manual <link>messagehandler,"",$pwr_lang/pwrb_xtthelp.dat <h2>IOHandler objekt IOHandler configures properties for the I/O handling. - ReadWriteFlag specifies whether to adress physical hardware or not. - IOSimulFlag indicates wether to use the hardware or not. - The timebase for the rt_io process, i.e. the process that handles slower types of I/O cards that are not suitable to be handled by the PLC. In the production system for a process station, ReadWriteFlag is set to 1 and IOSimulFlag is set to 0. If you want to simulate the process station, for example on the development station, ReadWriteFlag is set to 0 and IOSimulFlag is set to 1. The IOHandler object is created automatically, when creating a $Node object. See IOHandler i Object Reference Manual <link>iohandler,"",$pwr_lang/pwrb_xtthelp.dat <h2>Backup_Conf Object - Configuration Object for Backup Sometimes it may be desirable to have a backup of a number of objects in your system. In that case you place a backup configuration object, Backup_Conf, under the node object. The backup is carried out with two different cycles, one fast cycle and one slow. In order to indicate which objects/attributes that should be backed up you use backup objects. See description of the Backup object <link> configure_rootvolume, backup_object See Backup_Conf in Object Reference Manual <link>backup_conf,"",$pwr_lang/pwrb_xtthelp.dat <h2>Operator Place Object To define an operator place you place an object of the OpPlace class under the $Node object. The following attributes must be given values: - OpNumber indicates the number of the operator place. Every operator place in the node should be allocated a unique integer. See OpPlace i Object Reference Manual <link>opplace,"",$pwr_lang/pwrb_xtthelp.dat <h2>User Object For each operator place you must define an out unit of the user type (operator). To do this you use a User object. You can only have one user per operator place. User objects should also be defined for RttConfig and WebHandler objects. The following attributes must be given values: - UserName indicates the name of the user. - OpNumber must have the same number as the operator place. - MaxNoOfEvents indicates the number of events which the operator's event list can hold at the same time. - SelectList indicates the object hierarchies in the Plant Configuration, from which the operator will be receiving events. If we look at the figure above, which illustrates the plant A, and assume that we want to receive events only from the encircled objects, we state 'A-C' as an alternative in the select list. This choice means that we will be receiving events from the supervised object C, and from all supervised objects, which have C as their parent. <b>SelectList example 1 <image> dg_fig41.gif Another example: We look at the figure below, which illustrates the plant TrafficCross1. If you want to receive all events from the plant TrafficCross1, you state TrafficCross1 as an alternative. TrafficCross1 handles two traffic lights, TrafficLightNS and TrafficLightWE. Let us say that we want events only from TrafficLightNS. In that case we state 'TrafficCross1-TrafficLightNS' instead of TrafficCross1. <b>Selectlist example 2 <image> dg_fig42.gif If you want to receive messages from the CycleSup object the supervises the plc threads, you must also state the hierarchy name of the $Node object. In FastAvail you specify the complete hierarchy name of the XttGraph object, which will be possible to start from the graphics buttons of the Operator Window NoFastAvail specifies the number of graphics buttons to be used. You can have 0- 15 push buttons. Buttons which are not used become invisible. See User i Object Reference Manual <link>user,"",$pwr_lang/pwrb_xtthelp.dat <b>Operator Window <image> dg_fig45.gif <h2>The Plant Graphics Object - the XttGraph Object In order to be able to show plant graphics which are unique to the project in the operator station, you must configure XttGraph objects. These objects define, for instance, what the files with the plant graphics are called. The objects are refered to in the User object FastAvail attribute, and in the DefGraph attribute that is found in $PlantHier and signal objects. When the object is refered in a FastAvail you can use the possibility to execute a Xtt command from the XttGraph object. In this way, you can set a signal from a pushbutton in the opeator window. - Action. States a Ge graph to open, or an Xtt command to execute. See XttGraph in Object Reference Manual <link>xttgraph,"",$pwr_lang/pwrb_xtthelp.dat </topic> </chapter> <chapter> <topic>plc_programming Graphical PLC Programming This chapter describes how you create PLC programs. <h1>The Editor You enter the plc editor from a PlcPgm object in the plant configuration. Select the object and activate 'Functions/Open Program' in the menu. The first time the program is opened, you will find an empty document object. The program consist functions blocks and Grafcet sequences. Programming with function block is made in a horizontal net of nodes and connections from left to right in the document. Signals or attributes are fetched on the left side of the net, and the values are transferred via connections from output pins to input pins of functions blocks. The function blocks operate on the values, and on the left side of the net, the values are stored in signals or attributes. Grafcet sequences consist of a vertical net of nodes and connections. A state is transferred between the steps in the sequence via the connections. Grafcet and function block nets can interact with each other and be combined to one net. <h2>Edit function objects The plc editor consists of - a working area. - a palette with grafcet objects and function blocks, and a palette with connections. - a navigation window, from which the work area can be scrolled and zoomed. <b>The Plc editor <image> dg_fig46.gif A function object is created by selecting a class in the palette, and pressing MB2 in the working area. <h2>Modify the object The objects is modified from the object editor. This is opened by selecting the object and activate 'Functions/Open Objects' in the menu. Values of the object attributes is modified with 'Functions/Change value' in the object editor menu. If an input or output is not used it can be removed with a checkbox. There is also a checkbox which states that the value of a digital input should be inverted. <h2>Connect function objects A output pin and a input pin is connected by - Place the cursor on the pin, or in an area in the function object close to the pin, and press MB2. - Drag the cursor to the other pin, or to an area in the function object close to the pin, and release MB2. A connection is now created between the function objects. <h2>Fetch a signal value The value of a Di signal is fetched with a GetDi object. The GetDi object has to point at a Di signal and this is done by selecting the signal in the plant configuration, and then press Ctrl and double click on the GetDi object. The name of the signal is now displayed in the drawing. Dv signals, Do signals and attributes are fetched in the same way, with GetDv, GetDo and GetDp objects. <h2>Store a value to a signal The value of an output from a function object is stored in Do signal with a StoDo objects. The StoDo object is connected to a Do signal in the same way as the Get objects. Dv signals and attributes are stored with StoDv and StoDp objects. <h1>Grafcet Basics This section gives a brief introduction to Grafcet. For a more detailed description, please read a reference manual on Grafcet. Grafcet is an international norm or method to use at sequential control. Grafcet consists of a number of steps, and to each step one or more orders are connected, which will be executed when the step is active. In order to move from one step to another, a transition is used. For each transition you have transition conditions, and the move can only take place when the transition conditions have been fulfilled. <b>Single Straight Sequence We look at the single sequence below and assume that the step is active, which means that the order connected with the initial step will be carried out. This order will be carried out, until the initial step becomes inactive. Step 1 becomes active, when the transition condition for transition 1 has been fulfilled. Then the initial step becomes inactive. A Grafcet program is always a closed sequence. <b>A Simple Straight Grafcet Sequence <image> dg_fig47.gif <h2>F�rgrenad sekvens A straight sequence is the most simple variant of sequences. Sometimes you may require alternative branches in your program, for instance when you have a machine, which can manufacture three different products. At the points where the production differs, you introduce alternative branches. <b>Sequece Selection <image> dg_fig48.gif The example in the figure above shows the sequence for a machine which can manufacture the three products, Red, Green, and Blue. At the point of divergence, point 1 in the figure, you choose the disired branch depending on the product to produce. The alternative branches diverge from a step, that is followed by one transition condition in each branch. It is the constructors task to see that only one of the transition conditions is fullfilled. If several are fullfilled, which one that is selected is undefined. At point 2 in the figure, the branches are converging to a common step. <h2>Parallel Sequences Sometimes it may be necessary to start several parallel working procedures at the same time. It must be possible for these working procedures to operate independent of each other. In order to do this, parallel sequences are used. <b>Parallel Sequences <image> dg_fig49.gif The example in the figure above illustrates the sequence for two machines, which are drilling two holes at the same time and independent of each other. When the transition condition before the parallel divergence (point 1 in the figure), is fullfilled, the activity is moved to both branches, and the machines start drilling. The drilling is preformed independent of each other. The branches are converging to a transition condition (point 2 in the figure), and when the drilling is completed in both machines, i.e. both S12 and S13 are active, and the transition condition T17 is fullfulled, the activity is moved to the init step IS2. <h2>Step <image> dg_fig51.gif A Step is used to describe a state in the process. The following applies to a step: - A step can be active or inactive. - An attribute, Order , indicates whether the step is active or not. - You can connect one or more orders to a step. - The step can be allocated a name at your own discretion. <h2>InitStep <image> dg_fig50.gif In each sequence you must have an initial step (InitStep) which differs from a usual step at the following points: - You should only have one initial step in a sequence. - When the program starts its execution, the initial step is active. - You can always make the initial step active by setting the reset signal. <h2>Transition - Trans As mentioned above, the transition (Trans) is used to start a transition between an active and an inactive step. A logical condition, for instance a digital signal, is connected to a transition, and determines when the transition is taken place. <b>A Transition Example <image>dg_fig52.gif <h2>Order It is possible to connect one or more orders to each step. <b>An Order Example <image>dg_fig53.gif Normally the output is active when the input is active, but for each order you have a number of attributes, with which you can influence the function of the output: - D Delay - L Time limit - P Pulse - C Conditional - S Stored These functions are described in detail in Proview Objects Reference Manual. The principles are that you indicate the name of the attribute (capital letters) and possible time by means of the Object Editor. The figure below illustrates how to delay an order from being active for 10 seconds. <b>DOrder Attributes <image>dg_fig54.gif The selected order attributes are written in the order symbol. The figure below illustrates how you can use an order object with delay to make a step active for a certain time. <b>A Delayed Transition <image>dg_fig55.gif Note! You must use a ConFeedbackDigital connection to connect the delayed order object with the transition object, otherwise the order of execution will be ambigous. See Feedback Connection <link>plceditor_refman, feedback_connection <h2>Subsekvens - SubStep N�r man skapar komplexa Grafcet program, �r det ofta en f�rdel att anv�nda underf�nster, och i dessa placera subsekvenser. P� det h�r s�ttet f�r man en b�ttre layout p� programmet. <b>Subsequence <image>dg_fig56.gif The above figure shows the sub sequence of a SubStep. A sub sequence always starts with an SsBegin object, and ends with an SsEnd object. In its turn a subsequence can contain subsequences. <h1>An Introduction to Function Block Programming <h2>Block to fetch and store values Block to fetch and store are used to read and write values. There are fetch and store blocks for each type of signal. In the figure below a number of these blocks are displayed. They are found in the 'Signal' folder in the palette. <b>Block to fetch and store values <image>dg_fig57.gif To read signals you use blocka like GetAi, GetIi, GetDv or GetAo. When you want to give a value to a signal, you use for instance StoAv, StoDo, SetDv or ResDo. Digital values can be written in two ways: - 'Sto' stores the input value, i.e. if the input is 1 the signal becomes 1, and if the input is zero the signal becomes zero. - 'Set' sets the signal to one if the input is true, Res sets the signal to zero if the input is true. For instance, if you set a digital output signal with a SetDo object, this will remain set until you reset it with a ResDo object. To read, respectively assign attribute values other than the ActualValue attribute, you use the following: - analog attributes, GetAp and StoAp - integer attributes, GetIp and StoIp - digital attributes, GetDp and StoDp, SetDp or ResDp <h2>Logic Blocks A number of objects are available for logical programming, for instance And-gate (And), Or-gate (Or), inverter or timer. For the logical programming digital signals are used. The objects are placed in the folder Logic. <b>Logic Blocks <image> dg_fig58.gif The figure below shows an And-gate. For this object the following applies: - Inputs to the left - Output to the right - Class name is written at the top - The object name is written at the very bottom (can be changed by the user) - You can use a variable number of inputs, default is 2. - The inputs can be inverted, indicated by a ring on the symbol's input. <b>And-gate <image> dg_fig59.gif The attributes of the And-gate are changed with the Object Editor. <b>Attributes of the And-Gate <image> dg_fig60.gif The other objects in the 'Logic' folder have similar parameters, see Proview Objects Reference Manual . <h2>Calculation Blocks The folder 'Analog' contains a number of objects for handling analog signals, for instance filters, summation blocks, and integrators. <b>Arithmetical Calculation Block <image> dg_fig61.gif In this guide we do not describe the function of the objects, but it may be expedient to comment on the use of arithmetic blocks. The blocks are used for calculation of user defined expressions. These are written in the C language. In the figure below the block will calculate the expression (A1 + A2 * A3) and give the output this value. A1, A2 and A3 are representing analog values, for instance signals supposed to be connected to the inputs of the object. The expression can contain advanced C code with arrays and pointers. When writing these expressions it is important to use space before and after the operators, otherwise the expression may be misinterpreted at the execution. H�r beskrivs inte funktionen hos objekten, men det kan vara l�mpligt att kommentera anv�ndningen av aritmetiska block. Blocken anv�nds f�r ber�kning av anv�ndardefinierade uttryck, som skrivs i programmeringsspr�ket C. I figuren ovan kommer blocket att ber�kna v�rdet (A1 + A2 * A3) och l�gga detta p� utg�ngen. A1, A2 och A3 representerar analoga v�rden, t ex signaler som antas vara kopplade till ing�ngarna p� objektet. Uttrycken kan inneh�lla avancerad C kod med arrayer och pekar. When you write these, you should ge aware of that indexing outside arrays, or erroneous pointers might cause the execution of the plcprogram to terminate. <h1>Alarm Supervision In Proview it is possible to supervise analog and digital signals. Supervision of analog signals is made against a limit value. If the supervised limit is exceeded, an alarm is sent to the Message Handler, who in his turn sends the alarm to the out unit, e.g. an operator dialog. See Proview Objects Reference Manual regarding the attributes of the objects. <h2>Supervision of Digital Signals For supervision of a digital signal or attribute, you use the DSup object (Digital supervisory), which is in the folder Logic. The desired signal or attribute, is fetched with a Get-object that is connected to the DSup object. Outputs of logical blocks can be directly connected to the DSup object. <b>Digital Supervisory Objects <image> dg_fig62.gif Figure above illustrates supervision of a Dv signal and a digital attribute. You also have an attribute in the DSup object, 'CtrlPosition', that indicates whether the alarm will be activated when the supervised signal/attribute becomes true or false. <h2>Supervision of Analog Signals For supervision of an analog signal or attribute, you use the ASup object (Analog supervisory), which is in the folder 'Analog' in the palette. Supervision takes place in the same way as for DSup objects with the exception that you can choose whether the alarm will be released when the value is above or below the supervision limit. <h1>Compile the plcpgm Before starting to compile, you have to state on which platform (or platforms) the volume of the plc should run. Open the volume attributes editor from the navigator menu: 'File/Volume Attributes', and enter the OperatingSystem. Note, that more than one operating system can be choosen. The volume can at the same time be run in the production system, in a simulation system and in a educational system, and the systems can have different platforms. Now, the plcgpm is compiled, by choosing 'File/Build' in the plc editor. Any waring or error messages will be displayed in the message window. </topic> </chapter> <chapter> <topic>ge_man Creating Process Graphics This chapter describes how you create process graphics. Process graphics are drawn and configured in the Ge editor. <h1>The Ge editor Ge is opened from the menu in the navigator: 'Functions/Open Ge'. It consist of - a tool panel - a work area - a subgraph palette - a color palette - a window displaying the plant hierarchy - a navigation window <h2>Background picture A background image is drawn with base objects such as rectangles, circles, lines, polylines and text. These are found in the tool panel. Create a base object by activating the pushbutton in the tool panel and dragging or clicking MB1 in the work area. If the base object should be filled, select the object and activate fill in the tool panel. Change the fillcolor by selecting the object and click on the desired color in the color palette. Change the border color by clicking with MB2 in the color palette, and the text color by clicking Shift/Click MB1. <h2>Subgraphs A subgraph is a graphic component, e.g. a valve, a motor, a pushbutton. To create a subgraph, select a subgraph in the subgraph palette and click MB2 in the work area. <h2>Groups Base objects and subgraphs can be grouped together by selecting them and activating 'Functions/Group' in the menu. <h2>Dynamics Subgraphs and groups has dynamic properties, i.e. they can be connected to signals in the runtime database, and change color, position or shape depending on the values of the signals. A subgraph often has default dynamic behaviour, for example an indicator shifts between two colors. You only have to connect the indicator to a digital signal to make it work. This is done by selecting a signal in the plant hierarchy window, and click on the valve with Ctrl/DoubleClick MB1. A pushbutton has an action property, is sets, resets or toggles a signal in the database. A button with a set action is created by selecting a ButtonSet in the subgraph palette and click MB2 in the work area. The signal that should be set is connected as above, by selecting the signal and click with Ctrl/DoubleClick MB1 on the button. In the object editor, a button text can be assigned. <b>Connect a subgraph to a signal <image> dg_fig63.gif Group also has a dynamic property, i.e. they can shift color, move, or perform some action. They don�t have any default action or default color,as the subgraphs. You have to assign this for each group. <h2>The Object editor Base objects, subgraph objects and groups have properties, that is changed from the object editor. The object editor is opened by selecting the object, and activating 'Function/Object attributes' in the mnu. By opening the object editor for the pushbutton mentioned above, you can for example enter the text, that is displayed in the button, in the attribute 'Text'. If a subgraph has more advanced dynamics, for example shift between several colors, you often has to connect it to several signals. If you open the object editor for a valve, you see that it can be connected to two attributes, 'DigError.Attribute' and 'DigLowColor.Attribute'. The DigError attribute indicates that something is wrong, and if this signal is true, the valve is colored red. The DigLowColor attribute is connected to the open switch of the valve. If this signal is false, the valve is colored in the color stated in 'DigLowColor.Color'. Is the signal true, it keeps the color given in the editor. The signals of the two attribute is inserted by selecting each signal in the plant hierarchy respektively, and clicking with Ctrl/Doubleclick MB1 on the attribute row of the attribut. The color 'DigLowColor' is stated by opening the attribute and selecting one of the 300 colors. The colors has the same order as in the color palette, and with a little practice they can be identified by the name. <b>The Object Editor for a valve <image>dg_fig64.gif <h2>Graph borders The drawing area in Ge is unlimited in every direction, so before saving the graph, you have to state the borders of the graph. Open the graph attributes with 'File/Graph' attributes in the menu. Measure the coordinates of the upper right corner, and insert as x0 and y0, then measure the coordinates of the lower left corner and insert as x1 and y1. The measurement is done by placing the cursor in position and read the coordinates in the ge message row. <b>Graph Attributes <image>dg_fig65.gif <h1>Configuration in the workbench <h2>The XttGraph object To each plant graphics belongs a XttGraph object. This object is usually a child of the operator place object (OpPlace) for the node, on which the graphics will be displayed. It is necessary to create a XttGraph object for each node, on which the graphics will be displayed. However, you only need to have one graph file. The following attributes in the graph object must be set to appropriate values: - Action, the name of the pwg file with file type, e.g 'hydr.pwg�. - Title, the title of the graph window. - ButtonText, text of the button in the operator window. The XttGraph object contains other attributes which e.g. helps you to customize the position and size of plant graphics. These attributes are described in detail in Proview Objects Reference Manual . See XttGraph in Object Reference Manual <link>xttgraph,"",$pwr_lang/pwrb_xtthelp.dat </topic> </chapter> <chapter> <topic>conf_test Running and Testing a Proview System In preceding chapters we have described how to configure a PROVIEW/R system, how to create PLC programs and how to create plant graphics. Now it is time to run and test the system. This chapter shows how to: - create load files - create a boot file - distribute <h2>Syntax control Before creating load files it is appropriate to make a syntax control. This is done from the menu in the navigator, 'File/Syntax'. <h2>Creating Load Files Before starting the runtime environment you have to create a number of load files, one for each volume in your system. You create the load files from the Navigator of each volume, 'Function/Build Volume'. <h2>Creating Boot Files For every node in the project you have to create a boot file. The bootfile contains mainly the root volume to load for the node. The bootfile is created from the configurator menu, 'Functions/Build Node'. This command will also build the plcprogram for the node. <b>Select node when creating a bootfile <image> dg_fig66.gif At this point, everything in the development environment is configured and generated, and its time to set up the runtime environment. <h2>Install the Proview runtime package ... <h2>Distribute ... </topic> <topic>runtime monitor Runtime Monitor Often you want to start to runtime environment on the development node, for example if you have made a change in the system that you want to test, before sending it down to the production system. The Runtime Monitor is used to start and stop the runtime environment on the development station. <image>dg_fig67.gif To start the runtime environment on the development station, the following requirements has to be fulfilled - the node should be configured with a NodeConfig object in the project volume. - the correct comunication buss should be set. To do this you set the bash environment variable PWR_BUS_ID to the buss stated in the BusConfig object in the project volume, for example <c> export PWR_BUS_ID=999 The runtime monitorn also requires a StatusMontorConfig object to be configured below the $Node object in the volume to start. The Runtime Monitor is started from Tools/Runtime Monitor in the menu. There are buttons to start and stop the runtime environment ('Start Runtime' and 'Stop Runtime'). In the colored square, the status of the runtime environment is displayed ('Running' or 'Down'). The color indicates the status of the system, red for error status, yellow for warning, and green for OK. The button 'Restart Runtime' performes a soft restart, and can be used if the runtime is started already. </topic> </chapter> <chapter> <topic>configurator_refman The Configurator The configurator is used to navigate in and configure the Workbench. The configurator displayes the object in one volume. The objects are usually separated in two windows, an upper and a lower, and how the separation is done depends on what type of volumes is handled. - For rootvolumes and subvolumes, the plant hierarchy is displayed in the upper window, and the node hierarchy in the lower. - For the directory volume, volumes are displayed in the upper window and busses and nodes in the lower. - For class volumes, classes are displayed in the upper window and types in the lower. From 'View/TwoWindow' you kan choose wether to display two windows or only one. I only one window is displayed, every second time you activate 'TwoWindow' it will be the upper window that is displayed, else it will be the lower window. From 'Edit/Edit mode' you enter edit mode, and a palette with varoius classes is displayed to the left. You can now create new objects, move objects, change values of attributes etc. <h2>Volume representation Volumes is stored in various formats, in a database, in a loadfile or in a textfile. The configurator can display a volume in all these formats, and it has four different representations of volumes: - db, a database. Rootvolumes and subvolumes are created and edited in a database. Before you can start the runtime environment, loadfiles are generated from the volumes. The loadfiles are read at runtime startup. The db representation i editable. - wbl, a textfile with extension .wb_load. The classvolujes are stored as wbl, and root and sub volumes can be dumped in a wbl-file, for example when upgrading, and later reloaded. The wbl representation is node editable. When editing a class volume you import the wbl representation to a mem-represention, and the save it as wbl again. - dbs, a loadfile. From rootvolumes, subvolumes and classvolumes, in db and wbl representation, loadfiles are cerated and used in the runtime environment. The configurator also reads the dbs-files of the classvolumes to be able to interpret the classes, and the dbs-files of the root and subvolumes to be able to translate references to external objects. The dbs representation is not editable. - mem, a volume the configurator keeps internally in memory. Copy/Paste buffers consist of mem-volumes. The classeditor imports the classvolume, which originally is a wbl, to a mem volume, as the mem representation is editable. As we see above, the same volume can exist both as a database or as a loadfile. When staring the configurator, you specify a volume as an argument. For this volume, the database i opened, i.e. it is represented as a db, for the other volumes in the project, the loadfiles are opened, i.e. they are represented as dbs. This makes it possible to display the other volumes in the project, and to solve references to them, but they are not editable. If the database of the volume is locked, because someone else has opened it, an error message is displayed and the loadfile is opened instead of the database. In the figure below the volume list is displayed, which is opened from 'File/Open' in the menu. I shows all volumes opened by the configurator. We can see that the database for the root volume VolTrafficCross1 is opened, while the other root volume, VolOpTrafficCross1 is opened as a loadfile. Also the class volumes are opened as loadfiles. <image> dg_fig24.gif If no volume is given as argument, the database of the directory volume is opened, and the other volumes are opened as dbs-volumes. <h1>Navigate <bookmark>wnav_navigate The object of the current volume are displayed in the configurator. The objects are ordered in a tree structure, and objects with chidren are displayed with a map, and objects without children with a leaf. For each object is displayed as default, the object name, class and possible description (the description is fechted from the Description attribute in the object). By clicking with MB1 on a map, the map is opened and the children of the object are displayed. Is the map alread open, it is closed. You can also open a map with a doubleclick anywhere in the object row. If you want to see the content of an object, click with Shift/Click MB1 on the map or leaf, or Shift/Doubleclick MB1 anywhere in the object row. Now the attributes of the object are displayed, together with the value of each attribute. The attributes are marked with various icons dependent of type. <b>Bitmaps for different types of attributes <image> dg_fig26.gif - An ordinary attributs is marked with a long narrow rectangle. - An array is marked with a map and a pile of attributes. The array is opened with Click MB1 on the map, or Doubleclick anywhere in the attribute row. Now the elements of the array are displayed. <image> dg_fig27.gif - An attribute refering another attribute or object, i.e. of type Objid or AttrRef, is marked with an arrow ponting to a square. - Enumeration types, Enum, is marked with am map and some long narrow rectangles. By clicking MB1 on the map the different alternatives of the enumeration are displayed. The alternatives are displayed with checkboxes, and the choosen alternative is marked. You can also Doubleclick MB1 in the attribute row to display the alternatives. attributraden f�r att se alternativen. <image> dg_fig28.gif - Mask types, Mask, is marked simular to Enum, an the different bits are displayed with Click MB1 on the map, or Doubleclick MB1 in the attribute row. <image> dg_fig29.gif - Attrbute objects, i.e. attributes that contains the datastructure of an object, is marked with a square with a double line on the upper side. The attribute object is opened with Click MB1 on the square, or Doubleclick MB1 in the attribute row. En object or attribute is selected with Click MB1 in the object/attribute row (not in the map or leaf). With Shift/MB1 you kan select several objects. With Drag MB1 you can also select several objects. From an ergonomic point of view, it is often better to navigat from the keyboard. You mainly use the arrow keys. First you have to set input focus to the window, by clicking on it. Input focus between the upper and lower window is shifted with TAB. With ArrowUp/ArrowDown you select an object. If the object has children, you open the children whigh ArrowRight, and close with ArrowLeft. The content of the object, i.e the attributes, are displayed with Shift/ArrowRight and closed with ArrowLeft. An attribute that is an array, enum, mask or attribute object, is opened by ArrowRight and closed by ArrowLeft. When you feel at home in the object tree, you can set yourself as 'advanced user'. Additional function is the placed in the arrow keys. ArrowRight on an object, displayes for example the attributes of the object, if it has no children. If it has children, you have to use Shift/ArrowRight as before. <h1>Editing When editing a volume, you create new objects, copy objects, remove objects and change values of attributes. <h2>Create an object You create an object by selecting the class of the object in the palette. The palette is divided in the folders Plant, Node and AllClasses. Under Plant you find the most common classes in the plant hierarchy, under node the most common in the node hierarchy. If the class is not found here, all the classes are available under AllClasses. Here, all the class volumes are listed, and under each volume, the classes of the volume. After that, you click with the middle mousebutton on the future sibling or parent to the new object. If you click on the map/leaf in the destination object, the new object is placed as the first child, if you click to the right of the map/leaf, it is placed as a sibling. You can also create an object from the popup menu. Select a class i the palette and open the popup menu by Click MB3 on the destination object. Activate 'Create Object' and choose where to put the new object, relatively the destination, before, after or as first or last child. <b>The Configurator in edit mode <image> dg_fig25.gif <h2>Delete an object An object is deleted from the popup menu. Click MB3 on the object and activate 'Delete Object'. <h2>Move an object You can also move an object from the popup menu, but it is often easier to use the middle mouse button: select the object that is to be moved and click with the middle button on the destination object. If you click on the map/leaf on the destination object, the object is placed as first child, else as a sibling. Node! Avoid using Cut/Paste to move an object. This will create a copy of the object with a new object identity, and references to the object might be lost. You can use the command paste/keepoid to keep the identity. <h2>Copy an object You kan copy an object with copy/paste or from the popup menu. - copy/paste. Select the object or objects that are to be copiedm and activate 'Edit/Copy' (ctrl/C) in the menu. The selected object are now copied to a paste buffer. Select a destination object, and activate 'Edit/Paste' (ctrl/V). The objects in the paste buffer are now placed as siblings to the destination objects. If you instead activate 'Edit/Paste Into' (shift+ctrl/V) the new objects are placed as children to the destination object. If the copied objects have children, the children are also copied by copy/paste. - from the popup menu. Select the object or objects that are to be copied, open the popup menu from the destination object, and activate 'Copy selected object(s)'. You now have to choose where the new objects are to be placed, relative to the destination object, as first or last child, or as next or previous sibling. If the copied objects have acsendants, and they also are to be copied, you activate 'Copy selected Tree(s)' instead. <h2>Change object name The name of an object is changed by selecting the object, and activating 'Edit/Rename' (ctrl/N) in the menu. An input field is opened in the lower region of the configurator, where the new name is entered. An object name kan have max 31 characters. You can also change the name by displaying the object attributes. In edit mode, the object name is displayed above the attributes, and is changed in the same way as an attribute. <h2>Change an attribute value Select the attribute to be changed, and activate 'Functions/Change value' (ctrl/Q) in the menu. Enter the new value in the input field. If you want to terminate the input, you activate 'Change value' again. Not all attribute are editable. It depends on the function of the attribuet, if it is to be assigned a value in the development environment or not. Editable attributes are marked with an arrow. You can also change the value of an attribute from the object editor, opened from the popup menu (Open Object). An attribute of type multiline text, can only be edited from the object editor. As 'advanced user' you can open the input field with 'ArrowRight', as a faster alternative to 'Change value'. <h1>Symbol file The symbolfile is a command-file that is executed att wtt startup. It can contain definitions of symbols and other wtt commands. Here is some examples of useful commands. Shortcut to somewhere in the database hierarchy: <c>define rb9 "show children /name=hql-rb9" <LINK> define </topic> <topic>objecteditor_refman Object Editor The quantity of data for an object is devided in attributes. The Object Editor displayes the attributes of an object and value of each attribute. If you are in edit mode, you can also change the values of the attributes. The attributes are displayed in the same way as in the configurator, the main difference is that they are displayed in a separate window. <h2>Navigate Navigation and assignment of values is also done in the same way as in the configurator.<link> configurator, wnav_navigate <h2>Start The Object Editor is opened from the Configurator or the Plc editor. Activate 'OpenObject' in the popup menu for an object, or select the object and activate 'Functions/Open Object' in the menu. From the Plc editor you can also start the object editor by doubleclickning on the object. If the Configuration/Plc editor is in edit mode, the Object Editor is also opened in edit mode. <h2>Menu File/Close <t><t>close the object editor. Functions/Change value <t><t>open the input field for the selected attribute. <t><t>This is only allowed in edit mode. Functions/Close change value <t><t>Close the input field. <b>Object Editor <image> dg_fig30.gif The Object Editor has an input field to enter multiline texts. In this case you can not terminate the input with 'Enter', as for singleline texts. You either click on the 'Ok' button or activate 'Functions/Close change value' (ctrl/W) to terminate. <b>A Multiline text <image> dg_fig31.gif The Object Editor for plc objects has functions to state which inputs or outputs are to be displayed in the function block. You can also choose if digital inputs is to be inverted. This i choosen with checkboxes for each attribute respectively ('Used' and 'Inverted'). The checkbox for 'Used' can also be changed from the keyboard with 'Shift/ArrowRight', and the checkbox for 'Inverted' can be changed with 'Shift/ArrowLeft'. <b>Plc object with checkboxes <image> dg_fig32.gif </topic> <topic>spreadsheeteditor_refman The Spreadsheet Editor The Speadsheet editor is used to view or configure, several objects of the same class simultaneously. Objects for a certain class, below a specified object in the object tree, are displayed in a table in the editor. In the table. also the values of an attribute in the objects are displayed, and you can easily shift between different attributes. The Spreadsheet Editor is opened from the configurator: 'Functions/Spreadsheet' in the menu. If the configrator is in edit mode, also the Spreadsheet Editor i opened in edit mode. When the spreadsheet editor is started, you first have to state which object are to be displayed, i.e. which class they belong to and under which hierarchy the are placed. This is done by activating 'File/Select Class' in the menu. Enter class, hierarchy and state if attribute objects, i.e. objects that reside as attributes in other objects, is to be displayed. <b>Choose class and hierarchy <image>dg_fig33.gif After that you choose which attribut is to be displayed. Select at attribut in the attribute list and click on 'Ok', or doubleclick on an attribute. <b>Choose attribute <image>dg_fig34.gif The result is shown in the figure below. Here, the attribute 'Description' was choosen. You can easily view the other attributes in the object by activating 'File/Next Attribute' (Ctrl/N) and 'File/Previous Attribute' in the menu. <b>Spreadsheet Editor <image>dg_fig35.gif <h2>Meny File/Select Class <t><t>State class and hierarchy for the objects that are to be displayed. File/Select Attribute <t><t>State which attribute is to be displayed. File/Next Attribute <t><t>Display the next attribute for the object in the table. File/Previous Attribut <t><t>Display the previous attribute for the objects in the table. File/Print <t><t>Print the table. File/Close <t><t>Close the Spreadsheet Editor. Functions/Change value <t><t>Open an input field for the sekected object. Functions/Close change value <t><t>Close the input field. </topic> </chapter> <chapter> <topic> helpwindow_refman Help window The helpwindow is used to view and navigate in help texts. The help texts can be various manuals and guides that comes with Proview, or helptexts witten by the constructor to describe the plant and to give assistance to the operators. </topic> </chapter> <chapter> <topic> messagewindow_refman Message window The message window displayes messages from Proview that are transmitted at various operations. The messaged can have five levels of severity, that are marked with different colors: S <t>Success <t>green I <t>Information <t>green W <t>Warning <t>yellow E <t>Error <t>red F <t>Fatal <t>red If an arrow is displayed in front of the message, the message contains a link to an object. By clicking the arrow, the object is displayed. </topic> </chapter> <chapter> <topic> utilities_refman Utilities The utilities window is a graphic interface to different commands in wtt. For more information about the commands, se chapter Commands. </topic> </chapter> <chapter> <topic> plceditor_refman Plc Editor In The Plc Editor you create plcprograms in a graphical programming language. Programming with function block is made in a horizontal net of nodes and connections from left to right in the document. Signals or attributes are fetched on the left side of the net, and the values are transferred via connections from output pins to input pins of functions blocks. The function blocks operate on the values, and on the left side of the net, the values are stored in signals or attributes. Grafcet sequences consist of a vertical net of nodes and connections. A state is transferred between the steps in the sequence via the connections. Grafcet and function block nets can interact with each other and be combined to one net. <h2>Start The Plc editor is opened from the configurator. Select an object of class PlcPgm and activate 'Functions/Open Program' (Ctrl/L) in the menu, or activate 'Open Program' in the popupmenu for the PlcPgm object. The configurator shoude not be in edit mode. <h2>Working mode The Plc editor can be in four different modes: View, Edit, Trace and Simulate. The mode is selected under 'Mode' i the menu. <b>View In View you can look at the program, but not create or modify objects. The menu alternatives for edit functions are dimmed. <b>Edit If you have edit privileges you can enter the edit mode. Now it is possible to create and modify objects. <b>Trace och Simulate If you want to trace the program you enter the trace mode. This requires that the Proview runtime environment is started in the development station. Simulate works as trace, but you can also set values to signals. Trace is nowdays easier and faster performed from Xtt. We recommend that you use PlcTrace in Xtt instead. <h1>Editering The Plc editor consist of - a working area. - tow palettes, one for function objects and one for connections (only one palette at a time is visible). - a navigation window, from which the working area can be scrolled and zoomed. <b>The Plc editor <image>dg_fig40.gif <h2>The Palettes <b>The Object Palette When you start the Plc editor, the funktion object palette is displayed. When creating a funktion block in the work area, you choose a class in the palette. <b>The Connection Palette When you create connectinos between objects, the editor chooses a suitible type of connection. Though, in some cases the constructor has to influence the choise of connection type. This is done in the connections palette that is displayed by activating 'View/Palette/Connection' in the menu. When the palette is closed, by activating 'View/Palette/Object' or 'View/Palette/Plant', the editorn is again responsible for choise of connection type. <b>Plant Hierarchy You can view the plant hierachy by activating 'View/Palette/Plant' in the menu. When connecting function objects to signals, for example when fetching signal values, it is possible to indicate which signal is to be fetched. You can also select the signal in the configurator, which in many cases is a smoother alternative. <h2>Navigation window Down to the left there is a view of the program in reduced scale. The part of the working area that is displayed in the main window, is marked with a rectangle. By moving the rectangle (Drag MB1) you scroll the main window. You can also zoom with Drag MB2. <h1>Function objects <h2>Create object To create objects the editor has to be in edit mode. Enter edit mode from 'Mode/Edit' in the menu. To create an object, you select a class in the palette, and click with MB2 (the middle button) in the working area. <h2>Modify an object An object is created with certain default values. This applies also to which inputs and ouputs are viewed in the plc editor and can be connected to other objects. If a value is to be changed the object editor is opened for the object. The object editor is opened in following ways: - doubleclick on the object - activate 'Open Object' in the popup menu for the object. - select the object and activate 'Functions/Open object' in the menu. From the object editor you can change the values of various attributes. The attribute for a plc object is separated in input attributes, internal attributes and output attributes. <b>Inputs The value of an input attribute is fetched from another function block, via a connection. The attribute is displayed in the function block as an input pin. In some cases the input is not used, an and-gate has for example 8 inputs but often only two of the are used. This is controlled by the 'Used' checkbox in the object editor. If 'Used' is marked, the attributes is displayed with an input pin, else it is hidden. Some input attributes, especially of analog type, can be assigned a value in the object editor. If 'Used' isn't marked for the attribute, the assigned value is used. However, if 'Used' is marked the value is fetched from the output the attribute is connected to. This is for example the function for the limit values 'Min' and 'Max' in a Limit object. You can choose whether to fetch the value from another function block, or to assign a value. The assignment works in runtime as an initial value, that later can be modified in various ways. Some digital inputs can be inverted. To do this you mark the checkbox 'Inverted' in the object editor. In the function block this is displayed with a circle on the input pin. <b>Internal attributes Internal attributes can contain configuration values that are assigned in the development environment, or values that are calculated in runtime. The latter type is not changeable, and maybe not even visible in the development environment. <b>Outputs The value of an output attributes is transfered to an input via a connection. As for an input, you can choose whether to display an output pin or not with the 'Used' checkbox in the object editor. <h2>Select an object Objects are selected in the following ways - click with MB1 on the object. - Shift/Click MB1 adds the object to the list of selected objects, or removes it if the object already is selected. - by Drag MB1 you can select one or several objects. Objects that has some part within the marked rectangle are selected. - by pressing the Shift key and Drag MB1 you add the objects in the marked rectanglel to the selectlist. Selected objects are drawn with red color. <h2>Move objects A single object is moved by placing the cursor on it and drat with MB1. Several objects are moved by selecting them and dragging one ofhte objects with MB1. <h1>Connections <h2>Create connections An output pin and an input pin is connected in the following way - place the cursor on the pin, or in an area in the function object close to the pin, and push MB2 (the middle button). - drag the cursor to the other pin. or to an area in the function object close to the pin, and release MB2. A connections is now created between the objects. Two inputs is connected in the same way, but som of the connected inputs has to be connected to an output, and from this output the value is fetched to all the connected inputs. <b>Data types The values that is transfered between different objects via the connections can be digital, analog, integer or string values. Inputs and outputs that are connected has to be of the same type. If they are of different type you have to use an object that converts between the types, e.g AtoI or ItoA. These conversion object are found under 'Signals/Conversion' in the palette. Analog and integer connections are marked with slightly thicker lines, and digital connections with thinner lines. Furthermore there is a connectiontype for transfer of an object reference. These are drawn with a thick, dashed line. <b>Reference connections If the editor has difficulties to find a path for the connection between the input and output pin, because there are too many objects in the way, or because the reside in separate documents, the connections is drawn as a reference connection. Reference connections can also be drawn by activating 'View/Reference connection' in the menu. <b>Referens connection <image> dg_fig39.gif <bookmark>feedback_connection <b>Execute order Besides transfering a signal value, the connections also determine the execute order between different function blocks. If two objects are connected trough an output and an input, normally the output-object is to be executed before the input-object. But sometimes a feedback is needed in the net, and then you face a execute order loop. To determine the execute order you have to specify the feedback with a connections of type ConFeedbackDigital or ConFeedbackAnalog. These are selected in the connection palette, viewed by activating 'View/Palette/Connection' in the menu. Under the folder 'ConPlc' you can find the feedback connections. They are drawn with dashed lines. <b>Feedback connection <image> dg_fig37.gif Here you can also find the connection type 'ConExecuteOrder'. In som cases you want to control the execute order between to function blocks, though they are not connected to each other. Then you can draw a ConExecuteOrder between them (between which input or outpu doesn't matter). The connections is to be drawn from the object that is to execute first, to the object that is to execute last. In the figure below, the storage of the attribute 'Temperaturer' is done before the storage of the attribute 'Tjocklek'. <b>Execute order connection <image> dg_fig38.gif <h1>Fetch and store signal values <h2>Fetch signal and attribute values In the left side of the net of function blocks, values of signals and attributes are fetched. The fetching is performed by objects as GetDi, GetDo, GetDv, GetIi etc. Fetching of attribute values is performed by GetDp, GetIp, GetAp and GetSp. These object you find under the folder 'Signals' in the palette. When an object of this type is created, you has to state which signal, or which attribut that is to be fetched. The easiest way to do this, is to select the signal/attribute in the configurator, and click with Ctrl/Doubleclick MB1 on the object. The signal/attribute is then displayed in the function block, and if the signal is an input signal, the channel of the signal is also displayed. There is a faster way to create these objects. If you draw a connection from an input pin in a function object, and release it in an empty space in the working area, a generic Get object is created with the datatype of the input, i.e. a GetDgeneric, a GetIgeneric, a GetAgeneric or a GetSgeneric. When you specify the signal or attribut the Get object is to fetch, the generic Get object is converted to a Get object of the the correct type for the signal or attrbute. If you choose a Dv in the configurator, a GetDgeneric will be converted to a GetDv when clicking with Ctrl/Doubleclick MB1 on it. <h2>Store signal and attribute values In the right side of the net calculated values are stord in signals and attributes. The storage is performed by objects as StoDo, StoDv, StoDp, StoIo etc. The method to specify the signal or attribute to connect is the same as for Get objects, i.e. by selecting the signal/attribute in the configurator and click with Ctrl/Doubleclick MB1 on the object. If you draw a connections from an output pin in a function block, a generic Sto object is created, that is converted to a Sto object of suitable type when connected to a signal or attribute. If you want to store values with Set or Reset (for example SetDo or ResDo), you can't use this method. You have to create the objects from the palette. <b>Generic Get and Sto objects <image> dg_fig36.gif <h1>Subwindows Some objects contains subwindow, e.g. CSub, SubStep, Trans, Order. An object with a subwindow is marked with a thick gray line somewhere in the function block. A subwindow is opened in different ways: - by selecting the object and activate 'Function/Subwindow' in the menu. - by activating 'Subwindow' in the popup menu for the object. - by clicking on the object with Shift/Doubleclick MB1. You create a new subwindow in the following way (the fact that only one editing session can be open at a time, makes it a bit complicated) - create the object that is going to contain the subwindow. - save. - open the subwindow. - leave edit mode in the main window. - enter edit mode in the subwindow. <h1>Control the execute order You normally don't have to consider the execute order of different function blocks in a window. As signals are I/O copied, i.e. every timebase in the plc program, makes a copy of all signal values before the execution that is not changed throughout the execution, the storing and fetching of signal values will not be affected by the execute order between individual storing or fetching objects. However, if you store and fetch the value of an attribute, that is not I/O copied, the execute order can be of importance for the function. The exectute order is determined by the connections between the function blocks. The common connections are both signal tranferring and executeorder determining. If you make a feedback you then have to choose a connectiontype that is signal transferring, but not executeorder determining. The different feedback connections are of this type. Furthermore there is a connections that is executeorder determining but node signal transferring, ConExecuteOrder. With this you can control the execute order between different function blocks without tranferring any signals values. The execute order for the function blocks in a plc window is displayed with 'View/Show execute order' in the menu. The number displayed for each function block states tho order in which they are executed. The objects without a number doesn't have any executable code. The execute order between different PlcPgm is controled by the attriute ExecuteOrder in the PlcPgm object. Exectute order determines the order within a thread. Lower values of ExecuteOrder are exectued before higher. <h1>Compile Before a plc window can be executed, is has to be compiled. At the same time, a syntax control of the plc code is performed. If the syntax in not correct, a message is displayed in the message window. The error message can be of type Error or Warning. Error is a more severe error that has to be attended to. By clicking on the arrow in front of the message in the message window, the erroneous object is displayed in the plc editor. After the syntax check, c-code is generated and sent to the c compiler. If there is an object with user defined c-code, e.g CArithm or DataArithm, the c compiler can find errors that is written in the terminal window. Always look in the terminal window to check that the compilation succeeded. The compile is executed from 'File/Build' in the menu. If you want to check the syntax witout generating any code, you activate 'File/Syntax'. The c compiler is not activated, thus possible c code errors are not detected. <h1>Cut and Paste The plc editor contains a paste buffer. The paste buffer is common for all windows, which makes it possible to copy between separate windows. With the functions 'Edit/Copy' and 'Edit/Cut' in the menu, the selected objects are copied to the paste buffer (Cut also removes them from the working area). The function 'Edit/Paste' copies the paste buffer to the working area. The copied objects are now moved with the cursor, and you place them on the correct position by clicking MB1 to lock them. Cut, Copy and Paste can also be activate from the keyboard with Ctrl/X, Ctrl/C and Ctrl/V. <h1>Special Plc objects Here a number of objects that has special functions in the plc program are described. <b>Document The document object is used to divide the code in pages, when printing the code. When you open a new window, it contains a document object. From the object editor you can change the dimension of the document, and enter signature and page number. Other information in the document header is filled in automatically. The document object is found under the folder 'Edit' in the object palette. <b>ShowPlcAttr ShowPlcAttr can be used as an extension of the document header. In the object is displayed information about volume, scantime and reset object for Grafcet sequences. <b>Head, Title, Text och BodyText These objects are used to write informational text in the document. Head, Title and Text contains singleline texts of different size with max 79 characters. Bodytext contains a multiline text with max 1023 characters. The objects is found under 'Edit' in the palette. <b>Point The point object is a free connection point that is used to branch a connection or to control the layout of a connection. Point is found under 'Edit' in the menu. <b>GRAFCET Grafcet sequences are built with specific Grafcet objects as InitStep, Step, Trans and Order. The connections between the objects follow specific rules. The vertical pins in a Step object is for example connected to Trans objects, and the horizontal pin i connected to an order object. Here is an example of how to create a Grafcet sequence. Start by creating an InitStop object. Draw a connection from the lower pin, and release it in the working area below the InitStep object. Now a Trans object is created, that is connected to the InitStep object. Draw a connection from the lower pin of the Trans object and release it in the working space below the Trans object. A Step object is now created there. If you draw a connection from the Step objects lower pin, another Trans object is created. If you want a branch of the sequence, you draw an additional connection from the lower pin of the Step object. Now a step divergens is created with specific StepDiv connections. If you in the same manner creates a branch from a Trans object, by drawing to two connections from the lower pin, a parellell branch, with TransDiv connections marked with double lines is created. If you draw a connection from the horizontal pin of a Step an Order object is created, and so on. As you can see this is a fast way to build complex sequences. <b>ScanTime ScanTime feches the actual scantime, i.e. the time since the last lap. <b>FirstScan FirstScan i true the first lap of the plc execution after Proview startup. It is also true after a soft restart. <h1>Menu File/Save <t><t>Save File/Print/Documents <t><t>Print all documents. File/Print/Overview <t><t>Print an overview. File/Print/Selected documents <t><t>Print selected documents. File/Syntax <t><t>Perform a syntax check of the code. File/Build <t><t>Compile the program. File/Plc Attributes <t><t>Open the Object editor for the PlcPgm object. File/Delete Window <t><t>Delete the plc window. File/Save Trace <t><t>Save trace objects. File/Restore Trace<t><t>Restore previously saved traceobjects. File/Close <t><t>Close the window. Edit/Undo Delete <t><t>Undo the last delete action. Edit/Undo Select <t><t>Reset the select list. Edit/Cut <t><t>Cut selected objects. Edit/Copy <t><t>Copy selected object to the paste buffer. Edit/Paste <t><t>Copy the paste buffer to the work area. Edit/Connect <t><t>Connect selected object to the selected signal or attribute <t><t>in the configurator. Edit/Delete <t><t>Delete selected objects. Edit/Change Text <t><t>Change text in the selected text object. Edit/Expand Object <t><t>Expand the selected object. Edit/Compress Object <t><t>Compress the selected object. Search/Object <t><t>Search for an object name. Search/String <t><t>Search for a string. Search/Next <t><t>Search further with the same string. View/Palette/Object <t><t>Display the functions object palette. View/Palette/Connection <t><t>Display the connection palette. View/Palette/Plant <t><t>Display the plant hierarchy. View/Reference connections <t><t>Create connections as reference connections. View/Grid Size <t><t>Set grid size. View/Show Grid <t><t>Show the grid. View/Zoom/In <t><t>Zoom in. View/Zoom/Out <t><t>Zomm out. View/Zoom/Reset <t><t>Reset to original zoom factor. View/Show Execute Order <t><t>Show execute order for the functions objects. View/Redraw <t><t>Redraw connections and redraw the window. Functions/Open Object <t><t>Open the object editor for the selected object. Functions/Subwindow <t><t>Open the subwindow for the selected object. Mode/View <t><t>View mode. Mode/Edit <t><t>Edit mode. Mode/Trace <t><t>Trace mode. Mode/Simulate <t><t>Simulate mode. <h1>Mouse functions <h2>Working area Click MB1 <t><t>Select an object. Click in an empty space will reset the select list. Shift/Click MB1 <t><t>Add object to the select list. DoubleClick MB1 <t><t>Open object editor. Shift+Ctrl/DoubleClick MB1 <t><t>Copy to paset buffer. Click in an object <t><t>copies the object, click in empty space copies selected objects. Drag MB1 <t><t>On an object: move object or move selected objects. <t><t>In empty space: select objects inside the marked rectangle. Shift/Drag MB1 <t><t>Add objects inside the marked rectangle to the select list. Click MB2 <t><t>Create object. DoubleClick MB2 <t><t>Delete. Click in object deletes the object, Click <t><t>in empty space deletes all the selected objects. Shift+Ctrl/Click MB2 <t><t>Paste. Copy the paste buffer to the working area. Shift+Ctrl/DoubleClick MB2 <t><t>Cut. Click in an object deletes the object, click <t><t>in an empty space deletes selected objects. Deletet object are put <t><t>in the paste buffer. Press MB3 <t><t>Popup menu. <h2>Navigation window Drag MB1 <t><t>Scroll working area. Drag MB2 <t><t>Zoom working area. </topic> </chapter> <chapter> <TOPIC> helpfile Helpfile Helptexts are displayed in the help window that can be opened from the configurator and the operator environment. Helptext are written in a file $pwrp_exe/xtt_help.dat. The help texts are divided in topics, and each topic has a key, that is specified when the help text for the topic is to be displayed. Links in the helptext, that points to other topics, makes it possible to navigate in the helptexts. The topic 'index' is the root topic that is displayed from different utilities - 'Help/Project' in the configurator menu. - 'Help/Project' in the runtime navigator. - The 'Help' button in the operator window. Specific help topics can be opened from Ge graphs by buttons (actiontype Help), or from the popup menu for an object in the operator environment (method 'Help'). <b>Syntax <link> helpfile syntax <b>Conversion <link> helpfile conversion </topic> </headerlevel> <topic> helpfile conversion Conversion The helptext can be converted to html, PDF and PostScript format. When converted to html, each topic is converted to one html page. When converted to PDF and PoscScript, there are a number of additional tags available, to create a document of the helptext with with chapters and headers. The conversion is done by 'co_convert'. <h2>Conversion to html A helpfile is converted to html with the command <c>co_convert -f [-d outputdirectory] 'helpfile' <b>Example <c>co_convert -f -d $pwrp_web $pwrp_exe/xtt_help.dat <h2>Conversion to postscript A helpfile is converted to PostScript with the command <c>co_convert -n [-d outputdirectory] 'helpfile' <b>Example <c>co_convert -n -d $pwrp_lis $pwrp_exe/xtt_help.dat <h2>Conversion to PDF A helpfile is converted to PDF with the command <c>co_convert -f [-d outputdirectory] 'helpfile' <b>Example <c>co_convert -f -d $pwrp_lis $pwrp_exe/xtt_help.dat </topic> <topic> helpfile syntax Syntax There are a number of different tags that influence the search and the conversion of the helpfile. topic <t>Defines the helptext for a topic<link> topic bookmark <t>Defines a position inside a topic<link> bookmark link <t>Link to a topic or an URL<link> link index <t>List of topics<link> helpindex h1 <t>Header 1 <link> header1 h2 <t>Header 2 <link> header2 b <t>Bold text <link> bold t <t>Tab <link> helptab hr <t>Horizontal line<link> hr include <t>Include other helpfiles<link> include <h2>PDF and PostScript tags The following tags are used to format the helptexts when converted to PDF and PostScript chapter <t>Divide topics in chapters<link> chapter headerlevel <t>Increase or decrease header level <link> headerlevel pagebreak <t>New page<link> pagebreak option <t>Options<link> option style <t>Specific text style <link> style <b>Example <link> helpfile example </topic> <headerlevel> <topic> topic Topic <ib><topic> <i><topic> begin a topic and should be placed in the first position <i>of a line. The topic-tag should be followed by the key that <i>the help function will search for. All the following lines untill <i> a </topic> tag will be displayed as text for the topic. <i><topic> 'key' <ib></topic> <i>End a topic. </topic> should be placed in the first position <i>of a line. <b>Example <i><topic> start engine The engine will be started by... <i></topic> The command <c>wtt> help start engine will display the text of this topic. </topic> <topic> bookmark Bookmark <ib><bookmark> Bookmark is a line inside a topic which can be found by a link-tag or the /bookmark qualifier in the help command. The bookmark tag should be placed at the end of the line and should be followed by a name. <i>'some text' <bookmark> 'name' <b>Example <i>This is a bookmark. <bookmark> first_engine The command <c>wtt> help start engine/bookmark=first_engine will display the text of the topic and scroll to the bookmark. </topic> <topic> link Link <ib><link> <i>The <link> tag is a link to another help topic. The <link> tag should be placed at the end of the line. When the line of the link is activated the topic of the link will be displayed. The link tag should be followed by the topic, and can also be followed by a bookmark and the helpfile where the topic reside, separated with comma. If a line contains a link, is will be marked with an arrow. <i>'some text' <link> 'topic'[,'bookmark'][,'helpfile'] <b>Example <i>Link to first engine <link> show engine, first_engine </topic> <topic> helpindex Index <ib><index> <i>The <index> tag is a special link that will display an index of <i>the helpfile, that is a list of all the topics in alpabetical order. <i>'some text' <index> </topic> <topic> header1 Header1 <ib><h1> <i>The <h1> tag will display a line as a header with larger text size. <i>The tag should be placed at the beginning of the line. A header line <i>can't contain any links. <i><h1>'header text' <b>Example <i><h1>This is a h1 header will be displayed as <h1>This is a h1 header </topic> <topic> header2 Header2 <ib><h2> <i>The <h2> tag will display a line as a header with bold text surrounded <i>by grey lines. The tag should be placed at the beginning of the line. <i>A header line can't contain any links. <b>Example <i><h2>This is a h2 header will be displayed as <h2>This is a h2 header </topic> <topic> bold Bold <ib><b> <i>The <b> tag will display a line with bold text. <i>The tag should be placed at the beginning of the line. <b>Example <i><b>This is a bold line will be displayed as <b>This is a bold line </topic> <topic> helptab Tab <ib><t> <i>The <t> tag makes i possible to write columns. Only three columns <i>(two <t> tags) is allowed. <b>Example <i>Col1 <t> Col2 <t> Col3 will be displayed as Col1 <t> Col2 <t> Col3 </topic> <topic> hr Horizontal line <ib><hr> <i>The <hr> tag will display a horizontal line. <i>The tag should be placed at the beginning of the line. <b>Example <i><hr> will be displayed as <hr> </topic> <topic> include Include <ib><include> <i>Includes another helpfile. The <include> tag should not be placed <i>inside a topic. <i><include> 'filname' </topic> <topic> chapter Chapter <ib><chapter> <i>This tag divides the topics in chapters. A chapter beginns with <chapter> and ends with <i></chapter>. The title of the first topic in the chapter will be the header of the chapter. <ib></chapter> Ends a chapter. <b>Example <i><chapter> <i><topic> <i>Introduction <i>... <i></topic> <i></chapter> </topic> <topic> headerlevel Headerlevel Divides the topics in a chapter in header levels. <ib><headerlevel> Increases the header level <ib></headerlevel> Descreases the headerlevel </topic> <topic> pagebreak Pagebreak <ib><pagebreak> Forces a pagebreak. </topic> <topic> option Option <ib><option> Option can have the values printdisable <t>Ignore the tags and text untill the next 'printenable' in PDF <t>and PostScript files. Normally used for links that has no effect <t>in PDF and PostScript. printenable <t>Reset the 'printdisable'. <b>Example <i><option> disable <i>Some text <i>... <i><option> enable </topic> <topic> style Style <ib><style> Specifies that a topic should be written in e specific style. <b>Styles function <t>Style used for functions and commands. Large title and pagebreak after <t>each topic. <b>Example <i><topic> MyFunction <style> function ... <i></topic> </topic> <topic> helpfile example Helpfile example <i><topic> helpfile_example <i>Start and stop of engines. <i>Engine 1 <link> helpfile_example, bm_engine_1 <i>Engine 2 <link> helpfile_example, bm_engine_2 <i>Characteristics <link> helpfile_example, bm_char <i><h1>Engine 1 <bookmark> bm_engine_1 <i>Start engine one by pressing the start button. <i>Stop engine one by pressing the stop button. <i><h1>Engine 2 <bookmark> bm_engine_2 <i>Start engine two by pressing the start button. <i>Stop engine two by pressing the stop button. <i><h2>Characteristics <bookmark> bm_char <i><b><t>Engine1 <t>Engine2 <i>Max speed <t> 3200 <t> 5400 <i>Max current <t> 130 <t> 120 <i></topic> This is the outlook of this example <link>helpfile_example </TOPIC> <headerlevel> <topic> helpfile_example Start and stop of engines. Engine 1 <link> helpfile_example, bm_engine_1 Engine 2 <link> helpfile_example, bm_engine_2 Characteristics <link> helpfile_example, bm_char <h1>Engine 1 <bookmark> bm_engine_1 Start engine one by pressing the start button. Stop engine one by pressing the stop button. <h1>Engine 2 <bookmark> bm_engine_2 Start engine two by pressing the start button. Stop engine two by pressing the stop button. <h2>Characteristics <bookmark> bm_char <b><t>Engine1 <t>Engine2 Max speed <t> 3200 <t> 5400 Max current <t> 130 <t> 120 </topic> </headerlevel> </headerlevel> </headerlevel> </chapter> <chapter> <topic>users Users This chapter describes how to create at user in proview, and how to grant privileges and access for the user. The increasing availability of Proview system for different type of users, for example via the itranet, has resulted in increasing demands of possibilities to limit the possibility for various users to influence the system. Proview contains a user database, where you define the users for different systems, and where you have the possibility to group systems with common users. The database is designed to face the demands of increasing access control, and att the same time keep the administration on an low level. User database <link> userdatabase Example <link> user example Login <link> user login pwr_user <link> pwr_user </topic> <headerlevel> <topic>userdatabase User database The user database is populated by system groups and users. When a proview utility is started, for example the opeator or development environment, there is a check that the user exist in the database, and the privileges of the user are registred. The privileges determine what a user is allowed to do in the system. <h1>Systemgroup The concept system group is introduced to not have to define every system in the database. Instead you define system groups, and connect number of systems to each system group. These system will share users. The database is built of an hierarchy of system groups. The hierarchy has to functions, to describe the connection between different system groups, and to introduce heritage between system groups. The systemgroups lower in the hierarchy, can inherit attributes and users from systemgroups higher in the hierarchy. If a systemgroup will inherit users or not, is determined by the attribut UserInherit. If the attribute is set, the systemgroup will inherit all users from its parent usergroup. Also the users the parent has inherited from its parent, are inherited. A systemgroup can override an inherited user by defining the username in its own systemgroup. A systemgroup is refered to by the 'path'-name in the hierarchy, where the names are separated by points, e.g. 'ssab.hql.se1', where ssab is the root group, and se1 the lowest level in the hierarchy. A Proview system is connected to a system group by stating the systemgroup in the System objekt. If the systemgroup is not present in the user database, though a parent or ancestor is, it is supposed that the systemgroup inherits users from the ancestor. <h2>Attributes <b>Attribute <t>Description UserInherit <t>The system group inherits users fro its parent systemgroup, also users <t>that the parent has inherited. <h1>Users A user is characterized by a username, a password and a set of privileges. A user is also connected to a system group. The privileges defines what a user is allowed to do in proview. Some privileges influences the access to make changes from proview utilities, e.g. the navigator or plc-editor, some regards the construction of operators graphics, to control which input fields and pushbuttons a user can influence. A username can be connected to several system groups, but from the databse point of view, they are different users, with unic passwords and privileges. They just happen to have the same username. <h2>Privileges <b>Privilege <t>Description RtRead <t>Read access to rtdb. Default privileges for user that is not logged in. RtWrite <t>Write access to rtdb. Allows user to modify rtdb from xtt and Simulate mode <t>in trace. System <t>Privilege for system manager. Maintenance <t>Privilege for maintenance technician. Process <t>Privilege for process technician. Instrument <t>Privilege for instrument technician. Operator1 <t>Privilege for operator. Operator2 <t>Privilege for operator. Operator3 <t>Privilege for operator. Operator4 <t>Privilege for operator. Operator5 <t>Privilege for operator. Operator6 <t>Privilege for operator. Operator7 <t>Privilege for operator. Operator8 <t>Privilege for operator. Operator9 <t>Privilege for operator. Operator10 <t>Privilege for operator. DevRead <t>Read access to the workbench. DevPlc <t>Write access in the plc editor. DevConfig <t>Write access in the configurator. DevClass <t>Write access in class editor (not yet implemented) </topic> <topic> user example Exempel Proview user database V1.0.0 <c>ssab <c>. . . . . . sysansv System DevRead DevPlc DevConfig (14680068) <c>. . . . . . skiftel Maintenance DevRead (2097160) <c>. . . . . . 55 Operator1 (64) <c>. hql UserInherit <c>. . . . . . anna RtWrite Operator4 (514) <c>. . bl2 <c>. . . . . . anna Operator4 (512) <c>. . bl1 UserInherit <c>. . . . . . 55 Operator1 (64) <c>. . . . . . carlgustav Operator8 (8192) <c>. hst <c>. . . . . . magnus Operator1 (64) <c>. . rlb UserInherit <c>. . . . . . amanda Operator4 (512) Look at the example above. This is a listing of an user database. To the left, you see the system groups, and the number of ponts marks their level in the hierarchy. In the same row the attribute of the system group is written. Under each systemgroup, its users with privileges is found. Thus the systemgroup ssab has the users sysansv, skiftel and 55. The systemgroup sasb.hql.bl1 has the attribut UserInherit, which results in that it inherits users from its parent. Also the parent ssab.hql has UserInherit, i.e. ssab.hql.bl1 also inherits from ssab. The users of ssab.hql.bl1 is then, sysansv, skiftel, anna 55 and carlgustav. Here the user 55 of sasb.hql.bl1 overrides the user 55 of ssab. The systemgroup ssab.hql.bl2 lacks UserInherit and has only the user anna. The systemgroup ssab.hst.rlb has UserInherit and inherits from its parent ssab.hst. Though, this has not UserInherit and has not inherited from its parent ssab. The users for ssab.hst.rlb is then amanda and magnus. A system with the systemgroup sandviken.hql will be denied access because the systemgroup and all its ancestors is missing. A system with the systemgroup ssab.vwx.n2 will inherit users from the systemgroup ssab, i.e. sysansv, skifel and 55. All systemgroups don't have to be present in the database, the existance of an ancestor is enough. The ones that are not found are supposed to have the attribute UserInherit. </topic> <topic> user login Login This sections desribes how Login and access control works in different proview environments. <h1>Development environment When starting the configurator, a login window is opened where you kan state username and password. You can also give the username and password as arguments to the workbench if you want to avoid the login procedure. To open the configurator, you need the privilege DevRead, and to enter edit mode, you ned DevWrite. To edit in the plc editor, you ned DevPlc. <h1>Operator environment When the operator environment is started with an OpPlace as argument, the user is fetched from the UserName attribute in the corresponding User object. To make modifications in the databas from the runtime navigator, the privilege RtWrite is required. In the process graphics there are pushbuttons, sliders etc. from which you influence the database. These objects have an access attribute, that determines which privileges are required to activate the object. These privileges are matched to the users privileges, and if he isn't granted any of them, he is denied access. From the runtime navigator, you can with the login/logut command, login as another user and thereby change your privileges. <h1>Process graphics on the intranet For process graphics on the web there is a special login frame that can be added to the start menu of a system page. The login frame checks the username and password. </topic> <topic> pwr_user pwr_user You use pwr_user to create systemgroups and users in the user database. The configuration is performed with commands. pwr_user is started from the command prompt. Below is a description of the different command available to create, modify and list systemgroups and users. add group <t>Add a system group <link> pwr_user add group add user <t>Add a user <link> pwr_user add user get <t>Get a user<link> pwr_user get list <t>List systemgroups and users <link> pwr_user list load <t>Load the latest saved database <link> pwr_user load modify group <t>Modify a system group <link> pwr_user modify group modify user <t>Modify a user <link> pwr_user modify user remove group <t>Remove a system group <link> pwr_user remove group remove user <t>Remove a user <link> pwr_user remove user save <t>Save <link> pwr_user save su <t>Login as super user <link> pwr_user su </topic> <headerlevel> <topic>pwr_user add add add group <link> pwr_user add group add user <link> pwr_user add user </topic> <headerlevel> <topic> pwr_user add group add group Create a systemgroup <c>pwr_user> add group 'name' [/nouserinherit] /nouserinherit <t>The attribute UserInherit is not set for the systemgroup. <t>As default UserInherit is set. </topic> <topic> pwr_user add user add user Create a user. pwr_user> add user 'name' /group= /password= [/privilege=] [/rtread][/rtwrite][/system][/maintenance][/process] [/instrument][/operator1][/operator2]...[oper10][/devread] [/devplc][/devconfig][/devclass] /group <t>Systemgroup of the user. /password <t>Password of the user. /privilege <t>Privileges if this is supplied as a mask, i.e an integer value. /rtread <t>The user is granted RtRead. /rtwrite <t>The user is granted RtWrite. /system <t>The user is granted System. /maintenance <t>The user is granted Maintenance. /process <t>The user is granted Process. /operator1 <t>The user is granted Operator1. ... /operator9 <t>The user is granted Operator9. /operator10 <t>The user is granted Operator10. /devread <t>The user is granted DevRead. /devplc <t>The user is granted DevPlc. /devconfig <t>The user is granted DevConfig. /devclass <t>The user is granted DevClass. </topic> </headerlevel> <topic> pwr_user get get Fetches a user with an algorithm used in runtime. pwr_user> get 'username' /group= /password= </topic> <topic> pwr_user list list List systemgroups and users. pwr_user> list </topic> <topic> pwr_user load load Load the latest saved database and revert the current session. </topic> <topic> pwr_user modify modify modify group <link> pwr_user modify group modify user <link> pwr_user modify user </topic> <headerlevel> <topic> pwr_user modify group modify group Modify a systemgroup. <c>pwr_user> modify group 'name' /[no]userinherit /userinherit <t>Sets the attribute UserInherit that states that the systemgroup <t>inherits users form its parent in the systemgroup hierarchy. <t>Negated with /nouserinherit </topic> <topic> pwr_user modify user modify user Modify a user. <c>pwr_user> modify user 'name' /group= [/password=][/privilege=] <c> [/rtread][/rtwrite][/system][/maintenance][/process] <c> [/instrument][/operator1][/operator2]...[oper10][/devread] <c> [/devplc][/devconfig][/devclass] /group <t>Systemgroup of the user. /password <t>Password of the user. /privilege <t>Privileges if this is supplied as a mask, i.e an integer value. /rtread <t>The user is granted RtRead. /rtwrite <t>The user is granted RtWrite. /system <t>The user is granted System. /maintenance <t>The user is granted Maintenance. /process <t>The user is granted Process. /operator1 <t>The user is granted Operator1. ... /operator9 <t>The user is granted Operator9. /operator10 <t>The user is granted Operator10. /devread <t>The user is granted DevRead. /devplc <t>The user is granted DevPlc. /devconfig <t>The user is granted DevConfig. /devclass <t>The user is granted DevClass. </topic> </headerlevel> <topic> pwr_user remove remove remove group <link> pwr_user remove group remove user <link> pwr_user remove user </topic> <headerlevel> <topic> pwr_user remove group remove group Remove a system group. <c>pwr_user> remove group 'name' </topic> <topic> pwr_user remove user remove user Remove a user. <c>pwr_user> remove user 'name' /group= </topic> </headerlevel> <topic> pwr_user save save Save the current session. <c>pwr_user> save </topic> <topic> pwr_user su su Login as super user. As super user you can se password for users when listing the database. su requires password. <c>pwr_user> su 'password' </topic> </headerlevel> </headerlevel> </chapter> <chapter> <topic> classeditor Class Editor This section describes how to create new classes in Proview. There are a number of different cases when you might consider creating a new class. <h2>Data objects You want to store data in a data structure, for example to easy gain access to the data from applications. You can also create data objects that describes material that passes through a plant, where the data object contains properites for one material, e.g. length, width etc. The material can be moved between NMps cells to indicate the position of a material in the plant. <h2>Plc function object A function object used in plc programming, constists of a class that defines the input and output pins of the function object, and possible internal attributes. This type of objects also consists of code that are executed by the plc program. You can choose to create the code as plc code or c code. <h2>Components A component object reflecs a component in the plant, and is often divided into two or three different classes, a main object, a function object and a bus object, possibly also a simulate object. The main object is placed in the plant hierarchy and contains the signals that are connected to the component, in addition to other configuration data. A function object, placed in a plc program, is connected to the main object and works partly with data from its own inputs and outputs, and partly with signals and other parameters in the main object. If the signal exchange is made via Profibus, you kan also create a special module object that contains channel objects for the data transported on the Profibus. It is sufficient to make one connection between the main and the module object, to connect all signals and channels in the component. The simulation object is a function object, that is connected to the main object, and that simulates the component when the system is run i simulation mode. <h2>Subclasses of components Proview contatins a number of basecomponent classes for valves, motors etc. These are designed in a general fashion to cover a large number of components. Often, you create a subclass that is adapted to a specific component, and that, for example, contains a link to a data sheet, helptext etc. for this component. By creating a subclass of a basecomponent you inherit all the methods and attributes from this, but you also has the possibility to increase the functionallity with more attributes and more plc-code. <h2>Aggregates An aggregate reflects a plant part the contains a number of components. In this case, you can create an aggregate class that contains the different components in shape of attribute objects. To the aggregate, there is also a function object, that calls the functions objects for the present components. Aggregates can also contain other aggregates and give rise to quite extensive object structures. In principle, you could build a plant i one single object, but in practice it is appropriate to keep the object structure on a fairly low level. It is mainly when you have several identical aggregates that you benefit by creating an aggregate object of a plant part. <option> printdisable <b>Database structure <link> ced_databasestructure <b>Class description <link> ced_classdescription <b>Type description <link> ced_typedescription <b>Create classes <link> ced_createclasses <b>Build classvolume <link> ced_build <b>Documentation of classes<link> class docblock <option> printenable </topic> <headerlevel> <topic>ced_databasestructure Database structure <h1>Object In the chapter Database structure a descripton of how objects are construced. Now there is reason to go a little futher in the subject. An object constist of an object head and an object body. The object head contains information about the object name, class and relation to other objects. The object body contatins the data of the object. <h2>Object header An object has a name with a maximum size of 31 characters that is stored in the object header. In the object header there is also a link to the class description of the object. The class description contains information of how to interpret the data of the object, how it is divided into different attributes, and the type of the attributes. You also find the methods that work on the object. An object is placed in a tree structure and the object head contains pointer to the closest relatives: father, backward sibling, forward sibling and first child. The structure of an object head are common for all types of objects. <h2>Object body An object can have two bodies, one body that contains the data that is needed in runtime. It can also contain one additional body with data that only exist in the development environment. A body is divided into attributes that contains data of a specific type, e.g a Boolean, a Float32 or an Int32. But an attribute can also have a more complex datatype, as an array or a class. <b>RtBody RtBody is the body that exist in the runtime database. The body is also present in the development environment, to make it possible to set values to different attributes in the body. <b>DevBody Some objects also have a DevBody, a body that exist only in the development database, and that is not loaded into the runtime database. This body is mainly used by plc objects, where devbody for example contains graphical data for the plc editor. </topic> <topic>ced_classdescription Class description The layout of an object body is described in the class description of the object. Here you also find methods and other properties of the class. The class desciption is built of specific class definition objects that reside in a class volume. The class volume has a strict syntax of how to build the class descriptions. A presentation of the the different objects that is a part of the class description follows here. <h2>Class volume Class descriptions reside in a specific type of volume, a class volume. These can contain two hierarchies, one hierachy with class descriptions, and one with type descriptions. <h2>$ClassHier The class descriptions are found under the root object 'Class' of type $ClassHier. Below the $ClassHier object, $ClassDef objects define the classes in the volume. <h2>$ClassDef A $ClassDef object with its descendants, describe a class. The name of the object gives the name of the class. Below the $ClassDef, the following objects can be located - an $ObjBodyDef object, 'RtBody', that describes the runtime body. - an $ObjBodyDef object, 'DevBody', that describes the body in the development environment. - a Template object, i.e. an object of the current class that contatains default values for instance objects of the class. - one or several body objects that contains data for a specific function. - a PlcTemplate object, that can be opened by the plc editor, and that contains plc code for the class. - menu objects that define the popupmenu in the navigator, configurator and xtt. - method objects that links to methods that are called for example when objects are created or moved in the development environment. <h2>$ObjBodyDef An $ObjBodyDef object can either have the name 'RtBody', and then describe the runtime body, or the name 'DevBody' and describe thte development body. The attribute 'StructName' contains the name of the c-struct of the class in the include file that is generated for the volume. Below the $ObjBodyDef object, one attribute object for each attribute in the object body is located. $Attribute object are used for data objects, and $Input, $Intern and $Output for plc functionobjects. <h2>$Attribute An $Attribute object describes an attribute in a body. The attribute can be of the following type: - a base type, e.g. Boolean, Float32, Time, Int16. - a derived type, e.g. String80, Text1024, URL. - an array of a base type or derived type. - another class. - an array of a class. - an rtdb pointer, i.e. a pointer that can be interpreted by all processes. - a private pointer, i.e. a pointer that is valid on one single process. The type is stated in the attribute 'TypeRef'. In the attribute 'Flags' you state if the object describes an array, pointer, class etc. If the object describes an array, the number of elements is stated in 'Elements'. <h2>$Input $Input describes an input pin in a functions object in the plc program. The input can be of type Boolean, Float32, Int32, String80, Time, DeltaTime or of datatype (pointer to Float32). $Input gives rise to an attribute with two elements, one element of the stated type, and one element with apointer to the stated type. If the input is connected, the pointer points to the connected output attribute, if the pointer is not connected it points to its first element, where you then can specify a value for the input. The attribute 'PgmName' states the name of the attribute in the c-struct, and 'GraphName' the textstring that is written in the function object at the input pin. <h2>$Intern Defines an intern attribute in a function object, i.e. an attribute that is neither an input nor an output. <h2>$Output $Output describes an output pin in a function object. The same datatypes is valid for an $Output as for an $Input. <h2>$Buffer $Buffer specifies an attribut that contatins data of a certain size that only a single function is able to interpret. The data is described by a class, but ar not viewable in for example xtt. PlcNode, that is found in all plc objects, is an example of a $Buffer. Here you find graphic information that is only of interest for the plc editor. <h2>Class body A class can contain a class body object. The class body object contains data that is common for all instances of the class. One example of a class body object is $GraphPlcNode that reside in all plc classes. $GraphPlcNode contains data for code generation and graphic layout of the function object. <h1>Menues Menu object are used to define popupmenues for objects in the development environment and in the operator environment. $Menu defines a popupmenu in the development environment and $RtMenu i the operator environment. Below the menu object, menu alternatives are defined by $MenuButton objects, and submenues with $MenuCascade objects. The menu objects are placed below the $ClassDef object. The menu object calls methods, i.e. c functions that are linked with the development or operator environment. There is for the moment no possibility to do this from a project. This has to be done from the Proview source code. <h2>$Menu $Menu objects describe popup menues in the development environment. The object name specifies the function, the first part states the tool (Navigator/Configurator). The five last letters states during witch conditions the menu is present, dependent on which objects are selected or pointed at. <c>char 1: P stands for pointed, i.e. the object at which the pointer points. <c>char 2: states what should be pointed at: 'o' an object, 'a' an attibute, <c> 'c' a class in the palette. <c>char 3: 's' stands for selected, i.e. the object that is selected. <c>char 4: states what the selected object should be: 'o' an object, <c> 'a' an attribute, 'c' a class in the palette. <c>char 5: states if selected and pointed should be the same object: <c> 's' same object, 'n' different objects. Example ConfiguratorPosos: 'Po' the poitner points at an object, 'so' one object is selected, 's' the object the pointer points at and the selected object is the same object. <h2>$RtMenu The menu objects that describes popup menues in the operator environment. <h2>$MenuButton Deifines a menu alternative in a popup menu. </topic> <topic>ced_typedescription Type description Type descriptions, as class descriptions, reside in a class volume. They are placed in a separate hierarchy under a $TypeHier object. Types are devided into two categories, base types and derived types. <h2>Base types Base types are defined in the system volume pwrs. Example of base types are Boolean, Float32, Int32, String, Enum and Mask. <h2>Derived types Derived type can be defined in any classvolume. They consist of - arrays of base types, e.g. String80. - enumeration types, Enum, with defined characterstrings for various values. - bitmasks, Mask, with defined strings for various bits. <b>$TypeHier Type description are placed under the root object 'Type' of class $TypeHier. The $TypeHier object has $Type and $TypeDef objects as children. <b>$Type Description of a base type. This object is reserved for the system volume pwrs. <b>$TypeDef Description of a derived type. The attribute 'TypeRef' contaitns the base type. The most common usage are strings and texts with specific size, and enumeration types and bitmasks. To define an enumeration type, the basetype should be $Enum. Below the $TypeDef object, texts for different values are defined with $Value objects. When the value of an attribute of the type is to be displayed, the text that corresponds to the value is displayed. When the attribute is given a value, the different texts are viewed with checkboxes and you select one alternative. To define bitmasks the basetype $Mask is used. Below the $TypeDef object, texts are defined for different bits by $Bit objects. When the attribute is given a value, the texts are displayed with checkboxes, as for enumeration types. For bitmasks, several alternatives can be choosen. <b>$Value Defines a value in an enumeration type. The value corresponds to a text, that is viewd in the configuration and in xtt when the attribute is opened. I the includefile for the volume, an enum declaration is created, that can be used in c-code. <b>$Bit Defines a bit in a bitmask. The bit corresponds to a text that is viewed in the configurator and i xtt when an attribute of the type is opened. In the includefile for the volume, an enum declaration is created that can be used in c-code. </topic> <topic>ced_createclasses Create classes <option> printdisable <b>Create a class volume <link> ced_createclassvolume <b>Data classes <link> ced_dataclasses <b>Function objects <link>ced_foclasses <b>Components <link>ced_components <option> printenable </topic> <headerlevel> <topic>ced_createclassvolume Create a class volume The classdefinition objects reside in a classvolume, and first the classvolume has to be registred and created. The registration is made in the global volume list which is opened from File/Open/GlobalVolumeList in the navigator menu. Here you create a VolumeReg object with suitable volume name and volume identity. The volume identity for user classvolumes should be in the intervall 0.0.2-249.1-254. Use preferably the prefix CVol in the name to indicate that it is a class volume. Also state the current project. <image>ced_fig11.gif <b>Registration of the class volume in GlobalVolumeList Next step is to configure the classvolume in the directory volume of the project, with a ClassVolumeConfig object. Open the Directory volume with <c>$ pwrs and create a ClassVolumeConfig object in the left window. The object should have the same name as the classvolume. After saving and leaving edit mode, the classvolume can be opened by rightclicking on the ClassVolumeConfig object and activating 'Open ClassEditor...'. <image>ced_fig10.gif <b>Configuration of th classvolume in the Directory volume Now the Class Editor is opened, where you can create classdefinition objects. By entering edit mode, a palette is viewed, with the class and type description classes that are used to define a class or type. Begin by creating an object of type $ClassHier on the top level. This will automatically get the name 'Class'. Below the $ClassHier objects, $ClassDef objects are created for each class that is to be defined. </topic> <topic>ced_dataclasses Data classes Data classes are the most elementary classes, and usually used to store data. The classes constists of a RtBody with attributes. To create a class you put a $ClassDef object below the 'Class' object. The name of the object states the class name. Under the $ClassDef object you create a $ObjBodyDef object that automatically gets the name RtBody. Under the RtBody object, an $Attribute object is created, that defines an attribute in the class. The name of the $Attribute object states the attribute name. In the object you should state this in the attribute object: - the attribute type is stated in TypeRef, e.g a 32-bit integer is stated with pwrs:Type-$Int32, a 32-bit float with pwrs:Type-$Float32 and a boolean with pwrs:Type-$Boolean. Actually it is the full name of a type definition object that is inserted. See the Object Reference Manual, pwrs/Types, which types are defined. - if the attribute name contains national characters, in PgmName you have to state a name without national characters, that is accepted by the c compiler. <image> ced_fig1.gif <b>Definition of an attribute When you save, an instance object of the current class with the name Template, is created under the $ClassDef object. Here you can se the layout of the class, and also set template values for attributes. When other instances of the class are created, they are created as a copy of the Template object. <image> ced_fig2.gif <b>Template object with default values <b>Arrays An array attribute is defined with an $Attribute object, as other attributes. Here you set the Array bit in Flags, and state the number of elements in the array in Elements. <image> ced_fig3.gif <b>Definition of an array attribute with 50 elements <b>Attribute objects The term attribute objects refers to attributes that are described by a data structure. The reason to do this, can be that you want to gather data under on map, or that the datastructure is repeated, and in this case you create an attribute object array. The datas structure of the attribute is defined in a separate class. The class should only contain a runtime body, and can not have a development body. The attribute object is defined by an $Attribute object. In TypeRef the class describing the datastructure is stated, and in Flags the Class bit is set. You can also create an array, by setting the Array bit in Flags, and state the number of elements in Elements. Attribute objects can also contain attributes that are attribute objects. The number of levels are limitied to 20, and the total attribute name is limited to 255 characters. An attribute in an attribute objects is referred to with point as delimiter, i.e. the attribute Description in the attribute object Pump in object o, is referred to with the name 'o.Pump.Description'. If Pump also is an array of pumpobjects, the name of the Description attribute in the first pump object is 'o.Pump[0].Description'. <image> ced_fig4.gif <b>Definition of an attribute object of class Table <b>Subclass You can also define a class as a subclass to another class. The subclass will inherit attributes and methods from the other class, which is called the super class. A subclass is defined by naming the first $Attribute object in the class to 'Super', and setting the Class and SuperClass bits in Flags. The superclass is stated in TypeRef. All the attributes that exist in the superclass will also be present in the subclass. The subclass can also have additional attributes that are defined as usual by $Attribute objects. A superclass can only contain a runtime body, not a development body. <image> ced_fig5.gif <b>The Super attributes makes MyDataClass a subclass of MySuperDataClass </topic> <topic>ced_foclasses Function object classes Function objects are used in the plc editor to program the plc program. A function object is also described by a class, usually a bit more complex than a data class. It defines, in addition to the data sturcture, the graphic layout with inputs and outputs, and the code that is to be generated for the plc program. The code can be defined either by c-code, or by graphical programming in the plc editor. <option> printdisable <b>Function object with c code <link> ced_ccodefo <b>Function object with plc code <link> ced_plccodefo <option> printenable </topic> <headerlevel> <topic>ced_ccodefo Function object with c code The function object class is defined by a $ClassDef object under the 'Class' object. Name the object and activate 'Configure-CCodeFo' from the popupmenu of the object. Now are created - a RtBody object. - a DevBody object with a PlcNode object that defines a buffer for grapic information in the instances. - a GraphPlcNode object that contains information for graphic and code generation for the class. Next step is to define the attributes of the class. The attributes are divided into inputs, internal attributes and outputs. <b>Inputs The input attributes defines the input pins of the function object, i.e. values that are fetched from output pins of other function objects. The inputs are defined by $Input objects that are placed below the RtBody object. In TypeRef the datatype of the input is stated. Valid datatypes for an input is pwrs:Type-Float32, pwrs:Type-Int32 and pwrs:Type-String80. In GraphName the text at the input pin in the function object is stated. Normally you use 2 - 4 characters, block letters for analog signals, lower-case for digital, and first character upper-case for other signal types. An input attribute in an instance object, contains both a pointer to the output it is connected to, and a value that can be stated. You choose whether to use the input pin and connect an output, or to set a value, with a checkbox (Used). If you chooses not to mark Used, the input pin is not displayed in the function object. In the Template object, you can set default values for the input, that will be used when the input is not connected. <b>Intern attributes Intern attributes are attributes that are not inputs or outputs. They can be used for calculated values that need to be stored in the object, or values that are used to configure the object. All common datatypes are valid for intern attributes. <b>Outputs The output attributes define the output pins of the function object, i.e. values that are stored in the object, and can be fetched by inputs of other function objects. The outputs are defined by $Output objects that are placed below the RtBody object. The datatype for the output is stated in TypeRef. As for $Input, Boolean, Float32, Int32 and String80 can be stated, and in GraphName the text for the output pin in the function object is stated. <b>Note ! $Input, $Intern and $Output has to be placed in this order below RtBody: $Input first, then $Intern and then $Output. <b>Default values Defaultvalues of attributes can be set in the Template object. If you want to state which inputs and outputs should be viewed as default, there is a mask in the GraphPlcNode object that controls this, default_mask. Bits in default_mask[0] corresponds to input attributes, and bits in default_mask[1] to output attributes. If the bit that corresponds to a specific input or output is set, this will be viewed as default. <image> ced_fig6.gif <b>Function object with two inputs, one intern attribute, and one output <image> ced_fig7.gif <b>The function object for the class <b>Code When the classvolume is built, an h-file with a c struct for the class is generated. The name of the struct is <c>pwr_sClass_'StructName' where StructName is fetched from the StructName attribute in RtBody. As default, it is the same as the class name, but, for example if the classname contains national characters, another name can be specified. Below an example of the struct for the class MyFo is viewed. MyFo contains two inputs In1 and In2, one intern attribute Factor, and an output Out, all of type Float32. <c>typedef struct { <c> pwr_tFloat32 *In1P; <c> pwr_tFloat32 In1; <c> pwr_tFloat32 *In2P; <c> pwr_tFloat32 In2; <c> pwr_tFloat32 Factor; <c> pwr_tFloat32 Out; <c>} pwr_sClass_MyFo; Note that each input consist of two elements, a poniter with the suffix 'P', and en element that can be given a value if the input is not connected. If the input is connected, the pointer element will point to the output it is connected to, otherwise it will point to the value element. Therefore, in the c-code, you should use the pointer element to fetch the value of the input. The cod for the class is a function with this appearance <c>void 'StructName'_exec( plc_sThread *tp, <c> pwr_sClass_'StructName' *o) { <c>} In the code, data are fetched from the inputs, and calculated values are put on the outputs. Also intern attributes can be used to store information to the next scan, or to fetch configuration data. In the code example below In1 and In2 are inputs, Factor is an intern attribute and Out an output. <c> o->Out = o->Factor * (*o->In1P + *o->In2P); Note that the pointer element for the inputs In1 and In2 are used in the code. The module of the c-code is compiled and linked with the plc program. This requires a link file to be placed on the directory $pwrp_exe. The file is named plc_'nodename'_'busnumber'.opt, e.g. plc_mynode_0999.opt. The content of the file is input to the linker, ld, and here you add the modules of the plc-code. In the example below these modules are placed in the archive $pwrp_lib/libpwrp.a <c>$pwr_obj/rt_io_user.o -lpwrp </topic> <topic>ced_plccodefo Function object with plc code A function object, where the code is written in plc-code in the plc editor, is defined in a similar way as the function object with c-code above. The functionobject class is defined by a $ClassDef object below the 'Class' object. Name the object and activate Configure-Fo in the popupmenu for the object. Now, in addition to the objects created for the c-code functionobject, also a Code object of class PlcTemplate is created. This object can be opened with the plc editor, and define the code for the class. Inputs, intern attributes and outputs i the function object are defined in the same way as for the c-code function object, by $Input, $Intern and $Output attributes. <image> ced_fig8.gif <b>Definition of a function object with plc code. <b>Code By activating 'Open Program...' in the popupmenu of the Code object, the plc editor is opened. Here the code is written with function object programming. The code is created similar to an ordinary program, but here you also have to fetch values from the input and intern attribute, and to set values to the outputs. Values of inputs, intern attributes, and also outputs, are fetched in the code with GetDp, GetIp, GetAp or GetSp objects. You connect the objects to attributes in the class by selecting the attribute in the Template object for the class, and activate the 'Connect' method for the Get object. A symbolic reference $PlcFo is put into the Get object. This will later be exechanged to a reference to the current instance, when the code for the instance is compiled. Calculated values are stored in outputs or intern attributes with StoDp, StoIp etc. These are connected to attributes in the same way as the inputs, by selecting the attributes in the Template object and activating 'Connect'. <image> ced_fig9.gif <b>Example of plc code for a function object The template code in the Code object should not be compiled or built. When an instance object is compiled for the first time, the template code is copied to the instance. When the template code is changed, the code of the instances will be updated the next time they are compiled (the volume containing the instances, has to be updated with UpdateClasses first). </topic> </headerlevel> <topic>ced_ioclasses I/O classes I/O objects are the objects handled by the I/O-handling in Proview. They are divided in Agent, Rack, Card and Channel objects. When adapting new I/O systems to Proview, you have to create new classes of types Agent, Rack and Card. I/O objects are defined by a $ClassDef object where the IoAgent, IoRack or IoCard bit is set in Flags. A more detailed description of how to create I/O objects is found in Guide to I/O System. </topic> <topic>ced_components Components A component is an object, or a number of objects, that handles a component i the plant. It could be a valve, a motor, a frequency converter etc. The idea behind the component concept is that by creating one object (or a number of objects) you get all the functionallity required to control the component: an object contaning data and signals, a function object with code to control the component, an object graph for HMI, a simulation object, I/O objects to configure bus communication etc. A component can include the following parts - a main object. - a function object. - a simulation object. - one or more I/O bus objects. - object graph for the main object. - object graph for the simulation object. - graphic symbol for the main object. <option> printdisable <b>Main object <link> ced_compmain <b>Function object <link> ced_compfo <b>Simulation object <link> ced_compsim <b>I/O bus object <link> ced_compio <b>Object graph <link> ced_compog <b>Grapic symbol <link> ced_compgs <option> printenable </topic> <headerlevel> <topic> ced_compmain Main object The main object contains all data needed to configure and make calculations. The object is placed in the plant hierarchy, as an individual object or as a part of an aggregate. Often the class BaseComponent:Component is used as super class to a component class. It contains a number of attributes as Description, Specification, DataSheet etc. All the input and output signals that is attached to the component should be placed in the main object. Di, Ii, Ai, Do, Io, Ao or Co object are inserted as attribute objects. When creating instances of the component, the signals has to be connected to channel objects. For profibus, for example, you can create a module object, that contains the channels, and preconnect the signales in the main object to these channels. For each instance, you then don't have to connect every channel individually, but can make on single connection between main object and module object. <b>Special attributes <b>PlcConnect If there are any code that is to be created by the plc program, you create a function object for the class. This has to be connected to the main object, and this connection is stored in an attribute with name 'PlcConnect' of type pwrs:Type-$AttrRef. <b>SimConnect If there is a simulation object, this is connected to the main object by a 'SimConnect' attribute of type pwrs:Type-AttrRef. <b>IoConnect If there is a I/O module object, this is connected with an 'IoConnect' attribute of type pwrs:Type-AttrRef. The attribute is handled by the IoConnect method. <b>IoStatus If you want to fetch the status from the I/O-module object, you create the attribute 'IoStatus' of type pwrs:Type-$Status, and set the Pointer bit in Flags. The attribute will be assigned a pointer to the Status attribute of the I/O-module in runtime when the I/O handling is initialized. The Status attribute is of type Status and can for example be displayed in an object graph with the dynamic type StatusColor. If you want to use IoStatus in the plc code for the object, you have to consider that the attribute is a pointer and fetch the value with GetIpPtr. <b>GraphConfiguration GraphConfiguration is of type Enum and used to decide which object graph is to be opened for the current instance. It is used by the 'ConfigureComponent' method (see below). <b>DisableAttr The DisableAttr function makes it possible to disable an attribute in an instance. If an attribute is disabled, it will not be viewed in the navigator or object editor. If the disabled attribute is a signal, it will be ignored by the I/O handling. The disable function is used for components that can exist in different configurations. A solenoid valve for example, can have one switch indicating that the valve is open, and one indicating that the valve is closed. Totally there are four configurations for the solenoid valve: - no switches. - switch open. - switch closed. - both switch open and switch closed. You could create four different solenoid valve classes, but a problems will come up when building aggregates of the valve objects. An aggregate, containing a valve objects also has to exist in four variations, and if the aggregate contains two valve objects, there has to be 16 variations. By using the DisableAttr function on the switch attributes we can create a solenoid valve class that covers all four configurations, and also can be used in aggregate classes. DisableAttr for an attribute is configured in the following way. - the DisableAttr bit in Flags is set for the attribute. - before the attribute, an attribute of type pwrs:Type-$DisableAttr is placed, with the same name as the attribute, but with the prefix 'Disable'. The Invisible bit in Flags should be set for the DisableAttr attribute. <b>Example In the solenoid valve class above, the switch closed is represented by the attribute SwitchClosed that is a digital signal of type pwrb:Class-Di. Immediately above the attribute an attribute with name 'DisableSwitchClosed' of type pwrs:Type-$DisableAttr is placed. For this attribute the Invisible bit in Flags is set, and for the SwitchClosed attribute the DisableAttr bit in Flags is set. <image> ced_fig12.gif <b>Attribute with disable function <b>Cast Component classes are often built in a relativly flexible way to minimize the number of variants. Often you create a baseclass that make use of the DisableAttr function to be able to cover a number of different configurations. In the example above a solenoid valve class can cover four different configurations by setting DisableAttr on the switch signals. You also create subclasses that are adapted to specific valves. For example, a Durholt 100.103 doesn't contain any switches, and an subclass is created where both switches are disabled in the Template object. You also set other adaptions in the Template object as a link to a datasheet. The result is a subclass that can be used for Durholt valves without any configurations for each instance. If we now build a general aggregate, containing a solenoid valve, and want to be able to use the subclasses that exist for the solenoid valve, we use the Cast function. With the Cast function, an attribute object can be casted as a subclass of the original class, given that the subclass has the same size. When an attribute object is casted, defaultvalues, and thus configurations, are fetched from the subclass. Also classname and methods are feched from the subclass. The cast function for an attribute is entered in the following way: - The CastAttr bit in Flags is set for the attribute. - Before the attribute, an attribute of type pwrs:Type-$CastId is placed with the same name as the attribute, but with the prefix 'Cast'. The Invisible bit in Flags should be set for the cast attribute. <image> ced_fig22.gif <b>Contactor with cast attribute Casting of an instance is executed by activating the 'Cast' method i the popupmenu for the attribute. A list with the baseclass and all subclasses are displayed, where a suitable cast class can be selected. If an attribute has both cast and disable attributes, the cast attribute should be placed before the disable attribute. <image> ced_fig23.gif <b>Casting of an instance <b>Methods <b>Method ConfigureComponent Often there are several variants of a component. In the example with the solenoid valve above, four different variants where found dependent on the configuration of switches. To simplify the users configuration of the component, you can define the method 'ConfigureComponent'. The ConfigureComponent method makes it possible to from a menu alternative in the popupmenu, set Disable to one or a number of attributes, and to select an object graph that is adapted to the current configuration. <b>Meny The menu alternatives for ConfigureComponent are defined by menu objects. Under the $ClassDef object, a $Menu object with name 'ConfiguratorPosos' is placed, which makes the menu visible in edit mode when the object is pointed at and selected. Below this, yet another $Menu object is placed with the name 'Pointed', and below this a $MenuCascade object with the name 'ConfigureComponent'. The attribute ButtonName is set to ConfigureComponent for this object. Below this, finally one $MenuButton object is placed for each configuration alternative. The name is preferably set to the name of the configuration alternative, and is also put into the attribute ButtonName. In the attribute MethodName '$Object-ConfigureComponent' is inserted and in the attribute FilterName '$Object-ConfigureComponentFilter'. You should also fill in arguments to the method i MethodArguments. MethodArguments[0] contains a bitmask, that decide which attributes will be disabled in the current menu alternative. Each attribute, that is possible to disable is represented by a bit, and bit order corresponds to the attribute order in the object. MethodArguments[1] contains the graphic represententation, see below. If we look at the solenoid valve, we have two attributes that can be disabled, SwitchClosed and SwitchOpen. In the bitmask in MethodArguments[0] SwitchClosed corresponds to the first bit and SwitchOpen to the second, i.e. if the first bit is set, SwitchClosed will be disabled, and if the second bit is set, SwitchOpen is disabled. The four configuration alternatives TwoSwitches, SwitchClosed, SwitchOpen and NoSwitches corresponds to the following masks <c>TwoSwitches 0 (both SwitchOpen and SwitchClosed are present) <c>SwitchClosed 2 (SwitchOpen is disabled) <c>SwitchOpen 1 (SwitchClosed is disabled) <c>NoSwitches 3 (both SwitchOpen and SwitchClosed are disabled) <image> ced_fig14.gif <b>Configuration of component attributes If you disable an attribute that is a component that contains signals, the signals in the component also has to be disabled. The I/O handling only looks at if the individual signal is disabled, and is not looking upwards on higher levels. To disable a signal in a component attribute, you add a comma and the name of the component followed by the disable mask that is valid for the component to MethodArguments[0]. For example in an object where the components Contactor and CircuitBreaker are disabled MethodArguments[0] can contain <c>3, Contactor 1, CircuitBreaker 1 where '3' is the Disable mask of the object (that disables the attributes Contactor and CircuitBreaker), and 'Contactor 1' results in disabling a signal attribute in Contactor, and 'CircuitBreaker 1' disables a signal in CircuitBreaker. <b>Component attributes with individual configuration When the ConfigureComponent method is activated, Disable are removed from all component attributes, to reset any previous configuration. Sometimes there are component attributes that are not a part of the object configuration, but has to be configured individually. These components should not be reset by the ConfigureComponent method, and have to stated in MethodArguments[2] with comma as delimiter. In the following example, the component attributes Motor and Contactor should be configured by their own ConfigureComponent methods, and not affected by the ConfigureComponent method of the object. In MethodArguments[2] is stated <c>Motor, Contactor <b>Object graph When drawing the object graph for the component, you have to consider the different configurations. If the differences between the configurations are small, you can use the Invisible dynamic. If the differences are greater, it might be more convenient to draw separate graphs for the configurations. Then you insert an attribute in the main object with the name GraphConfiguration of type Enum. It is common to create a specific enumeration type with the configuration alternatives. If GraphConfiguration is 0 the standard graph is used, else the value in GraphConfiguration is set as suffix to the graphname. In the example with the solenoid valve, MValve, we create an enum type, MValveGCEnum, and define the values <c>TwoSwitches 0 <c>SwitchClosed 1 <c>SwitchOpen 2 <c>NoSwitches 3 For the TwoSwitches configuration, with value 0, we draw an object graph with name mvalve.pwg. For SwitchClosed, with value 1, we name the graph mvalve1.pwg, for SwichOpen mvalve2.pwg and for NoSwitches mvalve3.pwg. We also state the enumeration value in MethodArguments[1] in the $MenuButton object for the current configuration. This will imply that GraphConfiguration will be set to this value when the current menualternative is activated. <image> ced_fig13.gif <b>Enumeration type for GraphConfiguration </topic> <topic> ced_compfo Functionobject The functionobject is the interface of the component in the plc program. It defines inputs and outputs that can be connected to other functionobjects in the plc editor. Unlike an ordinary functionobject the code is also working with data in the main object. The code can be written in plc-code or c-code. <b>plc-code If you want to keep the code of the function object visible, and there is need of running PlcTrace in the code, it is suitable to use a functionobject with plc-code. Create a $ClassDef object and name the object. Preferably use the same name as for the main object followed by the suffix 'Fo', e.g. MyComponentFo. Then activate Configure-ConnecteFo in the popupmenu. Under RtBody a PlcConnect attribute of type AttrRef is created, that will contain a link to the main object, when an instance i connected in the plc-editor. Configure inputs and outputs with $Input and $Output objects below the RtBody object. You can also create $Intern objects, but this type av data are usually stored in the main object. Note that the order of attribute objects should be $Input, $Intern, $Output. The code is created by opening the plc editor for the Code object. In the code, you fetch values from an input, by selecting the input attribut in the template object for the functionobject in the navigator, and activate the connect function. Output are stored in a similar way. When data should be fetched or stored in the main object, you select the attribute in the template object of the main object. References to the function object are viewed in the plc-code with the symbol $PlcFo, and references to the main object with the symbol $PlcMain. If the object contains components, the function object of these components are put in the plc-code. If you have DisableAttr on signals or other attributes, this has to handled with conditional execution in the code. A signal that is disabled must not be read or written to in the code. You use the object Disabled under the map Other, to evaluate if an attribute is disabled or not. This can then be connected to a CArea object that handles the conditional execution. <image> ced_fig18.gif <b> Condition execution with Disabled and CArea <b>c-code A function object with c-code is configured with a $ClassDef object. Name the object and then activate Configure-ConnectedCCodeFo in the popupmenu. Below RtBody, two attribute are created, PlcConnect of type AttrRef and PlcConnectP that is a pointer. In PlcConnect, the reference to the main object is stored, when an instance is connected in the plc editor. When the plc program is initialized in runtime, you fetch, with help of the reference, a pointer to the main object. The pointer i stored in PlcConnectP. This is done in the c code, that is separated in an init function that is executed at initialization of the plc program, and an exec function that is executed every scan. For the function object MyComponentFo with the input In1 and In2, and the output Out2, the code is <c>void MyComponentFo_init( pwr_sClass_MyComponentFo *o) <c>{ <c> pwr_tDlid dlid; <c> pwr_tStatus sts; <c> sts = gdh_DLRefObjectInfoAttrref( &o->PlcConnect, (void **)&o->PlcConnectP, &dlid); <c> if ( EVEN(sts)) <c> o->PlcConnectP = 0; <c>} <c>void MyComponentFo_exec( plc_sThread *tp, <c> pwr_sClass_MyComponentFo *o) <c>{ <c> pwr_sClass_MyComponent *co = (pwr_sClass_MyComponent *) o->PlcConnectP; <c> if ( !co) <c> return; <c> o->Out = co->Value = co->Factor * (*o->In1P + *o->In2P); <c>} </topic> <topic> ced_compsim Simulation object A simulation object is used to simulate the process, both at normal conditions and when different errors occurs. The simulation object reads the output signals (Do, Ao, Io) in the main object, and set values to the input signals (Di, Ai, Ii, Co). The object is a functionobject that can contain input and output attributes, but these are usually missing, and the object is working with data in the main object, and with internal attributes that configures the simulation and triggers various error conditions. The simulation object often has an object graph that is opened by the Simulate method of the main object. A simulation object is connected to the main object by a connect method, in the same way as an ordinary function object. But the simulation class has another connect method than the Fo class. The main object should contain the attribute 'SimConnect' of type pwrs:Type-$AttrRef, into which the connection method will store the identity for the simulation object when a main instance object and a simulation instance object are connected. A simulation class is created in the same way as a functionobject class, and can be written in c of plc-code. The class is preferably named the same name as the main class, followed by the suffix 'Sim'. Create a $ClassDef object and name the object. Then activate the Configure-ConnectedFo or Configure-ConnectedCCodeFo. Add any $Input, $Intern and $Output attributes, and write the code in plc or c-code. Change the connectmethod in GraphPlcNode to 26. The object graph for simulation objects are often drawn with darkblue background and white text to easily be parted from other object graphs. Note that attributes in the main object can be referenced by the '&' notation, e.g. &($object.PlcConnect).IndError##Boolean. <image> ced_fig15.gif <b>Objekt graph for a simulation object </topic> <topic> ced_compio I/O-module object A main object for a component can contain signal objects of type Ai, Ai, Ii, Ao, Do, Io and Co. The signals of an instance have to be connected to channel objects in the node hierarchy. In, for example, Profibus you can create module objects, where the channels are adapted to the dataarea that is received and sent on the bus. If the signals in a component, is handled by a module object, you can store symbolic references to the channel objects in the signal objects. Then you only have to do one IoConnection between the component and the module object, you don't have to connect each signal separateley. The symbolic references are stored in the template object of the template object of component, by connecting the signals in the template object to the channels in the template object of the I/O module. The symbolic references are of type $IoConnect, and are converted to real references at initialization of the I/O handling in runtime. <image> ced_fig16.gif <b> A signal is connected to a channel in an I/O module. <image> ced_fig17.gif <b> Symbolic reference to channel object </topic> <topic>ced_compog Object graph Object graph har the same name as the component, but with lower case. For classes in the Proview base system you add the prefix 'pwr_c_'. The graphs are edited as normal in Ge. In the dynamic you exchange the object name with '$object'. Object graph for objects in the base system are drawn with the following guidelines. <b> Menu There should be a menu with the pulldown menues File, Methods, Signals and Help. File should have the entries <c>Print Command print graph/class/inst=$object <c>Close CloseGraph Methods should have the entries <c>Help Invisible $cmd(check method/method="Help"/object=$object) <c> Command call method/method="Help"/object=$object <c>Note Invisible $cmd(check method/method="Note"/object=$object) <c> Command call method/method="Note"/object=$object <c>Trend Invisible $cmd(check method/method="Trend"/object=$object) <c> Command call method/method="Trend"/object=$object <c>Fast Invisible $cmd(check method/method="Fast"/object=$object) <c> Command call method/method="Fast"/object=$object <c>Help Invisible $cmd(check method/method="Photo"/object=$object) <c> Command call method/method="Photo"/object=$object <c>DataSheet Invisible $cmd(check method/method="DataSheet"/object=$object) <c> Command call method/method="DataSheet"/object=$object <c>Hist Event... Invisible $cmd(check method/method="Hist Event..."/object=$object) <c> Command call method/method="Hist Event..."/object=$object <c>Block Events... Invisible $cmd(check method/method="Block Events..."/object=$object) <c> Command call method/method="Block Events..."/object=$object <c>RtNavigator Invisible $cmd(check method/method="RtNavigator"/object=$object) <c> Command call method/method="RtNavigator"/object=$object <c>Open Object Invisible $cmd(check method/method="Open Object"/object=$object) <c> Command call method/method="Open Object"/object=$object <c>Open Plc Invisible $cmd(check method/method="Open Plc"/object=$object) <c> Command call method/method="Open Plc"/object=$object <c>Circuit Diagram Invisible $cmd(check method/method="Circuit Diagram"/object=$object) <c> Command call method/method="Circuit Diagram"/object=$object <c>HelpClass Invisible $cmd(check method/method="HelpClass"/object=$object) <c> Command call method/method="HelpClass"/object=$object Signals should contain all signals in the component and open the object graph for each signal. Example <c>SwitchOpen Di Command open graph/class /inst=$object.SwitchOpen <c>SwitchClosed Di Command open graph/class /inst=$object.SwitchClosed <c>Order Do Command open graph/class /inst=$object.Order The Help menu should contain Help and HelpClass <c>Help Command call method/method="Help"/object=$object <c>HelpClass Command call method/method="HelpClass"/object=$object <b> Toolbar The toolbar contains buttons for the methods. The dynamics are the same as in the methods menu above. To the right, there is also a button for the object graph of the simulate object. This has the dynamic <c>Invisible $cmd(check method/method="Simulate"/object=$object) <c>Command call method/method="Simulate"/object=$object Below the methodbuttons there are two textfields that displays the Desciption and Specification attributes in the component with the dynamic <c>Description Value.Attribute $object.Description##String80 <c> Value.Format %s <c>Specification Value.Attribute $object.Specification##String80 <c> Value.Format %s On the lowest row in the graph, any Notes message are viewed, with a button to change or remove the message. <c>Notes button Invisible $object.Note##String80 <c> Command call method/method="Note"/object=$object <c>Notes text Value.Attribute $object.Note##String80 <c> Value.Format %s <image> ced_fig21.gif <b>Object graph </topic> <topic>ced_compgs Graphic symbol The graphic symbol is drawn in Ge and given the default dynamic HostObject. In the host object dynamic, differenty types of dynamic are connected to attributes in the object. The objectname is exchanged to '$hostobject' in the dynamics. Often you create the attributes IndWarning and IndError in the main object, and color the symbol yellow or red, or flashing red, when these are set. <image> ced_fig20.gif <b>The grahic symbol is drawn in Ge witch HostObject default dynamic. </topic> </headerlevel> </headerlevel> <topic> ced_build Build the classvolume When building the classvolume, a loadfile and two structfiles are created. <b>Loadfile The loadfile is stored in $pwrp_load and has the same name as the volume, with lower case. The filetype is .dbs, e.g the loadfile for the volume CVolMerk1 is $pwrp_load/cvolmerk1.dbs. The time when the loadfile is created is stored in the file. Furthermore the version of other classvolumes that the loadfile is dependent on are stored. At runtime startup, there is a check that the current versions in the system coincide with the versions registred in the loadfile. If any version doesn't coincide, you get the message 'Version mismatch' and the startup is aborted. You can display the version of a loadfile, and the versions of the dependent volumes with wb_ldlist. <c>$ wb_ldlist $pwrp_load/cvolmerk1.dbs <c>Volume CVolMerk1 21-DEC-2007 13:52:05.22 (1198241525,227130443) 25364 <c>VolRef CVolMerk1 21-DEC-2007 13:52:05.22 (1198241525,227130443) 25364 <c>VolRef pwrs 12-DEC-2007 08:35:06.98 (1197444906,983976467) 1 <c>VolRef pwrb 12-DEC-2007 08:35:09.93 (1197444909,930182284) 2 <c>VolRef BaseComponent 12-DEC-2007 08:35:26.92 (1197444926,926679004) 10 <b>Structfiles When building a classvolume, two includefiles are generated, a .h-file and a .hpp-file. If the classvolume contains functions objects, or classes that are used in CArithm or DataArithm objects, you have to include the .h file in $pwrp_inc/ra_plc_user.h. <b>Update Classes When the classvolume is built, you have to update the classes in the root or sub volumes in the project. The update is activated in the configurator for the root or sub volume, from the menu with 'Function/Update Classes'. If a class is changed, instance objects of the class are adapted to the changed class. All references to instances of the class will also be updated. </topic> <topic>class docblock Documentation of classes For $ClassDef and $Attribute objects, there is a documentation block, that is filled in from the object editor. The documentations block, together with the class description, is used when classdocumentation is generatated to xtthelp or html format. The documentation block for the $ClassDef object should contain a description of the class, and the documentation block for the $Attribute object a description of the attribute. <option> printdisable Genererate Xtt helpfiles <link> class generate xtthelp Genererate html documentation <link> class generate html ClassDef <link> docblock classdef Attribute <link> docblock attribute c- and h-files <link> docblock ccode <option> printenable </topic> <headerlevel> <topic> class generate xtthelp Generate Xtt helpfiles Helpfiles for xtt is generated with the command <c>co_convert -xv -d $pwrp_exe/ $pwrp_db/userclasses.wb_load The command generates a helpfile $pwrp_exe/'volumename'_xtthelp.dat, and it is proper to put a link to the file in the xtt helpfile for the project $pwrp_exe/xtt_help.dat: Example for the classvolume cvolvhxn2r <i><topic> index <i>... <i>User classes<link>cvolssabtest,"",$pwrp_exe/cvolvhxn2r_xtthelp.dat <i></topic> ... <i><include> $pwrp_exe/cvolssabtest_xtthelp.dat </topic> <topic> class generate html Generate html documentation html files are generated by the command <c>co_convert -wv -d $pwrp_web/ $pwrp_db/userclasses.wb_load The command genenrates, among others, the file $pwrp_web/'volumename'_index.html that contains the start page for the class documentation. This, together with the other files ($pwrp_web/'volumename'_*.html) should be copied to a proper directory of the web server. A link to the documentation is made with a WebLink object pointing at the URL 'volumename'_index.html. If you wantn to be able to show the c struct for the classes, you convert the h-file with co_convert <c>co_convert -cv $pwrp_web/ $pwrp_inc/'volymsnamn'classes.h If you also want to be able to display the code of plc-objects, you have to add aref tags in the c or h file of the code, and convert it with <c>co_convert -sv -d $pwrp_web/ 'filnamn' </topic> <topic> docblock classdef ClassDef <h2>Example <c>@Author Homer Simpson <c>@Version 1.0 <c>@Code ra_plc_user.c <c>@Summary Brief description of this class <c>Description of <c>this class. <c> <c>See also <c>@link Example plat.html <c>@classlink AnotherPlate cvolvhxn2r_anotherplate.html <h2>Tags Author <t>Author or the class description <link> docblock author Version <t>Version of the class <link> docblock version Code <t>File that contains the code for the class <link> docblock code Summary <t>Summary <link> docblock summary Link <t>Arbitrary link <link> docblock link Classlink <t>Link to another class <link> docblock classlink wb_load syntax <link> docblock wb_load classdef </topic> <headerlevel> <topic> docblock author @Author Author. Optional. <b>Syntax <c>@Author 'name of author' </topic> <topic> docblock version @Version Version. Optional. <b>Syntax <c>@Version 'version number' </topic> <topic> docblock code @Code For classes with plc-code you can state the name of the c-file. Optional. Also the c-file has to be converted by the command: co_convert -c -d $pwrp_web/'filename' <b>Syntax <c>@Code 'filename' </topic> <topic> docblock summary @Summary Short description in one line. Optional. This is shown in the indexfile in the xtt helpfile. Not used in html. <b>Syntax <c>@Summary 'text' </topic> <topic> docblock link @Link A link to an arbitrary URL. Is only displayed in the html documentation, not in Xtt. The link should lay after the description of the class. <b>Syntax <c>@Link 'URL' </topic> <topic> docblock classlink @Classlink A link to another class. This link work in both html and xtt. The link should lay after the description of the class. <b>Syntax <c>@Classlink 'html-filename' </topic> <topic> docblock wb_load classdef wb_load syntax The documentation of a class i written above the $ClassDef row. <c>! <c>!/** <c>! @Author Homer Simpson <c>! @Version 1.0 <c>! @Code ra_plc_user.c <c>! @Summary Brief description of this class <c>! Description of <c>! this class. <c>! <c>! See also <c>! @link Example plat.html <c>! @classlink AnotherPlate cvolvhxn2r_anotherplate.html <c>!*/ <c>! <c>Object Plat $ClassDef 1 <h2>!/** Start of a documentation block. All the text between !/** and !*/ will be written as a description of the class. <h2>!*/ End of a documentation block. </topic> </headerlevel> <topic> docblock attribute Attribute <h2>Example <c>@Summary Pl�tens l�ngd <c>En grundligare beskrivning <c>av attributet Langd... <h2>@Summary Short description in one line. If there is a @Summary, this text is put into the table of attributes in the html file. If there is no summary, the whole description is written instead. Not used in xtt. wb_load syntax <link>docblock wb_load attribute </topic> <headerlevel> <topic> docblock wb_load attribute wb_load syntax Documenation of an attribute in written above the $Attribute, $Input, $Output or $Intern line. <c> !/** <c> ! @Summary Pl�tens l�ngd <c> ! En grundligare beskrivning <c> ! av attributet Langd... <c> !*/ <c> Object Langd $Attribute 3 <c> Body SysBody <c> Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" <c> EndBody <c> EndObject <h2>!/** Start of a documentation block. All the text between !/** and !*/ will be written as a description of the attribute. <h2>!*/ End of a documentation block. </topic> </headerlevel> <topic> docblock ccode Syntax for c- and h-files If you want to use the links to c- and h-files, these also have to be converted to html. There is also a function to add bookmarks. The structfile for the classes are automatically generated with bookmarks. <c>/** <c> MyPlcClass <c> <c> Description for the class that is not displayed anywhere but in the code. <c> <c> @aref MyPlcClass MyPlcClass <c>*/ <c>void MyPlcClass_exec(...) <h2>@aref @aref has to lay insice a /*_* ... */ block. Inside the block, there can also be comments that are not handled by the converter. <b>Syntax <c>@aref 'bookmark' 'text' </topic> </chapter> <chapter> <TOPIC> help command Wtt commands <b>build <t>Build node, volume or object <LINK> build <b>check classes <t>Check if any classes needs update <LINK> check classes <b>close graph <t>Close a Ge graph <LINK> close graph <b>compile <t>Compile plcpgm <LINK> compile <b>configure card<t>Configure a card object <LINK> configure card <b>connect <t>Connect signal and channel <LINK> connect <b>copy <t>Copy selected object trees <LINK> copy <b>copy object<t>Copy an object <LINK> copy object <b>create bootfiles <t>Create bootfiles <LINK> create bootfiles <b>create crossreferencefiles <t>Create crossreferencefiles <LINK> create crossreferencefiles <b>create flowfiles <t>Create flow files for plc trace <LINK> create flowfiles <b>create loadfiles <t>Create loadfiles <LINK> create loadfiles <b>create object <t>Create an object <LINK> create object <b>create structfiles <t>Create structfiles <LINK> create structfiles <b>create volume <t>Create a volume <LINK> create volume <b>cut <t>Cut objects <LINK> cut <b>define <t>Define a symbol <LINK> define <b>delete object <t>Delete an object <LINK> delete object <b>delete tree <t>Delete an object tree <LINK> delete tree <b>delete volume<t>Delete a volume <LINK> delete volume <b>disconnect <t>Disconnect signal and channel <LINK> disconnect <b>display <t>Display a window <LINK> display <b>edit <t>set edit mode <LINK> edit <b>exit <t>close wtt <LINK> exit <b>help <t>Display help <LINK> help help <b>generate web <t>Generate webpages <LINK> generate web <b>list channels<t>List channels <LINK> list channels <b>list descriptor<t>List from listdescriptor <LINK> list descriptor <b>list hierarchy<t>List hierarchy <LINK> list hierarchy <b>list plcpgm <t>List plcprogram <LINK> list plcpgm <b>list signals<t>List signals <LINK> list signals <b>login <t>User login <LINK> login <b>logout <t>User logout <LINK> logout <b>move object <t>Move an object <LINK> move object <b>new buffer <t>Create a new buffer <LINK> new buffer <b>one <t>One window <LINK> one <b>open buffer <t>Open buffer selection window <LINK> open buffer <b>open graph <t>Open a Ge graph <LINK> open graph <b>paste <t>Paste buffer <LINK> paste <b>print <t>Print plcpgm <LINK> print <b>redraw <t>Redraw plcpgm <LINK> redraw <b>release subwindow <t>Continue execution with graph in window object. <LINK>release subwindow <b>revert <t>Revert session <LINK> revert <b>save <t>Save session <LINK> save <b>search <t>Search <LINK> search <b>set advanceduser<t>Set advanced user <LINK> set advanceduser <b>set alltoplevel<t>Display all toplevel objects <LINK> set alltoplevel <b>set attribute<t>Set object attributes <LINK> set attribute <b>set db <t>Set database <LINK> set db <b>set inputfocus<t>Set input focus to window <LINK> set inputfocus <b>set showalias<t>Display alias name <LINK> set showalias <b>set showattrref<t>Display attribute references <LINK> set showattrref <b>set showattrxref<t>Display attribute x-references <LINK> set showattrxref <b>set showclass<t>Display object class <LINK> set showclass <b>set showdescription<t>Display description <LINK> set showdescription <b>set showobjref<t>Display object references <LINK> set showobjref <b>set showobjxref<t>Display object x-references <LINK> set showobjxref <b>set subwindow <t>Open a graph in a window object <LINK>set subwindow <b>set template<t>Set template values for objects <LINK> set template <b>set verify <t>Script verification <LINK> set verify <b>set window <t>Set window width and height <LINK> set window <b>setup <t>Wtt setup <LINK> setup <b>show children<t>Show the children of an object <LINK> show children <b>show license <t>Show license terms <LINK> show license <b>show object <t>Show an object <LINK> show object <b>show objid <t>Show object identity <LINK> show objid <b>show script <t>Show scriptfiles <LINK> show script <b>show symbol <t>Show a symbol <LINK> show symbol <b>show user <t>Show current user <LINK> show user <b>show version<t>Show wtt version <LINK> show version <b>show volumes<t>Show all volumes in the database <LINK> show volumes <b>sort <t>Sort the children of an object <LINK> sort <b>two <t>Two windows <LINK> two <b>update classes <t>Update classes <LINK> update classes <b>wb dump <t>Dump objects to textfile <LINK> wb dump <b>wb load <t>Load objects from textfile <LINK> wb load <b>Symbols <link> symbol <H2>related subjects script <LINK> script </TOPIC> <TOPIC> build <style> function Command build Call the build method for a node, a volume or an object. <B>wtt> build node /name= [/force][/debug][/manual][/crossreference] <B>wtt> build volume /name= [/force][/debug][/manual][/crossreference] <B>wtt> build object /name= [/force][/debug][/manual][/crossreference] /name <t>Node name, volume name or object name. /force <t>Don't check any dependencies, build everything. /debug <t>Build with debug, i.e. compile and link with debug. /manual <t>Just build the specified item. /crossreferences <t>Create crossreferencefiles. Valid for building volumes. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> check classes <style> function Command check classes Check if any classes needs update. <B>wtt> check classes </TOPIC> <TOPIC> close graph <style> function Command close graph Close a Ge graph. <B>wtt> close graph /file= /file <t>Name of the Ge graph. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> compile <style> function Command compile Compile plcprograms. If no hierarchy, plcpgm or window is specified, the selected plcpgm will be compiled. <B>wtt> compile [/debug] <B>wtt> compile /plcpgm= [/debug] <B>wtt> compile /window= [/debug] <B>wtt> compile /hierarchy= [/debug][/modified][/from_plcpgm=] <B>wtt> compile /volume= [/debug][/modified][/from_plcpgm=] <B>wtt> compile /allvolumes [/debug][/modified][/from_plcpgm=] /plcpgm <t>Name of plcpgm object that will be compiled. /window <t>Name of plcwindow object that will be compiled. /hierarchy <t>All plcpgm's in the hierarchy will be compiled. /volume <t>Volume name. All plcpgm's in the volume will be compiled. /allvolumes <t>All plcpgm's in all volumes in the database will be compiled. /debug <t>Compile with debug. /modified <t>Only modified plcwindows will be compiled. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> configure card <style> function Command configure card Create a card with channels. <B>wtt> configure card /rack= /cardname= /channelname= /chanidentity= <B> <t>/chandescription= /table= /rack <t>Name of rack object that the card will belong to. /cardname <t>Name of card. Last segment of name. /channelname <t>Name of channel. Last segment of name. <t>A '#' will be replaced with the channel number. <t>For example /chan=di33## will give the channelnames <t>di3301, di3302... If there is more than one channel <t>channelname has to contain a '#' sign. /chanidentity <t>Identiy of the channel. Will be inserted into the Identity- <t>attribute of the channel. /chandescripton <t>Channel description. Will be inserted into the Description- <t>attribute of the channel. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> connect <style> function Command connect Connect a signal and a channel. <B>wtt> connect /source= /destination= [/reconnect] /source <t>A signal or channel object. /destination <t>A signal or channel object. /reconnect <t>If the source or destination already is connected <t>it will first be disconnected. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> copy <style> function Command copy Copy selected object trees to paste buffer. <B>wtt> copy [/keepreferences] [/ignore_errors] /keepreferences <t>Keep references to objects outside the copied trees. By default <t>these references will be zeroed. /ignore_errors <t>Try to complete the copy despite detected errors. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> copy object <style> function Command copy object Copy an object or an object tree. <B>wtt> copy object /source= /destination= /name= [/hierarchy] <B> <t>[/first] [/last] [/after] [/before] /source <t>The object that will be copied. /destination <t>The parent or sibling to the created object. /name <t>The name of the created object. Last segment. /hierarchy <t>If the source-object has children, the child tree <t>will also be copied. /first <t>The object will be inserted as first child to <t>the destination object. /last <t>The object will be inserted as last child to <t>the destination object. /after <t>The object will be inserted as sibling after <t>the destination object. /before <t>The object will be inserted as sibling before <t>the destination object. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> create bootfiles <style> function Command create bootfiles Create new bootfiles. <B>wtt> create bootfiles /nodeconfig= [/debug] <B>wtt> create bootfiles /allnodes [/debug] /nodeconfig <t>The name of the NodeConfig-object of the <t>node for which nodefile will be created. /all <t>Create bootfiles for all nodes in the project. /debug <t>Link plcprogram with debug. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> create crossreferencefiles <style> function Command create crossreferencefiles Create files for displaying crossreferences in xtt and rtt for the current volume. <B>wtt> create crossreferencefiles </TOPIC> <TOPIC> create flowfiles <style> function Command create flowfiles Create flowfiles for plc trace. The layout of the plc windows are stored in flow files and used in plc trace. <B>wtt> create flowfiles /plcpgm= <B>wtt> create flowfiles /hier= <B>wtt> create flowfiles /all Command to create flowfiles from template plcpgm's in a class volume <B>wtt> create flowfiles /template/plcpgm= <B>wtt> create flowfiles /template/hier=Class /all <t>Create flowfiles for all plc programs in the volume <t>(can not be used in class volumes, use /hier=Class instead). /plcpgm <t>Create flowfiles for the specified PlcPgm object. /hierarchy <t>Create flowfiles for all PlcPgm object under the <t>specified hierarchy. /template <t>Create flowfiles for PlcTemplate programs in a class volume. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> create loadfiles <style> function Command create loadfiles Create loadfiles for a volume. <B>wtt> create loadfile /volume= <B>wtt> create loadfile [/class] [/all] /volume <t>Create loadfiles for a specific volume. /all <t>Create loadfiles for all root volumes <t>in the database. /class <t>Create loadfiles for all classvolumes in the database. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> create object <style> function Command create object Create an object. <B>wtt> create object /destination= /name= /class= <B> <t>[/first] [/last] [/after] [/before] /destination <t>The destination of the new object. The position <t>of the new object will be child or sibling relative <t>to the destination object. /name <t>Name of the new object. Last segment. /class <t>Class of new object. /first <t>The object will be inserted as first child to <t>the destination object. /last <t>The object will be inserted as last child to <t>the destination object. /after <t>The object will be inserted as sibling after <t>the destination object. /before <t>The object will be inserted as sibling before <t>the destination object. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> create structfiles <style> function Command create structfiles Create c include-files for classes in a classvolume. <B>wtt> create structfiles [/files=] /files <t>Name of wb_load-file. <t>Default name $pwrp_db/userclasses.wb_load </TOPIC> <TOPIC> cut <style> function Command cut Copy selected object trees to paste buffer, and remove the objects in the current volume. <B>wtt> cut [/keepreferences] /keepreferences <t>Keep references to objects outside the copied trees. By default <t>these references will be zeroed. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> define <style> function Command define Define a symbol. <B>wtt> define 'symbolname' 'text' <h2>related subjects symbol <LINK> symbol show symbol <LINK> show symbol symbolfile <LINK> symbolfile </TOPIC> <TOPIC> delete object <style> function Command delete object Delete an object. <B>wtt> delete object /name= [/noconfirm] [/nolog] /name <t>Name of object. /noconfirm <t>Delete without confirm. /nolog <t>The operation will not be logged on the output device. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> delete tree <style> function Command delete tree Delete an object tree. <B>wtt> delete tree /name= [/noconfirm] [/nolog] /name <t>The root object of the tree. /noconfirm <t>Delete without confirm. /nolog <t>The operation will not be logged on the output device. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> disconnect <style> function Command disconnect Disconnect a signal or a channel. <B>wtt> disconnect /source= /source <t>A signal or channel object. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> display <style> function Command display Display plant or node hierarchy window (w1 or w2). <B>wtt> display w1 <B>wtt> display w2 </TOPIC> <TOPIC> edit <style> function Command edit Enter or leave edit mode. <B>wtt> edit <B>wtt> noedit </TOPIC> <TOPIC> exit <style> function Command exit Close wtt. <B>wtt> exit </TOPIC> <TOPIC> help help <style> function Command help Display help information for a subject. The help information will be searched for in a help file. The file can be the base helpfile, the project helpfile or another help file. If no helpfile is supplied the subject will be searched for in the base and project helpfiles. <B>wtt> help 'subject' <B>wtt> help 'subject' /file= /file<t>A help file that contains information of the help subject. <H2>related subjects helpfile <LINK> helpfile </TOPIC> <TOPIC> generate web <style> function Command generate web Generate html-files for webpages configured by Web-objects in the node hierarchy of the current volume. <B>wtt> generate web </TOPIC> <TOPIC> list <style> function Command list Print a list of objects and attributes. The lists will be sent to a printer queue specified by the symbol PWR_FOE_PRINT. <B>wtt> list descriptor /descriptor= <link> list descriptor <B>wtt> list channels [/node=] <link> list channels <B>wtt> list signals [/hierarchy=] <link> list signals <B>wtt> list plcpgm [/plcpgm=] [/hierarchy=] <link> list plcpgm <B>wtt> list hierarchy [/hierarchy=] <link> list hierarchy </TOPIC> <TOPIC> list channels <style> function Command list channels List cards and channels. <B>wtt> list channels [/node=] [/volume=] [/allvolumes] [output=] /node <t>$Node object. /volume <t>List objects in this volume. /allvolume <t>List objects in all volumes. /output <t>Output file. If output file is supplied, the list <t>will not be sent to the printer. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> list descriptor <style> function Command list descriptor Print a list described by a ListDescriptor object. <B>wtt> list descriptor /descriptor= <link> list descriptor /descriptor <t>ListDescriptor object. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> list hierarchy <style> function Command list hierarchy List of PlantHier and NodeHier objects. <B>wtt> list hierarchy [/hierarchy=] [/volume=] [/allvolumes] [output=] /hierarchy <t>Hierarchy object. /volume <t>List objects in this volume. /allvolume <t>List objects in all volumes. /output <t>Output file. If output file is supplied, the list <t>will not be sent to the printer. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> list plcpgm <style> function Command list plcpgm List of PlcPgm objects. <B>wtt> list plcpgm [/hierarchy=] [plcpgm=] [/volume=] [/allvolumes] [output=] /plcpgm <t>Plcpgm object. /hierarchy <t>Hierarchy object. /volume <t>List objects in this volume. /allvolume <t>List objects in all volumes. /output <t>Output file. If output file is supplied, the list <t>will not be sent to the printer. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> list signals <style> function Command list signals List of signals and crossreferences to the signals. <B>wtt> list signals [/hierarchy=] [/volume=] [/allvolumes] [output=] /hierarchy <t>Hierarchy object. /volume <t>List objects in this volume. /allvolume <t>List objects in all volumes. /output <t>Output file. If output file is supplied, the list <t>will not be sent to the printer. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> login <style> function Command login Login with username an password. The privileges of the user will be fetched from the user database, and affect the access to the system. <B>wtt> login 'username' 'password' If you want to create or modify a project, user or register a volume, you login as administrator with the qualifier /administrator. You must specify a user in the systemgroup 'administrator'. If this systemgroup doesn't exist, usename and password is not required. <B>wtt> login /administrator 'username' 'password' <H2>related subjects logout <LINK> logout show user <LINK> show user </TOPIC> <TOPIC> logout <style> function Command logout Logout a user, and return to the original user. <B>wtt> logout <H2>related subjects login <LINK> login </TOPIC> <TOPIC> move object <style> function Command move object Move an object. <B>wtt> move object /source= /destination= [/rename=] [/first] [/last] [/after] [/before] <B>wtt> move object /source= /rename= /source <t>Name of object to move. /destination <t>The parent or sibling to the object after the move. /rename <t>New object name, if the object name should be changed. <t>Last segment. If no destination is supplied, the object <t>will only be renamed, not moved. /first <t>The object will be inserted as first child to <t>the destination object. /last <t>The object will be inserted as last child to <t>the destination object. /after <t>The object will be inserted as sibling after <t>the destination object. /before <t>The object will be inserted as sibling before <t>the destination object. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> new buffer <style> function Command new buffer Create a new empty buffer. <B>wtt> new buffer /name= /name <t>Name of the buffer </TOPIC> <TOPIC> one <style> function Command one Display one window. The window which currently owns the input focus is kept. <B>wtt> one </TOPIC> <TOPIC> open buffer <style> function Command open buffer Open the buffer selection window. <B>wtt> open buffer </TOPIC> <TOPIC> open graph <style> function Command open graph Open a Ge graph. If modal is selected, the execution av the script is continued when the graph is closed. <B>wtt> open graph /file= /modal /file <t>Name of the Ge graph. /modal <t>Modal. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> paste <style> function Command paste Paste object from the last copy or cut operation into the current volume. With the buffer option, an older paste buffer can be pasted. <B>wtt> paste [/keepoid] [/buffer=] /keepoid <t>Keep the object identities if possible. /buffer <t>Name of the buffer that should be pasted. By default <t>the last buffer is used. /into <t>Copy the root objects of the paste buffer as child to <t>the selected object. /toplevel <t>Copy the root objects of the paste buffer to the toplevel. <t>Has to be used when copying to an empty volume. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> print <style> function Command print Print plc documents. <B>wtt> print /plcpgm= [/nodocument] [/nooverview] <B>wtt> print /hierarchy= [/nodocument] [/nooverview] /plcpgm <t>Print documents in a plcpgm. /hierarchy <t>Hierarchy object. All plc in the hierarchy will <t>be printed. /nodocument <t>The plc-documents will not be printed. /nooverview <t>The overview of the plc-window will not be printed. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> release subwindow <style> function Command release subwindow Continue the execution of a script that has opened a graph in a window object by the command 'set subwindow' or the function 'SetSubwindow' with modal selected. The release command should be executed from a pushbutton in the graph with actiontype command. <B>wtt> release subwindow 'graph' graph <t>Name of the main graph. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> revert <style> function Command revert Revert session. <B>wtt> revert </TOPIC> <TOPIC> save <style> function Command save Save session. <B>wtt> save </TOPIC> <TOPIC> search <style> function Command search Search for an objectname or a string. <B>wtt> search 'object' <B>wtt> search /regularexpression 'expression' <B>wtt> search /next </TOPIC> <TOPIC> set advanceduser <style> function Command set advanceduser Set or reset advanced user. <B>wtt> set advanceduser <B>wtt> set noadvanceduser <H2>related subjects advanced user <LINK> advanced user </TOPIC> <TOPIC> set alltoplevel <style> function Command set alltoplevel Show all the root objects in the database, not only the root objects defined for the plant hierarchy or the node hierarchy. <B>wtt> set alltoplevel <B>wtt> set noalltoplevel </TOPIC> <TOPIC> set attribute <style> function Command set attribute Set a value to an attribute. Objects are selected by the name, class and hierarchy qualifiers. <B>wtt> set attribute /attribute= [/value=] [/name=] [/class=] [/hierarchy=] <B> <t>[/noconfirm] [/nolog] [/output] [/noterminal] /attribute <t>Name of attribute. /value <t>Value to insert in the attribute. If no value is given <t>a question will be asked for each object. /class <t>Select object of this class. /hierarchy <t>Only successors to this object will be selected. /noconfirm <t>No confirm request is issued. /nolog <t>Operation is not logged to output device. /output <t>Output file. /noterminal <t>Operations will not be logged in terminal. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> set db <style> function Command set db Connect to the database with the supplied id. This has no affect if a database already is open. <B>wtt> set db /dbid= /dbid <t>Database identity. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> set inputfocus <style> function Command set inputfocus Set input focus to the plant or the node hierarchy window (w1 or w2). <B>wtt> set inputfocus w1 <B>wtt> set inputfocus w2 </TOPIC> <TOPIC> set showalias <style> function Command set showalias Display the aliasname of the objects in the plant and node hierarchy. <B>wtt> set showalias <B>wtt> set noshowalias </TOPIC> <TOPIC> set showattrref <style> function Command set showattrref Display the number of connected attribute references of the objects in the plant and node hierarchy. <B>wtt> set showattrref <B>wtt> set noshowattrref </TOPIC> <TOPIC> set showattrxref <style> function Command set showattrxref Display the number of connected attribute x-references of the objects in the plant and node hierarchy. <B>wtt> set showattrxref <B>wtt> set noshowattrxref </TOPIC> <TOPIC> set showclass <style> function Command set showclass Display the class of the object in the plant and node hierarchy. <B>wtt> set showclass <B>wtt> set noshowclass </TOPIC> <TOPIC> set showdescription <style> function Command set showdescription Display the description of the objects in the plant and node hierarchy. <B>wtt> set showdescription <B>wtt> set noshowdescription </TOPIC> <TOPIC> set showobjref <style> function Command set showobjref Display the number of connected object references of the objects in the plant and node hierarchy. <B>wtt> set showobjref <B>wtt> set noshowobjref </TOPIC> <TOPIC> set showobjxref <style> function Command set showobjxref Display the number of connected object x-references of the objects in the plant and node hierarchy. <B>wtt> set showobjxref <B>wtt> set noshowobjxref </TOPIC> <TOPIC> set subwindow <style> function Command set subwindow Open a graph in a window object in a previously opened graph. <B>wtt> set subwindow 'graph' /name= /source= /name <t>Name of the window object. /source <t>Name of graph that is to be opened in the window object. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> set template <style> function Command set template Set template values for some attributes that affect the layout in the plceditor. <B>wtt> set template [/signalobjectseg=] [/sigchanconseg=] [/shosigchancon=] <t>[/shodetecttext=] /signalobjectseg <t>Number of segments of the signal name that will <t>be displayed in 'Get' and 'Set' objects in <t>the plc-editor. /sigchanconseg <t>Number of segments of the channel name that will <t>be displayed in 'Get' and 'Set' objects in <t>the plc-editor. /shosigchancon <t>Display the channel name in 'Get' and 'Set' <t>objects in the plc-editor. /shodetecttext <t>Display the detect text in ASup and DSup <t>objects in the plc-editor. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> set verify <style> function Command set verify Display all executed lines when running a script. <B>wtt> set verify <B>wtt> set noverify </TOPIC> <TOPIC> set window <style> function Command set window Set window width and height. <B>wtt> set window /width= /height= /width <t>width in pixels. /height <t>height in pixels. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> set volume <style> function Command set volume set volume is obsolete. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> setup <style> function Wtt setup Setup of wtt properies DefaultDirectory<t><t>Default directory for commandfiles. SymbolFilename <t><t>Symbolfile. <LINK> symbolfile Verify <t><t>Verify commandfile execution. AdvancedUser <t><t>User is advanced. <LINK> advanced user AllToplevel <t><t>Display all toplevel objects. Bypass <t><t>Bypass some edit restrictions. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> show children <style> function Command show children Display en object and it's children <B>wtt> show children /name= /name <t>Name of the parent object. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> show license <style> function Command show license Show license terms. <B>wtt> show license </TOPIC> <TOPIC> show object <style> function Command show object List objects. <B>wtt> show object [/name=] [/hierarchy=] [/class=] [/volume=] [/allvolumes] <B> <t>[/parameter=] [/full] [/output=] [/noterminal] <B>wtt> show object /objid= /name <t>Object name. Wildcard is supported. /hierarchy <t>Hierarchy object. Only object in the hierarchy will be <t>selected. /class <t>Only objects of this class will be selected. /volume <t>Name of volume. /allvolumes <t>Search of objects will be performed in all volumes. /parameter <t>List the value of an attribut for the selected objects. /full <t>Display the content of the objects. Attributes that <t>differ from template value will be displayed. /output <t>Output file. /noterminal <t>Output will not be written to terminal. /objid <t>Display object for a specified objid. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> show objid <style> function Command show objid Show the objid of an object. If name is ommitted, the objid of the current selected object is shown. <B>wtt> show objid [/name=] /name <t>Object name. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> show script <style> function Command show script Provides a list of scriptfiles. Wildcard with asterisk (*) can be used to look up files. <B>wtt> show script ['scriptspec'] </TOPIC> <TOPIC> show symbol <style> function Command show symbol Show one symbol, or all symbols <B>wtt> show symbol 'symbol'<t>Show symbol 'symbol' <B>wtt> show symbol<t> Show all symbols <h2>related subjects define <LINK> define symbol <LINK> symbol </TOPIC> <TOPIC> show version <style> function Command show version Show the wtt version <B>wtt> show version </TOPIC> <TOPIC> show volumes <style> function Command show volumes Show all volumes in the database. <B>wtt> show volumes </TOPIC> <TOPIC> sort <style> function Command sort Sort the children of an object in alpabetical order, or in class order. If no parent is given, the children of the selected objects will be sorted. <B>wtt> sort /parent= [/class] [/signals] /parent <t>Parent to the objects that will be sorted. /class <t>Sort in class order. /signals <t>Sort signal and plcpgm objects in class order, <t>and other objects in alpabetical order. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> two <style> function Command two Display two windows. Both the plant and the node hierarchy window are displayed. <B>wtt> two </TOPIC> <TOPIC> update classes <style> function Command update classes Update classes in the attached volume. <B>wtt> update classes </TOPIC> <TOPIC> wb dump <style> function Command wb dump Dump the volume or a part of the volume to text file. <B>wtt> wb dump /output= [/hierarchy=] /hierarchy <t>Hierarchy object. The object and its child tree will <t>be written to text file. /output <t>Output file. /nofocode <t>Don't write plc code for functionobjects with template <t>code. This will reduce the size of the dumpfile. New <t>code will be copied when the plc is compiled. /keepname <t>Write extern references by name instead of indentity string. /noindex <t>Don't write object index in the dumpfile. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> wb load <style> function Command wb load Load the database or from wb_load-file or dbs-file. <B>wtt> wb load /loadfile= /loadfile <t>Name of file. Can be of type .wb_load, .wb_dmp or .dbs. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> symbol Symbol A wtt symbol can be used as a short command or as string replacement in a command. If the symbol is used as string replacement the symbol- name should be surrounded by quotes. Symbols are created with the define command. <LINK> define The define-commands can be executed by the symbolfile. <LINK> symbolfile Example of symbol used as a short command. <c>wtt> define p1 "show child/name=hql-hvk-pumpar-pump1" <c>wtt> p1 Example of symbol used as string replacement <c>wtt> define p1 hql-hvk-pumpar-StartPump1 <c>wtt> open trace 'p1' <H2>related subjects define <LINK> define show symbol <LINK> show symbol symbolfile <LINK> symbolfile </TOPIC> </chapter> // // Script // <chapter> <TOPIC> script Wtt script execute script <LINK> execute script datatypes <LINK> datatypes datatype conversions <LINK> datatype conversions variable declarations <LINK> variable declarations operators <LINK> operators main-endmain <LINK> main-endmain function-endfunction <LINK> function-endfunction if-else-endif <LINK> if-else-endif while-endwhile <LINK> while-endwhile for-endfor <LINK> for-endfor break <LINK> break continue <LINK> continue goto <LINK> goto include <LINK> include printf() <LINK> printf() scanf() <LINK> scanf() fprintf() <LINK> fprintf() fgets() <LINK> fgets() fopen() <LINK> fopen() fclose() <LINK> fclose() exit() <LINK> exit() verify() <LINK> verify() time() <LINK> time() edit() <LINK> edit() extract() <LINK> extract() element() <LINK> element() toupper() <LINK> toupper() tolower() <LINK> tolower() translate_filename() <LINK> translate_filename() wtt-commands <LINK> wtt-commands GetAttribute() <LINK> getattribute() GetChild() <LINK> getchild() GetParent() <LINK> getparent() GetNextSibling() <LINK> getnextsibling() GetNextVolume() <LINK> getnextvolume() GetClassList() <LINK> getclasslist() GetNextObject() <LINK> getnextobject() GetObjectClass() <LINK> getobjectclass() GetNodeObject() <LINK> getnodeobject() GetRootList() <LINK> getrootlist() GetVolumeClass() <LINK> getvolumeclass() GetVolumeList() <LINK> getvolumelist() SetAttribute() <LINK> setattribute() GetProjectName() <LINK> getprojectname() CheckSystemGroup() <LINK> checksystemgroup() CutObjectName() <LINK> cutobjectname() MessageError() <LINK> messageerror() MessageInfo() <LINK> messageinfo() GetCurrentText() <LINK> getcurrenttext() GetCurrentObject() <LINK> getcurrentobject() GetCurrentVolume() <LINK> getcurrentvolume() IsW1() <LINK> isw1() IsW2() <LINK> isw2() EditMode() <LINK> editmode() MessageDialog() <LINK> messagedialog() ConfirmDialog() <LINK> confirmdialog() ContinueDialog() <LINK> continuedialog() PromptDialog() <LINK> promptdialog() OpenGraph() <LINK> opengraph() CloseGraph() <LINK> closegraph() SetSubwindow() <LINK> setsubwindow() </TOPIC> <TOPIC> execute script Execute a script A script-file will be executed from the command-line with the command wtt> @'filename' </TOPIC> <TOPIC> datatypes Datatypes The datatypes are float, int and string. int <t>integer value. float <t>32-bit float value. string <t>80 character string (null terminated). There are three different tables in which a variable can be declared: local, global and extern. A local variable is known inside a function, a global is known in all functions in a file (with include-files), an external is known for all files executed in a session. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> datatype conversions Datatype conversions If an expression consists of variables and functions of different datatypes the variables will be converted with the precedence string, float, int. If two operands in an expression is of type int and float, the result will be float If two operands is of type float and string, or int and string, the result will be string. In an assignment the value of an expression will be converted to the type of the assignment variable, even if the result is a string and the variable is of type float or int. <b>Example <c>string str; <c>int i = 35; <c>str = "Luthor" + i; The value in str will be "Luthor35". <c>float f; <c>string str = "3.14"; <c>int i = 159; <c>f = str + i; The value in f will be 3.14159. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> variable declarations Variable declarations A variable must be declared before it is used. A declaration consists of - the table (global or extern, if local the table is suppressed) - the datatype (int, float or string) - the variable name (case sensitive) - if array, number of elements - equal mark followed by an init value, if omitted the init value is zero or null-string - semicolon An extern variable should be deleted (by the delete statement). <b>Example <c>int i; <c>float flow = 33.4; <c>string str = "Hello"; <c>extern int jakob[20]; <c>global float ferdinand = 1234; <c>... <c>delete jakob[20]; </TOPIC> <TOPIC> operators Operators The operators have the same function as i c, with some limitations. All operators are not implemented. Some operators (+,=,==) can also operate on string variables. Precedence of operators is similar to c. Operator <t>Description <t>Datatypes + <t>plus <t>int, float, string - <t>minus <t>int, float * <t>times <t>int, float / <t>divide <t>int, float ++ <t>increment, postfix only. <t>int, float -- <t>decrement, postfix only <t>int, float >> <t>bits right-shifted <t>int << <t>bits left-shifted <t>int < <t>less than <t>int, float > <t>greater than <t>int, float <= <t>less equal <t>int, float >= <t>greater equal <t>int, float == <t>equal <t>int, float, string != <t>not equal <t>int, float, string & <t>bitwise and <t>int | <t>bitwise or <t>int && <t>logical and <t>int || <t>logical or <t>int ! <t>logical not <t>int = <t>assign <t>int, float, string += <t>add and assign <t>int, float -= <t>minus and assign <t>int, float &= <t>logical and and assign <t>int |= <t>logical or and assign <t>int </TOPIC> <TOPIC> main-endmain <style> function main-endmain The main and endmain statements controls where the execution starts and stops If no main and endmain statements will be found, the execution will start att the beginning of the file and stop at the end. <b>Example <c>main() <c> int a; <c> a = p1 + 5; <c> printf( "a = %d", a); <c>endmain </TOPIC> <TOPIC> function-endfunction <style> function function-endfunction A function declaration consists of - the datatype of the return value for the function - the name of the function - an argumentlist delimited by comma and surrounded by parenthesis. The argumentlist must include a typedeclaration and a name for each argument. The arguments supplied by the caller will be converted to the type of the to the type declared in the argument list. If an argument is changed inside the function, the new value will be transferred to the caller. In this way it is possible to return other values then the return value of the function. A function can contain one or several return statements. The return will hand over the execution to the caller and return the supplied value. <b>Example <c>function float calculate_flow(float a, float b) <c> float c; <c> c = a + b; <c> return c; <c>endfunction <c>... <c>flow = korr * calculate_flow( v, 35.2); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> if-else-endif <style> function if-else-endif The lines between a if-endif statment will be executed if the expression in the if-statment is true. The expression should be surrounded by parentheses. If an else statement is found between the if and endif the lines between else and endif will be executed if the if-exepression is false. <b>Example <c>if ( i < 10 && i > 5) <c> a = b + c; <c>endif <c>if ( i < 10) <c> a = b + c; <c>else <c> a = b - c; <c>endif </TOPIC> <TOPIC> while-endwhile <style> function while-endwhile The lines between a while-endwhile statment will be executed as long as the expression in the while-statment is true. The expression should be surrounded by parentheses. <b>Example <c>while ( i < 10) <c> i++; <c>endwhile </TOPIC> <TOPIC> for-endfor <style> function for-endfor The lines between a for-endfor statment will be executed as long as the middle expression in the for-statment is true. The for expression consists of three expression, delimited by semicolon and surrounded by parentheses. The first expression will be executed the before the first loop, the third will be executed after every loop, the middle is executed before every loop and if it is true, another loop is done, if false the loop is leaved. <b>Example <c>for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++) <c> a += b; <c>endfor </TOPIC> <TOPIC> break <style> function break A break statement will search for the next endwhile or endfor statement continue the execution at the line after. <b>Example <c>for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++) <c> a += b; <c> if ( a > 100) <c> break; <c>endfor </TOPIC> <TOPIC> continue <style> function continue A continue statement will search for the previous while or for statement continue the loop execution. <b>Example <c>for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++) <c> b = my_function(i); <c> if ( b > 100) <c> continue; <c> a += b; <c>endfor </TOPIC> <TOPIC> goto <style> function goto A goto will cause the execution to jump to a row defined by label. The label line is terminated with colon. <b>Example <c> b = attribute("MOTOR-ON.ActualValue", sts); <c> if (!sts) <c> goto some_error; <c> ... <c>some_error: <c> say("Something went wrong!"); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> include <style> function include An script include-file containing functions can be included with the #include statement. The default file extention is '.pwr_com' <b>Example <c>#include <my_functions> </TOPIC> <TOPIC> printf() <style> function printf() int printf( string format [, (arbitrary type) arg1, (arbitrary type) arg2]) <b>Description Formatted print. C-syntax. Format argument and non, one or two value arguments. Returns number of printed characters. <b>Arguments string <t>format <t>Format. arbitrary type <t>arg1 <t>Value argument. Optional. Can be int, <t> <t>float or string. arbitrary type <t>arg2 <t>Value argument. Optional. Can be int, <t> <t>float or string. <b>Example <c> printf( "Watch out!"); <c> printf( "a = %d", a); <c> printf( "a = %d och str = %s", a, str); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> scanf() <style> function scanf() int scanf( string format , (arbitrary type) arg1) <b>Description Formatted input. C-syntax Returns number of read characters. <b>Arguments string <t>format <t>Format. arbitrary type <t>arg1 <t>Value argument. Returned. Can be int, <t> <t>float or string. <b>Example <c> scanf( "%d", i); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> fprintf() <style> function fprintf() int fprintf( int file, string format [, (arbitrary type) arg1, (arbitrary type) arg2]) <b>Description Formatted print on file. C-syntax. Format argument and non, one or two value arguments. Returns number of printed characters. <b>Arguments int <t>file <t>File id retured by fopen. string <t>format <t>Format. arbitrary type <t>arg1 <t>Value argument. Optional. Can be int, <t> <t>float or string. arbitrary type <t>arg2 <t>Value argument. Optional. Can be int, <t> <t>float or string. <b>Example <c> int outfile; <c> outfile = fopen( "my_file.txt", "w"); <c> if (!outfile) <c> exit(); <c> fprintf( outfile, "Some text"); <c> fprintf( outfile, "a = %d", a); <c> fclose( outfile); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> fgets() <style> function fgets() int fgets( string str, int file) <b>Description Reads a line from a specified file. Returns zero if end of file. <b>Arguments string <t>str <t>Read line. Returned. int <t>file <t>file returned by fopen. <b>Example <c> file = fopen("some_file.txt","r"); <c> while( fgets( str, file)) <c> say( str); <c> endwhile <c> fclose( file); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> fopen() <style> function fopen() int fopen( string filespec, string mode) <b>Description Opens a file for read or write. Returns a file identifier. If the file could not be opened, zero is returned. <b>Arguments string <t>filespec <t>Name of file. string <t>mode <t>Access mode <b>Example <c> int infile; <c> int outfile; <c> infile = fopen("some_file.txt","r"); <c> outfile = fopen("another_file.txt","w"); <c> ... <c> fclose( infile); <c> fclose( outfile); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> fclose() <style> function fclose() int fclose( int file) <b>Description Closes an opened file. <b>Arguments int <t>file <t>file-id returned by fopen. <b>Example <c> int infile; <c> infile = fopen("some_file.txt","r"); <c> ... <c> fclose( infile); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> exit() <style> function exit() int exit() <b>Description Terminates executions of the file. <b>Example <c> exit(); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> verify() <style> function verify() int verify( [int mode]) <b>Description Sets or shows verification mode. If verification is on all executed lines will be displayed on the screen. Returns the current verification mode. <b>Arguments int <t>mode <t>verification on (1) or off (0). Optional. <b>Example <c> verify(1); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> time() <style> function time() string time() <b>Description Returns the current time in string format. <b>Example <c> string t; <c> t = time(); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> edit() <style> function edit() string edit( string str) <b>Description Removes leading and trailing spaces and tabs, and replaces multiple tabs and spaces with a single space. Returns the edited string. <b>Arguments string <t>str <t>string to be edited. <b>Example <c> collapsed_str = edit(str); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> extract() <style> function extract() string extract( int start, int length, string str) <b>Description Extracts the specified characters from the specified string. Returns the extracted characters as a string. <b>Arguments int <t>start <t>start position of the first character. <t><t>First character has position 1. int <t>length <t>number of characters to be extracted. string <t>str <t>string from which characters should be extracted. <b>Example <c> extracted_str = extract( 5, 7, str); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> element() <style> function element() string element( int number, string delimiter, string str) <b>Description Extracts one element from a string of elements. Returns the extracted element. <b>Arguments int <t>number <t>the number of the element. string <t>delimiter <t>delimiter character. string <t>str <t>string of elements. <b>Example <c> string str = "mary, lisa, anna, john"; <c> string elem1; <c> elem1 = elment( 1, ",", str); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> toupper() <style> function toupper() string toupper( string str) <b>Description Convert string to upper case. <b>Arguments string <t>str <t>string to convert. <b>Returns string <t><t>string in upper case. <b>Example <c> string str1 = "Buster Wilson"; <c> string str2; <c> str2 = toupper( str); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> tolower() <style> function toupper() string tolower( string str) <b>Description Convert string to lower case. <b>Arguments string <t>str <t>string to convert. <b>Returns string <t><t>string in lower case. <b>Example <c> string str1 = "Buster Wilson"; <c> string str2; <c> str2 = tolower( str); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> translate_filename() <style> function translate_filename() string translate_filename( string fname) <b>Description Replace environment variables in filename. <b>Arguments string <t>fname <t>A filename. <b>Returns string <t><t>String with expanded env variables. <b>Example <c> string fname1 = "$pwrp_db/a.wb_load"; <c> string fname2; <c> fname2 = translate_filename( fname1); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> wtt-commands <style> function Wtt commands All the wtt-commands is available in the script code. An wtt-command line should NOT be ended with a semicolon. Variables can be substituted in the command line by surrounding them with apostrophes. <b>Example <c> string name = "PUMP-VALVE-Open"; <c> string value = "The valve is open"; <c> set attribute/name='name'/attr="Description"/value='value' <b>Example <c> string name; <c> string parname; <c> int j; <c> int i; <c> for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++) <c> parname = "vkv-test-obj" + (i+1); <c> create obj/name='parname' <c> for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++) <c> name = parname + "-obj" + (j+1); <c> create obj/name='name' <c> endfor <c> endfor </TOPIC> <TOPIC> getattribute() <style> function GetAttribute() (variable type) GetAttribute( string name [, int status]) <b>Description Get the value of the specified attribute. The returned type is dependent of the attribute type. The attribute will be converted to int, float or string. <b>Arguments string <t>name <t>name of the attribute to be fetched. int <t>status <t>status of operation. Returned. If zero, the <t> <t>attribute could not be fetched. Optional. <b>Example <c> int alarm; <c> int sts; <c> alarm = GetAttribute("Roller-Motor-Alarm.ActualValue"); <c> on = GetAttribute("Roller-Motor-On.ActualValue", sts); <c> if ( !sts) <c> say("Could not find motor on attribute!"); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> getchild() <style> function GetChild() string GetChild( string name) <b>Description Get the first child of an object. The next children can be fetched with GetNextSibling(). Returns the name of the child. If no child exists a null-string is returned <b>Arguments string <t>name <t>name of object. <b>Example <c> string child; <c> child = GetChild("Roller-Motor"); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> getparent() <style> function GetParent() string GetParent( string name) <b>Description Get the parent of an object. Returns the name of the parent. If no parent exists a null-string is returned. <b>Arguments string <t>name <t>name of object. <b>Example <c> string parent; <c> parent = GetChild("Roller-Motor"); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> getnextsibling() <style> function GetNextSibling() string GetNextSibling( string name) <b>Description Get the next sibling of an object. Returns the name of the sibling. If no next sibling exists a null-string is returned. <b>Arguments string <t>name <t>name of object. <b>Example <c> string name; <c> int not_first; <c> name = GetChild("Rt"); <c> not_first = 0; <c> while ( name != "") <c> if ( !not_first) <c> create menu/title="The Rt objects"/text="'name'"/object="'name'" <c> else <c> add menu/text="'name'"/object="'name'" <c> endif <c> not_first = 1; <c> name = GetNextSibling(nname); <c> endwhile <c> if ( !not_first ) <c> MessageError("No objects found"); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> getclasslist() <style> function GetClassList() string GetClassList( string class) <b>Description Get the first object of a specified class. The next object of the class can be fetched whith GetNextObject(). Returns the name of the first object. If no instances of the class exists a null-string is returned. <b>Arguments string <t>name <t>name of class. <b>Example <c> string name; <c> name = GetClassList("Dv"); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> getnextobject() <style> function GetNextObject() string GetNextObject( string name) <b>Description Get the next object in a classlist. Returns the name of the object. If no next object exist a null-string is returned. <b>Arguments string <t>name <t>name of object. <b>Example <c> string name; <c> name = GetClassList("Di"); <c> while ( name != "") <c> printf("Di object found: %s", name); <c> name = GetNextObject(name); <c> endwhile </TOPIC> <TOPIC> getobjectclass() <style> function GetObjectClass() string GetObjectClass( string name) <b>Description Get the class of an object. Returns the name of the class. <b>Arguments string <t>name <t>name of object. <b>Example <c> string class; <c> class = GetObjectClass("Motor-Enable"); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> getnodeobject() <style> function GetNodeObject() string GetNodeObject() <b>Description Get the node object. Returns the name of the node object. <b>Example <c> string node; <c> node = GetNodeObject(); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> getrootlist() <style> function GetRootList() string GetRootList() <b>Description Get the first object in the root list. Returns the name of the root object. The next object in the root list can be fetched with GetNextSibling(). <b>Example <c> string name; <c> name = GetRootList(); <c> while( name != "") <c> printf( "Root object found: %s", name); <c> name = GetNextSibling(name); <c> endwhile </TOPIC> <TOPIC> getnextvolume() <style> function GetNextVolume() string GetNextVolume( string name) <b>Description Get the next volume. The first volume is fetched widh GetVolumeList(). Returns the name of the volume. If there is no next volume, a null-string is returned. Argument string name name of volume. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> getvolumeclass() <style> function GetVolumeClass() string GetVolumeClass( string name) <b>Description Get the class of a volume. Returns the classname. <b>Argument string name volume name. <b>Example <c> string class; <c> class = GetVolumeClass("CVolVKVDKR"); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> getvolumelist() <style> function GetVolumeList() string GetVolumeList() <b>Description Get the first volume in the volumelist. Returns the name of the volume. The next volume will be fetched with GetNextVolume(). <b>Example <c> string name; <c> name = GetVolumeList(); <c> while( name != "") <c> printf( "Volume found: %s", name); <c> name = GetNextVolume(name); <c> endwhile </TOPIC> <TOPIC> setattribute() <style> function SetAttribute() int SetAttribute( string name, (arbitrary type) value) <b>Description Set the value of an attribute. The attribute is specified with full object and attribute name. Returns the status of the operation. <b>Argument string name attribute name. arbitrary type value attribute value. <b>Example <c> SetAttribute( "Pump-V1-Switch.Description", "Valve switch open"); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> getprojectname() <style> function GetProjectName() string GetProjectName() <b>Description Get the project name. Returns the name of the project. <b>Example <c> string name; <c> name = GetProjectName(); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> checksystemgroup() <style> function CheckSystemGroup() int CheckSystemGroup() <b>Description Check if a system group exists. Returns 1 if the system group exist, else 0. <b>Example <c> if ( !CheckSystemGroup( "MyGroup")) <c> return; <c> endif </TOPIC> <TOPIC> cutobjectname() <style> function CutObjectName() string CutObjectName( string name, int segments) <b>Description Cut the first segments of an object name. Returns the last segments of an object name. The number of segments left is specified by the second argument <b>Arguments string <t>name <t>Path name of object. int <t>segments <t>Number of segments that should be left. <b>Example <c> string path_name; <c> string object_name; <c> path_name = GetChild("Rt-Motor"); <c> object_name = CutObjectName( path_name, 1); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> messageerror() <style> function MessageError() string MessageError( string message) <b>Description Print an error message on the screen. <b>Example <c> MessageError("Something went wrong"); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> messageinfo() <style> function MessageInfo() string MessageInfo( string message) <b>Description Print an rtt info message on the screen. <b>Example <c> MessageInfo("Everything is all right so far"); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> getcurrenttext() <style> function GetCurrentText() string GetCurrentText() <b>Description Get the text of the current menu item or update field. <b>Example <c> string text; <c> text = GetCurrentText(); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> getcurrentobject() <style> function GetCurrentObject() string GetCurrentObject() <b>Description Get the object associated with the current menu item. If no object is associated, a null-string i returned. <b>Example <c> string object; <c> object = GetCurrentObject(); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> getcurrentvolume() <style> function GetCurrentVolume() string GetCurrentVolume() <b>Description Get the attached volume. If no volume is attached, a null-string i returned. <b>Example <c> string current_volume; <c> current_volume = GetCurrentVolume(); <c> set volume/volume=SomeOtherVolume <c> ... <c> set volume/volume='current_volume' </TOPIC> <TOPIC> isw1() <style> function IsW1() int IsW1() <b>Description Returns 1 if the current focused window in wtt is the Plant hierarchy window. Otherwise returns 0. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> isw2() <style> function IsW2() int IsW2() <b>Description Returns 1 if the current focused window in wtt is the Node hierarchy window. Otherwise returns 0. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> editmode() <style> function EditMode() int EditMode() <b>Description Returns 1 if wtt is int edit mode. Otherwise returns 0. </TOPIC> <TOPIC> messagedialog() <style> function MessageDialog() MessageDialog( string title, string text) <b>Description Display a message dialog box. <b>Arguments string <t>title <t>Title. string <t>text <t>Message text. <b>Example <c> MessageDialog( "Message", "This is a message"); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> confirmdialog() <style> function ConfirmDialog() int ConfirmDialog( string title, string text [, int cancel]) <b>Description Display a confirm dialog box. Returns 1 if the yes-button is pressed, 0 if the no-button i pressed. If the third argument (cancel) is added, a cancel-button is displayed. If the cancel-button i pressed or if the dialogbox is closed, the cancel argument is set to 1. <b>Arguments string <t>title <t>Title. string <t>text <t>Confirm text. int <t>cancel <t>Optional. A cancel button is displayed. <t> <t>Cancel is set to 1 if the cancel-button is <t> <t>pressed, or if the dialog-box is closed. <b>Example 1 <c> if ( ! ConfirmDialog( "Confirm", "Do you really want to...")) <c> printf( "Yes is pressed\n"); <c> else <c> printf( "No is pressed\n"); <c> endif <b>Example 2 <c> int cancel; <c> int sts; <c> sts = ConfirmDialog( "Confirm", "Do you really want to...", cancel); <c> if ( cancel) <c> printf("Cancel is pressed\n); <c> exit(); <c> endif <c> if ( sts) <c> printf( "Yes is pressed\n"); <c> else <c> printf( "No is pressed\n"); <c> endif </TOPIC> <TOPIC> continuedialog() <style> function ContinueDialog() ContinueDialog( string title, string text) <b>Description Display a message dialog box with the buttons 'Continue' and 'Quit'. Returns 1 if continue is pressed, 0 if quit is pressed. <b>Arguments string <t>title <t>Title. string <t>text <t>Message text. <b>Example <c> if ( ! ContinueDialog( "Message", "This script will..."); <c> exit(); <c> endif </TOPIC> <TOPIC> promptdialog() <style> function PromptDialog() int PromptDialog( string title, string text, string value) <b>Description Display a prompt dialog box which promps for a input value. Returns 1 if the yes-button is pressed, 0 if the cancel-button i pressed, or if the dialogbox is closed. <b>Arguments string <t>title <t>Title. string <t>text <t>Value text. string <t>value <t>Contains the entered value. <b>Example <c> string name; <c> if ( PromptDialog( "Name", "Enter name", name)) <c> printf( "Name : '%s'\n", name); <c> else <c> printf( "Cancel...\n"); <c> endif </TOPIC> <TOPIC> opengraph() <style> function OpenGraph() int OpenGraph( string name, int modal) <b>Description Open a Ge graph. If modal is selected, the execution of the script is continued when the graph is closed. <b>Arguments string <t>name <t>Graph name. int <t>modal <t>Modal. <b>Example <c> OpenGraph( "pwr_wizard_frame", 0); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> closegraph() <style> function CloseGraph() int CloseGraph( string name) <b>Description Close a Ge graph. <b>Arguments string <t>name <t>Graph name. <b>Example <c> CloseGraph( "pwr_wizard_frame"); </TOPIC> <TOPIC> setsubwindow() <style> function SetSubwindow() int SetSubwindow( string name, string windowname, string source, int modal) <b>Description Open a Ge graph in a window object in a previously opened graph. If modal is selected, the execution of the script is continued when the command 'release subwindow' is executed by a pushbutton in the graph. <b>Argument string <t>name <t>Name of the main graph. string <t>windowname <t>Name of the window object in which <t> <t>the source graph is to be opened. string <t>source <t>Name of the graph that is to be opened <t> <t>in the window object. int <t>modal <t>Modal. <b>Exempel <c> SetSubwindow( "pwr_wizard_frame", "Window1", "MyGraph", 1); </TOPIC> </chapter>