From b6debe61a794f01a339191841378514e5aef43d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Robin <>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 08:15:52 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] update made by Guillaume

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
 product/ERP5/Document/ |  78 +++++---------
 product/ERP5/Document/   | 126 +++++++++-------------
 2 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-)

diff --git a/product/ERP5/Document/ b/product/ERP5/Document/
index 9612220d27..ea63d4407b 100755
--- a/product/ERP5/Document/
+++ b/product/ERP5/Document/
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ from Products.ERP5.ERP5Globals import movement_type_list, order_movement_type_li
 from DateTime import DateTime
 from copy import deepcopy
 from string import lower
+from Products.ERP5Type.DateUtils import centis, getClosestDate, addToDate
 from zLOG import LOG
@@ -143,8 +144,7 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
         ### First, plan the theorical accounting movements
         accounting_movement_list = []
-        immobilisation_movement_list = my_item.getImmobilisationMovementList()
-        LOG('AmortisationRule :', 0, 'immobilisation_movement_list = %s' % repr(immobilisation_movement_list))
+        immobilisation_movement_list = my_item.getImmobilisationMovementValueList()
         current_immo_movement = None
         for mvt_number in range(len(immobilisation_movement_list)):
@@ -189,16 +189,12 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
         if accounting_movement['quantity'] != 0:
           my_type = accounting_movement['type']
           if ids.get(my_type) is None:
-            LOG('AmortisationRule :', 0, 'ids has no attribute %s' % repr(my_type))
             ids[my_type] = movement_last_id_list.get(my_type, None)
             if ids[my_type] is None:
               ids[my_type] = -1
           ids[my_type] = ids[my_type] + 1
           new_id = my_type + '_' + str(ids[my_type])
-          LOG('AmortisationRule :', 0, 'ids[my_type] = %s after incrementing' % repr(ids[my_type]))
-          LOG('AmortisationRule :', 0, 'creating simulation movement %s...' % repr(new_id))
           # Round date
           stop_date = accounting_movement['stop_date']
@@ -230,26 +226,15 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
       between the two given immobilisation movements.
       If next_immo_movement is None, accounting movements are made at infinite. 
-      def changeDateYear(date, new_year):
-        """
-        Return the given date modified so that its year is new_year
-        """
-        if new_year is not None:
-          return DateTime( str(int(new_year)) + "/" + str(date.month()) + "/" + str( )
-        else:
-          return date
       item = current_immo_movement.getParent()
       if item is not None:
         # First we need to calculate the item value at the first immobilisation movement date
-        begin_value = current_immo_movement.getAmortisationOrDefaultAmortisationValue()
+        begin_value = current_immo_movement.getAmortisationOrDefaultAmortisationPrice()
         begin_remaining = current_immo_movement.getAmortisationOrDefaultAmortisationDuration()
         # To find financial end date, we need to know the company
-        organisation = current_immo_movement.getOrganisation()
-        currency = current_immo_movement.getCurrency()
+        section = current_immo_movement.getSectionValue()
+        currency = current_immo_movement.getPriceCurrency()
         if currency is not None:
           currency = self.currency[currency.split('/')[-1]]
@@ -261,26 +246,27 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
         returned_list = []
         # Calculate particular accounting movements (immobilisation beginning, end, ownership change...)
-        immobilised_before = item.isImmobilised(at_date = start_date - 0.00001)
+        LOG('_getAccountingMovement start_date',0,start_date)
+        LOG('_getAccountingMovement centis',0,centis)
+        immobilised_before = item.isImmobilised(at_date = start_date - centis)
         immobilised_after = current_immo_movement.getImmobilisation()
         replace = 0
         if immobilised_before and previous_immo_movement is not None:
-          immo_begin_value = previous_immo_movement.getAmortisationOrDefaultAmortisationValue()
-          immo_end_value = current_immo_movement.getDefaultAmortisationValue() # We use this method in order to get the calculated value
+          immo_begin_value = previous_immo_movement.getAmortisationOrDefaultAmortisationPrice()
+          immo_end_value = current_immo_movement.getDefaultAmortisationPrice() # We use this method in order to get the calculated value
                                                                           # of the item, and not the value entered later by the user
           if immo_end_value is not None:
-            amortisation_value = immo_begin_value - immo_end_value
+            amortisation_price = immo_begin_value - immo_end_value
             end_vat = previous_immo_movement.getVat() * immo_end_value / immo_begin_value
             immo_end_value_vat = immo_end_value + end_vat
             returned_list.extend([{ 'stop_date'           : start_date,
                                     'type'                : 'immo',
                                     'quantity'            : -immo_begin_value,
                                     'source'              : None,
                                     'destination'         : previous_immo_movement.getImmobilisationAccount(),
                                     'source_section_value'      : None,
-                                    'destination_section_value' : previous_immo_movement.getOrganisation(),
+                                    'destination_section_value' : previous_immo_movement.getSectionValue(),
                                     'resource_value'     : currency },
                                   { 'stop_date'           : start_date,
                                     'type'                : 'vat',
@@ -288,15 +274,15 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
                                     'source'              : None,
                                     'destination'         : previous_immo_movement.getVatAccount(),
                                     'source_section_value'      : None,
-                                    'destination_section_value' : previous_immo_movement.getOrganisation(),
+                                    'destination_section_value' : previous_immo_movement.getSectionValue(),
                                     'resource_value'     : currency },
                                   { 'stop_date'           : start_date,
                                     'type'                : 'amo',
-                                    'quantity'            : amortisation_value,
+                                    'quantity'            : amortisation_price,
                                     'source'              : None,
                                     'destination'         : previous_immo_movement.getAmortisationAccount(),
                                     'source_section_value'      : None,
-                                    'destination_section_value' : previous_immo_movement.getOrganisation(),
+                                    'destination_section_value' : previous_immo_movement.getSectionValue(),
                                     'resource_value'     : currency },
                                   { 'stop_date'           : start_date,
                                     'type'                : 'in_out',
@@ -304,7 +290,7 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
                                     'source'              : None,
                                     'destination'         : previous_immo_movement.getOutputAccount(),
                                     'source_section_value'      : None,
-                                    'destination_section_value' : previous_immo_movement.getOrganisation(),
+                                    'destination_section_value' : previous_immo_movement.getSectionValue(),
                                     'resource_value'     : currency } ] )
             replace = 1
@@ -319,7 +305,7 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
             returned_list[2]['source'] = current_immo_movement.getAmortisationAccount()
             returned_list[3]['source'] = current_immo_movement.getInputAccount()
             for i in range(4):
-              returned_list[i]['source_section_value'] = organisation
+              returned_list[i]['source_section_value'] = section
             replace = 0
             returned_list.extend([{ 'stop_date'           : start_date,
@@ -327,7 +313,7 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
                                     'quantity'            : - immo_begin_value,
                                     'source'              : current_immo_movement.getImmobilisationAccount(),
                                     'destination'         : None,
-                                    'source_section_value'      : organisation,
+                                    'source_section_value'      : section,
                                     'destination_section_value' : None,
                                     'resource_value'     : currency },
                                   { 'stop_date'           : start_date,
@@ -335,7 +321,7 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
                                     'quantity'            : - begin_vat,
                                     'source'              : current_immo_movement.getVatAccount(),
                                     'destination'         : None,
-                                    'source_section_value'      : organisation,
+                                    'source_section_value'      : section,
                                     'destination_section_value' : None,
                                     'resource_value'     : currency },
                                   { 'stop_date'           : start_date,
@@ -343,7 +329,7 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
                                     'quantity'            : 0,
                                     'source'              : current_immo_movement.getAmortisationAccount(),
                                     'destination'         : None,
-                                    'source_section_value'      : organisation,
+                                    'source_section_value'      : section,
                                     'destination_section_value' : None,
                                     'resource_value'     : currency },
                                   { 'stop_date'           : start_date,
@@ -351,7 +337,7 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
                                     'quantity'            : immo_begin_value + begin_vat,
                                     'source'              : current_immo_movement.getInputAccount(),
                                     'destination'         : None,
-                                    'source_section_value'      : organisation,
+                                    'source_section_value'      : section,
                                     'destination_section_value' : None,
                                     'resource_value'     : currency } ] )
@@ -371,24 +357,19 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
         if immobilised_after:
           # Search for the first financial end date after the first immobilisation movement
-          end_date = organisation.getFinancialYearEndDate()
-          end_date = changeDateYear(end_date, start_date.year() )
-          if end_date - start_date <= 0:
-            end_date = changeDateYear(end_date, end_date.year()+1)
+          end_date = getClosestDate(target_date=start_date, date=section.getFinancialYearStopDate(), precision='year', before=0)
           while (stop_date is None and current_value > 0) or (stop_date is not None and end_date - stop_date < 0):
             annuity_end_value = item.getAmortisationPrice(at_date=end_date)
-            LOG('AmortisationRule :',0,'annuity_end_value=%s, current_value=%s' % (repr(annuity_end_value), repr(current_value)))
             if annuity_end_value is not None:
               annuity_value = current_value - annuity_end_value
               if annuity_value != 0:
-                LOG('AmortisationRule :', 0, 'annuity until %s ; value = %s, organisation = %s' % (repr(end_date), repr(annuity_value), repr(organisation)))
                 returned_list.extend([{ 'stop_date'          : end_date,
                                         'type'               : 'annuity_depr',
                                         'quantity'           : (- annuity_value),
                                         'source'             : current_immo_movement.getDepreciationAccount(),
                                         'destination'        : None,
-                                        'source_section_value'     : organisation,
+                                        'source_section_value'     : section,
                                         'destination_section_value': None,
                                         'resource_value'    : currency },
                                       { 'stop_date'          : end_date,
@@ -396,28 +377,27 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
                                         'quantity'           : annuity_value,
                                         'source'             : current_immo_movement.getAmortisationAccount(),
                                         'destination'        : None,
-                                        'source_section_value'     : organisation,
+                                        'source_section_value'     : section,
                                         'destination_section_value': None,
                                         'resource_value'    : currency } ] )
             current_value -= annuity_value
-            end_date = changeDateYear(end_date, end_date.year()+1)
+            end_date = addToDate(end_date, {'year':1})
           # Get the last period until the next immobilisation movement
           if stop_date is not None:
-            # We use DefaultAmortisationValue in order to get the calculated value of the item,
+            # We use getDefaultAmortisationPrice in order to get the calculated value of the item,
             # and not the value entered later by the user for the next immobilisation period
-            annuity_end_value = next_immo_movement.getDefaultAmortisationValue()
+            annuity_end_value = next_immo_movement.getDefaultAmortisationPrice()
             if annuity_end_value is not None:
               annuity_value = current_value - annuity_end_value
               if annuity_value != 0:
-                LOG('AmortisationRule :', 0, 'annuity until %s ; value = %s, organisation = %s' % (repr(next_immo_movement.getStopDate()), repr(annuity_value), repr(organisation)))
                 returned_list.extend([{ 'stop_date'          : end_date,
                                         'type'               : 'annuity_depr',
                                         'quantity'           : (- annuity_value),
                                         'source'             : current_immo_movement.getDepreciationAccount(),
                                         'destination'        : None,
-                                        'source_section_value'     : organisation,
+                                        'source_section_value'     : section,
                                         'destination_section_value': None,
                                         'resource_value'    : currency },
                                       { 'stop_date'          : end_date,
@@ -425,7 +405,7 @@ An ERP5 Rule..."""
                                         'quantity'           : annuity_value,
                                         'source'             : current_immo_movement.getAmortisationAccount(),
                                         'destination'        : None,
-                                        'source_section_value'     : organisation,
+                                        'source_section_value'     : section,
                                         'destination_section_value': None,
                                         'resource_value'    : currency } ] )
diff --git a/product/ERP5/Document/ b/product/ERP5/Document/
index 90ae4118ab..31b1844cb8 100755
--- a/product/ERP5/Document/
+++ b/product/ERP5/Document/
@@ -119,17 +119,17 @@ an accounting immobilisation (in order to amortise an object)
-  security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getAmortisationOrDefaultAmortisationValue')
-  def getAmortisationOrDefaultAmortisationValue(self, with_currency=0, **kw):
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getAmortisationOrDefaultAmortisationPrice')
+  def getAmortisationOrDefaultAmortisationPrice(self, with_currency=0, **kw):
     Returns the amortisation value.
     If it is None, returns the default amortisation value.
-    amortisation_value = self.getAmortisationValue()
-    if amortisation_value is not None:
-      return amortisation_value
+    amortisation_price = self.getAmortisationBeginningPrice()
+    if amortisation_price is not None:
+      return amortisation_price
-      return self.getDefaultAmortisationValue(with_currency=with_currency, **kw)
+      return self.getDefaultAmortisationPrice(with_currency=with_currency, **kw)
   security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getAmortisationOrDefaultAmortisationDuration')
@@ -159,15 +159,14 @@ an accounting immobilisation (in order to amortise an object)
     return item.getRemainingAmortisationDuration(current_date, from_immobilisation=1, **kw)
-  security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'getDefaultAmortisationValue')
-  def getDefaultAmortisationValue(self, with_currency=0, **kw):
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'getDefaultAmortisationPrice')
+  def getDefaultAmortisationPrice(self, with_currency=0, **kw):
     Returns a calculated value of amortisation value
     at the immobilisation movement date
     item = self.getParent()
     current_date = self.getStopDate()
-    LOG('Immobilisation :',0, 'current_date=%s, item=%s' % (repr(current_date), repr(item)))
     if current_date is None or item is None:
       return None
@@ -175,48 +174,41 @@ an accounting immobilisation (in order to amortise an object)
     return returned_value
-  security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'isNotValid')
-  def isNotValid(self):
-    """
-    Checks if necessary data is present on the immobilisation movement.
-    Returns an error message, or None if the immobilisation is valid
+  security.declarePrivate('_checkConsistency')
+  def _checkConsistency(self, fixit=0, mapped_value_property_list=()):
+    errors = []
+    relative_url = self.getRelativeUrl()
-    XXX please use checkConsistency API instead and try to use constraint
-    checkers for implementation
-    """
     item = self.getParent()
     if item is None:
-      return "The immobilisation movement does not apply on an item"
+      errors += [(relative_url, "Property value inconsistency", 100, "The immobilisation movement does not apply on an item")]
     immo_date = self.getStopDate()
     if immo_date is None:
-      return 'Date field is not filled'
+      errors += [(relative_url, "Property value inconsistency", 100, 'Date property is empty')]
     if self.getImmobilisation():
       immo_duration = self.getAmortisationDuration()
       if immo_duration is None:
-        return 'Duration field is not filled'
-      immo_value = self.getAmortisationValue()
+        errors += [(relative_url, "Property value inconsistency", 100, 'Amortisation duration property is empty')]
+      immo_value = self.getAmortisationBeginningPrice()
       if immo_value is None:
-        return 'Value field is not filled'
+        errors += [(relative_url, "Property value inconsistency", 100, 'Amortisation price property is empty')]
       immo_type = self.getAmortisationType()
       if immo_type is None or immo_type is "":
-        return "Amortisation field is not filled"
+        errors += [(relative_url, "Property value inconsistency", 100, 'Amortisation type property is empty')]
       if immo_type == "degressive":
         fiscal_coef = self.getFiscalCoefficient()
         if fiscal_coef is None:
-          return "Fiscal coefficient field is not filled"
+          errors += [(relative_url, "Property value inconsistency", 100, 'Fiscal coefficient property is empty')]
       vat = self.getVat()
       if vat is None:
-        return "VAT Amount field is not filled"
+        errors += [(relative_url, "Property value inconsistency", 100, 'VAT Amount property is empty')]
       for (account, text) in ( (self.getInputAccount()         , "Input Account"),
                                (self.getOutputAccount()        , "Output Account"),
                                (self.getImmobilisationAccount(), "Immobilisation Account"),
@@ -224,72 +216,58 @@ an accounting immobilisation (in order to amortise an object)
                                (self.getDepreciationAccount()  , "Deprecisation Account"),
                                (self.getVatAccount()           , "VAT Account") ):
         if account is None or account is "":
-          return text + " list has no selected choice"
+          errors += [(relative_url, "Property value inconsistency", 100, text + ' property is empty')]
+      section = self.getSectionValue()
+      if section is None:
+        errors += [(relative_url, "Property value inconsistency", 100, "The corresponding item does not belong to an organisation at this date")]
+      else:  
+        financial_date = section.getFinancialYearStopDate()
+        if financial_date is None:
+          errors += [(relative_url, "Property value inconsistency", 100,  "The organisation which owns the item at this date has no financial year end date")]
-      organisation = self.getOrganisation()
-      if organisation is None:
-        return "Item %s does not belong to an organisation at this date" % item.getTitle()
-      financial_date = organisation.getFinancialYearEndDate()
-      if financial_date is None:
-        return "The organisation which owns the item at this date has no financial year end date"
-      currency = self.getCurrency()
+      currency = self.getPriceCurrency()
       if currency is None:
-        return "The organisation which owns the item at this date has no amortisation currency"
+        errors += [(relative_url, "Property value inconsistency", 100,  "The organisation which owns the item at this date has no amortisation currency")]
-      return None
-  security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getOrganisation')
-  def getOrganisation(self):
+    return errors
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getSectionValue')
+  def getSectionValue(self):
     Returns the organisation which owns the item on which the
     immobilisation movement applies, at the time of the immobilisation
-    XXX Naming problem -> it is an owner
-    Please rename to getSectionValue on both item and immobilisation
-#     if self.isContext() and hasattr(self, 'organisation'):
-#       return self.organisation
     item = self.getParent()
     date = self.getStopDate()
     if item is None or date is None:
       return None  
-    LOG('Immobilisation :', 0, 'item = %s for immobilisation %s' % (repr(item), repr(self)))
-    return item.getOwner(at_date = date)
+    return item.getSectionValue(at_date = date)
-  security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getOrganisationTitle')
-  def getOrganisationTitle(self):
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getSectionTitle')
+  def getSectionTitle(self):
     Returns the name of the organisation which owns the
     item on which the immobilisation movement applies, at the
     time of the immobilisation movement
-    XXX id. same naming problem getSectionTitle
-    organisation = self.getOrganisation()
-    if organisation is None:
+    section = self.getSectionValue()
+    if section is None:
       return None
-    return organisation.getTitle()
+    return section.getTitle()
-  security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getCurrency')
-  def getCurrency(self):
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getPriceCurrency')
+  def getPriceCurrency(self):
     Returns the used currency id for this particular immobilisation movement
-    XXX Rename to getPriceCurrency (this is the name we use at this point, it will be renamed
-    some day to getTradeCurrency - make sure getPriceCurrencyValue is object and getPriceCurrency is not)
-    organisation = self.getOrganisation()
-    if organisation is not None:
-      LOG('Immobilisation :', 0, 'organisation = %s, currency = %s' % (repr(organisation), repr(organisation.getSocialCapitalCurrency())))
-      return organisation.getSocialCapitalCurrency()
-    LOG('Immobilisation :', 0, 'organisation = %s, currency = %s' % (repr(organisation), repr(None)))
+    section = self.getSectionValue()
+    if section is not None:
+      return section.getSocialCapitalCurrency()
     return None