diff --git a/src/jio.dummystorages.js b/src/jio.dummystorages.js
index ff3eb71507bf718d261b5a1151d67b557a0e3581..a259aff2cfad998997b4042bab41340f5da75bd0 100644
--- a/src/jio.dummystorages.js
+++ b/src/jio.dummystorages.js
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-/*global window, define */
+/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, sloppy: true */
+/*global setTimeout: true, window: true, define: true, jIO: true */
 // Adds 5 dummy storages to JIO
 // type:
 //     - dummyallok
@@ -8,526 +9,502 @@
 //     - dummyalldocs
 //     - dummyallfound
 (function () {
-    'use strict';
-    var jioDummyStorageLoader = function (jIO) {
+  'use strict';
+  var jioDummyStorageLoader = function (jIO) {
-        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // Dummy Storage 1 : all ok
-        var newDummyStorageAllOk = function (spec, my) {
-            var that = my.basicStorage(spec, my);
+    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // Dummy Storage 1 : all ok
+    var newDummyStorageAllOk = function (spec, my) {
+      var that = my.basicStorage(spec, my);
-            that.specToStore = function () {
-                return {
-                    "username": spec.username
-                };
-            };
+      that.specToStore = function () {
+        return {
+          "username": spec.username
+        };
+      };
-            that.post = function (command) {
-                window.setTimeout(function () {
-                    that.success({
-                        "ok": true,
-                        "id": command.getDocId()
-                    });
-                }, 100); // 100 ms, for jiotests simple job waiting
-            }; // end post
+      that.post = function (command) {
+        setTimeout(function () {
+          that.success({
+            "ok": true,
+            "id": command.getDocId()
+          });
+        }, 100); // 100 ms, for jiotests simple job waiting
+      }; // end post
-            that.put = function (command) {
-                window.setTimeout(function () {
-                    that.success({
-                        "ok": true,
-                        "id": command.getDocId()
-                    });
-                }, 100); // 100 ms, for jiotests simple job waiting
-            }; // end put
+      that.put = function (command) {
+        setTimeout(function () {
+          that.success({
+            "ok": true,
+            "id": command.getDocId()
+          });
+        }, 100); // 100 ms, for jiotests simple job waiting
+      }; // end put
-            that.putAttachment = function (command) {
-                window.setTimeout(function () {
-                    that.success({
-                        "ok": true,
-                        "id": command.getDocId() + "/" +
-                            command.getAttachmentId()
-                    });
-                }, 100); // 100 ms, for jiotests simple job waiting
-            }; // end putAttachment
+      that.putAttachment = function (command) {
+        setTimeout(function () {
+          that.success({
+            "ok": true,
+            "id": command.getDocId() + "/" + command.getAttachmentId()
+          });
+        }, 100); // 100 ms, for jiotests simple job waiting
+      }; // end putAttachment
-            that.get = function (command) {
-                window.setTimeout(function () {
-                    if (command.getAttachmentId()) {
-                        return that.success('0123456789');
-                    }
-                    that.success({
-                        "_id": command.getDocId(),
-                        "title": 'get_title'
-                    });
-                }, 100); // 100 ms, for jiotests simple job waiting
-            }; // end get
+      that.get = function (command) {
+        setTimeout(function () {
+          if (command.getAttachmentId()) {
+            return that.success('0123456789');
+          }
+          that.success({
+            "_id": command.getDocId(),
+            "title": 'get_title'
+          });
+        }, 100); // 100 ms, for jiotests simple job waiting
+      }; // end get
-            that.allDocs = function (command) {
-                window.setTimeout(function () {
-                    that.error({
-                        "status": 405,
-                        "statusText": "Method Not Allowed",
-                        "error": "method_not_allowed",
-                        "message": "Your are not allowed to use" +
-                            "this command",
-                        "reason": "LocalStorage forbids AllDocs" +
-                            "command executions"
-                    });
-                });
-            }; // end allDocs
+      that.allDocs = function () {
+        setTimeout(function () {
+          that.error({
+            "status": 405,
+            "statusText": "Method Not Allowed",
+            "error": "method_not_allowed",
+            "message": "Your are not allowed to use" + "this command",
+            "reason": "LocalStorage forbids AllDocs" + "command executions"
+          });
+        });
+      }; // end allDocs
-            that.remove = function (command) {
-                window.setTimeout(function () {
-                    if (command.getAttachmentId()) {
-                        that.success({
-                            "ok": true,
-                            "id": command.getDocId() + "/" +
-                                command.getAttachmentId()
-                        });
-                    } else {
-                        that.success({
-                            "ok": true,
-                            "id": command.getDocId()
-                        });
-                    }
-                }, 100); // 100 ms, for jiotests simple job waiting
-            }; // end remove
+      that.remove = function (command) {
+        setTimeout(function () {
+          if (command.getAttachmentId()) {
+            that.success({
+              "ok": true,
+              "id": command.getDocId() + "/" + command.getAttachmentId()
+            });
+          } else {
+            that.success({
+              "ok": true,
+              "id": command.getDocId()
+            });
+          }
+        }, 100); // 100 ms, for jiotests simple job waiting
+      }; // end remove
-            return that;
-        },
-        // end Dummy Storage All Ok
+      return that;
+    },
+    // end Dummy Storage All Ok
-        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // Dummy Storage 2 : all fail
-            newDummyStorageAllFail = function (spec, my) {
-                var that = my.basicStorage(spec, my),
-                    priv = {};
+    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // Dummy Storage 2 : all fail
+      newDummyStorageAllFail = function (spec, my) {
+        var that = my.basicStorage(spec, my),
+          priv = {};
-                priv.error = function () {
-                    window.setTimeout(function () {
-                        that.error({
-                            status: 0,
-                            statusText: 'Unknown Error',
-                            error: 'unknown_error',
-                            message: 'Execution encountred an error.',
-                            reason: 'Execution encountred an error'
-                        });
-                    }, 100);
-                };
+        priv.error = function () {
+          setTimeout(function () {
+            that.error({
+              status: 0,
+              statusText: 'Unknown Error',
+              error: 'unknown_error',
+              message: 'Execution encountred an error.',
+              reason: 'Execution encountred an error'
+            });
+          }, 100);
+        };
-                that.post = function (command) {
-                    priv.error();
-                }; // end post
+        that.post = function () {
+          priv.error();
+        }; // end post
-                that.put = function (command) {
-                    priv.error();
-                }; // end put
+        that.put = function () {
+          priv.error();
+        }; // end put
-                that.putAttachment = function (command) {
-                    priv.error();
-                }; // end put
+        that.putAttachment = function () {
+          priv.error();
+        }; // end put
-                that.get = function (command) {
-                    priv.error();
-                }; // end get
+        that.get = function () {
+          priv.error();
+        }; // end get
-                that.allDocs = function (command) {
-                    window.setTimeout(function () {
-                        that.error({
-                            "status": 405,
-                            "statusText": "Method Not Allowed",
-                            "error": "method_not_allowed",
-                            "message": "Your are not allowed to use" +
-                                "this command",
-                            "reason": "LocalStorage forbids AllDocs" +
-                                "command executions"
-                        });
-                    });
-                }; // end allDocs
+        that.allDocs = function () {
+          setTimeout(function () {
+            that.error({
+              "status": 405,
+              "statusText": "Method Not Allowed",
+              "error": "method_not_allowed",
+              "message": "Your are not allowed to use" + "this command",
+              "reason": "LocalStorage forbids AllDocs" + "command executions"
+            });
+          });
+        }; // end allDocs
-                that.remove = function (command) {
-                    priv.error();
-                }; // end remove
-                return that;
-            },
-        // end Dummy Storage All Fail
-        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        that.remove = function () {
+          priv.error();
+        }; // end remove
+        return that;
+      },
+    // end Dummy Storage All Fail
+    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // Dummy Storage 3 : all not found
-            newDummyStorageAllNotFound = function (spec, my) {
-                var that = my.basicStorage(spec, my);
+    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // Dummy Storage 3 : all not found
+      newDummyStorageAllNotFound = function (spec, my) {
+        var that = my.basicStorage(spec, my);
-                that.post = function (command) {
-                    window.setTimeout(function () {
-                        that.success({
-                            "ok": true,
-                            "id": command.getDocId()
-                        });
-                    }, 100);
-                }; // end post
+        that.post = function (command) {
+          setTimeout(function () {
+            that.success({
+              "ok": true,
+              "id": command.getDocId()
+            });
+          }, 100);
+        }; // end post
-                that.put = function (command) {
-                    window.setTimeout(function () {
-                        that.success({
-                            "ok": true,
-                            "id": command.getDocId()
-                        });
-                    }, 100);
-                }; // end put
+        that.put = function (command) {
+          setTimeout(function () {
+            that.success({
+              "ok": true,
+              "id": command.getDocId()
+            });
+          }, 100);
+        }; // end put
-                that.putAttachment = function (command) {
-                    window.setTimeout(function () {
-                        that.success({
-                            "ok": true,
-                            "id": command.getDocId() + "/" +
-                                command.getAttachmentId()
-                        });
-                    }, 100);
-                }; // end put
+        that.putAttachment = function (command) {
+          setTimeout(function () {
+            that.success({
+              "ok": true,
+              "id": command.getDocId() + "/" + command.getAttachmentId()
+            });
+          }, 100);
+        }; // end put
-                that.get = function (command) {
-                    window.setTimeout(function () {
-                        that.error({
-                            "status": 404,
-                            "statusText": "Not Found",
-                            "error": "not_found",
-                            "message": "Document '" + command.getDocId() +
-                                "' not found",
-                            "reason": "Document '" + command.getDocId() +
-                                "'does not exist"
-                        });
-                    }, 100);
-                }; // end get
-                that.allDocs = function (command) {
-                    window.setTimeout(function () {
-                        that.error({
-                            "status": 405,
-                            "statusText": "Method Not Allowed",
-                            "error": "method_not_allowed",
-                            "message": "Your are not allowed to use" +
-                                "this command",
-                            "reason": "LocalStorage forbids AllDocs" +
-                                "command executions"
-                        });
-                    });
-                }; // end allDocs
-                that.remove = function (command) {
-                    window.setTimeout(function () {
-                        that.error({
-                            "status": 404,
-                            "statusText": "Not Found",
-                            "error": "not_found",
-                            "message": "Cannot remove an unexistant" +
-                                "document",
-                            "reason": "missing" // or deleted
-                        });
-                    }, 100);
-                }; // end remove
-                return that;
-            },
-        // end Dummy Storage All Not Found
-        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        that.get = function (command) {
+          setTimeout(function () {
+            that.error({
+              "status": 404,
+              "statusText": "Not Found",
+              "error": "not_found",
+              "message": "Document '" + command.getDocId() + "' not found",
+              "reason": "Document '" + command.getDocId() + "'does not exist"
+            });
+          }, 100);
+        }; // end get
+        that.allDocs = function () {
+          setTimeout(function () {
+            that.error({
+              "status": 405,
+              "statusText": "Method Not Allowed",
+              "error": "method_not_allowed",
+              "message": "Your are not allowed to use" + "this command",
+              "reason": "LocalStorage forbids AllDocs" + "command executions"
+            });
+          });
+        }; // end allDocs
+        that.remove = function () {
+          setTimeout(function () {
+            that.error({
+              "status": 404,
+              "statusText": "Not Found",
+              "error": "not_found",
+              "message": "Cannot remove an unexistant" + "document",
+              "reason": "missing" // or deleted
+            });
+          }, 100);
+        }; // end remove
+        return that;
+      },
+    // end Dummy Storage All Not Found
+    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // Dummy Storage 4 : all 3 tries
-            newDummyStorageAll3Tries = function (spec, my) {
-                var that = my.basicStorage(spec, my),
-                    priv = {};
-                // this specToStore method is used to make simple
-                // difference between two dummyall3tries storages:
-                // so  {type:'dummyall3tries',a:'b'} differs from
-                //     {type:'dummyall3tries',c:'d'}.
-                that.specToStore = function () {
-                    return {
-                        "application_name": spec.application_name
-                    };
-                };
-                priv.doJob = function (command, if_ok_return) {
-                    // wait a little to simulate asynchronous operation
-                    window.setTimeout(function () {
-                        priv.Try3OKElseFail(command.getTried(),
-                            if_ok_return);
-                    }, 100);
-                };
-                priv.Try3OKElseFail = function (tries, if_ok_return) {
-                    if (tries === 'undefined') {
-                        return that.error({
-                            "status": 0,
-                            "statusText": "Unknown Error",
-                            "error": "unknown_error",
-                            "message": "Cannot get tried",
-                            "reason": "Unknown"
-                        });
-                    }
-                    if (tries < 3) {
-                        return that.retry({
-                            message: 'Now' + (3 - tries) + ' tries left.'
-                        });
-                    }
-                    if (tries === 3) {
-                        return that.success(if_ok_return);
-                    }
-                    if (tries > 3) {
-                        return that.error({
-                            "status": 1,
-                            "statusText": "Too Much Tries",
-                            "error": "too_much_tries",
-                            "message": "Too much tries",
-                            "reason": "Too much tries"
-                        });
-                    }
-                };
-                that.post = function (command) {
-                    priv.doJob(command, {
-                        "ok": true,
-                        "id": command.getDocId()
-                    });
-                }; // end post
-                that.put = function (command) {
-                    priv.doJob(command, {
-                        "ok": true,
-                        "id": command.getDocId()
-                    });
-                }; // end put
-                that.putAttachment = function (command) {
-                    priv.doJob(command, {
-                        "ok": true,
-                        "id": command.getDocId() + "/" +
-                            command.getAttachmentId()
-                    });
-                }; // end put
-                that.get = function (command) {
-                    if (command.getAttachmentId()) {
-                        priv.doJob(command, "0123456789");
-                    } else {
-                        priv.doJob(command, {
-                            "_id": command.getDocId(),
-                            "title": 'Title of ' + command.getDocId()
-                        });
-                    }
-                }; // end get
-                that.allDocs = function (command) {
-                    window.setTimeout(function () {
-                        that.error({
-                            "status": 405,
-                            "statusText": "Method Not Allowed",
-                            "error": "method_not_allowed",
-                            "message": "Your are not allowed to use" +
-                                "this command",
-                            "reason": "LocalStorage forbids AllDocs" +
-                                "command executions"
-                        });
-                    });
-                }; // end allDocs
-                that.remove = function (command) {
-                    if (command.getAttachmentId()) {
-                        priv.doJob(command, {
-                            "ok": true,
-                            "id": command.getDocId() + "/" +
-                                command.getAttachmentId()
-                        });
-                    } else {
-                        priv.doJob(command, {
-                            "ok": true,
-                            "id": command.getDocId()
-                        });
-                    }
-                }; // end remove
-                return that;
-            },
-        // end Dummy Storage All 3 Tries
-        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // Dummy Storage 4 : all 3 tries
+      newDummyStorageAll3Tries = function (spec, my) {
+        var that = my.basicStorage(spec, my),
+          priv = {};
+        // this specToStore method is used to make simple
+        // difference between two dummyall3tries storages:
+        // so  {type:'dummyall3tries',a:'b'} differs from
+        //     {type:'dummyall3tries',c:'d'}.
+        that.specToStore = function () {
+          return {
+            "application_name": spec.application_name
+          };
+        };
+        priv.doJob = function (command, if_ok_return) {
+          // wait a little to simulate asynchronous operation
+          setTimeout(function () {
+            priv.Try3OKElseFail(command.getTried(), if_ok_return);
+          }, 100);
+        };
+        priv.Try3OKElseFail = function (tries, if_ok_return) {
+          if (tries === 'undefined') {
+            return that.error({
+              "status": 0,
+              "statusText": "Unknown Error",
+              "error": "unknown_error",
+              "message": "Cannot get tried",
+              "reason": "Unknown"
+            });
+          }
+          if (tries < 3) {
+            return that.retry({
+              message: 'Now' + (3 - tries) + ' tries left.'
+            });
+          }
+          if (tries === 3) {
+            return that.success(if_ok_return);
+          }
+          if (tries > 3) {
+            return that.error({
+              "status": 1,
+              "statusText": "Too Much Tries",
+              "error": "too_much_tries",
+              "message": "Too much tries",
+              "reason": "Too much tries"
+            });
+          }
+        };
+        that.post = function (command) {
+          priv.doJob(command, {
+            "ok": true,
+            "id": command.getDocId()
+          });
+        }; // end post
+        that.put = function (command) {
+          priv.doJob(command, {
+            "ok": true,
+            "id": command.getDocId()
+          });
+        }; // end put
+        that.putAttachment = function (command) {
+          priv.doJob(command, {
+            "ok": true,
+            "id": command.getDocId() + "/" + command.getAttachmentId()
+          });
+        }; // end put
+        that.get = function (command) {
+          if (command.getAttachmentId()) {
+            priv.doJob(command, "0123456789");
+          } else {
+            priv.doJob(command, {
+              "_id": command.getDocId(),
+              "title": 'Title of ' + command.getDocId()
+            });
+          }
+        }; // end get
+        that.allDocs = function () {
+          setTimeout(function () {
+            that.error({
+              "status": 405,
+              "statusText": "Method Not Allowed",
+              "error": "method_not_allowed",
+              "message": "Your are not allowed to use" + "this command",
+              "reason": "LocalStorage forbids AllDocs" + "command executions"
+            });
+          });
+        }; // end allDocs
+        that.remove = function (command) {
+          if (command.getAttachmentId()) {
+            priv.doJob(command, {
+              "ok": true,
+              "id": command.getDocId() + "/" + command.getAttachmentId()
+            });
+          } else {
+            priv.doJob(command, {
+              "ok": true,
+              "id": command.getDocId()
+            });
+          }
+        }; // end remove
+        return that;
+      },
+    // end Dummy Storage All 3 Tries
+    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // Dummy Storage 5 : all docs
-            newDummyStorageAllDocs = function (spec, my) {
-                var that = my.basicStorage(spec, my);
-                that.specToStore = function () {
-                    return {
-                        "username": spec.username
-                    };
-                };
-                that.post = function (command) {
-                    window.setTimeout(function () {
-                        that.success({
-                            "ok": true,
-                            "id": command.getDocId()
-                        });
-                    }, 100); // 100 ms, for jiotests simple job waiting
-                }; // end post
-                that.put = function (command) {
-                    window.setTimeout(function () {
-                        that.success({
-                            "ok": true,
-                            "id": command.getDocId()
-                        });
-                    }, 100); // 100 ms, for jiotests simple job waiting
-                }; // end put
-                that.putAttachment = function (command) {
-                    window.setTimeout(function () {
-                        that.success({
-                            "ok": true,
-                            "id": command.getDocId() + "/" +
-                                command.getAttachmentId()
-                        });
-                    }, 100); // 100 ms, for jiotests simple job waiting
-                }; // end putAttachment
-                that.get = function (command) {
-                    window.setTimeout(function () {
-                        if (command.getAttachmentId()) {
-                            return that.success('0123456789');
-                        }
-                        that.success({
-                            "_id": command.getDocId(),
-                            "title": "get_title"
-                        });
-                    }, 100); // 100 ms, for jiotests simple job waiting
-                }; // end get
-                that.allDocs = function (command) {
-                    window.setTimeout(function () {
-                        var addRow,
-                            o = {
-                                "total_rows": 0,
-                                "rows": []
-                            };
-                        addRow = function (id, key, doc) {
-                            var row = {
-                                    "id": "file",
-                                    "key": "file",
-                                    "value": {}
-                                };
-                            if (command.getOption("include_docs")) {
-                                row.doc = doc;
-                            }
-                            o.rows.push(row);
-                            o.total_rows += 1;
-                        };
-                        addRow("file", "file", {
-                            "_id": "file",
-                            "Title": "myFile"
-                        });
-                        addRow("mylongtitledfilethatidontliketowriteby" +
-                            "handonablackboard", "mylongtialias1", {
-                                "_id": "mylongtitledfilethatidontlike" +
-                                    "towritebyhandonablackboard",
-                                "Title": "myLongFile"
-                            });
-                        that.success(o);
-                    });
-                }; // end allDocs
-                that.remove = function (command) {
-                    window.setTimeout(function () {
-                        if (command.getAttachmentId()) {
-                            that.success({
-                                "ok": true,
-                                "id": command.getDocId() + "/" +
-                                    command.getAttachmentId()
-                            });
-                        } else {
-                            that.success({
-                                "ok": true,
-                                "id": command.getDocId()
-                            });
-                        }
-                    }, 100); // 100 ms, for jiotests simple job waiting
-                }; // end remove
-                return that;
-            },
-        // end Dummy Storage All Docs
-        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // Dummy Storage 5 : all docs
+      newDummyStorageAllDocs = function (spec, my) {
+        var that = my.basicStorage(spec, my);
+        that.specToStore = function () {
+          return {
+            "username": spec.username
+          };
+        };
+        that.post = function (command) {
+          setTimeout(function () {
+            that.success({
+              "ok": true,
+              "id": command.getDocId()
+            });
+          }, 100); // 100 ms, for jiotests simple job waiting
+        }; // end post
+        that.put = function (command) {
+          setTimeout(function () {
+            that.success({
+              "ok": true,
+              "id": command.getDocId()
+            });
+          }, 100); // 100 ms, for jiotests simple job waiting
+        }; // end put
+        that.putAttachment = function (command) {
+          setTimeout(function () {
+            that.success({
+              "ok": true,
+              "id": command.getDocId() + "/" + command.getAttachmentId()
+            });
+          }, 100); // 100 ms, for jiotests simple job waiting
+        }; // end putAttachment
+        that.get = function (command) {
+          setTimeout(function () {
+            if (command.getAttachmentId()) {
+              return that.success('0123456789');
+            }
+            that.success({
+              "_id": command.getDocId(),
+              "title": "get_title"
+            });
+          }, 100); // 100 ms, for jiotests simple job waiting
+        }; // end get
+        that.allDocs = function (command) {
+          setTimeout(function () {
+            var addRow,
+              o = {
+                "total_rows": 0,
+                "rows": []
+              };
+            addRow = function (id, key, doc) {
+              var row = {
+                "id": id,
+                "key": key,
+                "value": {}
+              };
+              if (command.getOption("include_docs")) {
+                row.doc = doc;
+              }
+              o.rows.push(row);
+              o.total_rows += 1;
+            };
+            addRow("file", "file", {
+              "_id": "file",
+              "Title": "myFile"
+            });
+            addRow("mylongtitledfilethatidontliketowriteby" +
+              "handonablackboard", "mylongtialias1", {
+                "_id": "mylongtitledfilethatidontlike" +
+                  "towritebyhandonablackboard",
+                "Title": "myLongFile"
+              });
+            that.success(o);
+          });
+        }; // end allDocs
+        that.remove = function (command) {
+          setTimeout(function () {
+            if (command.getAttachmentId()) {
+              that.success({
+                "ok": true,
+                "id": command.getDocId() + "/" + command.getAttachmentId()
+              });
+            } else {
+              that.success({
+                "ok": true,
+                "id": command.getDocId()
+              });
+            }
+          }, 100); // 100 ms, for jiotests simple job waiting
+        }; // end remove
+        return that;
+      },
+    // end Dummy Storage All Docs
+    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // Dummy Storage 6 : all found
-            newDummyStorageAllFound = function (spec, my) {
-                var that = my.basicStorage(spec, my);
+    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // Dummy Storage 6 : all found
+      newDummyStorageAllFound = function (spec, my) {
+        var that = my.basicStorage(spec, my);
-                that.post = function (command) {
-                    window.setTimeout(function () {
-                        that.error({
-                            "status": 409,
-                            "statusText": "Conflicts",
-                            "error": "conflicts",
-                            "message": "Cannot create a new document",
-                            "reason": "Document already exists"
-                        });
-                    }, 100);
-                }; // end post
-                that.put = function (command) {
-                    window.setTimeout(function () {
-                        that.success({
-                            "ok": true,
-                            "id": command.getDocId()
-                        });
-                    }, 100);
-                }; // end put
-                that.putAttachment = function (command) {
-                    window.setTimeout(function () {
-                        that.success({
-                            "ok": true,
-                            "id": command.getDocId() + "/" +
-                                command.getAttachmentId()
-                        });
-                    }, 100);
-                }; // end put
-                that.get = function (command) {
-                    window.setTimeout(function () {
-                        if (command.getAttachmentId()) {
-                            return that.success('0123456789');
-                        }
-                        that.success({
-                            "_id": command.getDocId(),
-                            "title": 'get_title'
-                        });
-                    }, 100); // 100 ms, for jiotests simple job waiting
-                }; // end get
-                that.allDocs = function (command) {
-                    window.setTimeout(function () {
-                        that.error({
-                            "status": 405,
-                            "statusText": "Method Not Allowed",
-                            "error": "method_not_allowed",
-                            "message": "Your are not allowed to use" +
-                                "this command",
-                            "reason": "LocalStorage forbids AllDocs" +
-                                "command executions"
-                        });
-                    });
-                }; // end allDocs
-                that.remove = function (command) {
-                    window.setTimeout(function () {
-                        if (command.getAttachmentId()) {
-                            that.success({
-                                "ok": true,
-                                "id": command.getDocId() + "/" +
-                                    command.getAttachmentId()
-                            });
-                        } else {
-                            that.success({
-                                "ok": true,
-                                "id": command.getDocId()
-                            });
-                        }
-                    }, 100); // 100 ms, for jiotests simple job waiting
-                }; // end remove
-                return that;
-            };
-        // end Dummy Storage All Not Found
-        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // add key to storageObjectType of global jio
-        jIO.addStorageType('dummyallok', newDummyStorageAllOk);
-        jIO.addStorageType('dummyallfail', newDummyStorageAllFail);
-        jIO.addStorageType('dummyallnotfound',
-            newDummyStorageAllNotFound);
-        jIO.addStorageType('dummyall3tries', newDummyStorageAll3Tries);
-        jIO.addStorageType('dummyalldocs', newDummyStorageAllDocs);
-        jIO.addStorageType('dummyallfound', newDummyStorageAllFound);
-    };
-    if (window.requirejs) {
-        define('JIODummyStorages', ['jIO'], jioDummyStorageLoader);
-    } else {
-        jioDummyStorageLoader(jIO);
-    }
+        that.post = function () {
+          setTimeout(function () {
+            that.error({
+              "status": 409,
+              "statusText": "Conflicts",
+              "error": "conflicts",
+              "message": "Cannot create a new document",
+              "reason": "Document already exists"
+            });
+          }, 100);
+        }; // end post
+        that.put = function (command) {
+          setTimeout(function () {
+            that.success({
+              "ok": true,
+              "id": command.getDocId()
+            });
+          }, 100);
+        }; // end put
+        that.putAttachment = function (command) {
+          setTimeout(function () {
+            that.success({
+              "ok": true,
+              "id": command.getDocId() + "/" + command.getAttachmentId()
+            });
+          }, 100);
+        }; // end put
+        that.get = function (command) {
+          setTimeout(function () {
+            if (command.getAttachmentId()) {
+              return that.success('0123456789');
+            }
+            that.success({
+              "_id": command.getDocId(),
+              "title": 'get_title'
+            });
+          }, 100); // 100 ms, for jiotests simple job waiting
+        }; // end get
+        that.allDocs = function () {
+          setTimeout(function () {
+            that.error({
+              "status": 405,
+              "statusText": "Method Not Allowed",
+              "error": "method_not_allowed",
+              "message": "Your are not allowed to use" + "this command",
+              "reason": "LocalStorage forbids AllDocs" + "command executions"
+            });
+          });
+        }; // end allDocs
+        that.remove = function (command) {
+          setTimeout(function () {
+            if (command.getAttachmentId()) {
+              that.success({
+                "ok": true,
+                "id": command.getDocId() + "/" + command.getAttachmentId()
+              });
+            } else {
+              that.success({
+                "ok": true,
+                "id": command.getDocId()
+              });
+            }
+          }, 100); // 100 ms, for jiotests simple job waiting
+        }; // end remove
+        return that;
+      };
+    // end Dummy Storage All Not Found
+    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // add key to storageObjectType of global jio
+    jIO.addStorageType('dummyallok', newDummyStorageAllOk);
+    jIO.addStorageType('dummyallfail', newDummyStorageAllFail);
+    jIO.addStorageType('dummyallnotfound', newDummyStorageAllNotFound);
+    jIO.addStorageType('dummyall3tries', newDummyStorageAll3Tries);
+    jIO.addStorageType('dummyalldocs', newDummyStorageAllDocs);
+    jIO.addStorageType('dummyallfound', newDummyStorageAllFound);
+  };
+  if (window.requirejs) {
+    define('JIODummyStorages', ['jIO'], jioDummyStorageLoader);
+  } else {
+    jioDummyStorageLoader(jIO);
+  }
\ No newline at end of file