Commit 0b69655e authored by Jean-Paul Smets's avatar Jean-Paul Smets

Finished pseudo-code

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent fb692cc0
......@@ -30,6 +30,12 @@ import zope.interface
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, interfaces
def _compare(tester_list, prevision_movement, decision_movement):
for tester in tester_list:
if not, decision_movement):
return False
return True
class RuleMixin:
Provides generic methods and helper methods to implement
......@@ -135,10 +141,46 @@ class RuleMixin:
tester_key = tuple(tester_key)
prevision_movement_dict.setdefaults(tester_key, []).append(movement)
# Build the diff
movement_collection_diff = self._buildMovementCollectionDiff(tester_list,
# Prepare a mapping between prevision and decision
# The prevision_to_decision_map is a list of tuples
# of the form (prevision_movement_dict, list of decision_movement)
prevision_to_decision_map = []
# First find out all existing (decision) movements which belong to no group
no_group_list = []
for tester_key in decision_movement_dict.keys():
if prevision_movement_dict.has_key(tester_key):
for decision_movement in decision_movement_dict[tester_key]:
no_match = True
for prevision_movement in prevision_movement_dict[tester_key]:
# Check if this movement belongs to an existing group
if _compare(tester_list, prevision_movement, decision_movement):
no_match = False
if no_match:
# There is no matching.
# So, let us add the decision movements to no_group_list
# The tester key does not even exist.
# So, let us add all decision movements to no_group_list
prevision_to_decision_map.append((None, no_group_list))
# Second, let us create small groups of movements
for tester_key in prevision_movement_dict.keys():
for prevision_movement in prevision_movement_dict[tester_key]:
map_list = []
for decision_movement in decision_movement_dict.get(tester_key, ()):
if _compare(tester_list, prevision_movement, decision_movement):
prevision_to_decision_map.append((prevision_movement, map_list))
# Third, time to create the diff
movement_collection_diff = MovementCollectionDiff()
for (prevision_movement, decision_movement_list) in prevision_to_decision_map:
self._extendMovementCollectionDiff(movement_collection_diff, prevision_movement,
# Return result
return movement_collection_diff
......@@ -189,6 +231,16 @@ class RuleMixin:
raise NotImplementedError
def _getDivergenceTesterList(self, exclude_quantity=True):
Return the applicable divergence testers which must
be used to test movement divergence.
exclude_quantity -- if set to true, do not consider
quantity divergence testers
raise NotImplementedError
def _getMatchingTesterList(self):
Return the applicable divergence testers which must
......@@ -199,77 +251,110 @@ class RuleMixin:
def _getQuantityTesterList(self):
Return the applicable divergence testers which must
be used to match movements and build the diff (ie.
not all divergence testers of the Rule)
Return the applicable quantity divergence testers.
raise NotImplementedError
def _buildMovementCollectionDiff(self, tester_list,
decision_movement_dict, prevision_movement_dict):
def _newProfitAndLossMovement(self, prevision_movement):
Build the diff of movements, based on the rule policy
which must take into account for example the risk
of theft. This is the most important method to override.
Returns a new temp simulation movement which can
be used to represent a profit or loss in relation
with prevision_movement
NOTE: XXX-JPS there is probably a way to make parts of this generic
and make implementation even easier and simpler.
prevision_movement -- a simulation movement
raise NotImplementedError
# Sample implementation bellow
def _compare(tester_list, prevision_movement, decision_movement):
for tester in tester_list:
if not, decision_movement):
return False
return True
# Find movements to add or compensate (all updates go through compensate)
new_movement_list = []
compensation_movement_list = []
for tester_key in prevision_movement_dict.keys():
if decision_movement_dict.has_key(tester_key):
# We have found now a small group of movements with same key
# we can now start comparing
for prevision_movement in prevision_movement_dict[tester_key]:
prevision_quantity = prevision_movement.getQuantity()
decision_quantity = 0.0
compare_movement = None
for decision_movement in decision_movement_dict[tester_key]:
if _compare(tester_list, prevision_movement, decision_movement):
decision_quantity += decision_movement.getQuantity()
compare_movement = decision_movement
# Test globaly
if compare_movement is None:
# Build a fake movement with total quantity
compare_movement = compare_movement.asContext(quantity=decision_quantity)
# And compare it to the expected quantity
if not _compare(self._getQuantityTesterList(), prevision_movement, compare_movement):
# Find any movement which is no frozen and update
updated_movement = None
for decision_movement in decision_movement_dict[tester_key]:
if not decision_movement.isFrozen():
updated_movement = decision_movement
if updated_movement is not None:
updatable_list.append(decision_movement, {})
# Else compensate
# Find movements to delete or cancel by compensating
for tester_key in decision_movement_dict.keys():
if prevision_movement_dict.has_key(tester_key):
for movement in decision_movement_dict[tester_key]:
quantity = 0
for decision_movement in decision_movement_dict[tester_key]:
def _extendMovementCollectionDiff(self, movement_collection_diff,
prevision_movement, decision_movement_list):
Compares a prevision_movement to decision_movement_list which
are part of the matching group and updates movement_collection_diff
raise NotImplementedError
# Sample implementation - but it actually looks very generic
# Case 1: movements which are not needed
if prevision_movement is None:
# decision_movement_list contains simulation movements which must
# be deleted
for decision_movement in decision_movement_list:
if decision_movement.isDeletable(): # If not frozen and all children are deletable
# Delete deletable
# Compensate non deletable
new_movement = decision_movement.asContext(quantity=-decision_movement.getQuantity())
# Case 2: movements which are needed but may need update or compensation_movement_list
# let us imagine the case of a forward rule
# ie. what comes in must either go out or has been lost
divergence_tester_list = self._getDivergenceTesterList()
profit_tester_list = self._getDivergenceTesterList()
quantity_tester_list = self._getQuantityTesterList()
compensated_quantity = 0.0
updatable_movement = None
not_completed_movement = None
updatable_compensation_movement = None
prevision_quantity = prevision_movement.getQuantity()
decision_quantity = 0.0
# First, we update all properties (exc. quantity) which could be divergent
# and if we can not, we compensate them
for decision_movement in decision_movement_list:
decision_quantity += decision_movement.getQuantity()
if self._isProfitAndLossMovement(decision_movement):
if decision_movement.isFrozen():
# Record not completed movements
if not_completed_movement is None and not decision_movement.isCompleted():
not_completed_movement = decision_movement
# Frozen must be compensated
if not _compare(profit_tester_list, prevision_movement, decision_movement):
new_movement = decision_movement.asContext(quantity=-decision_movement.getQuantity())
compensated_quantity += decision_movement.getQuantity()
updatable_compensation_movement = decision_movement
# Not Frozen can be updated
kw = {}
for tester in profit_tester_list:
if, decision_movement):
kw.update(tester.getUpdatablePropertyDict(prevision_movement, decision_movement))
if kw:
movement_collection_diff.addUpdatableMovement(decision_movement, kw)
if decision_movement.isFrozen():
# Frozen must be compensated
if not _compare(divergence_tester_list, prevision_movement, decision_movement):
new_movement = decision_movement.asContext(quantity=-decision_movement.getQuantity())
compensated_quantity += decision_movement.getQuantity()
updatable_movement = decision_movement
# Not Frozen can be updated
kw = {}
for tester in divergence_tester_list:
if, decision_movement):
kw.update(tester.getUpdatablePropertyDict(prevision_movement, decision_movement))
if kw:
movement_collection_diff.addUpdatableMovement(decision_movement, kw)
# Second, we calculate if the total quantity is the same on both sides
# after compensation
quantity_movement = prevision_movement.asContext(quantity=decision_quantity-compensated_quantity)
if not _compare(quantity_tester_list, prevision_movement, quantity_movement):
missing_quantity = prevision_quantity - decision_quantity + compensated_quantity
if updatable_movement is not None:
# If an updatable movement still exists, we update it
updatable_movement.setQuantity(updatable_movement.getQuantity() + missing_quantity)
elif not_completed_movement is not None:
# It is still possible to add a new movement some movements are not completed
new_movement = prevision_movement.asContext(quantity=missing_quantity)
elif updatable_compensation_movement is not None:
# If not, it means that all movements are completed
# but we can still update a profit and loss movement_collection_diff
+ missing_quantity)
# The movement is no longer present
for movement in decision_movement_dict[tester_key]:
# We must create a profit and loss movement
new_movement = self._newProfitAndLossMovement(prevision_movement)
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