From e497ca6c4c45587f54712a32b4a19b8e0945e17d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Benjamin Blanc <>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 10:58:47 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] testnode: Modify testnode structure to include scalability

Testnode code has been splitted. Runner class has been created for
each test types (unit and scalability).
Communication with SlapOS and ERP5 Master has been added.
 erp5/tests/                | 502 +++++++++++++++--
 erp5/util/taskdistribution/        | 100 +++-
 erp5/util/testnode/           | 106 ++++
 erp5/util/testnode/   | 513 ++++++++++++++++++
 erp5/util/testnode/         | 186 ++++++-
 .../util/testnode/ | 206 +++++++
 erp5/util/testnode/          | 162 ++++++
 erp5/util/testnode/                 |  27 +-
 erp5/util/testnode/                   |  22 +
 erp5/util/testnode/                |  14 +-
 erp5/util/testnode/                | 333 +++++-------
 11 files changed, 1901 insertions(+), 270 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 erp5/util/testnode/
 create mode 100644 erp5/util/testnode/
 create mode 100644 erp5/util/testnode/
 create mode 100644 erp5/util/testnode/
 create mode 100644 erp5/util/testnode/

diff --git a/erp5/tests/ b/erp5/tests/
index edb81392f1..07b0716a11 100644
--- a/erp5/tests/
+++ b/erp5/tests/
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
 from unittest import TestCase
 from erp5.util.testnode.testnode import TestNode
-from erp5.util.testnode.testnode import SlapOSInstance
+from erp5.util.testnode.NodeTestSuite import SlapOSInstance, NodeTestSuite
 from erp5.util.testnode.ProcessManager import ProcessManager, SubprocessError
 from erp5.util.testnode.Updater import Updater
+from erp5.util.testnode.SlapOSMasterCommunicator import SlapOSMasterCommunicator
 from erp5.util.testnode.SlapOSControler import SlapOSControler
+from erp5.util.testnode.UnitTestRunner import UnitTestRunner
+from erp5.util.testnode.ScalabilityTestRunner import ScalabilityTestRunner
 from erp5.util.testnode.SlapOSControler import createFolder
 from erp5.util.taskdistribution import TaskDistributor
 from erp5.util.taskdistribution import TaskDistributionTool
 from erp5.util.taskdistribution import TestResultProxy
@@ -25,6 +29,7 @@ class ERP5TestNode(TestCase):
     self._temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     self.working_directory = os.path.join(self._temp_dir, 'testnode')
     self.slapos_directory = os.path.join(self._temp_dir, 'slapos')
+    self.software_directory = os.path.join(self._temp_dir, 'software_directory')
     self.test_suite_directory = os.path.join(self._temp_dir,'test_suite')
     self.environment = os.path.join(self._temp_dir,'environment')
     self.log_directory = os.path.join(self._temp_dir,'var/log/testnode')
@@ -36,6 +41,7 @@ class ERP5TestNode(TestCase):
+    os.mkdir(self.software_directory)
@@ -45,9 +51,17 @@ class ERP5TestNode(TestCase):
     def log(*args,**kw):
       for arg in args:
-        print "TESTNODE LOG : %r" % (arg,)
+        print "TESTNODE LOG : %r, %r" % (arg, kw)
     self.log = log
+  def returnGoodClassRunner(self, test_type):
+      if test_type == 'UnitTest':
+        return UnitTestRunner
+      elif test_type == 'ScalabilityTest':
+        return ScalabilityTestRunner
+      else:
+        raise NotImplementedError
   def tearDown(self):
     shutil.rmtree(self._temp_dir, True)
@@ -55,15 +69,23 @@ class ERP5TestNode(TestCase):
     # XXX how to get property the git path ?
     config = {}
     config["git_binary"] = "git"
-    config["slapos_directory"] = config["working_directory"] = self.working_directory
+    config["slapos_directory"] = self.slapos_directory
+    config["working_directory"] = self.working_directory
+    config["software_directory"] = self.software_directory
     config["node_quantity"] = 3
     config["test_suite_directory"] = self.test_suite_directory
     config["environment"] = self.environment
     config["log_directory"] = self.log_directory
     config["log_file"] = self.log_file
     config["test_suite_master_url"] = None
+    config["hateoas_slapos_master_url"] = None
     config["test_node_title"] = "Foo-Test-Node"
     config["system_temp_folder"] = self.system_temp_folder
+    config["computer_id"] = "COMP-TEST"
+    config["server_url"] = ""
+    config["httpd_ip"] = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff"
+    config["httpd_software_access_port"] = "9080"
     return TestNode(self.log, config)
   def getTestSuiteData(self, add_third_repository=False, reference="foo"):
@@ -91,6 +113,9 @@ class ERP5TestNode(TestCase):
   def updateNodeTestSuiteData(self, node_test_suite,
+    """
+    Update from zero/Regenerate the testsuite
+    """
@@ -143,7 +168,7 @@ class ERP5TestNode(TestCase):
     #           ['4f1d14de1b04b4f878a442ee859791fa337bcf85', 'first_commit']]}
     return commit_dict
-  def test_01_getDelNodeTestSuite(self):
+  def test_01_getDelNodeTestSuite(self, my_test_type='UnitTest'):
     We should be able to get/delete NodeTestSuite objects inside test_node
@@ -156,7 +181,7 @@ class ERP5TestNode(TestCase):
     node_test_suite = test_node.getNodeTestSuite('foo')
     self.assertEquals(0, node_test_suite.retry_software_count)
-  def test_02_NodeTestSuiteWorkingDirectory(self):
+  def test_02_NodeTestSuiteWorkingDirectory(self, my_test_type='UnitTest'):
     Make sure we extend the working path with the node_test_suite reference
@@ -168,7 +193,7 @@ class ERP5TestNode(TestCase):
     self.assertEquals("%s/foo/test_suite" % self.working_directory,
-  def test_03_NodeTestSuiteCheckDataAfterEdit(self):
+  def test_03_NodeTestSuiteCheckDataAfterEdit(self, my_test_type='UnitTest'):
     When a NodeTestSuite instance is edited, the method _checkData
     analyse properties and add new ones
@@ -184,18 +209,22 @@ class ERP5TestNode(TestCase):
                      "%s/rep1" % node_test_suite.working_directory]
     self.assertEquals(expected_list, repository_path_list)
-  def test_04_constructProfile(self):
+  def test_04_constructProfile(self, my_test_type='UnitTest'):
     Check if the software profile is correctly generated
-    """
+    """  
     test_node = self.getTestNode()
+    test_node.test_suite_portal = TaskDistributor
+    test_node.test_suite_portal.getTestNode = TaskDistributor.getTestType
     node_test_suite = test_node.getNodeTestSuite('foo')
     self.updateNodeTestSuiteData(node_test_suite, add_third_repository=True)
-    test_node.constructProfile(node_test_suite)
+    node_test_suite.revision = 'rep1=1234-azerty,rep2=3456-qwerty'
+    test_node.constructProfile(node_test_suite,my_test_type)
     self.assertEquals("%s/software.cfg" % (node_test_suite.working_directory,),
     profile = open(node_test_suite.custom_profile_path, 'r')
-    expected_profile = """
+    if my_test_type=='UnitTest':
+      expected_profile = """
 extends = %(temp_dir)s/testnode/foo/rep0/software.cfg
@@ -207,10 +236,27 @@ branch = master
 repository = %(temp_dir)s/testnode/foo/rep2
 branch = foo
 """ % {'temp_dir': self._temp_dir}
+    else:
+      revision1 = "azerty"
+      revision2 = "qwerty"
+      expected_profile = """
+extends = %(temp_dir)s/testnode/foo/rep0/software.cfg
+repository = <obfuscated_url>/rep1/rep1.git
+revision = %(revision1)s
+ignore-ssl-certificate = true
+repository = <obfuscated_url>/rep2/rep2.git
+revision = %(revision2)s
+ignore-ssl-certificate = true
+""" % {'temp_dir': self._temp_dir, 'revision1': revision1, 'revision2': revision2}
-  def test_05_getAndUpdateFullRevisionList(self):
+  def test_05_getAndUpdateFullRevisionList(self, my_test_type='UnitTest'):
     Check if we clone correctly repositories and get right revisions
@@ -234,7 +280,7 @@ branch = foo
     for vcs_repository in node_test_suite.vcs_repository_list:
-  def test_05b_changeRepositoryBranch(self):
+  def test_05b_changeRepositoryBranch(self, my_test_type='UnitTest'):
     It could happen that the branch is changed for a repository. Testnode must
     be able to reset correctly the branch
@@ -307,7 +353,7 @@ branch = foo
       Updater.deleteRepository = original_deleteRepository
-  def test_06_checkRevision(self):
+  def test_06_checkRevision(self, my_test_type='UnitTest'):
     Check if we are able to restore older commit hash if master decide so
@@ -344,7 +390,7 @@ branch = foo
-  def test_07_checkExistingTestSuite(self):
+  def test_07_checkExistingTestSuite(self, my_test_type='UnitTest'):
     test_node = self.getTestNode()
     test_suite_data = self.getTestSuiteData(add_third_repository=True)
     self.assertEquals([], os.listdir(self.working_directory))
@@ -360,7 +406,7 @@ branch = foo
     self.assertEquals(['foo'], os.listdir(self.working_directory))
-  def test_08_getSupportedParamaterSet(self):
+  def test_08_getSupportedParamaterSet(self, my_test_type='UnitTest'):
     original_spawn = ProcessManager.spawn
       def get_help(self, *args, **kw):
@@ -377,7 +423,7 @@ branch = foo
       ProcessManager.spawn = original_spawn
-  def test_09_runTestSuite(self):
+  def test_09_runTestSuite(self, my_test_type='UnitTest'):
     Check parameters passed to runTestSuite
     Also make sure that --firefox_bin and --xvfb_bin are passed when needed
@@ -385,36 +431,46 @@ branch = foo
     original_getSupportedParameter = ProcessManager.getSupportedParameterSet
     original_spawn = ProcessManager.spawn
+      # Create a file
       def _createPath(path_to_create, end_path):
         return os.close(,
       def get_parameters(self, *args, **kw):
         call_parameter_list.append({'args': [x for x in args], 'kw':kw})
       def patch_getSupportedParameterSet(self, run_test_suite_path, parameter_list,):
        if '--firefox_bin' and '--xvfb_bin' in parameter_list:
          return set(['--firefox_bin','--xvfb_bin'])
          return []
       test_node = self.getTestNode()
-      test_node.slapos_controler = SlapOSControler(self.working_directory,
-                                               test_node.config, self.log)
+      RunnerClass = self.returnGoodClassRunner(my_test_type)
+      runner = RunnerClass(test_node)
+      # Create and initialise/regenerate a nodetestsuite
       node_test_suite = test_node.getNodeTestSuite('foo')
       node_test_suite.revision = 'dummy'
+      # Path to the dummy runable
       run_test_suite_path = _createPath(
-          os.path.join(test_node.slapos_controler.instance_root,'a/bin'),'runTestSuite')
+          os.path.join(runner.slapos_controler.instance_root,'a/bin'),'runTestSuite')
       def checkRunTestSuiteParameters(additional_parameter_list=None):
         ProcessManager.getSupportedParameterSet = patch_getSupportedParameterSet
         ProcessManager.spawn = get_parameters
-        test_node.runTestSuite(node_test_suite,"")
+        RunnerClass = self.returnGoodClassRunner(my_test_type)
+        runner = RunnerClass(test_node)
+        runner.runTestSuite(node_test_suite,"")
         expected_parameter_list = ['%s/a/bin/runTestSuite'
-             %(test_node.slapos_controler.instance_root), '--test_suite', 'Foo', '--revision',
-             'dummy', '--test_suite_title', 'Foo-Test', '--node_quantity', 3, '--master_url',
-             '']
+           %(runner.slapos_controler.instance_root), '--test_suite', 'Foo', '--revision',
+           'dummy', '--test_suite_title', 'Foo-Test', '--node_quantity', 3, '--master_url',
+           '']
         if additional_parameter_list:
         self.assertEqual(call_parameter_list[0]['args'], expected_parameter_list)
       call_parameter_list = []
       _createPath(os.path.join(test_node.config['slapos_directory'], 'soft/a/parts/firefox'),'firefox-slapos')
@@ -427,12 +483,14 @@ branch = foo
-      ProcessManager.getSupportedParameterSet   = original_getSupportedParameter
+      ProcessManager.getSupportedParameterSet = original_getSupportedParameter
       ProcessManager.spawn = original_spawn
-  def test_10_prepareSlapOS(self):
+  def test_10_prepareSlapOS(self, my_test_type='UnitTest'):
     test_node = self.getTestNode()
     test_node_slapos = SlapOSInstance()
+    RunnerClass = self.returnGoodClassRunner(my_test_type)
+    runner = RunnerClass(test_node)
     node_test_suite = test_node.getNodeTestSuite('foo')
     status_dict = {"status_code" : 0}
@@ -448,39 +506,72 @@ branch = foo
                          "args": [x for x in args],
                           "kw": kw})
         return {"status_code": self.status_code}
     SlapOSControler.initializeSlapOSControler = Patch("initializeSlapOSControler")
     SlapOSControler.runSoftwareRelease = Patch("runSoftwareRelease")
     SlapOSControler.runComputerPartition = Patch("runComputerPartition")
-    test_node.prepareSlapOSForTestNode(test_node_slapos)
-    self.assertEquals(["initializeSlapOSControler", "runSoftwareRelease"],
+    method_list_for_prepareSlapOSForTestNode = ["initializeSlapOSControler",
+                                                   "runSoftwareRelease"]
+    method_list_for_prepareSlapOSForTestSuite = ["initializeSlapOSControler",
+                                 "runSoftwareRelease", "runComputerPartition"]
+    runner.prepareSlapOSForTestNode(test_node_slapos)
+    self.assertEquals(method_list_for_prepareSlapOSForTestNode,
                       [x["method_name"] for x in call_list])
     call_list = []
-    test_node.prepareSlapOSForTestSuite(node_test_suite)
-    self.assertEquals(["initializeSlapOSControler", "runSoftwareRelease",
-                       "runComputerPartition"],
+    runner.prepareSlapOSForTestSuite(node_test_suite)
+    self.assertEquals(method_list_for_prepareSlapOSForTestSuite,
                       [x["method_name"] for x in call_list])
     call_list = []
     SlapOSControler.runSoftwareRelease = Patch("runSoftwareRelease", status_code=1)
-    self.assertRaises(SubprocessError, test_node.prepareSlapOSForTestSuite,
+    # TODO : write a test for scalability case
+    self.assertRaises(SubprocessError, runner.prepareSlapOSForTestSuite,
-  def test_11_run(self):
+  def test_11_run(self, my_test_type='UnitTest', grade='master'):
     def doNothing(self, *args, **kw):
+    # Used in case of 'ScalabilityTest'
+    def patch_getTestType(self, *args, **kw):
+      return my_test_type
+    def patch_getSlaposAccountKey(self, *args, **kw):
+      return "key"
+    def patch_getSlaposAccountCertificate(self, *args, **kw):
+      return "Certificate"
+    def patch_getSlaposUrl(self, *args, **kw):
+      return "http://Foo"
+    def patch_getSlaposHateoasUrl(self, *args, **kw):
+      return "http://Foo"
+    def patch_generateConfiguration(self, *args, **kw):
+      return json.dumps({"configuration_list": [], "involved_nodes_computer_guid"\
+: [], "error_message": "No error.", "launcher_nodes_computer_guid": [], \
+"launchable": False, "randomized_path" : "azertyuiop"})
+    def patch_isMasterTestnode(self, *args, **kw):
+      return (grade == 'master')
+    def patch_isHostingSubscriptionReady(self, *args, **kw):
+      return True
+    def patch_isRegisteredHostingSubscription(self, *args, **kw):
+      return True      
     test_self = self
     test_result_path_root = os.path.join(test_self._temp_dir,'test/results')
     global counter
     counter = 0
-    def patch_startTestSuite(self,test_node_title):
+    def patch_startTestSuite(self,node_title,computer_guid='unknown'):
       global counter
       config_list = []
+      # Sclalability slave testnode is not directly in charge of testsuites
+      if my_test_type == 'ScalabilityTest' and grade == 'slave':
+        if counter == 5:
+          raise StopIteration
+        counter += 1
+        return json.dumps([])
       def _checkExistingTestSuite(reference_set):
-                    set(os.listdir(test_node.config["working_directory"])))
+                  set(os.listdir(test_node.working_directory)))
         for x in reference_set:
-                               test_node.config["working_directory"],x)),True)
+                             test_node.working_directory,x)),True)
       if counter == 0:
@@ -514,28 +605,75 @@ branch = foo
         result =  TestResultProxy(self._proxy, self._retry_time,
                 self._logger, test_result_path, node_title, revision)
       return result
+    def patch_runTestSuite(self, *argv, **kw):
+      return {'status_code':0}
     original_sleep = time.sleep
     time.sleep = doNothing
+    RunnerClass = self.returnGoodClassRunner(my_test_type)
+    # Patch
+    if my_test_type == "ScalabilityTest":
+      original_getSlaposAccountKey = TaskDistributor.getSlaposAccountKey
+      original_getSlaposAccountCertificate = TaskDistributor.getSlaposAccountCertificate
+      original_getSlaposUrl = TaskDistributor.getSlaposUrl
+      original_getSlaposHateoasUrl = TaskDistributor.getSlaposHateoasUrl
+      original_generateConfiguration = TaskDistributor.generateConfiguration
+      original_isMasterTestnode = TaskDistributor.isMasterTestnode
+      original_updateInstanceXML = RunnerClass._updateInstanceXML
+      original_isHostingSubscriptionReady = SlapOSMasterCommunicator.isHostingSubscriptionReady
+      original_isRegisteredHostingSubscription = SlapOSMasterCommunicator.isRegisteredHostingSubscription
+      original_SlapOSMasterCommunicator__init__ = SlapOSMasterCommunicator.__init__
+      TaskDistributor.getSlaposAccountKey = patch_getSlaposAccountKey
+      TaskDistributor.getSlaposAccountCertificate = patch_getSlaposAccountCertificate
+      TaskDistributor.getSlaposUrl = patch_getSlaposUrl
+      TaskDistributor.getSlaposHateoasUrl = patch_getSlaposHateoasUrl
+      TaskDistributor.generateConfiguration = patch_generateConfiguration
+      TaskDistributor.isMasterTestnode = patch_isMasterTestnode
+      RunnerClass._updateInstanceXML = doNothing
+      SlapOSMasterCommunicator.isHostingSubscriptionReady = patch_isHostingSubscriptionReady
+      SlapOSMasterCommunicator.isRegisteredHostingSubscription = patch_isRegisteredHostingSubscription
+      SlapOSMasterCommunicator.__init__ = doNothing
     original_startTestSuite = TaskDistributor.startTestSuite
-    TaskDistributor.startTestSuite = patch_startTestSuite
+    original_subscribeNode = TaskDistributor.subscribeNode
+    original_getTestType = TaskDistributor.getTestType
     original_createTestResult = TaskDistributionTool.createTestResult
+    TaskDistributor.startTestSuite = patch_startTestSuite
+    TaskDistributor.subscribeNode = doNothing
+    TaskDistributor.getTestType = patch_getTestType
     TaskDistributionTool.createTestResult = patch_createTestResult
-    test_node = self.getTestNode()
-    original_prepareSlapOS = test_node._prepareSlapOS
-    test_node._prepareSlapOS = doNothing
-    original_runTestSuite = test_node.runTestSuite
-    test_node.runTestSuite = doNothing
+    # TestNode
+    test_node = self.getTestNode()  
+    # Modify class UnitTestRunner(or more after) method 
+    original_prepareSlapOS = RunnerClass._prepareSlapOS
+    original_runTestSuite = RunnerClass.runTestSuite
+    RunnerClass._prepareSlapOS = doNothing
+    RunnerClass.runTestSuite = patch_runTestSuite
     SlapOSControler.initializeSlapOSControler = doNothing
+    # Inside test_node a runner is created using new UnitTestRunner methods
     self.assertEquals(5, counter)
     time.sleep = original_sleep
+    # Restore old class methods
+    if my_test_type == "ScalabilityTest":
+      TaskDistributor.getSlaposAccountKey = original_getSlaposAccountKey
+      TaskDistributor.getSlaposAccountCertificate = original_getSlaposAccountCertificate
+      TaskDistributor.getSlaposUrl = original_getSlaposUrl
+      TaskDistributor.getSlaposHateoasUrl = original_getSlaposHateoasUrl
+      TaskDistributor.generateConfiguration = original_generateConfiguration
+      TaskDistributor.isMasterTestnode = original_isMasterTestnode
+      RunnerClass._updateInstanceXML = original_updateInstanceXML
+      SlapOSMasterCommunicator.isHostingSubscriptionReady = original_isHostingSubscriptionReady
+      SlapOSMasterCommunicator.isRegisteredHostingSubscription = original_isRegisteredHostingSubscription
+      SlapOSMasterCommunicator.__init__ = original_SlapOSMasterCommunicator__init__
     TaskDistributor.startTestSuite = original_startTestSuite
     TaskDistributionTool.createTestResult = original_createTestResult
-    test_node._prepareSlapOS = original_prepareSlapOS
-    test_node.runTestSuite = original_runTestSuite
+    TaskDistributionTool.subscribeNode = original_subscribeNode
+    TaskDistributionTool.getTestType = original_getTestType
+    RunnerClass._prepareSlapOS = original_prepareSlapOS
+    RunnerClass.runTestSuite = original_runTestSuite
-  def test_12_spawn(self):
+  def test_12_spawn(self, my_test_type='UnitTest'):
     def _checkCorrectStatus(expected_status,*args):
       result = process_manager.spawn(*args)
       self.assertEqual(result['status_code'], expected_status)
@@ -545,7 +683,7 @@ branch = foo
     # it will be automatically killed
     self.assertRaises(SubprocessError, process_manager.spawn, 'sleep','3')
-  def test_13_SlaposControlerResetSoftware(self):
+  def test_13_SlaposControlerResetSoftware(self, my_test_type='UnitTest'):
     test_node = self.getTestNode()
     controler = SlapOSControler(self.working_directory,
                                 test_node.config, self.log)
@@ -557,7 +695,7 @@ branch = foo
     self.assertEquals([], os.listdir(controler.software_root))
-  def test_14_createFolder(self):
+  def test_14_createFolder(self, my_test_type='UnitTest'):
     test_node = self.getTestNode()
     node_test_suite = test_node.getNodeTestSuite('foo')
@@ -572,15 +710,37 @@ branch = foo
     createFolder(folder, clean=True)
     self.assertEquals(False, os.path.exists(to_drop_path))
-  def test_15_suite_log_directory(self):
+  def test_15_suite_log_directory(self, my_test_type='UnitTest', grade='master'):
     def doNothing(self, *args, **kw):
-        pass
+      pass
+    # Used in case of 'ScalabilityTest'
+    def patch_getTestType(self, *args, **kw):
+      return my_test_type
+    def patch_getSlaposAccountKey(self, *args, **kw):
+      return "key"
+    def patch_getSlaposAccountCertificate(self, *args, **kw):
+      return "Certificate"
+    def patch_getSlaposUrl(self, *args, **kw):
+      return "http://Foo"
+      return "Certificate"
+    def patch_getSlaposHateoasUrl(self, *args, **kw):
+      return "http://Foo"
+    def patch_generateConfiguration(self, *args, **kw):
+      return json.dumps({"configuration_list": [], "involved_nodes_computer_guid"\
+: [], "error_message": "No error.", "launcher_nodes_computer_guid": [], \
+"launchable": False, "randomized_path" : "azertyuiop"})
+    def patch_isMasterTestnode(self, *args, **kw):
+      return grade == 'master'
+    def patch_isHostingSubscriptionReady(self, *args, **kw):
+      return True
+    def patch_isRegisteredHostingSubscription(self, *args, **kw):
+      return True     
     test_self = self
     test_result_path_root = os.path.join(test_self._temp_dir,'test/results')
     global counter
     counter = 0
-    def patch_startTestSuite(self,test_node_title):
+    def patch_startTestSuite(self,node_title,computer_guid='unknown'):
       global counter
       config_list = [test_self.getTestSuiteData(reference='aa')[0],
@@ -596,6 +756,8 @@ branch = foo
       result = TestResultProxy(self._proxy, self._retry_time,
                self._logger, test_result_path, node_title, revision)
       return result
+    def patch_runTestSuite(self,*argv, **kw):
+      return {'status_code':0}
     def checkTestSuite(test_node):
       rand_part_set = set()
@@ -616,29 +778,82 @@ branch = foo
         self.assertEquals(1, len([x for x in suite_log.readlines() \
                               if x.find("Activated logfile")>=0]))
+    RunnerClass = self.returnGoodClassRunner(my_test_type)
     original_sleep = time.sleep
     time.sleep = doNothing
+    if my_test_type == "ScalabilityTest":
+      original_getSlaposAccountKey = TaskDistributor.getSlaposAccountKey
+      original_getSlaposAccountCertificate = TaskDistributor.getSlaposAccountCertificate
+      original_getSlaposUrl = TaskDistributor.getSlaposUrl
+      original_getSlaposHateoasUrl = TaskDistributor.getSlaposHateoasUrl
+      original_generateConfiguration = TaskDistributor.generateConfiguration
+      original_isMasterTestnode = TaskDistributor.isMasterTestnode
+      original_supply =
+      original_request = SlapOSControler.request
+      original_updateInstanceXML = RunnerClass._updateInstanceXML
+      original_isHostingSubscriptionReady = SlapOSMasterCommunicator.isHostingSubscriptionReady
+      original_isRegisteredHostingSubscription = SlapOSMasterCommunicator.isRegisteredHostingSubscription
+      original_SlapOSMasterCommunicator__init__ = SlapOSMasterCommunicator.__init__
+      TaskDistributor.getSlaposAccountKey = patch_getSlaposAccountKey
+      TaskDistributor.getSlaposAccountCertificate = patch_getSlaposAccountCertificate
+      TaskDistributor.getSlaposUrl = patch_getSlaposUrl
+      TaskDistributor.getSlaposHateoasUrl = patch_getSlaposHateoasUrl
+      TaskDistributor.generateConfiguration = patch_generateConfiguration
+      TaskDistributor.isMasterTestnode = patch_isMasterTestnode
+ = doNothing
+      SlapOSControler.request = doNothing
+      RunnerClass._updateInstanceXML = doNothing
+      SlapOSMasterCommunicator.isHostingSubscriptionReady = patch_isHostingSubscriptionReady
+      SlapOSMasterCommunicator.isRegisteredHostingSubscription = patch_isRegisteredHostingSubscription
+      SlapOSMasterCommunicator.__init__ = doNothing
     original_startTestSuite = TaskDistributor.startTestSuite
+    original_subscribeNode = TaskDistributor.subscribeNode
+    original_getTestType = TaskDistributor.getTestType
     TaskDistributor.startTestSuite = patch_startTestSuite
+    TaskDistributor.subscribeNode = doNothing
+    TaskDistributor.getTestType = patch_getTestType
     original_createTestResult = TaskDistributionTool.createTestResult
     TaskDistributionTool.createTestResult = patch_createTestResult
     test_node = self.getTestNode()
-    original_prepareSlapOS = test_node._prepareSlapOS
-    test_node._prepareSlapOS = doNothing
-    original_runTestSuite = test_node.runTestSuite
-    test_node.runTestSuite = doNothing
+    # Change UnitTestRunner class methods
+    original_prepareSlapOS = RunnerClass._prepareSlapOS
+    original_runTestSuite = RunnerClass.runTestSuite
+    if my_test_type == "ScalabilityTest":
+      RunnerClass.runTestSuite = patch_runTestSuite
+    else:
+      RunnerClass.runTestSuite = doNothing
+    RunnerClass._prepareSlapOS = doNothing
     SlapOSControler.initializeSlapOSControler = doNothing
     self.assertEquals(counter, 3)
     time.sleep = original_sleep
+    # Restore old class methods
+    if my_test_type == "ScalabilityTest":
+      TaskDistributor.getSlaposAccountKey = original_getSlaposAccountKey
+      TaskDistributor.getSlaposAccountCertificate = original_getSlaposAccountCertificate
+      TaskDistributor.getSlaposUrl = original_getSlaposUrl
+      TaskDistributor.getSlaposHateoasUrl = original_getSlaposHateoasUrl
+      TaskDistributor.generateConfiguration = original_generateConfiguration
+      TaskDistributor.isMasterTestnode = original_isMasterTestnode
+ =original_supply
+      SlapOSControler.request = original_request
+      SlapOSControler.updateInstanceXML = original_updateInstanceXML
+      SlapOSMasterCommunicator.isHostingSubscriptionReady = original_isHostingSubscriptionReady
+      SlapOSMasterCommunicator.isRegisteredHostingSubscription = original_isRegisteredHostingSubscription
+      SlapOSMasterCommunicator.__init__ = original_SlapOSMasterCommunicator__init__
     TaskDistributor.startTestSuite = original_startTestSuite
     TaskDistributionTool.createTestResult = original_createTestResult
-    test_node._prepareSlapOS = original_prepareSlapOS
-    test_node.runTestSuite = original_runTestSuite
+    TaskDistributionTool.subscribeNode = original_subscribeNode
+    TaskDistributionTool.getTestType = original_getTestType
+    RunnerClass._prepareSlapOS = original_prepareSlapOS
+    RunnerClass.runTestSuite = original_runTestSuite
-  def test_16_cleanupLogDirectory(self):
+  def test_16_cleanupLogDirectory(self, my_test_type='UnitTest'):
     # Make sure that we are able to cleanup old log folders
     test_node = self.getTestNode()
     def check(file_list):
@@ -659,7 +874,7 @@ branch = foo
-  def test_17_cleanupTempDirectory(self):
+  def test_17_cleanupTempDirectory(self, my_test_type='UnitTest'):
     # Make sure that we are able to cleanup old temp folders
     test_node = self.getTestNode()
     temp_directory = self.system_temp_folder
@@ -681,7 +896,7 @@ branch = foo
-  def test_18_resetSoftwareAfterManyBuildFailures(self):
+  def test_18_resetSoftwareAfterManyBuildFailures(self, my_test_type='UnitTest'):
     Check that after several building failures that the software is resetted
@@ -689,6 +904,8 @@ branch = foo
     initial_runSoftwareRelease = SlapOSControler.runSoftwareRelease
     test_node = self.getTestNode()
+    RunnerClass = self.returnGoodClassRunner(my_test_type)
+    runner = RunnerClass(test_node)    
     node_test_suite = test_node.getNodeTestSuite('foo')
     init_call_kw_list = []
     def initializeSlapOSControler(self, **kw):
@@ -698,10 +915,11 @@ branch = foo
     SlapOSControler.initializeSlapOSControler = initializeSlapOSControler
     SlapOSControler.runSoftwareRelease = runSoftwareRelease
     def callPrepareSlapOS():
-      test_node._prepareSlapOS(self.working_directory, node_test_suite,
+      runner._prepareSlapOS(self.working_directory, node_test_suite,
          test_node.log, create_partition=0)
     def callRaisingPrepareSlapos():
       self.assertRaises(SubprocessError, callPrepareSlapOS)
     self.assertEquals(node_test_suite.retry_software_count, 0)
     for x in xrange(0,11):
@@ -717,3 +935,169 @@ branch = foo
     SlapOSControler.initializeSlapOSControler = \
     SlapOSControler.runSoftwareRelease = initial_runSoftwareRelease
+  def test_scalability_01_getDelNodeTestSuite(self, my_test_type='ScalabilityTest'):
+    self.test_01_getDelNodeTestSuite(my_test_type)
+  def test_scalability_02_NodeTestSuiteWorkingDirectory(self, my_test_type='ScalabilityTest'):
+    self.test_02_NodeTestSuiteWorkingDirectory(my_test_type)
+  def test_scalability_03_NodeTestSuiteCheckDataAfterEdit(self, my_test_type='ScalabilityTest'):
+    self.test_03_NodeTestSuiteCheckDataAfterEdit(my_test_type)
+  def test_scalability_04_constructProfile(self, my_test_type='ScalabilityTest'):
+    self.test_04_constructProfile(my_test_type)
+  def test_scalability_05_getAndUpdateFullRevisionList(self, my_test_type='ScalabilityTest'):
+    self.test_05_getAndUpdateFullRevisionList(my_test_type)
+  def test_scalability_05b_changeRepositoryBranch(self, my_test_type='ScalabilityTest'):
+    self.test_05b_changeRepositoryBranch(my_test_type)
+  def test_scalability_06_checkRevision(self, my_test_type='ScalabilityTest'):
+    self.test_06_checkRevision(my_test_type)
+  def test_scalability_07_checkExistingTestSuite(self, my_test_type='ScalabilityTest'):
+    self.test_07_checkExistingTestSuite(my_test_type)
+  def test_scalability_08_getSupportedParamaterSet(self, my_test_type='ScalabilityTest'):
+    self.test_08_getSupportedParamaterSet(my_test_type)
+  def test_scalability_09_runTestSuite(self, my_test_type='ScalabilityTest'):
+    # TODO : write own scalability test
+    pass
+  def test_scalability_10_prepareSlapOS(self, my_test_type='ScalabilityTest'):
+    # TODO : write own scalability test
+    # This case test may be dispensable on ScalabilityTest case
+    # so..
+    pass
+  def test_scalability_as_master_11_run(self, my_test_type='ScalabilityTest'):
+    self.test_11_run(my_test_type, grade='master')
+  # TODO : add a test with master and a launchable testsuite -> patch a lot of methods
+  def test_scalability_as_slave_11_run(self, my_test_type='ScalabilityTest'):
+    self.test_11_run(my_test_type, grade='slave')
+  def test_scalability_12_spawn(self, my_test_type='ScalabilityTest'):
+    self.test_12_spawn(my_test_type)
+  def test_scalability_13_SlaposControlerResetSoftware(self, my_test_type='ScalabilityTest'):
+    self.test_13_SlaposControlerResetSoftware(my_test_type)
+  def test_scalability_14_createFolder(self, my_test_type='ScalabilityTest'):
+    self.test_14_createFolder(my_test_type)
+  def test_scalability_as_master_15_suite_log_directory(self, my_test_type='ScalabilityTest'):
+    self.test_15_suite_log_directory(my_test_type, grade='master')
+  def test_scalability_as_slave_15_suite_log_directory(self, my_test_type='ScalabilityTest'):
+    self.test_15_suite_log_directory(my_test_type, grade='slave')
+  def test_scalability_16_cleanupLogDirectory(self, my_test_type='ScalabilityTest'):
+    self.test_16_cleanupLogDirectory(my_test_type)
+  def test_scalability_17_cleanupTempDirectory(self, my_test_type='ScalabilityTest'):
+    self.test_17_cleanupTempDirectory(my_test_type)
+  def test_scalability_18_resetSoftwareAfterManyBuildFailures(self, my_test_type='ScalabilityTest'):
+    # TODO : write own scalability test
+    pass
+  def test_zzzz_scalability_19_xxxx(self):
+    # TODO : fill the dummy slapos answer
+    # by patching isSoftwareReleaseReady method.
+    def patch_createTestResult(self, revision, test_name_list, node_title,
+            allow_restart=False, test_title=None, project_title=None):
+      test_result_path = os.path.join(test_result_path_root, test_title)
+      result =  TestResultProxy(self._proxy, self._retry_time,
+                self._logger, test_result_path, node_title, revision)
+      return result
+    global startTestSuiteDone
+    startTestSuiteDone = False
+    def patch_startTestSuite(self,node_title,computer_guid='unknown'):
+      config_list = []
+      global startTestSuiteDone
+      if not startTestSuiteDone:
+        startTestSuiteDone = True
+        config_list.append(test_self.getTestSuiteData(reference='foo')[0])
+        config_list.append(test_self.getTestSuiteData(reference='bar')[0])
+      else:
+        raise StopIteration
+      return json.dumps(config_list)
+    def patch_isMasterTestnode(self, *args, **kw):
+      return True
+    def patch_generateConfiguration(self, *args, **kw):
+      return json.dumps({"configuration_list": [{"ok":"ok"}], "involved_nodes_computer_guid"\
+: ["COMP1", "COMP2", "COMP3"], "error_message": "No error.", "launcher_nodes_computer_guid": ["COMP1"], \
+"launchable": True, "randomized_path" : "azertyuiop"})
+    def doNothing(self, *args, **kw):
+        pass
+    def patch_getSlaposAccountKey(self, *args, **kw):
+      return "key"
+    def patch_getSlaposAccountCertificate(self, *args, **kw):
+      return "Certificate"
+    def patch_getSlaposUrl(self, *args, **kw):
+      return "http://Foo"
+      return "Certificate"
+    def patch_getSlaposHateoasUrl(self, *args, **kw):
+      return "http://Foo"
+    def patch_getTestType(self, *args, **kw):
+      return "ScalabilityTest"
+    def patch_isHostingSubscriptionReady(self, *args, **kw):
+      return True
+    def patch_isRegisteredHostingSubscription(self, *args, **kw):
+      return True     
+    def patch_runTestSuite(self, *args, **kw):
+      return {'status_code':0}
+    test_self = self
+    test_result_path_root = os.path.join(test_self._temp_dir,'test/results')
+    os.makedirs(test_result_path_root)
+    self.generateTestRepositoryList()
+    # Select the good runner to modify
+    RunnerClass = self.returnGoodClassRunner('ScalabilityTest')
+    # Patch methods
+    original_sleep = time.sleep
+    original_getSlaposAccountKey = TaskDistributor.getSlaposAccountKey
+    original_getSlaposAccountCertificate = TaskDistributor.getSlaposAccountCertificate
+    original_getSlaposUrl = TaskDistributor.getSlaposUrl
+    original_getSlaposHateoasUrl = TaskDistributor.getSlaposHateoasUrl
+    original_generateConfiguration = TaskDistributor.generateConfiguration
+    original_isMasterTestnode = TaskDistributor.isMasterTestnode
+    original_startTestSuite = TaskDistributor.startTestSuite
+    original_subscribeNode = TaskDistributor.subscribeNode
+    original_getTestType = TaskDistributor.getTestType
+    original_createTestResult = TaskDistributionTool.createTestResult
+    original_prepareSlapOS = RunnerClass._prepareSlapOS
+    original_runTestSuite = RunnerClass.runTestSuite
+    original_supply =
+    original_request = SlapOSControler.request
+    original_updateInstanceXML = SlapOSControler.updateInstanceXML
+    original_isHostingSubscriptionReady = SlapOSMasterCommunicator.isHostingSubscriptionReady
+    original_isRegisteredHostingSubscription = SlapOSMasterCommunicator.isRegisteredHostingSubscription
+    original_SlapOSMasterCommunicator__init__ = SlapOSMasterCommunicator.__init__
+    #
+    time.sleep = doNothing
+    TaskDistributor.getSlaposAccountKey = patch_getSlaposAccountKey
+    TaskDistributor.getSlaposAccountCertificate = patch_getSlaposAccountCertificate
+    TaskDistributor.getSlaposUrl = patch_getSlaposUrl
+    TaskDistributor.getSlaposHateoasUrl = patch_getSlaposHateoasUrl
+    TaskDistributor.generateConfiguration = patch_generateConfiguration
+    TaskDistributor.isMasterTestnode = patch_isMasterTestnode
+    TaskDistributor.startTestSuite = patch_startTestSuite
+    TaskDistributor.subscribeNode = doNothing
+    TaskDistributor.getTestType = patch_getTestType    
+    TaskDistributionTool.createTestResult = patch_createTestResult
+    RunnerClass._prepareSlapOS = doNothing
+    RunnerClass.runTestSuite = patch_runTestSuite
+ = doNothing
+    SlapOSControler.request = doNothing
+    SlapOSControler.updateInstanceXML = doNothing
+    SlapOSMasterCommunicator.isHostingSubscriptionReady = patch_isHostingSubscriptionReady
+    SlapOSMasterCommunicator.isRegisteredHostingSubscription = patch_isRegisteredHostingSubscription
+    SlapOSMasterCommunicator.__init__ = doNothing
+    # Run
+    test_node = self.getTestNode()  
+    # Restore methods
+    TaskDistributor.getSlaposAccountKey = original_getSlaposAccountKey
+    TaskDistributor.getSlaposAccountCertificate = original_getSlaposAccountCertificate
+    TaskDistributor.getSlaposUrl = original_getSlaposUrl
+    TaskDistributor.getSlaposHateoasUrl = original_getSlaposHateoasUrl
+    TaskDistributor.generateConfiguration = original_generateConfiguration
+    TaskDistributor.isMasterTestnode = original_isMasterTestnode
+    TaskDistributor.startTestSuite = original_startTestSuite
+    TaskDistributionTool.createTestResult = original_createTestResult
+    TaskDistributionTool.subscribeNode = original_subscribeNode
+    TaskDistributionTool.getTestType = original_getTestType
+    RunnerClass._prepareSlapOS = original_prepareSlapOS
+    RunnerClass.runTestSuite = original_runTestSuite
+ = original_supply
+    SlapOSControler.request = original_request
+    SlapOSControler.updateInstanceXML = original_updateInstanceXML
+    SlapOSMasterCommunicator.isHostingSubscriptionReady = original_isHostingSubscriptionReady
+    SlapOSMasterCommunicator.isRegisteredHostingSubscription = original_isRegisteredHostingSubscription
+    SlapOSMasterCommunicator.__init__ = original_SlapOSMasterCommunicator__init__
+    time.sleep =original_sleep
diff --git a/erp5/util/taskdistribution/ b/erp5/util/taskdistribution/
index ba39cedbae..b60adcb453 100644
--- a/erp5/util/taskdistribution/
+++ b/erp5/util/taskdistribution/
@@ -138,6 +138,15 @@ class TestResultLineProxy(RPCRetry):
     def name(self):
         return self._name
+    def isTestCaseAlive(self):
+        """
+        Tell if test result line is still alive on site.
+        """
+        try:
+          return bool(self._retryRPC('isTestCaseAlive', [self._test_result_line_path]))
+        except:
+          raise ValueError('isTestCaseAlive Failed.')
     def stop(self, test_count=None, error_count=None, failure_count=None,
             skip_count=None, duration=None, date=None, command=None,
             stdout=None, stderr=None, html_test_result=None, **kw):
@@ -201,6 +210,10 @@ class TestResultProxy(RPCRetry):
         return '<%s(%r, %r, %r) at %x>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
             self._test_result_path, self._node_title, self._revision, id(self))
+    @property
+    def test_result_path(self):
+        return self._test_result_path
     def revision(self):
         return self._revision
@@ -350,6 +363,35 @@ class TestResultProxy(RPCRetry):
         if self._watcher_thread is not None:
+    def stop(self):
+        """
+        """
+        return self._retryRPC('stopTest', [self._test_result_path])
+class TestResultProxyProxy(TestResultProxy):
+    """
+    A wrapper/proxy to TestResultProxy
+    """
+    def __init__(self, test_suite_master_url, retry_time, logger, test_result_path,
+                node_title, revision):
+      try:
+        proxy = ServerProxy(
+                test_suite_master_url,
+                allow_none=True,
+            ).portal_task_distribution
+      except:
+        raise ValueError("Cannot instanciate ServerProxy")
+      TestResultProxy.__init__(self, proxy, retry_time, logger, test_result_path,
+                node_title, revision)
+    def getRunningTestCase(self):
+      """
+      A proxy to getNextTestCase
+      Return the relative path of the test with the running state
+      """
+      return self._retryRPC('getRunningTestCase', [self._test_result_path])
 class ServerProxy(xmlrpclib.ServerProxy):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
@@ -427,7 +469,6 @@ class TaskDistributionTool(RPCRetry):
 class TaskDistributor(RPCRetry):
     def __init__(self,portal_url,retry_time=64,logger=None):
         if logger is None:
            logger = null_logger
         if portal_url is None:
@@ -440,14 +481,67 @@ class TaskDistributor(RPCRetry):
             raise ValueError('Unsupported protocol revision: %r',
-    def startTestSuite(self,node_title):
+    def startTestSuite(self,node_title,computer_guid='unknown'):
         Returns None if no test suite is needed.
         therwise, returns a JSON with all the test suite parameters.
-      result = self._retryRPC('startTestSuite',(node_title,))
+      result = self._retryRPC('startTestSuite',(node_title,computer_guid,))
       return result
+    def getTestType(self):
+      """
+        Return the Test Type
+      """
+      result = self._retryRPC('getTestType')
+      return result
+    def subscribeNode(self, node_title, computer_guid):
+      """
+        Susbscribes node with the node title and the computer guid.
+      """
+      self._retryRPC('subscribeNode', (node_title,computer_guid,))
+    def generateConfiguration(self, test_suite_title):
+      """
+        Generates a configuration from a test_suite_title
+      """
+      return self._retryRPC('generateConfiguration', (test_suite_title,))
+    def isMasterTestnode(self, test_node_title):
+      """
+        Returns True or False if the testnode is the master
+      """
+      return self._retryRPC('isMasterTestnode', (test_node_title,))
+    def getSlaposAccountKey(self):
+      """
+        Returns the slapos account key related to the distributor
+      """
+      return self._retryRPC('getSlaposAccountKey')
+    def getSlaposAccountCertificate(self):
+      """
+        Returns the slapos account certificate related to the distributor
+      """
+      return self._retryRPC('getSlaposAccountCertificate')
+    def getSlaposUrl(self):
+      """
+        Returns the url of slapos master related to the distributor
+      """
+      return self._retryRPC('getSlaposUrl')
+    def getSlaposHateoasUrl(self):
+      """
+        Returns the url of API REST using hateoas of
+        slapos master related to the distributor
+      """
+      return self._retryRPC('getSlaposHateoasUrl')
 class DummyTaskDistributionTool(object):
     Fake remote server.
diff --git a/erp5/util/testnode/ b/erp5/util/testnode/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..523aa589db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erp5/util/testnode/
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2011 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# guarantees and support are strongly advised to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+from datetime import datetime,timedelta
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+import glob
+import SlapOSControler
+import json
+import time
+import shutil
+import logging
+import string
+import random
+from ProcessManager import SubprocessError, ProcessManager, CancellationError
+from subprocess import CalledProcessError
+from Updater import Updater
+from erp5.util import taskdistribution
+class SlapOSInstance(object):
+  """
+  Base of an software instance,
+  store variables used during software installation
+  """
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.retry_software_count = 0
+    self.retry = False
+  def edit(self, **kw):
+    self.__dict__.update(**kw)
+    self._checkData()
+  def _checkData(self):
+    pass
+class NodeTestSuite(SlapOSInstance):
+  """
+  """
+  def __init__(self, reference):
+    super(NodeTestSuite, self).__init__()
+    self.reference = reference
+  def edit(self, **kw):
+    super(NodeTestSuite, self).edit(**kw)
+  def _checkData(self):
+    if getattr(self, "working_directory", None) is not None:
+      if not(self.working_directory.endswith(os.path.sep + self.reference)):
+        self.working_directory = os.path.join(self.working_directory,
+                                             self.reference)
+      SlapOSControler.createFolder(self.working_directory)
+      self.test_suite_directory = os.path.join(
+                                   self.working_directory, "test_suite")
+      self.custom_profile_path = os.path.join(self.working_directory,
+                                 'software.cfg')
+    if getattr(self, "vcs_repository_list", None) is not None:
+      for vcs_repository in self.vcs_repository_list:
+        buildout_section_id = vcs_repository.get('buildout_section_id', None)
+        repository_id = buildout_section_id or \
+                        vcs_repository.get('url').split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
+        repository_path = os.path.join(self.working_directory,repository_id)
+        vcs_repository['repository_id'] = repository_id
+        vcs_repository['repository_path'] = repository_path
+  def createSuiteLog(self):
+    # /srv/slapgrid/slappartXX/srv/var/log/testnode/az-mlksjfmlk234Sljssdflkj23KSdfslj/suite.log
+    alphabets = string.digits + string.letters
+    rand_part = ''.join(random.choice(alphabets) for i in xrange(32))
+    random_suite_folder_id = '%s-%s' % (self.reference, rand_part)
+    suite_log_directory = os.path.join(self.log_directory,
+                                       random_suite_folder_id)
+    SlapOSControler.createFolders(suite_log_directory)
+    self.suite_log_path = os.path.join(suite_log_directory,
+                                       'suite.log')
+    return self.getSuiteLogPath(), random_suite_folder_id
+  def getSuiteLogPath(self):
+    return getattr(self,"suite_log_path", None)
diff --git a/erp5/util/testnode/ b/erp5/util/testnode/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f2379221d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erp5/util/testnode/
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2011 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# guarantees and support are strongly advised to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+import datetime
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+import glob
+import SlapOSControler
+import SlapOSMasterCommunicator
+import json
+import time
+import shutil
+import logging
+import string
+import random
+import Utils
+from ProcessManager import SubprocessError, ProcessManager, CancellationError
+from subprocess import CalledProcessError
+from Updater import Updater
+from erp5.util import taskdistribution
+# for dummy slapos answer
+import signal
+# max time to instance changing state: 2 hour
+# max time to register instance to slapOSMaster: 5 minutes
+# max time for a test: 1 hour
+class ScalabilityTestRunner():
+  def __init__(self, testnode):
+    self.testnode =  testnode
+    self.log = self.testnode.log
+    self.slapos_controler = SlapOSControler.SlapOSControler(
+                                  self.testnode.working_directory,
+                                  self.testnode.config,
+                                  self.log)
+    # Create the slapos account configuration file and dir
+    key = self.testnode.test_suite_portal.getSlaposAccountKey()
+    certificate = self.testnode.test_suite_portal.getSlaposAccountCertificate()
+    # Get Slapos Master Url
+    self.slapos_url = ''
+    try:
+      self.slapos_url = self.testnode.test_suite_portal.getSlaposUrl()
+      if not self.slapos_url:
+        self.slapos_url = self.testnode.config['server_url']
+    except:
+      self.slapos_url = self.testnode.config['server_url']
+    # Get Slapos Master url used for api rest (using hateoas)
+    self.slapos_api_rest_url = self.testnode.test_suite_portal.getSlaposHateoasUrl()
+    self.log("SlapOS Master url is: %s" %self.slapos_url)
+    self.log("SlapOS Master hateoas url is: %s" %self.slapos_api_rest_url)
+    self.key_path, self.cert_path, config_path = self.slapos_controler.createSlaposConfigurationFileAccount(
+                                        key, certificate, self.slapos_url, self.testnode.config)
+    self.slapos_communicator = None
+    # Dict containing used to store which SR is not yet correctly installed.
+    # looks like: {'comp_id1':'SR_urlA', 'comp_id2':'SR_urlA',..}
+    self.remaining_software_installation_dict = {}
+    # Protection to prevent installation of softwares after checking
+    self.authorize_supply = True
+    self.authorize_request = False
+    # Used to simulate SlapOS answer (used as a queue)
+    self.last_slapos_answer = []
+    self.last_slapos_answer_request = []
+  def _prepareSlapOS(self, software_path, computer_guid, create_partition=0):
+    # create_partition is kept for compatibility
+    """
+    A proxy to supply : Install a software on a specific node
+    """
+    self.log("testnode, supply : %s %s", software_path, computer_guid)
+    if self.authorize_supply :
+      self.remaining_software_installation_dict[computer_guid] = software_path
+, computer_guid)
+      # Here make a request via slapos controler ?
+      return {'status_code' : 0}                                          
+    else:
+      raise ValueError("Too late to supply now. ('self.authorize_supply' is False)")
+      return {'status_code' : 1}     
+  def _generateInstanceTitle(self, test_suite_title):
+    """
+    Generate an instance title using various parameter
+    TODO : add some verification (to don't use unexisting variables)
+    """
+    instance_title = "Scalability-"
+    instance_title += "("+test_suite_title+")-"
+    instance_title += str(self.involved_nodes_computer_guid).replace("'","")
+    instance_title += "-"+str("-"
+    instance_title += "timestamp="+str(time.time())
+    return instance_title
+  def _generateInstanceXML(self, software_configuration,
+                      test_result, test_suite):
+    """
+    Generate a complete scalability instance XML configuration
+    """
+    config_cluster = software_configuration.copy()
+    config = {'cluster':config_cluster}
+    config.update({'scalability-launcher-computer-guid':self.launcher_nodes_computer_guid[0]})
+    config.update({'scalability-launcher-title':'MyTestNodeTitle'})
+    config.update({'test-result-path':test_result.test_result_path})
+    config.update({'test-suite-revision':test_result.revision})
+    config.update({'test-suite':test_suite})
+    config.update({'test-suite-master-url':self.testnode.config['test_suite_master_url']})
+    return config
+  def _createInstance(self, software_path, software_configuration, instance_title,
+                      test_result, test_suite):
+    """
+    Create scalability instance
+    """
+    if self.authorize_request:
+      config = self._generateInstanceXML(software_configuration,
+                                    test_result, test_suite)
+      self.log("testnode, request : %s", instance_title)
+      config = json.dumps(config)
+      self.slapos_controler.request(instance_title, software_path,
+                             "test", {"_" : config},
+                             self.launcher_nodes_computer_guid[0])
+      self.authorize_request = False
+      return {'status_code' : 0}                                          
+    else:
+      raise ValueError("Softwares release not ready yet to launch instan\
+ces or already launched.")
+      return {'status_code' : 1}  
+  def prepareSlapOSForTestNode(self, test_node_slapos=None):
+    """
+    We will build slapos software needed by the testnode itself,
+    """
+    if self.testnode.test_suite_portal.isMasterTestnode(
+                           self.testnode.config['test_node_title']):
+      pass
+    return {'status_code' : 0} 
+  # Dummy slapos answering
+  def _getSignal(self, signal, frame):
+    self.log("Dummy SlapOS Master answer received.")
+    self.last_slapos_answer.append(True)
+  def _prepareDummySlapOSAnswer(self):
+    self.log("Dummy slapOS answer enabled, send signal to %s (kill -10 %s) to simu\
+late a SlapOS (positive) answer." %(str(os.getpid()),str(os.getpid()),))
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self._getSignal)
+  def _comeBackFromDummySlapOS(self):
+    self.log("Dummy slapOS answer disabled, please don't send more signals.")
+    # use SIG_USR (kill)
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, signal.SIG_DFL)
+  def simulateSlapOSAnswer(self):
+    if len(self.last_slapos_answer)==0:
+      return False
+    else:
+      return self.last_slapos_answer.pop()
+  # /Dummy slapos answering
+  def isSoftwareReleaseReady(self, software_url, computer_guid):
+    """
+    Return true if the specified software on the specified node is installed.
+    This method should communicates with SlapOS Master.
+    """
+    # TODO : implement -> communication with SlapOS master
+    # this simulate a SlapOS answer
+    return self.simulateSlapOSAnswer()
+  def remainSoftwareToInstall(self):
+    """
+    Return True if it remains softwares to install, otherwise return False
+    """
+    # Remove from grid installed software entries
+    for computer_guid, software_path in self.remaining_software_installation_dict.items():
+      if self.isSoftwareReleaseReady(software_path, computer_guid):
+        del self.remaining_software_installation_dict[computer_guid]
+    # Not empty grid means that all softwares are not installed
+    return len(self.remaining_software_installation_dict) > 0
+  def _updateInstanceXML(self, software_configuration, instance_title,
+                      test_result, test_suite):
+    """
+    Just a proxy to SlapOSControler.updateInstanceXML.
+    """
+    config = self._generateInstanceXML(software_configuration,
+                                  test_result, test_suite)
+    config = json.dumps(config)
+    self.log("testnode, updateInstanceXML : %s", instance_title)
+    self.slapos_controler.updateInstanceXML(instance_title, {"_" : config})
+    return {'status_code' : 0} 
+  def _waitInstance(self, instance_title, state, max_time=MAX_INSTANCE_TIME):
+    """
+    Wait for 'max_time' an instance specific state
+    """
+    self.log("Wait for instance state: %s" %state)
+    start_time = time.time()
+    while (not self.slapos_communicator.isHostingSubscriptionReady(instance_title, state)
+         and (max_time > (time.time()-start_time))):
+      self.log("Instance(s) not in %s state yet." % state)
+      time.sleep(15)
+    if (time.time()-start_time) > max_time:
+      error_message = "Instance '%s' not '%s' after %s seconds" %(instance_title, state, str(time.time()-start_time))
+      self.log(error_message)
+      self.log("Do you use instance state propagation in your project?")
+      self.log("Instance '%s' will be stopped and test avorted." %instance_title)
+      # What if we wanted to stop ?
+      self.slapos_controler.stopInstance(instance_title)
+      # XXX: _waitInstance call here ? recursive call ?
+      # XXX: sleep 60 seconds.
+      time.sleep(60) 
+      raise ValueError(error_message)
+    self.log("Instance correctly '%s' after %s seconds." %(state, str(time.time()-start_time)))
+  def _waitInstanceCreation(self, instance_title, max_time=MAX_CREATION_INSTANCE_TIME):
+    """
+    Wait for 'max_time' the instance creation
+    """
+    self.log("Wait for instance creation")
+    start_time = time.time()
+    while ( not self.slapos_communicator.isRegisteredHostingSubscription(instance_title) \
+         and (max_time > (time.time()-start_time)) ):
+      time.sleep(5)
+    if (time.time()-start_time) > max_time:
+      raise ValueError("Instance '%s' not found after %s seconds" %(instance_title, max_time))
+    self.log("Instance found on slapOSMaster")
+  def prepareSlapOSForTestSuite(self, node_test_suite):
+    """
+    Install testsuite softwares
+    """
+    self.log('prepareSlapOSForTestSuite')
+    # Define how many time this method can take
+    max_time = 3600*10*1.0 # 10 hours
+    interval_time = 60
+    start_time = time.time()
+    # Create a communicator with slapos
+    self.log("creating SlapOs Master communicator...")
+    self.slapos_communicator = SlapOSMasterCommunicator.SlapOSMasterCommunicator(
+                                  self.cert_path,
+                                  self.key_path,
+                                  self.log,
+                                  self.slapos_api_rest_url)
+    # Only master testnode must order software installation
+    if self.testnode.test_suite_portal.isMasterTestnode(
+            self.testnode.config['test_node_title']):
+      # Get from ERP5 Master the configuration of the cluster for the test
+      test_configuration = Utils.deunicodeData(
+          json.loads(self.testnode.test_suite_portal.generateConfiguration(
+                      node_test_suite.test_suite_title)
+                    )
+        )
+      self.involved_nodes_computer_guid = test_configuration['involved_nodes_computer_guid']
+      self.launchable = test_configuration['launchable']
+      self.error_message = test_configuration['error_message']
+      self.randomized_path = test_configuration['randomized_path']
+      # Avoid the test if it is not launchable
+      if not self.launchable:
+        self.log("Test suite %s is not actually launchable with \
+  the current cluster configuration." %(node_test_suite.test_suite_title,))
+        self.log("ERP5 Master indicates : %s" %(self.error_message,))
+        # error : wich code to return ?
+        return {'status_code' : 1}
+      involved_nodes_computer_guid = test_configuration['involved_nodes_computer_guid']
+      configuration_list = test_configuration['configuration_list']
+      node_test_suite.edit(configuration_list=configuration_list)
+      self.launcher_nodes_computer_guid = test_configuration['launcher_nodes_computer_guid']
+      # Create an obfuscated link to the testsuite directory
+      path_to_suite = os.path.join(
+                      self.testnode.config['working_directory'],
+                      node_test_suite.reference)
+      self.obfuscated_link_path = os.path.join(
+                      self.testnode.config['software_directory'],
+                      self.randomized_path)
+      if ( not os.path.lexists(self.obfuscated_link_path) and
+           not os.path.exists(self.obfuscated_link_path) ) :
+        try :
+          os.symlink(path_to_suite, self.obfuscated_link_path)
+          self.log("testnode, Symbolic link (%s->%s) created."
+                   %(self.obfuscated_link_path, path_to_suite))
+        except :
+          self.log("testnode, Unable to create symbolic link to the testsuite.")
+          raise ValueError("testnode, Unable to create symbolic link to the testsuite.")
+      self.log("Sym link : %s %s" %(path_to_suite, self.obfuscated_link_path))
+      # Construct the ipv6 obfuscated url of the software profile reachable from outside
+      self.reachable_address = os.path.join(
+        "https://","["+self.testnode.config['httpd_ip']+"]"+":"+self.testnode.config['httpd_software_access_port'],
+        self.randomized_path)
+      self.reachable_profile = os.path.join(self.reachable_address, "software.cfg")
+      # Write the reachable address in the software.cfg file,
+      # by replacing <obfuscated_url> occurences by the current reachable address.
+      software_file = open(node_test_suite.custom_profile_path, "r")
+      file_content = software_file.readlines()
+      new_file_content = []
+      for line in file_content:
+        new_file_content.append(line.replace('<obfuscated_url>', self.reachable_address))
+      software_file.close()
+      os.remove(node_test_suite.custom_profile_path)
+      software_file = open(node_test_suite.custom_profile_path, "w")
+      for line in new_file_content:
+        software_file.write(line)
+      software_file.close()
+      self.log("Software reachable profile path is : %s "
+                              %(self.reachable_profile,))
+      # Ask for SR installation
+      for computer_guid in self.involved_nodes_computer_guid:
+        self._prepareSlapOS(self.reachable_profile, computer_guid) 
+      # From the line below we would not supply any more softwares
+      self.authorize_supply = False
+      # TODO : remove the line below wich simulate an answer from slapos master
+      self._prepareDummySlapOSAnswer()
+      # Waiting until all softwares are installed
+      while ( self.remainSoftwareToInstall() 
+         and (max_time > (time.time()-start_time))):
+        self.log("Master testnode is waiting\
+ for the end of all software installation (for %ss) PID=%s.",
+          str(int(time.time()-start_time)), str(os.getpid()))
+        time.sleep(interval_time)
+      # TODO : remove the line below wich simulate an answer from slapos master
+      self._comeBackFromDummySlapOS()
+      if self.remainSoftwareToInstall() :
+        # All softwares are not installed, however maxtime is elapsed, that's a failure.
+        return {'status_code' : 1}
+      self.authorize_request = True
+      self.log("Softwares installed")
+      # Launch instance
+      self.instance_title = self._generateInstanceTitle(node_test_suite.test_suite_title)
+      try:
+        self._createInstance(self.reachable_profile, configuration_list[0],
+                              self.instance_title, node_test_suite.test_result, node_test_suite.test_suite)
+        self.log("Scalability instance requested.")
+      except:
+        self.log("Unable to launch instance")
+        raise ValueError("Unable to launch instance")
+      self.log("Waiting for instance creation..")
+      self._waitInstanceCreation(self.instance_title)
+      return {'status_code' : 0}
+    return {'status_code' : 1}
+  def runTestSuite(self, node_test_suite, portal_url):
+    if not self.launchable:
+      self.log("Current test_suite is not actually launchable.")
+      return {'status_code' : 1} # Unable to continue due to not realizable configuration
+    configuration_list = node_test_suite.configuration_list
+    test_list = range(0, len(configuration_list))
+    # create test_result
+    test_result_proxy = self.testnode.portal.createTestResult(
+      node_test_suite.revision, test_list,
+      self.testnode.config['test_node_title'],
+      True, node_test_suite.test_suite_title,
+      node_test_suite.project_title)
+    count = 0
+    error_message = None
+    # Each cluster configuration are tested
+    for configuration in configuration_list:
+      # First configuration doesn't need XML configuration update.
+      if count > 0:
+        # Stop instance
+        self.slapos_controler.stopInstance(self.instance_title)
+        self._waitInstance(self.instance_title, 'stopped')
+        # Update instance XML configuration 
+        self._updateInstanceXML(configuration, self.instance_title,
+                      node_test_suite.test_result, node_test_suite.test_suite)
+        self._waitInstance(self.instance_title, 'started')
+        # Start instance
+        self.slapos_controler.startInstance(self.instance_title)
+      # XXX: Dirty hack used to force haproxy to restart in time
+      # with all zope informations.
+      self._waitInstance(self.instance_title, 'started')
+      self.slapos_controler.stopInstance(self.instance_title)
+      self._waitInstance(self.instance_title, 'stopped')
+      self.slapos_controler.startInstance(self.instance_title)
+      ##########################################################
+      self._waitInstance(self.instance_title, 'started')
+      # Start only the current test
+      exclude_list=[x for x in test_list if x!=test_list[count]]
+      count += 1
+      test_result_line_proxy = test_result_proxy.start(exclude_list)
+      # 
+      if test_result_line_proxy == None :
+        error_message = "Test case already tested."
+        break
+      self.log("Test for count : %d is in a running state." %count)
+      # Wait for test case ending
+      test_case_start_time = time.time()
+      while test_result_line_proxy.isTestCaseAlive() and \
+            test_result_proxy.isAlive() and \
+            time.time() - test_case_start_time < MAX_TEST_CASE_TIME:
+        time.sleep(15)
+      # Max time limit reach for current test case: failure.
+      if test_result_line_proxy.isTestCaseAlive():
+        error_message = "Test case during for %s seconds, too long. (max: %s seconds). Test failure." \
+                            %(str(time.time() - test_case_start_time), MAX_TEST_CASE_TIME)
+        break
+      # Test cancelled, finished or in an undeterminate state.
+      if not test_result_proxy.isAlive():
+        # Test finished
+        if count == len(configuration_list):
+          break
+        # Cancelled or in an undeterminate state.
+        error_message = "Test cancelled or undeterminate state."
+        break
+    # Stop current instance
+    self.slapos_controler.stopInstance(self.instance_title)
+    self._waitInstance(self.instance_title, 'stopped')
+    # Delete old instances
+    self._cleanUpOldInstance()
+    # If error appears then that's a test failure.    
+    if error_message:
+      test_result_line_proxy.stop(error_count=1, failure_count=1,
+                                  stdout=error_message, stderr=error_message)
+      test_result_proxy.reportFailure(stdout=error_message)
+      self.log("Test Failed.")
+      return {'status_code' : 1, 'error_message': error_message} 
+    # Test is finished.
+    self.log("Test finished.")
+    return {'status_code' : 0}
+  def _cleanUpOldInstance(self):
+    self.log("_cleanUpOldInstance")
+    # Get title and link list of all instances
+    instance_dict = self.slapos_communicator.getHostingSubscriptionDict()
+    instance_to_delete_list = []
+    outdated_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()) - datetime.timedelta(days=2)
+    # Select instances to delete
+    for title,link in instance_dict.items():
+      # Instances created by testnode contains "Scalability-" and
+      # "timestamp=" in the title.
+      if "Scalability-" in title and "timestamp=" in title:
+        # Get timestamp of the instance creation date
+        foo, timestamp = title.split("timestamp=")
+        creation_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(timestamp))
+        # Test if instance is older than the limit
+        if creation_date < outdated_date:
+          instance_to_delete_list.append((title,link))
+    for title,link in instance_to_delete_list:
+      # Get instance information
+      instance_information_dict = self.slapos_communicator.getHostingSubscriptionInformationDict(title)
+      # Delete instance
+      if instance_information_dict:
+        if instance_information_dict['status'] != 'destroyed':
+          self.slapos_controler.request(
+              instance_information_dict['title'],
+              instance_information_dict['software_url'],
+              software_type=instance_information_dict['software_type'],
+              computer_guid=instance_information_dict['computer_guid'],
+              state='destroyed'
+          )
+          self.log("Instance '%s' deleted." %instance_information_dict['title'])
+  def _cleanUpNodesInformation(self):
+    self.involved_nodes_computer_guid = []
+    self.launcher_nodes_computer_guid = []
+    self.remaining_software_installation_dict = {}
+    self.authorize_supply = True
+    self.authorize_request = False
+  def getRelativePathUsage(self):
+    """
+    Used by the method testnode.constructProfile() to know
+    if the software.cfg have to use relative path or not.
+    """
+    return True
diff --git a/erp5/util/testnode/ b/erp5/util/testnode/
index 27eea04c7d..821613f7c7 100644
--- a/erp5/util/testnode/
+++ b/erp5/util/testnode/
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ import xml_marshaller
 import shutil
 import sys
 import glob
+import argparse
+from slapos import client
@@ -47,6 +49,20 @@ def createFolders(folder):
   if not(os.path.exists(folder)):
+def isDir(folder):
+  return os.path.isdir(folder)
+def createFile(path, mode, content):
+  f = open(path, mode)
+  if os.path.exists(path):
+    f.write(content)
+    f.close()
+  else:
+    # error
+    pass
 class SlapOSControler(object):
   def __init__(self, working_directory, config, log):
@@ -54,8 +70,175 @@ class SlapOSControler(object):
     self.software_root = os.path.join(working_directory, 'soft')
     self.instance_root = os.path.join(working_directory, 'inst')
     self.slapos_config = os.path.join(working_directory, 'slapos.cfg')
-    self.proxy_database = os.path.join(working_directory, 'proxy.db')
     self.log = log
+    self.proxy_database = os.path.join(working_directory, 'proxy.db')
+    self.instance_config = {}
+  #TODO: implement a method to get all instance related the slapOS account
+  # and deleting all old instances (based on creation date or name etc...)
+  def createSlaposConfigurationFileAccount(self, key, certificate, slapos_url, config):
+    # Create "slapos_account" directory in the "slapos_directory"
+    slapos_account_directory = os.path.join(config['slapos_directory'], "slapos_account")
+    createFolder(slapos_account_directory)
+    # Create slapos-account files
+    slapos_account_key_path = os.path.join(slapos_account_directory, "key")
+    slapos_account_certificate_path = os.path.join(slapos_account_directory, "certificate")
+    configuration_file_path = os.path.join(slapos_account_directory, "slapos.cfg")
+    configuration_file_value = "[slapos]\nmaster_url = %s\n\
+[slapconsole]\ncert_file = %s\nkey_file = %s" %(
+                                  slapos_url,
+                                  slapos_account_certificate_path,
+                                  slapos_account_key_path)
+    createFile(slapos_account_key_path, "w", key)
+    createFile(slapos_account_certificate_path, "w", certificate)
+    createFile(configuration_file_path, "w", configuration_file_value)
+    self.configuration_file_path = configuration_file_path
+    return slapos_account_key_path, slapos_account_certificate_path, configuration_file_path
+  def supply(self, software_url, computer_id, state="available"):
+    """
+    Request the installation of a software release on a specific node
+    Ex :
+'kvm.cfg', 'COMP-726')
+    """
+    self.log('SlapOSControler : supply')
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("configuration_file")
+    parser.add_argument("software_url")
+    parser.add_argument("node")
+    if os.path.exists(self.configuration_file_path):
+      args = parser.parse_args([self.configuration_file_path, software_url, computer_id])
+      config = client.Config()
+      config.setConfig(args, args.configuration_file)
+      try:
+        local = client.init(config)
+        local['supply'](software_url, computer_guid=computer_id, state=state)
+        self.log('SlapOSControler : supply %s %s %s' %(software_url, computer_id, state))
+      except:
+        self.log(", \
+                 exception in registerOpenOrder", exc_info=sys.exc_info())
+        raise ValueError("Unable to supply (or remove)")
+    else:
+      raise ValueError("Configuration file not found.")
+  def destroy(self, software_url, computer_id):
+    """
+    Request Deletetion of a software release on a specific node
+    Ex :
+    my_controler.destroy('kvm.cfg', 'COMP-726')
+    """
+, software_url, computer_id, state="destroyed")
+  def getInstanceRequestedState(self, reference):
+    try:
+      return self.instance_config[reference]['requested_state']
+    except:
+      raise ValueError("Instance '%s' not exist" %self.instance_config[reference])
+  def request(self, reference, software_url, software_type=None,
+            software_configuration=None, computer_guid=None, state='started'):
+    """
+    configuration_file_path (slapos acount)
+    reference : instance title
+    software_url : software path/url
+    software_type : scalability
+    software_configuration : dict { "_" : "{'toto' : 'titi'}" } 
+    Ex :
+    my_controler._request('Instance16h34Ben',
+                               'kvm.cfg', 'cluster', { "_" : "{'toto' : 'titi'}" } )
+    """
+    self.log('SlapOSControler : request-->SlapOSMaster')
+    current_intance_config = {'software_type':software_type,
+                              'software_configuration':software_configuration,
+                              'computer_guid':computer_guid,
+                              'software_url':software_url,
+                              'requested_state':state,
+                              'partition':None
+                              }
+    self.instance_config[reference] = current_intance_config
+    filter_kw = None
+    if computer_guid != None:
+      filter_kw = { "computer_guid": computer_guid }
+    if os.path.exists(self.configuration_file_path):
+      parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+      parser.add_argument("configuration_file")
+      args = parser.parse_args([self.configuration_file_path])
+      config = client.Config()
+      config.setConfig(args, args.configuration_file)
+      try:
+        local = client.init(config)
+        partition = local['request'](
+          software_release = software_url,
+          partition_reference = reference,
+          partition_parameter_kw = software_configuration,
+          software_type = software_type,
+          filter_kw = filter_kw,
+          state = state)
+        self.instance_config[reference]['partition'] = partition
+        if state == 'destroyed':
+          del self.instance_config[reference]
+        if state == 'started':
+          self.log('Instance started with configuration: %s' %str(software_configuration))
+      except:
+        self.log("SlapOSControler.request, \
+              exception in registerOpenOrder", exc_info=sys.exc_info())
+        raise ValueError("Unable to do this request")
+    else:
+      raise ValueError("Configuration file not found.")
+  def _requestSpecificState(self, reference, state):
+    self.request(reference,
+        self.instance_config[reference]['software_url'],
+        self.instance_config[reference]['software_type'],
+        self.instance_config[reference]['software_configuration'],
+        self.instance_config[reference]['computer_guid'],
+        state=state
+    )    
+  def destroyInstance(self, reference):
+    self.log('SlapOSControler : delete instance')
+    try:
+      self._requestSpecificState(reference, 'destroyed')
+    except:
+      raise ValueError("Can't delete instance '%s' (instance may not been created?)" %reference)
+  def stopInstance(self, reference):
+    self.log('SlapOSControler : stop instance')
+    try:
+      self._requestSpecificState(reference, 'stopped')
+    except:
+      raise ValueError("Can't stop instance '%s' (instance may not been created?)" %reference)
+  def startInstance(self, reference):
+    self.log('SlapOSControler : start instance')
+    try:
+      self._requestSpecificState(reference, 'started')
+    except:
+      raise ValueError("Can't start instance '%s' (instance may not been created?)" %reference)
+  def updateInstanceXML(self, reference, software_configuration):
+    """
+    Update the XML configuration of an instance
+    # Request same instance with different parameters.
+    """
+    self.log('SlapOSControler : updateInstanceXML')
+    self.log('SlapOSControler : updateInstanceXML will request same'
+             'instance with new XML configuration...')
+    try:
+      self.request(reference,
+        self.instance_config[reference]['software_url'],
+        self.instance_config[reference]['software_type'],
+        software_configuration,
+        self.instance_config[reference]['computer_guid'],
+        state='started'
+      )
+    except:
+      raise ValueError("Can't update instance '%s' (may not exist?)" %reference)
   def _resetSoftware(self):
     self.log('SlapOSControler : GOING TO RESET ALL SOFTWARE : %r' %
@@ -65,7 +248,6 @@ class SlapOSControler(object):
     os.chmod(self.software_root, 0750)
   def initializeSlapOSControler(self, slapproxy_log=None, process_manager=None,
         reset_software=False, software_path_list=None):
     self.process_manager = process_manager
diff --git a/erp5/util/testnode/ b/erp5/util/testnode/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6eefd2fcdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erp5/util/testnode/
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+import json
+import httplib
+import urlparse
+import time
+# TODO: News-> look list to get last news... (and not the first of the list)
+class SlapOSMasterCommunicator(object):
+  """
+  Communication with slapos Master using Hateoas.
+  collection: collection of data (hosting_subscription, instance, software_release...)
+  hosting_subscription: result of a request
+  instance(s): instance(s) related to an hosting_subscription
+  usage: ex:
+    # Try to reuse same communicator, because initilization step may takes a lot of time
+    # due to listing of all instances (alive or not) related to the specified slapOS account.
+    communicator = SlapOSMasterCommunicator()
+    # Print news related to 'TestScalability_21423104630420' all instances
+    instance_link_list =  communicator._getRelatedInstanceLink('TestScalability_21423104630420')
+    for instance_link in instance_link_list:
+      news = communicator.getNewsFromInstanceLink(instance_link)
+      print news['news']
+  """
+  def __init__(self, certificate_path, key_path, log,
+                     url):
+    # Create connection
+    api_scheme, api_netloc, api_path, api_query, api_fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
+    self.log = log
+    self.certificate_path = certificate_path
+    self.key_path = key_path
+    self.url = url
+    self.connection = self._getConnection(self.certificate_path, self.key_path, self.url)
+    # Get master
+    master_link = {'href':api_path,'type':"application/;"}
+    master = self._curl(master_link)
+    self.person_link = master['_links']['']
+    # Get person related to specified key/certificate provided
+    person = self._curl(self.person_link)
+    self.personnal_collection_link = person['_links']['']
+    # Get collection (of hosting subscriptions)
+    collection = self._curl(self.personnal_collection_link)
+    # XXX: This part may be extremly long (because here no hosting subscriptions
+    # has been visited)
+    self.hosting_subcriptions_dict = {}
+    self.visited_hosting_subcriptions_link_list = []
+    self.log("SlapOSMasterCommunicator will read all hosting subscriptions entries, "
+             "it may take several time...")
+    self._update_hosting_subscription_informations()
+  def _getConnection(self,certificate_path, key_path, url):
+    api_scheme, api_netloc, api_path, api_query, api_fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
+    #self.log("HTTPS Connection with: %s, cert=%s, key=%s" %(api_netloc,key_path,certificate_path))
+    return httplib.HTTPSConnection(api_netloc, key_file=key_path, cert_file=certificate_path, timeout=TIMEOUT)
+  def _curl(self, link):
+    """
+    'link' must look like : {'href':url,'type':content_type}
+    """
+    # Set timeout
+    import socket
+    socket.setdefaulttimeout(1.0*TIMEOUT)
+    api_scheme, api_netloc, api_path, api_query, api_fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(link['href'])
+    max_retry = 10
+    # Try to use existing conection
+    try:
+      self.connection.request(method='GET', url=api_path, headers={'Accept': link['type']}, body="")
+      response = self.connection.getresponse()
+      return json.loads(
+    # Create and use new connection
+    except:
+      retry = 0
+      # (re)Try several time to use new connection
+      while retry < max_retry:
+        try:
+          self.connection = self._getConnection(self.certificate_path, self.key_path, self.url)
+          self.connection.request(method='GET', url=api_path, headers={'Accept': link['type']}, body="")
+          response = self.connection.getresponse()
+          return json.loads(
+        except:
+          self.log("SlapOSMasterCommunicator: Connection failed..")
+          retry += 1
+          time.sleep(10)
+    self.log("SlapOSMasterCommunicator: All connection attempts failed after %d try.." %max_retry)
+    raise ValueError("SlapOSMasterCommunicator: Impossible to use connection")
+  def _update_hosting_subscription_informations(self):
+    """
+    Add all not already visited hosting_subcription
+    # Visit all hosting subscriptions and fill a dict containing all
+    # new hosting subscriptions. ( like: {hs1_title:hs1_link, hs2_title:hs2_link, ..} )
+    # and a list of visited hosting_subsciption ( like: [hs1_link, hs2_link, ..] )
+    """
+    collection = self._curl(self.personnal_collection_link)
+    # For each hosting_subcription present in the collection
+    for hosting_subscription_link in collection['_links']['item']:
+      if hosting_subscription_link not in self.visited_hosting_subcriptions_link_list:
+        hosting_subscription = self._curl(hosting_subscription_link)
+        self.hosting_subcriptions_dict.update({hosting_subscription['title']:hosting_subscription_link})
+        self.visited_hosting_subcriptions_link_list.append(hosting_subscription_link)
+  def _getRelatedInstanceLink(self, hosting_subscription_title):
+    """
+    Return a list of all related instance_url from an hosting_subscription_title
+    """
+    # Update informations
+    self._update_hosting_subscription_informations()
+    # Get specified hosting_subscription
+    hosting_subscription_link = self.hosting_subcriptions_dict[hosting_subscription_title]
+    hosting_subscription = self._curl(hosting_subscription_link)
+    assert(hosting_subscription_title == hosting_subscription['title'])
+    # Get instance collection related to this hosting_subscription
+    instance_collection_link = hosting_subscription['_links']['']
+    instance_collection = self._curl(instance_collection_link)
+    related_instance_link_list = []
+    # For each instance present in the collection
+    for instance in instance_collection['_links']['item']:
+      related_instance_link_list.append(instance)
+    return related_instance_link_list
+  def getNewsFromInstanceLink(self, instance_link):
+      instance = self._curl(instance_link)
+      news_link = instance['_links']['']
+      return self._curl(news_link)
+  def isHostingSubsciptionStatusEqualTo(self, hosting_subscription_title, excepted_news_text):
+    """
+    Return True if all related instance state are equal to status,
+    or False if not or if there is are no related instances.
+    """
+    related_instance_link_list = _getRelatedInstanceLink(hosting_subscription_title)
+    # For each instance present in the collection
+    for instance_link in related_instance_link_list:
+      news = self.getNewsFromInstanceLink(instance_link)
+      if excepted_news_text != news['news'][0]['text']:
+        return False
+    return len(related_instance_link_list) > 0
+  def isInstanceReady(self, instance_link, status):
+    """
+    Return True if instance status and instance news text ~looks corresponding.
+    ( use the matching of 'correctly' and 'Instance' and status )
+    """
+    # XXX: SlapOS Master doesn't store any "news" about slave instances. Assume true.
+    if self._curl(instance_link)['slave']:
+      return True
+    text = self.getNewsFromInstanceLink(instance_link)['news'][0]['text']
+    return ('Instance' in text) and ('correctly' in text) and (status in text)
+  # check if provided 'status' = status
+  def isHostingSubscriptionReady(self, hosting_subscription_title, status):
+    """
+    Return True if all instance status and instance news text ~looks corresponding.
+    ( use the matching of 'correctly' and 'Instance' and status ).
+    """
+    instance_link_list = self._getRelatedInstanceLink(hosting_subscription_title)
+    for instance_link in instance_link_list:
+      if not self.isInstanceReady(instance_link, status):
+        return False
+    return len(instance_link_list) > 0
+  def isRegisteredHostingSubscription(self, hosting_subscription_title):
+    """
+    Return True if the specified hosting_subscription is present on SlapOSMaster
+    """
+    self._update_hosting_subscription_informations()
+    if self.hosting_subcriptions_dict.get(hosting_subscription_title):
+      return True
+    return False
+  def getHostingSubscriptionDict(self):
+    """
+    Return the dict of hosting subcription.
+    """
+    return self.hosting_subcriptions_dict
+  def getHostingSubscriptionInformationDict(self, title):
+    """
+    Return a dict with informations about Hosting subscription
+    """
+    related_instance_link_list = self._getRelatedInstanceLink(title)
+    related_instance_link = None
+    # Get root instance
+    for link in related_instance_link_list:
+      instance = self._curl(link)
+      if title == instance['title']:
+        related_instance_link = link
+        break
+    # Return information dict
+    if related_instance_link:
+      related_instance = self._curl(related_instance_link)
+      return {
+        'title': related_instance['title'],
+        'status': related_instance['status'],
+        'software_url': related_instance['_links'][''],
+        'software_type': related_instance['software_type'],
+        'computer_guid': related_instance['sla']['computer_guid']
+      }
+    else:
+      return None
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erp5/util/testnode/ b/erp5/util/testnode/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e1a7481c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erp5/util/testnode/
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2011 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# guarantees and support are strongly advised to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+from datetime import datetime,timedelta
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+import glob
+import SlapOSControler
+import json
+import time
+import shutil
+import logging
+import string
+import random
+from ProcessManager import SubprocessError, ProcessManager, CancellationError
+from subprocess import CalledProcessError
+from NodeTestSuite import SlapOSInstance
+from Updater import Updater
+from erp5.util import taskdistribution
+class UnitTestRunner():
+  def __init__(self, testnode):
+    self.testnode = testnode
+    self.slapos_controler = SlapOSControler.SlapOSControler(
+                                  self.testnode.working_directory,
+                                  self.testnode.config,
+                                  self.testnode.log)
+  def _prepareSlapOS(self, working_directory, slapos_instance, log,
+          create_partition=1, software_path_list=None, **kw):
+    """
+    Launch slapos to build software and partitions
+    """
+    slapproxy_log = os.path.join(self.testnode.config['log_directory'],
+                                  'slapproxy.log')
+    log('Configured slapproxy log to %r' % slapproxy_log)
+    reset_software = slapos_instance.retry_software_count > 10
+    if reset_software:
+      slapos_instance.retry_software_count = 0
+    log('testnode, retry_software_count : %r' % \
+             slapos_instance.retry_software_count)
+    self.slapos_controler.initializeSlapOSControler(slapproxy_log=slapproxy_log,
+       process_manager=self.testnode.process_manager, reset_software=reset_software,
+       software_path_list=software_path_list)
+    self.testnode.process_manager.supervisord_pid_file = os.path.join(\
+         self.slapos_controler.instance_root, 'var', 'run', '')
+    method_list= ["runSoftwareRelease"]
+    if create_partition:
+      method_list.append("runComputerPartition")
+    for method_name in method_list:
+      slapos_method = getattr(self.slapos_controler, method_name)
+      log("Before status_dict = slapos_method(...)")
+      status_dict = slapos_method(self.testnode.config,
+                                  environment=self.testnode.config['environment'],
+                                 )
+      log(status_dict)
+      log("After status_dict = slapos_method(...)")
+      if status_dict['status_code'] != 0:
+         slapos_instance.retry = True
+         slapos_instance.retry_software_count += 1
+         raise SubprocessError(status_dict)
+      else:
+         slapos_instance.retry_software_count = 0
+    return status_dict
+  def prepareSlapOSForTestNode(self, test_node_slapos):
+    """
+    We will build slapos software needed by the testnode itself,
+    like the building of selenium-runner by default
+    """
+    return self._prepareSlapOS(self.testnode.config['slapos_directory'],
+              test_node_slapos, self.testnode.log, create_partition=0,
+              software_path_list=self.testnode.config.get("software_list"))
+  def prepareSlapOSForTestSuite(self, node_test_suite):
+    """
+    Build softwares needed by testsuites
+    """
+    log = self.testnode.log
+    if log is None:
+      log = self.testnode.log
+    return self._prepareSlapOS(node_test_suite.working_directory,
+              node_test_suite, log,
+              software_path_list=[node_test_suite.custom_profile_path])
+  def runTestSuite(self, node_test_suite, portal_url, log=None):
+    config = self.testnode.config
+    parameter_list = []
+    run_test_suite_path_list = glob.glob("%s/*/bin/runTestSuite" % \
+        self.slapos_controler.instance_root)
+    if not len(run_test_suite_path_list):
+      raise ValueError('No runTestSuite provided in installed partitions.')
+    run_test_suite_path = run_test_suite_path_list[0]
+    run_test_suite_revision = node_test_suite.revision
+    # Deal with Shebang size limitation
+    invocation_list = self.testnode._dealShebang(run_test_suite_path)
+    invocation_list.extend([run_test_suite_path,
+                           '--test_suite', node_test_suite.test_suite,
+                           '--revision', node_test_suite.revision,
+                           '--test_suite_title', node_test_suite.test_suite_title,
+                           '--node_quantity', config['node_quantity'],
+                           '--master_url', portal_url])
+    firefox_bin_list = glob.glob("%s/soft/*/parts/firefox/firefox-slapos" % \
+        config["slapos_directory"])
+    if len(firefox_bin_list):
+      parameter_list.append('--firefox_bin')
+    xvfb_bin_list = glob.glob("%s/soft/*/parts/xserver/bin/Xvfb" % \
+        config["slapos_directory"])
+    if len(xvfb_bin_list):
+      parameter_list.append('--xvfb_bin')
+    supported_paramater_set = self.testnode.process_manager.getSupportedParameterSet(
+                           run_test_suite_path, parameter_list)
+    if '--firefox_bin' in supported_paramater_set:
+      invocation_list.extend(["--firefox_bin", firefox_bin_list[0]])
+    if '--xvfb_bin' in supported_paramater_set:
+      invocation_list.extend(["--xvfb_bin", xvfb_bin_list[0]])
+    # TODO : include testnode correction ( b111682f14890bf )
+    if hasattr(node_test_suite,'additional_bt5_repository_id'):
+      additional_bt5_path = os.path.join(
+              node_test_suite.working_directory,
+              node_test_suite.additional_bt5_repository_id)
+      invocation_list.extend(["--bt5_path", additional_bt5_path])
+    # From this point, test runner becomes responsible for updating test
+    # result. We only do cleanup if the test runner itself is not able
+    # to run.
+    SlapOSControler.createFolder(node_test_suite.test_suite_directory,
+                                 clean=True)
+    self.testnode.process_manager.spawn(*invocation_list,
+                          cwd=node_test_suite.test_suite_directory,
+                          log_prefix='runTestSuite', get_output=False)
+  def getRelativePathUsage(self):
+    """
+    Used by the method testnode.constructProfile() to know
+    if the software.cfg have to use relative path or not.
+    """
+    return False
diff --git a/erp5/util/testnode/ b/erp5/util/testnode/
index 9c6a4bf85f..644a86da76 100644
--- a/erp5/util/testnode/
+++ b/erp5/util/testnode/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import subprocess
 import sys
 import threading
-from testnode import SubprocessError
+from ProcessManager import SubprocessError
 SVN_UP_REV = re.compile(r'^(?:At|Updated to) revision (\d+).$')
 SVN_CHANGED_REV = re.compile(r'^Last Changed Rev.*:\s*(\d+)', re.MULTILINE)
@@ -103,6 +103,30 @@ class Updater(object):
   def _git(self, *args, **kw):
     return self.spawn(self.git_binary, *args, **kw)['stdout'].strip()
+  def git_update_server_info(self):
+    return self._git('update-server-info', '-f')
+  def git_create_repository_link(self):
+    """ Create a link in depository to the ".git" directory.
+        ex:
+        for "../erp5/.git"
+        "../erp5/erp5.git"->"../erp5/.git" will be created.
+    """
+    git_repository_path = os.path.join(self.getRepositoryPath(), '.git')
+    name = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(self.getRepositoryPath()))
+    git_repository_link_path = os.path.join(self.getRepositoryPath(), '%s.git' %name)
+    self.log("checking link %s -> %s.."
+                %(git_repository_link_path,git_repository_path))
+    if ( not os.path.lexists(git_repository_link_path) and \
+         not os.path.exists(git_repository_link_path) ):
+      try:
+        os.symlink(git_repository_path, git_repository_link_path)
+        self.log("link: %s -> %s created"
+                %(git_repository_link_path,git_repository_path))
+      except:
+        self.log("Cannot create link from %s -> %s"
+                %(git_repository_link_path,git_repository_path))
   def _git_find_rev(self, ref):
       return self._git_cache[ref]
@@ -213,3 +237,4 @@ class Updater(object):
       raise NotImplementedError
     self._path_list += path_list
+    self.git_update_server_info()
diff --git a/erp5/util/testnode/ b/erp5/util/testnode/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..528c7a2c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erp5/util/testnode/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import sys
+import json
+import shutil
+import string
+from random import choice
+def deunicodeData(data):
+  if isinstance(data, list):
+    new_data = []
+    for sub_data in data:
+      new_data.append(deunicodeData(sub_data))
+  elif isinstance(data, unicode):
+    new_data = data.encode('utf8')
+  elif isinstance(data, dict):
+    new_data = {}
+    for key, value in data.iteritems():
+      key = deunicodeData(key)
+      value = deunicodeData(value)
+      new_data[key] = value
+  else:
+    new_data = data
+  return new_data
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/erp5/util/testnode/ b/erp5/util/testnode/
index 8b309c7cea..c6060d1e33 100644
--- a/erp5/util/testnode/
+++ b/erp5/util/testnode/
@@ -74,15 +74,17 @@ def main(*args):
   config.optionxform = str
   for key in ('slapos_directory','working_directory','test_suite_directory',
-              'log_directory','run_directory','proxy_host','proxy_port',
-              'git_binary','zip_binary','node_quantity','test_node_title',
-              'ipv4_address','ipv6_address','test_suite_master_url',
+              'log_directory','run_directory', 'srv_directory', 'proxy_host',
+              'software_directory',
+              'proxy_port', 'git_binary','zip_binary','node_quantity',
+              'test_node_title', 'ipv4_address','ipv6_address','test_suite_master_url',
-              'slapproxy_binary', 'httpd_ip', 'httpd_port'):
+              'slapproxy_binary', 'httpd_ip', 'httpd_port', 'httpd_software_access_port',
+              'computer_id', 'server_url'):
     CONFIG[key] = config.get('testnode',key)
   for key in ('slapos_directory', 'working_directory', 'test_suite_directory',
-      'log_directory', 'run_directory'):
+      'log_directory', 'run_directory', 'srv_directory', 'software_directory'):
     d = CONFIG[key]
     if not os.path.isdir(d):
       raise ValueError('Directory %r does not exists.' % d)
@@ -107,6 +109,6 @@ def main(*args):
   if 'software_list' in config.sections():
     CONFIG['software_list'] = filter(None,
         config.get("software_list", "path_list").split(","))
   testnode = TestNode(, CONFIG)
diff --git a/erp5/util/testnode/ b/erp5/util/testnode/
index 447e3c3201..b39c93ad25 100644
--- a/erp5/util/testnode/
+++ b/erp5/util/testnode/
@@ -37,11 +37,19 @@ import shutil
 import logging
 import string
 import random
+import Utils
+import traceback
 from ProcessManager import SubprocessError, ProcessManager, CancellationError
 from subprocess import CalledProcessError
 from Updater import Updater
+from NodeTestSuite import NodeTestSuite, SlapOSInstance
+from ScalabilityTestRunner import ScalabilityTestRunner
+from UnitTestRunner import UnitTestRunner
 from erp5.util import taskdistribution
 DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT = 120 # time in seconds to sleep
 MAX_LOG_TIME = 15 # time in days we should keep logs that we can see through
                   # httd
@@ -56,77 +64,6 @@ class DummyLogger(object):
       'critical', 'fatal'):
        setattr(self, name, func)
-class SlapOSInstance(object):
-  def __init__(self):
-    self.retry_software_count = 0
-    self.retry = False
-  def edit(self, **kw):
-    self.__dict__.update(**kw)
-    self._checkData()
-  def _checkData(self):
-    pass
-def deunicodeData(data):
-  if isinstance(data, list):
-    new_data = []
-    for sub_data in data:
-      new_data.append(deunicodeData(sub_data))
-  elif isinstance(data, unicode):
-    new_data = data.encode('utf8')
-  elif isinstance(data, dict):
-    new_data = {}
-    for key, value in data.iteritems():
-      key = deunicodeData(key)
-      value = deunicodeData(value)
-      new_data[key] = value
-  return new_data
-class NodeTestSuite(SlapOSInstance):
-  def __init__(self, reference):
-    super(NodeTestSuite, self).__init__()
-    self.reference = reference
-  def edit(self, **kw):
-    super(NodeTestSuite, self).edit(**kw)
-  def _checkData(self):
-    if getattr(self, "working_directory", None) is not None:
-      if not(self.working_directory.endswith(os.path.sep + self.reference)):
-        self.working_directory = os.path.join(self.working_directory,
-                                             self.reference)
-      SlapOSControler.createFolder(self.working_directory)
-      self.test_suite_directory = os.path.join(
-                                   self.working_directory, "test_suite")
-      self.custom_profile_path = os.path.join(self.working_directory,
-                                 'software.cfg')
-    if getattr(self, "vcs_repository_list", None) is not None:
-      for vcs_repository in self.vcs_repository_list:
-        buildout_section_id = vcs_repository.get('buildout_section_id', None)
-        repository_id = buildout_section_id or \
-                        vcs_repository.get('url').split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
-        repository_path = os.path.join(self.working_directory,repository_id)
-        vcs_repository['repository_id'] = repository_id
-        vcs_repository['repository_path'] = repository_path
-  def createSuiteLog(self):
-    # /srv/slapgrid/slappartXX/srv/var/log/testnode/az-mlksjfmlk234Sljssdflkj23KSdfslj/suite.log
-    alphabets = string.digits + string.letters
-    rand_part = ''.join(random.choice(alphabets) for i in xrange(32))
-    random_suite_folder_id = '%s-%s' % (self.reference, rand_part)
-    suite_log_directory = os.path.join(self.log_directory,
-                                       random_suite_folder_id)
-    SlapOSControler.createFolders(suite_log_directory)
-    self.suite_log_path = os.path.join(suite_log_directory,
-                                       'suite.log')
-    return self.getSuiteLogPath(), random_suite_folder_id
-  def getSuiteLogPath(self):
-    return getattr(self,"suite_log_path", None)
 class TestNode(object):
   def __init__(self, log, config, max_log_time=MAX_LOG_TIME,
@@ -135,26 +72,29 @@ class TestNode(object):
     self.log = log
     self.config = config or {}
     self.process_manager = ProcessManager(log)
+    self.working_directory = config['working_directory']
     self.node_test_suite_dict = {}
+    self.file_handler = None
     self.max_log_time = max_log_time
     self.max_temp_time = max_temp_time
-    self.file_handler = None
+    self.url_access = "https://[0::0]:0123" # Ipv6 + port of the node
   def checkOldTestSuite(self,test_suite_data):
     config = self.config
-    installed_reference_set = set(os.listdir(config['working_directory']))
+    installed_reference_set = set(os.listdir(self.working_directory))
     wished_reference_set = set([x['test_suite_reference'] for x in test_suite_data])
     to_remove_reference_set = installed_reference_set.difference(
     for y in to_remove_reference_set:
-      fpath = os.path.join(config['working_directory'],y)
+      fpath = os.path.join(self.working_directory,y)
       self.log("testnode.checkOldTestSuite, DELETING : %r" % (fpath,))
       if os.path.isdir(fpath):
   def getNodeTestSuite(self, reference):
     node_test_suite = self.node_test_suite_dict.get(reference)
     if node_test_suite is None:
@@ -166,7 +106,14 @@ class TestNode(object):
     if self.node_test_suite_dict.has_key(reference):
-  def constructProfile(self, node_test_suite):
+  def _dealShebang(self,run_test_suite_path):
+    line = open(run_test_suite_path, 'r').readline()
+    invocation_list = []
+    if line[:2] == '#!':
+      invocation_list = line[2:].split()
+    return invocation_list
+  def constructProfile(self, node_test_suite, test_type, use_relative_path=False):
     config = self.config
     profile_content = ''
     assert len(node_test_suite.vcs_repository_list), "we must have at least one repository"
@@ -184,21 +131,57 @@ class TestNode(object):
         profile_path_count += 1
         if profile_path_count > 1:
           raise ValueError(PROFILE_PATH_KEY + ' defined more than once')
+        # Absolute path to relative path
+        software_config_path = os.path.join(repository_path, profile_path)
+        if use_relative_path :
+          from_path = os.path.join(self.working_directory,
+                                    node_test_suite.reference)
+          software_config_path = os.path.relpath(software_config_path, from_path)
 extends = %(software_config_path)s
-""" %  {'software_config_path': os.path.join(repository_path, profile_path)})
+""" %  {'software_config_path': software_config_path})
+      # Construct sections
       if not(buildout_section_id is None):
-        profile_content_list.append("""
+        # Absolute path to relative
+        if use_relative_path:
+          from_path = os.path.join(self.working_directory,
+                                    node_test_suite.reference)
+          repository_path = os.path.relpath(repository_path, from_path)
+        if test_type=="ScalabilityTest":
+#          updater = Updater(repository_path, git_binary=self.config['git_binary'],
+#          branch = vcs_repository.get('branch','master'), log=self.log, process_manager=self.process_manager)
+#          updater.checkout()
+#          revision = updater.getRevision()[1]
+          all_revision = node_test_suite.revision
+          # from 'sec1=xx-azer,sec2=yy-qwer,..' to [[sec1,azer],[sec2,qwer],..]
+          revision_list = [ [x.split('=')[0],x.split('=')[1].split('-')[1]] for x in all_revision.split(',') ]
+          # from [[sec1,azer],[sec2,qwer],..] to {sec1:azer,sec2:qwer,..}
+          revision_dict = {branch:revision for branch,revision in revision_list}
+          # <obfuscated_url> word is modified by in runner.prepareSlapOSForTestSuite()
+          profile_content_list.append("""
+repository = <obfuscated_url>/%(buildout_section_id)s/%(buildout_section_id)s.git
+revision = %(revision)s
+ignore-ssl-certificate = true
+""" %     {'buildout_section_id': buildout_section_id,
+          'revision': revision_dict[buildout_section_id]})
+        else:
+          profile_content_list.append("""
 repository = %(repository_path)s
 branch = %(branch)s
-""" %  {'buildout_section_id': buildout_section_id,
-   'repository_path' : repository_path,
-   'branch' : vcs_repository.get('branch','master')})
+""" %     {'buildout_section_id': buildout_section_id,
+          'repository_path' : repository_path,
+          'branch' : vcs_repository.get('branch','master')})
     if not profile_path_count:
       raise ValueError(PROFILE_PATH_KEY + ' not defined')
+    # Write file
     custom_profile = open(node_test_suite.custom_profile_path, 'w')
     # sort to have buildout section first
     profile_content_list.sort(key=lambda x: [x, ''][x.startswith('\n[buildout]')])
@@ -276,113 +259,10 @@ branch = %(branch)s
                         revision=revision, log=log,
+      updater.git_update_server_info()
+      updater.git_create_repository_link()
       node_test_suite.revision = test_result.revision
-  def _prepareSlapOS(self, working_directory, slapos_instance, log,
-          create_partition=1, software_path_list=None, **kw):
-    """
-    Launch slapos to build software and partitions
-    """
-    slapproxy_log = os.path.join(self.config['log_directory'],
-                                  'slapproxy.log')
-    log('Configured slapproxy log to %r' % slapproxy_log)
-    reset_software = slapos_instance.retry_software_count > 10
-    if reset_software:
-      slapos_instance.retry_software_count = 0
-    log('testnode, retry_software_count : %r' % \
-             slapos_instance.retry_software_count)
-    self.slapos_controler = SlapOSControler.SlapOSControler(
-      working_directory, self.config, log)
-    self.slapos_controler.initializeSlapOSControler(slapproxy_log=slapproxy_log,
-       process_manager=self.process_manager, reset_software=reset_software,
-       software_path_list=software_path_list)
-    self.process_manager.supervisord_pid_file = os.path.join(\
-         self.slapos_controler.instance_root, 'var', 'run', '')
-    method_list= ["runSoftwareRelease"]
-    if create_partition:
-      method_list.append("runComputerPartition")
-    for method_name in method_list:
-      slapos_method = getattr(self.slapos_controler, method_name)
-      status_dict = slapos_method(self.config,
-                                  environment=self.config['environment'],
-                                 )
-      if status_dict['status_code'] != 0:
-         slapos_instance.retry = True
-         slapos_instance.retry_software_count += 1
-         raise SubprocessError(status_dict)
-      else:
-         slapos_instance.retry_software_count = 0
-    return status_dict
-  def prepareSlapOSForTestNode(self, test_node_slapos):
-    """
-    We will build slapos software needed by the testnode itself,
-    like the building of selenium-runner by default
-    """
-    return self._prepareSlapOS(self.config['slapos_directory'],
-              test_node_slapos, self.log, create_partition=0,
-              software_path_list=self.config.get("software_list"))
-  def prepareSlapOSForTestSuite(self, node_test_suite):
-    log = self.log
-    if log is None:
-      log = self.log
-    return self._prepareSlapOS(node_test_suite.working_directory,
-              node_test_suite, log,
-              software_path_list=[node_test_suite.custom_profile_path])
-  def _dealShebang(self,run_test_suite_path):
-    line = open(run_test_suite_path, 'r').readline()
-    invocation_list = []
-    if line[:2] == '#!':
-      invocation_list = line[2:].split()
-    return invocation_list
-  def runTestSuite(self, node_test_suite, portal_url, log=None):
-    config = self.config
-    parameter_list = []
-    run_test_suite_path_list = glob.glob("%s/*/bin/runTestSuite" % \
-        self.slapos_controler.instance_root)
-    if not len(run_test_suite_path_list):
-      raise ValueError('No runTestSuite provided in installed partitions.')
-    run_test_suite_path = run_test_suite_path_list[0]
-    run_test_suite_revision = node_test_suite.revision
-    # Deal with Shebang size limitation
-    invocation_list = self._dealShebang(run_test_suite_path)
-    invocation_list.extend([run_test_suite_path,
-                           '--test_suite', node_test_suite.test_suite,
-                           '--revision', node_test_suite.revision,
-                           '--test_suite_title', node_test_suite.test_suite_title,
-                           '--node_quantity', config['node_quantity'],
-                           '--master_url', portal_url])
-    firefox_bin_list = glob.glob("%s/soft/*/parts/firefox/firefox-slapos" % \
-        config["slapos_directory"])
-    if len(firefox_bin_list):
-      parameter_list.append('--firefox_bin')
-    xvfb_bin_list = glob.glob("%s/soft/*/parts/xserver/bin/Xvfb" % \
-        config["slapos_directory"])
-    if len(xvfb_bin_list):
-      parameter_list.append('--xvfb_bin')
-    supported_paramater_set = self.process_manager.getSupportedParameterSet(
-                           run_test_suite_path, parameter_list)
-    if '--firefox_bin' in supported_paramater_set:
-      invocation_list.extend(["--firefox_bin", firefox_bin_list[0]])
-    if '--xvfb_bin' in supported_paramater_set:
-      invocation_list.extend(["--xvfb_bin", xvfb_bin_list[0]])
-    if hasattr(node_test_suite,'additional_bt5_repository_id'):
-      additional_bt5_path = os.path.join(
-              node_test_suite.working_directory,
-              node_test_suite.additional_bt5_repository_id)
-      invocation_list.extend(["--bt5_path", additional_bt5_path])
-    # From this point, test runner becomes responsible for updating test
-    # result. We only do cleanup if the test runner itself is not able
-    # to run.
-    SlapOSControler.createFolder(node_test_suite.test_suite_directory,
-                                 clean=True)
-    self.process_manager.spawn(*invocation_list,
-                          cwd=node_test_suite.test_suite_directory,
-                          log_prefix='runTestSuite', get_output=False)
   def _cleanupLog(self):
     config = self.config
     log_directory = self.config['log_directory']
@@ -442,15 +322,39 @@ branch = %(branch)s
           remote_test_result_needs_cleanup = False
           begin = time.time()
-          self.prepareSlapOSForTestNode(test_node_slapos)
           portal_url = config['test_suite_master_url']
-          portal = taskdistribution.TaskDistributionTool(portal_url, logger=DummyLogger(log))
-          test_suite_portal = taskdistribution.TaskDistributor(portal_url, logger=DummyLogger(log))
-          test_suite_json =  test_suite_portal.startTestSuite(config['test_node_title'])
-          test_suite_data = deunicodeData(json.loads(test_suite_json))
+          portal = taskdistribution.TaskDistributionTool(portal_url,
+                                                         logger=DummyLogger(log))
+          self.portal = portal
+          self.test_suite_portal = taskdistribution.TaskDistributor(
+                                                        portal_url,
+                                                        logger=DummyLogger(log))
+          self.test_suite_portal.subscribeNode(node_title=config['test_node_title'],
+                                               computer_guid=config['computer_id'])                  
+          test_suite_json = self.test_suite_portal.startTestSuite(
+                                               node_title=config['test_node_title'],
+                                               computer_guid=config['computer_id'])
+          test_suite_data = Utils.deunicodeData(json.loads(test_suite_json))
           log("Got following test suite data from master : %r" % \
-          #Clean-up test suites
+          try:
+            my_test_type = self.test_suite_portal.getTestType()
+          except:
+            log("testnode, error during requesting getTestType() method \
+from the distributor.")
+            raise NotImplementedError
+          # Select runner according to the test type
+          if my_test_type == 'UnitTest':
+            runner = UnitTestRunner(self)
+          elif my_test_type == 'ScalabilityTest':
+            runner = ScalabilityTestRunner(self)
+          else:
+            log("testnode, Runner type not implemented.", my_test_type)
+            raise NotImplementedError
+          log("Type of current test is %s" %(my_test_type,))
+          # master testnode gets test_suites, slaves get nothing
+          runner.prepareSlapOSForTestNode(test_node_slapos)
+          # Clean-up test suites
           for test_suite in test_suite_data:
             remote_test_result_needs_cleanup = False
@@ -460,12 +364,16 @@ branch = %(branch)s
+            # XXX: temporary hack to prevent empty test_suite
+            if not hasattr(node_test_suite, 'test_suite'):
+              node_test_suite.edit(test_suite='')
             run_software = True
-            # Write our own software.cfg to use the local repository
-            self.constructProfile(node_test_suite)
             # kill processes from previous loop if any
+            # Write our own software.cfg to use the local repository
+            self.constructProfile(node_test_suite, my_test_type, 
+                                  runner.getRelativePathUsage())
             # Make sure we have local repository
             test_result = portal.createTestResult(node_test_suite.revision, [],
                      config['test_node_title'], False,
@@ -476,13 +384,36 @@ branch = %(branch)s
             if test_result is not None:
               self.registerSuiteLog(test_result, node_test_suite)
+              node_test_suite.edit(test_result=test_result)
               # Now prepare the installation of SlapOS and create instance
-              status_dict = self.prepareSlapOSForTestSuite(node_test_suite)
+              status_dict = runner.prepareSlapOSForTestSuite(node_test_suite)
               # Give some time so computer partitions may start
               # as partitions can be of any kind we have and likely will never have
               # a reliable way to check if they are up or not ...
-              self.runTestSuite(node_test_suite,portal_url)
+              if my_test_type == 'UnitTest':
+                runner.runTestSuite(node_test_suite, portal_url)
+              elif my_test_type == 'ScalabilityTest':
+                error_message = None
+                # A problem is appeared during runTestSuite
+                if status_dict['status_code'] == 1:
+                  error_message = "Software installation too long or error(s) are present during SR install."
+                else:
+                  status_dict = runner.runTestSuite(node_test_suite, portal_url)
+                  # A problem is appeared during runTestSuite
+                  if status_dict['status_code'] == 1:
+                    error_message = status_dict['error_message']
+                # If an error is appeared
+                if error_message:
+                  test_result.reportFailure(
+                      stdout=error_message
+                  )
+                  self.log(error_message)
+                  raise ValueError(error_message)
+              else:
+                raise NotImplementedError
               # break the loop to get latest priorities from master
@@ -507,8 +438,10 @@ branch = %(branch)s
           node_test_suite.retry = True
-            log("erp5testnode exception", exc_info=sys.exc_info())
-            raise
+          ex_type, ex, tb = sys.exc_info()
+          traceback.print_tb(tb)
+          log("erp5testnode exception", exc_info=sys.exc_info())
+          raise
         now = time.time()
         if (now-begin) < 120:
@@ -518,9 +451,11 @@ branch = %(branch)s
       log("Exception in error handling", exc_info=sys.exc_info())
+      if 'tb' in locals():
+        del tb
       # Nice way to kill *everything* generated by run process -- process
       # groups working only in POSIX compilant systems
-      # Exceptions are swallowed during cleanup phas
+      # Exceptions are swallowed during cleanup phase
       log("GENERAL EXCEPTION, QUITING, cleanup finished")