2012-12-14 Kazuhiko * Knowledge Pad can have several publication_section relations. 2012-12-10 Kazuhiko * support predicate in Knowled Box for more flexibility. 2012-06-25 Kazuhiko * add knowledge pad's group in gadget title div class. 2011-09-26 Kazuhiko * ERP5Site_getKnowledgePadListForUser should handle Unauthorized exception. 2011-07-01 yusei * Set proper title to interaction workflow. 2011-01-14 Ivan * Use Jquery 2010-12-13 nicolas.dumazet * Migrate Tools to portal type classes 2010-02-15 ivan * Use dedicated file system based Gadget class 2009-11-26 Fabien * add two more gadgets : google maps and google search. Add title on google calendar 2009-11-06 Herve * Update the page template ListBox_asListStyleHTML to make it compatbile with more gadgets. 2009-10-16 yusei * Update for the changes of new portal types of portal types. 2009-04-18 Kazuhiko * Version 5.4.1 2008-11-13 yusei * Start to develop version 5.4. 2008-10-24 yusei * Fixed to make messages translatable in Add gadgets form. 2008-10-14 yusei * Start to develop version 5.3. 2008-10-10 yusei * Set default security to portal_gadgets. * Remove default role setting of Knowledge Pad Module. Generic business template should not have any role settings. 2008-10-6 yusei * Set version to 5.2. 2008-10-6 yusei * Added a script which create default knowledge boxes. By default, this script do nothing. 2008-10-6 yusei * Update xml format. 2008-09-08 yusei * Use Base_translateString instead of translate. 2008-07-31 thomas * Add RSS gadget and Worklist gadget. 2008-07-31 thomas * Support password field in preference. 2008-07-01 ivan * Remove from Person's workflow chain respective interaction workflow. Still leave it in case an use case requires explicitly creting knowledge pads on Person validation. 2008-06-26 ivan * Add gadget_type and enable showing only right gadgets for a context 2008-06-24 ivan * Use default knowledge pads from templates. * Clean up 2008-06-16 thomas * accept more parameters in updater() for asynchronous listbox gadgets. 2008-05-06 thomas * support multi fields in gadgets' preferences. * support overflow in gadgets. 2008-4-9 yusei * Turned off acquire local roles on Knowledge Pad portal type. 2008-03-04 Ivan * Add integration for Web Site 2008-02-22 Ivan * Add workflows and minimal working security model 2008-02-15 Ivan * Replace scriptaculous with MochiKit 2008-02-04 Ivan * Rename 'bento' to 'knowledge pad' 2008-01-22 Ivan * Update to latest (1.8.1) scriptaculous lib 2007-05-22 Ivan * Initial import