# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2005 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # Yoshinori Okuji <yo@nexedi.com> # Christophe Dumez <christophe@nexedi.com> # 2010 Julien Muchembled <jm@nexedi.com> # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # guarantees and support are strongly advised to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # ############################################################################## import errno, json, os, re, shutil from base64 import b64encode, b64decode from tempfile import gettempdir from AccessControl import Unauthorized from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import getSecurityManager from AccessControl.SecurityInfo import ModuleSecurityInfo from Acquisition import aq_base, Implicit from App.config import getConfiguration from DateTime import DateTime from ZTUtils import make_query from Products.ERP5.Document.BusinessTemplate import BusinessTemplateFolder from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import simple_decorator @simple_decorator def selfcached(func): """Return a function which stores a computed value in an instance at the first call. """ key = '_cache_' + str(id(func)) def decorated(self, *args): try: cache = getattr(aq_base(self), key) return cache[args] except AttributeError: result = func(self, *args) setattr(self, key, {args: result}) except KeyError: cache[args] = result = func(self, *args) return result return decorated class NotAWorkingCopyError(Exception): pass ModuleSecurityInfo(__name__).declarePublic('NotAWorkingCopyError') class NotVersionedError(Exception): pass ModuleSecurityInfo(__name__).declarePublic('NotVersionedError') class BusinessTemplateNotInstalled(Exception): pass ModuleSecurityInfo(__name__).declarePublic('BusinessTemplateNotInstalled') class VcsConflictError(Exception): pass ModuleSecurityInfo(__name__).declarePublic('VcsConflictError') def issubdir(parent, child): return parent == child or child.startswith(parent + os.sep) ImplicitType = type(Implicit) class WorkingCopy(Implicit): __allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__ = 1 _registry = [] reference = None class __metaclass__(ImplicitType): def __init__(cls, name, bases, d): ImplicitType.__init__(cls, name, bases, d) if cls.reference: cls._registry.append((cls.reference, cls)) def __init__(self, path=None, restricted=False): if path: self.working_copy = self.checkWorkingPath(path, restricted) def getWorkingCopyList(self): working_copy_list = [] preferences = self.getPortalObject().portal_preferences for path in preferences.getPreferredWorkingCopyList(): try: getVcsTool(vcs=self.reference, path=path) working_copy_list.append(path) except NotAWorkingCopyError: pass return working_copy_list def createBusinessTemplateWorkingCopy(self): """Create the working copy path corresponding to the given business template """ path = os.path.join(self.working_copy, self.aq_parent.getTitle()) os.mkdir(path) self.working_copy = path def checkWorkingPath(self, path, restricted): # First remove any '..' to prevent escaping. # Note that 'normpath' ignore symlinks so it would not do it correctly. parts = path.split(os.sep) try: i = len(parts) - parts[::-1].index(os.pardir) parts[:i] = os.realpath(parts[:i].join(os.sep)), path = parts.join(os.sep) except ValueError: pass # Allow symlinks inside instance home. path = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(path)) real_path = os.path.realpath(path) if restricted and not any( issubdir(allowed, path) or issubdir(allowed, real_path) for allowed in (getConfiguration().instancehome, gettempdir())): if 'Developer' not in getSecurityManager().getUser().getRoles(): raise Unauthorized("Unauthorized access to path %r." " It is NOT in your Zope home instance." % path) if os.path.isdir(real_path): return real_path raise NotAWorkingCopyError(real_path) def _getCookie(self, name, default=None): try: return json.loads(b64decode(self.REQUEST[name])) except StandardError: return default def _setCookie(self, name, value, days=30): portal = self.getPortalObject() request = portal.REQUEST value = b64encode(json.dumps(value)) request.set(name, value) if days: expires = (DateTime() + days).toZone('GMT').rfc822() request.RESPONSE.setCookie(name, value, path=portal.absolute_url_path(), expires=expires) # path is the path in svn working copy # return edit_path in zodb to edit it def editPath(self, path, html=False): """Return path to edit file path can be relative or absolute """ if os.path.isabs(path): return '' # should not happen so maybe we should raise if path != '.' and os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.working_copy, path)): try: path = os.path.splitext(path)[0].split(os.sep) except ValueError: pass else: if path[0] != 'bt': path[0] = portal = self.getPortalObject().absolute_url_path() path.append('manage_main') path = '/'.join(path) if html: return ' <a href="%s"><img style="border:0" alt="Edit"' \ ' src="%s/ERP5VCS_imgs/edit.png" /></a>' % (path, portal) return path return '' def getHeader(self, path): real_path = self.working_copy if path != '.': real_path = os.path.join(real_path, path) return '<a style="font-weight: bold"' \ ' href="BusinessTemplate_viewVcsShowFile?%s">%s</a>%s' \ % (make_query(file=path), real_path, self.editPath(path, True)) def getRemoteComment(self): return def extractBT(self, business_template): """Extract business template to local working copy """ if business_template.getBuildingState() == 'draft': business_template.edit() business_template.build(update_revision=False) self._export(business_template) def _export(self, business_template): bta = BusinessTemplateWorkingCopy(creation=1, path=self.working_copy) self.addremove(*bta.export(business_template)) def showOld(self, path): raise NotAWorkingCopyError def update(self, keep=False): raise NotAWorkingCopyError def hasDiff(self, path): try: hasDiff = aq_base(self).__hasDiff except AttributeError: template_tool = self.getPortalObject().portal_templates if template_tool.getDiffFilterScriptList(): getFilteredDiff = template_tool.getFilteredDiff diff = self.diff hasDiff = lambda path: bool(getFilteredDiff(diff(path))) else: hasDiff = lambda path: True self.__hasDiff = hasDiff return hasDiff(path) def treeToXML(self, item) : """ Convert tree in memory to XML """ output = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<tree id="0">\n' output = self._treeToXML(item, output) return output + '</tree>\n' def _treeToXML(self, item, output, relative_path=''): """ Private function to convert recursively tree in memory to XML """ # Choosing a color coresponding to the status status = item.status if status == 'added': color = 'green' elif status in ('modified', 'replaced'): color = 'orange' elif status == 'deleted': color = 'red' elif status == 'conflicted': color = 'grey' elif status == 'outdated': color = 'purple' else : color = 'black' output += '<item text="%s" id="%s" aCol="%s" ' % ( item.name, relative_path or '.', color) if isinstance(item, Dir): if not relative_path: output += 'open="1" ' output += 'im0="folder.png" im1="folder_open.png" im2="folder.png">\n' for node in item.sub_dirs + item.sub_files: output = self._treeToXML(node, output, os.path.join(relative_path, node.name)) output += '</item>' + os.linesep else : output += 'im0="document.png"/>\n' return output def fileHTML(self, path): """ Display a file content in HTML with syntax highlighting """ real_path = self.working_copy if path != '.': real_path = os.path.join(real_path, path) head = '<span style="font-weight: bold; color: black;">%s</span>' \ % real_path try: with open(os.path.join(self.working_copy, path), 'rU') as f: text = f.read() except IOError, e: if e.errno == errno.EISDIR: return '%s<hr/>%r is a folder!' % (head, path) if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise head += ' (removed)' text = self.showOld(path) else: head += self.editPath(path, True) return '%s<hr/><span style="font-family: monospace">%s</span>' \ % (head, colorize(text)) def revertZODB(self, added_file_list=(), other_file_list=(), recurse=False): """Revert local changes in a file or a directory in ZODB and on hard drive """ # Transform params to list if they are not already lists if isinstance(added_file_list, basestring): added_file_list = added_file_list, if isinstance(other_file_list, basestring): other_file_list = other_file_list, to_revert = list(added_file_list) + list(other_file_list) if not to_revert: return business_template = self.aq_parent template_tool = business_template.getParentValue() installed_bt = template_tool.getInstalledBusinessTemplate( business_template.getTitle()) if installed_bt is None: raise BusinessTemplateNotInstalled("Revert can't work if the business" " template is not installed. Please install it first.") # Reinstall removed or modified files object_to_update = {} for path in other_file_list: path_list = os.path.splitext(path)[0].split(os.sep) if path_list[0] != 'bt' and len(path_list) > 2: object_to_update['/'.join(path_list[2:])] = 'install' # remove added files path_added_list = [] for path in added_file_list: path_list = os.path.splitext(path)[0].split(os.sep) if path_list[0] != 'bt' and len(path_list) > 2: path_added_list.append('/'.join(path_list[2:])) ## hack to remove objects if path_added_list: # Create a temporary bt with objects to delete tmp_bt = template_tool.newContent(portal_type="Business Template", temp_object=1, title='tmp_bt_revert', template_path_list=path_added_list) tmp_bt.edit() tmp_bt.build(update_revision=False) # Install then uninstall it to remove objects from ZODB tmp_bt.install() tmp_bt.uninstall() # revert changes #self.revert(to_revert, recurse) installed_bt.reinstall(object_to_update=object_to_update, force=0) def getVcsTool(vcs=None, path=None, restricted=False): if vcs: for x in WorkingCopy._registry: if x[0] == vcs: return x[1](path, restricted) raise ValueError("Unsupported Version Control System: %s" % vcs) elif path: for x in WorkingCopy._registry: try: return x[1](path, restricted) except NotAWorkingCopyError: pass raise NotAWorkingCopyError(path) return WorkingCopy() class BusinessTemplateWorkingCopy(BusinessTemplateFolder): # only works for VCS that have a single metadata folder per working copy def _writeString(self, obj, path): self.file_set.add(path) self._makeParent(path) path = os.path.join(self.path, path) # write file unless unchanged file = None try: try: file = open(path, 'r+b') except IOError, e: if e.errno == errno.EISDIR: shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True) elif e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise file = open(path, 'wb') else: old_size = os.fstat(file.fileno()).st_size if len(obj) == old_size and obj == file.read(): return file.seek(0) file.write(obj) file.truncate() finally: if file is not None: file.close() def _makeParent(self, path): path = os.path.dirname(path) if path and path not in self.dir_set: self._makeParent(path) real_path = os.path.join(self.path, path) if not os.path.exists(real_path): os.mkdir(real_path) self.dir_set.add(path) def export(self, business_template): self.file_set = set() self.dir_set = set() # This will call _writeString for every exported object business_template.export(bta=self) # Remove dangling files/dirs removed_set = set() prefix_length = len(os.path.join(self.path, '')) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.path): dirpath = dirpath[prefix_length:] for i in xrange(len(dirnames) - 1, -1, -1): d = dirnames[i] if d[0] != '.': d = os.path.join(dirpath, d) if d in self.dir_set: continue shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(self.path, d)) removed_set.add(d) del dirnames[i] for f in filenames: f = os.path.join(dirpath, f) if f not in self.file_set: os.remove(os.path.join(self.path, f)) removed_set.add(f) return self.file_set, removed_set class File(object): """ Class that represents a file in memory """ __slots__ = ('status', 'name') def __init__(self, name, status): self.status = status self.name = name class Dir(object): """ Class that reprensents a folder in memory """ __slots__ = ('status', 'name', 'sub_dirs', 'sub_files') def __init__(self, name, status): self.status = status self.name = name self.sub_dirs = [] # list of sub directories self.sub_files = [] # list of sub files def __getitem__(self, key): for child in self.sub_dirs: if child.name == key: return child for child in self.sub_files: if child.name == key: return child raise KeyError(key) from xml.sax.saxutils import escape NBSP = ' ' NBSP_TAB = NBSP*8 def colorizeTag(tag): "Return html colored item" text = tag.group() if text.startswith('#') : color = 'grey' elif text.startswith('\"') : color = 'red' elif 'string' in text: color = 'green' elif 'tuple' in text: color = 'orange' elif 'dictionary' in text: color = 'brown' elif 'item' in text: color = '#a1559a' #light purple elif 'value' in text: color = 'purple' elif 'key' in text: color = '#0c4f0c'#dark green else: color = 'blue' return "<span style='font-family: inherit; color: %s'>%s</span>" \ % (color, text) def colorize(text): """Return HTML Code with syntax hightlighting """ # Escape xml before adding html tags html = escape(text) html = html.replace(' ', NBSP) html = html.replace('\t', NBSP_TAB) # Colorize comments pattern = re.compile(r'#.*') html = pattern.sub(colorizeTag, html) # Colorize tags pattern = re.compile(r'<.*?>') html = pattern.sub(colorizeTag, html) # Colorize strings pattern = re.compile(r'\".*?\"') html = pattern.sub(colorizeTag, html) html = html.replace(os.linesep, os.linesep+"<br/>") return html