Commit ab0511d9 authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

Copy from erp5_upgrader for further simplification.

parent 93861c89
No related merge requests found
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Check installed business templates one \n
by one. If one of the business templates does not \n
use the latest revision, then we need to install.\n
# Initialize variables\n
portal = context.getPortalObject()\n
portal_templates = portal.portal_templates\n
signature = portal.ERP5Site_getUpgraderSignature()\n
message_list = []\n
previous_bt5_id = None\n
bt5_counter = 0\n
available_bt5_list = portal_templates.getRepositoryBusinessTemplateList(newest_only=True)\n
available_bt5_id_list = [x.title for x in available_bt5_list]\n
required_bt5_id_list = signature.get(\'required_bt5_id_list\', [])\n
upgradable_bt5_id_list = signature.get(\'upgradable_bt5_id_list\', [])\n
if len(upgradable_bt5_id_list) == 0:\n
# by default, we try to upgrade all installed business templates.\n
upgradable_bt5_id_list = portal_templates.getInstalledBusinessTemplateTitleList()\n
reinstallable_bt5_id_list = signature.get(\'reinstallable_bt5_id_list\', signature.get(\'reinstalable_bt5_id_list\', []))\n
before_triggered_bt5_id_dict = signature.get(\'before_triggered_bt5_id_dict\', {})\n
after_triggered_bt5_id_dict = signature.get(\'after_triggered_bt5_id_dict\', {})\n
update_catalog_bt5_id_list = signature.get(\'update_catalog_bt5_id_list\', [])\n
bt5_id_list = dict([(x, True) for x in list(required_bt5_id_list) + \\\n
list(upgradable_bt5_id_list) + \\\n
list(reinstallable_bt5_id_list) \\\n
if x in available_bt5_id_list]).keys()\n
# sort by dependencies\n
bt5_list = [portal_templates.decodeRepositoryBusinessTemplateUid(x.uid) for x in \\\n
available_bt5_list if x.title in bt5_id_list]\n
bt5_list = portal_templates.sortBusinessTemplateList(bt5_list)\n
installed_bt5_title_list = [o.getTitle() for o in portal_templates.getInstalledBusinessTemplateList()]\n
bt5_counter = portal_templates.countFolder()[0][0]\n
def installBT5(bt5_url, bt5_title, previous_bt5, bt5_counter, force=False):\n
bt5_id = "%s_%s" % (bt5_counter, bt5_title)\n
kw = dict(activity="SQLQueue", tag=bt5_id)\n
if previous_bt5 is not None:\n
kw[\'after_tag\'] = previous_bt5\n
# We must make sure all documents from previous installations \n
# are already indexed (specially categories).\n
kw[\'after_method_id\'] = "immediateReindexObject"\n
update_catalog = bt5_title in update_catalog_bt5_id_list\n
before_triggered_bt5_id_list = before_triggered_bt5_id_dict.get(bt5_title, ())\n
after_triggered_bt5_id_list = after_triggered_bt5_id_dict.get(bt5_title, ())\n
keep_original_list = signature.get(\'keep_original_dict\', {}).get(bt5_title, ())\n
if upgrade:\n
bt5_url, # id=bt5_id, \n
previous_bt5_id = bt5_id\n
bt5_counter += 1\n
message_list.append("%s will be installed" % bt5_url)\n
return bt5_id\n
previous_bt5 = None\n
for repository, bt5_id in bt5_list:\n
new_bt = [x for x in available_bt5_list \\\n
if portal_templates.decodeRepositoryBusinessTemplateUid(x.uid) == (repository, bt5_id)][0]\n
bt5_url = \'/\'.join((repository, bt5_id))\n
bt5_title = new_bt.title\n
if bt5_title in reinstallable_bt5_id_list:\n
bt5_id = installBT5(bt5_url, bt5_title, previous_bt5, bt5_counter, force=True)\n
previous_bt5 = bt5_id\n
installed_bt = portal_templates.getInstalledBusinessTemplate(bt5_title, strict=True)\n
if installed_bt is not None:\n
if int(installed_bt.getRevision() or 0) >= int(new_bt.revision or 0):\n
if bt5_title in required_bt5_id_list:\n
bt5_counter += 1\n
bt5_id = installBT5(bt5_url, bt5_title, previous_bt5, bt5_counter)\n
previous_bt5 = bt5_id\n
elif bt5_title in installed_bt5_title_list: # update_bt5_id_list\n
bt5_counter += 1\n
bt5_id = installBT5(bt5_url, bt5_title, previous_bt5, bt5_counter)\n
previous_bt5 = bt5_id\n
return message_list\n
]]></string> </value>
<key> <string>_params</string> </key>
<value> <string>upgrade=0</string> </value>
<key> <string>id</string> </key>
<value> <string>ERP5Site_upgradeBusinessTemplateList</string> </value>
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