# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, 2012 Vifib SARL and Contributors. # All Rights Reserved. # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # guarantees and support are strongly advised to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## from optparse import OptionParser, Option from xml_marshaller import xml_marshaller import ConfigParser import grp import logging import netaddr import netifaces import os import pwd import random import slapos.slap as slap import socket import subprocess import sys import time class OS(object): _os = os def __init__(self, config): self._dry_run = config.dry_run self._verbose = config.verbose self._logger = config.logger add = self._addWrapper add('chown') add('chmod') add('makedirs') add('mkdir') def _addWrapper(self, name): def wrapper(*args, **kw): if self._verbose: arg_list = [repr(x) for x in args] + [ '%s=%r' % (x, y) for x, y in kw.iteritems()] self._logger.debug('%s(%s)' % ( name, ', '.join(arg_list) )) if not self._dry_run: getattr(self._os, name)(*args, **kw) setattr(self, name, wrapper) def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._os, name) class UsageError(Exception): pass class NoAddressOnInterface(Exception): """ Exception raised if there's not address on the interface to construct IPv6 address with. Attributes: brige: String, the name of the interface. """ def __init__(self, interface): super(NoAddressOnInterface, self).__init__( 'No IPv6 found on interface %s to construct IPv6 with.' % (interface, ) ) class AddressGenerationError(Exception): """ Exception raised if the generation of an IPv6 based on the prefix obtained from the interface failed. Attributes: addr: String, the invalid address the exception is raised for. """ def __init__(self, addr): super(AddressGenerationError, self).__init__( 'Generated IPv6 %s seems not to be a valid IP.' % addr ) def callAndRead(argument_list, raise_on_error=True): popen = subprocess.Popen(argument_list, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) result = popen.communicate()[0] if raise_on_error and popen.returncode != 0: raise ValueError('Issue during invoking %r, result was:\n%s' % ( argument_list, result)) return popen.returncode, result def isGlobalScopeAddress(a): """Returns True if a is global scope IP v4/6 address""" ip = netaddr.IPAddress(a) return not ip.is_link_local() and not ip.is_loopback() and \ not ip.is_reserved() and ip.is_unicast() def netmaskToPrefixIPv4(netmask): """Convert string represented netmask to its integer prefix""" return netaddr.strategy.ipv4.netmask_to_prefix[ netaddr.strategy.ipv4.str_to_int(netmask)] def netmaskToPrefixIPv6(netmask): """Convert string represented netmask to its integer prefix""" return netaddr.strategy.ipv6.netmask_to_prefix[ netaddr.strategy.ipv6.str_to_int(netmask)] def _getDict(instance): """ Serialize an object instance into dictionaries. List and dict will remains the same, basic type too. But encapsulated object will be returned as dict. Set, collections and other aren't handle for now. Args: instance: an object of any type. Returns: A dictionary if the given object wasn't a list, a list otherwise. """ if isinstance(instance, list): return [_getDict(item) for item in instance] elif isinstance(instance, dict): result = {} for key in instance: result[key] = _getDict(instance[key]) return result else: try: dikt = instance.__dict__ except AttributeError: return instance result = {} for key, value in dikt.iteritems(): result[key] = _getDict(value) return result class Computer(object): "Object representing the computer" instance_root = None software_root = None def __init__(self, reference, interface=None, addr=None, netmask=None, ipv6_interface=None, software_user='slapsoft'): """ Attributes: reference: String, the reference of the computer. interface: String, the name of the computer's used interface. """ self.reference = str(reference) self.interface = interface self.partition_list = [] self.address = addr self.netmask = netmask self.ipv6_interface = ipv6_interface self.software_user = software_user def __getinitargs__(self): return (self.reference, self.interface) def getAddress(self, allow_tap=False): """ Return a list of the interface address not attributed to any partition, (which are therefore free for the computer itself). Returns: False if the interface isn't available, else the list of the free addresses. """ if self.interface is None: return dict(addr=self.address, netmask=self.netmask) computer_partition_address_list = [] for partition in self.partition_list: for address in partition.address_list: if netaddr.valid_ipv6(address['addr']): computer_partition_address_list.append(address['addr']) # Going through addresses of the computer's interface for address_dict in self.interface.getGlobalScopeAddressList(): # Comparing with computer's partition addresses if address_dict['addr'] not in computer_partition_address_list: return address_dict if allow_tap: # all addresses on interface are for partition, so lets add new one computer_tap = Tap('compdummy') computer_tap.createWithOwner(User('root'), attach_to_tap=True) self.interface.addTap(computer_tap) return self.interface.addAddr() # Can't find address raise NoAddressOnInterface('No valid IPv6 found on %s.' % self.interface.name) def send(self, config): """ Send a marshalled dictionary of the computer object serialized via_getDict. """ slap_instance = slap.slap() connection_dict = {} if config.key_file and config.cert_file: connection_dict.update( key_file=config.key_file, cert_file=config.cert_file) slap_instance.initializeConnection(config.master_url, **connection_dict) slap_computer = slap_instance.registerComputer(self.reference) if config.dry_run: return try: response = slap_computer.updateConfiguration( xml_marshaller.dumps(_getDict(self))) except slap.NotFoundError as error: raise slap.NotFoundError("%s\nERROR : This SlapOS node is not recognised by " "SlapOS Master. Please make sure computer_id of slapos.cfg looks " "like 'COMP-123' and is correct.\nError is : 404 Not Found." % error) return def dump(self, path_to_xml): """ Dump the computer object to an xml file via xml_marshaller. Args: path_to_xml: String, path to the file to load. users: List of User, list of user needed to be add to the dump (even if they are not related to any tap interface). """ computer_dict = _getDict(self) output_file = open(path_to_xml,'w') output_file.write(xml_marshaller.dumps(computer_dict)) output_file.close() @classmethod def load(cls, path_to_xml, reference, ipv6_interface): """ Create a computer object from a valid xml file. Arg: path_to_xml: String, a path to a valid file containing a valid configuration. Return: A Computer object. """ dumped_dict = xml_marshaller.loads(open(path_to_xml).read()) # Reconstructing the computer object from the xml computer = Computer( reference = reference, addr = dumped_dict['address'], netmask = dumped_dict['netmask'], ipv6_interface=ipv6_interface, software_user=dumped_dict.get('software_user', 'slapsoft'), ) for partition_dict in dumped_dict['partition_list']: if partition_dict['user']: user = User(partition_dict['user']['name']) else: user = User('root') if partition_dict['tap']: tap = Tap(partition_dict['tap']['name']) else: tap = Tap(partition_dict['reference']) address_list = partition_dict['address_list'] partition = Partition( reference = partition_dict['reference'], path = partition_dict['path'], user = user, address_list = address_list, tap = tap, ) computer.partition_list.append(partition) return computer def construct(self, alter_user=True, alter_network=True, create_tap=True): """ Construct the computer object as it is. """ if alter_network and self.address is not None: self.interface.addAddr(self.address, self.netmask) for path in self.instance_root, self.software_root: if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path, 0755) else: os.chmod(path, 0755) # own self.software_root by software user slapsoft = User(self.software_user) slapsoft.path = self.software_root if alter_user: slapsoft.create() slapsoft_pw = pwd.getpwnam(slapsoft.name) os.chown(self.software_root, slapsoft_pw.pw_uid, slapsoft_pw.pw_gid) os.chmod(self.software_root, 0755) try: for partition_index, partition in enumerate(self.partition_list): # Reconstructing User's partition.path = os.path.join(self.instance_root, partition.reference) partition.user.setPath(partition.path) partition.user.additional_group_list = [slapsoft.name] if alter_user: partition.user.create() # Reconstructing Tap if partition.user and partition.user.isAvailable(): owner = partition.user else: owner = User('root') if alter_network and create_tap: # In case it has to be attached to the TAP network device, only one # is necessary for the interface to assert carrier if self.interface.attach_to_tap and partition_index == 0: partition.tap.createWithOwner(owner, attach_to_tap=True) else: partition.tap.createWithOwner(owner) self.interface.addTap(partition.tap) # Reconstructing partition's directory partition.createPath(alter_user) # Reconstructing partition's address # There should be two addresses on each Computer Partition: # * global IPv6 # * local IPv4, took from slapformat:ipv4_local_network if len(partition.address_list) == 0: # regenerate partition.address_list.append(self.interface.addIPv4LocalAddress()) partition.address_list.append(self.interface.addAddr()) elif alter_network: # regenerate list of addresses old_partition_address_list = partition.address_list partition.address_list = [] if len(old_partition_address_list) != 2: raise ValueError( 'There should be exactly 2 stored addresses. Got: %r' % (old_partition_address_list,)) if not any([netaddr.valid_ipv6(q['addr']) for q in old_partition_address_list]): raise ValueError('Not valid ipv6 addresses loaded') if not any([netaddr.valid_ipv4(q['addr']) for q in old_partition_address_list]): raise ValueError('Not valid ipv6 addresses loaded') for address in old_partition_address_list: if netaddr.valid_ipv6(address['addr']): partition.address_list.append(self.interface.addAddr( address['addr'], address['netmask'])) elif netaddr.valid_ipv4(address['addr']): partition.address_list.append(self.interface.addIPv4LocalAddress( address['addr'])) else: raise ValueError('Address %r is incorrect' % address['addr']) finally: if alter_network and create_tap and self.interface.attach_to_tap: try: self.partition_list[0].tap.detach() except IndexError: pass class Partition(object): "Represent a computer partition" def __init__(self, reference, path, user, address_list, tap): """ Attributes: reference: String, the name of the partition. path: String, the path to the partition folder. user: User, the user linked to this partition. address_list: List of associated IP addresses. tap: Tap, the tap interface linked to this partition. """ self.reference = str(reference) self.path = str(path) self.user = user self.address_list = address_list or [] self.tap = tap def __getinitargs__(self): return (self.reference, self.path, self.user, self.address_list, self.tap) def createPath(self, alter_user=True): """ Create the directory of the partition, assign to the partition user and give it the 750 permission. In case if path exists just modifies it. """ self.path = os.path.abspath(self.path) owner = self.user if self.user else User('root') if not os.path.exists(self.path): os.mkdir(self.path, 0750) if alter_user: owner_pw = pwd.getpwnam(owner.name) os.chown(self.path, owner_pw.pw_uid, owner_pw.pw_gid) os.chmod(self.path, 0750) class User(object): "User: represent and manipulate a user on the system." path = None def __init__(self, user_name, additional_group_list=None): """ Attributes: user_name: string, the name of the user, who will have is home in """ self.name = str(user_name) self.additional_group_list = additional_group_list def __getinitargs__(self): return (self.name,) def setPath(self, path): self.path = path def create(self): """ Create a user on the system who will be named after the self.name with its own group and directory. Returns: True: if the user creation went right """ # XXX: This method shall be no-op in case if all is correctly setup # This method shall check if all is correctly done # This method shall not reset groups, just add them try: grp.getgrnam(self.name) except KeyError: callAndRead(['groupadd', self.name]) user_parameter_list = ['-d', self.path, '-g', self.name, '-s', '/bin/false'] if self.additional_group_list is not None: user_parameter_list.extend(['-G', ','.join(self.additional_group_list)]) user_parameter_list.append(self.name) try: pwd.getpwnam(self.name) except KeyError: user_parameter_list.append('-r') callAndRead(['useradd'] + user_parameter_list) else: callAndRead(['usermod'] + user_parameter_list) return True def isAvailable(self): """ Determine the availability of a user on the system Return: True: if available False: otherwise """ try: pwd.getpwnam(self.name) return True except KeyError: return False import struct import fcntl import errno import threading class Tap(object): "Tap represent a tap interface on the system" IFF_TAP = 0x0002 TUNSETIFF = 0x400454ca KEEP_TAP_ATTACHED_EVENT = threading.Event() def __init__(self, tap_name): """ Attributes: tap_name: String, the name of the tap interface. """ self.name = str(tap_name) def __getinitargs__(self): return (self.name,) def attach(self): """ Attach to the TAP interface, meaning that it just opens the TAP interface and wait for the caller to notify that it can be safely detached. Linux distinguishes administrative and operational state of an network interface. The former can be set manually by running ``ip link set dev <dev> up|down'', whereas the latter states that the interface can actually transmit data (for a wired network interface, it basically means that there is carrier, e.g. the network cable is plugged into a switch for example). In case of bridge: In order to be able to check the uniqueness of IPv6 address assigned to the bridge, the network interface must be up from an administrative *and* operational point of view. However, from Linux 2.6.39, the bridge reflects the state of the underlying device (e.g. the bridge asserts carrier if at least one of its ports has carrier) whereas it always asserted carrier before. This should work fine for "real" network interface, but will not work properly if the bridge only binds TAP interfaces, which, from 2.6.36, reports carrier only and only if an userspace program is attached. """ tap_fd = os.open("/dev/net/tun", os.O_RDWR) try: # Attach to the TAP interface which has previously been created fcntl.ioctl(tap_fd, self.TUNSETIFF, struct.pack("16sI", self.name, self.IFF_TAP)) except IOError, error: # If EBUSY, it means another program is already attached, thus just # ignore it... if error.errno != errno.EBUSY: os.close(tap_fd) raise else: # Block until the caller send an event stating that the program can be # now detached safely, thus bringing down the TAP device (from 2.6.36) # and the bridge at the same time (from 2.6.39) self.KEEP_TAP_ATTACHED_EVENT.wait() finally: os.close(tap_fd) def detach(self): """ Detach to the TAP network interface by notifying the thread which attach to the TAP and closing the TAP file descriptor """ self.KEEP_TAP_ATTACHED_EVENT.set() def createWithOwner(self, owner, attach_to_tap=False): """ Create a tap interface on the system. """ # some systems does not have -p switch for tunctl #callAndRead(['tunctl', '-p', '-t', self.name, '-u', owner.name]) check_file = '/sys/devices/virtual/net/%s/owner' % self.name owner_id = None if os.path.exists(check_file): owner_id = open(check_file).read().strip() try: owner_id = int(owner_id) except ValueError: pass if owner_id != pwd.getpwnam(owner.name).pw_uid: callAndRead(['tunctl', '-t', self.name, '-u', owner.name]) callAndRead(['ip', 'link', 'set', self.name, 'up']) if attach_to_tap: threading.Thread(target=self.attach).start() class Interface(object): "Interface represent a interface on the system" def __init__(self, name, ipv4_local_network, ipv6_interface=None): """ Attributes: name: String, the name of the interface """ self.name = str(name) self.ipv4_local_network = ipv4_local_network self.ipv6_interface = ipv6_interface # Attach to TAP network interface, only if the interface interface does not # report carrier _, result = callAndRead(['ip', 'addr', 'list', self.name]) self.attach_to_tap = 'DOWN' in result.split('\n', 1)[0] def __getinitargs__(self): return (self.name,) def getIPv4LocalAddressList(self): """ Returns currently configured local IPv4 addresses which are in ipv4_local_network """ if not socket.AF_INET in netifaces.ifaddresses(self.name): return [] return [dict(addr=q['addr'], netmask=q['netmask']) for q in netifaces.ifaddresses(self.name)[socket.AF_INET] if netaddr.IPAddress( q['addr'], 4) in netaddr.glob_to_iprange( netaddr.cidr_to_glob(self.ipv4_local_network))] def getGlobalScopeAddressList(self): """Returns currently configured global scope IPv6 addresses""" if self.ipv6_interface: interface_name = self.ipv6_interface else: interface_name = self.name try: address_list = [q for q in netifaces.ifaddresses(interface_name)[socket.AF_INET6] if isGlobalScopeAddress(q['addr'].split('%')[0])] except KeyError: raise ValueError("%s must have at least one IPv6 address assigned" % \ interface_name) # XXX: Missing implementation of Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Addresses as # defined in http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4193.txt # XXX: XXX: XXX: IT IS DISALLOWED TO IMPLEMENT link-local addresses as # Linux and BSD are possibly wrongly implementing it -- it is "too local" # it is impossible to listen or access it on same node # XXX: IT IS DISALLOWED to implement ad hoc solution like inventing node # local addresses or anything which does not exists in RFC! return address_list def getInterfaceList(self): """Returns list of interfaces already present on bridge""" interface_list = [] _, result = callAndRead(['brctl', 'show']) in_interface = False for line in result.split('\n'): if len(line.split()) > 1: if self.name in line: interface_list.append(line.split()[-1]) in_interface = True continue if in_interface: break elif in_interface: if line.strip(): interface_list.append(line.strip()) return interface_list def addTap(self, tap): """ Add the tap interface tap to the bridge. Args: tap: Tap, the tap interface. """ if tap.name not in self.getInterfaceList(): callAndRead(['brctl', 'addif', self.name, tap.name]) def _addSystemAddress(self, address, netmask, ipv6=True): """Adds system address to interface Returns True if address was added successfully. Returns False if there was issue. """ if ipv6: address_string = '%s/%s' % (address, netmaskToPrefixIPv6(netmask)) af = socket.AF_INET6 if self.ipv6_interface: interface_name = self.ipv6_interface else: interface_name = self.name else: af = socket.AF_INET address_string = '%s/%s' % (address, netmaskToPrefixIPv4(netmask)) interface_name = self.name # check if address is already took by any other interface for interface in netifaces.interfaces(): if interface != interface_name: address_dict = netifaces.ifaddresses(interface) if af in address_dict: if address in [q['addr'].split('%')[0] for q in address_dict[af]]: return False if not af in netifaces.ifaddresses(interface_name) \ or not address in [q['addr'].split('%')[0] for q in netifaces.ifaddresses(interface_name)[af]]: # add an address callAndRead(['ip', 'addr', 'add', address_string, 'dev', interface_name]) # Fake success for local ipv4 if not ipv6: return True # wait few moments time.sleep(2) # check existence on interface _, result = callAndRead(['ip', 'addr', 'list', interface_name]) for l in result.split('\n'): if address in l: if 'tentative' in l: # duplicate, remove callAndRead(['ip', 'addr', 'del', address_string, 'dev', interface_name]) return False # found and clean return True # even when added not found, this is bad... return False def _generateRandomIPv4Address(self, netmask): # no addresses found, generate new one # Try 10 times to add address, raise in case if not possible try_num = 10 while try_num > 0: addr = random.choice([q for q in netaddr.glob_to_iprange( netaddr.cidr_to_glob(self.ipv4_local_network))]).format() if dict(addr=addr, netmask=netmask) not in \ self.getIPv4LocalAddressList(): # Checking the validity of the IPv6 address if self._addSystemAddress(addr, netmask, False): return dict(addr=addr, netmask=netmask) try_num -= 1 raise AddressGenerationError(addr) def addIPv4LocalAddress(self, addr=None): """Adds local IPv4 address in ipv4_local_network""" netmask = '' local_address_list = self.getIPv4LocalAddressList() if addr is None: return self._generateRandomIPv4Address(netmask) elif dict(addr=addr, netmask=netmask) not in local_address_list: if self._addSystemAddress(addr, netmask, False): return dict(addr=addr, netmask=netmask) else: return self._generateRandomIPv4Address(netmask) else: # confirmed to be configured return dict(addr=addr, netmask=netmask) def addAddr(self, addr = None, netmask = None): """ Adds IP address to interface. If addr is specified and exists already on interface does nothing. If addr is specified and does not exists on interface, tries to add given address. If it is not possible (ex. because network changed) calculates new address. Args: addr: Wished address to be added to interface. netmask: Wished netmask to be used. Returns: Tuple of (address, netmask). Raises: AddressGenerationError: Couldn't construct valid address with existing one's on the interface. NoAddressOnInterface: There's no address on the interface to construct an address with. """ # Getting one address of the interface as base of the next addresses if self.ipv6_interface: interface_name = self.ipv6_interface else: interface_name = self.name interface_addr_list = self.getGlobalScopeAddressList() # No address found if len(interface_addr_list) == 0: raise NoAddressOnInterface(interface_name) address_dict = interface_addr_list[0] if addr is not None: if dict(addr=addr, netmask=netmask) in interface_addr_list: # confirmed to be configured return dict(addr=addr, netmask=netmask) if netmask == address_dict['netmask']: # same netmask, so there is a chance to add good one interface_network = netaddr.ip.IPNetwork('%s/%s' % (address_dict['addr'], netmaskToPrefixIPv6(address_dict['netmask']))) requested_network = netaddr.ip.IPNetwork('%s/%s' % (addr, netmaskToPrefixIPv6(netmask))) if interface_network.network == requested_network.network: # same network, try to add if self._addSystemAddress(addr, netmask): # succeed, return it return dict(addr=addr, netmask=netmask) # Try 10 times to add address, raise in case if not possible try_num = 10 netmask = address_dict['netmask'] while try_num > 0: addr = ':'.join(address_dict['addr'].split(':')[:-1] + ['%x' % ( random.randint(1, 65000), )]) socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, addr) if dict(addr=addr, netmask=netmask) not in \ self.getGlobalScopeAddressList(): # Checking the validity of the IPv6 address if self._addSystemAddress(addr, netmask): return dict(addr=addr, netmask=netmask) try_num -= 1 raise AddressGenerationError(addr) class Parser(OptionParser): """ Parse all arguments. """ def __init__(self, usage=None, version=None): """ Initialize all options possibles. """ OptionParser.__init__(self, usage=usage, version=version, option_list=[ Option("-x", "--computer_xml", help="Path to file with computer's XML. If does not exists, " "will be created", default=None, type=str), Option("-l", "--log_file", help="The path to the log file used by the script.", type=str), Option("-i", "--input_definition_file", help="Path to file to read definition of computer instead of " "declaration. Using definition file allows to disable " "'discovery' of machine services and allows to define computer " "configuration in fully controlled manner.", type=str), Option("-o", "--output_definition_file", help="Path to file to write definition of computer from " "declaration.", type=str), Option("-n", "--dry_run", help="Don't actually do anything.", default=False, action="store_true"), Option("-v", "--verbose", default=False, action="store_true", help="Verbose output."), Option("-c", "--console", default=False, action="store_true", help="Console output."), Option('--alter_user', choices=['True', 'False'], help="Shall slapformat alter user database [default: True]"), Option('--alter_network', choices=['True', 'False'], help="Shall slapformat alter network configuration [default: True]"), Option('--now', help="Launch slapformat without delay", default=False, action="store_true"), ]) def check_args(self, args): """ Check arguments """ if args: (options, args) = self.parse_args(list(args)) else: (options, args) = self.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: self.error("Incorrect number of arguments") return options, args[0] def run(config): # Define the computer if config.input_definition_file: filepath = os.path.abspath(config.input_definition_file) config.logger.info('Using definition file %r' % filepath) computer_definition = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser({ 'software_user': 'slapsoft', }) computer_definition.read(filepath) interface = None address = None netmask = None if computer_definition.has_option('computer', 'address'): address, netmask = computer_definition.get('computer', 'address').split('/') if config.alter_network and config.interface_name is not None \ and config.ipv4_local_network is not None: interface = Interface(config.interface_name, config.ipv4_local_network, config.ipv6_interface) computer = Computer( reference=config.computer_id, interface=interface, addr=address, netmask=netmask, ipv6_interface=config.ipv6_interface, software_user=computer_definition.get('computer', 'software_user'), ) partition_list = [] for partition_number in range(int(config.partition_amount)): section = 'partition_%s' % partition_number user = User(computer_definition.get(section, 'user')) address_list = [] for a in computer_definition.get(section, 'address').split(): address, netmask = a.split('/') address_list.append(dict(addr=address, netmask=netmask)) tap = Tap(computer_definition.get(section, 'network_interface')) partition_list.append(Partition(reference=computer_definition.get( section, 'pathname'), path=os.path.join(config.instance_root, computer_definition.get( section, 'pathname')), user=user, address_list=address_list, tap=tap, )) computer.partition_list = partition_list else: # no definition file, figure out computer if os.path.exists(config.computer_xml): config.logger.info('Loading previous computer data from %r' % ( config.computer_xml, )) computer = Computer.load(config.computer_xml, reference=config.computer_id, ipv6_interface=config.ipv6_interface) # Connect to the interface defined by the configuration computer.interface = Interface(config.interface_name, config.ipv4_local_network, config.ipv6_interface) else: # If no pre-existent configuration found, creating a new computer object config.logger.warning('Creating new data computer with id %r' % ( config.computer_id, )) computer = Computer( reference=config.computer_id, interface=Interface(config.interface_name, config.ipv4_local_network, config.ipv6_interface), addr=None, netmask=None, ipv6_interface=config.ipv6_interface, software_user=config.software_user, ) partition_amount = int(config.partition_amount) existing_partition_amount = len(computer.partition_list) if existing_partition_amount > partition_amount: raise ValueError('Requested amount of computer partitions (%s) is lower ' 'then already configured (%s), cannot continue' % (partition_amount, len(computer.partition_list))) config.logger.info('Adding %s new partitions' % (partition_amount-existing_partition_amount)) for nb_iter in range(existing_partition_amount, partition_amount): # add new ones user = User("%s%s" % (config.user_base_name, nb_iter)) tap = Tap("%s%s" % (config.tap_base_name, nb_iter)) path = os.path.join(config.instance_root, "%s%s" % ( config.partition_base_name, nb_iter)) computer.partition_list.append( Partition( reference="%s%s" % (config.partition_base_name, nb_iter), path=path, user=user, address_list=None, tap=tap, )) computer.instance_root = config.instance_root computer.software_root = config.software_root config.logger.info('Updating computer') address = computer.getAddress(config.create_tap) computer.address = address['addr'] computer.netmask = address['netmask'] if config.output_definition_file: computer_definition = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() computer_definition.add_section('computer') if computer.address is not None and computer.netmask is not None: computer_definition.set('computer', 'address', '/'.join( [computer.address, computer.netmask])) partition_number = 0 for partition in computer.partition_list: section = 'partition_%s' % partition_number computer_definition.add_section(section) address_list = [] for address in partition.address_list: address_list.append('/'.join([address['addr'], address['netmask']])) computer_definition.set(section, 'address', ' '.join(address_list)) computer_definition.set(section, 'user', partition.user.name) computer_definition.set(section, 'user', partition.user.name) computer_definition.set(section, 'network_interface', partition.tap.name) computer_definition.set(section, 'pathname', partition.reference) partition_number += 1 filepath = os.path.abspath(config.output_definition_file) computer_definition.write(open(filepath, 'w')) config.logger.info('Stored computer definition in %r' % filepath) computer.construct(alter_user=config.alter_user, alter_network=config.alter_network, create_tap=config.create_tap) # Dumping and sending to the erp5 the current configuration if not config.dry_run: computer.dump(config.computer_xml) config.logger.info('Posting information to %r' % config.master_url) computer.send(config) config.logger.info('slapformat successfully prepared computer.') class Config(object): key_file = None cert_file = None alter_network = None alter_user = None create_tap = None computer_xml = None logger = None log_file = None verbose = None dry_run = None console = None software_user = None @staticmethod def checkRequiredBinary(binary_list): missing_binary_list = [] for b in binary_list: if type(b) != type([]): b = [b] try: callAndRead(b) except ValueError: pass except OSError: missing_binary_list.append(b) if missing_binary_list: raise UsageError('Some required binaries are missing or not ' 'functional: %s' % (','.join(missing_binary_list), )) def setConfig(self, option_dict, configuration_file_path): """ Set options given by parameters. """ self.key_file = None self.cert_file = None # set up logging self.logger = logging.getLogger("slapformat") self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Set options parameters for option, value in option_dict.__dict__.items(): setattr(self, option, value) # Load configuration file configuration_parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() configuration_parser.read(configuration_file_path) # Merges the arguments and configuration for section in ("slapformat", "slapos"): configuration_dict = dict(configuration_parser.items(section)) for key in configuration_dict: if not getattr(self, key, None): setattr(self, key, configuration_dict[key]) # setup some nones for parameter in ['interface_name', 'partition_base_name', 'user_base_name', 'tap_base_name', 'ipv4_local_network', 'ipv6_interface']: if getattr(self, parameter, None) is None: setattr(self, parameter, None) # Backward compatibility if not getattr(self, "interface_name", None) \ and getattr(self, "bridge_name", None): setattr(self, "interface_name", self.bridge_name) self.logger.warning('bridge_name option is deprecated and should be ' 'replaced by interface_name.') if not getattr(self, "create_tap", None) \ and getattr(self, "no_bridge", None): setattr(self, "create_tap", not self.no_bridge) self.logger.warning('no_bridge option is deprecated and should be ' 'replaced by create_tap.') # Set defaults lately if self.alter_network is None: self.alter_network = 'True' if self.alter_user is None: self.alter_user = 'True' if self.software_user is None: self.software_user = 'slapsoft' if self.create_tap is None: self.create_tap = True # Configure logging if self.console: self.logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) # Convert strings to booleans for o in ['alter_network', 'alter_user', 'create_tap']: attr = getattr(self, o) if isinstance(attr, str): if attr.lower() == 'true': root_needed = True setattr(self, o, True) elif attr.lower() == 'false': setattr(self, o, False) else: message = 'Option %r needs to be "True" or "False", wrong value: ' \ '%r' % (o, getattr(self, o)) self.logger.error(message) raise UsageError(message) if not self.dry_run: if self.alter_user: self.checkRequiredBinary(['groupadd', 'useradd', 'usermod']) if self.create_tap: self.checkRequiredBinary([['tunctl', '-d']]) if self.alter_network: self.checkRequiredBinary(['ip']) # Required, even for dry run if self.alter_network and self.create_tap: self.checkRequiredBinary(['brctl']) # Check if root is needed if (self.alter_network or self.alter_user) and not self.dry_run: root_needed = True else: root_needed = False # check root if root_needed and os.getuid() != 0: message = "Root rights are needed" self.logger.error(message) raise UsageError(message) if self.log_file: if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(self.log_file)): # fallback to console only if directory for logs does not exists and # continue to run raise ValueError('Please create directory %r to store %r log file' % ( os.path.dirname(self.log_file), self.log_file)) else: file_handler = logging.FileHandler(self.log_file) file_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - " "%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")) self.logger.addHandler(file_handler) self.logger.info('Configured logging to file %r' % self.log_file) # Check mandatory options for parameter in ('computer_id', 'instance_root', 'master_url', 'software_root', 'computer_xml'): if not getattr(self, parameter, None): raise UsageError("Parameter '%s' is not defined." % parameter) # Check existence of SSL certificate files, if defined for attribute in ['key_file', 'cert_file', 'master_ca_file']: file_location = getattr(self, attribute, None) if file_location is not None: if not os.path.exists(file_location): self.logger.fatal('File %r does not exist or is no readable.' % file_location) sys.exit(1) self.logger.info("Started.") if self.verbose: self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger.debug("Verbose mode enabled.") if self.dry_run: self.logger.info("Dry-run mode enabled.") if self.create_tap: self.logger.info("Tap creation mode enabled.") # Calculate path once self.computer_xml = os.path.abspath(self.computer_xml) def main(*args): "Run default configuration." global os global callAndRead real_callAndRead = callAndRead usage = "usage: %s [options] CONFIGURATION_FILE" % sys.argv[0] # Parse arguments options, configuration_file_path = Parser(usage=usage).check_args(args) config = Config() try: config.setConfig(options, configuration_file_path) except UsageError, err: print >>sys.stderr, err.message print >>sys.stderr, "For help use --help" sys.exit(1) os = OS(config) if config.dry_run: def dry_callAndRead(argument_list, raise_on_error=True): if argument_list == ['brctl', 'show']: return real_callAndRead(argument_list, raise_on_error) else: return 0, '' callAndRead = dry_callAndRead def fake_getpwnam(user): class result(object): pw_uid = 12345 pw_gid = 54321 return result pwd.getpwnam = fake_getpwnam else: dry_callAndRead = real_callAndRead if config.verbose: def logging_callAndRead(argument_list, raise_on_error=True): config.logger.debug(' '.join(argument_list)) return dry_callAndRead(argument_list, raise_on_error) callAndRead = logging_callAndRead # Add delay between 0 and 1 hour if not config.now: duration = float(60*60) * random.random() print("Sleeping for %s seconds. To disable this feature, " \ "use with --now parameter in manual." % duration) time.sleep(duration) try: run(config) except: config.logger.exception('Uncaught exception:') raise