import ConfigParser import argparse import httplib import json import logging import os import random import sys import tempfile import traceback import time import xmlrpclib import slapos.slap from slapos.grid.utils import setRunning, setFinished from erp5.util.taskdistribution import TaskDistributionTool, RPCRetry from erp5.util.taskdistribution import SAFE_RPC_EXCEPTION_LIST class AutoSTemp(object): """ Create a self-destructing temporary file. Uses mkstemp. """ __unlink = os.unlink def __init__(self, value): fd, self.__name = tempfile.mkstemp() os.write(fd, value) os.close(fd) @property def name(self): return self.__name def __del__(self): self.__unlink(self.__name) # XXX: scripts should be merged in a single one GET_DESTROYING_METHOD_ID = \ 'Agent_getDestroyingSoftwareReleaseReferenceListOnComputer' GET_INSTALLED_METHOD_ID = \ 'Agent_getInstalledSoftwareReleaseReferenceListOnComputer' GET_INSTALLING_METHOD_ID = \ 'Agent_getInstallingSoftwareReleaseReferenceListOnComputer' SOFTWARE_STATE_UNKNOWN = -1 SOFTWARE_STATE_INSTALLING = 0 SOFTWARE_STATE_INSTALLED = 1 SOFTWARE_STATE_DESTROYING = 2 GET_PARTITION_STATE_METHOD_ID = 'Agent_getComputerPartitionState' INSTANCE_STATE_UNKNOWN = -1 INSTANCE_STATE_STARTING = 0 INSTANCE_STATE_STARTED = 1 INSTANCE_STATE_STOPPING = 2 INSTANCE_STATE_STOPPED = 3 INSTANCE_STATE_DESTROYING = 4 INSTANCE_STATE_DICT = { 'Looking for a free partition': INSTANCE_STATE_UNKNOWN, 'Started': INSTANCE_STATE_STARTED, 'Start in progress': INSTANCE_STATE_STARTING, 'Stopped': INSTANCE_STATE_STOPPED, 'Stop in progress': INSTANCE_STATE_STOPPING, 'Destruction in progress': INSTANCE_STATE_DESTROYING, 'Destroyed': INSTANCE_STATE_UNKNOWN, } TESTER_STATE_INITIAL = -1 TESTER_STATE_NOTHING = 0 TESTER_STATE_SOFTWARE_INSTALLED = 1 TESTER_STATE_INSTANCE_INSTALLED = 2 TESTER_STATE_INSTANCE_STARTED = 4 TESTER_STATE_INSTANCE_UNINSTALLED = 5 class x509Transport(xmlrpclib.Transport): """ Similar to xmlrpclib.SecureTransport, but with actually usable x509 support. """ def __init__(self, x509, *args, **kw): xmlrpclib.Transport.__init__(self, *args, **kw) self.__x509 = x509 def make_connection(self, host): if not self._connection or host != self._connection[0]: try: HTTPSConnection = httplib.HTTPSConnection except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError("your version of httplib doesn't " "support HTTPS") else: chost, self._extra_headers, x509 = self.get_host_info((host, self.__x509)) self._connection = (host, HTTPSConnection(chost, None, **x509)) return self._connection[1] class TestTimeout(Exception): pass # Simple decorator to prevent raise due small # network failures. def retryOnNetworkFailure(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): retry_time = 64 while True: try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except SAFE_RPC_EXCEPTION_LIST, e: print 'Network failure: %s , %s' % (sys.exc_info(), e) print 'Retry method %s in %i seconds' % (func, retry_time) time.sleep(retry_time) retry_time += retry_time >> 1 wrapper.__name__ = func.__name__ wrapper.__doc__ = func.__doc__ return wrapper class SoftwareReleaseTester(RPCRetry): deadline = None latest_state = None def __init__(self, name, logger, master, slap_supply, # slapos supply to manage software release slap_order, # slapos open order to manage instance url, # software release url computer_guid, # computer to use for this test run max_install_duration, max_uninstall_duration, request_kw=None, # instance parameters, if instantiation # testing is desired max_request_duration=None, max_destroy_duration=None, ): super(SoftwareReleaseTester, self).__init__(master, 16, logger) = name self.slap_supply = slap_supply self.slap_order = slap_order self.url = url self.computer_guid = computer_guid self.request_kw = request_kw self.state = TESTER_STATE_INITIAL self.transition_dict = { TESTER_STATE_INITIAL: ( None, None, TESTER_STATE_NOTHING, None, None, ), TESTER_STATE_NOTHING: ( 'install', max_install_duration, request_kw is None and TESTER_STATE_INSTANCE_UNINSTALLED or \ TESTER_STATE_SOFTWARE_INSTALLED, SOFTWARE_STATE_INSTALLED, None, ), TESTER_STATE_SOFTWARE_INSTALLED: ( 'request', max_request_duration, TESTER_STATE_INSTANCE_STARTED, None, INSTANCE_STATE_STARTED, ), TESTER_STATE_INSTANCE_STARTED: ( 'destroy', max_destroy_duration, TESTER_STATE_INSTANCE_UNINSTALLED, None, INSTANCE_STATE_UNKNOWN, ), TESTER_STATE_INSTANCE_UNINSTALLED: ( 'uninstall', max_uninstall_duration, None, SOFTWARE_STATE_UNKNOWN, None, ), } def __repr__(self): deadline = self.deadline if deadline is not None: deadline -= time.time() deadline = '+%is' % (deadline, ) return '<%s(state=%s, deadline=%s) at %x>' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.state, deadline, id(self)) @retryOnNetworkFailure def _supply(self, state):'Supply %s@%s: %s', self.url, self.computer_guid, state) return, self.computer_guid, state) @retryOnNetworkFailure def _request(self, state):'Request %s@%s: %s', self.url,, state) self.latest_state = state return self.slap_order.request( software_release=self.url,, state=state, **self.request_kw ) def _getSoftwareState(self): # TODO: replace with simpler slap-based API # TODO: merge all 3 entrypoints into a single, to reduce server load. for state, method_id in ( (SOFTWARE_STATE_DESTROYING, GET_DESTROYING_METHOD_ID), (SOFTWARE_STATE_INSTALLED, GET_INSTALLED_METHOD_ID), (SOFTWARE_STATE_INSTALLING, GET_INSTALLING_METHOD_ID), ): if self.url in self._retryRPC(method_id, (self.computer_guid, [self.url])): return state return SOFTWARE_STATE_UNKNOWN def _getInstanceState(self): # TODO: replace with simpler slap-based API latest_state = self.latest_state self._logger.debug('latest_state = %r', latest_state) if latest_state is None: return INSTANCE_STATE_UNKNOWN try: requested = self._request(latest_state) except slapos.slap.ServerError: self._logger.exception('Got an error requesting partition for ' 'its state') return INSTANCE_STATE_UNKNOWN part_id = requested.getId() self._logger.debug('part_id = %r', part_id) if not part_id: # Master did not allocate a partition yet. return INSTANCE_STATE_UNKNOWN return INSTANCE_STATE_DICT[self._retryRPC( GET_PARTITION_STATE_METHOD_ID, (self.computer_guid, part_id) )] def install(self): """ Make software available on computer. """ self._supply('available') def uninstall(self): """ Make software unavailable on computer. """ self._supply('destroyed') def start(self): """ Request started instance (or starting existing one) """ self._request('started') request = start def stop(self): """ Request stopped instance (or stopping existing one). """ self._request('stopped') def destroy(self): """ Destroy existing instance. """ self._request('destroyed') def teardown(self): """ Interrupt a running test sequence, putting it in idle state. """'Invoking TearDown for %s@%s' % (self.url, if self.request_kw is not None: self.destroy() self.uninstall() self.state = TESTER_STATE_INSTANCE_UNINSTALLED def tic(self, now): """ Check for missed deadlines (-> test failure), conditions for moving to next state, and actually moving to next state (executing its payload). """ deadline = self.deadline if deadline < now and deadline is not None: raise TestTimeout(self.state) _, _, state, software_state, instance_state = self.transition_dict[ self.state] if (software_state is None or software_state == self._getSoftwareState()) and ( instance_state is None or instance_state == self._getInstanceState()): if state is None: return None self._logger.debug('Going to state %i (%r, %r)', state, software_state, instance_state) self.state = state step, delay, _, _, _ = self.transition_dict[state] self.deadline = now + delay getattr(self, step)() return self.deadline class TestMap(object): def __init__(self, test_dict): self.test_map_dict = {} for key in test_dict: target_computer = test_dict[key]["target_computer"] if target_computer not in self.test_map_dict: self.test_map_dict[target_computer] = [key] else: self.test_map_dict[target_computer].append(key) def getExcludeList(self, computer_id): exclude_list = [] for key in self.test_map_dict: if key != computer_id: exclude_list.extend(self.test_map_dict[key]) return set(exclude_list) def getComputerList(self): return self.test_map_dict.keys() def dropComputer(self, computer_id): del self.test_map_dict[computer_id] def cleanUp(self): for key in self.test_map_dict.copy(): if len(self.test_map_dict[key]) == 0: del self.test_map_dict[key] def getNextComputer(self, used_computer_list): for computer in self.getComputerList(): if computer not in used_computer_list: return computer return None def main(): """ Note: This code does not test as much as it monitors. The goal is to regularily try to build & instantiate a software release on several machines, to monitor vifib stability and SR stability as time passes (and things once available online become unavailable). Part of this function could be reused to make an actual test bot, testing only when actual changes are committed to a software release, to look for regressions. Note: This code does not connect to any instantiated service, it relies on the presence of a promise section to make instantiation fail until promise is happy. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--pidfile', '-p', help='pidfile preventing parallel ' 'execution.') parser.add_argument('--log', '-l', help='Log file path.') parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', help='Be verbose.', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('configuration_file', type=argparse.FileType(), help='Slap Test Agent configuration file.') # Just to keep strong references to AutoSTemp instances key_file_dict = {} def asFilenamePair(key, cert): # Note: python's ssl support only supports fetching key & cert data # from on-disk files. This is why we need to "convert" direct data # into file paths, using temporary files. cert = cert.strip() try: temp_key, temp_cert = key_file_dict[cert] except KeyError: temp_key = AutoSTemp(key.strip()) temp_cert = AutoSTemp(cert) key_file_dict[cert] = (temp_key, temp_cert) return, args = parser.parse_args() pidfile = args.pidfile if pidfile: setRunning(pidfile) try: log = args.log formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(message)s') logger = logging.getLogger() if args.verbose: log_level = logging.DEBUG else: log_level = logging.INFO logger.setLevel(log_level) handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) if log: handler = logging.FileHandler(log) handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) log_file = open(log), 2) section_dict = {} configuration = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() configuration.readfp(args.configuration_file) for section in configuration.sections(): if section == 'agent': continue section_dict[section] = section_entry_dict = dict( configuration.items(section)) for key in ('request_kw', 'max_install_duration', 'max_destroy_duration', 'max_request_duration', 'max_uninstall_duration', 'computer_list' ): if key in section_entry_dict: try: if isinstance(section_entry_dict[key], str) or \ isinstance(section_entry_dict[key], unicode): section_entry_dict[key] = json.loads( section_entry_dict[key]) except Exception, e: logger.error("Fail to load %s on %s" % (key, section_entry_dict)) raise if 'key' in section_entry_dict: key_file, cert_file = asFilenamePair(section_entry_dict['key'], section_entry_dict['cert']) section_entry_dict['key'] = key_file section_entry_dict['cert'] = cert_file if "computer_list" in section_entry_dict: section_entry_dict["target_computer"] = \ random.choice(section_entry_dict["computer_list"]) agent_parameter_dict = dict(configuration.items('agent')) # XXX: should node title be auto-generated by installation recipe ? # For example, using computer guid. node_title = agent_parameter_dict['node_title'] test_title = agent_parameter_dict['test_title'] project_title = agent_parameter_dict['project_title'] task_distribution_tool = TaskDistributionTool(agent_parameter_dict[ 'report_url']) master_slap_connection_dict = {} test_result = task_distribution_tool.createTestResult( revision='', test_name_list=section_dict.keys(), node_title=node_title, allow_restart=True, test_title=test_title, project_title=project_title, ) test_result.watcher_period = 300 if log: test_result.addWatch(log, log_file, max_history_bytes=10000) assert test_result is not None test_mapping = TestMap(section_dict)"Running %s tests in parallel." % \ len(test_mapping.getComputerList())) ran_test_set = set() running_test_dict = {} more_tests = True'Starting Test Agent run %s ' % node_title) while True: # Get up to parallel_task_count tasks to execute while len(running_test_dict) < len(test_mapping.getComputerList())\ and more_tests: test_mapping.cleanUp() target_computer = test_mapping.getNextComputer([computer \ for _, _, computer in running_test_dict.itervalues()]) test_line = test_result.start( exclude_list= list(ran_test_set) + \ list(test_mapping.getExcludeList(target_computer)))"Test Line: %s " % test_line)"Ran Test Set: %s " % ran_test_set)"Running test dict: %s " % running_test_dict)"Target Computer: %s " % target_computer) if test_line is None: test_mapping.dropComputer(target_computer) if len(test_mapping.getComputerList()) == 0: more_tests = False continue test_name = try: section_entry_dict = section_dict[test_name] except KeyError: # We don't know how to execute this test. Assume it doesn't # exist anymore, and fail it in result. test_line.stop(stderr='This test does not exist on test ' 'node %s' % (node_title, )) continue master_url = section_entry_dict['master_url'] master_slap_connection_key = (master_url, section_entry_dict.get('key')) try: supply, order, rpc = master_slap_connection_dict[ master_slap_connection_key] except KeyError: key = section_entry_dict.get('key') cert = section_entry_dict.get('cert') slap = slapos.slap.slap() slap.initializeConnection(master_url, key, cert) supply = slap.registerSupply() order = slap.registerOpenOrder() assert master_url.startswith('https:') rpc = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(master_url, allow_none=True, transport=x509Transport( {'key_file': key, 'cert_file': cert})) master_slap_connection_dict[ master_slap_connection_key] = (supply, order, rpc) tester = SoftwareReleaseTester( test_name + '_' + node_title + time.strftime( '_%Y/%m/%d_%H:%M:%S_+0000', time.gmtime()), logger, rpc, supply, order, section_entry_dict['url'], section_entry_dict['target_computer'], section_entry_dict['max_install_duration'], section_entry_dict['max_uninstall_duration'], section_entry_dict.get('request_kw'), section_entry_dict.get('max_request_duration'), section_entry_dict.get('max_destroy_duration'), ) ran_test_set.add(test_name) running_test_dict[test_name] = (test_line, tester, target_computer) if not running_test_dict: break now = time.time() # Synchronise refreshes on watcher period, so it doesn't report a # stalled test node where we are actually still sleeping. # Change test_result.watcher_period outside this loop if you wish # to change sleep duration. next_deadline = now + test_result.watcher_period for section, (test_line, tester, target_computer) in running_test_dict.items():'Checking %s: %r...', section, tester) try: deadline = tester.tic(now) except Exception: logger.exception('Test execution fail for %s' % (section)) test_line.stop( test_count=1, error_count=1, failure_count=0, skip_count=0, stderr=traceback.format_exc(), ) del running_test_dict[section] try: tester.teardown() except slapos.slap.NotFoundError: # This exception is ignored because we cannot # Teardown if SR URL do not exist. logger.exception('Fail and not found') pass except Exception: logger.exception('teardown failed, human ' 'assistance needed for cleanup') raise else:'%r', tester) if deadline is None: # TODO: report how long each step took.'Test execution finished for %s' % (section)) test_line.stop( test_count=1, error_count=0, failure_count=0, skip_count=0, ) del running_test_dict[section] try: tester.teardown() except slapos.slap.NotFoundError: # This exception is ignored because we cannot # Teardown if SR URL do not exist. logger.exception('Fail and not found') pass except Exception: logger.exception('teardown failed, human ' 'assistance needed for cleanup') raise else: next_deadline = min(deadline, next_deadline) if running_test_dict: to_sleep = next_deadline - time.time() if to_sleep > 0:'Sleeping %is...', to_sleep) time.sleep(to_sleep) if not test_result.isAlive(): for _, tester, computer_id in running_test_dict.itervalues(): tester.teardown() finally: if pidfile: setFinished(pidfile) # Help interpreter get rid of AutoSTemp instances. key_file_dict.clear() if __name__ == '__main__': main()