Commit 2d9e1e91 authored by Nicolas Delaby's avatar Nicolas Delaby

Cosmetics Changes

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 0b336f2c
......@@ -88,15 +88,18 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
owner_movement_list = None,
Returns a dictionary of lists containing movements related to amortisation system
from_date is included, to_date is excluded
filter_valid eliminates all invalid immobilisation movements in immobilisation movement list.
Also, only movements in current_inventory state are returned if filter_valid is set.
If filter_valid is set and some movements are in state 'calculating', a ImmobilisationValidityError is launch
immobilisation_movement and owner_change specify which lists to return
immobilisation_movement_list is the list of movements to use instead of looking in SQL. Warning : in the case of
movement_list is provided, no filter is applied on it (unless looking at each movement validity)
and movement_list is supposed to be well sorted.
Returns a dictionary of lists containing movements related to amortisation
system from_date is included, to_date is excluded filter_valid eliminates
all invalid immobilisation movements in immobilisation movement list.
Also, only movements in current_inventory state are returned
if filter_valid is set.
If filter_valid is set and some movements are in state 'calculating',
a ImmobilisationValidityError is launch.
Immobilisation_movement and owner_change specify which lists to return
immobilisation_movement_list is the list of movements to use instead of
looking in SQL. Warning : in the case of movement_list is provided,
no filter is applied on it (unless looking at each movement validity) and
movement_list is supposed to be well sorted.
The search is based on catalog so you can use related keys
......@@ -145,7 +148,8 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
movement = movement.getObject()
if movement.getStopDate() is not None:
# Test immobilisation movement
if filter_valid and movement.getImmobilisationState() in ['invalid','calculating']:
if filter_valid and movement.getImmobilisationState() in ('invalid',
raise ImmobilisationValidityError, \
'%s : some preceding movements are still in calculating state' % self.getRelativeUrl()
......@@ -215,7 +219,8 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
Returns a list of immobilisation movements applied to current item from date to date
Returns a list of immobilisation movements applied to current item from
date to date
Argument filter_valid allows to select only the valid immobilisation movements
return self.getImmobilisationRelatedMovementList(from_date=from_date,
......@@ -237,25 +242,25 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getPastImmobilisationMovementValueList')
def getPastImmobilisationMovementValueList(self, from_date=None, at_date=None, **kw):
Returns a list of immobilisation movements applied to current item before the given date, or now
Returns a list of immobilisation movements applied to current item
before the given date, or now
if at_date is None: at_date = DateTime()
result = self.getImmobilisationMovementValueList(from_date = from_date,
to_date = at_date,
**kw )
result = self.getImmobilisationMovementValueList(from_date=from_date,
to_date=at_date, **kw )
return result
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getFutureImmobilisationMovementValueList')
def getFutureImmobilisationMovementValueList(self, to_date=None, at_date=None, from_movement=None, **kw):
Returns a list of immobilisation movements applied to current item after the given date (excluded), or now
If from_movement is set and the given movement is found, remove it from the list
Returns a list of immobilisation movements applied to current item
after the given date (excluded), or now.
If from_movement is set and the given movement is found, remove it from the list.
if at_date is None: at_date = DateTime()
at_date = at_date + millis
result = self.getImmobilisationMovementValueList(from_date = at_date,
to_date = to_date,
result = self.getImmobilisationMovementValueList(from_date=at_date,
to_date=to_date, **kw)
if from_movement is not None and from_movement in result:
return result
......@@ -266,7 +271,7 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
Returns the last immobilisation movement before the given date, or now
past_list = self.getPastImmobilisationMovementValueList(at_date = at_date, **kw)
past_list = self.getPastImmobilisationMovementValueList(at_date=at_date, **kw)
if len(past_list) > 0:
return past_list[-1]
return None
......@@ -278,9 +283,10 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
If from_movement is set and the given movement is the next one, returns
the second next movement
future_list = self.getFutureImmobilisationMovementValueList(at_date = at_date,
future_list = self.getFutureImmobilisationMovementValueList(
if len(future_list) > 0:
return future_list[0]
return None
......@@ -315,11 +321,13 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
for key in keys:
current_period[key] = previous_period[key]
# We need to separate immobilisation treatment from section_change movements treatment
# An immobilisation is a movement which contains immobilisation data and MAY change the section
# A section change movement DOES NOT contain immobilisation data
We need to separate immobilisation treatment from section_change
movements treatment.
An immobilisation is a movement which contains immobilisation data
and MAY change the section.
A section change movement DOES NOT contain immobilisation data
immobilisation_list = self.getImmobilisationMovementValueList(from_date=from_date,
......@@ -337,19 +345,23 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
"Some movements related to item %s have the same date" % self.getRelativeUrl()
elif section_movement.getStopDate() not in date_list and \
section_movement not in section_movement_list:
# The section movement is different from immobilisation movements
#The section movement is different from immobilisation movements
# It means the current section_movement is a movement in immobilisation_list
#It means the current section_movement is a movement in immobilisation_list
if section_movement.getAmortisationMethod() in ("", None, NO_CHANGE_METHOD):
# At this stade, section_movement_list contains the movements which only change the owner
# immobilisation_list contains movements with immobilisation data and which
# may change the owner, but it may contain some movements which does not change the owner
# but with a NO_CHANGE_METHOD. Such movements must not be took into account, because they
# do not define a new immobilisation period. So remove them.
At this stade, section_movement_list contains the movements which only
change the owner.
Immobilisation_list contains movements with immobilisation data and which
may change the owner, but it may contain some movements which does not
change the owner but with a NO_CHANGE_METHOD.
Such movements must not be took into account, because they do not define
a new immobilisation period. So remove them.
for immobilisation in immobilisation_list[:]:
if immobilisation.getAmortisationMethod() in ("", None, NO_CHANGE_METHOD):
......@@ -357,8 +369,10 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
current_immo_period = {}
immo_cursor = 0
section_cursor = 0
while immo_cursor <= len(immobilisation_list) and section_cursor <= len(section_movement_list) and \
not (immo_cursor == len(immobilisation_list) and section_cursor == len(section_movement_list)):
while immo_cursor <= len(immobilisation_list) and\
section_cursor <= len(section_movement_list) and \
not (immo_cursor == len(immobilisation_list) and \
section_cursor == len(section_movement_list)):
immobilisation = None
section_movement = None
is_immo_movement = 0
......@@ -396,12 +410,14 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
open_new_period = 0
# First close the previous immobilisation period
if current_immo_period not in (None, {}):
current_immo_period['stop_durability'] = self.getRemainingDurability(at_date=movement.getStopDate(),
current_immo_period['stop_duration'] = self.getRemainingAmortisationDuration(at_date=movement.getStopDate(),
current_immo_period['stop_durability'] = self.getRemainingDurability(
current_immo_period['stop_duration'] = self.getRemainingAmortisationDuration(
current_immo_period['stop_movement'] = movement
current_immo_period['stop_date'] = movement.getStopDate()
......@@ -411,7 +427,8 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
# Then open the new one
if open_new_period and method != UNIMMOBILISING_METHOD:
# First check if there is a valid owner in this period
section = self.getSectionValue(at_date = movement.getStopDate(), include_to_date=1)
section = self.getSectionValue(at_date=movement.getStopDate(),
if (section is not None) and \
(section.getPriceCurrencyValue() is not None) and \
(section.getFinancialYearStopDate() is not None):
......@@ -419,8 +436,11 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
if is_immo_movement:
previous_period_method = None
current_immo_period['continuous_movement'] = movement.getAmortisationMethodParameterForItem(self,"continuous")['continuous']
# The current movement is an immobilisation movement
# We fill each 'start' and 'initial' property by looking at the movement properties
The current movement is an immobilisation movement.
We fill each 'start' and 'initial' property by looking at the movement
......@@ -435,20 +455,29 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
current_immo_period['start_' + key] = value
current_immo_period['initial_' + key] = value
# The current movement is a section change movement
# We get 'start' properties from previous period, and set some other
# 'start' properties by calculation
The current movement is a section change movement.
We get 'start' properties from previous period, and set some other
'start' properties by calculation
current_immo_period['start_date'] = movement.getStopDate()
setPreviousPeriodParameters(immo_period_list, current_immo_period, prefix='start')
current_immo_period['start_date'] = movement.getStopDate()
setPreviousPeriodParameters(immo_period_list, current_immo_period, keys=['continuous_movement'])
current_immo_period['start_vat'] = 0
current_immo_period['start_extra_cost_price'] = 0
current_immo_period['start_main_price'] = self.getAmortisationPrice(at_date=movement.getStopDate(),
current_immo_period['start_duration'] = self.getRemainingAmortisationDuration(at_date=movement.getStopDate(),
current_immo_period['start_durability'] = self.getRemainingDurability(at_date=movement.getStopDate(),
current_immo_period['start_main_price'] = self.getAmortisationPrice(
current_immo_period['start_duration'] = self.getRemainingAmortisationDuration(
current_immo_period['start_durability'] = self.getRemainingDurability(
method = current_immo_period.get('start_method', "")
# For both types of movement, set some properties
......@@ -460,10 +489,14 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
current_immo_period['start_price'] = (main_price or 0.) + (extra_cost_price or 0.)
current_immo_period['initial_price'] = current_immo_period['start_price']
current_immo_period['owner'] = section
# Determine if this period continues a previous one
# There are two concepts of 'continuing' :
# - "continuous" means the current period is continuing the previous immobilisation
# - "adjacent" means the current period will use previous period data but starts a new immobilisation
Determine if this period continues a previous one.
There are two concepts of 'continuing' :
- "continuous" means the current period is continuing the previous
- "adjacent" means the current period will use previous period
data but starts a new immobilisation
continuous = 0
adjacent = 0
if len(immo_period_list)>0:
......@@ -475,8 +508,11 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
method in ("", NO_CHANGE_METHOD) \
) and \
immo_period_list[-1]['stop_date'] == movement.getStopDate()
# We must check if the current owner is in the same group as the previous one, in
# order to know if this period is completely new or not
We must check if the current owner is in the same group as
the previous one, in order to know if this period is completely
new or not
previous_section = self.getSectionValue(at_date = movement.getStopDate())
continuous = adjacent and not (
previous_section is None or \
......@@ -491,19 +527,25 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
# A continuous period gets 'initial' data from previous period.
setPreviousPeriodParameters(immo_period_list, current_immo_period)
elif adjacent:
# An adjacent period calculates some start values then copies them to initial values
# These values overload 'initial' values acquired from previous period
An adjacent period calculates some start values then copies them to
initial values.
These values overload 'initial' values acquired from previous period
setPreviousPeriodParameters(immo_period_list, current_immo_period)
if is_immo_movement:
# Calculation of start values is already done above for section change movements
#Calculation of start values is already done above for section change movements
current_immo_period['start_vat'] = 0
current_immo_period['start_extra_cost_price'] = 0
current_immo_period['start_main_price'] = self.getAmortisationPrice(at_date=movement.getStopDate(),
current_immo_period['start_duration'] = self.getRemainingAmortisationDuration(at_date=movement.getStopDate(),
current_immo_period['start_durability'] = self.getRemainingDurability(at_date=movement.getStopDate(),
current_immo_period['start_main_price'] = self.getAmortisationPrice(
current_immo_period['start_duration'] = self.getRemainingAmortisationDuration(
current_immo_period['start_durability'] = self.getRemainingDurability(
extra_cost_price = current_immo_period.get('start_extra_cost_price')
main_price = current_immo_period.get('start_main_price')
current_immo_period['start_price'] = (main_price or 0.) + (extra_cost_price or 0.)
......@@ -511,7 +553,7 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
for key in key_list:
value = current_immo_period[key]
if key.find('_') != -1:
if key.split('_')[0] == 'start' and value not in (None,"",NO_CHANGE_METHOD):
if key.split('_')[0] == 'start' and value not in (None, '', NO_CHANGE_METHOD):
current_immo_period['initial_%s' % '_'.join(key.split('_')[1:])] = value
# A period wich is alone only copies start values to initial ones
......@@ -530,39 +572,37 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
movement.getNeededSpecificParameterListForItem(self) + \
for key, value, tag in needed_property_list:
if current_immo_period.get('initial_%s' % key) in (None,"",NO_CHANGE_METHOD):
if current_immo_period.get('initial_%s' % key) in (None, '', NO_CHANGE_METHOD):
current_immo_period = {}
if current_immo_period not in (None,{}):
if current_immo_period not in (None, {}):
# Round dates since immobilisation calculation is made on days
for immo_period in immo_period_list:
for property in ('start_date', 'stop_date', 'initial_date'):
for property in ('start_date', 'stop_date', 'initial_date',):
if immo_period.has_key(property):
immo_period[property] = roundDate(immo_period[property])
immo_cache_dict['period'][ (self.getRelativeUrl(), from_date, to_date) +
immo_cache_dict['period'][ (self.getRelativeUrl(), from_date, to_date) +
tuple([(key,kw[key]) for key in kw_key_list]) ] = immo_period_list
return immo_period_list
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getLastImmobilisationPeriod')
def getLastImmobilisationPeriod(self, to_date=None, **kw):
Returns the current immobilisation period, or the last one if the
item is not currently immobilised, at the given at_date (excluded)
period_list = self.getImmobilisationPeriodList(from_date=None, to_date=to_date, **kw)
period_list = self.getImmobilisationPeriodList(from_date=None,
to_date=to_date, **kw)
if len(period_list) == 0:
return None
return period_list[-1]
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'isCurrentlyImmobilised')
def isCurrentlyImmobilised(self, **kw):
""" Returns true if the item is immobilised at this time """
return self.isImmobilised(at_date = DateTime(), **kw)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'isNotCurrentlyImmobilised')
def isNotCurrentlyImmobilised(self, **kw):
""" Returns true if the item is not immobilised at this time """
......@@ -588,8 +628,10 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getCurrentRemainingAmortisationDuration')
def getCurrentRemainingAmortisationDuration(self, **kw):
""" Returns the calculated remaining amortisation duration for this item at the current time. """
return self.getRemainingAmortisationDuration(at_date = DateTime(), **kw)
""" Returns the calculated remaining amortisation duration for this item
at the current time.
return self.getRemainingAmortisationDuration(at_date=DateTime(), **kw)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getRemainingAmortisationDuration')
def getRemainingAmortisationDuration(self, at_date=None, **kw):
......@@ -606,7 +648,7 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
if new_kw.has_key('at_date'):
del new_kw['at_date']
if immo_period_list is None:
immo_period_list = self.getImmobilisationPeriodList(to_date = at_date, **new_kw)
immo_period_list = self.getImmobilisationPeriodList(to_date=at_date, **new_kw)
if len(immo_period_list) > 0:
immo_period = immo_period_list[-1]
initial_date = immo_period['initial_date']
......@@ -627,8 +669,9 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
The durability is quantity of something which corresponds to the 'life' of the item
(ex : km for a car, or time for anything)
Each Immobilisation Movement stores the durability at a given time, so it is possible
to approximate the durability between two Immobilisation Movements by using a simple
Each Immobilisation Movement stores the durability at a given time,
so it is possible to approximate the durability between two Immobilisation
Movements by using a simple
linear calculation.
Note that durability has no sense for items which are immobilisated but not
......@@ -659,19 +702,21 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
start_date = immo_period['start_date']
start_durability = immo_period['start_durability']
if start_durability is None:
immo_cache_dict = kw.get('immo_cache_dict', {'period':{}, 'price':{}})
start_durability = self.getRemainingDurability(at_date=start_date,
immo_cache_dict=kw.get('immo_cache_dict', {'period':{},'price':{}}))
if start_durability is None:
return None
stop_date = None
stop_durability = None
next_movement = self.getNextImmobilisationMovementValue(at_date = at_date, **kw)
stop_durability = None
next_movement = self.getNextImmobilisationMovementValue(at_date=at_date, **kw)
while stop_durability is None and next_movement is not None:
stop_date = next_movement.getStopDate()
stop_durability = next_movement.getDurability()
next_movement = self.getNextImmobilisationMovementValue(at_date = stop_date,
next_movement = self.getNextImmobilisationMovementValue(
if stop_durability is None:
# In this case, we take the end of life of the item and use
# it like an immobilisation movement with values set to 0
......@@ -694,14 +739,15 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
Returns the remaining durability at the current date
return self.getRemainingDurability(at_date = DateTime(), **kw)
return self.getRemainingDurability(at_date=DateTime(), **kw)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getAmortisationPrice')
def getAmortisationPrice(self, at_date=None, with_currency=0, **kw):
Returns the deprecated value of item at given date, or now.
If with_currency is set, returns a string containing the value and the corresponding currency.
If with_currency is set, returns a string containing the value and the
corresponding currency.
if at_date is None:
......@@ -764,10 +810,11 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
period_stop_date = addToDate(period_start_date, month=period_start_duration)
if at_date > period_stop_date:
return self.getAmortisationPrice(at_date=period_stop_date, **kw)
stop_duration = self.getRemainingAmortisationDuration(at_date = period_stop_date,
stop_durability = self.getRemainingDurability(at_date = period_stop_date,
stop_duration = self.getRemainingAmortisationDuration(
stop_durability = self.getRemainingDurability(at_date=period_stop_date,
......@@ -787,26 +834,31 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
round_duration = amortisation_parameters["round_duration"]
date_precision = amortisation_parameters["date_precision"]
with_amortisation = amortisation_parameters["with_amortisation"]
# Return the price if no amortisation is needed
if not with_amortisation:
return period_start_price
### Adjust some values according to the parameters
### Adjust some values according to the parameters
# Adapt period bound dates according to date_precision
period_start_date = getClosestDate(date=financial_date, target_date=period_start_date,
period_start_date = getClosestDate(date=financial_date,
precision=date_precision, before=1, strict=0)
period_stop_date = getClosestDate(date=financial_date, target_date=period_stop_date,
period_stop_date = getClosestDate(date=financial_date,
precision=date_precision, before=0, strict=0)
# Calculate remaining annuities at bound dates
local_stop_date = addToDate(period_start_date, month = period_start_duration)
initial_remaining_annuities = getAccountableYearFraction(from_date = period_start_date,
to_date = local_stop_date)
start_remaining_annuities = getAccountableYearFraction(from_date = start_date,
to_date = local_stop_date)
local_stop_date = addToDate(period_stop_date, month = stop_duration)
stop_remaining_annuities = getAccountableYearFraction(from_date = period_stop_date,
to_date = local_stop_date)
initial_remaining_annuities = getAccountableYearFraction(
start_remaining_annuities = getAccountableYearFraction(from_date=start_date,
local_stop_date = addToDate(period_stop_date, month=stop_duration)
stop_remaining_annuities = getAccountableYearFraction(from_date=period_stop_date,
# Round annuities if needed
if round_duration == "greater annuity":
if start_remaining_annuities != int(start_remaining_annuities):
......@@ -815,12 +867,12 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
start_remaining_annuities = int(start_remaining_annuities)
elif round_duration == "lower annuity":
start_remaining_annuities = int(start_remaining_annuities)
if cut_annuities:
current_date = getClosestDate(date = financial_date,
target_date = period_start_date,
precision = "year",
before = 0)
current_date = getClosestDate(date=financial_date,
current_date = period_start_date
annuity_number = -1
......@@ -858,7 +910,7 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
'current_annuity': annuity_number,
'start_remaining_durability': start_durability,
'stop_remaining_durability': stop_durability,
# 'annuity_start_date': annuity_start_date,
#'annuity_start_date': annuity_start_date,
ratio_script = self.unrestrictedTraverse(amortisation_method).ratioCalculation
......@@ -869,7 +921,7 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
raise ImmobilisationCalculationError, \
'Unable to find the ratio calculation script %s for item %s at date %s' % (
'%s/ratioCalculation' % amortisation_method, self.getRelativeUrl(), repr(at_date))
current_ratio = ratio_script(**ratio_params)
if current_ratio is None:
LOG("ERP5 Warning :",0,
......@@ -879,27 +931,30 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
raise ImmobilisationCalculationError, \
"Unable to calculate the ratio during the amortisation calculation on item %s at date %s" % (
repr(self), repr(at_date))
# Calculate the value at the beginning of the annuity
annuity_start_price = depreciable_price
local_period_start_price = annuity_start_price
if annuity_number:
if price_calculation_basis == "period recalculated start price":
local_period_start_date = start_date
local_period_start_price = self.getAmortisationPrice(at_date=local_period_start_date,
local_period_start_price = self.getAmortisationPrice(
if local_period_start_price is None:
# It means no immobilisation period exists before ; we use real start date
local_period_start_price = start_price
if local_period_start_date > annuity_start_date:
annuity_start_price = local_period_start_price
annuity_start_price = self.getAmortisationPrice(at_date=annuity_start_date,
immo_cache_dict=immo_cache_dict) - disposal_price
annuity_start_price = self.getAmortisationPrice(
immo_cache_dict=immo_cache_dict) - disposal_price
annuity_start_price = self.getAmortisationPrice(at_date=annuity_start_date,
immo_cache_dict=immo_cache_dict) - disposal_price
annuity_start_price = self.getAmortisationPrice(
immo_cache_dict=immo_cache_dict) - disposal_price
# Calculate the raw annuity value
if price_calculation_basis == "start price":
raw_annuity_price = depreciable_price * current_ratio
......@@ -907,20 +962,22 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
raw_annuity_price = annuity_start_price * current_ratio
elif price_calculation_basis == "period recalculated start price":
raw_annuity_price = local_period_start_price * current_ratio
# Apply the prorata temporis on the raw annuity value
if annuity_number and \
price_calculation_basis == 'period recalculated start price' and \
truncated_annuity_start_date < local_period_start_date:
truncated_annuity_start_date = local_period_start_date
if truncated_annuity_start_date <= annuity_start_date and truncated_annuity_stop_date >= annuity_stop_date:
if truncated_annuity_start_date <= annuity_start_date and \
truncated_annuity_stop_date >= annuity_stop_date:
annuity_value = raw_annuity_price
local_stop_date = truncated_annuity_stop_date
if local_stop_date > at_date:
local_stop_date = at_date
annuity_value = raw_annuity_price * getAccountableYearFraction(from_date = truncated_annuity_start_date,
to_date = local_stop_date)
annuity_value = raw_annuity_price * getAccountableYearFraction(
if annuity_value < NEGLIGEABLE_PRICE:
annuity_value = 0
# Deduct the price at the given date
......@@ -939,8 +996,8 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getCurrentAmortisationPrice')
def getCurrentAmortisationPrice(self, with_currency=0, **kw):
""" Returns the deprecated value of item at current time """
return self.getAmortisationPrice (at_date = DateTime(), with_currency=with_currency, **kw)
return self.getAmortisationPrice(at_date=DateTime(),
with_currency=with_currency, **kw)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, '_createAmortisationRule')
def _createAmortisationRule(self):
......@@ -952,7 +1009,8 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
my_applied_rule_list = []
for applied_rule in applied_rule_list:
specialise_value = applied_rule.getSpecialiseValue()
if specialise_value is not None and specialise_value.getPortalType() == "Amortisation Rule":
if specialise_value is not None and\
specialise_value.getPortalType() == "Amortisation Rule":
if len(my_applied_rule_list) == 0:
......@@ -976,7 +1034,6 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
# It is time to expand it
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'expandAmortisation')
def expandAmortisation(self,**kw):
......@@ -990,19 +1047,19 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
related_packing_list_path_list = [x.getPath() for x in related_packing_list_list]
['immediateReindexObject', 'recursiveImmediateReindexObject', 'updateImmobilisationState']),
related_packing_list_path_list, ('immediateReindexObject',
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'immediateExpandAmortisation')
def immediateExpandAmortisation(self):
Calculate the amortisation annuities for the item
activate_kw = {'tag':'expand_amortisation'}
activate_kw = {'tag' : 'expand_amortisation'}
except ImmobilisationValidityError:
......@@ -1012,13 +1069,12 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getSectionMovementValueList')
def getSectionMovementValueList(self,
Return the list of successive movements affecting
Return the list of successive movements affecting
owners of the item. If at_date is None, return the result all the time
Only the movements in current_inventory_state are taken into account
......@@ -1077,7 +1133,9 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
for movement in owner_change_list:
owner = movement.getDestinationSectionValue()
owner = self._getFirstIndependantOrganisation(owner)
owner_list.append( {'owner' : owner, 'date' : movement.getStopDate(), 'movement':movement } )
owner_list.append( {'owner' : owner,
'date' : movement.getStopDate(),
'movement' : movement } )
return owner_list
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getSectionValue')
......@@ -1091,7 +1149,6 @@ class ImmobilisableItem(XMLObject, Amount):
return owner_list[-1]['owner']
return None
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getCurrentSectionValue')
def getCurrentSectionValue(self, **kw):
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